Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1920, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 12

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t ikt It i rtlit krr p a itiimuir nun (4
1 nwrll
Changes In
l'u.-sy - Want? - a - 'nnu'V
(lame T(ii:.u n
!r. Caiiir.c!.
Anne Gifford to Return
JJ$ 4 W
.... .
Hv-e Ha:.i.i. M JF'S -
.. ..if..n,. ,.. ........ s mfT 1
:;;;::;.,:;.!,v,:;.,..1;;;" .,'..;"n v';.: Vl' f&- mi?
' ' '"I V I
' ,r?f,r ''- t-A. r;i!!v ' :::,.X'-: i - ; i W sf , ,
1..1-.P.V, ,,,,....,. ,,,, r m, . ,y , ;;r;
civ l.r -,v :..t !- 'li.4. V . t
rri'.,:.!. i : s r .t : in V J? I..;...:::!:,.,;v .
.p;u-il .it the
( m.t:'..n v ;io !
1 Mr A' it. N.-vv I'k. t;rirut
,i,-t work :i;rli:dri! Mr. Mi.. J
v". W'nlt'. Mi Uatira ur.lniT ami
Mo-ts. 1). IX Utti'rh.!ck. K. M. Ai!
tliToti, L. 1'.. Stoinikier. J. L..
Youni;. F. I., (."latv.cmt. (icurgp Gnr--ipau,
'.(. H. C'oeicM ami .1. L. I'.akcr.
I;i(!fe at:ti Mrs. V. 0. McHurIi
ctt i Ir.'.r-d.iv lor Miut!u r:i
ii'.i, where they will Se!;l
weeks. 'revion- to vT:'U'. o t. lu
cao, wrhere tl;ey s 1 1 1 reside in the
last five niiM'.ths with Mr. am! Mr.
Samuel Howell, lett hriii.iy tor l.l
l'.io, Ton., where tlirv will he the
Ki:ef cit Mrs Ilnwc'll's I'.iuMt-.
i'u!in-e .mil Mrs. ("hailes Howell.
riu-v win stop in rine Hinst, n. c, Omaha
ami .New ork (. lty tor several
weelvs, rctttrtiinn' home in March.
1 a
I 'M ::rnr
tiMlll ( " ; : h u : Mia tor .1 few i!,lv' ;Mt
willi her mother, Mrs. I-'.. V. Na-h.
lu'toie Ifavintc for her home in New
"otk Ct
A son, leti, .'(i. wa horn Mon
!av to Mr. ami Mrs I'.eu W'oml. jr.
Mrs T. Phsio.
r il coven: :c.
who lias befti
Socio! v of Fine j'ii!"iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(;
Arts Prosonts Dudley
Crafts Wat son.
Mr. Wiliiam McKiiiley ha- hrcn
-eiiously ill. Sh is now convaies
ciiir at her home.
Mis A. Foster, who has been
:th the grippe, is improving.
Miis Mary Ol-en is
eral week in New Yo
: i ! n 1 K sev
Toh n Rm-lianan is ill at her
it Weilues-
Mrs. I'". II. Snracue
( .iv tor I as.ii ena. i ,11.. wnen
will he the guest ol Mr. ami Mrs.
K. Y. Jhxon in their bungalow a:
the Hotel Maryland for a month.
Mr. ami Mrs. r. J. ISram!
this week tKr an I'lanei
visit Mrs. Uramleis' imrther
Frank, lor several weeks.
-i- left
co. to
er. I. of ,
,!a-- was m
"i the c 1 rr
lit I -1 e - s
Mt;!it!e at
i str.i n'.'f r. vi
"'to. -lie hnd
'i.-re for !'.' ,
-t oil. -t
X'irgoiii. re'i' iM
itnme ! '.nuiphout inai'v of the wii.
i'TS dunrct Mr. (,:(-,' t,i.,ii!r r. .
niemh"r of t!'e house ot reprr-em
tivei. When he railed f0
ahinet in one ,,f the le.t.Jmij po
iom under It kjinci-t'tiient. t'l--look
an attraei ve iionie and Mr-'Ha-s
and her dauphtfrs nf mire he
came faeto-c in c!v ,t j ;,
.'emiine reioieinc: flint Mrs. Glass
and Mi-s (i'.i-s will rema n her"- in
the senatorial eiiele. The elder
daiu-hfe , row- Mn. Ilontw riehf of
YifRinia, w,i- the ln-t e-ihiuet hi hie
alxnit si: months aco. Mis. Alex
ander, wiio comes almo-t a strauper
:nfo the canine! c-iiele his heen m
official life for 1,? years, hut sn quiet
'hat she is known ciK- in her own
httle circle of pai'iciilar friends of
her home state. Mis-ouri
Mrs. b. l. Mor.-d-th lia i htt'e
circle of iiieioU and acqu.iintaiice .
here inadf Hut ins Mr. Meredith",
reifjm.o as one of the excess profits'
.uh isers if the Treasury department,
during which she sfieut our winter
m WaslrtiK-ton. Mrs M -redith is ,v
( ,( o, i 'c ;np.Csi evi-ntN ot me
ire-Lenten Reason will he the re
inrn to Omaha of Miss Anne Git
lord from Seilra. Her parents, )r.
and Mis. Harold Gilford, expect her
to arrive ilmiiiij the next week, hut
as yet do not know the exact date.
Miss Giinucl recently landed in New
York City. She. received her dis
charge ftom the Serbian relief unit
tin.- Onial
with Rae
her brother
of this or?
the p'ivih t:
tee red to ;
no o'. er.sea-1
h;ii because
:a iiiiin P
llo.-;-.tal 4",
', San ford, was a member I
a in;-. t 'on she w as denied
c. She. how ver, volun-
i--it the War Gamp
at IP-lrade
hut s'oppe-l
hefore sett.
States. It
inii't r of w eeks a;o.
'aris tor a short tmi''
ail for the United
d heen the nian of
(. ommunuv
and reniaiin i
months. W I
relief unit it
we orphana.;
ei ice :r. .New oi k
1 tin-re for several
ile with the Serbian
was her duty to orean
s t-i care for the desti-
p la a to vi'it the coast resort ji .
southern California before returning
Mr. and Mis. David II. Fair have!
ruirc!iaed the icsidence on 'Thirty-'
third street belonging to Mr. and
Mr'. Clement I lia-e and now occu
pied by Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Havid
-on. I'hrv wall take po-e--ioti
Ap'd !
Mi- Jc.ii t'e Miller. loimeiU of
Omaha, now ol Detroit, will spend,
Sunday ai the home ol Miss Ora
Johnson. 1D1S South Thirty-tirst
Mrs. living ( . Wood, who has
been sutternik; from influenza at the
Blackstone h.otel, has been removed
to the Ciarkson hospital, where she
will undergo a surgical operation.
Mr. Dudley Wolfe left the first
of the week tor New Haven, Conn.,
where he will enter Vale college.
Mr. Wolfe has spent the last three
years in service abroad. His brother,
Mr. Grafton Wolfe, who is a fresh
man at Harvard, is unable to re
turn Jto college owing to illness.
Dr. F.wing l'.rown relumed Men
day from southern California, where
he and Mrs. l'.rown has been spend
nig several weeks. Mrs. P.rown will
not return until spring.
Mrs. W. R. McKeen left Tue-day
r southern aulortua. where she
end the remainder of the
winter months.
P.. K. Folda is now residing a;
the W. I). Mi-Hugh home, which
he recently purchased.
A son, De Priest, was horn, Tues
day, to Mr. and Mrs. Olto Kartlett
at St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Hart-,
lett wa? formerly Fula De Priest.
Mr. and Mrs. George McFadden ;
announce the birth of a daughter, (
Jean Piernice, on Friday, at St. '
Joseph", hospital. Mrs. McFadden
was formerly Mis Myrtle Michel
A -oii was born Saturday to Mr, Mrs (inon Croy at M.
Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Croy was
formerly Ruth Carlson. I
Mrs. Clarke Strickland and liaugh-
it her
spent the past two monthi.
W. R. Voss is ill at the Swedish
Mission hospital.
i lie Omaha N :i u (l h me r!
wsll piesei t Du.'.h i tails Wal-on.
d.irector of the Mdwa.ikee Art insti
tute, on February l'i m the Hotel
J'lmtereile i a 1 1 room at .'.45 p. ni.
Mr. Watson ha oi ly a limited
time rvnv tvon Milwaukee, as his
schedule of bvluu's in that
d at home, lie
'! .1
Doaue Powell ;s slightly ill
home. i Iv am
' a w a v
t . iximnan reiui urn ai- i i i;f s()l
from St. Louis where she , ru esent .Mr. Waf-ou
! students in a Inline
: nigh
I Ooll
! w a 1 1 k
: t i il recent-
short 'rips
ol time.
i is will ais(
ter, tecile,
are recovering from m-
I ( en ill
( overiuv
( i ecu k
1 for
A. Roberts, win
scyrral week- ;-
l '
February Morning
Peacefully fresh, O Fchruaiy morn,
Thy winds come to me: quiet the
" light slants
Through silver-blossomed clouds.
that slowly borne
Across the wide heath, endlessly
le ilia i: v
I length
!" Fine Ai
to high school
at the Central
iool auditoi urn on the alter
l l'ehrnary 17. The Mil-
,t institute is one of tlie
'i e-si'il i'l-tilc'es oi its kind
.'d'''e we-'. Mr. Wat-ou is
w !' ti e ie- i!t.
Class Party,
homote class oi the I'm
Omaha will entertain -it a
party at the gymnasium
l.i, tol-
1 m- -v
VCt si'. y o
I- i nlay r cump. el: uai y
lowing a basket ball game
h dw ,i rd.s i in charge oi
ai range-
ing p,
u.-r he'oie ti:e lean
Get Friendly
With a Cleaning j
Take u, for instance ;
we can SHOW you where
you may save large, a!- : unbelievably large, :
amounts of money by ;
having your clothes re- :
modeled or cleaned
or dyed or all three.
Phone Tvler 345 Start
Getting Friendly NOW
Dyers Cleaners :
2211-17 Farnam Street
I'.ee Wan Ads ate th l!et Pus'
s Hi ,.el -
Mi v C.
at the
t Jinaiia,
quarters a!
W. R. daii left Friday to loin
Irs. Ad.or and their daughter, Mar
ine, who are now at Atlantic Citv.
When ovi r all thu
a hush;
And shyly, listen' the
(her his dewy notes !
thrush. . . .
waning coiue-
Katheriue. Kevin
tends the I niverfitv
tute children r: tlial country.
Nothing is known of Miss Gif-j
fold's future plans, hut she will no
doubt remain in Omaha. !
is spending the week-end
as the guest of Patricia i
Mrs. Ilrandon Howell
P.i.iudoll. ir., who have
. who a 1 -Ni
bra -k.i
in Omaha
and f-i'D'.
spent tin
Girls! Your hiir needs a little "Danderinc" that's all! Wlvcn
it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff
appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful,
dependable "Danderinc" from any store, will save your hair,
also double it's beautv. You can have nice, thick hair, too.
attractive woman with von
and a married daughter, who is M
l-redericiv Owen Pohen of New
Vork. She was a Thanksgiving ,.,v '
bride in Des Moines. Mr. and Mr-.
Meredith have heen for manv
months in Miami. Ma., from where
they came to Washington. Mrs.
Meredith was formerly Mi,, F.dna
F.lliott of Des Moines, extremely
good looking, a rhoiI dresser and h.i
graciou and engaging manners
She was introduced to ofhria! so
ciety on Wednesday afternoon when
she received with Mrs. Houston at
her regular Wednesday reception, a
htting presentation.
Wednesday was wretched da 1
for calls, hut most of the cabinet
hostesses were "at home" and Mr.
Marshall was also. MiS. li.iker, Mrs ,
Fane. Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. W. '
P. Wilson and her daughters were
not at home because ni illness. Next
Wednesday being the last one before
sh Wednesday. Mrs. Lansing is
having all the other cabinet hostess
es receiving with her and will make
a large and festive formal reccpiiou
of her at-home.
I he ground bo,, verv considera
bly interfered with social festivities
in Washington this week, and be
tween him an,', the return engage
ments of the tin hostesses v ere seri
ously upset. It was not uncommon
tor the guests of honor at important
dinner parties to be unable to appear
at all, and rt one such, enlv in the
week, when the guests were a-'.-rd to '
meet an ambassador and his bar-mess,
not oulv the ambassador and h s
wife were ill and obliged to drop or.;
"i the ailernnon, but eight ,.ti;f r
guests sent regret after .1 'o'clock in
'he afternoon of the day of the .In
ner. The homes of members of the
cabinet have all heen unset with l; e
dread d -ease, from Secretai v i 1
Mate and Mrs. Lansing, who were
both ill with it. to the new Secre
tary of Commerce and Mis. Ah -,
uder, who were ohb'ged to cancel
all their engagements this week.
Secretary and Mrs. I.a"si;(j i(.!(
busv hosts last week as soon ns the
.-ecretarv Had recovered from h: .,
tack oi the tin. They had a hand
some dinner party m honor of the
visiting minister of foreign affairs
of I'rugitay ,vd Mine. Kuero. who
are guests ot t'n- rmte,', Slap's for
a few w, eks. Mrs Lansn: ha-1 a
luncheon for Mine, p.uero and a tea
at the cud of last week, and on
Tuesday afternoon escorted Mine.
Fmero to the White House, whete
ihey had a httle tea party all of the r
own. Mrs. Wilou received, th.crn in
the Red Parlor and dispensed tea
trom her handsome silver l.iv,v,;t.
The merry round of d '::tat.te
parties atd charity entertainments
goes steadily on, in sp-'f of the
dropping out here and ih.e-e for a
time, of even the most prmnincct
participants The filer.ti J sec-e-tary
of the Pril'sh emln-sy, Alger- 1
non V. CrriCg, a natural comedian,
is putting the t;;ishii-g t-iurhes to
tl.c "Hullo Washington." a levue. !
to be given by the young people in j
society, in the band rocri of the
marine barracks Tuesday and
Wednesday, for the beuebt of the
children's hospital which is sadlv in
i ctn of funds for almost r-i-essary
improvements. Mr. Gi ,r? wrote
the sketch. 'Pure are ?7 in the-
all st2wiis lik the Umou t
"57 varieties" and most of them are
girls. There are "some eligible and
some ineligible bachelors" accord
ing to Mr. Giles's announcement,
ami the plot is ,i'l clear in one
minute and a half after the curtain
is raised. Mr. Grieg is one of the
cleverest of monoiogui-ts and is a
ipiick and original as he is gifted.
He has been an nival. table first -aid
tii the char.ty entertainment man
ager since he came here. The
buds of this year and last year will
!e seen in entirely new idles, am!
there are a number of old favorites
in amateur circles, among the young
married people who will do their
little specialties. One misses. in
these atfairs. the clever Misses
Hoar, the granddaughters of the
late Senator Pi oar of Massachusetts',
ami step-daughter of Speaker Gil-
lett. They and their mother are I
observing mourning this year for
'heir mother's father, the lati" Mr. j
Rice of Massachusetts who died in I
the autumn. The girls are wonder- !
'ully beautiful fancy dancers and no
amateur affair has been quite com- I
plete without them since the last
few years of their school-days. i
Miss Ruth Hitchcock was among!
the riders at the Riding and Hunt!
club's Tuesday evening "musical
ride." The ride was followed by a :
supper and dancing. ;
Mrs. Smyth, wife of Judge Con-j
st.intm J. Snuth. who has been
quite ill for some weeks in their ;
apartment at -"l Sixteenth street, .
with the prevailing ailment, is im
proving this week.
Mrs. Pe.ivis, wife of represr nta-.
five C. I-'rank Reavis, also has been .
very ill. but is well on the roid to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenfield. nre ,
Paeon, of Omaha, have with them j
now. Mrs Peniield's mother Mrs.
Bacon. They are all very happy
over 'he lovely infant daughter of
the Penncl Is' horn on the very day
ot Mr. Paeon's fatal accident. Mr. I
IVicon is making frequent trips to !
Pittsburg settling up Mr. Paeon's ;
business. !
Mrs. T. II. Ftvnn of Omaha made j
a visit in Washington las; week j
-pping at the Willard. ;
Represent-live JcfTeris of Omaha,'
accompanied bv his secretary, John ' went to New York on
Tuesday to attend the National Gar- !
ivent Retails' annual banquet, and !
Style show, which was something :
of a revelation to both, but a dis- j
tine t eye-opener to Mr. Shanahan, j
''-1 o is stil a bachelor. It is wh:- j
nered be was a b.icehlor with i
hopes, up to the enlightening visit
to the style show. Perhaps it was
s:P':"icar.t l:'it he took so much in-'
tercst in the very newest thing in -sport
iiis, ntid in the wonderful
e-eniioi s i t evening gowns. These
sport sui's are marvels in patent
'.a', t:-e very smartest thing !
known outside of Paris. Anyway j
Mr. S'lina' an declares unlimited ;
sympathy fr 'be married men and ,
their pocket books, and a determina- ;
tion to remain a bachelor till prices '
come down.
Washington society was much in
terested in the wedding of Miss ;
Perv Nuitman. 'G.uchter of Gen. :
ds of while
wnicn rap
- - ,
',T,o was maid e-f honor. It was a!
particularly pretty affair in :hc j
Officers' ciub, w here the bridal party
oassed under an arch of southern !
-milax upheld by slamlar
festooned wi'h stuilax.
in- lencih (if ihe h.iil oyer tbe aisle
ai d made one of the prettiest pic- I
Hires imaginable. Tbe bride and j
bridegroom will make a vi-it here
before returning to Fort Penning,;
where the former is stationed. j
Set lew IHlality
Kellotrg't Sanitone Wafers, the
Wonderful Tonic That Quickly
Restores Youthful Vitality j
in Men and Women
You Fit
There nifty 1,? a cpibien opportunity wnUins:
I'or yon j it nrouiiil tho eornor.
Arc y.xi physio;. Hy lit to t;iko il and make
,t sticci-ss of j t limy !,e p:iroy n fjuostinn
of HlAl.TH, ami licdtii is absolutrly deppnd
oil t upon the Teeth.
Have us put your Troth into perfect condi
tion now-our priors; nre ronsonnhlo And ve
absolutely cuarantop the quality of the servicp.
Nemopilior that one dollar spenf for den-li-try
1nlay may bo worth twenty spent six
months nr a year from now.
Try Our Splendid X-Ray Service
1324 Farnam Street Corner J 4th and Farnam
Phone Douglas 2872
24th and 0 Streets.
The Fastest Growing Store in Omaha,
Try Us First. There's a Reason.
"Watch Us Grow."
We Sell Everything
50c Trial Box Free
Pen't ho a uuittert Pon't wnrrv aliont
a few nrray hiiir. If ynur nerves hav
"icone to pieces" it's liecaup ynur fvs
tim la.-fi? a tonic to toiip and Ktrenirthcn
your vifal furrp. 'lake courniret 'Ihnu
pflndK of ppoplp nt. sixty aret seventy, after
tnkiiiK SAN1T0NK Wafer,; nro still en
joying a the ineawurp- ef livinjf-
Don't Be Yawning Take Snniton j
Wafer and Get New Vitality.
Are you losinjr Interest in pot' sid
thineg so you dnn'l "care a hantr" for
1he work nvA p'ay you ued to dHiisht i
in? Don't blame your yearp. Yenri alon ,
don't turn viponms, active men nnd women
into physical discard'. lt hack the vigor '
and vitality of youth and hold it.
If you would feel younsfer a? you irrow !
older, look to your nerve, ho sure they i
are not undernourished. If they need a j
tonic to Mtalir.e nnd enersrire them, if j
they are starved for the Uck of proper ,
nourishment, you should not fail to try
Gft the facts nhont thin wonderful new
treatment fnr jaded, raffped. exhausted
nerve. Take ad van taw? of this remark
able offer. A KOe pm-knee of SANITONK '
Wafers absolutely FHKK to you, for trial.
Also we will send you the proof signed
statements, by men and women who re
port amazine benefits from their ub. All
free in plain wrapper: no obligations of ',
any kind. Send only nx cents to pay i
postaire and packing, while thin unheard '
rf offer lasts. Tear nut th coupon and
mail it now. i
1 smm. "two - mt
till r. Qort K.ic (VTsbadrl
Jvy Sm ctt Sili l-fy
Regular $2.00 and $3.00 Values
Quality Brand Aluminum Ware Guaranteed for 20 Years
At Prices Lower Than Enamelware
The Nine Best-Selling Cooking Utensils
On Sale Monday, Feb. Oth, and Tuesday, Feb. 10th
p : jij
A Sale of "Closc-Outs
that has never been equaled in Omaha and well worth a
trip of 500 miles to buy Furniture at prices offered.
1 "'.!
l.itn' G-Tiicn. T
p'.icp ai 1'iirt Pci
fin,, nrt Wcli'r-liv
S. A., and Capt.
?. A. It tnnk '
nine. I'luiiinhus, j
Iniui.irv 2?, and ;
jirn'ir "Tic -.ri-!-' afti'n!atif were j
j4!Uuii iyivacs Qi
F. J. KellngK Co.,
11U V.liiabPth Block.
Patti Crefk, Mirh.
Sond m. hy return nmil, trin!
BOf bon of Kfllnps'" Sanitone Wafer
I-'RKE. I enrlosr G cents in itampi
to help pay pontage and packing.
St. or R. 7. P. ...aMMMM
Town State.
Two Qnart DouMn Solkr
Sale Starts at 8:30 Monday in
the Economy Basement.
i . , r- "Eat.
it :
fc .it a Just to Uose Uut
,iife-s' Your Choice
39 Ranges
ir rtiok-p of a mlsi r f i
of riiiiK'. all wftl known
niakiH. Kury lanKi.- vorth
(Iniiblo its .. IP jiricr.
Just to Close Out
$33.40 valiio, full sire
Massive JJrai-a Hod, tn
"clop" out." m, mi'y
St.-( I fM-d... $1 I valnr.
all sti'i'I, rnaiii' ii (i. full
hi7V. to "closii om," at
only -
I IF. r.y" "1 V W
! $085 ;
eery Onn
The Biggest Bargain
Ti', in Urn aha
. I til k to
i I i.vl' in I ti
7 ...... .
-v $269
J-)''i iii'ina!!y
a'M.ful r-firro
St i y
inir Kiiom S .i'e,
as uliown.
.1 51 ' I I ' 1 rt I i
i iiM'.'-sdifri ii
to Opposite U.R Hcadqcdrcr.s.OAAHA.