s THF. OMAHA S!'NtAY RKK: FKPUt'ARY 8. tOCO. 1 BUILDING GAIN IS MARKED FROM MONTH TO MONTH AH Indications Arr That These Increases Will Continue Record Spring tor Build ing Expected. i i a: 1 t' I., pi. i l-.ii;.!it!,f r ! - at i' 1 ' . " C to ! ward hi'.tT le i'-, a"-! t'.-.-Tr - :t. ; imt'ie'li.iti- .!:: t' ,t '' - ''"i- elencios will ' i Vi" ! I '.. '.i'...r .' stipplv 'S - :''). 'i '.".;".;:'! .in. I t!'.- ; dftnaa-l I i' !i"..M; : v - is .'i-ts enough to rreit" ui:.'--i K it: p..'.: ; tiotis that v', t o -1 a . . !" I , pres-ttie l.'wanl h'i,i;'f j !"-l-. "tietier.il cc t . '. 1 1 ' ' i : s tht ..r.:!c'it : the industry ate in a hi .'cm i'.ih: v conrhtioti. Tins is 1 1 iU-1 t -i! m a ; .strong di'ii'.ni'l tot i ip'ial uttll which to f'n ther luitt r"t' t . prises. The ci:..rii..i:is .!im: nt ! t..r 1 space nnd 'hi- I - i.s uUit.n i:p ot rents h.is lii.iii.;iu .il-fiit a msii'!, r able amotttit fl trv l".:l ':'U' . tlic larger type of cm -t ; m ! : -u. h as office stt nctitv-. iiiai nia.'in: iiil; plants, hotrN ai' 1 ap.it ' t : i i : t hon-o in the enfln;jj r stirs t !:. ci'it'Htv. 1 "While the lictnatid I t I",::! iiii--' of all kinds will i ont.'tMie -t: v tor an inilrtimte period, thnr is in likelihood of a iiiii.iu.iv market or , i Adler-i-ka Again! "Adb'r-i-ka has been worth its wei.nrhL in irrdrl tn tr.e. It has t'l'PvKD my constipatinn and a serious bowel .trouble which I had." (Siirned) Mrs. Anna Watrtter. Adler-i-ka flushes BOTH upp"r and Igwer bowel so i-otuptetely it re- lieves ANY CASK p.as on stomach or .: sour stomach. Removes a surpris : injr amount of fotil, (iecayint: matter I f rom the alimentarv canal (which 'poisoned stomach for numtiisl. Often (T'RKS I'onstipation. 1're- P, vents appendicitis. The IN'STW'T ri pleasant action ol Adler-i-ka astoti- ishes both doctors and patients. It ,. f l,,,,.lil, , , ...i.mu.c V. LuiniM.., ,.. i ...sw,,, glycerine and nine other sinude it eredients. For sale by Sherman & McConnell DniK Co. clear your complexion: WITH This fragrant super-creamy emollient for cleansing, puri fying and beautifying the skin and complexion tends to pro moteand maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health if used for every-dny toilet purposes. Largest selling complexion and skin soap in the world. Sold everywhere. "Cuticura Toilet Trio'we Consisting of Cutinim Soap to clranne and lunty. cutiour.i uintmfnt to eorithe teal, and Cutioura Talcum to rowdpr and perfumf. Effiywhere for 5c. s.amp.ppach me bv mail. Addrpsa postal; Cutkura oratons, Ueot. AA. Maiden, Mast. "Cuticura oap aharea without mug. ; MAKE IT A K I'LF TO READ TT 'fill Til T PI' !U 'I' LISHED IN THE KEF. EACH !Tsr T-r wiii n- -.-ir CUTICDRA SOAP IPaxton & Gallagher's Mammoth Warehouses, Offices " ! i- l.i' .X , !!l A 0 - u rl il - v. .i ' i'- i r ! ..;:! m r mi' yo ' Cn i r ,.f 107 ' O'. i"" cm "i; .1:1. 1 :.! ' "in it-- klV.l u v , ' - WO-'!" II ii!.; I ' .....I I . i. .1 : -ii ' ', ..'.'" r -1 .1 :: '1 i- 1 hi f t V i4kilF 2 ot b :om 1 1 .nihth ns. as the h"rt.ik'i 1 1: "a- ann ii;ii-i:r, in.nrii.iis '.'!1 prm.cn! ,si.-h cond'tnais and t'nete -''mns p. ho ovorv ml ic.it 10' : 't the ni.'ii-tty will itai'i addrd "1. :::i:'ii a ; -;'l; t':or. .nghly s lib s'. itl'ia! 1 l l r i 1 up scuipmre 10 Escape Household Work !",! ( 'itv, la., h'rh 7. " min '.iiir tnv work as a srnbii."- f. thr driidi-tiTv of hoiiM.'.,.rpm eon- A President's Experience Ov.,.--!,nt men unit wini-'ii uh., hoi.' tr.sl ii--., mcth, .!-' f.'f I'fl'i.ni'ir Mrieln li.-.s. . rr , in'nir 1 . "S .-. ('. te St.'vrns, l'l'.' nil lit ..f Mn keeml ;iei.r Works. I !n- i.-eeii'Mmiti l"i:t ,t thjl in- v,en:ht v :: s lic-i'ii '"; lm'-,!.m-..'iif. ft v;i- s..i-eu-'v i;'.te-f,.inis- iii'h i,;s liea'tli and t.'i-i-n -- e(7!.'iM.r . ft.ni I'r'nnn l,i le;i.p rf fl errtnin oil, hp stiTsinerl t,,,i -it .lr,.,. ..,1 l,.. ! nmw . wim f..'i..uiim- inmir rut... ',. iiis Mir;. ri-c ami ilcliuht. Ins wi-itiht Leiein I.. re.liiee Knnlii.-iVv until jn ,-.,s than ttii-r nvittli-- he h.nt t.-.t ,1, poun.ts. Mr. Steieii- f..t l.rtt.'i- pu'vy hi anil " I''-' r'rr.-ms irreal s.-it i - fai-t inn at nTVill'I l-.i'lrll r'.l el lni -M'.M'T-I ,i, .us l',..s. M,,v ,.)r , .,n, ,,,. are f:w. ili' the korein -.v-t.-pi, iihieb has even ' iii'l'if i 'i!in n:i,I ir.. -hi, ties oil of kor, in, a -'..r... nh.il.'ienip treatment. No thyr-,.l--. Tn. -alls rr initonio'. ins tp.tiiMls p:',n-i, no -lar'.itiir rule.-; a t'-t-lv piea-anl rniil ef-fe.-tivo In, nie si-'f-treat'iielit for oeor. toiit-ne-. 'I lip m! of knrpin is now obtainaMr at 'a:-y line.: -tnres p ,T'. ivtuM-p. lsa eli 1'ki;. I'.'is a uteil .'llilpe ttiat vieivht will hr m-iliie.-i! 10 l.. till i, a., or i-iui-p, or nionm ''pfiiinii'il after fa ip m-i. In'oel-iirp will lip in.. i!ei freo if j.'u n-rltp to Kn-ein l ... M, c. Station K, New Vi rk. Show (ther.s this aiv.Mti.-rieeiit. This wonderful booKwill be sent free toanij man upon re quest CUMBERLAND CHtMICAl CO. ."2 f-erry EtocHAvitlc.Terin i Advises "Corn Silk' Extract in Treatment of Kid ney and Bladder Ailments. Allays Inflammation and Re stores Normal Action. dust a simpio o n 1 1 1 , -1 of ci-epn corn s i i k I'n'i'p i,:i,... with mlmr i siiiipk'. i' 'Il kiaiMti lirnm-', se'-ms to. I'l'li's' re- ill's 111 tlie t I m, ,it, ; K n'-ey ml I'! older iliemnlei -; that miuiit. a!:,i..-t l.e e!:i:.s, ,t mii'ii. niton-'. i.'i'iiL-i-rioti an,! inflamniaiion of I'm hnine.mi and Id i.'.j. r miu-e nut. Id distress. f'n.m. m l.a.'k and hips, pa: n and prr-s ne m l.hid.l.'r irsinai. fre.pient desire tn elnninate. e.iiiSiiij: restless sloen soon wears out th" patient's vitality and more sc rams results follow tieslect. Th soothinj, lialmy effeet of Ha! nivvnrt Tablets ate notieed ciuick ly as tlie luflatiimati'in is .allayed and the organs are toned up to act ns mi t u t o in : ( iid'.il. .l. amler T. Matva. u Kim UroeJ' I'.-i . N. .1 . ;,i'ii's. "I have le-en tuKinc l'.,i ! um ort Ta'dots for Knlnev ai: 1 r.la.h'.'r ti..n'nif .,,,, fin,i (,. y k e me the i.mst lietiefleial results " stop your Miff, rinp and nightly distress bv asknii; your leailii.i: i!f:?- L-ft f"i a tnl.p nf hl.-ilniwurt Tab' I.. ., .. '.!! ' ! g vvK 'i is .'.v.ifo-I I'M the ...in 'i ,, -t I. if. i . : t h ,inl J m-- -fa rs. I I s ?. v. ! 'i 'II ii. . 'i'iv 71 t. t en V"i'i s'n-ft .it'll i : ' . . t J. stt '. i t br t.-si' -t mis in : ;cbt .i"d r ported t i,v.iv ... . v a- 'il , v I . I ' w 'II iw ,i-s : v . fr' a.''- .,' ,'.-i. n ; m , , ,,,.1 xi '.(, ;.-r I'm ,--1: t r.g oi r.") i!!i'-. , on helms: 'uk i"u pen. ders gi;t!.!:i g ot iifn, Pat'ilM ttii'l'C "t r !'.;.: fs, hi e;ik f a -1 i,.,..:,, .,.-, a..f iK.iji . eii. 1 I'1' j-ri's. i.f oiti, -I- w ill ,, ci:ry the 'fi- !! .l' 'l t'tll.l ti.i.il s .1! il l;-c mei , haud'-e HI the rli! I.IIl'.l'I'C W l'l l0 ' i !:'''. .'! t. . ,ll!,.t o ,- hm'dmc w ',' V i ' i -K-n t!..-: the i""V 111 ..y i!-ls':j- Is kTi'M.y in The m w 'I' s'..iv I'U'ldltig '.vll ( 'I a m.-I tin. ti-.'i, als.-.!ut. ly ti.... r .r-.i .! : the most m....l .'! -l''il '.!: f 1 . l ; . Ml the I'm ted xmte- m ;';.' w.'v mi e.prpmc tit an 1 "' - I i: ':i ". '! ..f m.i . i n " ' , ,i ii'i nj.pl;. i.'.i'Cs ! tic i i n.;t .il 1 m m m r i r ",.! ' tossed Miss Xelhe '. Walker, noted 1 ma .., pier, now v. 't:.n. 1:1 tnr Mn!wi : 1 : h.'.s. I.'".'.i". 111 j-micm- limit with I.or.i.'.o 'I'alt, in adrircst- ssrJ ' U s h3 l?l ISl MM Biis P .1. kLJ:isi t r 1 SSMSfa f. ? Sf Mff 1 - : , i 1JII i A Ml IH'". 5fl( n 1 ' a 1 I I ' ' . m.s -1 .t. s ... I . , I , , r - of -irt -ft tti..'1'r'r. t m o1 c t .1 ; ! frr.-i tier no.-.-m Ihnvm-tv ..'j-nva i:ere. v ' ' ' '. ';' iiviatin r wa, a wot,.,,- m mani.e and tiiarhie ii' mi' i"i: .-!":. -. 1 ;iat l-.ivc inn , a i.,h '"''' ami .1:1 opporIn"!v. h"!,! ut I hev'ati the work hc.nai-e 1 di- tt.-in::'. s-wtTi-ifi: am!, above all, wipiMt; i!:-.';c-. , , . , - " M: Walkc a e of Iowa's lie-t k . . i , he cvecn'ed the " i- crttoot fTf-A. l" ifaiiCmU ll,rr AW fl .Ws'l vrlr RWf Phone Dour. 8704 HEW HAIRAFTER BALDNESS- If thi. should mpet t!ie eyp "f anyme whit is lo-nitr hair or is 1-aM. let it he known that KOTALKO, poi'taininc genuine bear nil an. I otlmr in.trntial mKr-'iiirnt-, is wolii'erfillly -u.' ,-.-fill. Ural- (rmvn ni many eases when all !-p Uitrd. Get a I.. . at any lui.-y phm-maey ; or w,T-it for frre hro-hilre to .1. Hart Biittain, BQ.;;01, .si;i'ion V, New York City. a nit. 'Hi yiiil RuddvCheekS SparklingEyCS Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known Oliio Physician h n ran on rvi fi 0LOi'UUIIirL tY.F.M.Edwarcis for 17 vears treated i S!o:1" s Liniment handy to knock it scores of women for liver and bora-el ail- i out- Popular a third of a century ments. During these years he eave to I airo--far more popular today, his patients a prescription made of a j That's because it is so wonderful few well-known vegetable ingredients j ly helpful in relieving all external mixed with olive oil, naming them aches and pains sciatica, lumbacro, lit. bdwards Olive I ablets, louwill know them bv their olive co or. I These tablets are wonder-workers on ' the liver and boweU which cause a normal action, carninj; off the waste ar.d poisonous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tonetie, Head aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women and mm take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc cessful substitute for calomel now and then jus-t to keep them lit. 10c unci 25c. I I I Ln lk-rJi7 iGfts-ci PLsog Free Pm1 To You AMI want is vmsr nnme ;ipi1 nihlress ft I ran renrl on a frre toal treitmont. Iwintinii in-I tn try this treatment that s all just try It. Tii.at's nve-'v am-arm-nt. I've tip.-n m Hip Kptnl Diiir Business for ?n vrarj. T am ripfndcnr nf tiip Imtnna Sla'e Hoard of rh.irm.ioy and 1'res idrnt nf the Retail l"inifr?,sts' Asiocatioii. Nrai ly pvrrvoi"- m I oi t W'ayre knows pip anil kl,o s about civ pueeessfol treatment. Over twelvo thousand flvo hundred Mpn, Wnnen anil Children outsidp of Kort W ayne have, aerorriuiK to tlieir owu Kate ciert, been onre.l bv ties treatment since 1 first made this offer public. If vmi have Ccremo, Itch. Salt Rheum, Tetter never mind how had my treatment hat enrrd the worst easps 1 ever saw civ e me a chance to nrovo my claim. j Send me your natnp and a.ldrps on the ponnon below and iret the trial treatment T ?nt to ser-a you r iu-,r.. J ne vvoniiemaeooriiniisnea in your own rase win r proot. ! CUT AND MAIL TODAY I. C. HUTZELL, Drugslst, No. 3422 West Main St., Fort Wayne Ind. rie ise send without cost or obligation to me your Free Troof Treatment Tost Ofnoe - Ctreetaad No. ... Rheumatic Pain Rub It Right Out Tr' This! Rheumatism i "pain onlv. I "'- Not i tic va in y rerp.iu r--. trnul 1 . e.i I in .-ii i ,1 r. I liih the mi-.'to rmbt away' I'm. soot hi lie, pfiiett.il!: g ' f. J,H..h.- I'I" dit i'i tiy i;;P. ilie s..i e. -;m e' tits and n:u-vlc- ami inid n.iro instantly. "M. Jacobs (hi'' iop qtiors j.jmi. It is a halll'le-- tdiru mattsm rmr which never Jj,- apyoiuta and duCi i;uL blister. Of Ull-I i ') f'!'-l' . 1 1 '. I t '.' s , I , ' ' '' 0 V ' .' ... in1! 1 a v c four i . 1 tota. ii! i "i '.lie i .ii f oi pert .'iij'iH- I in butld-nc v. tl! rvi iv .1 cioni'.' p nf, of 15 J t.'i t i"i i ! los te.M on lours '.'is tlie present tnre - 'i'i ii u as ere, t,-,i a t : ' i it is e x p e i t 1 v. i u.i'lv tur ocriip.u: l'JJI. I lie oH'f ill on 'i. PK 1 hv liwl left i'.irk "l" v.'i'i-h v, ill h thi intl, tlo.v, in the i Ip.ii . e lot. itJi' tin e a ".I ii'li'iK in'U',i,a'- I'i Mftie of ("hief Keokuk, which ..!.::;.! ;uioc is.c.n'iKS grave at: Kr'k. bo'-a. 1 M:ss Wah-.rr neer received anv but thry ,:m,er' oppo.j her work a, Liable U Ud U V ' , , n . 1. LOnCIOn hColalfTdni r ,....1 ... 1- 1. r a 1. , i.i. I .. 1 1 , 1 1 .'. 1 . I . 1 ' , . I III . . . - , , i o u , l . ' 1 '. -,v , i.r. i ..: ,.i .'..,. 1 . t;; Im - - v i h; s.dvrd the leap v.v.r ihtTintltv by u:-i!!inff a ''bach- HEAVY Hoisting E. J. DA VIS 1212 Farnam. Tel. D. 353 ftT & A X . W A 1 li WUILiLI KeLILVLU i KeeP Sloan'a, the World's Liniment, I handy to allay aches. THOUSAN when th "crick" IHOUSAN'OS of men and women. the least little rheumatic assails them, have neuralgia, overstrained muscl stiff joints, weather exposure re suits. A little is all that is noees sary. for it soon penetrates without rubhins: to the sore snot. Leaves no muss, stained skin, clogged pores, A bottle today is a wise precaution. Keep it handy. All druggists "lie, 70c, $!.dft. A hp... "itate Limber up! Quit ontnplaining! l .et a small ti i.il hott'e ot old tune -I J ,e "i's t Id" at anv di ug -tot e d "I lit-I ,i i!-il'l 'il vo'l'il he c .' ! r. .'i in- :,u'.it n pam, -,;,: - id i-M !!. r . I"ii't -(1 1 1 e I ! ive- n' ami a cure await- von. (let ' "M lai i'le, ";i" t- tt:st a- Cood " sciatica. t'eura'.L'ia. luiiibato. ibav.kdv.hc, jdjrams and ov.cllinj. r If fit U ff -:P t rs M P L sa n pMllaPPP th V CURED TA H l i f.ii" tl'C 1 1 ,i i: 'in ' --inn i'i oi.'i'is ditlot n't il. 'Pa! 1 1 'H !';t- t'll.'-K1' ' it'll ry; m the w . I tm'dciu een i nutlet's and ii'st.ill.i i' "i i't .i'i np fo -d.itr eqiiipiv.-nt w ill BIB III 1.11 H P,--5;- , c!or' ra'lerv," whre cvc-rythii-.i, iriiiKiine is imii'-u. Frirlv IrpllPTris; AlrPflHv ' i AfC Seen Off Grand BailKS Xcw Vo-k. I i'n 7. . ; A. ; 1 1 ,, k;m -mi, of the Sw.V.i-h lit :-:..,.:',-.!,,- ,, 1, : ,.u ., . ,. : 1 1,,,., r....t f.r.r ., ,, I ;,-,-.!,, r .. ,,," , ',,' ;' . ;..t,..,,i .t. c-n.-.t ..,,,i.. , , 1 H . I I. . 1 , ' 1 , 1 , 1 . 1 . hi 1 - ,1 1 ; , s 1 1 v..,...-.- ,ti,,i ti,... ........n,. - is ns v a -iun of sprint;, but the h-.tvy seas of two week- nnv have sii'tcl the Take a glass of Salts if your Back hurts or Bladder troubles you. o turn or woman who eats merit r sul.ir'y can make a mistake by Hushing (he kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authof'tv. Meat forms uric acid which eci'es the kidneys, they become overworked trotn the strain, pet slut'Ci-h and I fail to filter the v.isfc and poisons ttotit tlie blood, then we pet sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, m i vi-.usnf s, di.viness, sleeple-sne-s ami urinary disorders come from slu.ectsh kidnev-. 1 he moment yrui fool a dull ache in the kidnrys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, i ore solar of p,a-s-aie or attended by a sfu-atiou of scalding Mop eatmp meat and pet about four ounces of .lad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablospoonful in a pla-s of water before breakfast and in a tew days your kidnevs will act fine. This fatuous salts is made froin the acid of prapes and lemon luice, combined with lithia, and ha been used tor generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neuttaite tne acifls m urnif so it no lonper cause-', irrition, thus ond ind bladder weakness. .lad Salts is inexpensive ami can not mjuie; makes a delightful c f-fetwe-cent Ihhia wafer drink which everyone should t.,ke now and time to keep the kidiir- clean ami .otr. e jand the blood pure, therein- avoid ing serious kidney complications. ways to reduco your wniaht Pmicula'S mailed Iter to any adiireM, Hl e'k.m ,- r),n' R-ffls, l.. M, LD RECIPE TO DARKEN H Sage Tea and Sulphur Turns Gray, Faded Hair Dark and Glossy. .Mino-t m eryone knows that Satrc j lea and oulpbui. propnlv enm pounded, hru'v;-. bark the m.tnral culm ami lu-tie ,, the hair when faced, siu.iked or p;!av. cnr airo the only way to get thi- tuivlnie was to make it at konim which i-inu-sv and troublesome. Vowad iv s v.c sitnpl', at anv uti'tr stoic tot "Wveth's Sato and S-u'nh'ir ("ompound." Shut vvi'I get a latge bottle of tin' old-time reejpe nni't nvf rl by the addition of other i'-RteibrnM at verv little yo-t. b.veryhody use tins jiteparat'oti f"1'". herau r no cue can pos-ddv fell that -",! d.H'kettod yotii' haM', as it d,.es it -o n.itm.i'lv and ev.'ulv. u ! onp' "' .: -p. , ., ...tt hi ,,-h. f .- "''h it ami emu i'i:- ''i:"';i:'i , ,"o'.'"'' l.i". I tn!".- "''' - i ' I i 1 -1 ! a " " a I ,i !",uc. hv ni'.intim th. ,;r.n Ii.it i - di--appcai's. am! alter anol'iir apphaa t mn i . t' two j i t:r hail ' "' i ot: u -s ! e ,m t'.tullv ibiik, thick ami t-'lmsy diid tyuu luvjk: i cars uuui.r, and Factory " I ' 11 'ti an 1 L ;"',.v w 'si..i;'s-- xtrCni6 DCCOllctC GOWIl Hissed In Paris Theater! av . i' !. 7. The s-.t'nc """it oi ;;,(;;)Vt!!': 'l'.,. l'Zr'?lv A a ' 1 '. 1 l. 1 I ' . I i 1 l : . I , r.,i'is tin'.:- .:,,.., 1. .1 a m , .....! , ,- t..i. o vu.. t, ,,,,' , 1 1" ', ' ..'.,1 ,t. . 1 ..., 1.. ,i,,..it-, 1 1,1 . 1 1 1 1 u 1 ' . 1 1 1 :,l,,,. , 0 1 '-. ' 1 ' .m t i,; i i,,.,' vi c-eortm! trotn the t: am1, two n-1 tor t.,e 1 1 '- a t ,-i k ' DaEMdFSAOitfti Sanatoriu This institution is the only one in the central west with separate buildmrrs situated in their own trrounns, yet entirety (list met, ami rendering it po-sible to classify cases. The one building being fit- ted for and devoted to the treat- merit of non-contagious and non- . ii- ,i . i mental cnimases, no otners neing n - l - ... i , v i, n , . nutted; the other Rest ( ottuge be- ing designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental r . i :'ases requiring for a time watch - fill care and special nursing. - : - - : - - Bee Want Ads Produce Results. 1 ''wia.i.i in able McKinleyNiece of the Late President of the United States Takes Nuxated Iron for Health and Strength And Says She Regards It as the Ideal Tonic For All Weak, Dr. George H. Baker, Formerly Physician and Surgeon Monmouth Me morial Hospital of New Jersey, Explains Why Iron Is One of the GREATEST OF ALL STRENGTH BUILDERS Says: He has found noth ing in his experience so effec tive for helping to make strong, healthy, red-blooded women as Nuxated Iron. Kvrry worn: n who wir-hrs tn jipt,spv q bt' it h, j-treriKt li a n) brmity, hnuM rnrWuMy read the. ;itPtr'ont nf Mi l M cK wilr y who. a't.r her n.'.tna! ms "f N'ltnt1'! i'-oii. tr-V.s of the rfu'ta she ob tained. Vis-; McKui'rv -h; "WhiM 1 hi'i (if tn h.'m .J of N ii . a tori 1 ntn I D'U.-l r; i !i 1 Mw.t pM'M" to ii-i-it: It tllVsolf I I"1.J T 1 1 :i!"H Of !ts. rniinrLnliln i.-iluo fr huil-HiiK up thr hr?i!tii nnJ ti .-nt h, "I- nllnu irit,' tlir st ;-;jin imp"yj hy inoriMi'i tif thr niitst pactintr v ork nriiig for t !ir "nldifrs in the v:n.r.!- nrniy nii-rtnipmpnU, tcL'thfr with my son-ti t"u:aer mpnR aii'i .'li.'iritflb'r pnr-uits, I foiniri inyflf m surfi a wpakrnfd. run -down pt.ito that I f 'arcd a crimp!, to r.-i!ap?rt. "It st-pnipil utfprlv vnpo'iih', f'T inf ( drop eer thin an- po aivny for a c-1 m p 1 ot ti t . hut T rralicrj that my c"iiiih'! Sp-.cin I mil's t rithrr ih t h ! -. i't find fiuiicl ImiL' th.nt v on5-! iu:il- lv r.-huih) piv unim.' 'th ;i';d i'M:ii,!f mo to t-ontnuii' inv ;irt : v 'fir . ' I h;-.d a n hr.'tt I'rrju'ho'.l st'Mif -t tnni prt'T'ar.'il ;'!:- n hh'h, f,.- t!iP nio.t pari, I f.'i.n.i .T.i.v a i-ted a -. n ti'nip..r;,rV ? t i n : . : ! m and iimmIIv ,uio wor-c rl' thrin r 1 1 mwp rr. vTi-'ti :n v n f..,,,iiv ,a..--i.-i..n in-itr'i'lv To'iimrndr-rl that. I trtv- n Ifr trial to NwvntoH I r-in. I rciitnt'! t.i hoiTiu it-, lis.- ui! i a rojt that jtMnr a fw 'i;iv the irrflp!iB and p ha !1 -1 1-.11 frion k hteli I suffered lefan t'i bf repia.d bv a fprl- inc r rpneive-1 btrent;th at.d v'talitv. In !e-n than tl rr trpel.?' I"il r'y whole sy-tral was tinflmc vvi'll Pln'i erv Riel P--.ii.-r and f wan oer..eed t.i tin.! tlnit. i u:e, en.'.- mor, in s. i ; r r 0 pliv-l.'ai .-.-11- "v., ,, .,,,, I ;,, a,--erntiil do d n rni.'l. ii at I '. i ' v . tc .,i.al n i. ;,.. , , ., I .i - :, .,i e-.-ll- h. CO, I I : I bii!!.'. ' . 1 i" r. , ,.,,-.,! ,; , ,'. ; 1 , ,i la. ti, i eye. si . , ri",.. in .' " "I:-. V.'Kl"... .tn!..ni. 'i' r. mm. lll:r tl.e eff eary Nuvatrd Iriei. Pr. V r lmam! K-re. .' READ. JIIE Now Building 1 u ''1 '"" 1 ''""I's' loom tot ot- ' 1 ' i' i p ,. ' i -. v, , "i. ii s i r st loom, '.a - loom .ii;. I I.h i s, in n's w isli- 'C f C' v, m t. ., t e ci thit'i; a t p o i the ci'iplo i's, l': e t e c. 1 :t I pa n v two "t hii'hln .s w nti tour ulro.i ! ti .u k $?. Mc-et't ii-nc-storv build .m a ' "-.a! stoty cmi -M ;,' r e f. t a men's ' i 1' ' - .i ' ! -'l.'Wi'i hitV.. 'ni'' a ifi toon i,. i 1 1- s"M r j. t -ajc v.n'vK.: 22 Ounces Standard Weioht of Bread Loaves NvA: i'.mi, K.in., l'eh. 7 Twen ty -two om.rs as the standard n o h ' I, n-es of br:i 1 wis ef by thf Ki; y c ni:;!' fair ptice cam- ,..,, 1 .... 1., ..-'..J .t.-o ... n-1'..,,. '1. ' J ". ', "' 1, ,,.:.,!,,.... 1 . .- .. i.:n. ' 1 - 1 . : .1 S - . ' ' i . I . . 1 M ' I loll, 1 1 i 1 1 : . .. ... , i.. 1,1 w-:c tiiaUir.R fm!y JO ounce i, AM t'm lirr-ol nil se Mini cents per loaf. SWAMP ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There, is only on tr.erlicine that really .s'amls out pre., riiinent as a ii . i "i , of i , o for curable ailments of the ki.!'..1;."?, i:T nn-1 hlal.!fr. 1 r. Kilmer's Sn atn p-Kot 'and. the. hiphft for tho reason that it has procen to b just the remedy lm.-.ie.j in thm;saii upon tlnmsaml,' of d.str. -si-inc- cas. s S'wai,ip-Hn.,t nuiku friends (pii' kly because its- W '""'' imnmiliate effeet is soon: n-aiizf-d in most oases. It is a gentle, he-alit'sr f f-'etalilo eoninouiid , i eon in .e.iiii-ii! in. hhit ,-so i(i n r a n ,,. . . . ,. mm. mm ami larmn .i.m.eve,. ,r ven Ra-n itrst to test - , : tins mi,t ; ,.,'oi.aratiot. m., v. v. for a snmnio I,,,.. i. when writiuK hp sure and menuon The ; Omaha Sunday le e. Kun-Down, Nervous Women Ml ."V! v''v V e Wcr Si -I -?rvr5eieai yttj'.ir xtWrfeS Misa McKinley ha a voice of unusual quality and it wa followini? her work ainr;in for the oldiet that the bcv.niiff weakrnrd and run-down and had retoune to Nuxated Iron. Ontp more in r,up"rb physical condition, Msa MrKinley say she is convinced that Nuxated Iron Iu no equal as a Strength, Health itnd Blood Builder. Y.rk l'l", H-l.-in inn! Metlieal illl,..r, sa;-: . "O is o y en!ii..i. that in r-a ai'v nil ' 'i"ies out of On, ur-tr'11'i; i,.;-,...- R':,l f'.ililikt sOrnirUi and vitviiitv !up t,. ' tauv a is and I ilr fieilli y of iron in tl.e 1.1.....I wm.ai, w In is rili'-dnivii. i., r o nnirkly tirei out. nif'e'.. .lefieieeev and d.irs not lion' it, I am rnvir.rod t liat thorp are tiio i-an.H of -u-h vvnie.n v li.,, n ir.'y by tnioris' Nuxatpfl Irnn. Tiiil-hf read.ly l,u:',l up t'.e.r !Pi1-t,!noe i-.ri.ll-.'!,.-, ni'Tfa-e tl,ir itv. - i, -a' .ne-yy 'ii.-! vet ! b r m ..-!- p bied, t" iie-ant and v ii-,i ,,ii , bialMi. b v r o.-'n n.: tlie i'eod ai-d ii-.-., -a i. en it. ,,;m-."i .-. . - ,. ... .' .... r - ' . m' ,, ,! .' ... ,.r i . ..It t . A neni -'lor p ly. -1 1 ; a ' o atld t.-r h.i BEL; 3V.ANX ADS IV 100,000 PRIZES FOR SCHOOLS FOR ESSAYS ON ARMY "Treasure Trove" Given Away hy Government Ton of Coal First Prize In Indianapolis. 1 ! ",, ,sM. S ton, T", h. 1 Tin 1. Sum't !' iM-ltl i- 1 1 o ,' puts tot fl.l liUir rcp'.n w - and inc. OS to hi ld M.iv , i s j.t he .i' toi'i'i d hv ton ..f t ''oit-.m,!-. ot i h' hi: ."1 1 1 oni Mam,, to l a nt'oi n a. 1 1' 't it:, ms to t!:,' part v u id he is-m d t" ,1 1 .1 n ' the in, hv in..'; !" 1 1'. : i- '","!'" will 'f the rat: I. -t i'' -hip, c 1 1 v and vlhu;. national 1 -a v imi'. h . In 11.11 v -'' on the or tin ii.,, I ' 1 . 1 1 1 ' 'I 1,.. I I c 1 51- Years In American Army Without Asking for Day Off I Wh::m'!. IV. . 7. tec -id f . .Vp, oVlw- r',n.,,.!'' t l.mi .-...ISUt to ' Tetarv ihdo r m til rr ". a lm s-. immr . . ,.!'.. I ..... . ,.1, . I, "f'il'.'ll .'t - .'f J. dm :he Tet'tf ' ci n in the C "' - ..it " 1 '.car.-. ! :- war i'm,1: nmnt ns issue, an m- M T' , ,m.r ns .iC.if, T, '.'t'.ial -'itmiiC't corcmninL' the. re. .-t.l of ! .;n ! wln.-'i it is f.t. tli-.t .!n' !' sorvir li ' ... ..... ,r t,.r t Ai '"em ' t'-r a flay s leave. 1ms :ce front duty heme; about m, i';m to an aocidert. .my a1' hrep w'. t ccrrr: j A coldob catarrh I : f APP'-V Cream in N'rvstrils To I '' '-pen I p Air Passages. Ahl What relief! Your clop-im 1 nostrils ( pen rir'bt up, tlie air pas si'mes of your head are clear ami von can brmi'h. freelv Vo mor. i,., ,,!,,,, o.n'ft.,,., ,ls. ,.l..iri,,. headacbo. drvnr-.-- m ?t nit-u-linc for breath at n'i.irht, ynur cold or catarrh is gone. l)ont , ay s'uf fed u p 1 Get a smad e.,.t itsi... .. til ' iKuite oi mn i ream uarni trotn your drurrm-t now. Apply a I 't'o of ,hjs fr;miant. antasenlic .ream ' , in your nostrils, let it penetrato through every air passage of the 1 head; soothe and heal the swadhm. jnfame,j mucous membrane, g-vm- iiiiitiiur'i iiiuions una in i ,t 1 1 , ins,ant r. !i. f. Elv's ri. a -I J'im is iusc wnat every cop; at aid catarrh sufferer has been scckm : It's just splendid. c5 jxm li K Wl t,, 'ii',-. and t i... - e mn.-' in -le. r .t, ;, i e, ,f c - 0,' '. 1 -' ... .!-ft r'. 1' i, t it r . t . , ii . a i . , an in, ,- r t I., il,-; I. , .. Of ,,f lev int.. ill" .tl?'ll'lfl' C - 1 li ed, W It"' ,. ! ' to l.ers. if of nil sorni.'t(i aid bloi'.a.l.aiid.ri. im-i I liaip f.'i.ul n.onns" m ir y o'eiieine ... . -1 ' 1 1 r t,,r le!i,i,i. t,, tea. ,,.'.'C,l', ri , 1 -bi . ,1. I ,ie,i. .1 a l-,.o M e'l'idii.tn' N ,i. e-t f- - t. ' '. ", " st r.o .-. i: ilk I ! is a -' SI,, m a i M. I is n. .' I a- .- e. b- oil le-4 : o 1 .in.'..! K KES.ULTS: 0