3 t: nil' OMAHA LN1AY- WEll: KhW.l'AKY 8. 1'J-JO. Nnr Unowfft thuu whit igument Thy It rt thv nvighhnr'n ii crl h lent. All iirr nfrdrd by rath oik. Nothing i Roii oi tan ...n. - F.mrmon. flrhlmt H cloud I'l.ht 1i-rl, Through ahovrra llir suobrama tall, fat Gnd ho Invrth .1 I Hia oi0. M.UH Iclt Mil hopo nh oil. "Ahittior. 1 1 L SOCIETY Bride-Elect W-C-A Mrs. Brandeis Leaves Benson Woumm. I iirrt'Mioiulrnt, 'I'!- W nl- "The A: Ah.." at tetic.v.i lhihl Fasle or Cl lil d "ill cK lien's Yalrntinc." Marriage of Classmate? Was Solemnized Saturday. ii.arriase cf M:-s 1'.. xt. daughter of I'r. .. E. Newcomer or Mann a., and Walter S. Mai not?. Mr. and Mr-. A. 1 . riott of Omaha, t-ji-k pia r.rday t U:kI no..n at tt.T l.'cj Moines. Dps Moiuc. h.i.rlfs S. Met i'he Mrs. 1 vTty, I .'in lit ItV t llllllh lilll V i ( ; nt t if ist. vvi u . : r. e and Mar-Sat-Ibd.-! Hr. m- ,;iated at tli r liiirna "1 :.rrm., performed tit. I he dci -orations in tl'.f r lormcrl l'v j mumis a::il Him ..1 nite r wore -.l.iir't Oulv 1 1 VI f -, ere intimate I hp bride was gra-lua' M Iowa State college at Ann-. a tii!rr of the A!;b.. 1 ' .orority. a ltd j- activ e in di ai vliiI. attending si In'" I. Mr. .Marriott als.- alter,! ! anil is a memoer ol hip e- i :e : a I'i p r v p ilnifj.i. 11 beuti mint in the Mis Mildred 1 'ran Stanton of r i . 1 e- -1 1 1 n n 1 . Sh o-vli'd 'hade n ipioise nine t ot silver. Her of sunburst : s-.. pi tpea. The bridal Rd'.mi v. as oi lace nvcr cripe ir,ete.n hroidorrd in pearl. T n uillf tell from, a rap of ... ia i in 1 r o s -1 . - j a j 52.Mll fiisr - il -. fes I' Us. t '.- f i Arnrs collrge. vv a- I, r was gowned in rorgette rr tur- tha nlnncd v i'i! cloth I Si np.ie! v,.i- J lav end. r U 1 C'" ' a -ft :..') in Wori- ( it Work 1 and.' On Tnesiux afternoon at the audit 'rutin of the You::tf en's Christian asociat:ou vi-i, luldv of New YorV wi'l neak on the sui'.ipct, Am or. J Women of Mai Alt women of the city are invited i ,f present. Mrs. Eddy is particti 'larly we'd fitted to ncal on st!C;i ;. suh.iect, .is siie accompanied Mr. Kddy on h.is last journey around the world, throtiIi Japan, t'hina ami In dia. She was also with Mr. Kdilv dnrinp his vv?t 15 years in India , and has taken part in the campaigns for women in China and other land. Snndav afternoon at .! at the i . V. C. A. the annual rally of the t it V :o n 1.r--..Ke li sp s and ehaiitillv mil fin veil of fronn a rap ot ehantilly lace combined with pearis. I he oride carried a sliower In liquet ot white ro.'es and sweetpeas Cilrim Stem of I.ogan, Ta.. fra ternity brother of the gro-om, acted a; het man. Preceding the cpi enmny. Mi. i.ucile Ileidelbers; nt Snu I la.. orority sistPT of thp Inide. v.i!. Covers were placed tor JO gnet;, t the wedding hreakfa-t. Mr. and Mrs. Marriott, parents ot the troom, and Mr. and Mrs. II. U Koherts of Omaha and daugh tors, Kutli and Jane, attended th wpd'iiiig:. Mr. Roberts is a .sister of the groom. Mr. aii'l Mr?. Marriott will bp a' home in Omaha after March 5. tt i M . I - !;.t ii i d.oigh of Mr. -ii.d Mr-. William 1 1. Her will be a bri.tc ot the inn:,:h of K,,,.., II,.- ,-,IO i t , . W ii. tcr 1. i'reibieck was reccntl'.- an-l-oiinci d and the date f. -r th'-ir mar riage ha-, been set for l-ebiuiry 17. It will be a (mite affaii am! nil! take place at tlie home o' the bride's jiai ei.!-. 1 he Kev. b'd-.. in ! lartc Jenks w ill ..nictate. Doris atlierine Hei -y. s-.-i -r of brid.--. bet. an ! Willi.cn 11. i.-er will be the i.t;'v aiicnd- tbe ill! ant Do itartment of Political and Social Science Give Luncheon. Stover-Bryden. Mrs. S. . I'.i(Ipu of St I.oins a-:noiincei the engagement i her datiRhter, Mary l'licabetli. t' ".eorge A. Stoer of that citv. Mr. Stover formerly tc-ided in Omaha. Mahon-Mohler. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Mohlcr vin ne.unce the engagement ot the.: daughter. Margaret Augtita. to (iera'd Mahou, son of Mr. and Mrs. tirorge Mahon of Count il Bluh. No date has been set tor the wed ding but it will probably take place in the early fprin Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. IL J Smith an nounce the engagement, of their (iauchtrr, Ji'.va, to Charles Dovrv of l'lattsmouth. The marriage will take placp thf latter pait of the month. Mr. Dovcy and li is bride "ill reside at riattsnionth. The poln'CI an i vucia! sc;- r.ce tie p iitinent oi the Omaha Woman's club has two events c'k. !u!ed for Moudav, 1 rhniarv A lunclieon m!' be gi.e.1 at nooi at the l.'ni- I er.-itv i luh t w!i:. Ii newspaper i women wM speak. h ate- Hes ter I'.i -nil-oil I 'upper .it the World- . I lei all ; 1 'at i icia Dan augh ot the N.wv. ami M r rtle Mas.m of I lie , Bee. Mrs. II. J. Ihnley. d( pai tment j lea!ee, wall ptc-n'e. Mi. A. i. ' I'eteison of Aurora, nieniber of the; state board of control will be an I honor giie-t bm will not. sp.-ak at i the li'iicheon. i I Mis. I'etet so:i ill speak a' the atteiii 'i on meeting of the deoai-tmeut . in be held in the V. W. C. A. at J:.". Mis. M. D. t ai.ieroii leader tor the i (lav. uuior l Iinsttau l-.n- deavor will be held. An intere-tmg program will be given by tire junior Micietie. At 5 a Japanese i-ci-:onary nlav entitled "Ry ('and'e light" will be oven by the Ili!l:de Cougre-ntiomil Intermediate -oeiety before the t itv I'nion ot lftermediat" C Ifi-tian h'u deavor. xcry ilitere-tit cl.i-s hi .- cliolo.-".'. t.l'H'I.t by I'lvd 1. . Mad of'tl:" Cniver-'tv of C'.a!'a. i till onen to registration. 'I he c!a ivets on Wednesday evening- at T A profitable and practical cookinc elas for vouutr married women at hoit1 wo .ii en is piveu on Fiie'dav -.-.torning at :.". The class is . vet full. Those interested are in ched to rtterd. Come nest Titesdn. Ul.-ill-illiT. Kusiness o i r! - , h.o car.n.o; take ad vr.ntaee of li e ilay class in cooking will hud a class open to them on 'J hui-s.lav ever.iii" at 1 . r modeiii drama e'a.-- r.i de-,Vr- : Kate Mrllugh begin a new ten.- th.i Monday night a! ":1s. Merr and more our bu-h e- intei i ests with Sotnh America are increa iiisr. atul the knowledge- of Snai ih is beeoniinif a business a - c t . 'I In- N". W. C. A. is offering a cla--'S;v;i-h on Ttiesda v evening at " I The thletie On', of the Om V. W. C. A met the husines gi , clis, from Coi-m il RlulTs in a match, vollev ball gan' Friday evening at the Otnaha V. W. C. A.' A score o; . to fl in faor of the A. C. gills rc- i suited. ! 'I'l.e th!etir chih ;;ir's are p'an 1 iiing tlieir annual Yalent'uc ihmirr 'and partv for r,et Wednesday night, l-'eliruary 11, at the Y. W. t". A. Kverv men'ber's presence U ereatlv i desired. j The girl ; of tit Boosters' chib j from the. M. K. Smith coinpany, who were the winner in the contest coii ' ducted before ( hritma, are to he guests at a turkey dinner at the Y. ; Y. 0. A. on W'rdncs.lav evening. February 11. at h. Covers will In laid for about 20 girl?. 1 y'ZsTEs-H-ruc-JD V .v : be Mis. v. e i e be t Membership Tea. u.l eotnmittee appointed by tient of tin Hcr.son Wom- , I::1, met 1 ucs.l ;v evening at omee of Dr. I . 11. I .occhnci . !.i.uci:ncr was ch.au man. Plans ui.n.e tor .. liiemiiersii'.p r.-a to : en ly Mr-, Kiihy Parker at IUT itoti-c. ... .Mit!i Mviy-nrsi street. !!iti!sd,ly afternoon. The regular program will be postponed. Musical numbers. rc.!inu and a talk on "I 'o-operative h.dtication" bv Mr. Jolin i,,les will constitute the too,::, mi. As it will be Lincoln's M'thd.iy, mcmheis will respond to n !! i.-.H with Lincoln yuotatnins. Pi esbvtei ian Mission Society. 'i lie W oman's Mi-sion society of :' . Pi a -,!' teriail ciiurch will hold Is a iinual praie service at the home oiMrs 1 Kaber Tuesday afternoon. ,-Cuuaiy IT, Luncheon Party. M i s. Nt ar tin 1 1 e.b 'mid w ill enter l, .in at a hnichcon I'hursday. t co ers ill be laid for M i s. Jack Sti etiiht. Mr, b'av Koh.iuson, Mrs. Jolm Ki-s 1. Mr--. D. S. Wilhau's. Mis Merle Wilhaui ami Mr-. Ile.blund. Kxaminations Postponed. Owing to illness among member of the 1 'ue-day morning nursing iTass, examinations hae been po-t-ponrd. C.tmpfiite Meeting, The Minnehaha -group of atv.p i.'f (liils met last Werlueda re i in-; at the home of Miss h'.dith 'Itar.tty. - Kensington. i Mr-. ( iiarlcs Sprague v.-ill be ostess to tiic Narcissus chapter ot the O. L. S. at a kensington at her home. 2?li.i North Sixtieth avenue, i'tiesilay evening, February 1". Story Hour. The time tor the "story hour" ha ;.een changed from M to llh.iO Sat-i"-(l,i- mo ruing in the main auditor ium of the city ha!'. The st-'rie'-. s.it-irdav t- be told bv Mr. Oi'c Entertains Informally. Mi. Ague- Mitt ot e-blil Cottage t irove avii'.ue e-itrt t imed l tid.iv eveninu tor M :. and Mr. D, S. William. Mi am! Vis. Rav I'obitv s,m. Mr l.d Will-, .ins. Mis Merle Williams a,. ,1 Mr. K. McM.iln-i'. Community Center Notes. (.' ommiuiitv i enter Dtamat-c and G'.cr club n-,t Moudav evening in the citv h..Ih i'iie p'av,' "( Vd Scliool in Hickory Holler." is tn.der the dt rcct-ou of Miss Woodmtt. Mission Society. Mrs. D. M. Sjin vull be hostess to the liapfst 1 a. In -' M'-sion -o c:e:v at her home. .'IS.? N.-ith 1 oity-M'vcuth .ivemj.-. Wednesday ai'ternoin. Keystone Clubs. Meeting o! the Kc stone P..t'. Kensington ilub and card club have been postponed. To Give a Play. Fridav evening at the i ,t ha!! an ililornuil the h'ovai Neighbors ot Nmeri. a will -tage a plav entitle. I. " I be .Sul'tr,.g( lie." It will take the place of the l i iiu' It pi ogi ..Ill Ol the t oinni -i n 1 1 y cc: t ei . F.ntcrtain Sup lay School. ! Mr. and Mr-. !'. N. lh -w eriu.m en tet tail ed the Methodist Siind:-y school workir at their home last - M -iihI. iv evcu'i.g.. I Personals. Mr. S. W. Ninth i- siu-ndu g tl" w e. k in I.i-icoln at the home of her (i.itigbter. M rs. P. W. I Taney. ' Mr. H. C. Han-en wa called hor.m ' iioni t'hicago last Week on a. count of the serious ilhn s; ol his mother, who resides at the home ot her daughter. Mrs. Pert Col. leu. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Wtiiu ; ; leave February 15 for t CI. .rado. I Mr. ..ml Mrs. M. Armstrong ar 1 reeovi-ring from an atta-k of in -llueua. , Mi-s Ruth Wuhf i tl- week-end Mi, lift i i lt nave thud po-si M t 1M If or K. 1. J-me., -t' cet. and M; ptii.ha- 2545 North st-y. lh H. lao. who 1 a home at Vbii tv ml Douglas stteeti. will take .-on the tu -1 of pi il. ai-d Mis, lieoik-e Stiger, n'll ailed to liens. hi bv the death M i . Mmei 's lather, if turned W clne-Ma' to thru borne m I'hav er. Mo. Mr. D. D. 1 n-hbiig of Toledo, O . was a week end gue-t at the home of Mr. t .eoi ge Midi. 1'. b. Pa.hbuk left Monday eve ning for Ihttsbmgh. Pa. New Led fold. Ma., and New Yoik lity to be gone a month. Mis. Willi. .in P.lisi of Scluvler, Neb, and Mi-. D.tt l'Ti-s of Miller. Neb. Hiii- guests duimg the wee', oi Mr. ami Mis. W illniui Puller. i alvert leturned ( l cte, Neb., where by t'P senoiis ill Kennedy. . S, thaw fold of ire gue-ts ot Mr, r. Mr-. Ken Smith. 'iiiuTIv of .Sheridan, Id went a serious la-' week at a local bos. " . el lllc owing have been ill with Ml-. I "li. ITiursilav ft--in 'he Was called ue - s o t M - - Mr. Casp,- n -I Mi W - o., I. i'i sl-.l I, M. cm- m a i a I Mi l 1 1W 1 Mi-. W'v . . or ei at pit d. i I h intbien Mf. 1 ( .nil e. II Fair. U W nb.iins. Oliver, Mr ' lark. Mrs, I l-as.set, ?l Ail To nr 1 1 i-s I'.lua M-c!l. Mr. and I imh-r. M r. Obn Mc -II. N I v - on. Mis. D. .nhs kelb-v, Mis. D. F. lb i man Willi'. Kobeit: ; Nenleiheii-er. William Sherbondy. Mis. bred r; 1. ('. Dietr. Mr?. -. Mi H H. Dimmitt. -pot p. n oi a v.'ln-t mt 'i.ougp t';e s with put e ah. ho'. I lieu sus 1 tin- smt on a hanger in the where it may icaih all side! of cat nienr. !he gue-t at I lei man tilt Mis LiThai from a n at lac! oine ot Mi Cab a m u and His Auntie Mrs. Fr mil- ami Tt t- .t pncitmo Marshal! f'-sidc W'ih and Mis sufTerim. so Id Di. if r -WStS.GEQRCE ERAIWLKj months pas, t'u , , . - 'i a i u- (-. I M -t, ( . Fra i spi le v afl all - ll.l V e b 1 at e pl.inm.'d. t'u i l' i g c r t in ahau iourueviug toward the v-.estet, i-.is wiil lea-, e flies. lav to be gone se.v i:i i ati i part oi that time at Heverlv in m tiuir honor and a number ot ad .peel to letnrn :be early part f-f April liils , u ii n r on s a 1 p. ii l ( s Golf Club. ;e Pettiest Mile Golf club - valentine nat'ty v at the home T entertained at Ttiesdav eveni Mrs. ". D. Henedict. Mr. I- aiid Mrs. Wilbur Jones won the con test prizes. Mr. I'.euedict gave several vocal selections. Those assisting- the hotes were Mrs. F, J. Corkran and Mrs. K. 1'. F'age. To Entertain Cluh Mr. 1 1 ui a 1 1 1 1 n.ks will l ic i i k i . i r -e - - o i 1 he K bit;- r im heon a : h r I-.. nue. Fn 1 i s w ill he placed tor lo. -t.i-11. ih at tun iCt t Lyceum ball, T'we nt -"eci I.omst stiaet. M esctatm-. Merten and F. M. M-miis -as ho-1 ese. Columbian Club ,- Will on bv '! pat I'tern ti goeu V -t c.lunibi; Merry Maker Club. dat-eing party will be riv .-n . WVilnesdav evening at the Pen Hue, ball. Twenty-eighth and Farnam streets, bv tlie. Merry Makers' club. Card Party Jtolv Xante parish will give a card p.iitv Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' hall, "Forty-filth and liur-sh-tte streets. Audubon Society. The Nebraska Audubon society is contemplating a contest for all ibil dren in the Omaha grammar schools in regard to knowledge concerning bird life. Two hundred oncstions will be Riven children, the answers of which they may prrpat e. An ex amination consisting of 20 ot the-e questions will then be given to each rompetinR child. Ten prices are to be awarded. To enter the rot-test it is necessary to be a member of the Junior Audubon society. Mrs. William F. Baxter is in chaise. Phi Sigma Phi. ! Piii Sigma Phi will entertain at ( a dancing party at Dundee hall, I Wednesday evening. Will KoFrrts. :. and Wocrnrr Harmon are. in charge. 1 Kappa Kappa Gamma. ! Mr-. D. P. Robertson will be bos- 1 tess to the members of Kappa ! Kappa Gamma Puesday afternoon ! at her home, 6!'." South Thirty- seventh street. Benefit Dance. A -lance tor the henenl u(irew's chiinh. will be given W ednesday evening at the Fonten- St. " j Campfire Girls Miss Alice Wixon of the lyega ' proup, Mrs. E. T, Munroe, guardian, j was awatded the prie for the best story about the Christinas coral ! Singing. i T'his mouth's story contest will be I a 500-word story about the Frolic at the Prettiest Mile cluh. All stories i must be in at Omahequa before Feb OLD CLOTHES DYED MAKE NEW GARMENTS "Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded. Shabby Apparel into New ruary - i --t"-.-.t.f.-....-t Don't worry about perfect re sults. L'se "Diamond Dyes," guar anteed to. give a new, rich, fadeless ' color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed groods dresses, blouses, stockinets, i sKins, cniuircn s coats, xcatners, j draperies, coverings. The Direction Rook with each Color Card. l-o h ur r Z r tucui meenn ! - plainly how to dia- at the Y W. C A. on Thursday eve- 1 mnd ('-ve any color that you . p at 7:50. AH guardians de-iring , 'I tlot a aU. . i "fake their rank at tins time will i To match any material have . lan ' '. ., . .... rtriltrctst show VOIl "Ifuimnn. rive" ni.-ase lanrt in t ueir otta uucai ous as - .. .- . soon as possible. Also .lew guar dians are especially urged to be pres ent. T be Osoha group held their annual election of officers on Tuesday 3t the home of their guardian, Miss Margaret Stirling. Helen Kn-.g was eWcted president, Ann Pearsall. sec retary, and Marjorie Corey, treas urer. The Alaiii group held a meeting Friday at the. home of F.dith Elliot. The girls stenciled place cards for the partv. The Akita group with Mrs. Charles T. Hubbard, guardian, with meet Monday at the home of Ruth Feter- ou and begin sewing for the Needlework guild. Miss Gladys Shamp's group met Wednesday at her home. The Totnoke group of which Mrs. Howard Gates is guardian held a business meetitm? Tuesday after coon at the Y. W. C. A. The Raosu group with Miss Ruth Peterson, guardian, met Wednesday it the home of Almedia Hamilton nd made decorations for the party. .The Abanake group with Mrs. G'en Smith, guardian, had a social meeting Monday at the home of v Agnes Rexton. The Witonohi group with Miss Marie Gossett, guardian, met Sat urday afternoon at the City Mission Yellow Mustard for Cold in Chest T.'hi-n that tightness appears in . : our chest anil the sharp pains sis ii if v an inflammation, you need yel I low uiustard. Mustard plasters are all riirht in I fact they're fine -hut Bogy's Mus- tarine, made of yellow mustard and other pain destroyers, t rleaner, lulck'r and much more effective. The min i uta you rub it on Its I strength will surprise you. Heat eases pain, remem ber, and there Is more con e entrnt ed noil - blister ing heat in a box of Mus , tarine than in ; anything else I you can buy. ! Use it for sore throat, tonsilitis, pleurisy, neuralgia and headache or when distressed with lumbaco, rheu matism, Kout. sciatica, because neat v ' i '' u m 1 1 - - - : 1511 8 111 1 I I H I'll JW" ' W (fJJW. "1 I 4 II mir IWzM MISS OLSEN HAPPY Mi-s Marv Olson, wiring the piTsiiiiiml of the F. W. Thome store fr-mi New- Vnrk, sa;..-: "Melleiirv darling dresses, enniM.L' to sell for t went y-nino. thirty nine and forty-nine. intoll swell suits. , mi will wioit to nict'i them at the depot. " dam.s sport coat a and dol manettes. m will be surprised." Learn Shorthand--5 Days Ihr i;uiiknr"; ...ii.l--rrnl K. 1. t-ri. .-tit-wl for anhoit rl- '.irn-lr an.t rH-v I , m i . - - eu H l.TK.-V a unm -I In i.n. c.'ii'i-.-satuli. h- fr.i-l .-i- a pM-iiri - ill . nuiilol hy Mill! ;-tHiinn I . s;e--,- York. f,.r Hi.-.- VRhK I KS- SON'S nnd Irv Oirr,.. l.-msli evrbidv "Uh j our at'ility anil nvn mare nu-nr . .slam all.er- till- nil e--t i-. nirn t 1 SO il ll.r i ui'i.l; fl-il to tali. -'.y a limited time. v'O arc niakiitfr this most libera! .o'fir; v,c will give you $r2.") for your old .sewinj uiaeliitie, tio matter v hat make it is, or iit what eomliuon it may be. While the offer lasts, this is your chance to get rid of the old, worn-out machine get WHITE ir.d spent the Cme selecting beads j pases pain. Of course it cannot blis- thcir head bands and making ..i-ims for the same. Campfire girls will call a: had-(...-'.'s Tuesday evening after .choc', to get li tcr.it urc on t'uc economy campa;gu m Nebraska, vliich they will distribute on Wed-fceiday. tor go anfl fin cents at drugnis's or bv niail, S. O. Wells Co.. LeHoy, X v Henshaw Cafe... presents for your pleasure -THK WORLD'S Famous ice Sim ei j Jimmy; Bourse Edna Blue Jeane Carlisle "Hilda' RuckctC Al. Wright and His Wonder Orchestra SKATERS WILL APPEAR EACH DAY AT 12-30. 6:30, 10:30 P.M. Henshaw Hotel We now have on display all the new, latest model WHITES. And you know that the WHITE is the "king of all sewing machines" easiest-mnrijiig, Rturdiest yet simplest of con struction, nd finest appearing of them all. Select From All the New ftiodel WHITES Apply your 12.")0 on the total price and then pay the balance in easy payments of $5 a mouth! The WHITE will earn its own cost for you use it as you pay. HUT YOU ML ST HUlfRY"! This offer i.s limited to a few Lnil personally, or make ai-raiigeineiil TODAY ! pin tie m (to write and it right day,, vo Tl ";l v isokel iiisss mm Sewing Machine Headquarters Fhorte Douglas 1973 15th and Harney Have Kou Lost Your Health? Have von been so lnjsv that you have ror.L'ottcn about your body the most delicately adjusted ma chine in the world -- until sottip iveak part has broken down and you are afraid? No one knows how lonjr the body should live -if it. has intellipent care, hut we do know that without a sufficient supply of vitali7.inc life--rivinsr oxyiren it wastes away, and I i t s, just as a plant droops and dies for lack of water. Disease is merely the hn-k of some constituent element of the blood that is necessary to maintain life. Oxy iren is the life-river, the blood builder -the jrerm-destroypr. Rut pumpiuc iivypen into the bines is not otiou-rh. The blood must as similate it. Iron attracts oxygen just as tin- magnet attracts stool - -therefore, if your hh-dd is abundant ly sit pplied with or-ranic iron it. at tracts the, oxygen from the air in the lungs and the blood is vitalized with lifc-givimr oxygen. RFOI.O siipphes the blond with orgjinie iron lin a form that is eas ily assimilated i , v .talii'ing oxygen and the cell salt- that nourish and rebuild the cells of the bodv. It. ias vvondorf u! tonic finalities and Of counc yoa desire it. Then Tea of thi$ wonder ful hatf elixir, KOTALKO Worry ft m.r. but your Mir, Miss. Mrj. or S'rt Throw r. UiulJ lolloo U..t r onljr ilimm ri-ur cip nJ dolni io,Ht nlor. Don t el.anjp.io tin natural ol out ft youl s9. The ri" hlr .ll.lr ti.ai li '""'IW '"h incrowlnj fa-or. tor It l, .iioVihtr rlie-r-'iil from 1t. nwfd loUor ,''' nJ i IiVkoIiIW. ron-.rviv.r im from the Thru KlrmdoiM .1 tear oil. i.l.l. jou h r.- v.J of mrm In fcci.'.rtnn ha... No matter what conrjil.on your hair l In tr. iwt rtrspalr. Kotalko u innuwimJ'J on t'i irtnciitt tM . ' '"1 eae-irt In mm. rn fuU yoil of iw.r w'"-ca 1 vrej baiJ I9i tbo j-l.-tui titlowi n It ll iM '.rn'H las tlit-r-. men, women and ftiltdreo. I could fill ttila riol ap'." sli'l ript.. ot tp..Un-.onlL3 tmn r'nni who i-na.-r! Kotvia.o. Th Mi'auelu-ta Is irai hen a trvo flu K. -'t'f all tl hu filled, tiiat RT.al'so j--.t -r-t-at Nai-ir neei'M fti aid 1(1 jlrjduclno a splendid crowth ot rule. You may now orcn'n thn gnuinn Kota.ao under m teiaranto it the tji-ii Bul4 U d'oirn ems s'ore. or Ui .irur. win r-i ... It for rot,. r-T tik. rctms tl that Is aM to "'' Zlm,iFmJ:r, l o-li- rtelav sn.,r u. f Kolalto. Or. If Jon t.ri flrjt to rr-e ;nlr'"! Tfillno Ro ivh' h come ti tod ht rea l r.-ontl''.' U a rlalnlj rtrml pa KE. tati-w nu'iy 1" ,Tr!-i. f-ai-r or ,piir, In y.tur le -r. S-itKf vour.elt. V.-i. .i-t (o atop falllno htr. eltratset. ddm. I'reniJien i 1 r.nr ...a rr-n-h ot ttront and illk-llke hair, or orer ('- kaid .not with l air. B i KOT'l.KO ,jr , ..,.;.,-,: . ,i-m. feWa: box b? .r.ail Miw, ir;-!? ouco or tl.-a Ueijs- stch In otr rnlrrorl AJire.-i: JOHN BART BRITTAli,BBi08i staUonF, NEW YORK, N.Y. rapidly increases the tiumber of red blood rolls and plasma of the blond. RFOI.O inv Tirol ales and nourishes every cell of the nerves, brain, tis sues, fluids and bones; destroys and eliminates the worn-out cells and stimulates the circulation of thp blood. It sends through thp entire body a stream of rich, red, vitalized blood that renews the strength, en ergy and cnikirnnco. RKOI.O has restored thousands of men and women to health and hap piness by supplying the natural cell salts, organic iron nnd oxyiren that Nature requires to reetorr and main tain health. It is tint, expensive and is guaranteed to -.rive beneficial re suits or your money will be returned. The lnrce packae of 1 00 pleasant, tasteless tablets only costs One Dollar. Sherman Sr McC'or.nell Drug Co., -litth and Dodge, lihii and Dodge. ' Dhh ami Iiamcy, -l!tb and Farnam, lhth and Farnam. Omaha. Nebraska.