Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    tut m:.- mm.h.. s.mi t:iay. i krki akv 7. r.-,
PUTS $4,500,009
Condemnation Board Fixes
Figure at Nearly an Aver
age Between Those of
City and Gas Experts.
Says Printer Oelayed His N Kills Three,
i"rJr"ti'r New Influenza Cases
.!! i' . .i ; 1 1 four i!.m pn'-'.iiuoni.i sl.i'is in the I rion in the ko-i pUIId'Hl SCTVitiCS TlUlflY
. .1 .f 1 ll'ir !t i'l .1 I
Poem: Sues for Damages
' 'i'' ' M.iiiiru.,1 i,ct rr n I 1 ci .it -tnt.iin.iMl owners in
Wounds 7, and Figlits
le.ii t or the .i-n-f.t d:-tr'it and
hi Id ,! s posse of era! Intndie
For Mrs. Alice Securest
Growing Less Each
been i ep.n ted t IS WOl'k.
.i'.'I i-.t;!ii!t:r ''vol the sittia popu .iti.n, o. ecu ding to
.!!''iia wrote i he.n'fi'
Cot ." vii.l I t. .1. 1" Kdw ards, he.i'.ib
Pes compiled liv the t"hiuibt i1
1 Mi.-. ,Mi..
:y: ::A!rUl'U::- Posse of Hundreds "TiJ T,;;r,;:'X ti; , 1 Day Among Omahans ':
II, ..-.!,. ed 4.-U-. ,,,vf, tinted In- pn-emcn s ,,V.fu aftfr the 1-,m- , ' f ' ' "' V' A!f ' V S but I :m,I 1....,.., W. Sc.,, r.-t oi
I -v. I -.l.-.H t'u-r,. , pj R1)fr Xrk F(, s . (,,v pf. been set 0,, e. 1 he hod v w as , , , ,mr!lt ,r,0,.pd .'l; Vrr', V's1 iorsed ahead l.ia vi'.ir wlh an .in 'uc I nu.'l'i Stii.- l.t', uli.i died
rc.K !,v the ,... so they rout,'! ' "f h ,,!, . rk.. t ' . ..s ' .!i , e-,gged through the -meets. ,.. ,, ,,rw ca.,s 0t j,,,,,,., "'"" " m,,,,,; f.!, : ,,,: e limuv ..t ,.,., mtliie.,.-.,.
! -";' ' h ,!(,., trcme (.. C. Lynn, Mrs. 5am So,t.- I ,,e! a kd'.ed 'Men,,.!,,. , .,;, ,s anoth-r indu,. T- . CAn(xn . hraska a,..1 .south Dakota r.uh lias i,:Ur, the In,.', , -on ,
'U.ft r d'-t.nt com t yesterday that ' and a negro, known a "Mempht a,1'l '"" v er.t to the house ,,,, , r,,.:,,.,) ,i,v.c. i he total IMeDrdbKa I ltd dS oeCOflO . f.,r , P.-lv s neonle I..W.I iU... ml! he lt.-1.l nom (In-h,.mr
t';,. ,.r . tr drlaye.l printing the simi" were k-Ued and wen per-
to ..rrtvt lorn, h
eing n:tt villi the ,-r ,,e ,.-,. lnl as a.cainM ,
Ctitn frtn A i itnmnUi Ine follows a close thud with a car to m 1 iiM'hi at Satu'dav altet noon.
sh. t that kdled him. Wicks fire
l l v-a not i"i sair oil k 1 , , . ,
a total ot 4 J last wee
ouuc iui nuiuii iuuno
,M v 7 O n ,m!e t i s si s si I m t tar1-.; Ihe S f I ices
II he in ivate, but
e open t liieini'
tin .1.1 v
:.s i.iv peretore Pe asks ' -Ma i.- ,rs into tlie crown hftoie total ot II ilea t us we i e reno r ted S-.ntli Dakota and Veb'.isLa are 1 l"e lowest , ,-. mui,M-oiii with toe liome ui
r . . irtti. ii'.r. nnncilil nrft inni , V -... ., ... ...... i'-; i
im were wonr.aea, t'vo jenouiy.
th- extent of when O.eo! Ce tck, ne8r0. atter b,,i killed. Thu. sd.iv. o: wWh six were from tied -oi seco.jd nla.r among t!-- onlv ore car to eveiv -I! 1 prison's. trot,, lop, t.
,'gr-s'IT,S'Sr- .ST's.-Cl'S'ts.s rivVT?- "' '" C'i.V"Av'Sr..VZ5.'- srSTsyWsVj -"S ,
t ie Oini''l I r.onp ipv pl.ifi h.
liie d e , ' 1 1 P .'I 4'f '"'I'l "' i"l
i i nnj t :oii, '''' i y ,-, ii. ('':' .I. mo
Iflil.iV ' I : h. .)
h-'r 1, I 1 i c Iwfij lit' r '
!l H'tcM.iN hi! t.i'.li'f
(il'!ii"ii!s lrrt:'i.i. ct e'.ptif
h O .11 ' 1 1 a 1 y I ! ' 1 ' ( 1 : 1 . I .1 " . r 1 ' f a 1 ' I
t' vii 5 to re.i. ii ,i in t tV"'" 1 "' V"' '
i ha '-( of the t.i - j;i
I he pfi.j.!,- "I Hmi1,,! at the r V.
t'oii in Mi'. 1'K '.te-( to hnv le
plant of t!"- ''inili.i ?as rnmp.n.y
,'onf f ml ' i'' of ,('! t o i" ioif f.ot., p'i'iliac' of t'le c i -'
plant hv the .enplr. 1 hr ptire i
Mow liyrit.
I he pf t move n fr the fitv
roniM il ! ' hr loinuil tmi-t
irirct the phinf at thi pi u e it'i ii
fi'l di s oi i Up (ho pin cha-i" I '
i ' it'ies obh ft.: .1 v.
Can Appeal to Courts.
Tf (lie cmi'ii 'I adepts the pivi
at 4.;'HHTtlil an I 1 1 . f c,ti , .,n..inv
thinks th'l n II ' l .1 h ll riMllijIi ir',f,
sas rompanv i.m appeal t"
coin tn.
Iht: prirr Pv( t hv thr imaij was
netty near an avfijtr fiet-aren thr
htpirrs of tt;r ,-Mv ' peits ami those
of the cas e petti I :: hnih ptire
lived Pv the i;..r,"v In fore
ihe hoatd as '"". v. it'' a . -ondary
;!l!e .at !f..""Miiiii
lhe. city and iK experts set I
fnre of $..?.sinrn) ss a tan pi n r
for the entire plant. The ntv a'
lowed no oop'pi nsation tot 'VoniB
valne, c nniriuiinfj t -1. as tli
i onipanv'i fiamht-e ha - expired, it
has no go n vah.r a.i I i"ii-t e'thct
sell out oi t;uit hp -nw ' --.
T Senator W. . Mien of NfaH
Is.'n read the ti p.'!f c ot th" hoatd.
"Embr.ices All Theories."
"Out rtiidtuT IM't based on anv
specific tbeot v, hut 's a scm t of t in
'taiing of a!' thr tin ones presented
in the estimates," he said.
1 heories of estnn iCin; the value
taiiRed trotn Iho-e of some ot th.r
experts of the as company, who
held that the city 'liotild he com
pelled, to pav the cost ot reproduc
ing the pas plant at present pi ices
ot' material and I ibor. plus "f;oinR
alue," down to those which held
that pri'es of each item when put
in place should he all the city need
pay and that the loticern lias no
"K'ting value." 1 nder the former
theory the estima'es would have t un
up as'liish as $U.iimi.KM. Under the
latter they ran under ,Oi IH.IMIO.
The city adopted a "norma!
theory," arriving at the value of the
plant by a complex estimate of tin
average cost of each item over a period ending with l(lf.
Officials Seem Pleased.
The i'.is company oincials seemed
pleased at the decision of the board
of condemnation. It is said the gas
company is more than willing to
dispose of the plant if it can get
a fait ly good price. Electricity, it
is said, has made inroads on the gas
business in the last few years.
Y. II. llerdnian, attorney for tin
gas company; and V. h. Domhirt,
representing the I'nitcd ias Im
provement lM Philadelphia,
present owner of the Omaha lias
Co., were present when the decision
was given. (otporatiou Counsel
Lambert was the sole representative
of the city present when the decision
was given.
The cost of the expert witnesses
emnlovcd by the t'ty in the case was
SlO'll; and of the gas company's
expert witm --is, stol-l If the city
takes over the plant it liuist pay all
these cost- SlK'niif! will have to be
added to thr price for the cost of
stocks of raw matenals and other
inventories on hand, if the city buys
the plant.
"High," Says Mayor.
If the city takei the plant it must
take it as of June, 1918. A plan
will have to be worked out, the city
probably paying interest on the pur
chase price from that date and the
gas company turning over to the
city the profits during that period.
"It I pretty high," was the com
ment of Mayor Smith when told of
the report of the condemnation
court. "1 believe that fi, 500,000 to
$.1,000,000 would have been high
The mavor would not venture a
guess on the prospective action of
the city council in accepting or re
jecting the mi. ling of the court.
On a 'previous occasion the mayor
said: "If the court allows anv go
ing value we won't take the plant."
Reports Purchase of Bread
, Found to Be Under Weight
A loaf of bread bearing a wrapper
which read "Over -1 ounces," and
weigh-ng 17'- ounces, was brought
yeste-.'.y by F A. m;th. fAl Bran
reis 'llua'er building, to J. Y.
Long, city inspector ot weights and
Mr. Smith explained that he paid
15 cents for th lii and he asked
that a complaint he tiled in the po
lice com t against the baker. Mr.
Long stated that the deference be
tween the actual weight and the
weight imheate 1 on the wrapper
constituted a violation of law.
R. Oleson to Direct Music
At Omaha Automobile Show
R. O'.eson has been engaged to
direct the mil-:.: at Omaha's Auto
show, March 1 to (. at the Auditor
ium and annex.
Last year three distinct orches
tias, under the direction of Mr. Ole
son, entertained show guests. I here
will be three orchestras again this
year, but their program wi'l be
somewhat different.
Negro With Saw Blades In
Shoes Freed by Judge
Six small saw blades were found
in the soles of a pair ot siioes worn
bv detectives l liursda v night. In
If'rd polce court yesterday Hott
told Ju.-lge Foster thit he did not
know the blades were in his shoes,
although he thought the soles were
"kinda stiS." The Jiesr was dis-
Hair Nets 10c
I, ml, bmnan Lrtir in cnp or fringe stIc?
,tiid all ctor.?. Lanrc eizc. Limit (J to a ;iL:tomcr.
Special Saturday, at 10c
Frandeis Stores Main Floor Wc ,t
U & 1 1
" .1 Ail l""
Slip-on Veils'ctl v. iih silk tdfi-tie, whit li l'-Uls them in ml
tual fs tbotn o.asirr to j-'Pt on ntid off. rinm tnisbio or at
irai'tivp m.otivp find sond! dvsi'tps in ,1 1 1 wastrel i-olor.
lu'srulnr o,"c values, siipei;d, at l.V
Frandeis Stores Main F loor Nerth
Starting Promptly at 9 a. m. Saturday, a
Sale of 1,250 Pairs of
Silk Gloves
Regularly Worth
1.75 to 2.75
'I'hese are a levy fine qualit v of d"iiblc
silk gloves or a glove within a glove.
Colors are Xay, Brown, Gray, White
and Black with plain or fancy embroid
ered backs.
A few of them have slight imperfections,
but they are actually worth from 1.1') to 2.75.
We offer them for Saturday, per pair 1.19
Sale starts promptly at 9 a. m.
Brandeis Stores Main Floor North.
p iir if
On Sat unlay at 9 o'clock sharp -a Sale of
750 Wash Dresses for Girls
Regular $6 to 8.95 Values-
This i? a special purchase from one of tho best,
known makers of children's wear in New York
city and mothers need only to sec the dresses b
appreciate the splendid valu. Tbc ;m's ;oe
from n to lii.
Tbara'a a nrnii.l.iv',itl nll,. . ft
, II. V Cl I'l l!'. Il l Llllli (II 11(1' - -1
t H e style assortment, pnd the
v. -orkman.-.'iin nrirl materinl sre .'t
of the hpt.
Miilorials arr oliainbrav and ginghams, in Wanl iful p';i i-l.
small checks nnl brisht. pretty, eotitrnvtinr: plain col,.r:.
I Everv dress has; a pood deep hem.
1 '
They are values not to be overl"ckc'1, " 'lie sale starts
! at 0 a. tn. sharp.
! No. C. 0. D.'s, Approvals or Exchanges -
I No Mail Ordera.
Brandeis Stores Second Floor West
s fa
r-.ih mi
4 SV?T
0 )
Mm &
rrr Ni h
"V-'r- V-v-L a -s
Drug and
Specials for Saturday
uV Kohnns Tooth Paste, sue
I rial, at S.'i
ne lit'P.i t;.i(i'r Ulniles, liachagr.
of seven, special, at,
?.p IVnd's i old or A'nnlfhing
Cream, per Jar ,"
If-c Sayman's Vepfl soap,
special, at IS1!
"'.c KVse T'rtOTldi toilet.
soap, special, at f)
A'l u.iC C'titPT Matiicuie prrpara-
tions, special, a I UJ.
$1.2.1 Mavis Toilet Water, spe
cial, per bottlp, at OSd
pier Kiss Tafenm PoTiev. sue
ial. at
fi.'.e l;. , C. Tiler FV.V 'er. :-peei,-jl
ft He
J I . Mereti's Pttcar of MilV.
special, pt
,'.i'e l.istnrinr, special at. o)
1 T."i two Quart C'hoeolate Hub-
hi r hot va'er bottle, special.
Olii.-!ioui'.i' Hospital cotton, sp
i.ial. at .J)
?l.0n fi -yard Ga'fe J.
special, at GJ)
Main Floor West
Women's Hose
Of Pure Thread Silk
Regular 3.50 to 5.50 Values
This is an excellent lot of sam
ples and odd lots from a well
k n o w n hosiery manufacturer.
There are fancy lace boot ef
fects and Paris lace clocks and
embroidered insteps in fancy
designs. Also plain colors some
all silk to the top in extra heavy
weight. Colors are Silver, Pearl.
(Jrays. Cordovan, Russian tan.
Mouse, Beaver, Black and
White Yerv special for Satur
day, at 2.98
Brandeis Stores Main Floor South
A Feature for Saturday Sale of
Misses' and Children's Shoes
In Tliree Lots Very Specially Priced ;j
We are figuring our profit In good will, rather than dollars, when we offer 'j
these shoes in three big lots for one week only- at pi ices 1,-ss than we cnild ., I
buy them for today. !
i 4
Lot 1 at 1.95
Worth 2.50 and 2.75
Sues from 4 to S: In tun rr.etal ralf
s vici kid and chocolate and white buck-
d4,sl;i:i; hand turmd soles; natural ;asts;
button stvlp.
very special, at, per
n Saturday Your Choice of Our Entire Stock of
! Coats for Misses and Small
W omen
At 2 Regular
Exactly 5 Prices
Lot 2 at 3.45
Worth 4.00 and 4.50
Sizes SU to 11; school sices that are
made to stand hard wear; in Russian calf,
Sim tncir.l and vici k.d; welted soles; wide
roomy toe; spring herd. Vrv special,
at " S3.-15
Lot 3 at 4.45
Worth 5.00 and 5.50 !
Si.cs W'-i to in Knnsian rail', (dioeotato lod i
patent vamp with while top, and black pun i n tab i
Ihitton or liluehnr cut, j-Tn-.licli toe, or wide roomy
last with low heel; hatvl welted soles. -prriai ii
!t S 1.-15 ii
Brandeis Stores Main Floor West
This is one of the most astonishing offers that we have been able
to make for some time, and we assure you that the values are really
The lot includes our entire stock of coats for misses and small women.
They are on youthful lines and styled to the hour.
There are spini-fitting loose hacks, flare models and many )ther
beautiful styles, with or without fur. There is every wanted coior from
which to choose.
A few of the exceptional values;
Oriuiiiul Trice Sale Trice j Oiiu'innl Trice
m.10 coats, at
L'o.OO coats, at
:)'.).()() coats, at
lo.OO coats, at,
To.OO coats, at
S!.o coats, at
I.Vi.OO coats, at
IS.'.00 coats, at
Brandeis Sfores Second Floor West
V Ml
A Third Floor Feature for Saturday
Sale of Women's Union Suits
Regular 1.50 to
2.25 Values,
Included in these odd lots from our regular stock are
light, medium, and heavy weight suits. Some are slightly
soiled, but every garment is perfect otherwise. Styles are
sleeveless, low neck, half sleeve, Dutch neck and long
sleeves, knee and ankle length. An excellent oppor
tunity to lay in your supply of underwear for early Spring.
Special, for Saturday, at
Brandeis Stores Third Floor East
CorSetS Specially Priced
A large assortment of pink brocades, pink and white batiste, and novelty
cloths in medium and low bust models and the much desired rubber top
corset. Medium and long hip models, with good hose supporters attached to
every pair.
Regular 4.95 Values, at $3.98
Another n. w and very attractive
model is made of pink broehe, with
a very low bust. A much desired
model for figures of the average type.
3.50 and 4.00
Values at
All new and fiesh; in pink novelty
cloth, and pink and white mesh; both
front and ba,ek closing. Special, for
Worth 1.00
and 1.50 at
Brandeis Stores Third Floor East
Saturday Specials in
SWING FIvAMES, a few that
have been selling at 3.00; very 1 98
special for Saturday, at
SWING FRAME, very attractive,
has been selling at 7.00; spe- 5 98
cial for Saturday, at
FRAMES TO ILLXG, in many dif
ferent sizes, from SxlO to 1 19
16x20, complete, at
(Bring Your Pictures With You)
Brandeis Stores Third Floor South
This ll-pleee set of Oveaglass Is unexcelled for beauty, durability and
hygienic qualities. It ahvayB remains the samrj doesn't chip, discolor,
rust or burn out and Is guaranteed against oven breakage. There is
nothing that makes such a practical and handy gift for a woman as these
sanitary Ovenglass sebs. The 11-pieee set. Saturday, at -1.75
Brandeis Stores Main Floor North
Candy Specials
for Saturday
Luscious Chocolates, Bitter Sweets, fruit
and nut centers, special, per pound
at 59c
Golden Crumbles, a rich mobiles .jackoi,
with peanut butter filling. Kogular tiOc
aluo, Saturday, per pound
We hare a big assortment from which to
choose in a wide range of reasonable
at 49'
Fresh Angel Food Taffy, in vanilla,
strawberry, choc'Iatc and molasses flavor.
Koflrnlar 41c kind, Saturday, special, per
at 39c
Brandeis Stores Main Floor
Pompeian Room
Brandeis Stores Main Floor North.
$1 a Week
Will Buy a Complete
Victrola Outfit
As an inducement for Sat
urday we offer this Victrola
outfit, consisting of Victrola
as pictured and six 10-inch
double-faced records of your
own selection.
Outfit complete, priced
specially at
Brandeis Stores Main Floor
Pompeian Room.
JEM $ewwk SP2
! I
I Ml
This year's Yaloniines are more artistic than jjj
eer, ana v. e nave iiicm To please hoiii young and
old in uaint designs, ariistic j'latti-rns and 'funny'
little novelties for the children.