S A niK OMAHA KKl. ; FERRt'ARY 8. 1 !)2(V II.S.finUFRNMFNTCanvOuttheDym, great Britain DANIELS ADMITS Child Welfare Survey ot TRIPS Til PPIVTFP.T! wTJTp&; 'SfSr HF AND SIMS DID ! State Exposes Many Needs! TRIES TO PROTECT MEXICAN RAIDERS Judge Who Convicted Mexican; Bandits of Columbus, N. M., Bandits of Attack Urrjed To Stop Prosecutions. JLPF 'HOLD RAILROAD lUliUAKAMLL 5 1-2 PERCENT rt urn EnDTUECTnc m 1 UP3 IMfi-l I III n p..-.,. r-1.. r-.- th.it M t!' ap 1 w ., r n- i rdi'.r.ed to nd L'o!i"ii''i!-. M , root iv oil so htFe cri'ilciiif hv F'.e com-uamlug otiicer there tii.it hn the att.uk is nude on Match 9, 10! ft, in un- ; : - va ! p; o-. ami mi- to prevent a ur piise Ii.nl be, n tarn f , w tr.c ;es tol l the - u 1 t . i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 O I!lC--fKatl!1i t!f M,'iean :fi!,itii. I ee Kigi-s. .i j-itv cc'm c.-t i'-i in', Mft be ! 1 '' i'd-"-r-j.-r w'm t' t i-.l H .1 S' 1 ' urn. c mamm.,? .,! i- -. -, t f .. M PMOi I S M 0 M. I'l 0. ' - fc"- MP :'ii'..ni:.it!!i r.rr"tMi:i? the m--.e-incuts of Vdl i' ops ;i d w 'ion !.e n ported .m th.- mc'-it bet.re the laid tli.it a !"''.l" rf t':'o Mfx:. ins wai thru l i 1 1 o ! . ' : on ( ..'imflm-. V. F. Miirp1"-. a t-'!it.i:-ii opera t ir. t o -1 : i o i thai ,i iitr-s.u-f warn tnK f; i ilit the u.' ' n militate beadtpi al P r- .it Ih'iigl.i, ,il-'" had been sent P' i . .1 .!) irni ami fthrr witnesses 'i .'lit O'l t'"' kn.'V.l 1'iliir that i' a .'! ' .- w .! .1 t ".' mi F- Si '111 ll i'l t d'.ll'b'l " U I - . i "" "I. i'i. A. P. Man Knew of Raid. Mm pin- ti'I.I t!;i' i oli.u .ttec that II. I.. S "sp, an A-. no; ik I !'r-'i i "i rc-p, n:.!i -n I, v a .. in ,r I . i - WAN 3 I at ! .tn.v.l lis t M . i x "n rd a i anl that In" appran'! in I r tilt I"'' ila vs !) U ' i'nl ni k in .iin! niai'o ai t anL-inni'iits !o liav o i .-tit tlirtc an mi ( t '!' i ': .net ! it'if t.l as's( Ml (It I; Hi, it -1,111 I tin' -1 - ii y ho r x J i ' ! I . w r , I o. ' ooniitt fl t ;;r i i - i.':n'n 1 (lit ton n t u it in mi a-.: '. !: in ti.f ' Hat'-im nt s t.it ul'Mi t!f M i ,m - i'nl appoar tin y nif t n,i .i.m itinii ; until in mil f.f l!;.ir kil'T- ..i.t.i:n :mi. bunui'i; U:il Inn n .icn-mpluiiri!. j Wlim tin y iliil uit'uiiaw '. , t -k lgjIJIMM IIIJIwiiMl.illHprtMIW 1 ,- i ' i ; ' i . 1 1 o r v;th her din-; mi.m, i!'.' .i -.i.n-. of M'-. Mar:.' k i..:!. (4 ...ii ii1.1. ..' I.' 4 s.Hith I u i 1 t I; ", h Mint, M In ' ilii1'! Ot .! mi i!i pl.t him. ' 1 t r o a- pa II h, ,u i i at tt''1 timri al wlm ii will In; ii i 1 this am i muni at .'i.M fiuin thf ll.miiian iimlm t ak i ntr rvtaMishinmit. I-', v. I ttn I. ant; ill i ,ii lat''. I ! u f il mil It i.. W.-vf l.awn ornirtPrv. Mr-, kt-il! h.nl livrd in Omaha lor ol vo.irs. I lio .'iN fi'in who '.111 v no 'irr ,e: I hat lf?p Kolx it. I ro'!.-' n k anil f" 1 u at il K mil ni i Pn.ih.i, ami ( lu-tav and Fanl Ki oll n -,,.i: i 't '. , la. Profound Astonishment Caused By England's Willingness to j Appease Germans. j Main Point of Issue Accept ! ance of Foreign Decora I tions by American ! Naval Officers. HE km SIMS DID ; NAT flfiRFF WFI I 'tary Antics Urges Immediate Action to Remedv ,IU, j 1 Confereos H R A ! N ALCOHOL PlUI HUnLL IlCLL Conditions Among Nei)raskas Defective Youn-l to lw RauWl ; " " . "LUUS,UL Paris. Feb. 7. rrofoutnl aston--linipnt lias been caused m Fronch inri'.os hy a ihant;p nt att.tu-le ol' t li r part "ot trie lo'Uh covoriinn'n! rci:.'iri!:nc t::o pti".ii'.:t;on lift ni.M's ai-nned of Mol.itti-i.s "nt the law- of v.ir. While it was tind'M stood that Groat Fritain was the most inter sters Statistics Compiled From 1-1,000 Question naire to Tachers-Find 3,S0! Afflicted With Defective Speech. ope Bill IMore March 1. Was I : W.i-'niiLiton. !'!. 7 - fom'ltidir.i; ' .. t, liotoie the siii.ito stih-; II H. Nntlos. iffu.prv ' ito I'uinio i hare dopat t'iio'-t, of the initted dii'Miv: the l..t hiont.iiiin. t 1 M.miv o! tin so i t-i'drcti atteml tuc,' ooii'.tnlod st.r.-stics u'latnig to h -:.:t.il tor opm.ition.s only. : ' "' welfare work it' Xehiaska. A "nuic a'e .v.-nJ dopendent and .' ,,::,,u.ttee tuvesticatimr naval deeo- omnpil ...on nt 14.0.H1 ,;,,osf.,n,i,i. os not;h-etod onih i en in tmc ut ;, ,.nr,ic so.-Vot n v llinie.s dis- sent to as tnaiiv to.n ho; s .shows nt ,'iliU, with 4h 111 Oltl ft.lt.. . i i note are o.m1'' einiui en alttiotca w n n nistitinwn aim ion '" " that the hn iininni. Xehi.t-ka has no Ma'c institution Much Work to Be Done. ttered a ;ton, Feh. 7. A return ot pir eo- t on the nsri's'ate .r.ue ti.f i.i'ho.d.s would be snarati ! bv Me pnvn uiuer.t for a pe 1 , f fA o yeai . ut'ilev an ayree ! i o.ioi'.o.', t, ,.1 iv bv tlu si nate !: n.so ..".'Inns nil the 1 a lit "ad i Arthur Hansen Bound Over I To Federal Grand Jury i j After Hearing Lasting Two Days. Afti i hitiiself and ; fiTtiv r speeeh and he notei . .1 .s si' r,-( iTwTtPit It til.1 1IP.ll .ot'terem'p detuandine the tnal .-lod t!ia a wide ihtvefeuee of opui I.',-,, ,,,,r I'nififf.M- " t II. el t.i and 'on ited -between ., ' . ;.,..... .1,. n.-ii . 1 l.1.- .r ,liii,nt v.iin dnrinf the war' ish now are 'sI,.nvi;-.K a te'i.detu v to',.;, the n.v-pt.;t:er of foreign honors wheie trs eiass of drreef.vcs nu.ci.t v,(,.tl.Ml s,.isticr. o !,...,. ,I,P inoiatne to the others. 1 and d-enrnth ms bv American naval ;' v'tven ..n opponimiiy to nnptmc ,,. . .y,.t: ,,, state t.i-ftu ', .urn r,arket,ho.id. lord iliamel-; -vt: Yhr adnutal, who taviueu . . i .. nn.i.i.n. i. tor ,'! l-hmlam'.. 's mideistood toli.ne uoh .Vctafrin. wlnle Mo Man ids ; ' .my tmse elnhheu eould be , ,,).. ,t eho.r that the r.rith ov- ' , ..w,, ,M-, ti'em. will npaiti le PiM.iry t -'i.i.i pun,., s,,,,, ,,.u,ii,i orninent t . , v t s a r.;ca! nnuhiioa- o..,. , Timitop lue-da. t;,,M ,:t the list in order that an, :pr rniutii't tee lueinb'i' it with (lonnany tuis'n le i ,; 1'ariols eotninend.itoi'v the a.creeiiient to- i i, . M.l'.o. : to ti ,n:i eetn U'l'le tnr .ire yoniio, , tn.it t lev load nfuht not h.ave to eaiiv t'ns bando !;,tp. i.iji all thvoUKh lir,-,' Mt. Antlos reached : .oi.ts ina,!e. in reioiiiniotHlini; .ii-, - 11 l'n trier Mdlerai'd deel.oed in the ' n-irnl Mtn In' made a pet inane nt ad-j A eh.irt wliieli Ins boon piophred Chamber of IhpuhOs last rvctunn , miral for his war service. Seei etarv j iiy Mr. Aut'es shnws llieie lie J..W (he alhe v mtid nor evacuate tl'f , DatiH-l dcilared lie would not now i rippled children in the state, with lett bank of the Rhn-e until Iter- , make sin h a recommendation, .v ; 54 m the state hospit il anil tvl ad- u-anv had fu'ldied ad! the t-rtns ot j ,;, velonnionts had i;aued b"ii to ! tin- Versailles tri-at v. ihauce Ins miiul. He eitod what Ik Now "lln to Germanv." .-Imi-k teurj n "Admiral situ T'hhveiv to the tieniiaii govern .!.. to- tho I V.'", It i h .it ne in !''! Im, ,,i ilip l's t of ( -ori'iaiis w hose ,ti,'.!:'Mii is , ii'.ri'b d bv tl lies i , t'ie ni -oper ,-i"!'f to pursue n tin- existiug .ri-i- tne umiui, ,.. ,,,,.,..,,. ,,,,(,,,,, !., k,i;v ihimsoln. foil, atniMssa.'.or de . ided 'W- ;.,.,,(,,;,,,, ,rctn on tin-; .ps t h.,u evr-, ,s ,i,o at t , .;, 1 ,,. ,,t ,:etion was made known ihtoipi,'. an , ; ,o " and t br ofiu o. aot r ni ! ' . davely tlioato,- th's ,'d, i Hn ial e-niniiiiiKalion. ;,.;,. '.;, t ;,,.,,,,.,,,-., f,f I " I he Sn',niar; n M an." Th? Inn' i. s, 4S Heat i d'lbiren m state, m stale ii!itutt.i'i, 1"". M' ...hin ted, - in state i'lstttll- nirts i.i tiiauimv aelnov etiioiit s nl llie "iiii-h army ami na y and o ' t : 1 1 1 i .. o iTsipis ohtameil iy Ine (p ; i noi n Mates in titiin n ills M.nr li'enls i o 1 1 ' a 1 1 1 o ' 1 ni n so l ies o t ar ,-,les ,y Adnnral ino. t oardmcr. the ,oi'.s pait in the war, nieludim; a "i.r.it 'tin t, at , i: fleet i ni on tii. ! i ish i-ai-i- " ami the ol'ln a i' - aoti-ni u L'ivmc nut ottioi d i n si i in 1 1 on s of rl iLew Kelly (Himself) rv . . big Attraction i Gayety 1 heater Is Bi2 A '. , ai oin! study of this eb.u t will v ej v ;-;,T.''y that tho' c is mm :t .-. m k fi bo dom- .iii'ouc the U--lVi-o children ot the state, so that ui.i.v be raxd to a staud.ud n: iidopo'nh'nce in their future life." is ."other comment by Mr. Antics, who otle'iiil tin- iollonviiiR additional o.Miu.ioon o'i the cIiiM we'farc bu i .mi ot t'ir state. I ,1 fill i'.is l,,ii- f, it waul, the he, -I. Mine ,i V !M--f.1 the bid en eiim; be Irh! Wellan hmeau. i. .1 oio. ited a'so a t Im'-'-cu'-. -xli- ,-,inii' issn ,n ..i t ' i , purpose ot ,'e iiiiuieiidii tiittln-i ein'd ;e.p,-la t ,ii. Survey Decided Necessary. ' A, i , 1 liiliC to t!ic law . the dir, e etission ot the question today t.ie ambass-idois to"k the view that the entire, iptespon now- is up to dev many, and tint tiitti'er top bv the ,-i ! 1 : c s should await the ,vt'.n ot the a highly oonrid, n t nil natme as hav ! i 'ni: led to a ciiani.tr m hi views on i lii-'illH-it'ilii lof t ! Waived Recul I Mr. D, mills said he had vaivod ttV- adimtal. i Reculations. dopi" i i',ii-,ii-iri s has ,v'l new 1-m. Im veai. many ot thr-m. and i 'aii'.'ii i every hue. Whilr rdl eves ,aiiuot help but ! ted!, ,w this ,,, d.iu and dunk in 1,-ir -hail oi ca" i.'o ; make i it'es am! i eipi l it u's 1 or a mu ii- ! - t in .0 recteatinn. and to devisp wav .nd mtaus ot soenritiL; pd i yt;i nlind i (in . 1 1 , el i . o r .1,1', t ban in, in Cummins nl the v.'.ml uirv oei 'he .'.at,- ii inaniMs s.,1,1 that after the ',,. ,. ,, .,. wh, i'.o vmis' p.riod the pet i fiita:se ot 1 M ,nkee fiei-'t t''e tetuiii woub.l be tiNod bv tl'.e ; i , u;i .t of IV. ', 1-.5,, to eommeue commission.'., w 1 ii would be uthoi ied to li ' , Cos Sl) a. to iel.l that lotmii. j n .s alio , ' v, With the ayi eonieul on this mt- tdu'ifril v.h. -i i' '..ti. lea !cis il,"- to , oillptrte jma! , t ' . mmi. v 1 i i: oiMoomnt ot the .:11 belote Match j I tic e." ,'i ' :u '. I lie au'-ftec.ate v.i'uo ot t'ue piop- nii-:.- ,s w'm. iities tised in f.a'ispot tatnm would, h m ,'. e t'-ej-.r he otermined bv the interstate an .nm m- t i.'i!i:i''ie' commissi, in. ace idmi; to i.in:.M. tesftv i the hill, the deteiimnatnm bem by ' nt,; trat'hc (lisinets. '""n. Adim I'he.se distri' t-. would he tmed as'1';1 1.1 (Ol . " MO MO i ' If I A ' ma1 , , I , , .1 I.' 1 v. h tor i ate iii.,kiiii; an l I! ncs whet the loads an nt of the L'uat antood tetuiii - a - o m ' a'cs w otd I be m-eos- ' w '!,. nt ah t'v - lad f d I , , 1 M.d 1 ie '', i - ot a d. il hoi a ' . I . , I i , , I , t. th.o 'alt s in tihl ip a ihu, , at in mads tailed to i used : -ti u t s rti 'Ik s' ;,i i- o i I b 1141U os on t he pt oh ..ido ....'kOeaato ahie of the 1 .1 I -. ." inn a ai'.dde 11I, I '" e, miinissi, hi lias oomph t, d lh'- nual p't al tln.it'"" ) "fiiy tin. e loa-'.s. ami tin tiutative v ilua- lt W,.. ,ds , hi .'ML ',' ,01' 'il m (, led to s, M ('I, mp:. -! to l-aii'O 1 Mir'av I,"' !!'o -..!' ll.O's, ,1 nh'a'm-d l lion l The liipft v..,-, ... 0 ,-i 1 ' ,,i a Vol" (icrman authou ;tte I 1 1 filiations t i-oni. in it , ,(ii to sub be 'ia 1 a s a cav. ilrv horses Ainerieaus and w , umded Jildye 1". r Mr fi ni vh tod seven Mr-mans, tesimo ot pi,, .v , and hit 1 almost ,. Say Houser Operated Grain Companies to Own Advantage ie bos! ot w it' ' sav i'iTi iMiio'tinn 0.1-1 t'l.it is r , elle'it. I'Iip f.nl that tlie eotiimm"ipte fit ,if!n ifs to the depaitment be-1 lu ), p... s ,,ri,,,a donna- i .vas silent KSiuln'i; the "covo' im; tore pnbhoatioi. heeaiise "he wi.li".' ; 7,.., ,., i ,,o 10I0: roles i. a rl"-'- s.T i note" was taken P. mean that no , t, . - In .v d:i'iral Snns roer v eonsid-i , .,, Cei v j,, tii" afbot Km -. ! '!:e i note was 1. insideri .1 neeps-ary (.. ' -f.iti'Ui and o'.iirtek'.-" and epoi teii , .,,!,, r 1 a-'.i'fimi tu Im vvr.ndei i aoeompauv the list. jko aili-li-: to lie o'lifmol to A'H'"i-, inl stavje ap n a an oe, wp,ving an n a s r.i v.i I vv. 11 rutivities. , , mp, ,r ... ar,l,,,!,r 1,1- . mod. d. s ;.- ver sorry imw that 1 gave i-,s . k,vfl., ,1 .vmis this latitude," j , , ti . Putnam, m a eomie fd' k.M's.is (He v-'iifliorm Attaches Bank Account. n 01 der w a - is sited -, e- tei da v b Chicago Men to Address Ad Selling League Monday id ban-' T he List Made Public. 1 ui'iCi.,1 ef adiliott hst was ' "I d , man'.- In t issued, h v the ,.reiV;ii odioc Sat nrnay ! ,i Ki-ar d:ui umht w 1 eat laf'tument. I ho to .t ; n the orii'.nuil covi.-t'i note at 0 sp ,i ,010, ash. ii.it M 1- II. I Imiser ot Piiftiaii'l, 1 the new note retn t inc to Haron von r. h ti.p. ,,. 1 t tie . "bv reason of his couin etiom , I,, ,si:er's ietus.il to acept the list r the e,, ii'm ed ' with tiie I ' Mtod ."states gram eotpo- Wete not made pub tl,,. ,,, iitioii lias heeii ah!e to 11 1 a 11 , 1 in 1. 1 te n,.,. r tiomul l.r, nf nio.ie ihan 1 esentatiims h.nl n-ou made 'o him a in npeiaie f-'raiu companies wmii, nn pay.-s lontam- me names nt unity- the .it mt i:e v teti. mI nt 1 i 1 1- ' hi- tortneilv ot:h d "t" an immense Jsy.i imi.soh.s nr v''oup-. with their , ' I nited .'--tales not 1,1 iMooeed wnli ll'iotit to liitiisi.li and associates" is.iaid. and tin- aiciisatu. w 1 1 ' s m .1 1 1 y a and "f 00 d. ;ji c; " with lh, ,,, 11, -'''". -. a a lot im 1 inesma 1 1 111. .1 .1 :.. .1.. ... . ::, n im. ni 11.00 ii,n ni 111 im- ! ; :ji:Kii hv his aii'ns iirl a letter trom 1 . . t n-.n hs, j , ,,,n ir'r t f,,,. K'Mv. "tmrily a bieuten.int coinmaudei' in, p,; l,-.fdan, a daiieitip food, in lb'1 ' ,,, 1 . 1 ' .1 1. : . .'..11 I ' ' "'. .. .,--.-,,,,0 Ml.il Klloe 1 11,11,11 I'M, no os no- 11:11 'acne to vpani irtiinxf pa' t or tli . -hate tr. dnve awav a'l pine-m. ".u- lit-.nhs aid be was 1 pc- ie 1 1 -S!. uv a Russian dame ot Mter mb,ms.;,l,,t Wilhtd b.,d ,,..., cial merit. I.1..I .1. . .1 , .1. .. , . ,1 . 1 . l- m,,. ' ' -'lie , 01,110 n.-pai iiii.-iii iii.o a- in,- ensomnie nm-ni'-is air n.-a- " 111 " - M.. 1 - :. : - r . 11 . .1.1.1 , . . . ; - ' 1 " 1 1 to , ' , , , 1 ' . s 1 . i . , . 1 1 1 1 - 1 - , , a , , , , . , , , , 1 .......... . . . . . . . - . . . . 1 .11.... , . . .- . , . . 1 . . .. siiotil't not tif !ri,',l in a mil court IJ!';" mami jury lounm-ii nine. t.'e iimivs ot tlie accu'eu is mven. new spao'-i . bad informrd (lie .1111- j Ivauty and sty Ie. Well drilled and r mii'dei. uioe tiim w.re taken M.Mf r is vice presnl. nt ot tlie lour mmes are devoted to J-iehlj , - ,. . ' ." . . , ; ' ,' ' ''. - ' ' """ ' , the- .hitdr tor ; rdfsiial vii it- enlinre and tu'ii-l ", ,. , " '. . , . ..... mt o . ... 1 liiits-imi; u.i va 1 mi-. - m s.pa't', tnei 1 e.p .i.iijp setims ana piftiiii.i piled Mat, pMsnnors in , 1 aim , t ., ,, , a m-M infen Mat. s iiunii eoi pi n at 1011 v asmti. am!, he ad, h d. "t hr messae-ps tlie unrthw "st. l.ral ! .-,ldend"t ff, 1 1 1 - ilelncred to me memtf mo i-i cease' I'o'-tlaud, tie ! b. 7.- M P I i:on.. sC-rv iin: tn"' both. pioreediiiKs -.n-l I shouhl n-,!d Up ! HrniM-i. ice. prcsi.!it nt tiie I nikd I lie L.r'!!t list con'.uns ihor-" the ease because i; u..cit i ?tilt m ! st )' 'iram corporation, ihaiai te'-- ljiiis! "7 member-- ami y roups; the oiplotnat'c comtdio. ition - I' ltii Mex- ! ri'ln-'il.'ijs and "ai's'ird" h ; em h ,i4-l; tin Italian. Helguin. no.' j h rcf t by a f. dor.'d grand mry at id.M: Pcdisb. .1, Kouni.i.tian. ' I . and Wouldn't Halt Proceedings I Mmo'..-nm. th it he had been able i the Ti)i.o-S.i. -I. Tins tna!- W0. but 1"h. 0.1 ... t, .1. ....... ! 'hrouah h cppomi.;s ami spcn ot Hip nien ivi 'e .condemned to death. Si wen- ec- S ctt.rrhvU!;;,.;:::; ! Defy Captain's Orders by the governor .ilthe state. Anfl If) A;-p nrnWIIPfl K. 1 eedings reached I inn fliioiigh an fit. asint of tiie de; ai tmeiit ni nisticent t! w h" gave t,i him i open inint the - b.is, message trom tin- attotuev gene ra I. j a'C i another trom the mtp'ary com mandet of tin- nmtthet n dei-at tmenf Imdenlmrg 'amp- aorpsa. piotit" to hinisi h and In- a s sen latcs. ;id... ; nloi tiffss.acr ad ng. lip i it.- .nd. that "t usai-hs' mdf-rvrt'oii 1-j ! 1 fa' to our m tot r s( ; " ' t(, Cusachs Deiied Statement. ! l lie M.'.l!!lib editor, I'i.K,, lit s.itd , . . . . ... I a l-ttof t-1 him 1 ate-' itemed !- ih- '11 1, of 1 ea! a r ' -ani 1 thi ow n 1 1 oin a l- tl.iin m ai Wi " "I'mm v .old inti-s the i'lir-.o u ', ' n e a w t only of., tiie largest bemg 11 . .1,, ,., I i-.'iiipniei'l m ut ban, village and ia! 01 mi 1 i ' nm t ie - vvhei" needed; tp tiie h'tub. im -1,! '.' every ihih; Noiira ka : ca' oluliv m eci v ...111., !!' ;i'T I" oveiy V. ay ','''-. ,-,.,,,0 ,,'11! '0!r.i'l'lll os,,U osseu ,n,d nroMMit 1 irn.i I I 1 ,.,,, withil'.iwinc $1.." . lit. iN and pimi-hmeut of uiihli'ir, i-niu the Lap M- ok National haul- assi t m orpiall'ng , .pp, 11 1 uu it 10 1 1 -1 1 lie ehib'.rt n n! the Mate; ni.c 1.-1M a live 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 n.'s sin vev i'c; be a m ilying agony thiouc'n ", i'l.b the .-tat'- mac en-mn ra te With mid ni .'...niations among ail 1 !as-es ot people on in. p tor.-, ro' P'oiipg to 1 hild.rcii'- aid ami l.en- i-ltci an avi i.ue throne ,. . i-'. 1 1 1 1 nt agefioie- tum (lotting 1 tin- intoiost of children. "No one will epjestinu hiit" (hat '-e ah-, op is an ideal program. !efi- 01:10 I toflll t' vk 10 be done for tl"" bet-out o ot 'hp state, l or the ishmcf.t '. the bun an, saL.rv 1 maiut' nail, ami all pei.se Judge Medlar tmd tim committee lie suggestion that lie halt t'u pi 10 K 1 a 1 ,1 -tr." , Feb. 7. .The hr:-t or ,, 1;,' fa In so,imei. 1 ireigi't. steamer l'n- : .. ti..- in, ,-h I'r.t.-n h-t ; ;,,r,p pP ,ini; 1 ne list oi pet sous ami gi mil 's , , 1 ; p p,n j..-1,.i',VPi f,P i(,rnler of- esiguit"'! hv thou tank or desi, tip- (,r v, ;vas "3 pjfr,, 0f ,vpo. . nm 0 1 tite.r dutie- tminber i.'-l. ii.i-ni.-ai acfing." ' i Favors Modification. j Senator Pt'-man democ vat, e-' 1 omb'u hi'' ' pTmier I 1nd ' 'da. piote.ted agum-t intvodticii' m ' . . . , -, . . i. . . ... . 1, . . . - .t.orgo is lipoit'-il (i lavor a sun- ." 0:0 ' irioi- . , ... , ,-iTT 1 a s nni per - Red" Donahue Will Face Trial . Monday On Statutory Charge it'ii..! position In iiir- , ;ii,..t, ate a trw dupi'.cat'.or.s. I en .,,d rrr madi the statement at- im eo'i'tiames at iintueusc ;,a-i,n commamlants an j-k'.l'l tor m t jhu;,.. to htm bv .-mbassador Wi!-' -sadot's beli.iv jor in l-nrfs (". Donahue, known a.- i', --!," ,' ill be put on t; !.;' betore 1 jutv in district couit Idomlav on. a ch.it ge ot assault w ith t"t'"t '.. . nllltllll a Statlit.-ii y o-'io'lso. '!;,.- . .,.!.) :..-.!-. n lll',-- m M.O'ir lie I m-id-matio,, ... Pu b-t m t;n-nt. but t. !.,, rtitart Hale tenhed .(,,,,, Hon lime is ch.in-mt -. .-' ro m a noar, ( ,. I,,-,;,. surrender the alm-s 'i .ii::iM'.s.i'i,'ir wmarn w on rt .v , i -i vfd '" have, b'st t'l'-n !v deman 1 the Wes'imnstPt t,.i.-. tt: ' c cn '' e'pnortumty p. defend him- i s I he . row V- In" "t Island n'l.nt . V, ;,,!".. gU.I I ,1 stall.. l 1 5 1 " 11 o'-Ml l'r t l.l t II 11 t M dl-',i v. M '- i I' I .,;.'. ( id. .,g... .... d ikia-n . ' Mg.ri'i. a-1 v 1 1 g m-iii;' -.'Pi i- - Meil'lll -g 1 1 e 0 ' s i , . n on l'n Mil' I'M '"loin - ". "is . ,-. - e"a!at'- m.riit' nam e ided vesterdav speak In Ime nirmi-is n' t '" -I I t he !.,. his wne Anna I '.aii.isj.ik. hc i.'t.Mlli il'.ii.' e.-i;.:.- t t!.e II"-'-- -.s ho brad her and threatened her h ..n e m-'de M"mlav 'ngl't. 1 M l,,e. M o M !','!' will pi, - de I WM.en co p 'iPTeU SSWIX lKs.tfV 1 IIXXaiX'A7Sig iW.,IB8 has,--, ,,f spjomlidl WWWxv urn thcte vi- am v!. 9lMf 1 1 II I rJ II I Si t 1 81 Z.H& . V YZ ' s,J V---' 1 sv he tho I:,-..- and , ,-TstVm imr I SP'STSSO A S J, . I' , t lo in ,! r- !h,s si-ivre lira nd ! -: r .t i I. : .1. ffo&i'.ll ICa"" "v. 1-M' t'le hi prop' i.t'ed ST.1 " '. ' On Cctubr- 1, 5!" V- mdv P. Hottiberger wa appointed din i tor mi took charge, of 1 1 ' e won!-- of , n a . n ii, .-, t-e ;-.,,rp,ii -vei i.ire- 'iii vm; tne '.i'.-og!,'ii:i a en and a third from eithei t hi son retat v'i the '"amor i nt war or the se'tap.n ot state, heitha! tl:o "V 1 was unable to remember trom n in, !i. '.he h, nv s. "I sent back word.' said I he. w it- 1 vers, an or ness, "that the im n bad beo-i duly ! pn. ken up i indicted bv (he grind mtv and that; 1 he i.tpii .prcss, d 'In , .pinion I" ..it w as s'.vami cd in I hr, o Iji'.- pr,;o. and a hoatiiook were M oni'i gan I -land, ot til- I 'iMi.ij a"d Tlie I could see no ic.isnii !" mi't p i eerling w ith tiie tn P. . 1 t dd th iiima'- ing cs im ; i t tin- i ri vv w in ' stnnd bv tlie vessel through tin Twelve Menl nitiated Into Gamma Eta Gamma j I in- ( , annua Pta ' ,-iuru i. legal ".if. 'iii'lv et th, t n ight-ui ( o!ieg.. ; "i Paw , initial, d ' ln.-'i into its . .van' s h,t v.ick. P i-(wee n the halve; if he- desred. eereiapv D.iiceU liad no coir ft be said. MHI'.T Dm lor, u i.-c.M'ed r.pi ( Us hie f. nd Rear .kills- I'-i m an autcu; bih- to i entieth and Center sitm-. v. here att'-mpf at as;aulr is aliped to .-.'- p i i uried about midr,,-!1', An .ePii gilst J i sP t' writers of the messages there wopldlnmht were taken off by two coast v. one t ' -e lie no 'watclitul va'fm;;' in niv ' g'nrd irows and ti austen ed to tin.' nidieiiei v ' tlie t'roi,;htoii-!ud ar.a haskft bail reb,,tp v w ere mi- ; . t--. mM al-mg with tlie am', is- ! aim tlut sm 11 aition v. a s nrd'- ! :..'i'-. naval polity m the ease oi at-' I ., ties. j do,' 'iilidrites favored the mux' til" pe ii e treatv, tne I r 1 o v f b ixim. w re-t- 'I-, gilatil . ii-Tier ii'Mni' i, .Vimg ami oa-et ua.l pf fi or ma ni es. M.j,i,-it up" me.ss.ige trom tne ."a"! - r .-aicl.'m s.ilnr.iv ntteriMoti th" eaudi- '-m eommit'eo's time while ("b,-.ir t i . i , . ii - . i , , , , ,. , mi. i , . i ,, s ii - i i i . a , , s , o , e . 1 1 i . . 1 1 .i i i y ( oiidm t 1. 1 the war. mns' hterarv .i'm!i!i- ai f Ad man v it ot ti or- o. the i-imii a mm- Avers Parents of Wife Stole Her Love From Him eh'ootli.-il effort, aok on th,- mh- e-spd rep- . ,., !.,!,. ;!.,(lr o'lting different virtties ot the tr.i- to p, . the ..ir.;!; erntf'- and matched tne streets and ' n , ,-,f ('p. '".-at-oms. mo manv ot tin- impo; taiii business j Edison Refuses Medal ".ii.-i-i oi hip cnv. ami ine iinmMois ci'urt. Raiders Burn Hotel. Fxaniinat ion nt Mm I aura i K'itchie, widowed l Pi" M. iv.m- ' " ' nil the night of tin' raid., ih v eloped '''T1' tlie possmii'tv ot tur.liei iliseiissioii as to the legal classinca! n-n r.f tlie raiders. She and her lmshand. were operating the largest h-itel m l'o- lunibus. The raiders burin il it and I Joseph Pokorny sued the parents, her etiorts to obtain tiie insurance,,,.! p,,. wn,-. Mary Pokorny, lor she told tlie rum nt 1 1 1 ee had iieeu im- 1 si : 1 1 in n i .1 . 1 .. , .. . success!!, 1 heeaiise the insurance ! .". .'i'.....s. .. '.i. .. .i. ... t : k Higau . Ka h di Ka'tuer. Trainer Km company adhered to that clause in ! , einu,-. 1 1 is w iiV'.s pat - I ',r'". ',". 1 -M':'-- -X 1 1 1 1 ! 1 c - K-va" the policy exempting them from pay- ; ,.,,, JU. .lr. a,,,J M,-.,. osenii Svo- j 1 -m!i- nient in case ot m ision. 'hod. l-',,r' , .t ' a ,n, ilVtroms 11,. 1 m .1 . r -u i Mrs. R.tehieV desermtion of the , . , '" , V' , ,', ' , , ' . , . i Woman Not GlllltV Of attacK mi the (own ami espoe;a:,y on 1 .nVemiKV IS. Wi', his wife's patents tlie hotel where live Aiueru-aiis were ! j)cr t0 rctll.u aiul livc at killed was graphic. '-e was th.nist t;,,.r home to one snle vvkeu lier nusnaml via fkfUloV nt tie innr , it", i iniii.iiip it tne rni" va-- viDi Miilivafi, a voun.g mai ned man, win, a -, atris'ed. "ert.-niher I.i w;'h three other men m a .im i !.; r es, apade mi Pie West Dodge ro.nh I wn of Pies'- y-emg mi n v--re convicted m Pie district iourt a'"l are now m the pemtentiat-y. i;i!i-.an "iumpe 1" IPs h.il and i .. ri, eie. nis w'te ami tw o . n: d'-en inu-d:atc!y after the f-f.vii.tion ot r,pp (,i 'ms eompanioiis in this aP fa'i'. l.ouis Circ'rella will also be put o" trial tomorrow on a ci.af ee of g.- . re It rv . I a l.n I I J o ! i s , 1 1 1 . 1 J , , , ,,i s, . , nig ami ('..'uco'l f'-.r their listeners. . ! in- men itytu.ted were F. W. Rico, i ', 1" k' onsen, tn K' I" l,,,.irr I) V "' lom n, I. Maiee, l', Sniitli," M. Mo-i 7 l!' ,M' ;d ""iMilting board, but I Central Hiah GmHiiatPS , ' at tne tin entor ,,,-id retiiseil it aiP-r I '"iieis Jam that .i : criminal assault. 1 up states cmei .lad been conferred on j e.itne.s is a 14-year-cld git!, Gladys ; A. Fdi'on in recognition i Havliss. service rembmed as he,- Present "Green Stocking:- J dragged off to be shot. Mexicans then ransacked the building in arch of plumb-r hut not until thev T. ul;.. a : I til llctMaliO HIIUolcU III lin.wa. vve.Ptliv- sheepman, on the Ri'rl phi Crtft nr.nl Dlo.-so 1 ' ' t ballot of the mry taken within uaiu ou oui i uiiiirv i naoc i:e controversy over naval awards bad arisen, savunc be had setved for love of country and wanted no re-I "(iieen .Morkings." a three act ward or deeoiaPom Mr. F.disr.n. 1 !'' u;iS I'rcccnted bv tlie 1'ebrti t- Ti-, t-.;,! i -,.i t.V'Inrv crnduatinar i la -s of the Cent! i KlliinCl RlCh Sheepman whole t,nie. most of ,t on naval ves-i'bgh eho Saturday night at the MarvsviiV i " il F,-b 7 Mrs. h1' to study anti-submarine device". ! kC.iooI auditorium Ceruu'de WiKon was found not Chairman Hale read a letter trom of Charles j ,r- ''.disoti saving t:ie hitter had voted .muselt to perteeting a Over .'t wit nessed the first plav presefited by the February graduates. Edwin Wiil marth and Miss Horeen IPdden had listening device "which would en able tnrp. teotion of the direction of the principal parts in the play. Rich- had removed from her t',m.i. .1 .( 1 .1,. .. l I. .1 In a r.n',1 eom'iieti-d lo.' m.P.p List 1 ClVCU into its ha ".. n ...'". i i. 'rnVd-l !il niei and .he nV,,,-,m,,r oi" i ' Mr-. Wilson's brother. Flank A. "There isn't any honor the navy inissiiiliwi'im v , i , , . , , i e i i . a en T . . .., ..... i i-i i t.i. i: ....i ... . . , ,,,t or, p.- .,..,. :t ,..,"..-ti et orimM t.T-mp'- v o )e A oit.es. fii.'i si": i" an. r.iiwili, !l "n i.-e --reels w .-re rounded up and ht was atinonnc-d. t- -r.ti'-'l dunnc tin- :'" ",r- "' a t miipiiMi- cn. to the Central I'cdiec station, i trril that he -hot Prowu m self-do- merits ami record gave something to am p'g.das. giving his address ! muse. The st. if contended the -hots j is. the 15-year-oid g-r! insisted she was"'- Pierce street, tlie proprietor, 1 were tireil i.,y notn .;rs. wiisoti am. going out oi Pie budding w here th' ' was rel-ased on bond. All the men ,ur broth.er. Kid Frown. The 'Ie 'k!..s t, ;,!,! ... V.,,-,,,.,... i,..", : t rested in the soft drink mi rl or ' I en se's testimony was to the effect father's hodv which she had seen on wete lt.-.itar. ters was is vears old, one la ami ti". other Jib After tiiev h,.d hoiii rescued i;,,n the burning Inuldiri: by a nei ta i that Mrs. Wilson bad tired after Frown had been killed. Boy Scouts and Lincoln to the way to their Imb.ng place, i , " " , . r . .... . ..... , . . . i tunori nt nlre P llfl I ontif Against protesis sue sr.ureci and i uiiwo ui iii o. j. m. iciut r-i. nit-j.. c:ut when not more than a tew feet from! T. .,,,,.. . ' ElGCt OfflCeTS tO Fight the house, be-.- coat was pierced by i lo dc nsiQ ivionuay iviommgj Nonpartisan League """' " . j i-nneral services tof .Vlrs. l l-arles Grand Forks. X. IP. Fe! .i. l.ent. J opnletoui avenue. . v i, li .t ,,, , i,,,t, t,,t :,-.t,.r' ,. Wealthy Restaurant Man's n . 1 1 j. . n . i ii i I ueaui xo De nvesuuaieir "v 1 ., , nogn , . , ,. , , , ; cntircn, i w e-ii v-iinn ,wi caiiionmi , i,,.,.,,,P Ins ncieles le" , -I i'in'i.il . . x. i lliaguv who died lot Friday at Paltminre M d . will be held from St. F.hii's ard Krage. as Admiral Grice; Is dore ( i'lermau. as Henry Steele, and Frank Drdlik plavcd tiie comic roles. Miss IKlen Pane and Miss 11 PridenbaU''li pH--, ct''d the piav. i'fd lowing are a list ot characters that took .art ir. the plav: Richard Krage as Admual Grice. I 'avid Slo liodisky as William Faraday, Kdwin Willmartb as Colonel Smith,. Fred Feature Church Sermons iwin-e as Robert Tana-, isadore f'herman as Henry Merle, J-rank Drdlik as James Raleigh, Cecil Fvmgi r as Martin, Doreen 1 1 olden a- ( olia b'araday, Ruth Smead as .Madce t Mrs. Kockimp-.an. !, l-.o-e Sm,-.'' as l-Piivn tl.ady Trenchard ). is Phyllis and t'lr.. .rensten as Mrs. ( hrisholm Far- jdav ( Aunt I da '. -t-... ! it U-'l on, .nor,, . . . i 1 1 .... l. . i . . . n n .. , ' - 11 . f -onuiuous s, IM, .., .,. ,-,! J i iUinal wdl be m the Holv Sepulchr a.-eiHtif nf pon ( 'tt u-,.,,1 i, P . . .. ." , ,- i-emcteiy. mx t. reignton class nresidents- Thpodo'e G N.dson estaurant man ot New ork t itv. ..- . n. n .1. V ! c-'". J " "" . Many Omalia pastors will com memorate the birth of Abraham i Pincopi in their sermons to, lay as a meliminary tr the celebration nl I .inn du's birthday r.. t Thursday. 'C . Hi,.,. M, i.i M,,,i,.,,l,.i .-luT.-li a i i iii i . .nil' ' n a . . i i , w w 1 in ' ii ii mis , . '"Vu""" .s..vs.. . i ...-. I - ev-'umg on . lira nam i.mconi, me l?-"!"--'- '' .Noimat-ti-an ! Christian " k'rv itiinr t ,ck wtil dim following ottieers were ; ,-,-each on "Ahralmm l.ineodn" at the I .. . ,, .' .1 elected: i're-ident. h. . .verson. t m,1sl. iy,, i, p,.,,,rp ;. ehn-eh VCUI dbKa nUIMUilfcttUei ri' i Wallum: J. ,,,k.H jMi.li,,,,-, meet l.v ,!.., ", " ". ' -s. .... oi l.miin CCilie S.....S-. ... .. . .. ient.i, win act as pakhearers. rounty coroner that he wnl conduct j . i lit investigation ami ir-qucn .M on. ornprtprQ tr, f:pt Mo ar - Dies at Home of Daughter At a ami builders oi Omaha, held at th S ve psh audi'orm-u I'riilay night, j it was unanimously agreed to pay: cari'outcrs sj an h mr after April 1, and under dav. Rigg w-.as picked up by an uniden tified autoist and taken to a hospital Thursday evening. The aufo-ist said lie found" Riggs m the street and the circumstances m licatod he bad bee-, struck by a street co". Kiggs dn-d without regaining c I'-fU'ii-no. Hf skull had been iracuic l. Riggs had been living bete. a nurse employed to ass.st him sai l that he had left tlie house to assist i guest to the street car. Tlie nurse Said she did not know the name oi the guest. The next word of Mr. Riggs, she said, was a report of his death. The person reporting it did not disclose his identity. Spiritualism Causes 100,000 Cases Insanity Uea'-s ' T.ondon. Feb. 7. One lum.ib-ed i Pom t-iiu. but t'u v inscom ai INelson, (ilen I H''ti. j this rvciiiiig. in sonic- ehiirihes nttoiit'o!! will secretary, and Ole , ', din rted to the ltf. v,onts in 1 v.. t,..,. t. r..t.c., 77 r.l.-t F.ngen of l-.irgo, treasurer. I cniiection with Good Turn Week." ! died'" s'terd'a v at the home of bis vvnich the m-ys celebrate this wp oic. , riautihter. Mis. Joseph P. DuiTv. " I he Boy Scouts'' will be the topi ; i pm, v,,upi '1 hii-ty-iourth street. He Mr. Rnrklf-y 111 Mrs. fl, V. . ot Rev. J-". H. Drace's sermon at,,,.,, ur m Vnv York- and moved i-.ut illi'.v, ,i l , ; l oiv "ii airi sti-pi, , eivpmnt 'res'ivten-, n ,-iiv, i this iul'1 do the hip" good and v. oik p',- lot advau'ige for th" e--.i'sioiieni oi Pie w"ik wh-ch is be i ' 1 no '! on i ; , Pi ip f "' ': r SVJA' r--J 1 C . " Is " ' 1 A-s:. . . I n i.i . -..I..I nr Ci, t.Sill" l "i nn-irpts" art on Liver ami non-en wmioui 'i"s ' " -s. So Convenient! Von wake up with vrr Head C lear, ( cciirh-Mon (Loss, Breath and Stomach Sweet-No Biliousness Headache or Cppt S'oinact.. etter Cuts LISTEN! si Open any advertising literature, magazine, booklet or your morning paper and the first thing you look at without effort on your part will be the illustrations on the page. t You will find Bee Engravings for every requirement. Stationery Envelope Enclosure Blotters Circulars Booklets Package Labels and Tags Advertising Literature Newspaper Advertisements And tliousands of olhcr uses w ARTISTS I.ATF ( ITV IiltlllFS. An Unur Aftnr Anril 1 ' Mim. UnrUley 111 Mrs. fl V mi i iuui n i i v i n J i 1 1 i :iomii T ,,f the eontraetors i vv ife nf ll. V. I,'.irk!"y of the Hui k i 'n.. is seriously ili at evening. o eifcmt-.stanci to hy iri i, i.... (inoiiaii i-i.iiuiii Momi.iy i- -i- ' Humsnc Society Stages m-r.ll s, r.ii- s f,,i- .l.ilm ' , M.mn, 4 1:7 K.irmi m ftp pi, who du d Sa'.ui-il .', Second Address on Birds mm nimi. w dl bo- ln-hl in Si . (.'.. ,nd i yield to d.em-.mis for a lrgher wage, i ea tlii-iira'l ak.inlav m lia i i ii.1i i . . . . . ... .(, rj i t iu,s uaiotu iiamu-s ni ine I ,-nmp-it f.-p wis aniion-ir-d to as- i;.,...-.i u-ill l.o in ll,.lv v. . 1 1 , -1 , ,1'Ti'h"! l.-'d e-ii,, cave an illust : at "d sis' in draftina amendments to the : eemef ry. " ' i lecture on aiimials at the First city building code. I.i avt' for Cna-f Mr. and Mrs. I dorm VV. (Inmble. mid ilntmh-' r, Woman Asks for Second !-,,an- i-av Tmsday f..r i?utte. .Metboaist cliurcn, iwcntieiti ami Davenport stteo-ts, la -t night with a large nurbi.tice in attendance. This was Mr. Pavues' second lecture in Omaha under the auspices of the Nebraska Hu- Wiscci's''-! vv'Pi his parents when, a chibb e served m t::e civil war a-.i'i af'ei wards moved to Franklin o iii-i'v. wdnie lie took a hoim sfead. i jn-. d to ( iinaha r ig!-' yoar-.';:.-,. 11" is s-urvi '1 by h'n wp'c- and t e c''ihi: c". M i s. losip'i P. Du!;.. Mr-. A F D.-Vol, John P. and Ai'diew T. Johiison of Omaha and Mi-, ('hatdes McGrati.-igi.an. Hancock. N. V. Local Real Estate Deal Involves Over $125,000 thousand cases of insanity in Prit ain have been caused by spiritual Ism, according to Dr. A. T. Scho teld prominent London physician. C'liiid ...gi ee aiul s,, they got mar ried ag.-.m Jast August. She asks f.ir custxly of their lo-year-old daughter. Wants Maiden Name. mi 1 1 g in s - ;.i s i a p" ' -' rdai .'Up d ""I ami i-t n , -M." -ls....n .1..,- ...in .. Divornft From Husband : t1ny before poine to t'.ilifornia, i tt liovo T tv 1 1 1 cunn.l Hi rt-i n t.-.i- I . Martha Trumbull asked the dis-' Mt, .Tom, will r. tmnPi' seimnl ,i,p v"'"'v " s ;u,x"iar-v ri.-f o-ioT vJ..t,Ii,- for -i .t-vor.-p I P-,,m.. T.,,f ,1-i ,.o,.-o- lil ,1 11 C so c 1 o 1 V . A real f,':llP di.,' from Rcd-ert 'I rii-rdmll on Pip ground ! iot?xn I'linernl Funer.-il frv- t r-oiisu'iport. Onee bei.ee several ; t.v f--i- ouver k ramnh.-lk i si j sc'cu'ed a mvvrce N"rt!i K:-hr. nth s-rmt. . t f -i-.-"n- i -n . m on - -. " .-. "-" oo-ot , e ti ," V c - ' f, ail I n UU. i Monmy ," Mi" h.,l l,w,'l, H-.a,s hri,..-M. hour, one to ttn- imil'ili-v or tus , , , , 1 , ,,' , , I i... ..,.i, .1.. ...... t s- rim i'3ti"i her and 1113 v ri""-ro.i . v.as tl York. The san vices Win' be lielil in j her. She asks to have her maiden j Goad Lo. '1 lie lot is ivf sipiare tha chapel at Forest Lawn cemoterj-. i name, yvresthcrnian, rV was sold by A. r, lutiey uui t A real k.s.eu S' 1-1!' it, 1 Vest ,o,- il ill I W . i V , : ., n Fveie-t ot ( i'l a r.,.. . d bv i. im;-. "d bv the Ohrii i"-Davis- Our Art Department is manned and equipped for producing tlie highest grade of Commercial Designing and Illustrating. It matters not what is wanted designs for Books, Catalogs, Station ery, Advertising Campaigns, Retouching ; in fact anything in Com-mer-'ial Art. Let us co-operate on your next Art problem. It will be a good y to get acquainted. , PHOTOGRAPHERS Our photographic department is equipped to do Commercid Photographs, in doors or out. Years of experience enables us to l.andle your plKttographing in an elllcient way. giving both service and quality, at a price which i consistent with the high grp.de work we produce. BEE ENGRAVING CO. "IT'S A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU" Commercial Engravers and Photographers PHONE TYLER 1000 OMAHA Better Cuts 9