S rm: omaiia si iy wr,: ittwakv s iv.v. Th onl, fMh thu. ( rll nrf KnltU . nlt tn nil wrAtheiit, in that whuti ,.r' ol t. Mention m et with thp pi'idml of f H'in'np KM,.'! Iff 1 . I . t h 1 1 f i n h rr . l might n i n 1 K a I Loft C JSoDDind) villi Mk 1j U i - - - T"1R OTAff J? LJ 11 ( Calendar SUNDAY. On.il ,i YValk'ng Club . i ... ! , .-. . , TP ',',... Catht l:r K-earch Club, I o ft T'"' . . I t ; .it . tl"t:l .! J J.i!i! 'II Tlteosni'iiit'al I.ec'nie. D-i ,.i h ! l'i. tro: vti: ' ' oi .i I : t to '" M I)V ..!:m i 1 '.:u: -.f..! at S r: t' r ( "im! :i 1 !- ! . ... -, 1 . W 1 ! MONDAY. H Sisters. i ';o r.ij. : -. t- at t!-, . V i : .. .,. i. ,.-!- -.ii H -. ::. n ' it a i V f '. 0 ir ' a i ',. r a n. ik. Mi- ::: t,;i ,. ! 1 !' W.'i.iin ' - :n it! Tcrr.yson Circle. lV"io i ' T-;': i . I . Je wi'.i p . t M,.- d ,v ,-T' - ' t 1 with 1,-. V K- :;.,..!-, 4 '! Il.irti.-v - ,- t' I I- -n v..p bo -IV i ,' t r i;, "I i : ,,t ' . - In. Ann-." I , a';.i- If- !. K. 1-v.blnT a-d w. n. ii 'H ! i Fund Table. Kound T .,!! will meet Moud.iv i . iriT' at 7 :n 'a M i -. Y. H ll..'au!. 47J2 I ap'tol aoi'iio IT," !. --.a' w ill op "Ma-. ri.t! a-1 Mi t'io.1 , of I i. pon." and the s'tidv ot odas Martu-t Bishoo Vincent Circle. I'.'-iop Viiv. nt i ii.'io will tiTf ' at 7 1" n. m. Man,! iv -. ''in .it ti'.' p-d'hc Id.t.oy. la adcr. Mi-. II. M. ( if-.. Dundee Patriotic Club. I ho I )'.i:! li-e Woman's I'ati io,:o obdi v. dl li.'-et M ondav at 1 p in. unit Mi -. W. J. Tiilloy, 4')'i. I'M.!.'!' wood aon.;:e. F'.eition ot oiti.e's. TU;::DY. Ome!;ro-L-X;ma. (bn"ki.)-r.-Xtina will moot Ttte the Social -otthunent I iv e fiiii; at hoii-o for mjpjut ami diumafe art. Busineis Women's Club. Mr -. Ida M Han. h.-'t will pe.il. on "il:.- Nt.v World iioociaphv" f the l';i-!ui -- W omen'- eluii at if i . c alar it be! niai'y 1 cv, D. A. R. I'he (""b.ild.ron ot the Amei u an K. volution w ill met m oonn.i o-fou with the leouhir tivittMv meetiui; ot th" T) A. K. -ooii't', , with Mr-, . t . Stoke ;, 1 in -dav, 1 diiii.ny !' ..( a 0 Cba is. A, 1 . Ih.'ICi- I l 'ok.-t. who h i- been aptiointed hv the nat'or.al -o.-nrv a.-- a' .taiiiir-pi.-id'i'f of Nebia-ka. and presi ,:,-. t of the h'eai -'. tety itiv.tt s all i b g 1 1 1 1 e member- to attend. pro gram w l'i he gn en bv tho i hihii en. South Omaha Woman's. south dm, -ha Woman'- club will h.dd a pu'd'C nieotine in l.duai hall. T;io-da- atteruoon. with a bn-TO'.- .!, u at -'..'H and a pro o on at 3 rhhak Mis. John R. I i 'IkPlO- W ill 'l.ll.' e:,i",.' ot till' moiram at v ! h Mr.. M. D dani ' ... v. dl -p ak a.-'l Mis. 'oi, n. 1 '? A ' '" '! '! -mo. i . . . oi ' a 1 1 -, d by f. t h'to'd I " 'g Current Topics. I ' o en; i e-o t.-",v- ib-p O t'l , II! ot ;' o ll',:..':!,! onau'., , luh will met I ue-diav altei a, .on 1 1 .' o'. oi ', in ti,,- V. W. C 1 't lb: 'c le--ou w ill ho the t" . 'I'll r' utei ,.f Math. I ! e dav wdl In in hopoi ot Mna bam I "'C' d'i I 'r ''. atei - p'av a I m,'..ii w dl bo di-eu-;, d I he ,0" v-l'ip g ?-' i . -- o'd 1 am . dn's Tiuourjl ad-'i,.'-- w bo piosented North Sid- Mothers. 1 he No-1'. - 1. M. ih. i -' . hd. v.iM me. t at 'be I 'ii ot Mi.-. i I". Andci-on .d 4 .J I Half" m .u.'iai.-. lot I d" hp,, be ii , ' I no- ho. . hen s no: v b, M;.s I. ha 1'i.oi i',,n, will -peak on u ,- iciuiatioii. Tublic Speaking. I I'O p.ibh, -p. ahi-g d- P.1' tiu.-' t lb, i ip'a'ia on- .''- . hih w'l -t 1 ip -dav . 1 chi inn y, 1" at b1 a. 1 1 !'.,- Y. W l. . 1 'be t'a-- I c 'f.miif '"T "to -p e, tliiiit and (. !".:h . . -t ,. h-. i'.ii, ' r . a ii'T'l", i - a- . PI'VITU. i 'p .. eg to ,,.. . Tipa'gn ''I Oi pe. I'ppc-.o L. i i pi ! "- rear m. Lp'- .' o-,n.hnt L-.i, ;. or "Sni,,-,, Li'atnui and Ap-t'ic.-t s ;n Public speaking." Improvement Club. i'he New Omaha. Improvement h-'- v ) b.,'d thf.r tegular meet s', due-, in. 1 cb-uai v Hd. at S ' Wk. "' i'.ie V la t I'i.'unt g' ot erv, ..ii, ' . ih -l ' : : v a v cut Custer R N - .v " - Corp.'. !... ". .11 - " ' P - WEDNESDAY. H. E. L. P. Club. H, F. 1 , P. club v, ill pn-r! at the Social settlement h."Tc t u supper on Wednesday evening. Fine Arts Exhibit. '''he Opt da Society of I dl l'i ing the , Ipldr cn's e tt 't .d h ( -bp -f!"r.ov Dt-! -, ,,.;,. 'i-ot . S, n; i i "a- t a , a -; 1 'v adapt, el iPIll-liug in l''C S .iilii , . ' y HUapdei Puii-liug m tc s nil i! , nSi-le h uary tor an exlpnit ol t f s , k-i'd Tin- fvli.tfi ;s!t , -,-, it,,- 1 ,, . - . .. . o o - - . , v . i o..i , i.j .(iiiii. ,.,1,1,.. i. i ..ii , t n ,m . i on mr . iiiii lutti-, cam td-e., I ldiru. c a, t s, manv interesting and unusual works j Sterling l.clbach bill for retirement j and memorandum pads pi all kindt i ni a&sb &t iM t& mate itbsklfii i&li.al civil ioskt tmlsntklmi &sk " I pin a ' .o 'er ' n ' i n !l i.i intf - e-t j exhibit j- . ' n r u '," esc i ' e i! i:t De, en if e i ! w.i- -!"nr. to theVo.il i i '- c great .i! ' works ami re ' : " - ' "'k- ' en at m.is- ' ' It am-nig the Frances Willard. W. C. T. U. l h 1 . t i : ,i , ! W . t I "; u'Tt .'.'".f-!.;v at 1 o-o. k ;,,. imtrr , t .n. . K, Hii'l'iir!!, ' !'' ' "!:- '. -ti-i t t. cw tor thr ' ' I"'"'1'- ' Music Department. t.',-'"i!- i.i:'.t-i! . 'r. -Us . i r. i. n at , .,: ton v M I,. r l.il t 1 1 j - i! l i'1' ! i 'it u.iry I S. I !-.iti:tttoM "i -i !Xk" ,u i !1 br tli, 1 .i ' f '"tit 1-. p. -'tit i ,!.iV .Itsrmc Mar. h . ! i " i ! I ' I ! 'i t .oturtt in April. Omaha W. C. T. U. ('-,!! v i'. t. r. win moot . !:. - !.iv at - p. in . A n the V. Y fllURSDAY. American War Mothers. I ! ) i i h.iftf r "t A'pc ;. m War M. tlieiT will ir.oi t I'lnir.-div v. n it X o'.-Joik tn M'Tp.nal ::all, i 't Iktm . A. C. A. Drama Section. T';..' drain t v. !;...n ot tltf A-ooia- 'i"ii ot Cd!fir;.itc Alnninao will p. oof u th Mr-. II. H. I'.eisippi-t at no A 't iv. e ! : 1 1 a r v 1 J, a' 4 p. 'in 1 he f-l.ty. "an.i v. i.i.:-." by 1'etov Ma, kaye. will !-c gtvn,. M'-s i-al't" iienip-'to, lea-!-1 !'o-.j who wdl tike part a:e Mil.be' Mo'-'is. M a'aj'ioi pi Walker, i iij.i' i PI alld I la! "11. Longfellow Circle. I opt. 'How creb- wid ",e(t I pnr- d.iv eeiun; at the public bbr .,rv, t,ii 1 oil o'clock. Li' , '"r. Mrs H K. M tt top I a -o ,n v ii1 be ' Brothers in Arm- '' l" Book Club. , The Ibiok club will moot Tb.urs dav, 1-ebrii.irv 1J. at tiie in tno ot Mi-c l-le.inor M ci i'.lton, when Mrs. Kov I'ac- wid :-. iev ' i'b.e liav I ),miiIw v" bv .r Ihrrv lohnston. Mi-.- l'nnlv "K, lb r will teviow "A Man ot tho Ate," bv Haehcller. . Ivy Congenial Club. The Ivy t'or-K'-nial v lu! w ill give a oatd party in the ( dd I-el'o'S hall. Fourteenth and Dodge streets, ("bur-day exerting, Fcbtiiary 1?, at oo. Psychology Department. The psychology department of . ''ie 'hn.aha Woman's club will meet , I hi: lay at .11 P in the Y. W. ('. -. Mr- S. A. Clans depart ment leader. Dr. I . P.. Jenkins, m-,-t: u, p.r. FRIDAY. George Crook Corps. (.ei.re Crook Relief corps wdl meet m Memorial hall, lourt home, I'diday at -boll p. in. The mu-ical pert, .nuances given Wednesday and 1 burs. lay evening-, oi the past week were a cro.it sucee--, accotchi M i s. Ida I- laugher, prt sident. to Roosevelt Circle. Iln 1 1 oo-; el t ( ha uta uqua en will meet with Mrs. 1 . A. Lit - -'' -."itli I .'h -u..ii.l -tr b i Ida evoniug West Omaha Mothers'. Vo'-I Omaha Mother-' t ultme chin will meet Fuday, Fohruarv la, I.i, 114 ( w 'th N'rs. IMaine Truesdalo i apt!' .1 aviiuc. Scottish Rite Women. Ibo Scott' di K o Oman's chih " ii h.dd a l-iispn -, nice! mi; at I ho i -I -'.'di a I I' r'-lai . I i hrit.it Id, at .' P. T A -.'i-,.1 iio.il w o t,d. iw . Omaha Dorcas Club. I T- i 'inaba I "'c." t I'd i n el I ' u!,,v, I' t di inn " Id. Mr,. I '-.d J rij, ,.-,,, J. Ih'ti; numb sti.-r-t. wrM -nh M (h SATURDAY. - "I'- , til l' ' I ,r,mt w ill i utei t.il 11 the ! . it.io ot the Round Table Sat, ',u' v ""ooi corse l l"t no, md.tv, Fcb'iiaiv 14, with a 1 o'clock "rr,i ,,c,v crue tn the ait ol luiuae. ,t. i he lc--.vi will he on ''''"ss dej.c lids I u ndamc " tallv upon I ee fit: i-.iimii oi the book- ot the Old ' vf r"Vl t,,p ex"l'lli'' ": one w ho T -taupct ., -.,:lv ,,f hi- hf o r-et ,..11 be delighted Miii.oii.in' " ' with the personal tiif g service ten- dcird hv the cotf" -,.'-c;ahst. Don.i P. E. O. Sisterhood. thy II ill, JOa N'mllc !Mock. loth cl i i'.ii.ier M. i.i the P. I- (I, sister llarucy, who has made a study of hood will meet with Mrs. O. D. the stout w Oman's t oi set tumble-for Mavheiiy t. r I o'.dotk luncheon on mato vea's and who will choose tor -.it'll dav, 1 ehrua v 1 I School Forum. h- Omaha S, hoot I ... wn ,, el tor I ii in boon at t iic l hamLer oi t onii'it'iv- Saturday, h'ehiu.nv M. at !- o'tlo. k. Mi-- Ahto ). Ot wdl pn-ide eiial payic.d. It-, -II b" discu -ed by I);. 1 I. F. 'Juigd ,,f t r, t;iIoii u ipci -:tv ; C'tv 1 " . i i ' : . i : ', C bv 'o-o.- Morton a- d Omaha of tin I ip.ipo, hv . Y C.tudde. Federation Notes Tho boa ot directors of the i.-pct! h'e.bra V III '- ..! '- II ''el oi Women's m i 'iiT'.i t a i t d t'l" "Oil, oi i Jot: ' t' 0 t ,. -' fee toe Nop 1 a- I i on, t ,p ' , OTP. , od.T if.,; , 1, pip - 1 ; ! 1 1. . . uc-t the t pj'-s of hot file t . t p, so-- oi the w "I k. Mt, :i. J, a ' i Butter, a Ncbra-i.a y.om.pi. vca, m chaigr -I an .utihan age in sidoi'. vchoie J,ti"i) chiidiou wore ted daily during the war, in addition 10 o1.1') cluldtcn caied for m the orphanage there. Miss Butter ha- tet'trned to N'ohta-ka. (Lpvard rta'dtigo am I Charles M. W ,1' . ' i e f Opeiha. ate on ti'p na-::.-., d t'ouiii'it'eo ,u'd are chairman ,.--.i -, i eta i v i c - , -. t p . I , p.r the ' if ,T-i h.oo , ',g d "!-- FoP . ' to ...c..', ... , I,... !, gio-p,- ,, , I ifc i e t-ommrii.l to i no gi iic-ial icpoia tiou chalimau ot Icgi-l. t'on that ,.-,!, ,(.- ,.-.,., t I,. . Valentine's Day is Diamond Day. A n.ty :ort i.t.owv .tivl til Ibf l-op ..f )-b I !rt"'u k-o:i, tltc irw.-'ci. MMu:t'i .i'"l .ti- tol ,if '! t'-- proj-.eil a : k 'ii to In o:t a- V,i h'vi ii'f'r D,i 1'!!' r-:',s-. l'M'iiM'"ly pn-r,-i-il ;iat",'.:m ;.), ': .tni il'amm"! ti thr c it tt t o, a t::oiipfn wi'h r iuht sni.sIVr oncv t.'ai ! to 1rn ,,! ,,,i.,.o ,., ,:,-.,-tlu- at i winte a:;.: grocu 2n.: lie bn'iiia v ciik-r iv oil. iiii-ri b a j.W fliMl I ' , :n . i i! moiui i , 'or i t to:-.o l tb,. TCOll'.'Tt ) with 'pt:!ar pi w at irrrc n a 1 1i.tp in .1... lllTI.t- t-. sr at r.i.-h !'. Thi ' ms t tteo t'vo i:v!o;'il i- A platinutii top .ii a urv.-n '! ni: hoMn'.c; In o liaip'jU.S i .:'-n. wlnlr vo;y s'lr.t'ar r::!K, I'p.iu !i ! nliy piorood at tho v.lrs, a;o .i.; -n and 47.5''. You'll .,1m) t'::id tlio.r ;:: .tf -..htano dia mond a'"' noii!tit!gs ni.ist tlistmc- t".e, ,!1 ,- l l-o 1 1 if 1 rt;!,-..- J,-.r ,1 rT to 'IMMPI Ol'C vo" i- jt Ya' 'I" :o's Dav! W'b.v not s.'nd a new song as a J v c ro'1'..iipbranoo ' 1 .niinentlv ;:!. ddo are: "Two Sweethearts ot M::io," "(hr! ot My Dream.-," ' Wp.-.k- of the M.irnn'p," all HV. Remodeling and Redecorating of the Home TVTAKKS the old pictures and 11 jranlc, look more than a bit -habby. The art department at HoM'c'. 1M7 Douglas, is dointr re- inarkably artistic ro-trammg, and re- crcatT.tr of old frames, also replac- 't:ir old pictures witli new ottes. De- lighted yoi'll be with their clever t!t'est;..n tor the plaft'K of pew mirror, atl lamp decidedly new ami 'he ')i!u--:aily b.aiU'ful tlowcrs lift '"'- Sinilbr than we've beep aeep.-- tomcd to seesr.i; are the now art dc-k sots of seven pieces in dainty Trench blue or rose, Service Unexcelled WILLI? yours if y ' your kodak films tc ou II semi to the Kasc Mtidio, second floor, Neville buibl- ing. Sixteenth ami Harnev, for do- voloping and printing. Nothing hut the ho-t in tpiahtv of materials used, a service ei'licioutly prompt, work paiiistaktnr: and artistic. Try them tho next time you want work done. Their enlarging is really marvelous so pleasing the result. 1'hey give mail orders special attention ami will bo glad to send you a price list if desired. "Fast-miipitc-look" minors hare a two fold use of beauty and helpful pe.-s. Ham larvod, silk backed, thev'te ohered at .Co", 12 ,:h and -1 5 i '"'I Exquisite Embroidery Adonis Baby's Silken Comforter 11 is to ho found m the ppen Importing (. ompany s showroom. 218 South 18th Street. (boat showers of cherry blossoms ate sprayed at rnss these bits of ccv daintine-s in blue or faint pink. pi ieo, at s-p.-ii. Ju'le delight'nl al-o ate the blue, phik and w hite crept bootr"-. I land eipb' oide' "d. a ec-irab1. gitt indeed, thev'i c p. ,j at S' on , , v, ".v'1'- '' ''hough l :o re c i bl.r k kid ; 'im.ps " 'th p t t. c over the iu-t, p ' I . i e v ' t t a i , .-. t , erb out nru T!ie Shop of Personal Attention N01 HINT, touhl h ant P. a Mont w e hum c impot t omati than the you and tit to vour everlasting grati tude the model best suited to your t;gure. combining comtort with grace of lino. Never hi o . eihug- peen lov cncr or lr.-1'ti CsscPtial to the perfect co--tu. i than '. 'dav, and for spring, ex-fT-'ie ii. color combination- are app-ai mg. fade dot ate iutinitch' fbomitig or taupe meshes, -and on 'row ii, led an navy, these ranging hi price from SL7.S a yard up t" ?S .-'I in the ni" ii-h made-up veils If You Want a Hat Reblocked, a Feather Refashioned, or Marabou Refreshed TAKE it up to the Kruger Hat Shop, ibiid floor. Barker block. Fittecnth and Fai -am. I heir w,,'k t- st Rial 1 1 ,1 I a ' F: i,i!o--. . : t' l-ai, .i.n.'i g C i, ... -L i -. a pa i g, ,-. u ,,f (a ; - tela who-.- co, el -fume is libit k lijlb eipLroidei ed in silv.-i hand ol 'el outline;, the -bnuldet-, while the tly away-auge I sleeves aie ItLI to earth by silver tas-rls! "Mark CiossLondonn SFANDs for di'tn.t tiei,e': u, leather goods the wruhl ovri, a "d de-'i, e ',! , v ,,u'll -a . . af 'ei ' r g the - tp ' f ii men pot ; I liu .,)! am! pig-Tin. Imcly stilolien, l they're suggestive of a million u-cs: . tai i,u. ..'..j thoughts of sorrow I had kepi Myself in prison house all daf. Till sunshine through my window crept T o steal my thoughts auay. A Gteat Deal of Sentiment Is At tached to Heather ND ah fbp s;.p. of Scotland wi - tmil inocf vVl-dituil the ie; eal If.tlift t!tt at ' ivcd at tii-- Jo'i'i I'.ath ri.oM'i Mr. p. i".fti toen'h and l-.i'iiam. I'm- itilt- ti'o. -otp; on lone, f-atherv sn.tv, t''etr o'!"t r.iiii:.' i- t'li'.v w.'iiilrou-! I ri -lap- P w..i;M not It .nip-- to in. i hid" .1 bit ,.f hr.i'.; pi tin- -tat. ("-" tlowi t , .it, r:;o (,n vt tnc's D.n. t 'I V r en nit; .-on.) di.. a -l.nt lian,i;'nfi a'.ni. t to tdo tloot. l omlnno niot -a tai toi".!) . Nothing Is Quite so Disasterous to Drapes, Rugs and Clothes S prpnv dirt, st:oh as wo expiti rnoo iinr:::u the inter moptli-. I had tins qui t o forcibly brought tro the o'h, r dav when helpe. a l;p:e laity 1 know t .1 e down some (lien-bed dt .poue- only to find that we had waited a bit too lop.t; to -end them to the i leaner-. The coal dust had cut them to such extent hat it was t. a le--. One really hould -end ,!:apr- at leacl o"te a niontli. Dre-her ilrothers, 1'wentv--ecoiid and Far- am. make a special ty of (hung drapes and curtains ideate t!-o n,,- -t f a -ti .! ions house wife, returning them promptly look ing Ike new. I all Tyler 4.V, to -tart their service movine. Picture.-rjue le-taurant l.ats of bliik are- a i con'.u.i t"d tn tber cl.ii m to style achif venier.t by a decontie -parkle of beads. Blue and Burpundv A Color Com bination Freshly Fascinating! A N'b'.W and vriv lovely ( C'linhiu.apa n is seen it a color p 1 1 1 1 - low p. patttiu ha: at Schade'ilV. shop, ixt.-cr.th an ! D-'iu!-.-. Hand Pi-b-puied, its brim 1- tolled to di-c!ose a i nitcrwno'en isrr.i-cenn-ttt of tat !. Pi- and In aid iield in place bv an i rt lib,'- at nt pip. And the New Fi Seen Them ? Have You P LIT Ft I I Y 11 e s, vol v . adorable! Short? Long h.'dice ctiet I. id Ciort gracetul t "ot ha-t, are the -dorte-t, prettiest mil l"pped sk"t-. La-t sleeves. dip. - rv s IT a LTPP , b,o k -atlll I mail indeed with pntf "d pot ke! - . t t ,t!i side, tied wit' blue pie , i p.'.oip ,t hilc tne dam t dv- pmute,! hmlit .- has a fi n.doi; hit nt a sa hi round it? tpiamt lin." Fa-hiotPi.iv oved irc.i ks, winch nave iiou.T.t.i iiuo tne i.amomi i r . o i ., . , Specialty '-Pop. .e.oiid flocir. Secur ities htiihimg. SixTenth and Fai nam, to ,-tav until- vnn see them. mm I Daintv Bits of Color Embellish Wee One's Clothes leu l.a, , p' a v was u - ed t. r tic from ti,, en..,,. :,,ii .n,t.n , e.-'-'- s-.ii... 6y,"V"0"."'-:", ""r su'1 "' 'iv.iu.,1 urn- smguain minmea m xvntte. l ne It mnifl in a til I e of rand v-strtned timk jn, white dinntv Th. .tt I. rrl- .-- r ..i.i ..v.- . i j t :r . My soul went with the birds awing, My heart uas light as fountain spray. For why should I be sorrowing When all the world was gay? - - I he Line, lv iSergt. C lauilo Womiei, in I lie Oicgoiuaii MY Dh' MvS Ji'-t a- I1, i !" I- bud- "t the -pnug appear to bi.liten the latidseai'O anew . the low ! -pi ' c -th - oo--oiu toiiii t,, ( in l.ant tho eager sheppeis. I In y make their d.-but mo-t gloriou-lv, the-e maiw ls ot the piode, a perocl hi w ihlei uient ,o i-'.ohantiue'its, oi ibmipe eou- r.itltll, "i lie way ol ilehc'hnul appaiel tor wotnen. tiowp-. suits and wrap; that frankly own their m-p ..itiop was derived horn I'an- ports clothi - tor tho-e nt tin icirn me fair who are ho'ind for Tith e'li chines, ie!itt!:uil in their Puecasting ot our own summer styles. Never neper in po--ibihi-.es of trimming. iare c!rmi. novel tabtics has a sea Min been, TiiborNinu no'v tn -h -had" to bo noted in an cvpit-ite'v pi t -tect rainbow, datum coaitaic- topiodueed m dashing little hat-, shuts and sweaters ot debciot:- otleet, d.i-aiunng becoip.ingnes-. A if.iiii,i'i to'd me to, las- th,!' -lie mentally compared OmaV..l sh' with tho-e ot New York all ot last w,,k. with the re-nit that she decided i Pnahi shop- -bowed n:-,t a- pew and hweiv la-h:ops as those ot lit .-.iter Nt w York with the dtifei ep.ee in pinuber of mode's show n. I -n't that a ti atln r in our cap o' stle-: And while I'm telling, 1 'night add that -he thinks one see- just as many s manly dressed worn, p, , n tin- stiei '.- and m cafes and theater- as a-e to be -een there. Another leather Wright Bits of News From Filth A Dainty New Conceit in House Avenue TT AS Mis- M.Ar.llo ot MeA-dl.- IS a ch.ickered percale in. delic.it Flake's I'haprau Sha'p, Fat- bdue and white which they're nam, hctwe".i Sixteenth aini Seven If-.-nth ('"'Id House of .Me'p.'ah loo a tion). Just leti'ined t r "ii a luniuo trip, you'll tied hi r hi unming ovi i with s'yl ul sucgestu.ns and it von do not t'.Pf pow on di' m-t ti Pat j on w l-ll will shot-. -t a i.iscinat.ug (h..peau tnun ain,,ng those which !v his p.-rs.T.allv looted on Filth avt uuo, which ate a; rivir.p dadv. Youthful hats show a decided preference b r t lowers i pp c if-bc faslroiied and in n'"'l c: - veiled for fuither allurement. i Don't Be "Pennywise and Pound foolish" IN so important ,i matter as hotue huihlin.g and risk permanent sat- isfaction and real market value m vour home hv trvinc to save a fev dollars in the htgiuning. which, n' put into the right mater, al, will prove your he-it Tvos'm.cPt. The Hvdrauhc Press l.rtek com panv toruierlv loraterl ou t.oc lotn dr,r' W. C). W. h-uhhug. ha- opened a proand floor -hpwro .m "j its wonderful rpiahtv brick. Hy-'lex, ...here van are very welcome to con- ult its honio-hiuhli'o' expert in tr gard to any buibfin.g t rohletus which may he perplex ing you. I hev'l! he verv -.dad to sliow yon ihe various lunk on ih-play an.! thev wiii give free ! i h.iXie books oO-jtn,,.,, -ii, li,t,., tin ,1 .Iralti'lftAt ,!,,-,nt.- -ri). .or tncir hook. ' I 1 Model at.- I r.-t. Ho To.x llou-c lland painted v.-lv-et -hcyp u a bl.ionry c! t.d. r even ipo'e ihaim :ug than in batik tio-igu- i- -een m -onie oi the new- cvipmg inuks, iid inanil-pamted velvet come- by the vard. or tatber by the length - each length being a work of art and show ing a range of color-- that suggests nothing So much a- the coloration of a gorgeous butterfly. For Fartidious Little People. rp!li". I d-id: i .! e! M,. p. S:-,- ti'cnth and Ilarne-. , p ..hc...-ip po-t captivating little i-a'i-oik go' lor- in tnnk, w hit" act blur . ilh ,,'iiiity cor.'. 1 he-r ai o kl ol told I .-t inlcr-gPt- IP'- rslnig to I usu il ! i. ,., . ekn Rrass Bed "Ai istotrats." A FRY limned nioiis hiaps be number o I .- II, ' Itm llll- ;s!i with decorative -atui band irms with the m w iu'eil... kii-c -"ie tail'. tc'Lul.ir 4II end 4'i ,i!m -, aie he mg olfued al ' da hard & W il helm'.- ten S J''..;'i. Ihe hed-prmg- are ot In av v ink ta n i ii g'.av enamel, the two cleiatod -ix mt In - . . ' . . . ahovo lie -no rails ot the bed J bc-e aie $10.-11 values fm ?S .;'' N. P. Oiders on the-e -houh he sent by return mad if pns-ihle. not', t sp-a g n on t i,e ,-t I w . 1 . ..... ...i i. . ' Ii.T w - A little breath of summer bloom And sounds that make the meadows gaj ( arne softly stealing through thr room To lure my steps astray. Frocks hov, ing at the Yanity Shop, thud ilooi, Securitk-s hinb.hng. Sixteenth .,n 1 larr.apa. Sipiare-neeked, out iiiTd m lace, it has a wide belt vo.u'd never sec if 'tweie not for the ' jfi around it- -and it- dau.t n the hack. The sleeves at ,.-, h "ow as new can ho--kimuiio with a hit of a boxple.it on the top of each one. A slip-over, tin- bright pnic of tioek c'uer is priced at .fo'o. Woolen ihives are making tliem--fives iiit, pojmlar this -ea-oii than la-t heca.Uso they are so at tract : t Iv mailt . l in y are made in plain kui'Td oit.it and sometimes in an--"'i,i and bru-hed wool am! aie wu n i'.v certain -rat women about town, i- well a- luv mop.rmg and in the couutrv, Xhe Very Newest Thing in Music Rolls. :T I 'SIC rolls, as well as . 'J- follow a voLMie, and the clothes, Omaha hinting Co., Thirteenth and l'ar- .""' .-. .B o.r iiiii,i-iih'iii.sii ;' h.it'r.er go,..lc, have just put on p'av evci 1 1 i !OP 1 1- 3'tr-irtii-p folic i.a-hioned of real leather in brown and black, mmp.-.t'-d in gold or stiver with umst -tvh oidv charming shined -ilk lining-:' h very musician will at once ap nrec.itc the helptulue-s ot a cun ningly placed pocket for the hoM mg "I a dainty pencil, extra hand Kerchief or bit (-,f carfare. These lauge m pnoe from $1..' lo f.1.'. while 'xcellcnt easts in plainer linings i.uav be pad a- low as S.i ,-l. 'v l the pencil, to he fit lr, iutu h''t ..1 e the I Vet Sil.U . dtt.til -'ot! a'.l f'.dd. tll.l'iv of thelll o o h a copv eiiiei t 1 lor a 1 ihlioii t" he tied r. umd tin- m t-lc or wrist oi the I or mii-icia-' i lies..- range in pi ice from SI to $X. Ihthv'-. wicker ba--inet i indeed a modern affair in white, pink or blue enameling, with lubber tired "heels of wood. ILgh at the side mother peed feel no worry of baby's craw lint' ,,ut ; teia paioit for mov ing about the hotje ii fi'l-, ma.-,,-p. c d -. If You Appieciate Service Unex celled Y ll I.I. tmd intelbeotit s t d-ligh'fiil i' rviro rendered al t .reep s 1 'harmai v , Si.xte ent h fid Howard. S mr.athcttc k'ndli. P 0 -. tended to the "strnucei a, vii toe gates for I v e heard a i inilhi r ot Peopte jn dow n own hotel- -peak pai in ularlv, i.t the tour-te-'U- kip. In, -- shown in this shop lining the -ler.e- of ilh'e-- wlii'h ha v e. ov ertal-.r ii them v h id- in t !r i Hv. ai tv t "i ' 1 1 1 , :' e I : : e i !' l.outtant wnle..,t ilie.bn,- -.'l.o.iPti,- ' ' A I'ttle black (idle gowp has many -cailops riufineil m filver, with I'a'nfv vedv cl flowetson wire lo give fined in I fl o w e t s o t the outstanding effect. 1 - It , i , hp m, d !, a i .. .,..! .. ' ..':".:'.'" , .' . " ' and - """"j, "mi s suie-cnoug i t apron oi omk- with b'ack Milady's Coifhite Most Impoitanl Plus Season A M) trttlv. wl hair e do t hat x giraf deal of need ! I he N hadeH hop, Sixteenth and Douglas, hae oi-t teceived a oty complete line of poippadoui s and transfoima. lions ranging in juice from $1S to So'V I he woven ponipadonts and 1 1 ansioi inatiops are jun od from $5 to o!J, lovilv indeed. l"av mutl-, hi wide -election, st ill hold high ta'or, t .r thev'io nally most beioming, ' "l'i! agi oe. Fvii the Girl Who Leads in Fashion TTAVK come the delightful little suits ii the l.amond Style Shop. I ton is the coat of a nay tricotine o.uli a solid tov of flat buttons down le oi lie in nil, eiaiiug ill i.- l uli (as-el-. Ntivel style note, the back is the same as the front, with i.i --a Is hanuiug over a full act oi deou. pleated skill d'!ie vestee is a -and iluvc'viio. bhui-cd very lull upon an cla-tic belt, with bidden nisttTing. Seafoam blue, ipute uniipie among colors, l.a. made its debut m Omaha pi a suit little tafteta threo-j.ieee mt, all-over emhroideicd in white v .11 II. Susy Business Women WILL be glad to know that the. Flatiroii caio, Seventeenth and sf M.irvs avenue, are now serving - lndwiehe-of all kinds for 20 cents, d iintdy deh'ttihle concoi tiors which are in themselves most "tdU me" You'll titd most delicious i.eu- toasted threse sandwich, while they ,-ei v o tempting hi in he pus -hed for 4a tents Anticipating the F'irst of the Spring Plans for Home Beautifying. Tp H K. artistic drapery departPirut - of the IF R. Bovvt'ii l uttiitutc lOir, Sixt' -nth and Howard -tiern .-Inn' illg 1 - w and lovely things in the way ..f window deeorative-ue.-s. No p., it of the home furnish ing, so at.t'v expresses the innate 'etmenient o.; the homeniakcr as the -hades, drapes ami hangings! That is why we wish the help of artistic interior decorators when it comes to .-uch an important matter. Oipte, eputc new is the silk gauze hi gold, rose, ami blue which comes "i a cibmch vodth to bo yidit ami Mitched in heavy yarn, hung next to the gla-s with i cdot ed side dtape, niid lamhreipnu aero-' the top. It one pi eK is, theic is that fas-.'u.-.tiug panel lace c urtaininc. I.'tsemtn.t curtains on ivotv rings aie allogetiict charming. aeldincT a h't or oh! wot Id loveliness to the rconi. l.ue shades pert to the glass, a j.icihpion of e.tlmr curtains, with colond diapcs and lambrequin ate verv -matt. Imported ha u d blocked cretonnes delivd't the aiti-tie: eye with the;r t otp- cobanug-, tiopital effects in Ir d-cape-. flowtr-. bird- and fruits. While quaintly tcfreshinc are the iimicv utile curtains tor bed- io,,m use with ij.' mips .. . . . o It it s a bit ot refinement vour rooms neerj. -uMle suggestions ot culture, vou'll find valuable sug- gesttors here. . ... i.i . . .. . V" V " "1K1 1'uttoiiv.i.n ti,. v v b baby s cicepcia aie cd while poplin , ... v . . . "u . Kl " 1 fix Luxurious Fur "17RAPs made of braut btl peltiv ' weie iievei nnue handsome than t h r v aie this v e a r . and the f a -1 1 -lotting of the lr-s valuable pelts is no lo-s rharmu'g in elicit than that of the ttulv magui'ieent. The .st v Ie ( xpcl Is in fin iv fa -b -ion- at tho National 1 it i"d Ian milk: companv. Scv enteciuh and I b'tiglas. t'il, tie K lull building, m loim me that moh'skin is a titv.lv ibscoveted fur tor the spring ot l''.'il. Fn Hire this bit of loveliness : a blue fox, Ni:g and silky loiuid, the neckline of a moleskin capo' I ou! I anvthmg he mote h'velv: Spetiallv w hen blue t,. : i 'dt n al'v hlu - at a'l hut a golden taupe o petuiiailv t avi -hmg el', i t. i ou',1 tmd upon t .xanunat ion that then 's a' tmv shined pot Let ii i L i the annua!'-, face lo h.dl ii.'diilv's iewe'-l Stoles, tapes and lollais m mole, you'll find here in decidedly pew epects, de clared bv Datae l a-hion to he th. verv newest and best. It, perchance, nude i'ti't !' tur p.r you tins shop has an extensive -bowing of chok er nude up m ail the ilc-ind Jel tt P'S. "Mak-Ur-Ov.n" rnilLRF". are a th "ismd and one uses for a flashlight and throe is hardly a -top taken after dark when sin h a bght is pot recesarv. How ha"dv amt -a'e a Mik-''r-On 1 flashlight is wbT l.oakmg for some thing in the daik clothes closet, st tie, basement, in barn, garage, or in fait auvwh.te. I'.nt the Ft, of the; dd 'tv! dv made batterv is al- wavs mi. ertain as it Lectins to deter iorate the moment it is assembled at the taetory. By the time it has pa-sed through the hands of the w hi .h sale-, th,- dealer and finally to inn, several mouths have possibly e'ap-ed. with the result that half of its etectt ;c energy has been lost. With a Mak-I'r-Ovvn battery out fit you can have a new battery in ;u-t a few seconds and just when you need it better battery, a long er lasting battery and a brighter burning light with one of thee battery service outfits at ?l.fl5 which includes the battery materials and the flashlight itself. Send direct to the Nelson Co., iicctrio fixtures and appliances, next door to the Orpheuin theater, Fif teenth and Harney, or I'll be glad to got one fear you. "Whv Is This Garment So High Priced? T"HIF. answer h'aid mo?t oft'n is, - "My dear, look at the wonder- oii'lv exquisite ep'broidcry !'' Proof po-itbe id the excellence of any garment. S", itu see, if you'ie making or ha', ing made anything i.i'.IJ lovely in tip- way C'l clothes Ihey nitft mcd- !,.- diroidered !' The Ideal Button ai d Floating companv-, ,'i5 Brown budding, Sixteenth ami Douglas, are doii- most ravishing eiubioidei y this sea-on. Hav e you seen it? I'll he glad to rend a sam ple of their work, or better even than that; one of their booklets with price list. NotL.ng Adds Quite the Zest to x Valentine Party as Clever Cos tumes. T';,1 It'Fd ,'DORI-. L1LBI.N. cost, met-. th tlo,,r. I'I4 Howard street. has a most comphte colleepott of lancv costume- tor every Conceiv able, kind of party, and you'll ti.. 1 Ins lulp in sob ct'on n.o-t artistic in every vav. If it's a play you've planned, don't be tale to enlist his -eivitrs, you';) 1 1 n , I fh in fully ade quate. Valen'ine Greetings of Unique Interest. Suggest've of Leap Year ij t veie on truly up-to-date Valentine, which says, "If you love rne it's time ou said so." Superior mind of man indeedl "Everybody makes me tired but sou." says a nonchalant youth on clever little tard. D'smh'd the vrt-r euelojed in a s.;p!rt hoo',jO fed m ,.;te ribbon, it -led in a bt ,o. v s..d bea, th'UJl by an an o t t Olla'Utlv old fj. loomed). (hdightltM i i sentiment as tlm hollvhock decor stions are cards bearing boop skirted girls, higli-hatto.d boys, . Postjeard g'eeting, Jnjt th k'rd you've sought for several years, re to be bad this vear n colors par tieularlv lov e'y. Ha. ffZ