Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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T tkiiAn of loma untfi Por
Mont., thn' unsern, amongst us.
Who Rtvo ttinmctf ith hii nhnu llure
Himself, hit hungriuig neighbor, and nii
- 1 owell.
I ff.
I ft
i f-
Theater Tartu s.
' I ,v i M : - j . i ;: 1 r.iudei !..vl
'. s. .bowing as their .vita's at t. c
l'.r;i,;cis theater 'I i!tir-1.iv eveninc:
Mr. am! Mrs. K. hhn Bra:..!";. Mr,.
Henry iWrlv ..::d Mis. Mu'-le Mr-
Willi Mr.
.-.t.d I.t. .. 1
Member ot
I'l ( 1 Cll'.'l V.
M.nga:. t A: -,
at the I'.t.i
4 we M --
1-..-U IV,
BI.iu- !,e :.-
A ! : :.
I- rank U. ! '
and C)t ,ilr. II.
-.etc V ' . ..: '
i.'C, M:s IV..
!! II. .it''.
Mr. ! V
Mi -. I i".r N a-li
II. !ei.e Vo."i.i;M,
i I; V..
'...., l.av
I ,., ;(....i.
i ,!.,,, ,. .. :
;.l r.. hi' a-n
i i ., i, ... ... ,
' . 'H',u.,"l 'i'.al.i.
Muk ',1 ai'.! t. .. I 1
n 1;; rni0, .
,. ,., ,,,
:,. ' , i I,-,., i
!.. .lie !-,:'i'i
er n, ,!', w.'re A!:. '
j ;..n. . ,,,., , ;
; ' II..,,.! 'I'V,.
.. ., t, ,i j,,, '
. " "
.1 M
It 1
Inn-. 1 :i, ;r
,:!,! M :
an, I Mi-. V.r
nai tv ;,: t'r' .
.inn-, r at V 1 1
Fntcrt tins at Dinner.
M ;s - Mm, '.'! I it.' eel.'! t. :::('.'
fAvttiai'v iV'tee- ;i I;..t li.'.iitr 'i
"r-..;.n e eno I '. e: 'a err
r M :-. I a i'.. v.ird. t in tre
ratk. I t 1 . ''. i 'i't'i K- e
r.i ii i l ! V. . ' a .i in! i a r 1 iiir 1 a
Kntertains CooVitj.', Club.
1 1 . ,ii i: ur I I '.itr'1 -i r :i t ei t.i. ne
i',e iiiei',,,ei
int; i !i;h al
I lint da .
t;-e rtv: a! (
, :
e! i .it ln'i huir,
Dancin'T I'artv.
A danee v,n he given, I ne-il,, v ;u.t , tWi .signed a contract with.
tvening. I'lln mu v h1, .it the Dan-.,!,,. !,,r,rst combination of nhn pro- i
! ( dd l eil .-.vK bal!. I wenty- ,;,.,.r j Italy, tinder the term-, oi A
" l tli and l.eav enuoi l!i, by Ak ; w,jc,, So it is said, -he will receive '
Urn I odge Drill team. ,,ne million dollars for appearing mi
t, u ti ii a A" .' 'tour big productions in one vear.
Brownell Hall Activities. 1
A candy and novrl'v ,ilp wtl) he The tii sf magazine In Amerh a eon
giveu S.iluiilav aitemoem. troiu 4:,i(l Alucted s dely hv women was the
to 7 o'doi k :i! I'.rowttell Hall. Mis , "I .owell ( rf erittg." a monthly per- '
Sarah MeDotiald. principal, will he iodical published from 1S4J to IS4V
assisted by the nu-nibers of the j by gtrU employed in the nulls ot
Senior rla's. Miss J osephine , Low ell, Mass. Lucy I.arcom was
Shri uiMii. Helen shton, I'.liabeth one of its frecpient contributors.
ylny time of dm
is 'welcome
tt". I
46 aa
W' i
" A
.',-s.l . .. n-hof ft.u. '
cious in flavor, and so wholesome that it
should be used regularly and often.
Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free.t
"Established nso. DORCHESTER'TVIASS.
Every Winter Coat Must Go
We carry nothing over from one season to the next!
Absolutely ridiculous reductions, regardless of cost,
have been made for immediate clearance.
This is a wonderful saving opportunity, and
there will be plenty of severe veather yet, to
get the benefit of buying a coat now. Ex
traordinary bargains at
$12.50, $32.50, $44.75, $55.75
Douglas St
T I'
t- Phone Douglas 2793- rb j 1?
jm. omaha Tjf- .1 1 ; fc-,; 1
m il COMPANY faRSfi? I Pik i llB',i
a rA"""" vm u i B irJ--z -
COMHfRciAt Printers Lithographers Steel Oie Embossers
loosc ccaf ocvices
M.iri;:, Fdith Sb::.r. and Cit i:er
te Shater A 1i.iIKv.ii J and a
lap it:e; tea room will he 3!nn
e ar.tac
etivf leafres of
1 .lit.
!s of the ale ate t
v..-.-(l to the building i'ir.! tht
Junior League.
The l.f.i..".u' I'.n'.onai'.Mii'tM i
i!:m.t: e "i which M'- II. I ;i '
W.i'.'m . i chairman. a!ir.-i:i:of that
!! c:e a r
w .11 c:e a pri-nr.iisi at tnr c i.) I I
Settletr.ont lw".nc. ! ebrttarv
iniorman mncneon.
n.-r. r- U M. r't-vihhrms ,.t:tTta..:ed
( ,ra, e ,v;i iin'.. in:. illy at ''.iH'l:r,M at t':V Ath
,'ictii; ciuli, lAiAiv, in Imnur ot Mr.
an,) .l r. ..'..;Ke t . Ii 1 1 : i -. v..!
:;ve nrxt '.voce to sprito S'"'. .'' .i.
w.'tks in ( alitoritta
: '
Dance for Kx-Service Men.
A )a.v will l.c give 'i at ti r Ami;
t'lnnni, Friday t-xcniii, I'ehruaiy
I.h .r all i -erxlee men under the
.i'l - ;" - ' - i.t 1 1 i An.eiie.r.i l."i;i..ii.
I r. A. I", ll.-uty. .wt ci.itr.r.amlvr. appointed the fallowing
nutfc: Motley Yotin. John K I-
it'irtu'. Harry Moittnniery. )-'a:l
Kip!" nr. Kend.iM Hanimo-id. I ..?
i ,.,". Mr. ii. it. 1 1 . 1 1 . t r : -, iii
l.iiri a wiitis.tnh e')nin,',!!re an 1
it: ik. a lt-t ot pntt..!He.
emiri lidv in trie time r,;' Oncni
i . '. : .',','ie t li .vote a low dress with a
! mil; ;.i:.;af lirr. an immense rullle
.if. Mind ii.-;' pi ek. .i 'in,i!l hat. critni
hne, a lai'te Ian nt ot'hh leather
v- tth a li.nret attached, liihK --ee:.t-r
i c;!.o( and irnuei,tly a velvet
it ijk. tier .eet ere --lii),! with
ntnpi nt j-certed jia:iis leather.
her hair v..t- dye.! ieii in imitation
ot the royal loek her lace was
tvihitcd ati 1 rotiKi'ii.
(iahv Dc-tv?. the tain. mi Ft em:
Do not make the
mistake of think
ing that cocoa is
only an occasional
drink. It is so
valuable a food
beverage, so rich
tn the elements of
nutrition, so deli
v 1 1508-1510
Urkin DoUgiasst.
Heart Beats
By A. K.
A.l K-.6li:i rtii-neJ
1 rotn the v tlkige
And the hamlet
Flotn the erossro..'!
To tnc cities .
Hearts are eit':,:ej
or.gmg -p.nii.g
Foi the lights
( .'ii the White a.
Tale of ti iie:
Ai d of bent;.
Come hack I; me
With folks I'.o've been t'.:ei e -
And their contradictory stories
J,.i:c eo: u-,
i In.e tied ires
"I'ri so e'..i-e,( -
( t rw krhnrd
Am! s,-, , N,-,te,l
With the nui'.ne' s
Of Mat'hatt.i'.s
Ami their poh-'u i -
Hrilh.i' t i-"n.!-!
) t'.f iiehi s - -I
he in.'-
The I. oh, - -So
l-eutt, i'lrg - c.t.g
I hat tit - sctisi-s
I'aii'Iy leave me
It! that l .iirylaml
I'.nt .it. ether f i .Oiklv .1 HI c s
When he i i i rs
kins Limb. I -hi';,'
To which n.attv ,n '.'in--, a-:
"Thev are !iA',.r
And ti.Miunnri e.i -II',.
'dress, d
nd mi.'.e; in-,;
lle,o!!'ss .
(,,,,l!e-s -Rude
m d.i ' i'l e
I.rwd at mgh; -I
he see'.'iing ii;,,--'I
he men iir, w a fei
To cunrittg brutes
Killed by bo-s
Am! prostitutes- ..
Rav tug -Kotten
M o ; v y m 1 1 ! -This
wiLk me '
)f human (Irs!.,
I'iMi'eil with iit-t
And tabooed run:
New York!
I hv name's debrir n. ."
So vastly i! it! i-rei.t
Are ryes that see
Ami v et tiie- ;tre all
The lives ,.i 'I ruth.
I'-LAll. '
Mi. Itarrv !'. ( o'uf,-rt!i of Mel
'urr.r, Australia, will arrive in
' huah.'i uet w er k to join M r-.
i orubu'lh, who is visiting relatives
A' rs. .Iuim Stemekii ji,,s returned j
"in me cm wiicte sue spent si r-
, i ,i I u . , is s;;,,, , ,,.a ,.,
t.-r. Ju.trf. at l.iailmcton Seminary.
I eniuai.d her .sou. t h.n ,-s, at Fur-
due I nivcrs.iy.Jmliam,.
Vrs V ifro-..-, l !,.,., ti
t- .r sev rrril dav -
VA". T. I AiiIi,'
V w I
has h..a
I -(
iotsv ill with the mrilter.a
-rov mg.
Adelaide I -A nucriv ,A ill
apartment at the Morn-.
l"-'1" '
Mr', brrmk Mueii.r ami Mi.s
hrauees Mueller ot Ib'vanport. la..
n turned horn- I-A'dav. Thev had :
been the ruc-N of Mr. and' Mr.-.
Arthur F. Smith.
,r , r - . .! rapacity-itbout $Uihi a year- Does World of Good.
Ir. A. j. bi-tek return. ! I h i: rs- land the clothe? she wear
day from a three weeks' visit ut New . "How- (i,,cs ,,, j,-." j.- ,;;f --
ork and I hten rjo. c :iic, and answers himself a Ibnlaml. Texas. .... M r.-.
-mde and a siinm vhicli don't do m , .. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Abel of ' Foliv A reputation a bit of ".,,1 M" ser of this- place states :
Lincoln ate Miimg Mrs. Abel's ; Ihe oulv ,(av to cvidaiu" I'.dlv is 'lircc years apo I was in a very rriti
IMreuts, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. llempel. j Io presume she' is a seifisl, K;r io eal eomidion. I bad been sufferipj:
Mr. and Mr We.tbrook left tnl'Zu ZUtctr IT' tC" hW 1 hurl ,
Ihtirsday to spend several v-f?ki in. tc ev.pCnfl -toward ,lrr Iiv; would be impossible.
Ca,,forr,a- P-.-cs. With a little "cleverness in! " r-
Harrv Dnorlv has arrived at Rar- , jVl " P 'arjrain5 and a bttle. j "I couldn't sit, stand or lay with
hados, 'West Indies, where he will ' , ",1"'",.dr of where the wholesale ; anv comfort, mv back, nides and
visit relative, lie will return in ; ' ! head ail Cave me a preat deal of:
.iiaicn instead 01 .-vprn as ne naa
Misses Theresa and Fthrl Moriar-
... 1 ,s . v t- .... .. a.. 1
,to visit at the home of Mr. and i
Mrs. '. J. Mortarty.
. .
Ihe Cati.o.ic women ... t hmapo
p-ioposc to erect the Rosary collepe,
in otte of li,.- s!!,s, a, a Coct of '
vc .n.niill. '
Ur D
vbjo uiw nuiuaHwuuinB-
heved by Lydia E. Pink-
; : " T,
i Kv ' Isuffered almost
2?ithyfamale weaC I
ilillllinin could not walkany
r 77T. j .
two vears with
distance, ride or
I I n mi
tasc any exercise ia",ic expenses tne mimmum rs.s.
at all without . There is 15 lrr't A.soil a vear; $M)
resting. If I ea-n.'d by lard work,
swept the floorer hat happens to that $800. F)ocs
did any kind of co:-,e of it go into a rainv dav fund:
work it would !) a little of it to bitv sim
bring my sickness slia e tor the needy and the suffer
on. I was weak met .' any of it toward
and languid, had hea oifvinc the home- I . part o;
no enerpy, and it expended in edueatiti? the Kjr,
life was a misery am! tittinj. her for Letter ta ,k si
tome. 1 was under : In .some rases the ans-ver f all
the care of a pood physician for sev-
eral months and tried other remedies.
I had read of Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegeteble Compound and decided to
vry ii. .ner iah.inp iweive oouies ,i
i iaM, Siii.5 .u H
,f much improved and I
. I have nevor had any
in that respect since.
oti .f'.b --j .
i I totinrt rrwsf" f
took six more,
more trouble
I have done all kinds of work and
at present am an attendant at a State
Hospital and am teelinp hne. I have
recommended your Vegetable Com- '
,a tn a..,, -ia j
K-u.m w u., mm
ouait ai iv a v - 1 1: wtniitciiu lb
Lillian T. Thabp, 824 S. Oth St.,
0-..ll.- L'..
1 I l t.
which you would like to know write
Jl .VSfU iiavc OilY OVItlUUUlII UUUUb
to theLvdia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice
given free of charge. .
How to Make Up
l''or the home, the street and .social affairs. .
Sane, sensib'e suggestions by olSlCl'S
A Harmless Be.-utiiicr.
We Sic gotng to stop right 1 ere
ami a-k oe." readers to ttv tor ;i!.-t
"te week this very c.'.v and very
lei'icta! pi - gt an
il it doe-r't m.ik; ...;r ..jtcr
.r.! n' re heau'.tiul we ou t ask o.i
I" ' i an." 1 1 1 -1 r i a: tide.
' . .O'.'t pos.iblv httit "t. and un
iis. our .:;i is m sv! condition tt
' ''.!s nioie than one week's treat
ment yt:i will he more than pleased
. I the i e - ti ! . .
i I'Cgm the day tins v.n : lie lo re
' "'i tak.' ,.nr p.'.oinmg plumge put a
rg'it cold cieam, called a eh.nising
cream, all o'.er the and neck
leave i; oti while you take the
.,'!i. J.).. i .-t wash the lai e with
a .iter. Ait- r your bath rub the
icani o: and every bit of dot will
''ii'' W'lth it.
I hen da it witeh'i.iel on tit,' lace
close iii pores pioperlv. It has
.. ' ahng ah,,.
t -lUg s .,t J.UI.'C, 'a ep applyrliCt
tin' w itehha.'i 1 t.ll all tin- n.jiii is
i . moved I the tace is c.dd.
eu-;:.;, v.u ;c before uv-'T: M,",k,u
T.v this m rv da-, for one v?cck.j'S C' 1
I '. not at ,iiiv time . luring the, A ,
k W'iA. the f.iee with v.alet. I C'' ft '' , -- (ii
'l'i' la. c ..',!! ,r quite r,s clean as j ' t J .' ''' 'j'" " ' ' "
ret: you scrubbed it. ami thine will 1 '
a er
a jrnn -ssji-.i Hie tlrsh or a,
Is the Greater Part of Your
World Being Carried
On Your Back
one woins m mv la'avet s nt- 1
... i ,i ;,, ,,. , i
w cek ami every time 1 call Folly is
clad tn .s.unc new version ( i the
a. :. . . . . i . .- . - . .
or niinr ....i lilt' Uol o. ne
I: "t'.ieut.' Folly's are the
e v. hi test
.' d trie tallest ever seen. I),, -omr-
''A t.ini-o' .-hiintrrs bid i.t i .. t cdar i
.a'.or' Folly's trim as smart as who might once hive hoped !.. sup
. .any l ilth avenue can boast. U the port a wife com:.,: iab'y on h;s S.i
.dress of henna ductvn pulf.'d out a rack, but who know-, p. riectiy
.-manly into paumets on the hips
.".! trrumed in brow a nacre tla-
l.est new French model: i'ol!'.' has
i! a- s.'u.n as there's a copy "f the
;:' " -'-1' . ,
How ,',eas she do it '
i.iwver as;eil u: f .;,t. ami .
..k my head and c.mfi -M'. that
one id the riddles ot Ihe u !,a!i
preferred to!, nve niernd -, :he
"How d.-cs -he do ii-"
Many ,m anxious I, .,,,;.,-,
u,,- thru nt s,-,,np
I'ollv" working
I,., A , . .
, V, . 1V,1V is probably a v,..,rc
Imne-t, felt-res,',ort tug ' little bo'v
ju e morals and ethics are far
u,nthv of respect t'tau t':ose
me pretty pai.edte who d.a
w "A. - m nn ottice or a n vw
' eoiu,!. . r-'.-n if .;;;,
hn own lA'tii.-, 1 !ie a,.:'
. r..,!s t. d.,y will consume
po: "on ot her w ,-. klv ;ij
of m;,
i large
I i.v wears e;,,.-, ni..t i io 10, .1
V"V' .i!iry ami ,!-,( ,(rr
'''" :ni" lt !ilC ''''-' at least
,'-'ur ia.:r" a,-Vl'ar- ' tic re isn't any
Vl14-' '"'-8 at.y budget that to tit in with Follv's r.1Mi-
, - , u n. so-
jeieiy glass of fachiou and mold of
i,,e FH, however, who lives at!
i.o.ia onri , ,.a.-.,'
toe. ard the fatmlv bttdae, is a rl.
f'-n eccptiii to th modern work-
rr censc of gratitude of deeeney
I'e known plenty of piib- v,i;o pave'
their mothers no nuue ,,a a ,0,1,
of Fut'r Cari,inRs lint on the o'iirr
hand there are pTls earnim: '
mv 1 as ...- a week who keep out
but !() f.,r then1 own u-e.
wh'tepied re,,anTs'!ice
now 15 rent a cup. versus a
mer universal prevalent tax of 10
ccnis m the places of white tiling.
.vnd rake has crone roam ma- nnw-ard
!lro;n 111 rcnN tnrouah a star-c of 15
,,1 . c ,
ami now- is Jil cents a slice.
pr.u.p of stenopraphers who are
ifI;:;" 'TmiZ, 7lA
l-r Vir-e,., t",'a"ar 3 "ni-
'"'l,r 1,11 cent; and that tne price is
ely to be 75. At that rate $5 of a
-'thiry is g.,;ie. 1 l,Cn suppose
under oil ce,,,; -,.,a A,, ' V. '
Ur "!rl S!ves as her share of her ;
thes,- rpiestious is. "Ye- " lint it
i..'t wiib ti..- t'.oo'i,. or
on-, or t!ie pt-.icr, a'l or t -.mhi.
,-m Rr i'ni ,;ca;jlia j,t ,inv s.,iC
im.esnt need us and hasn't a part in i
our little conclave !
i ;,c E;,-, ,;r v ,nt ,,rV u ;
p V PV ... who make v- t
..'"'. .. "Mk,A '-e '-'.m
:lZCn R 3,1 lKr iani":' ,!;ive Vou a bad taste, coated
: 'u- .,;;.s-,,. , . ton.ue pool appetite. ? lazv don't-
,., . ., ..' '
- "'" ""..--.s in.u
d '
.rI ,as to jook wc j., (,,a
ft nroVf t ,
oo r, em, o, , ,ms lt, a.
:r;rtT f r:i;;V',a'K': V' m ;-: vvoi!d u nere tne;
, . - . . , .
Up to-(.
- . - i. , ...
"Tes.l.',e are uu-.y ,
in ....
"'' ' ,L ' V"""1 v'"'' rvr
v-ea-inp qnaitties
'"'!." ' of $sno a
4 j ..... ...
'r.-r,sIt N:;...,.o s.a-.a..
sj -Vsi.i. k i v
p!,- u.;A ,,'ti .,, n , ,-. -t:',p...f a
"'.P.1!1"'" a
I"""1 .,,.,-, , .., n- em
is M(M as one
"i in.', gu i i;iei,,,.s i i.niiis. w.ui i u
1 mv gitl trier,, Is ciaiuis, wont it
hi.-t two or three se;.ilir W rii-ts
(,, ;;it, ( he mmm ,it home ami
,,, ,,,, .. ,;,', ,,, ,, i,.', ,, ,.fwt ,n
u h1
' ', ,
le I'll! , , '.' la r , s s r c I,-,-- ,,-r
ne g 'I i nn,.
;'k makes -
r s e- j t c.msTiieuoiis
am! ,ii..u.e comment,
She inchter.s ..'i th,- s,,nnle vicut'u
weil lie ant g"i",g to h- alii- to
I r '.!irre n'.i' tor that price.
i.c 'o.,ks .cat of p!,i. e and is -t
,m.n ,,s one o a mod of ova-
' ---a kh- 'iT!ah:;mp,''TV:u'e;on-;; ,s s
en'eap t'.pe ,i"t wortnv oi a mans e,,,,r i,o,.,,,. i .,.,,. ,i v!t...
'''". I'gai'i ... I'.-eii
siui . i c n g ird or rc -'"'et j
1 l'c girl who !, SJ." a week
v ould do v ell to make a budget. '
h- m a trv oi'ir -,,,;,, an,, i:kc
;" A ,;I'IL;'1 -
' " try oi:e s, ;,,., nog id.e
I o n oth s . ,i() ;
Ian. -A. -; i oil I
.' ' '
ban,' day 'mi
( ,a
: "i )
(-: de.d-
't the
j i
ALL 0FJ E li
Couldn't Sit, Stand or Lie With Anv
Comfort. Sister-in-Lavv Gives
Good Advice and Cardui
"I wh Pneei:illv bothered with
a bttht swimmine in mv bead. Mv i
ver' ua mc ;
ani1 s,'nt mc to m' relatives to sec ,
if n ehtuiire would do rne anv pood.
"I stopped at a s;ster-indavv's and '
. . ." 4 , .
' 1K 3 K!"''at bel,cver ,n ' nr' ,
atdicl me why 1 didn't use it. I!
dt-ide.l to try d. ...
' "I had on'lv taken a few doses
hon 1 felt il would do me good.
for-!1"" t-'ave hopes and I used it ripht,
. alone- md it did me ju?t a world c
1 pood, since which time T have never
' , .
epa Sri ro nr.nisA 1 are 111
Cardui is recommended for sim-
p'e female complaints and womanly
T hahs t0"
i thousands of such ease, when
, , ,, . .
due n lformat.nn or that do
not require surpieal treatmetit.
1 : uiousantis oi suen rases wnen
Try u.
Get at the Heal Cause - Takf
Dr Edwards' Oh"ve Tablets
That's what thousands ot stomach
sufferers are doing hovy instead ni
taking tonics, or to patch up
kkt digestion, they are attackim- the
urn cause of the ailment dor?erJ
liver and disordered hovels.
Dr Kdwards Olive Tablets arotisr
the iver in , mi , no tie
i , , tmnR, rie.i
)'i,,n Hie Jivct and bowels
'""ning then natural funct..
roes mdicestiop and stomarh
ilinx way
ire per-
ions, awav
I'oes indicesf ion and straniu-li ti-ooKI. ..
leehnp. no ambition or nerpv
trouble with undieested fryHis.-' Take
( )),. .,, .,K!..,C iLclviil..!,,! i, I
.,,. nniiLij ii.i. ..uw.-uiiiLI. IW1 laililllC'.
r Kd 0!j - h
rrely vegetable commmnd mixed vAth
r,i,vr.n;, ' .; ... v, ,i,
" ii.o.i i.v ...oi
dive color They do the work utthoui
jmranp. cramps oi pain
Fikc oneoi two at bedtmic to, qU,
nkl iiat what you like. lOtancfL':
mm m
Hume Weililing.
lit'.e Miss Fairfax. I'm.ilni Hv: 1
,,m unring ta iisk v.m tnr i Iru
s n ;;i;esf :.irs for a hi'ine weihlmi;.
l-'irit. I to know if it w nM t.p
.-ini'i'.'t tn sen e "iap supper. ' uherr
one is somewhat i nav.l.-.l and .'.'., '! t
i of tatdrs? A '.NO slioiilil .--..nie t'liu
A f eiiii'iiainnii lit he pnalded frrihe
S lie." Is after supper? If wh.ii
I Would Von Mlfjrst'.' I'ollKl ViHI O il
me w'n. re I roul.l get snti-r.-t : "is
I'm' 1.iIn:ii the wedding cake'.' 1'ri'
I iiaps a. Look with pie t hits of various
.st.sles" Where eoiilil I Ret P 1 ,.!.
w:'h at r iKi'iiiHiis far .als and
sia s o r weui-iini? S"ns i i-.
lane to liao s. 1 11 1 et h l in ! !H' pr' . s, r .
had thoimht of voile, tritium a n !i
stt.n .'s'.iouid some sort of an
nr. h . f .-rep.; paper and ttoui is l r
inumeil where ttie hi'-hil piutv
stand.' Aren't the tlovver. suppose,!
to he it yifl to the inide from t!,e
Si'imm" Snp the ;
vvnii' in't know ill is- h.iav eou.d one
br: ii-: the sulorrt up '.'
: 1 Pad sure that manv i.tli.'i". wid
i-niiiv a lew hints for home urddmes
thr.oiL'h the "1 ,u elorn" .'.,!,i:iii.'
Thanking you in .'idvaii.e for an
cure replv, 1 am. sinrertay,
My dear, y i u know .1 wedding is
i.f s i 'h trans, 'eml.'tnt imp.. it.. n p
ihiil no'liing nn no than the ec-rr-1
rtiiiny ami planeex at the Pride are
Thn,,-'otP. provide no rnt, rlammmt.
.except possibly same suitn'oa) mnsi.'.
1(M' rrtreshriient-? 1 suggest that you
serve i-- cream and two kinds . t ake
- -a hgiit and a dark- -one the bride's
r;,ke and one the wedding' cake. If
vim are having a large numher ,.l
p-u,.s--4. the .:i!es may he baked ,,f
one ! i ct oulv and lieiivily frost' !
You .an hake as many as needed
and o b persun will be s,i 1 1.-Ii-,
sliat iie has a piece of the bride's -
ake Any Kripe for a pine white
ake would be ail right. A fruit
uke recipe or brown stone mix
would do for the dark ..ike 1 would
n..t a 1 1 --mpt a lap supper Tlir -in-
, not .'iH"mpt :t lap supper
!,,,. refreshments Would he
pier relrestiments Woulil Pc lea-ie
easily handled. If von wish b. s-e.-v.. i
easily n.inuieu. It ymi ivtli .. -'I'.i'
la ine-il. have only the iniiii'n r of
: Riiests you ran seat at tables,
House drr-m lions have to be ar-
nng- d very urtistieally else thev
were better omitted. I v-. .. in r I
ndvis.. the arch of crepe paper. If'
, ;,r-i ima.-.. i i,.:.ik ti,o-
i might he used on either side ,. the
weibi'm: part v. Flowers of any kind
.'old to the .Uti'.i.'tivcnes.s of a !i e.
Von will use palms for ba k e i , a: ml
and a use of Howl's preferably large
vases on low ! a lamiai t r-'. with
, temir.-l tba'ars, mi ciilur side ,,f
, tun brdal p.n-ty. The i- .-np-
pre-ed in inr e the bride's t....i pi.;
",""t ' ' hr-r I f y,,ii think the ,.o.i
i grst a white g.- -rget'e wcahtms g.uvi
i s.ilarv a good!v sum even in th
, .,;r.A .i;Jil,;t (Iav f,,r clothes.
Mo" a. .out it git
A label is frequently
article or preparation for
label goes infinitely beyond
f;redients, skill in compounding and the utmost in value. It is nver put on a car
ton or bottle until these conditions are complied with for this reason they are pre
ferred above all others in hundreds of Omaha homes.
Phone your wants we deliver FREE to all parts of Omslia. Phone Douglas
SI. 82, 83 and 84.
Joe Rat Nip 17f"
00c Rccinol Ointment ... .!
5fle Beaton's Benzofeptle,
flu preventive Hf)
50e Ziora 39
60c Glycothymoline 4Sr
fine Lavoris ISf
$1.oO Glaseptle Nebulizer,
at 81.10
33c PeMar's Disinfectant,
st 31
23c I.ysol i)C
aOc Milk Majrnesia tiit
")c Menthnlattini 1 T('
$1.00 Murine Lye Salve.. Tfr
$.rwi I.isterine 7f)r
$3.75 Horliek's Malted Milk,
COc Danderine 1
2'c Salmon J(
30,' Goutorbe Liquid Nail Tol-
ish ?Zf
20e Laxative Bromo Quinine,
at L'LV
J3e Beaton's Cold Tablets,
at 17o
Sl.PU N'uxated Iron S.)r
$1.L!3 I'yron Antiseptic. . . OSf
J.'e Beaton's Headache Tab
lets 17C
'J3e Beaton"? Cold Cream,
at ii)e
(lOc Sal Uepatica ISf
23e Bntidolir.e, Beaton's, j
at H)r
3(ie Ora.m Tooth l'astc.
at rile :
I lb. Hospital Cotton. .."iOf j
2c n.onahix Wafer? 1 )('
L'".e Nature's Remedy .... I 7f
Mustard Cerate I 7f
'V Syrup I'itrs t lc
Beaton Drug Company
15th and Farnam Streets
Mail Orders Receive Our Most Careful Attention
om.l he s.mplv made ami not
h in -.' . :-.iis, ihan a tine
' ' : i ir.oef:!, liainty ami
a '
Oil'' . '
li v. a wish t. hliy otu' Married Nelhe i'i'..ssimin l.O ''-. i.n.l
i a . w ,; t,. I'o'.ly, our a inemhef of the Mrtroit l'i . . l'i.
..'I lie w ! , 1 tell Villi What ' sin. e IST',1,',. lie writes porm-i foi l
he ias,,,t f,,- here , a tr, has v-niia."- in
print and li rs at I eti
Vil.lrr-.. W.iuteJ. ,
I '.i,:'.i: In vour Lovelorn ' II. IV I'ldlouiin. aie the we!' ue,
1 iu wlirie a prof r.-'siomi I a n nix ai s a lae-o l'list, rot' a. . ,
i . i ' -, I h.'.p I siipjiosi. you paper, third, lralh.i'. null, w .,,!,.
a ; hiss. I .should Ilk to seventh woolen, tenth, t'u. i f .
r the I'.aee. 1 a in alone. MU; fii'ternth, rl st.i!, i.i, '
,',-! ma
w, . o
l.:n.. i,
.'. ply i
t-rid- my liune with a sister
i t three ,ars. Am railed u
patne l.e!, r A little (ddrr
I" I'ani'.'t see what il ift'eiTtiee
w.v.i I.f make. 1 have friends
ur r.iv. ran eome down and
-re the ;.: Kindly send her this
note ,, n, iiiuni, ale' lier. n I
s p,,, s, !: i .u ,-d die w ay v Inn ai-
pljrug ;,, von Sincerely,
We .P. mo ,:,,. th" professional
'- t. ai.'s aiidresj, hut are keeping
o i n in " o;i ue, n ii . ! if It is received
:a i,s;,,n-ie to this letter, we will
: u ,i. it io v , ,u
ilelanle M.- l-algar tl.iest was
in at i;.rin,ni:li:im. lCnglanJ, An
Concerning Epidemics
In Kpiilomicvs the emi f i.-st -ns most readily
mi fniilful soil a system iliat is in poor
Stopjiage of food vvnsle, nml tlie result in;?;
leeay, jreuerates poisons which are absorbed
hy the blood, lowering its jtouer of resist
ance to withstand the attack of outside
jg-erms such as influena.
In plain terms, contlipntioit i courages Epi
demics. If you keep your intestinal parage clear and
fiuictumiiis regularly lo ct ri.l of this waste,
your systt-m will he kept in ood condition to
siiccossi'ully cope with di sense- renn.s to which
you may be exposed.
That is what the N'ujol Treatineiil does with
out strainina;, and without, drawing on the
vitality of other parts of Ihe body, as do other
forms of treatment.
In plain terms, Nujol tlt.scoutnjc.i conxlipation'
(tin! (liurjiriiii.s ct)ixriunicc.
Keep your hotly dean inside with the Nujol
Treatment. 1 1, is ihe best possible hickness
Niiji.l is ;o!ii brail druggists m bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Maik.
levari' of proihicts represented to be "the same as Nujol." You may
siittrr irotu suiisi nines.
Address Nujol I.aboratories.Siaitdard Oil Co. (N'rwJerseyJ.iuFroadw.n ,
New York, far valua hie health booklet, free, 'Thirty Feet of Danger."
thought of as a piece of paper
the purpose of identification
this point in its meaning.
Beauty Secret
Lifts out lines
Draws out blackheads
Reduces enlarged pores
Bleaches the skin
Corrects sallow ykin
Sold Only at Thi Store
Just what you have been
looking for. A guaranteed
Kleetrie A'ibratnr vvith all
attaithments at a reasonable
price 85. CM) each.
Leonards' Ear Oil
I "Rubbed in Back of Lars
; tul inserted in the nostrils,
if wilt five relief to catarrh
al deafness and stop head
noises hundreds have been
bei.efiitcd by using this pen
etrating, sooth
ing oil - -
Kiist ?e, issi; came to ilm I'mied
S'.iOs in tsal and r.ia, ,,-,! a
lir.imitiiir s'limi1" at I . t
rhuia; t w e n I v -1 1 1 1 n . siOaa i li i" I .
i'eni'1; fortirth, vulw . Illiath, g,, i- .,
and .''i-miiIj null, .1 at ui, ml
l.iltlo Miss IVpa -Von sa ; a i !
Vance, taar jou will n-.t d , m.
things nu should oo 1!,, s. ,,
tion Am,:., 'I'w . u', l'o.i: th i d mm..:
nig lio'ls H th .o.'v ;.:.i . I , -.,
ree..m mend Van 'r.-nh1,- n.,n i p.-
kepi from the wmad and em vv.iii'.l
"lu'n '
, . ,. , , ,
HI in -In i'i I , .,. i : ,,p , s i , ,1,1 , ,.
, ,,Ul,, ,,, ,, ,,n . ,.,,, ,,, , , v ,
mil. h he'ter than I. who h.o e i
seen Ii i m A ' e I . n .'. e , h : : a : id
tins rca-oiis for pa : ; ..!' a.ans to
vour cm in. V.'-, n i 'a ' ' , i to ha e
chaperons i,.r oiing pe...,e
upon which is printed an
nothing more. A Beaton
It stands for quality of in- I
$.1.00 Ideal Extract, Sl.OS
$1.73 Djerkiss Extract,
t S1.10
J1.-J5 La Trcfle Extraet,
7nc Locust Blossom. .
73e White Rose
Guaranteed for two year".
$L'.nu Velvet Combination
Fountain Syringe a n d
Water Bottle' ...SI .:."
$1.10 '-quart Davidso-i
Fountain Syrinpe. . .
$1.'J3 Velvet 2-quart AVater
Bottle SO
A cents for Huyler'' and
Original Allegretti Chocolates.
$1.00 Chorolate-rovercd Pea
nut', per pound (iiif
C0e Jellv Beans, per jio'ind,
at ,'9r
60c Peppermint Lozenge.-, per
pound J,
60c Molasses Kis,;es, per pound,
af U)&
Parker's Plantation Cig;ir,
each - .
Box of loo S I.OO
Moart, Magic, each I Or
Box of 3d S 1.70
McCord-Bradv Hand .Made, tjf
Can? ,,f J3 S1.40
San 'I oi in. each m
Box of 30 So. (M
10 to 30-A att Ma.du I r.inn.
at ::r,r
oO-Watt Mazda Lamps, i)c
1 3e Fuse Plugs, any size, Sc
3(V Stationery tn farey
boxes, 2 Jo a bow