Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1920, Page 12, Image 12
in THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1920. !2 WANT AD RATES (Caah with order. S'.,c ptr word., :.on day 4o per word ...... ...two oonaeoutlv daya ko ptr word thre conaecutlv. daa o per word four conaecutlv days 7o per word .five conaecutlv daya e per word aeven conaecutlv days and on cent per word tor neb additional Inaertlon. No ada taken for lea . tbaa a total of 2 So. CHARGE. Hp per Una , .'.one day 24o per line two conaecutlv days 3Ho per line three consecutive daya Too per Uiie aeven conaecutlv daya 12-70 per line thirty conaecutive daya Card of thiuika and funeral noticea lia per line each day. Thea rates (apply either to the Dally or Sunday Hea. All advertisements appear In both morning and evening dally papers r the one charge. Contract Kale on Application. Tor convenience of advertise, want ada will be accepted at the following office.: main office Amea Office .. Park Office .. South Side.... i Walnut Office Bee Bunning .. .4410 North 20lh St. .2616 Leavenworth St. 3318 N St. ...81 North 4()th St. Co. Bluffs Office... . .15 Scott Ml tiik ukk will not ho rennonaible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an -jidwrtlaement ordered for more than ona lime; I'llONE (TYI KK 10(10. Ienln; Edition 12:00 M. "Inrnlng Edition 10:30 1'. M. Sumlav KdUiona 10 PM. .Suturday. D E ATHS "URAQjOTICES ' .S1 NDAI,K Mlnno Cohen, at local hns ultal, February 8, 1920, age 32 years. .lr. Roscmial 1 wirvlvcd by her mother, Mrs. Carrie Cohen, and one ami. Herman; two slaters, Mrs. Fannie Ouatnsnn, Mrs. Sarah Laraway and two brothers. Charles and Harry Cohen, all of Omaha. Funeral from the home of her sister, Mrs. Fannie Gustason, 113 North Ts'lne teenth, February 12. 1920, at 2:30. In terment Pleasant Hill cemetery. TISSLER Alt Marie, February 10, lai), aged. 26 years, at her residence, 431 Larlmor avenue. Survived by her husband, C. E. Stlssler and baby, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Yard, two sisters, Mrs. Honor Yard and Mrs. Muriel Hood; one broth er. Wilbur Yard. Funeral Friday. 2 p. m.. Dodder's Chattel, Twenty-third and Cumin. In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited; Nh'Al.E Mrs. David, died Monday eve Ding at her home In Fort Calhoun, Neb. Funeral to be held at the home Thursdav at 10 a. in. Mrs. Neale had lived In Calhoun slnre 1879. Aged 6 years. She leaves one aim, Ocntge, three daughters, clracc, HiTtha and E'lillv II ARNISII- Margaret, Mills County Iowa, died February 10, aged 70. Funersl from Hoffman's Funeral Home, Twenty-fourth and Dodger 2 p. m. Friday. Interment Laurel HIM. Deceased Is survived by her husband, Carl Ludwlg, one brother, Henry Jen aen. tllH Interment of Mrs. A. Johnson will be Thursday. February 12, 1920, at 9 a. ni.. f rom llrailey & Dorrance chapel to Evergreen cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. , STACK & FALCONER, "LMDEPIONDKNT UNDERTAKERS." IMKKCK-ARROW , , AMBU1.ANCE SERVICE. 'Thirty-third and Farnam. Hnrney 64. FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. S3d and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas 677. Auto ambulance. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise of busy streets. I'HONPS WEBSTER 47. HEAFEY &t HEAFEY, I'ndertakera and Embalmers. Phnne H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE &"RIEPEN, rtoneer Funeral Directors. 701 South 16th. St. Doug. 1066. f AGGART & SON. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Doug. 714. 2 2 1 6l !y mln g St. DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS; 717 8. 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. T W T T A TMnM Fonter.elle 1JUU JU. i. 1 Florists. 1 SI 4 DoUKlss St. Douglas 83"4. Hendersnn. 1619 Farnam. DouKlas 1248. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. V. 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments In the United States, FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 S. 13th, Phone Douglas 1875-5216. SPECIAL NOTICES. SEALED BIDS Will be received by the City Clerk of Schuyler, Neb.,' until Wednesday, February 18th, 7:30 p. m., for laylns about 16,000 fept of 10-8-6 and 4-inch water main, letting 34 hydrants, 24 valves, and necessary fittings. Specifications may be 'had by appli cation to the "Water Commissioner at 4 Schuyler, Neb. CITY CLERK. j . T. R. MOORE. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following; persona were grahted Acre license to wen; Name and Residence. Clarence E. Jones. Collins. Ia. . . Mildred M. HIcke, Wood Lalrrf Neb Paul J. Sardeson, Lincoln,' Neb Beulah Aylesworth, Dannlson, la. . Peter O. Peterson, Humbolt; I a. . . Bertha Nelson, Humbolt. I a. . . . . , lames W. Kavanaugh, Dixon, Neb. , Alma C. Seume, Omaha . Walter Kolacny, Omaha Mary Mlchka, Omaha Louis B. Vlasak, Omaha Hedvlo A. Provainlk, Omaha .... 'Frank S. Tollver, Omaha , Mildred C Cope, Omaha Henry E. Hockette, Brooklyn, N. T. Marguerite E. Oreenough, Omaha.. West. Clear Water, Neb. . . . . . Mae Shaal, Springfield, Neb Marrill B. Crofton, Omaha Anna Elizabeth Schlnker, Omaha , Hart Collen, Marshalltown, la. ... Helen M. Sturm, Marshalltown, Ia. lank R. Brazd'a. Omaha Vnna A. Rlha, Omaha 20 . ... 19 .... 23 .... 21 .... 33 33 37 27 19 over 21 ver 18 29 .... 25 over 21 over 18 38 .... 30 2S .... 21 .... 21 .... 21 .... 21 19 BUILDING PERMITS. ' Paxton & Gallagher Co., 813-923 Jonea treet, brick and reinforced concrete ware house, 1100.000. i I E. Otllnsky, 1102-0 Capitol avenue, re odel warehouse, 815.000. Edgar H. Scott, 2659-61 Farnam etreet, .?araare, 840,000. Omaha Steel Works, Forty-eighth and ' larksoa streets, slop building. $2i,f.0O. Ixuta Schelf. 2319 South Seventii street, frame dwelling and garage, 83.000. Lewis A. Ellis. 2i4 Chicago street, arafjb 8i.1v BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Hlrth Clayton and Kthel Holce, 4123 I.atayette ave., hey; Christ and Clara Al barlt, 3217 McKlnlcy St., boy; Wallace and Anna Roberta, Florence. Neb, girl; Frank and Margaret,. Everding, 6418 South 23d St., Kirl; Martin and Ethel Kocar, 6139 FinUney St., girl; James and Dovie Smith,' Halston, Nub., girl; Frank and Hose Svnbnda. 1503 South 7th St., boy; John and Hazel Aliaman, 932Nnrth 24th St., girl; Thomas and Mary Mur ray, 2911 Spring St, boy; Corneallus and Julia. Mcllvaiii, 2711 Leavenworth St., girl ; ' Marlnis and Elizabeth Markuson, C5th and Parker Sr., boy; ileorge and Flora llumb, 3:03 South Stith St., girl; Frank and Clara Klnkol, 2S1S South 29th St,, boy. Heaths Minnie H. Wagner, CO. 1019 Elm St.; Josejhlne Carlson. 49. 1542 Y St.; Thurman Arthur Eversole. jr., 1, 2215 U St.; llunna Johnson, 4. Nazareth Home; George L. Heebe, 51, 1505 Locust St.; Samuel Kills. 1, 11S North S2d St. Nathan A. Hill, 45. 671 North 45th St.; Chlirlei W, .Megger, 60, 223 South 20th St.; V M. Smith. 71, 4212 St, Marys ave.; .Mary If. Donaldson, 3S. hospital; Samuel Mike. 33. 4443 South lslh St.; An drew K. Juhnstnn, 76, 1006 South 34th St. "LOST FOUND REWARDS'" FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele ithone Tvlo.r K0(l. Wa . m anvlnn. trt .... store lost article, to rightful .m..,,,..,. OMAHA & COUNCIL HU FFS ST. KY Ci . PARTY" who picked uu I'unieo "brooch In t'llii'iim theater Friday afternoon, ail- 1 drcsa ill (I South Ninth or oil! Council i lill:fts L-l.r.:i9. ICewnrd. LOST A string uf pearl Ccada. platinum iind diamond clasp. Howard, 1909 "apjtol Ave. Phone Douglas 2OS0. Saturday ,vemng, on Dundee car, brown Msrten scurf. Finder call Tyler 3 93iili mt receive Ke wh rd. LOST Purse on north-bound 24th street car, Sunday, containing about $25. Re ward. Colfax 2S30. LOST Small white hull dog, brass harness, return to 2411 J. St. Reward. LOST Chain for automobile tire. Dundee or wist. Douglas 4043. FOR SALE MISCELLAN EOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. 125,000 stock of furniture to be-sold; 300 stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ographs, dufolds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till 9 p. in. Credit if you wish. 1839-47 N. 24th St. Web D;o7. LEAVING CITV. will sell 6 rooms of household goods; will sell In piece or all nt once snout automobile: olayer ti ano. 51! So. 20th St. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the prloe of new h'.d", 1007 Cuming Si .Douglas 2407. WILL aatrillce good household furniture . at rr.'tsornble prices if sold at onco Douglas 4;ir9. 241 Cuming St. We sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rut's st lowest prices; cash or payments. Ainer, Furn. t.. HOf, N. Hi. TH REK-I'l KCE mahogany bed rootn s.-t. gas range. Ice box: party leaving town. Walnut .214. DETROIT VAPOR RAMIE, 4 burners and oveiK Wnlnut :!L'07. riANO, Sowing tiiiichiiie and pictures. v ainut :iii,:o. pianos and Musicaljnstruments. A HOSPE CO lrylhlnrTn I'iMnns for rent. SI on per month. Lur;MS, traps, iiiiinml.jis. instructions, re pairini;. Phono IlHrney iiti7. Ceo. A. Smith. ;;i;i liHvennort St. fcPLENDID Hlimllton piano. Walnut case, sale. Webster 1 ti a. upright grand Cheap for quick LEAVtNiS CITY I'pright piiino, excellent condition, yptn. Harney fi044. . PLAYER PIANO, Jiis"t"Tiko new, reaf bar- Cain. Douglns 47(Ki. Lumhcr and Building Materials. '1 RT H. M. jCEVAN. 544 SOUTHSOTH" sf" Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE Norfolk Square Turn tractor, model 1917, with plows, has been run about 20 days, in good condition, price $1.000. Fred Wrstby. Petersburg. Neb. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS v AND ADDING MACHINES - ALL MAKKS, bouplit. sold, rftitprl and repairpii. .Solo HffMit8 for the CORONA (lot our prii-es li.efore you buy. Every inarb ! tie i; uai; ti t ed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug 411 190.', Kaniain. WW bu, sell and exchango ail .makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Mt,oe mtppiy 'o.. 11Q4 Doilpe. RENT an Oliver Tpewriter, three mouths for $i;.0O. Oliver Agency, 1906 Farnam St., Cty. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy. sell and nnike desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., luh and Douglas. D. 2724. Miscellaneous. THE HIOGEST BARGAINS IN OMAHA. Exceptionally beautiful 3-piece floral tape3tty. overstuffed living room suite. $395' value, at I2u3.'.' $:I3.40 value. Jul! sl.o maf-sive brass Led, only 8-4.00; steel beds, $ 1 4.00 values, all steel, en amel, full size, only 8S.50. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodge Sts., Opposite U! P. Headquarters, Omaha. WE WILL place on sale 100 bushels of apples, selected Winesaps from sprayed orchards. Florence (Jrowers' Exchange, 421 N. 0th Jit Colfax 166. , PEARL BEADS. 81.000 worth. 26 per cent discount, Friday and Saturday, this week only. Room 601 Securities HUlg. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer andwlntersides. 1 907Cuining.D.2467. CHICKEN feed. sTniw and hay, sold at Walnut Hill Feed Store. Auto delivery anywhere in city. Walnut 1716. HAY $18 per ton, delivered!- ATlvTwaiF ner, 801 N. 16th St Doug. 1142. FEW big cottonwood trees for lumber or wood for sale. Colfax 4914. LADIES' tailored suit, size 36 (new); also sable choker. Colfax 1177. DRY KINDLING WOOD. Acme Hox Co. Harney 1837. CADET suit, size 16, reasonable. Harney 3026. Kindling delivered, 8375 0 load. Web. 459. AUCTION SALES. PUBLIC SALE. Friday, February 13. C. E. Smith. 3 miles N. W. Irvington, Neb., on John Ba'es farm: 11 head horses and mules, 5 head cows, 40 head fall pigs, 10 'dozen chickens, C-cyllnder oar, 8 ',4 tons baled prairie Lay, 14 tons baled alfalfa hay, machinery, etc. WANTED 'TO BUY, LIBERTY BONDS , High prices for certain Issues this week. Via will help you make your Income tax return. Strictly confidential. SECURITY INVEST MENT CO., Tyler 2736. 639 Securities Bldg. WE BUY baled waste paper, old maga zines and newspapers. State quantity you hae on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co 15th and Marcy. Douglas 159. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3644. DESKS DESKS DESKS New dsks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6148. WANTED Full revolving steam shovel, three fourths dipper. Also dump wagons Gee. M. King, 2613 High St., Pes Moines, la. WE ARE in the market fur mixed paper and magazines and offer Interesting prices. Write or call A. Ferer & Son, Douglas 24S6. Liberty Bonds Bought 610 World-Herald Bldg. WILL buy second-hand clothing;, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2598. A. Zavett, 706 North ISTh St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTONS G. U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. . Phone Doug. 3108. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way'', Omaha Transfer Co. Brass and Iron Foundries. , PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. . Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Contractors. Uftiy ICWORK CONTRA TED Estimates elitl! :dly given. August Bahrs. 1620 Burt, j Tel. 4870. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Chriopodists. Carrie J. Burfoid. 620 Paxton Blk, R. 4587. Clothing and Furs. FI LL dress suits for rent, 109 N. Kith at. John Feldman. Phone 3128. Corsets. EXPERIENCED Will alter or fm any corset. Walnut 44H7. I Dancing Academies. VTrtT DTMC School fur Dancing, 2421 JVIliLi-irllN Xj Farnam. D. 760. Class at si dancing at 9 p. m., Monday, Thurs day. Saturday; prlvstelessons any time. Dentists. DSECOrrtatTBli. H'dg. TyT 213sT Dr." H rndbury. No pa in. 21 "jjv? r ? LI ' Detectives. pTTlT. WLNCKl.ER. expert In branches, shadow, Investigating, locaUnK, per aonal service. Harney 570S. JAM'ks ALLAN. 312 Neville Hllc. Evidence secured In all rases. Tyler 1131. Dressmaking. PHESHMAKINO and alterations.! work g ua ran I eeil. Wehstyr 6665. DRP'.SSMAKINO and alterations. work guaranteed. Tyler 39,9. FOR dniiity, tiny tots' clothes, call Har ney 21 i;s. DIIESSMaKINO and alteritii; done. Doug bis t.W:;. Excavating. ' FOR excavating. 'a 1 1 Harney 21a. Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC heaters. $10.50; vacuum clean ers, $:i7.50, Mola washlbg machine 1 allev-Wllson Eleelrle Co.. 1:107 Farnam BEST electric vacuum sweepers for rent; delivered. Webster 4283. : ELECTRIC Vacuum cleaner for rtnt, Call Douglas 5718. Ga s Stoves Connected. GAS STOVES CONNECTED, $2.00; all kinds of gas work; prompt service. Har. Garages. REDI-MADE G Aft AGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redi-Mnde Housing Co., 2211 Howard. Red 3657. Hats Blocked. HATS ! HATS ! Hats cleaned and blocked. 1607 '- Farnam St. Hauling. Fott movine- and hauling. ciUl 'Douglas "1 15. Blue Line Transfer Co., 206:1 Fjirniiin. HAULING, all kinds, rute.-i. T ler 1!K6. best service, best Hi AND 2 ton trucks for hire by hour, day or week. Walnut 1104. Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. Kil.MS developed; printing und enlarging. Write for uriees. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. Jewelry. DIAMONDS,; pay the best price vli h nriviteue to buy back at rmall profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Red 60X1. W. C. FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1S92. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Osteopath. I)R MABEL WESSON. 211 Balrd Bid'.'., 17th and Douglas. T. 2960 H. 4741. Paintmgand JPaperhanging. PAINTING papering, paper cleaning;' pa pee i2 pr'ce. Harney 6740. PAINTING, paperhaiimng and paper clean ing. 1 'niiglas Q:!22. INTERIOR painting, pnperhanging and paper cleaning. Walnut 40!)8. Patents. PATENTS nrocured. boUKlit and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 6S2 . Brandeis. D. 691. Printing Wedding Stationery V. S. Printlm; Co., 422 S. lilth St." Rug Manufacturing. WEAVING and old rugS remade. Tyler H.'i:l. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. J. .1. DerlKht Safe Co. ' Sewini? Machines. "SEWING MACHINES" We rent, rl-, s-M o ed!nr; and parts. MlCKELS', 15th and Harney. Doug. 1!"7X Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co., :i()7-9 South 17th. Tailors. pTcdrickTP. L., 216 s! 2oth. Tatilor. D. 2432. M. KEISER, S0 South 18th. D. 1187. theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben H Son. Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 27 S. 11th. D. 528. Wedding Stationery. . WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A general' stock of merchan dise In progressive town of 300 popula tion in Nebraska. Reasons for selling, death cf partner and manager. Address Y-901, Omaha Bee. OUR business is to buy and sell your busi ness. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS. 514 Brown Bldg, CAFE and soft drink parlor for sain or trade; on fine business corner: must be sold; leaving city. Webster 3215. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE. will publish free a sltuatlon ted ad under this classification for i soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their discharge .papers at our office in the' lobby of The' Bee building. Seventeenth and aFrnam. TREES trlmmd, shade and fruit. There is a great difference In pruning shade and fruit trees. Anyone inexperienced will cut out fruit buds without know ing. Can graft trees, roses and grape vines. Have recommendations from the president of Hortl mlture Dept. of United States. Other things well done, not mentioned; 30 years' experience. Webster 1508. EXPERIENCED tractor operator wishes position for summer. References fur nished on request. State conditions. Myron Larkln, 24:15 O St., Lincoln, Neb. SITUATION wanted by man experienced in handling help, also machinery and building maintenance. Address Y-941, Omaha Bee. PAPERHANGING, furniture repairing, floors varnished, housecleanlng, shade trees trimmed. Webster 1508. HOUSE CLEANING, floors polished, plain painting, varnishing. Edward Corey, Hefl 4714. WILL DO PLAIN SEWING or mending at home. Walnut 2573." . Female. PERMANENT position as housekeeper by refined, competent woman, 49. Farm experience. Particulars, best wages in first letter. Daughter 12. Good references. Address Y-943, Omaha Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. WANTED Bundle washing, will call for anrl deliver. Webster 5209. . Laundry and Day Work. COLORED woman, perfect In cleaning, 45c hour. City reference. Colfax 4984. DAY WORK for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Webster 2093 after 5 p. m. WOOL blankets and lace curtains laun dered. 2614 Dodge, Harney 1130. DAY WORK wanted by reliable lady. References. Webster K004 EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work, vyepster zoZ4 EXPERIENCED laundress wants day wora, weosier uon LAUNDRY, day work; good references. uougiaa sais. S'lEADY work cleaning and Ironing, Webster 1K8S. y BUNDLE washing wanted, . done cheap. Webster 4271. ' LAUNDRY work and day work wanted. Harney E461. DAY work wrnted, experienced lady Web ster 6099. COLORED woman wants Ironing. Web. 1897. DAYVVORK and cleaning, good worker, colored woman. Webster 4701. LAUNDRY and cleaning, colored woman. Red 6400. DAY WORK wanted, colored woman, Web ster 803. DAY WORK, exper!enod lady. Webster , 6t9t. COLORED lady wants day dork. 897. . Tyler JL LACE curtains laundered. Webstpr 1727. WANTED bundle washing. Webster WANTED Bundle washing. Ve. 2238. 14267 V50, CLEANING and dusting. Douglas SITUATIONS WANTED "Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY WORK. Douglas 9135. P A y W 1 R K want e L PAY WORK wanted. Webster 2450. Webster 6567, DAY work varied. Douglas 8322. DAY work wanted. Webster 1529. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. S 1'LEN Dl D OPPO RTU N IT X FOR LIVE MAN. II luh grade advertising and sales pro motion manager by large manufacturing company, located In Omaha. Fine op portunity for advancement. If you hav the abliltv and experience that would warrant vour applying for tnis position answer the following questions; ' Age Names of previous employers ' Reason for leaving Reference as to character Salary wanted Address Box T-73, Omaha r "WANTED at once n experienced Insurance man to manage and hnndle the busi ness of our Insurance depart ment, connected with our rea' .stale business which exceeded one and one-half million dollars In sales volume for the year 1919, and In which we employ ten people. We represent ten companies ' writing all lines of Insurance. Our agency la well established. Is writing a large 'amount of busi ness and Is growing rapidly. The position Is permanent and affords an excellent opportunity for the right man. MALCOLM V. BOLTON & CO., Cedar "Rapids Savings Bank Bldg. Cedar Rapids, Ia. HEAD bookkeeper, mercantile store, $200; ledger clerk, uptown office, $126; ledger clerk, North Omaha, $110;'ledger clerk, wholesale house, $125; stenographer, South Side, $125; chief clerk, wholesale house. $200; general office man and correspondent, $130; traveling salesman, will consider inexperienced man, 25 to 35, staple line, $130 and expenses; shipping clerk, young man, 18 to 20, wholesale jewelry firm, opportunity to work Into sales position, $75-$ 1 00. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS N. Originators of the Reference Business 7.10 First National Bank Building. COLLECTOR, assistant credit man, $100; live salesman, experienced dairy and ice cream supplies, salary, $150 or bet ter; stenographer and clerk, South Side, good future. $100;. two stenographers, salary depends on ability; man expe rienced in the supervision of truck transportation, salarv open; ledger clerk. $100; office boy, $15. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY, 224 Bee Bldg. SUPT. Trucks, prefer an ux-non-com.U. S. army, with office exp. STENOGRAPHERS. CASH IKK, with bookkeeping exp., salary "pen. I'OM.KCTOli, 5100. BOOKKEEPERS. HI 25 to $2.10. LEDGER CLERK. $110. at once, rush. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., 1516 City National Bank. HEAD bookkeeper, $150-$175: cashier with hookkei ping experience, $150-$160; pur chase leilger clerk, salary open; pricing clerk, must be good at figures, $125; st enora diers, $IO0-$l 25. tTHK MART I CO., 1126 W. P.. W. Bldg. . AtViUNT.WT. $175-$200; - asst. credit man, $i:5-$140; stenographer, $125; bookkeeper. Sl0-$135-$t25-$110. WATT'S REFERENCE COMPANY. I.I3JL first National Hank Bldg. WANTED Auctioneers to handle oil and gas leases near drilling wells. A good, clean proposition. Address Box 713, Fre donia. Kan. WANTED At once, first-class bookkeeper with some executive ability. Douglas 4592. BOOKKEEPER capable of taking charge of gcneial set of books. H. R. Bowen Co. Professions and Trades . BOILERMAKERS AND MACHINISTS for railroad work; steady employment; desirable lo cations and modern shops; free transportation. Apply Eugene Duval, C. F. & P. A., C, M. & St. P. R. R., Railway Exchange Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED SHOE MAX. APPLY SL'PT., ON BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH do. WANTED First class Forwarder and Fin isher in Union shop. Steady work; ideal hurroundings. Wire at our expense. Hutchinson Office and Supply Co., Hutchinson, Kan. WANTED Job printer, salary $36.00 per week; 50-hour week. J. P. Cooke Co., 1111 IV. l nam St. HARNESS makers wanted. Good prices. Kesslir-Barkow Saddlery Co., Atchison, Kansas. GOtvfi (ailor wanted . $:i5 to $40 tr week. 2022 N. 24 th St. Webster 3:;2. WANTED First-class woodworkers to work on truck wheels only. Apply at once. Truck and Tractor Corporation, l.'HO Jackson. MEN wanted. Railway mall clerks, $110 month; list positions free. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 22K B, Roc hester, N. Y. LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR, VUL CANIZINGLOS ANGELES Y. M. C. A.tAuto School. Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCK SALESMEN SELL THIS SOUND SECURITY. An Industrial security with more than three million dollars already subscribed, is closing out rapidly to a possible ten millions. Recognised 'best selling se curity in the south. We are manufac turing and beginning for 1920 program of big production. If you are a producer, we shall be willing to arrange a trip to the Homo Office and give you opportunity to con nect with a money. making proposition and will turnish you choice territory. SOUTHERN -MOTORS MFG. ASS'N., Ltd., Room 621 Biiatty Bldg., ' Houston, Tex. WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED SHOE MAN AT ONCE. PA NOR SHOP. COMPANY, 1512 DOUGLAS STREET. STOCK SALESMAN WANTED We will pay live wire salesman a .20 per cent commission and bonus on all approved business. Act quickly for good territory. The Council Rubber & Tire Co., Main & Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 1965. SALESMEN. Desire the services of salesmen for Iowa and Minnesota, to represent a wholesale and manufacturing men's fur nishing goods' concern. Liberal commis sion and good territory. State experi ence and give reference in first letter. Address Mgr. of Sales, Box 1343, Dea Moines, Iowa. WANTED Man to take charge of Im plement yard who thoroughly under stands Implement line and ran sell tractors and take care of tractor trou bles. Must also be familiar with pump and windmill work. State age, exper ience, wages wanted, and give references in first letter. P, O. Beaulteu, Wisner, South Dakota. LARGE eastern refinery requires several men to cover middle west. Must be ex perienced in selling roof paints' and ce ment. Real salesmen can .easily average $700.00 l?rr month on our liberal 60 per cent contract. Drawing account and full commission on repeat and mail orders. Call Room 203, Sanford Hotel. Ask for Mr. Stanton. SALESMEN WANTED to sell Dallon Phonographs to retail dealers In Nebraska. and Iowa. Shipment from Paxton & Gallagher Co.; $100 a week advance money; 10 per cent com mission on all sales. Chance for big money for right men. Address Milwau kee Talking Machine Co., Milwaukee, Wis. CITY salesmen for popular specialty, sell in to all classes of business. Profit $5.50 on each sale; good salesmen can sell 4 to 10 dally, Yeggmen Foe Mfg. Co.; 12H Harney. SALESMEN A few Inexperienced young men- to Join onr club in scientific sales manship; complete training, $20; posi tions furnished free. Bos 122 Omaha Bee, - . JIELIPJVANTEDj-MALEL Salesmen and Solicitors. RELIABLE STOCK SALESMEN. GUARANTEED BANK BUILDING INVESTMENT. HIGHEST CLASS. EASIEST SELLING SECURITY IN OMAHA. BIG MONEY. SEE R. H. SNYDER. ROOM a WEAD BLDG., ISTIi AND FARNAM. SALESMEN" WANTED High grade stock and bond salesmen by reliable concern, excellent proposition by the right party, V 784 Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. GOOD county agents and solicitors to take orders for one of the best sellers on the market; used several times a day In every home, factory or place of business. Big opportunity for right party. Address W. H. M., postoffice box 313, Faribault, Minn. Hotels and Resturants. WANTE1 A good night short order cook, one who can make cakes, dough nuts, etc. No pl:is. A good steady job near Omaha. Salary, $1!3 a week. Write Y 9M. Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced fry cook, $90 per month, six-day week. Apply Conant 1 Iiit e I . L- WANTED Receiving clerk. El Beudur Apis.. ISth and Dodge Sts. Boys. YOUNG boy wanted to learn jewelry sup ply business: wood opportunity. The Koitpel Supply Co., 420 City Nat'l Hank Hldg. ' BoY wanted to learn trade. Bak-T Duplicating Co., 4th floor Neb. Nat. Bk. Bldg., 12th and Farnam. WANTED Boys to work at soda fountain after school. Beaton Drug Co. WANTED Two bell boys at Blackstone hotel. Call Harney 945. PIN BOYS For bowling alley, $65 per month. Omaha Athletic club. WANTED Errand boy for all day. South 14th St. 415 Miscellaneous. WANTED COAL YARD MAN.X STEADY JOB; GOOD PAT. RELIABLE MAN ONLY NEED APPLT. CALL WEBSTER 300. POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors, dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. F. V. Knleat. 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. LEDGER Clerk, $25 week, prefer some one over 2 1. CLERKS. $50. $f,0. BILLERS. $75 to $S5; pleasant office. TYPIST. $75. ' P. B. X. operator, neat appearing, con scientious, $115. COMPTOMETER operator, $85, prefer some one over 21. SALES, $15.00. Low Charges. Highest Service. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO.. 1516 City National Bank. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO SELL PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. ONE WITH EXPERIENCE; PERMANENT POSITION. UNION OUTFITTING CO., 16TH AND JACKSON. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. land office, Texas. $150; stenographer, fire Insurance office, $90; stenographer, lite Insurance office, $100; Burroughs post ing machine operator, $90; P. B. -. operator with long distance experience, for auto firm. $75; general office clerk, $H0; office clerk and typist, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Originators of the Reference Business 73(1 First National Hank Building. TWO good stenographers, salary depends; temporary stenographer, $5 per day; two stenographers, $90-$100; stenograph er, $87.50; good stenographer, town town $100; girl for bottle labeling, $12.50; typist and stenographer, $80; 2 clerks, $15; liuokkeeper, $100 file clerk, $00; P. . B. X. opera'or, hotel, $85; two tvpists $50; bill clerk. $75. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY, 224 Bee Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $.'.0 to $125; ledger clerks. $85; typists. $100-$90-$85-$76-$i5-$50; file clerk, $0; bookkeeper, $126 $135; office clerk, $I0. WATT'S REFERENCE COMPANY,. 113S First National Bank Bldg. WANTED A GIRL FOR CLERICAL WORK. APPLY MORRIS & CO., GEN ERAL OFFICE. SOUTH SIDE. STENOGRAPHERS, wholesale and retail, $75 to $125; billing clerks. $75 to $100; typist. $75 to $90; file clerk, $50 to $60; comptometer operator, $90. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. OFFICE CLERK, copy work, $15 week; office clerk to write receipts, $15 week; typist and clerk, $75. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 917-18 W, O. W. Bldg. WANTED Names girls, women, wishing government office positions; $1140 year. Answer immediately, Y-936. Omaha Bee. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper Washington Market Wholesale, 1307 Howard. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES DO YOU WANT A s PERMANENT PSITION? 1 No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work Is fascinating, . pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay, sick and accident benefits without cost to employes. No experience necessary, substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. Parents Invited to Investigate work ing conditions. Apply to C. P. LAMBERT, 613 New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. WANTED Waist and skirt finishers and Helpers, also tailors, skirt finishers. Jesse Foy 774 Saunders-Kennedy Bldgi GIRLS wanted in alteration department. Dresner iros., zzu rarnam St. MAKERS wanted for millinery depart-! mem, inumpsun-Deiuen uo. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Millinery saleslady. Refined young woman wnn experience In selling high-grade , millinery to a high-class clientele. All year position with attrac tive salary and bonus. Call before noon. Ask for Mr. Weinman. NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO. ' BAKCLEY Corsets, complete line; silk ana Knitted underwear; guaranteed hosery. Salesladies make $5.00 a day and up. Walnut 2813. Household and Domestic. WANTED A young woman or girl for general house work, must be a good plain nook. Good home and best wages. WANTED White girl to assist with housework. Small family. Small house Good wages. 5008 Capitol Ave.. Wal nut 36S6. WANTED Girl to take care of child 4 years oia ana to do light housework. Call Tyler 1976, or evenings Webster 6226. GIRL for general house work. Jio wash ing, good wages; references required. 4016 Davenport street. Phone Walnut WANTED Comftetent white girl for gen eral 'housework. 3 afternoons off. Good wages. Harney 718, 3tU8 Farnam. WANTBP Woman for haurekeeping, 1. Clilrago St. small n family. 2: WANTED Good second girl. 110 per week. References. Harney 376. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. W NTED--Glrl for general housework; $10 a week. W. W. Richardson, 3100 Chicago St. Hnrney 5256. WANTED Good girl. Family, father mother and son. Small house. Call at 114 North loth St. WANTED A competent cook, city, refer ence required. Apply Mrs. Ward Bur geaa, 122 No. 22nd St. FOR LAUNDRESSES, DAY WOMEN, ETC. LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL- 1 ' M N 1T ' ' -UU'1 'i WANTED White girl for general house work; 1 in family. 313 South 37th St. Harney TSL WANTED A maid for general housework, two in family, lial Davenport. Har ney 3793. , WORKING WOMAN. May have free basement rooms for doing little housework, lslSDodge. WANTED A iTousemaid; references re quired. Mrs. L. F. CrofoAt, 122 South' 39th St. ; WANTED Good girl r woman to assist with housework. Good wages, Harney 11)31. WANTED Experienced white second maid. Apply -Oil So. 32 Ave. .Jlarney CHAS. L. FISH Piano timer, violin and piano teacher. Colfax 4907. MAID for general housework, small family. no laundry. Harney 21;. MAID wanted to assist with housework. Phone Walnut 3272. ' WHITE, respectable girl for second work, at once. Red ti4 2Y Hotels and Restaurants. WANTISD Kitchen woman for toaster and salads, $50 month, 6 days week. Apply onant Ho tel. WANTHD Experienced chambermaids. Apply. Hotel Conant, 16th and Harney. WOMAN cook, must bake few pies dally. Overland Cafe, 423 South 13th St. NEAT GIRLS to wait on tables. Olympla Candy Kitchen, 1518 Harney. WANTED Second cook. Apply Whfe Memorial Hospital. Miscellaneous. WANTED. MARKERS AND CHECKERS FOR ROUGH DRY DEPARTMENT EVAN'S MODEL LAUNDRY. 11TH AND DOUGLAS. WOMEN AND GIRLS DAY WORK. EVENING WORK, HOURS. 6 TO 10. We need an unlimited number of steady and efficient workers in our packing and labeling department. While experience Is riot neces t ry you have no better opportunity to get good wages while learning and then secure good pay on piece work. ' THE SKINNER COMPANY. 14th and Jackson. WANTED, V.'OM")N AND GIRLS. STEADY WORK AND GOOD WAGES. GORDON LAWLESS CO., 8TH AND DODGE. ' THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or woman needing assistance during the present emergency. Telephone- Harney 6734 day or evening, or Tyler 1138 iu the evening REGISTERED graduate nurse wanted, able assume responsibility. Address Margeret Smith, Box 445, Spencer. Nel,. EXPERIENCED bindery giris "wanted? Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam. EXPERIENCED elevator ""operator! El Beudo- Apts., ISth and Dodge. EX PERI E N C ED choclate d"i pper wanted. Apply Omaha Candy Kitchen. USHERETTES wanted. Apply Supt. Or pheum theater, 1 to 4 p. m. USHERETTES wanted. Apply Supt. Or Iheun! theater, 1 tb 4 p. m. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men", ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. W'rite, call or ph ore Douglus 1565 for large Illus trated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, 'Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. LEARN saxophone; great demand for saxophone players: alto for sale. Frank Henry, teacher saxophone and band In struments Crclebton university. Room 20. Arlington. H'k. PRIVATE evening class for those desir ing to learn shorthand and typewriting now being organized; terms reasonable. Colfax 4780. Van Sant School of Business. Dayi-.nd Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbuch Blk. Studio phone. Red 185. 209 South 15th St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. WELL FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM. STRICTLY MODERN PRIVATE FLAT ON CAR LINE, EXCELLENT LOCA TION, REASONABLE FOR EMPLOY ED LADY; BREAKFAST IF DE SIRED. HARNEY 3645. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUU READERS AND ADVERTISERS. FOR 'RENT A well-furnished room In modern home for gentleman only; within walking distance of downtown district; location north. Webster 3 280. PLEASANT. WELL HEATED ROTTm WITH BOARD. PRIVATE. MODERN HOME, ON CAR LINE. $10 WEEK. HOME COOKING. WEHSTER 2378. PLEASANT, WELL HEATED ROOM WITH BOARD. PRIVATE. MODERN HOME ON CAR LINE. $10 WEEK. HOME COOKING WEHSTER 2378. 2703 CUMING BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED ROO.M. FOR 1 OR 2 GENTLE MEN; NEW PRIVATE HOME; HOT .WATER HEAT. HARNEY 6969. WELTj furnished pleasant south room, modern, private home, excellent loca tion, hi block to car, $15 month. Har ney 1256 ATTRACTIVE rooms, strictly modern, all conveniences, private home, $3 and $4 week; on car line. Douglas 5394. CLAIRMONT INN, 17TH AND JACKSON. Rooms with baths, especially desirable for gentlemen. Douglaa 2735. PLEASANT southeast room, strictly mod ern, private home; H block to car; rea sonable. Harney 711?. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern; private family; references exchanged. Harney 3424. PLEASANT Bteum heated mom. Gentle man preferred. 320 South titb St. llar ney 4309. - PLEASANT, nice room In modern home; Christian Scientist preferred. Harney 3574. NICELY furnished room, strictly private family; .references exchanged. Harney 3424. PLEASANT front room private, modern home on Farnam ear line. Walnut 3319. FURNISHED ROOMS Nently furnished, hoard If desired. K2H S. 251 h Ave. MODERN furnished' roofei for rent. Har ney 7000. Housekeeping ooms. LARGE, pleasant, completely furnished housekeeping room; furnace heat, laun dry privileges, bath. Included; block to carjlne; reasonable. Harney 8737. Two completely furnished modern house, koeplng rooms on bath room floor. Oood location. $10 week. Webster 1 498. 2 FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping, with modern conveniences. 1424 V. 19th St. ONE light housekeeping room, 709 So. 29th St; f2o month. 320 N. 20TH Modern npartment to re sponsible married couple; no children. TVO housekeeping . rooma, modern tome. Webster Hit. Reasonable. FOR RENT RQQMS Board and Room HEM IS PARK DIS TRICT. BEAliTIFUl.l.Y FURNISHED ROOM, WITH EXCELLENT BOARD; STRICT LY MODERN. PRIVATE HOME, ON CAR LINE. FOR t EMPLOYED. WEB STER 405ti. HOARD AND ROOM; NEW, STRICTLY MODERN, PRIVATE BUNGALOW; EX CELLENT NK1GHHO.KIIOOD; . BLOCK TO CAR; REASONABLE. WEHSTER 4929. WANTED. Room In private family, Including breakrast and supper. Give jihone num-,,op.-.J'"f?J,.omslmIlee. PLEASANT room, good board; .private, modern home; block to car; employed . luillfM. $7.50jveek. Colfnx18J4. BOARD and room for btdy, private homo, near Farnam car line. 28i Capitol Ave. Harney 7183. DESIRABLE room with board, private 'nodetn home. $7.50 week. Harney 587s. 2ti38 dodge Hoard and room for two walking distance. Harney 5900. GOOD HOME COOKING. 18TH. TYLER 942. GOOD HOME CooKlNGr St. TYLER 912. 417 NORTH 417" N.18TH FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. LIST yoi.e property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Resume. Tyler 729. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. E i. - H E U D O R APARTMENTS, ISTH AND DODGE STS. Two and three-room apartments com pletely furalshed. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man wanted to share small apart ment; excellent location. Call Douglas 9549 In evei.lng or morning. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. Brick Flats for Rent. 2618 North 31t St., 4 rooms, ground floor, $20; second and, third floors, 6 rooms. $lti. 2516 N. 31st St, three rooms snd bath, $13, all modern except heat. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, rhonepouglas 1313. FoUR-RuoM semi-bungalow apt., steam h-ated, $32.50, .Maple Court, 1815 Maple. Douglas 4i:70. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores.. STORE FOR RENT. 22x50 ft., first floor and basement. $50. DU.MONT & CO., 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. Office and Desk Room. OFFICE SPACE. 1435 First National Bank, office space 75 sq. ft. Telephone Douglas 3075. Garage and Barns. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Made Houalng Co., 2211 Howard. Red .1657. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses FOUR or five-room modern cottage or bungalow; any location considered, pre fer good sized lot. Responsible party; 3 In family. References. Will pay $20 to $.'15.00. -Rent or lease at once or by March 1st. T-32, Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY aSTO1?, CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts aDoug. 288. Globe Van, Transfer v and Storage Co. For real service in 'hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doutf. 438. Auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIUEPKOOF WAKEHOUSK. Separate locked rooms tor household poods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., S06 South ISth. omr. 4IM. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bow-n Co. Ty. 3400. HART UNGS TRANSFER & STORAGE. Moving, hauling, storage, best service, best rates. Tyier 1970. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing ana storage. H.nss Davenport. l)ougZ908. OMAHA EXPRESS" CO. Furniture, piano moving and storage. 1417 cnicage St. Phone Douglas 3364 MOVING, all kinds of hauling, early and late, uouglas 6511. v REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West CLOSE-IN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE $6,950 Nearly new, strictly modern 6-room bungalow and emaiL--'araKet near 30th and Hamilton Sts. JarKH 60-foot lot. pflvlnfj paid; handy for a railroad or street car man. 1'rice Tor quick sale, $o,950. Ono of the best buys on our list. Call us at once, as this will not last long. J. L. HIATT CO. OnO FIRST NATIONAL PHONE f?C I ANK BUILDING. Leavenworth Heights Just completed, 5-room Kella stone bungalow; all on one floor, finished in oak and white enamel. Walls to be decorated, green shades, indirect lighting fixtures, plastered basement. Yard to be seeded and terrace sodded. On pave street, 2 blocks to car. Hourfe alone could not be dupli cated for $6,000 at present prices. Call Walnut 2812 for appoint ment. A NICl-J modern, 6-room cottage, on Camdon avenue; large rooms; large, south front lot; paved street. Price, $4,650; $2,000 cash. Call Mr. Browne, Tyler 431 R. INTERSTATE RKAI.TT CO., 2520 Farnam St. OMAHA Real Estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 500 Brandeis Theat. Doug. 9. WE hav cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler Cary. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Plk. 'Phone Tyler 4880. FoV good homes on good terms, OSHORNli REALTY CO., 430ne? Hldg. T'!fr J.96' 45SS FRANKLIN, 4-room house, 2 lots; fine for garden; $200 cash, J15 per mo. Crh608Bee Bldg., Doug. 200. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate nnd Inveat- ments, 442 Bee Bldg., Douglas 8Q9T. BENSON & MEYERS CO.. 424 Pro. Nat'l. North. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW 5-room strictly modern bunga low, all on one floor; oak finish and oak floors; combination sun room and sleeping room; built-in bookcases and window seat; full cement basement, furnace heat; nice floored attic; garage and drive. Owner leaving city has of fered to sacrifice this for ?5,800. A real bargain at that monev. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 6S7 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781 WE need five and six-room, modern houses. Have buvera. Call ua today. R. F. Clary Co., 2404-06 Ames. Colfax 7-Room Modern House $3,750 This house Is strictly all modern, has 4 rooms 1st floor and 3 bedrooms and bath 2d floor; on paved street; has gar age, with lot , 50x128. is not a new place, but In good condition; located :ik43 Franklin St. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Doug. 664. u:0 Farnam SL REA L ESTATE IMPROVED. North. Northside Bungalow This Is a ono-fctory, flv-ronm l.uiiK'ilow. Mvlni? room and din ing room finished In oak, bnlanco in whtto pine, Siatrwny to floored attic, rmnhinntlon fixtures, fur nace heat. CVnu-nt basement, floor drain, latin dry connections, coal din and fruit closets. On rear of It t two douMi K"rairfi with ce mirnt floor ut.d driveways, rented fir $24 per month. Annual In ronin $2S, pay I off 5 per cent on total Investment, This Is a bar gitin at $G,t. George & Company REALTORS. 902 City Nat .Haii k HI d g. Tyler 3 o 1848 North 17th Street Must bn sold to settle an estate. 7-room, L'-wtory, modern bouse, Jo. caied on est front corner lot, liitjtMO fr. One block to carltnw. Would make an ldal location fop aparliiHnt house. V"vlug all paid. Look this ovor and make an offer. Price, t-ii;) George & Company KRAiroits. fL city Nat. Hank Bid. Tyler 3 o r A Real Bargain. Dandy 5-rooni buopalow; one you v;n resell for more money. Iarpe Mvinp room. dinltiK room with built-in buff--t and fine kitcltrn on first floor; 2 bed -rooms and bath on second. 2403 Hrnwna St. Call -today. I'rico 1,5.00 with $,f.00 cash. CnM tnav, fc , R. F. CLARY CO., ' !04-l! Atnes Colfax 178. , Dandy Bargain Near 28th and Btnney ; almost now house, 6 rooms and bath, alt modern, oak floors, fine furnace, cellar, otc. ; 2 nlc lota, hedge fence, paved street; near car lino and ichool. Muat bo sold quick. Terms on part. P. J. Tebbens Co., OS Omnha Nat. Dank. Ioug. 2182. GOOD 8-room house, south front, on Ames Ave., facing Fontenelle park. All modern, oak floors, two good lots, garage, lawns shrvth bcry, etc. Immediate possession. About half cash required, ("all Mr. Grant, Douslas 7412, days. AREALTHOME .1192 LARIMORR AVE. . Six larRe rooms and bath, oak finish, hot water heat, newly painted and dec orated ; garage: choice south front lot; . paving paid. Must be seen to bo appre ciated. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 410 Tie llldg. Tyler 406. NEAll OMAHA IINIVKKSITY' I M M F.I 1 1 ATK POSSKSSIOV. Nearly new 6-room bungalow, looka like new, .lurt painted and papered, oak finish, lull basement, furnace heat; in fact, a very complete plaee. fino lot with hedge in front and sUie, paved street. In I.nthrop aehool llintrlct. A real bargain at J4.8S0. RAM' nrtOS. (Realtors.) 210Keellno. Tlkljj. Tvler 71. MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Six-room bungalow, with ga rage, on paved-street, 2 blocks to car; oak finish; fireplace; can give immediate possession; price only $6,500. Walnut 2812: FOR SALE. . Almost new S-R. modern house Hard wood finish. Well located, close to car line. Price 15,500. 1,000 caah, balanc like rent, A. W. TOLAND CO. D. S-5. 410 Bee Bldg. FINE 5-room bungalow with. 3 acres jut west of Florence field ; new garage, chicken house, etc.; only $8,000, with J2.000 cash down. Call today. R. F. CLARY CO.. S404-6 Ames. Colfar JTB. Mitchell Investment Co. - Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Col fax 217. Offers personal and experienced erv ieo In " the management of property, either as rental or sales agents. AI.Ij mod. B-r. bungalow, east front, cor. lot, rlose to car line and school; ready to move In, J5,0"0 $1,500 cash. D. 17.14. days; Col. 1 s.ts. nights. FOR COLORED Five-rm, .bungalow; oalc iinisn, 4 jots. C. A. GRTMMEL, Phone D-1616. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park- wood Addition; a safe place for Invest, ment. Norris A Norria. Doug, 4270. YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1751. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer ths best opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 187. South. Near 26th and Poppleton Price $4,000 Good bargain in a 7-room atrlctly modarn home with lot 50x127, paving paid. Can be handled with $1,000 cash and $35 per month. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 49B. SIX-ROOM modern house at 15th and Deer Park blvd. Walnut 5736. ' Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. A five-room bungalow In ''ft good neighborhood. Lullt last year. Finished in oak throughout. Built In features. Located on a largo lot surrounded by a beautiful hedge fence, .plenty of rose bushes and shrubbery. paved streets, J5.T.00; 2,700 cash to handle. Call us at once. Commercial Realty Company 1516 City National. Bank. Douglas Sil'ti Mr. Pierson. We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor 18th and Dodge. Doug. Bfl 13. LIST your houses nnd lots for quick sale with Hasting & Heyden, realtors. 1614 Harney street. Phone Tyler 50. BIRKETT&CO: Real estate.' sells. rents and Insures. ' 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6 3 DO Y l IT WANT A 5. 6 OR 7-Rl "".. HOUSE? IF SO CALL DOUCLAS C2J6, 1516 CITY NATIONAL BANK. LIST your" property for quick salo with Morearty & Conboy. T. 3S41. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. FINE, nearly new, double brick flat, only e2 uiucivM irom i . ti. on rasr coming business street. Rental $1,260.00. price only $13,750.00, $5,000 cash. Rasp uros.. ;i; tseellne Ulrlg. Tyler 721. FARNAM, HARNEY? LEA VENAYORTlf AII I t'.lll.NU MTS. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. DOIlH. 10J6. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME FOR LAND. We have 11 houses listed In Omaha. Owner wants land. - S. 3. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 218 City National. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. MINNE LUSA LOT $900 Within i Work of c;ir line and 2 north ni I 1 1 - T..rlr W- Farnam Smith & Co., Doug. 561. 1.120 Farnam'SL REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. 5-Room House In Benson $2,500 Has rty writer, pas, electric IlKhfs. with a lot BOxU'S, only 2 blot Ka north of oar llnp. I1? blocks to school. located 6513 Wirt St. Uon't bother tenants. ThSw houso is practically new. Will makj reasonable terms. W. Farnam Smith & Co.,- Doug. 564. 1320 Farnam St. Council Bluffs. i ACHES lti Council Hlnffs. One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and lovel. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms. '4 cash; balance to milt buyer. Mcdee REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Tearl St. Council Bluffa. I a. Dundee. Splendid Value for $8,500 Hutit for home. KiRht rooms and den Including larno living room, hum foom, v nlfoplnjf poroh, ctr; oak finish com MnHtlnn beating plnnt (hot water and furnace), choico lot, paying all paid. Here 1m a nl hny. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 130 lies Bldir. . -' Tiler 4DI i 'ir.v.v-.. -si