Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    mi: uir;: ova ha. sn tjlu. nr.uiAjn
' . . ) t " v n- ::; of ?ta 1
l' i I ,! til . r. t h, i
! ! )m; ry i!f s:ri! I'M j
': v ,i ' know n thft
.,1 ' ; plF.x V 2 thrx
ok, ha-h. he
'!c. n.ilk .t;
visirn in ii t inr Loasr tiii ivigo, urges kioui Lconomy
I IIYlLu 111 Ui ui HnC rr,, on,. j I rogram lor Congress
I.,.. ,i
l' V
i ui r ii in i lint urni'i iiui
Stays Execution of Cram
mer and Cole Pending
Legal Proceedings.
( t r -m ! ci i '-r
!' a, I ! fV
1-e .1 i..
1 I- '
J I ; : : r, . : t 1 ,. .le-a -'!T he .-iM
so,,- .llii- u ,1 V I r M "
'iprem irf Sv 1
i "Oil. T'lT'l 'op 'V -,
on (he art : ) r ,i
t o eon' ; at i .i I ' w : i
'a r .up!
!' il t. i ' V i I
l '. i '. : ,
e.-f a l!
'''Ml t'"r
'.iv .if'-';
i 'pety rt;,o t
i! ncy k pi" a!
tN- tra'pihi : -
e ' :; a 'v: i r r.." irt a a .i"1' n . ; !
ti a " ' ' rM 'A ''(''" I ' f ;.,.;''
.Ik-re tic n ii'.u'ii Wav-la,
i .ijiiv! ,-i S I'll! 'i. IV ,V'fl
. . ,-, p .
Hearing This Morning.
i , - p.
Iff P
ok of i v.a'l qua'!til
!'!' ( i: aiiaiPT il'.rl r.o!
.--''.i iiei.'.is fifrsoni viMtru
!.e j i : - ' -1 ::!:! t-.e morning: ami
.uly -ti xx'h rcjufsts t be
et nu! - I ti viMa'-s, the rxcctition.
n't Hi t i h'f they were
iirrril smv. One w man persite
iuiTie t1'' t" m -kmtr n be
err,i'.:t' l to frt ( o!c, hut thu rc
: " w.n ileni'-.i. W lien she t"ii:i(l
t':: i ''il" V'T i'lipof ir,tp i
i.i ti 1st J),ir.'!...ti oi a', '."ii
I a"ti t i '( p( risiitu-.l to :tnr
.'vr-or.M!. n'...-1! !:!. v' w .1
'it '!, .i" ! ! t '! to i'-.tvi'
" 'a t o
'! '"'..r a
c . t' e
Republicans Take
'Drunken Delirium" of Busi
ness Men Blamed Labor
Surplus Needed, Asserts
N. Y. Financier.
' i on) llliiP'l I rnm 1'riK One I
LomI-v . r-eb. -The 1'i.ited
St.ite "ii in 't intero'ted ui tlie ex
trusion of additional Kitropran
i iTii'H nor dttr.u-ted by the forc".tti
socur'tv market, simply brrntie
Atnerict" turds are itnt .iv.nilaMe for
tiiat pu'. post ." jaid Irvinw; ''. luisii
of ew York in !inisipg the ex
change situation and the world's
fin.itii'ial il! at a luncheon at which
Sir Aukland Gedde, minister of na-
I t!"'ial ervice and re cor'trtiction,
I i j
e on i reaty .. - (. , . ,.
sariicii aoroau a' a lami n-inct
.vtth tr.itk and honev and unlimited
.'ah 'ep't'.Vat' f Idaho, or.e
i' ii re , ir..-ila'i'.!-s. today srnt a
i..m:.i:ie on the t;!.fct to .
M , i o- ..i (Mho. a di'tuoct .it.
Questions Recent Speech.
,i"m rv 'ii 'he p'cts reprTts
, i fi..)!..: ,h v ri'iti-.
t 'i i !u: aa
li I.i!i.i,
itr'v ,ii
! h'. ti
we.iltii. wliereas actually the cottn
'tv's tiuancial machinery is sutferinc
troni an attack of acute indigestion,
ovvinsr to the lihit of Liberty bonds.
Millions of dollars are required t"
finance the nation's own enterprises.
Tin- balance of trade should
ti'.at enormous quantir ; 'S of n:..n.v j
,;"e there with whic'i the war
i ra,:,:,'a- I stressed countries could be. Iiefp. .1
l''u ' 1 ' " ' 1 ' ' 1 ,u" ,,r'' I to their feet, hut no one seems to
however, as i.,,. :t ti,. v,.,,;
1 iIC I f ! ". I '
I niuiiHK'd Fri'in On i
held in pott and wire'eji repo-ts
trom ve--e's .it jea toil of h.uli
.v i ; : . : s and r.i c ; " m .i e..
FT'tr.atu "t t!'' propi'itv I'.l'tvittc
ran u el! hevord t'.c l.i'i H I mafk.
A nt'.inher of ve.--c!-' w ere r-pii ted
in duress and sevcr.,1 Koust Is'and
S'.nind. tramcis vctr pnsarcrs n
ice iatn.
Thirty-nine Ships in Distress.
The u'retess station at New Voik
police headquarters e.uly totay
received tncs,1(es tmni .''
sea reportuiij iiistre.-s. (
Point- alonK the New Jerev
roast, especially Atlantic i';ty and
Sr.,!':'-! t. , te hat ,! t hit. Hon-., -were
wa-hed into the se.i and towns
part:a'!v ii, undated. Ke-rts alniii;
the l.oii;; 1-lai.d shoie near Now
York .lis. i iirif !;eaviiy ilauiaced.
Kailroad traffic uuproveil duriiiR
the norninft. altliounh trains wcv
still behind their schedules.
Norfolk Swept by Flood
And Families Marooned
Not folk. Ya . Feb. -The htirri
c.ine, blowu'ikr from Cliesajieake bav
has placed Vottoik a' the men y of
the worst thual in its historv. Many
l:oue- wi'if carried away and otl
i-rs cr! from the swift rush
N a-lui ston, Fe o- iia'p ic
t ' , , , i t I
1 ' i.i' i m ' i r . i , c ii ! ,, , t p , a I i a
u .1.- Ui -i'-a 'ii t c hou-e t.'d.ix
'V UVpres'Tt ,'- V., file'.'. Yotii I
f. I ''a : epithi't an leader. 1 1
, ..nun.' I'ri1'1, in "t ' i ' i -'ii,'
mtioiita l; ! I i nation be ,'o,'
I, k Ot Im-H'C s fp 1 i Cl ,v. '
,0 COItt ! ,UV, hi .tCh't'MMI!. !
S a ouMue - ivu an u n,
I hn t of : e cspedfoi a: :
j si and .is a mi muiuci.t of eft
i'e, ut e cap icu v to ;iu rot
I fir s.i
His Husiness Ability
s kiiaticant, t' O. i ; ;;
r.f , am
v a
1 '
able'. .
: an - c
I i
(I ... ..... ;,
. " 1 If .-!'.i'! ".v the deplota'de !Vt':- i:-'-U M' :i'
t: . ancia! i-. )..' ms of 'nicpe -.fii u:n n! Vi irco ''aces
'"wn across our rouuti v unit I mite of .I'tuost tiiio.iioo,
e cr-iticreasiiii; .m ornnous poiteiit -.- - -.
. .lander. Mi.!! dcc!ar 1
i Virs is tne enlv : cat commercial
! s i 't.-e in i. k t,.
.'! I' . C" f
V,.:; ;':,,;f1,;;;' After Five Years Mexico
- ' " e ,Mt ! tie
,.x. :u ! f ' 1 '
- !,'::,! I, ,'. nc ' ' i e , , , i , : , i . o o. in .,,a,
' 1 l . 1 1 ' .,.' a' i" : I 1 1 i r as 1
MeS'iM" . I '
penc l a-, the ; . ., , i
. id, ''a atioii o' i ;' in il I ,i
I he v.-li ...I I'.- i . .
ere i is been, t:,e pa-l toe ,'.n-
Reopens Its West Point
i , i ' , i.i, (..
'a ' 1 a, nl t 1 1 ac -t ' . a I o I
m'U p' t . .1. t'a-s a- "'i t
! m,'ia.,'s !u:-i
m ! ' "i e, t''e v ar
,e fie f'
S.'i t
'i ch i"
the I,,,.
' ! t'"'
. .ii". r a -dm
r, I", t1
I Of ' iS V"!
'I iii.Mii h t1
IS f.i .'II ()'- i i' t p.,: ..
1 1 1 -1 1 p Hm tit!:-', (an!,, ( , i n a
' ' i I'd a f . i a !.!'.' "! til" ..,.
I . ' r ; : I .e i". unr il .. i'u i lie in,
a ii i ! d v heard tie . .... ' i e v. - ae
'ailed a hr.i; t , ' i'alli'., , el" to t!i
a . '1 d of 1 li. wale,' i '. . . ", ,i i, ,
ep , ui t ai'r d"'a , t : i , '. iii
" a' d a- , al e t i t'n . !! ' ,'e II
a as -Of a; lam ed '. i" .,!,. 'i
' 'I door -on .). i:ii a pmc a ! C"ii
'. 1 '-i'is' with Mr. "Jack" a ke't. .
' n an Si nai l' ; -,. !-. w ho I i
I I - ' 1 1 . ' i nt. ! dii'iiik; t!i . il,-,.
"Governor Is Human. "
i ii'f v. i s at) 1 1 ' in ,( i ; ; : : i ,
'e Mai. 1 ! i T sl,;i t, u !") ' C"da
and a hi .(: , I'lmed neekt r
"Vi'-, I lia ve hea i d tne i; I i a e
nut I kneae it aid c ' i K ' oil ' I
-'rein-;'', ' c p ' i e ! In t lie n a : de
a . a '.ui i . ui" : 1 "li v. , mi'! come i '
otiioi i ow e thci. I km oa . I.e. an -.
iinii ! e l ' ! I ie : , I , ,o i'lll! el li t
h t it.'' he e.intliiui '
" hat i!o ou l in k of no '. a
''01 1 ." he ,i-,i i in u - paper fin . a : n
had .li eompaii a d the , . ,n , a " i e
u i r i - an m i m "V i me n t i a .a t ' e
,1'K; I la a c is I a - in oi e loom : . .
i id ii',',i, !i a;., i e hiit and ., In II '
h d ." was i'.i", pa :'f ' i - f ai ii I. to ' '
v ;s;ti! s a- la- tin t;. d '" . tniiii
his intivf i -.Ulan with !;- ,"iop.ii'
'Iranimer tlken w ,o aiine-! i,
.1 hi uc ;.. : k.. c -t -i . ' . ,t : -'ea .! ol
''li ! i 's i . i : . ,, . , . ,,. a i 1 1 i
obi red .sue itia
Mlortly before lb- p: i
oiiiii- a vit lual ! lino i : v, a-" di
: i'- n-ent tnat
laff "iiR the
the ieiirue cf
!-! a- ', citpe
- ;i ", as siib-
i 1 1 .
i: I i v a" i ' e: ' a' i u tr th C
1 1 t a le !H : i: it i itheUit
a- i i t , . i" thereof
it a- ! ' - i i af i a a- to the
Il ' t '-." I " t e i States iii
I u'.o ! -: a ill i- "ii ' "ic speech
: ,'ii aie t h "i ai a i , i v in favor
a a; , ; tee kaiiii,' m hich
- f I': it.i ii i p p:i , sin votes
tV I if d M.iti's one. Am
(' t IP. ' o ,..;..! uip.e; your posi-
'al to
,ay I a
''-''-I '
ai oi po-e,! te. peiu'ittmir
'' o! 'ah, i In r or not we
en, a r;"i:;i,e: ,.f the
-i:', i eiit,' to the people
i '. ' I f "il (i c not (,p.
ahtn-fuiK :t ,. tin- people,
. 'u wilt w a von w ouh!
i' 0 In' submitted ':"
of tlm water at Wil'di'-diSv Paul'
Further taloa! ir.anv t.,iv:!'e- ate
in.-. : . a med in t heir la une- A!! ti ,, '') -ha-
coTiie t i ,i -find-tal Maian.
1'i-r pi ed -cf d piai-v ' ' ' - i -(ers at
- e a .
.'V 'll I i .,f.oii that iti:,!t on a specie
'' j '" i-is and the i t.mtlv decreasing
a aes ot "'iiain carrca, -es. te
'.-ed ui t!;e :'e of exchange cur i
t.a niK exnorts .e d iria'cn' L,' d,i"i
U'"ie doub'fi; la.' .,!ae o! en. a
lu nis volume- pi Furopcai, -ccui'
tics and credo- iield ,y our peopl,
warn us to trua -ails, to ceo- oinv. .
to sax e an 1 it is essentia! t'-e fed
rial cn-crn !: cut set a good e.xamp'e
u: tins lepard.'
llf-re are certain constnictixe
meaMiroH !iic!i this copvirss
-i'oidd and will pax. s,i:, j r Mon
'hi1, ..ill!: l v; tiiat "cipiallv n:poi ta-i
.i- th, -c is the araeiae t;:-- ttlo-'.
r-nid economy."
Red Cross Calls for Nurses to
Fight -Flu" on West Coast
Mil iN'.o'.e'-l. . !" b 0, I I e Fa
, itic diii'i-iou ie the American Red
ii'-- ,i'i.i oat ,, i . i ! i m i.p: -, - to
H"'Ort 111 tilCT re - ; ic .-' . e . oieiap ii
t'c - (or ii, iuea a v. i , ! 1 ii - i a! i .
citt'!e ho'li tiana .! and "praef , ,,! '
e. .vie
I A siiecia! f;toit
- a, at , i a r
r i tu e, it "'a s ,, i'
a --, b,
l I .v
can bankers are unable to titid it. Ctn,,,,, C,,,;,-,,,,- 4o Mni-fU onrl
Mr. Tush declared that too much j 1 1 -JWinyi tu lUl III ctnu
was hciim said about the exrhautf' pxJPW York' k AlirpH Rplipf
situation and that the tendency was i i
to t;ive the oppression that there I ' " '. "' ' : '.'"'"''' i Vrnina ( Htl Slirfl
' . ; ' c ! 1 f - i w i a a : r f
s ' " 1 11 ' - :' . ' f i ' ' a II Ml
i'.ixe h. !.' '' it i ,'f,ai oi
t fx in titer v
The storm
... .i- ,ta.,... it.. , ,x ; i'.i 1 ' ' ,
.'- -inn'. 1.1111 lllll-t.ll ill, III ' ' ' ' I .
can reluctance to make further in ',,M" "'"' '
ve-tiuenf-' abroad. I ' "' , J't' ''
"The fact is." tie (onfniicd,
" meriea itself js guini; to -utter in
the lone; run from the situation
which is temporarily adverse t"
Kuvland. The I'nitcd State- is be
eominij; reconciled to the neee-iiti
of dropping out of the export mar
kef. with the exception oi trahui' In
copper and some few raw niateriai
which 'lie alone c.ui furnish t!'.
world. The result will lie cradual
:;:rZ ZZTXniXT: England and Soviet Russia
n ort it was .o ' if ,1 t . .
re.'a la d the , '. i h-'a-a!
!',ld -t..ppfd a:,i'.v"K n '
cm group oi mae'le i f . , : .
a ::d a -p ' i i , - e a. e : i
w uca
' i . a i i
ae- dav.
; -o (be
.'lit had
ei-t !'
r . , w
X. a
, I
Handle Big Business
( ant initi'il l'r.ini Pnise Ore l
.illll'.' ,,11,'t tP,e snpiaes I'ara.iii f .
t::e u v-a i ;. , -1 tea' a i ' ' '. w .,- an mi
, iiaiitv. f.y all n' was 1 iobe.1
p i-1 u as aim. ist a -m " i ii'i i pa p b. k
I iinr p I pott t 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 , ' s and
1 1 a e w a - i. , v.. an a-1 n - r on t h e
c ! o ,i ded h ' a. I w i v s oi on ('" I i-t
ti-jjr.i'irii; r.i t. :.!
ten;- t
Labor Shortage Sends
"Old Salts" Back to Billows
ape belt'
... l;,.. i .
d I hi- fa
n, -i
hcKin "o he replenished.
"T do not anticipate a panic, hp;
American hu-mess men have heen
in drunken deWViuin for ti'e ht-l
couple of xears and a moderate do-e
oi hard times will leadilv liriuf; us
to earth and do n. aood
I " lien surplus labor results from
''P': -'owipiL: down of indu-trv then
'.ibo'- a i i 1 1 Capita! will he on pic uav
' 1 ' ''.' re -1- . at'on , f HO' t el.o
' ' . - ,'" a p.- w t,o!e ccouonee - s.
' ' ' j feat ei the count v xvill he on a
1' . h. a't'ip'r Ivi-is. '1'he hia; trouble has
' '" i'u that the world has heen trxinr
' ' t , bud i substitute for w ork."
1 Iowa Labor Party Plans
:- To Canvass Entire State
Dealing for Peace Report
L b.,',
e'iiP;i'!.ir beta I ,i ,-.,! Ibo.,"' .,,i
so'.iet K ::-m aie pp-.x :" plo'e"'--accord'i'tr
to j stan no "t wh'eii tine
Svetlska ',;' ;,.tel a'f ibn-rs t-i
Adolph lone, hi eepartu'c ' cdi-n
for Dor p.a t. w here lie pea i, d fee hoi troo
cue I a a new- ,o Mix ,
What Pershing Actually Did.
It X'.i- fii' .'T tbo-r eon d i ! ion -. li a' 1 1 e i - a 1 1 . 14 tcili-rtixik ' h
task o' imiio; tuik' an picric. in .ft.-.v
a-id Pi'oe-ahl'a for 't. In a lew
uaintbs be ,,p. the me,, he h.e!
c!iosei to aid bna m t!m task had
nrox'ided at ibaaleaux ami Bies .,
to tiriiin :u f e xnietiean
lie opi ned up tin- har'n. i -
t ' a
tup -1
1 1 a i ! i
-: peace .iele,ratioi. ' lid e-taldislied a hue i i!ep..ts I"
J.-'ti . the pewspape- a 'Ms. -.od ! '.he iriloadm: ami st.e.'it a of -un
ei--pi desired ice a ah ad i a i I,; "' - w il a a -a. : 1 1 pe -s that isrp.i--t
an! merelx -p;a;'a-.'.! a- a I the most opfnr.-i:. i stint.;'--. ' d i;
i o i a! ! 'on no p: -' i ' e i i a , ,- a e r I a short time an Artie ricati tail a
i 1"'
.'II x ,
1 1 ; 1 1 ' ' l, win
a-oaici " 1st
ax- has ah, .nit
interna! afi.oi .
London Paper Savs Force
Must Be Used On Germans
1 s v ! eni nad -pi utiji up mi b t en
i'.i1 and an area nunc than I' nub s
-n a -. a'.ii baa been trail ,i.
N-pfiicau : -: i ! i : -: r i ,a i am!
I b - !o;pes, hi . h'eli. I. - l p..
ah' I he Iowa laoor pailv. or-
to a. "I v bas a.i'.Hlt ' " i i ," in-.' . i- I ' s- 1 i
,, ' . catix-a- s tne entiic state to learn
""; ee "hived ha ' j en t mi' nr i" a"-et p in-T the pattv. and;
" o " xi, ,s a .h'Vi.'u't ! 1'o--pp v perfect the party omanta- ,
,,.;,,! ,, ear-l';"M "1 "thrr pat t (' hova
a : a i"0 o '' to lion! 'a-t i
l W S S ,1 '.
'It ' - mi feet !
allies suhimfted
t..t the I'-M of t
li'Ml f
the ( ,,-r
li IPC
I K-rrn.
c 1 1 u ' u
1 1
a! t h
utieipation fl tne at ot ill
rtiaud.ite of the court t ppt th
ueii to 'lea tin I he pr i!nii:
but hail advanced to the p.epi op.
i lei k Jim 1 oiim i! , i ti"' pr.
iiad made a It in .to liie .-laic bo
and socin d S.ii 'D f. , an tin- ti .,, -m
ei , w itll which to pax I'.xroih
1 1 1 1 1 1 -u 1 1 hm hi - : i a , s at th
e ccul ion. -'x.- x a ' i a i aJ' i a. it x i
ofliplete. I be -: ','," - ii -.
pi es, 1 1 bed by the i -1 , 1 1 1 to n.'ii th
xxaiden s lctuipi ol e ma.
o del had been named. I . xx . i
i cpi'i'seuCilix es of the (IppiIpi .in.
Lincoln new spapci I he thice phv
'icians had been s- bat' d, Pr I (
MiliiR.'r, pi'-ou sip jeon , lb I
hiiX,'r and Pr. IF bel.'-; I he
w ct e alf'Milv in t'" pi i- e .
Cole Laughed and Joked
'! lie tne a v . a e 1 1 o i si , i n . I 1 1 oi
t aeir r ell - in tin- p! '-on ward pi ; p
to the death cell eat h x i -: 1 d a
At pres.
no . ear-
i-.amiii: i:i'
it a li"i;pp
Predicts Overthrow of
Lcninc In a Few Months
To Heal A Cough
i-t' paper
, -f.'l h
.!. 'lit.;.
n; e; can
1 h
d mi
I'." -fi
lm if :u t. e P" . l,i"
n , ll is pie i: t a! . a;t. a - it xva - the
Tuvvfiiri! aehtex 'a'a'' l in ti'-- lite of
o. ..... .. ii i . . ...... . . . . . .
. I . . n i i j . I L i ' I i.i i. ' i ie a o I . i - , o , , i , i , , e
.,-;i, s ih jt ' a- ,;o paralh 1 to t'as acc uppl. 1,
is i a . n ei;! of the An.' ' . an expcditama-v
l',,;';"tr;.r..i, v. ,;, .,. ;,:r. . '
'fee, it i ..ire ';,' '.ere :- ,,. i f i -; m i a 1 1 1 i u
'"i a p -. a pamaepi 1 1,,. i .P j,,, ,,. .
a I 1 1 o w i
I'Ci I "111
Ma' b
' e
NKW V(i;k
si" 'F X ( FIT
' 'MAMA.
i'i.'l i Ilk
i! I
e a i : 1 1 1 -a
at. ill'
pi e -' a I In - I , pm I .
!' 1 c , ;:.i;:-i- in a y e o l . . e . .. per d. --ml-
! ' e i-. ep t 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 i r x ami dip!. -1
1 , p , . . ,-'ii, i , i ' t.e ..vol-.
! - aa,i,"'. i o:w -b -l.oldli l' b i'u
; n ' , a -' . - .,,,;,'- is I . , . ,
'Pa 1 , 1 1 1 - t ','.' 'HO.
,v - ft I W'
Extra Special for Sat unlay
i i.. r hotll
in ilii;
MM'Fl'Adll M.
am n m tne
r f
mot nip . s t',,- ,; ,
aetw ecu the t-.x o .'
-1 1 i a a ir i y reiiPii k.. to the Rii.i'd.
"U . I', ou will take u 'ea k to om
i Ku'ar eel's a t-.u u lon-i-t " II--'.
inched am! ,kel .ipp.oei.llv un
pyudiul of his i npendi!; ei. , m ,.p
'i-aiumer xx as tin- tmue la-eixed o'
(tie two. hut lm ma nt.rt-ted the si.e
risiu of a I olc, xxbeu a-k, -!
Itxx- he 'cpt. said lie had m xei ipp!
I or Colds, Grip or Influenza
.. a , I' . , i..,- I -a. I X X I I V
ma ixi 1 1 iji in i s i: i .-a.', i - l .,,.' f.-r I
V XX . l.ltoX f'.'S -,. e itia ,- ,-n tfa- l.-o. I
The Lure of the Grand-
11 Th) If A VI; a (ii'aml for your homo in our
, '' suture. The (.Inmd Piano heart's desire
; of every woman--is no longer the instru
ment of concert halls ami mansions only.
Through new constructional discoveries it
, has been reduced in size and price without sac
rificing its marvelous individual tonal qualities;
and we carry the one which will exactly suit
' your home and means.
A Grand not only "makes" the room in
which it is placed, but it makes the home an en
chanted place for young and old.
We'll gladly call and give you information
as to placing, size, price, etc.. without obligation.
Old pianos accepted as part payment.
Just call and see
our New Baby
Grands now in
stock. We have a
beauty at
Terms arranged
Let's talk it over
MCsricr Co.
n -sr
Ljf I
1807 Farnam,
Omaha, Neb.
-"iris . -
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M s? jfv ' txrri'. uv
If- v;-
?v.. 'f.v v -. -V. . .'
Sf .. T'-ii'. ' S i
1 1 ij
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Silk Hosiery
Ri-ghtiy Priced
Tin" wA known (oiiatufi
linso 1 1 .'am, a pure dye si!,
huso with lisle flare tups
aiii! lisle (louli'f solos, i
carefully full fahi"ne'i.
atpl i-onies in field tii'ib-'e.
cordovan. seal Im'owii,
navy ami black, al the re
markably low price of
S'J.T-") a pair.
Prop stitch silk lo i.-e x
lisle tups, hcls and too-'
come in black, liite and
seal brown for S'J.oil :.
Set mid I loot"
Saturday The February
Polivia, tinsel. one. Bokhara and a
host of other fabrics- trimming's of
lltulson seal, beaver, raccoon ami the
like make up the varied assortment
offered in tin's sale. Coats of a su
perior quality offered for a
fraction of their worth.
Black or Colored
In preparation for sprii:;;
rains and sleet suit ca,
umbrellas, colored um
brellas, children's school
umbrellas of (ho proper
dimensions; a It noei her a
comprehen.'si-. e show ine-
Just to the Left s You l.nter
( 'oats foi'inei'l
to !si;!i.:,o-
Coats (ormerly iVcu.
ST.") to .SI --
I'nats furmerh' frum
lo:, to SiioO-'
$.1 J. 50
$61 .50
All Salvx arc Final
o Alteration
Reductions ott Children's
Winter Coals
Two -rray chinchilla co,i'.-, sjc 1 1
veal's. .S2J.." coat,-' for
Si ;.;y
'. ))!(- la fix rri en elm ii ct,ti , ,-izo
11 years, 1 ..".( value, for only
Tw en' v -!our coats in m.( s -J, 1
and i") years, chincliilla. velvet.
broadcioUi and mixed eaiods coals
at the fo I'ii '-. i f ; j." red ue! ions :
$'(0.00 ("tints for $J.).!tS
.-J..7,7 (n $.S.:o Coats tlfi.HS
$IH.:u ami Sl?.')0 ( 'naif
arc ' ilucal tu $!).!!$
A o-ro'ip of cordui'oy and chdh
coals in s!.(- 1, o and 'i years:
reKu larly pric d from S I o.o't to
SI'Jo. are offered a' "fie price.
Friday only, .".
Salnnlaf'. Stilt f Clii
tircn .s CtialsOjii '., Orlh
While Sariifjs.
i.nud 1' loor
Splendid Eeoiiomies in
W hite (ioocis Sale
Gabardine Skirtings Plain weaves,
.'!') inches wide, have the following
SI. 'Jo (luaiilies for SI. (if) a yard.
SI. on qualities for ,S I -." a yard.
Novelty weaves. '',) ita-hes vsido
Sl.oi' qua lilies for S a van!.
S.7o ipialilics for Sl.r() a yard.
Sea Island Nainsook Py the bolt,
ten yards, is specially priced :
Toe quality, Hfi-ineh, S'i.To bolt.
S'r quality, l''-inch. ST.'Ji
Satin Electric Madeira Nainsook
White e I e e t. r i c Soft, sheer ipiality,
w a s n sal in. .-'
in. lies wide, SI. 7"
quality, is n o
P r i c e d S ! .-"i" a
vard. yards
lit-iuch ; repiilarly
oih- a yai'd. now
S L'Jo a Foil of ten
Fine Wash Goods
Ginghams, check- Printed Madras tor
ed, plaid, striped men's shiris, house
in plain sliadt
la rjre solee) jo
lesions, ( w entx,
.-even and thirty
ilressos, ol c
i 1
a larjre soleeliou drens ronqiers.
f designs, twenty- Come in fast color
ant! in most do -ir
two inches wide, aide pattern:- for
are priced ltc and ''m-.- a vard.
(()c a earn.
al I b
r. -.' ik-s-.f)'
' fi 'fry win . ' .
ii . 'iiaawwMKKSi-'' vfk -' a ... J rp i . a , i
There are large, medium and small hats of
Batavia and Hair Cloth, Taffeta. Satin, Georg
ette, Kerami, Lizere, Milan and Fancy Straw
Droop Brims
Oif-the-Faoe Models
FlowfT TurbfU.
Draped Effect
Chin Chins
Tan, Red
We will give you your unrestricted choice
of any veil in our stock, regardless of price, with
every purchase of a !f7.")0 hat. A large variety
to choose from.
2'ltl. nd O
The t' aatritt
Cii'nwinjj Sfortr:
in Omaha.
Philip's Department Store
Worth Whiir Offerings Prfirntin Splendid Values in I, vrrj InHtancp
Try l'
I irst. I hrrr
In a Rpa!snn.
Wr Sell
f. crythinjf.
M I L 1 . 1 N K R V s I ; ( T I o - S KC'o N 1 I ' I .oo i;
Men'. High Top Shoes, Reyi' Shorn, ill all -p i - FURS M-H'l'- .-it..! '! Mfn'n l.inlr Hose
r,.nu'-ir I'Pai' Sc.!. -".il i-i-L'li!,ir pnec !?.., I;ir, xx.iifli m to SI",'li ".'. a na r on
;:::;:'!(:...$6.50 ;;;:;.i,1.-,....$3.49 ;;:r:....$4.98 19c
l.nHifs" I.inlc Hose, n-f! Children' Hose, fti Men'i Hevy Clmni- Minn' Swratf ri
,..(r j i a-e hae. on side . , . , i hrav Shirts Wio-!h Si-e- -J. p, rifiilar
p 75c S:'....7Sc Ts.. $1-49 i;;:;;,r,;:,.$l.25
' " 1 " " I ' ' j " ' "' ' '
Ladies' anrl Mi sues Mrn's rfaf , T'.'i' r'v Bo ' Hals, .1 li;" 't"I. dies' Aprons, rth
co a. oo,,,n,f c,c r:!;:'1 ?":i-;'nn to p,,k rr"m- 98c nn $1.49
rruUr price. :.t iPHr.UV ;,t sa!-;X' .
Missed' Rihhi .l And Outintr Flannel Sleep- RAISINS i xx a ( m n Sun Maid Sultana
Flerrcd Vests, s-r, S in if (iainients xxitil fo t p ., j . W Raisins, re .' I! !a l 1 v S'.ll
to 1, ie;pi!ar ! -r lhr Dr. 1 h r.t , oi ," ' "' r " ''' "' ;''' ' "v-
:;r. ..59c t;.;i; 79c 2bc vr:1 25c
Wash Bo.le,,. No, WASH TUBS -' "''" "f t!'" b' 1 Wa" Pl'er Cleaner,
h, ix v .-,!- & 1 ACk V"' 1 Tuh.s. . . .$1.1S Fa if." Soar, lla,,, r. ru.'arly h-M at I .'a-
' ' iv :: 'Ihii.-. . . .$l.-J0 with siinm.iin b..r re "" "' v
500 Pair Men'. Work Pa,r nf Ladies' Children's Shoes, ro '.os iif'O pa.r Carpet Slip- ! ,
, Dros Short, iirii-es up ... -,- i ,,, i ,, . B
Shorn, worlli t- ' . a !o , m luitfo-i aii-l pers, in h!I s, at,
;t $3.49 y-; $3.49 p" $1-49 V?": 49c t
; . f fa' - I -C I ! Pi -, I i",'. i V a -. I 'a Ira'. -. Hi.- I'.- : -$
I os, f r' f! :- "'- i' air aah- ..i.lj