THK(iM 1 1 A SUNDAY v.- 10:' i. I ) 5 K GAS COMPANY APPRAISAL MAY BE CONTESTED Value of $4,500,000 Reported By Condemnation Court i Said to Be Mot Satisfac- j tory to Company. An . -T, :. 1 ::: '! to r 'A ; fr t' .' , r, . , v ' i: !!".:'. ! 'o ' '. J - ' meet that .,: f: - .! ..: s-1 .n. i rer.orte ? ' : '.iv ' v ta o :irl (if f Tiil'ir.r.i':-!', i r .i,:-f ! t : ! -I th' f. i..v, 'A 1 h t '' I hi ?ri-rr a; t r :' th ' ' i" ! hv i h. j i HV i v.ri " ' ! I ' .i .. .r.:r ' I ! W ' ' ! :v. !rrt ;.n t ' i ! ' . I :! h- " f- ' - '-..! It is ! .v ., , .. 'ut..U t i' ! pi, v; s .,: ! ... J1!'"- i" : . ... . , ' ,. j ..... . ' he ,11 pi ,1 fl ', ,v S - ... -. .1 U "f f:i ', , .. . ! t ' . , ... .. Two Million Left. The i.". IK' : '- i.T . j '. ! .i" 'ii: t t . 1' ! i- i .i .! , : .. ' ' T.v I ' -it t. t'i,.t it st t)f '..''I si... , ... . , i ! hv the ,- ,, .,, a .' o :, , ... taken up, t : v .' ! 't I". . ' Iv " n - ' ' ) u ; ;;, h t.. M" ' ! t':-' ; c-cu' ., , . . oi I h- , ',, h - i h i.l l-i I.. ( hi hi' .,'h" , f ,! ' 0, ClVr,'. The i ' it pol i.l 'oil . .-ill" -el states tint .f h,,s ; , , , : . ..! i,i t ish ! no.-:' ,. h ...v 1 com t ei Mii!rti::.t'; a ,'. , rtr-'-ri! tie-i-t:; -lift ': !. O'V-bi fr. I ..-nilTt t 1 - h.ivuur i it'.h 'i ' i ! ;n i t t riM.ic t th.' !i.v,rv, .!:.. i. -. i,v th,- il'l. "IS ,1 i M -.. , I-. .," ! Ml (!.!. !-s. M.iv.T S ii : :i .,.:.. ! M : . I ,.m hi it f,-r a !.!.' .t.)!..ti:.T of i'j ! Itl ' nn f.n w ;!) tiir ,i;...r.. tii'lU (i) ti.l' ." I - c , .1! 1 .1 I",-. May Piiv Own Costs. A'.'.h'i-r f. 'i:i,- ,.i t 1 m - ii ii. , f v ,i th it il th? , s .. , ..iii'i 'I v. .''i:n in, tirvt Mt s i '-ii,.! t , .-, i,f t;,,- .1"PI. !.!'. til' " hi'' . tV W 1.0 IT MUM,'.! t . JWV '.. its .-V. ! I 't .i .;-t 1 1-,,h .',''-:, L i i .... i ' ! ii.. ir !":" I t. i .. . ! t s , i i . i ,i i, '-. t-. .!:i. h . .. 1 . i . 1 1 1 1 1 t i '... I. ' Ii til. t ;I y ) 1 t - I i .' ,i p. . .! 1 1 1 ho i 'inp.i :i v u il' p.. v : s , ... i I ho law ro I 1 Pn to '' pm, ' im ft the ,!.) i.,.i .. tin- oitv i'i.: v ::!m:i 'i1 1 ,r vi I ho .inunil;l (i l;o .lp!,M:.,1 mi. I I,,!,,- el !:;o pl.ll.t ro:;.;'Hh - - r l . h.-tli.-i tllo ii ll'p.iliv ,;,i 1 .. .p. ill' ., the lI'l.t.llM!. It U h. i ., oil th.!! th. 1'ii will all' In ' .il o .i. , I lit ! il' ill ! p.'.H'. ill ,,i 1 T'o i.l . , ,-if nk h;:i ! t.i ac.'i p! i .r i on . "ii .i pi r i' ti-ly i I c . I !m-i, win. .tit '" m' en , , it hi in.! p. mi -'i, h ,i , ... cm i cil in coin,,-, r.'-i w 'Im tlio a, iip'( ni"iit ct the w.ii'-r phim. D i v o r c e Courts 'i ,!o:'t co"t' .u'tcil h ' 0 ' w p'l the lfCl' w I ol I 1' or M..'.-'. Mo . t. : o. K ,.'.:'.i''c , v it h t v 1 1 c ii o ci th.i Iv'r.ii'.ov t.if.l a pc'. V ..rce :: h c'" ? .v i ,':-!.. !v ct tin :r c:'..i ;. "1 t a - '. A';i o i A'.'cii w , r.i"?o.! a il ;vi."i Ni iv ,Avi n on i:i,.',p,ul "f !' -t:.v;, ' - .iror,',- t.r:;.ij ih hv l-i.'- W .. - m: iMiihci l'S. PM i! ' a : : .1:1.! I'J'.S t fljicri Koi.clt hi ,! it' a po ,' !.-i! in il'-t ; ic! ii, w.k ,' 'v .1 i.l :,- '( has a - 400-Pound Safe Stolen From Kouiul Dead !:i His Bed Oil Station Found In Ditch Followinn Turkish Bath A -li'i' p ui-i! ..i''o I . . Nn'.ioh s O: I , I .1- 1 -mil hi r :.ipt' t. I Many Foreigners A?k for Passports To Return to Euronc : Many rcicir- I ! . : i -: . . : , An- " ai..' ' .I i . .:..t v .) app! ii-i; " t t h ml i : 1 1; i ' o i in t!e Fcileral Ixttl-iti !! im - - p. i i to i ctp.rn to tiic ,.! ..if-:-. , a. p' clina; to I in: ,i':iio;i , c . t -. , - p i hiv of Will M. I'.i ,1-if ai . 'iiipi ati. ' in-pcctor " I In 10 is- no i c i ' i il h' pt in if ntti. e villi h v -II 'ion a . i 'i i . ' . i I lie niiniiv, r ' . i pn - .;. - 'iff- Ir. ah til's so f..n . I if - .po," ! . Mr If. , ! - .- 1! . , . if Iff- Ii l h. 'i i u ' i' ' I ;. .if pi. . 1 1 '. o 1 1 S 1 . . I '. . p.i I . ' ' p i - P Hts." I he Co I" mum I -1 -II is k- . pfn; -trict ci:pci i-ion i'i i ' f'f i.ti.'ii' ntS 1 lif.icsnaiis. An-tfafs- ami tier mans," Mr. Bra;h''.ir assoitoi. Other nationalities are permitted to leave under cond-ticrts similar t a tho'-e which prevailed before the h.ii. Many of the Reiciaus ,-sho have left their homes in South Oiraha during the la-t ." eek? hav, g.ane with t';e pti:po-e of remai'-mc permanently in the land of then St r t h. it w? .iid. The Hirtct:i;'tt. An-t-:,Ti- and fiermati''. wi"!i ve: fw ox-ept oiis, have d 'hear m tent a m s oi , letnrniipq to :!n- Ihutrd States. Many of these hv. :!.$ to look after 1tiir.fss inter, --t ,111 Furopo. and declare than' pi. in- o-..--f.i' ,p the ret urn t- t'lt c 'vtry fi t i next s; rno,,ti's. Air Mail Official Here to Inspect Big Landing Field W, J Mci'at:. siip"-'i'!i-',. ' of the Omaha dtvtsion ot t''e ,u mi tiifil service, armed Ivte yr -::!. v to inspect 'he Ak-Sa'-iirti lir.'.in,; field at S:xty-third iha'--.-streets. Tie w.'l a'.-i ".-;.? t t'ae newly cotistructed hancar fit t!' field and for the re:in- of ;ive. He th-n r:t 1 r.mmt to Otto Ihacecr. -if -m! ?t .ft pospna-'er i;c e-v. vi " v.:" - nieii'.i'i-iy f a .'.if. i-.i-a1 . a ; . report. v.ii " re-:'.ar a-".: . f f.l Musical Entertainment at Dietz Memorial Church a an.d t'terarv program has been arr ii-.p ed. by t:c I'o o'he'. -Imod orcao.i.'at'on of 'he P-e-7 Men-.,-::. eimrcii an,! w " h- pre sented at th? e'r.'i'i'ii. 1 emit an 1 l'ie-ce streets. T'.'.e-.':.-.v Musical r;:ffi''fi- wi'.l mciuhi- tea- tyres of hotii ifstrnivef 1 1! am ! vo-j cal character am! spec-a. reaamg will provide other entertainment. One to 10 Years In Prison For Receiving Stolen Car Fred Brown was sentenced to the penitentiary f.T a frti of o'-e to 10 years by District Jr. 'ee Troup vetcrday ".1 a p!ea nt etidty to, a charee ot receivmc a mobile, the property ot Karhest Meeves of HenniPRton, .eh. 1 tie automobile was stolen August 16, 1919. I h . ' s f k .if I I'nke: S,--oh thicti-ned the l ie of '.not court 1 .. . . 1 . .1. . ..1 ... ... ,'..,. t - 1 1 ..I t ' 1 - ' - -' i 1 1 a . I .iv 1 .a c 1 , ... ..'iovis m a ... t he :i-o:s in a V'tition lor duoiee a 'nish.i:.! ;(::: .it t'p ff.e it cimft I m .f-foi i,:,.,t ,n ,P,'ri,- I'liiiil. Site s,s ne .; - ifati-.ce Per. the distttct c 1 e, uo if m i'-'V ' t 1 a a ,i' v 0 ho r. '., 1 ai nut- undod charges o! ititn'.ei- f'.at aheecs 101 a le-'sen. on appfe ! f t' 0 .'is- ;,-t , i,ii, :'i i",:i I' Icnc - a s , r-if .'mi f : 0111 '. o.n on 1,1', ''''''' st,T-,..u at 1 '"I t -e mhlh ,,ud !' , ;f k;ll't.,,, !l" slice's, rini'sdav meht. was ion 1 ' '';:! mi-. .! , pen in a .!). !i .ii,. 'u; :if We-t l'm'ce t.ud : , a. I : .!. ' I I.l II ,1 ml a, 1 h t in l.ii;cas rminty itv acimst her. 1 tin' 1 e won!! r.-t - ri.'d JO ear nee v weie t'.f'.r- hay (. she risk the l"i''. 1 Ic a' '. 1 cd. v-ii t' e i...;ve. . .am. on S-'ptep.i'.er I'i. Mol'ae 1? :;. that he mnrnl '..tor ops owmi tt Vis t' pal k os pa iia r.ioit . c h , t es T;-.e cor t. r.t s. ,-,Hf 1-: and camon hook- for c 1-0' v as 111 hvi.'.em'e s'l owed t ra tiom i!..ii, to ... ,i,, . 1, ..1 I,,...,, ,,,.. ,! 1 en .,! I." 1 the lei hv the r ,s n a;i stt 1. t hou- 1 hair wi'l 1 . W. Mo!.- m 1 sa'ooil fi"'' sti,,t, 1 at tin- Her -1 '.cni'i and ! i.n mcht if was - !n-i! I c 1 1 li w as s. . p fno s.i v. :, I'.a't e I . ".ti l. 'cb , I'. ' i v w hen he i'ii- m p.i 1 ' me ft a! 111 id- m iilpif'st, 1 ,ss I p LsSS2 Ik -u.-l- .t." Ifill H. 1 liiHW V,o 'JL SETS THE PACE Springtime Heralds Smart Tailleur Frocks A cjlimpse into the realm of Sprinu' fa-himis denotes variety in deeora t i vo treatment. Handsome models 1 if Tricot inc. and L'oiret Twill reveal ricli" poKl thread embroidery and braiding in charmini;- colors. iSashes and facimrs in the new distended orkets dfieii a smart eidlira-t ill color. The Short Sleeve Vies for Popularity With the Long Close Fitted Model Skills conform to the Spring sil lionelte with a semblance of fullness, yet eloe to the ankhs. Street frocks will be worn at a short yet conera- lie length. , '! Xew models-iiidudiiii: "Milirrim ii Fi'ocks" await your inspect ion. ! $69, $89 to $139 .Vnmdeis Stores Second Floor West ji T7'C(N(MY is the wato!:vorl of t!io d.iy. Tt ,l,.psn't noers- 1 snri'v m; man to Mop loiyini; the tl'.incs yon :tvtn:Ily tir-.fl Intt it tnoans that you sdionM cxereiso thrift in iictkiper your purchases. 15uy only what you need mi'l in buyini:, huy lionest morchatnlise at fair prives. We have it ever,'' day in FOR CROWtMC OM.'SlHA the year! "'-V- s-. , ..-.v V '' rsP --vi"o.Vc si, . . .f .. ..-..cs-oi- XL uzie. V. ASTS THE PACE Woolen Materials For Spring Are Arriving Daily Every day the express brings forth new colorings and weaves in Silk and Wool Duvctyne Vclo u rs Silver tones Tricotines Velour Checks Plaids French Serges, Dame fashion decrees that these materials, in all of the newest combi nations and colorings, are to lead for the new Spring wool drosses, suits, coats and skirts. Come in and see our extensive dis play, in a wide range of reasonable prices. Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center Monday at 9 A. M Special Sale of SPRING S At Decided Price Reductions 1,000 Yards of Silk Duvetynd Regularh Worth f JTA 12.50 to 14.00, at O.OU 4:1 and ."f ineh material, which Is so very nivteh In demand for frorki', siiiK cap. s ami omitst this Snrmir. The colors are Nin"i-. Rlaet. Tanno. Sand. Havannah. Afncan, Heava r and e'oprn. While tlie lot lasts, nt, per jarff ILKS is..i,Vif , mm o, Hit Tricolette and $50 Paillette, at Worth 6.00 Per Yard 10 Inches wide; one of the most popular fabrics for Sprint; and Suni lor wear. It is especially suitable for dresses, suits, smocks and skins. The colors arc IJlaek. Navy, Fink, Ivory, e'open and African. Special. Monday, at, per yaid, o.HO Regular $3.50 $ -J 95 Crepe dc Chine A 40 i'lelp-.s wide, fMI',1 heavy; all silk, in all ilm wanted street and evening idnuh s. Special, at 1.95 2,500 Yards of $ '-j 95 Black Silk, at 1 Worth 3.50 Per Yard 36 Inch sui t lustrous taffeta: 3d inch rich deep Mack niede finish 1'eau lie Sole, and 36-inch beautiful raven Mark Dutchess (satin. All of these silks are very' much in demand. Very special nt these prices, pi r yard, at. l..Kt Regidar $3.50 Shirting Silks 32 Inches wide: all silk satin stripe shirting; a beautiful rani;e of all the wanted shades. Special, at t .f 5 W v 1 1 tI IVit . - ,0 ii $195 iji . 1 i'i , , fa Novelty Wash Goods for Spring and Summer An uncqiialod enllectioii of froigti fabrics se-urel frotn the lftutin,' iManufactiircrs of France, hfol. 1-higlaii.l and Ireland, ir-prc-entiic,' the newest ami tip't-d stylish creations in wash materials for Sprinjr and siui'.mer wear. it I Brandeis Stores Main floor Center No Phone or Mail Orders. None Sold to Dealers. AC In the New Spring Styles yimS , House and Porcn Dresses : h RODIERS FRENCH VOILES. laubrcidered; in a tteau'iful collection of exclusive ibsisns; sheer and dainty; 42 inches irie; a very' special rj jr showii:!:. at, per yard .OU EMSROID'ED ST. GALL SWISS In win's and toloi'p; a wonderful ("ml. ination of Oie newest color. , some at'-- emhroiib ; . i m contra: ling coi'i's'. li i , :i inihe.-, wine and dc- '! .-'i a this -a-i'n's most ftylish cash fabvie. J'nieil, tier yard, a I WHITE TARANTULLE t i mi ne-, wiilc : a st'nuine liuc ii ii fabric of s. Ksrxpisan iji'imi; pet maiiei'f lilslll'Us. tillls!-; Pain' i ai 'l i-'ne. I'm' w a !.-f or ii,.,s,s i re, i, i per janl. at 1 ,XA) WHITE MADRAS Poth foreign and domestic; as sorted patterns; very popular this season for men's shirts, and ladies waists; 32 Inches nMe, Specially priced at, per yard, 1.25 and COLORED LACE VOILE 36 Inches wide; In s'.l the new Spring shades; popular for eve ning and dance dresses; -j rf per yard, at J. tUVJ WHITE ST. GALL SWISS Kiubroiilercd: medium t-ire riots; beauti ful quality for pp-ey dresses or waists; 42 inch. Priced sp. a i.iily, per yard, at 1.75 ENGLISH VOILES Of combed jam from Oie fiP'.1 J Jtr iti;.!i cotton, the pniMinw, and desHtUi, are both charautm an,! t .elu sive. Tt is 4 ii imhes vide and there are hundreds of patterns lo choose from. Triced at, pi r y ard, 1 .t)5 and 1.75 75c ECRU BATISTE 4u inches wide; a genuine Knelish fabric vuh a per tnantit lustrous finish: stylish this r-eason for Mouses or lipgeri' ; extra s.prial, at, per yard White Goods and Domestic Remnants 1 KKCALE, 36 inch, medium and light colors, 3 to l'airi lenctb.s, at, per yard t.JO ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, plain and plaids, 3 to 10-yard lengths, at I5J)C MUSLIN AND CAMBRIC, 36 Inch; I to 10-yard lengths, per vard 22l2C APRON GINGHAM nd fancy printed flannel, at, per yard 15 BIX lCFTED SHEETS, 72i90 Inch; French center (.earn, at 1.89 PILLOW CASES, 42x38 Inches; good quality, at 3oC CURTAIN MARQUISETTE, 36 inch; 2 to 10-yard lengths, at 25 AURORA PILLOW TUBING, 42 inches wide, at 6JV DRESS LINEN 41 inches wide; made of pure Trlsh flai; In all the leading plain shades for tailored suite, skirts and dresses. An ex- r--v c.-ptional value, at, per yard Zt.OU IMPORTED ORGANDIE t'i inches wide; in a beautiful col lection of all the h ading plain shade:-; permanent finish; unusually sbi-ep and crisp; a posithe $a.n0 -y. valup, special, per yard, at .w WHITE MARQUISETTE An Imported English fabric: imhes wide; lustrous silk finish: soil and rime ; popular this ffv s,e, for i' p-i . and (lie-sa. Prior.; 1.95. NON-KRUSH DRESS LINEN :h;d sir.:::t:r1 .pmti ' aM fei Let us show tou our new and complete display of liuut-e f ST T -inil nnreli fleesesi. in rnrif'liatns DIlil TiCt'ealcs. Soil'O of them e in full tunie e J te-ts. with vestce ot pi'pie, and lawn or rrnndin collars and cuffs. Another pfvle is llie straight line dress with wide pirdle holt trimmsl in liir pearl hnttons. The materials are plaid, striped and plain Hinnlrny, and AmosUcav? L'inahains. The are pin!.,. Idee, ..'rou, !n ciiilcr, and black and wiiit". Prices range from :!.)."), r.!)S. (i.9S, T.JJS. !.!" up 1,1 l--;'n ' Brandeis Stores Third Floor Fast 1.50 SpecialSale of $3,000 Worth nf K 1 ITT" 1 "h IT 1 .1 ks vt d m h a tjv u j n i ,o c R, ' j St U 36 inches wide; In all the popu lar shades for Spring wear; made in Ireland and eery yard stamped on selvedge. -1 Q At, per yard LtD WHITE DRESS VOILE Both foreign and domestic; beau tiful chiffon finish; soft and clingy, with tape edge; 40 Inches wide. Specially priced for Mon- QQ day, per yard, at 1.25 and OV C Regular Prices In Filet, Irish Crochet 1 f 1 r and French 73 t(J Wll The filet are fine Chinese and Italian makes, in edges, bands and insertions of all wtdtis from 1 to 6 Inches. The Irich crochet Is from 1 to 2 inches wide. And we are offering It at exceptional prices DwC. uC. l.ov, -.o -wo, REAL FILET EDGES Worth SPc per yard, special, In this sale, at 3fC REAL FILET MEDALLIONS Square and triangular; all sizes: priced at 25 C 50ft "P to S2.50 BF.AL IRISH rifOT EDGES 'M Regular 2T,e and S'ic values, a', par yard, 15C Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center Ja Scientific Corsets For Stout Women j i The stunt woman has cmnc into Ip" own. Tl.e j, pl'.iinp, pleasant, tmoynnt, healthy wotnati is in the a-- cetida'.it. Today the 'wizards of ..U'sicnitic l:ae bnmirht to the stout womati the reduehis effects of scientifically j nrninced lines in dress. L'.y the appearance of slender- j iiess where none exists, it is P"s-ip to give the stout , figured woman that grace and poise l-ms envied in her i more slender sisters. ii Ptvlish stents, svcitline corsets are not the ;i r. s'lit of an accident they are the direct re- jj suit, of scientific research and experiment;.); strr.icht lines without pressure, widen- ; jn! the waist, permiiting a correspond iii'i re- , .t-ijijjr hip and l.ut measurements, eliminat- jj " itp- those unsicrlitly lines ' -n which forced the tiesn up i; and down in nuncnes, ana not only made the stout i: woman look stouter, but J" .4-1.1.. .11 i tin com i t' i hi 'a- i niai. Specials for Infants' Wear DAINTY ESSENTIALS FOR SPRING i House Furnishings j VALENTINES FLANNEL GOWNS For the baby; dainty '.th- snf sarnii tits, in v.hiti, pink and blue, -i.a s 1 to i! years. Worth s ! i;i, specially prir-od for Mondav, atr- per gar ment 796 GINGHAM DRESSES Tor the children to G years old. j (lil'feicr.t models, in attractive baby styles and colors sohd colors, cheeks and stripes. All new Spring goods at 2.50 SOFT SOLE SHOES In black and white; thn e button styles; sizes 1. ' and 3. These are l.i'ii'i a'urs, spi cialb priced t ar Monday, at t" i pair 75 C of Dependability at Reasonable Prices Standard Chair Seats Brandeis Stores Third Floor East Monday Rug Offerings at 39.75 '' t'pho'stf red; very easy to put on :j ij and greatly improves the appear ; ;! anre uf the chair, (if good grade : '", Mack imitation leather on strong .j jj wooden base. Sizes are 12, 13 ami ,j , 1 1 inches. Each, Monday, at 2tC ! !i ' 'I Is Home Butter Churns .j For the Children j la't the children make their own alep.tines for : their frit nus. Mate rials f..r makitfr lace valen- l tup s coine ail put up pi e 1 1 tan 1 1 and will i please the lifle I'oiks. T!;e ait. lu'iced, at per a box :j Valentines for young and old -a arautiful dis- ! play in a wide rani,.:- of iuiiis. Brandeis Stores Main Floor North v.v.-rv i,i l.hv-i 1 ,s. sv I .: -- . - 9x12 Axminster Rugs Every rug in this lot is well worth a. f". There is an exce'hnt selection of desirable patterns in reproductions of 'he choicest Orientals. Then i.he-re are the smalpall over conventional designs. t .19.75 (TO at 21.50 9x12 Wool and Fibre Ru We have many new and a'trachi styles and pat'erna in these wool am fibre, rugs. They are woven In om piece and are reversible, dust the thin for bedroom use. Verv t.pce'al at 21.50 Or Mergers; the "E-Z" make of iass churns with white maple eashets. which saves half the cost if bu'ter for tho household, due ;i ,p rVe pnnnd ot butter ana one; pint ci silk makes two pounds of milk eliaigrd bilttrr. Just Push Back the Rugs Start the Victrola Our ext.ert f tttintr service. which is free, adds to the eonv ,. . ... 4 . ....if f 4..4 ;jciS? . tort Ilia I a hivnsii suuu cojsci will render. Our new Sprint! models and a complete stock ol stvlish stout corsets will en s'. TOO.. .i i. ... 4. ...,.4.-, w-sit-s- ... i't si dintr tta tu f.i.c uut tu.ii'.ino j Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor Cemer 0 r .' "H eveollent ;crviee. The Prices Range From $10 to $16 Special For Monday in the Drapery Section WINDOW SHADES AT 75c Odd lots of hand-made opaque window shades of the best ijualiiy. Tie y are mounted on rollers with ring pulls, ready to hang. These shades would enst from l.oll hi 2."'0 if made to order. This lot of odd sizes and colors, fnaa IS to 45 inehts wide, are specially priced for Mot, day, at 75f Ruffled Curtains Brandeis Stores Third Floor East Of Marquisette; 2Vi -yards long and 40 inches vide: especially well made and worth 4 ,",0 per pair. They arc Just the thing for bedroom curtains, at, per fair 3.50 Cretonnes In all of thn new patterns: 36 imlai wide; and a lartie assortment from v, l,iet to choose. This Is the regular l.ihj pei yard valut , on sale Mi.nda,, at 1 quart size, at t.t!1 ij 2 quart size, at l.oH ij 3 irairt size, at 1 .0.) , 4 quart size, at t.JtS 11 Cast Wnffle Irons !; i ihe-h style can he used on any j pnc. Handles alwajs cool and j .11 ran b''i''n. liaki":- delieiotis aild--:i brown waffles. The famous ' (;,is-.-.o;.r make. ;, C CJ value, for s?t.i j Hair Floor Hrush Will outlast any ordinary corn , .room. Made, of selected bii.-tles, in 12-ineh size, with long polished '.alue, sp. eial, at ( -I OA a har.d.e. K.-aular 11.49 1.V 'j Brandeis Stores j; Basement South j Then "On Vith lbs Donee!" Tliat s !:oiv .fp-v it ts to "iipt life into iii;i-.'," v, hci von have a Yp.'ro'n. And trood ihi'.nv music is iap!y oi'-e of the endless joys that it lr;:ir. II.'ivo YiHi ;i Yi-t rla ? Yon can have, on the cs;est of trms. Stylo IX ;it 70.00 Main Floor Pompeian Room Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor East