Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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I in
The Omaha Bke
Th Ai-!it1 l'T-M ft wtC.-ti '
tra'-1 : -.IUe.1 u- 'in ,... V-f (
crf1'ta ' - . i t .'s c " " ,
Um leoai r.ew r -1" '-! t.arn.n. O
diicmrrt- - n .0 t-n. -Vfi1
I I'.n If i ' ' 1.
1Q A 1 !' fa " M.tlHl
'-a In u rl.-f '1
:.,.:.H of lut'.-iie: 'i: of cmr
frtrM RnB tirhiiu. 'r if.o Tvar 1000
?U N'ljint nrl Sumlfiy SerO. Call-
,.TttortJ I "
Ad--tlflii-f I, ft'!' "
'rn, ITtb wrt Fmit
"rna orncv
jor 41" v rii Juh I )'
ntruna m 4 irwtf A t j n'li
romrtl mnfti m tscu. -. w.'-nt
Out of Town Off., rti
X" Y-T fwr W m .n, iton
N Hi
!! Norfli 40i:i
'J! I 0 S'
Daily 66,000 Sunday 63,505
SubrrfbT twnvtnir th ctty should hv Th mnilpH
to them. Addrr chankjpd often r required.
You should know that
Omaha is one of the loading ware
house and storage points in the
central wert.
What The Bee Stands fort
1. Prf-ect for the law suit ma'nteranrr of
2. Syrv nH crrtsin p'Mii'Srnrn' of crime
tlirouh i!ie regular operation of the
.5. Pit lies puMir-'ty and con At m nation of in
rfiu 'ency, law!tfness ari'l corruption m of-li.-f.
4. I'ratik rcogni'ion an.! comiuft.ilation of
hotift and f llii-if nt public acrvite.
5. Inculcation of A me i the true
Vais of good citiensliip.
Sptidi fairly Hst ai frtiit row.
Hog price! are going down. aiv1. they
retira alone
-t iii'i cni Ii.m tppeared in conr'-'iof !
!if-tce'r?nt of th ternn of th I reaty
of era'"e Tl Germans ftr.'l that it n not
r.u) to comply w ith the "honor" provisions ol !
that document, which retjn'Tt that named effi- !
ceri of the army and the government be turned '
over for t n t ot c!.arces growing out of their !
conduct of ('' war. Reports from Berlin ar
'hat t1' p-Mernmert has atubbornly settled
.own to a-A.nt the ei'orts of ths Allies to en- !
force cort ph.iri'-e with the demand.
Something novel involved in the whole '
proceeimgi. 1 ;i riiiit of tne victors to en-
,,ce ttv iccepterl hy the !oers ia not qtie-
-oned, o the crux of the matter is the tvillmg
:s of the (Germans to snrrender cert.iin in
dividuals in accordance with the agreement.
Some very careful ohervers have expressed the
view t ' a r if Germans really want to ein
I'srraM the A'';e, they will turn over for trial
he men a cu-ci of crimes in connection with
the conduct cf the war. By adopting such a
course, the apparent humiliation of defeat might
h- tuTed irfo something of victory through the
tnahilitv of the prosecution to establish a case
!'ru it the men surrendered are duly con
vii ted, it is contended, any punishment inflicted
on them will merely set them up as martyrs.
However, th German mind revolts at the J
ignominy of arresting such men as von H'tiden
berg, von Mackenrep. von Gluck, Crown Prince
!' r)j-j: e.'.t, the ciown prinre of Wurtembttrg
and others on the list formally named in the
genetal indictment and surrendering them to be
tried felons. This may contain the reason
for invs'ence by the Allies. The fact of defeat
Ins not been properly driven home, and for an
object lesson 1 1 1 i course is taken, that the Ger
mans ni:y be brought to realize how thoroughly
they were beaten in battle and how powerless
they are at this time.
I oya'ty to the Junker element cost the Ger-
i man people dear from 1014 to 1018, and may
I cot ei.en more in 1920, for if is certain the
! Aires have the power to enforce their de
mands, and it is quite as certain that the
wanted will not surrender and thereby serve
their country better than ever thev did in
The High Cost Of Living
Its Causes and Future
MacVukar Professor of Political Economy.
From the Columbia Aliumii News.
The p'-o
i,' ml
c-t ev ci yntie in t ;e
present .i'.iu'I ma! .:','t.f.on arc 1 1 1 w.iat aie i.ic
. hicf causes ol the prcm.t hu;.i pnee level,
i.'t have they c.ui'e to flay: 1 ',) "ot
what ran he All is p.'5il!e in tlii
s'lii-it article is to outi-ne the tii.ii'i points. i
In the tit t t.'.ue. tiie rise ol pilces is not is
limited to the I i.-ti.l State. It it a wri-l
1 phetiomeiion. ;ri I it is the result ot the gicat
r, The war vastlv nicrea-i .1 the liem.iutl for
certain things, and this dcm.ih.l "as not op'y in-M,-cct.
so if h.,d to be irrl at once, but it
came ivotn the govertimetit wirnh w.ts reailv to
pay at once. On the other hand, the supplies
diminished, and the costs increased. Millions
Oipop Milluiry Trnlnlng.
Tte'.'as u. N! . 1 '(iti. s T-
l''.il.'- ff Tt:.' lip,.; ,s, I c 1 wuli to nsU tins gifs
tiiii: Wlnt is Ci'.n iiatiun of i".at.
.mi'iv I.. '
l'l -'in w nnt re i .1 rln 1 one tiling
11:1,1 ' ' 1 mi i m.m y : i a i nmg
As . is,u,., ,, I tp01 tt.
t tl'o !"'' pul i.-v to pursue for'
t tn nl;i !i or ...j, ;-i n.l 'I "! i.ln
an. I ih! i, a Hon.i 1 n,h , woiil.l lie
cr-f.-it, but tlu in-lit. ii v t.-rin fuoils
"I'M miiiht inn m nni.'h. n!nOi 1
Min,l( i.miM hn ii-,.,,)',-,! though ttm
-li!i-tti..m: ti'.'-titutinns , r ,.ur conn
trv !
It wai military friln'nc that .Iroie
niany po.'Pi-- to ti l'minl states.
What Shall I Be?
Answered lor
What Shall I Be?
A alV.
nor rvz7.u:
of laborer, wee railed to the odor., and the "ll"rm"". ' '" ''"
, . , M ,, 'l-'Wii inilitai ism ii,. tiMiuct.
rcstiHing scarcty drove wages up. Moreov cr. j fl ,.lit ,lu,r f ,r ,,lM,
the transtcrof labor and capil.ii in huge amounts , e.lV( ,,,, (h(1.;r ,.,, 1o.f. fl. s r.
to the industries that had to be improvised oi ,,n. nr lpft cripples, nn I in
immensely extended overnight further accen I valids, svhl.-h ts n'mest morsn tlinn
tuated the cost. Thus the changed conditions ol idoiih to thni.
the market pushed prices up violently. I ' Y'r ,v" to "nhout fa r"
To meet these mcreasmg puces, more cur-P"' vVIk 1,1 1,19 f"f"N'n" f
.i i !,.. i t.i 111 1 "
remv was licence, .ah cu-i i.u.-pr '" I lu ,lo5lnc I i. h to 5av wesh.. ,;
hoarded and its place was tiiscn by what was : pro, lt, j,,,t poss.hiA. f,
virtually irrcilremahh' paper rittrrnrv. But tiie ! Uvt of our lau,t. f..r tlie t'ojs of t
trouble there was that not only wai the pint la sill tp the men of tcm .rr.w.
of gold taken by this runency, but it was fori r. F. i;.
niore than taken. In the l.'mted Mates, before! ;
ue entered upon the war. most ot this go'd came j V"t I-Miioatw,
here to nav lor munitions ol war. .so that our a ichii n, .! . la b, f. o t
Ihlitnr of Tl
ihn.-p m.a
iricr-is ,.t mi, -c -j a nli'v of the Mirone.iTi .
conditions, was v'eiv marked, even he tore we '.'V, ,'f " e NV 'V'''? hn" '" "
, ., , - u inu.-f. Cilucjite. ami the clii a' ..n
joineti me iray. i that we .-nail Mvnrme. .nut. t- th
r iuuii, miwever, i we cmvicu mr sun- . real ami riot or the mythical, un' a- t j
diet, we experienced the influence not only of j nic unrighteous. Not of that brand i
the general economic conditions cuithncd ahuve, ; 'ha' skulks hohtnd prpfiullcr) una tm !
hut also of the new fiscal conditions. We. like 1 "rallty. whi! tl oimlc-ini? at. out I
rlll!"ll lllf pia.B II ,1 11. "H or n.TS
-1 In ,i. h
expenditures could be raised by taxation and I porting- this or tl,.--,t 1st,, and bri-.t-fV
as only a very small part ot the loans ibpaejiha other isms of the pat cr tli
the prohibition of new issues of industrial or j present.
municipal securities could be met troin (be sav- 1 " pen Is mliitirr than the i
ings of the community. Most of our loans were ' wonl. ami If nut circ im ented ntut
hence provided dnecrlv or imiirect v through . "'"' " ma.inp. ny tno fnvoi t. or
r.U'ope, Pecan to borrow bv the biiHons, mas- i
much as only an insign,t',cct part of the war I "W'.
t-rc,;.i.. 1 hy tho iire.tmlice that lias .,.,n
MrK' l. ; n,,rt,.,l 1,,- i l, t i , t
ot prare.
the hanks hi I ihiM-!v i.iii.U i.rte
h, i h ...a, ....... i I., 7.I.: M1"r",'l "V Ihe swocl. i!. pf.
....uh,,, ,,, ,.,u,i, m...uiM,K no.o to. rv-. ,uaup vu v f..r lihet-fv. o,.So w -th
1 his meant an enormous expansion oi credit, tin hotrors of war an.1 in.titnt. ,n..
and credit, as is well known, orks in the same ; maintain truly ij.'tnn. rat;.- i-oi),it.o.i,w
diiection as curreiirv in iucrensiiig prices. J litis l et the pen li.-ivo right of nav f. tell
war I tlie inllation oi the cum iicv ua- pattlv a result, tlle -ruth; but he bold sm.-la- re
but in a more definite sen-e a cause of increas- ,s''! thut It is the. truth am! tbt
, ,ir., 'ruth only; ami e.-mdnl, l.sf -tit
mg prices.
TttersioB of the "nmny"
now get consideration.
ire service might 1
"Hi" Johnson is hard to suit, hut be ir.av
agree to the treaty if enough senators vote for it.
Fremont teachers are clamoring to h.
as much as domestics and scrub ladies,
seems reasonable.
New York and New Jersey democrats find
H mighty bard to line np back of the camel, hut
willy nilly they must.
Senator Hitchcock knows when fo steer a
middle eonrse, as witness his exact neutrality
Between Pmn and Edwards
A local poet is suing a job printer for rot
getting ont his work on time. That chap does
not know art about Job printers
Award for the Gas Plant.
Ait;. .ii by th board of condemnation, fixing
the price to be paid by the city for the plant of
the Omaha Gas company, moves the proceed
ings one step nearer to culmination. The price.
i $4.50i).iiOO. is apparently a coinpromi.-e between
' the estimates presented by the contending par
ties, ;ml may therefore !. looked upon as some
i tiling near what might he expected had the
matter peon taken to court at the ont-et. Judge :
I Allen, in commentine on the award .ivs the i to
, hoard did not adopt any one of the several j
theories presented, but in a combined all
m reaching its opinion. It is equally certain
that reproduction cost at proer.t prices would
i he far above the figure named, while its jui.k
j value as a dead concern would lie much less. So
1 something for both parties is contained in the
i decision. Sixty days time is allowed for the
' city to act in the premises before the award
: becomes ohligatoi v. the entire a. tion is in
pursuance of a mandate from the people, no
) time should be wasted. The sonnet- the deal is
: consummated, the mikker Omaha citizens will
commence to buy gas from themselves
Wonder what Mexico will do wi'h this pair
f aviators? One cottp'e was ransomed, and
one murdered ,vott rnav remember.
leism ivcr brought t,. the fi a:
., " . , , ! When the pen. tho pia ss ami t!
' ' ? ' im iiio.i. o" u.. ; puipu ill-Mi.;, ..r rettiv,.s to n'!ow 1 Alter a tm a.lii, i
present high price level arc the dislocation ui '. candid, horn-si rriti.-iMii. tlien th. r i tiicv mmct be t
industry and the intlatuui ol the currency. in:s ncoi no rurttiPt evnleneo t.t hi-,. ;ch; j ,.,in'ini.- it
rise ot prices has indeed been accentuated by m proot in.-.t it is- tin nn
war profiteering, winch invariably accompanies , ' i?! b,i"!r s"!'I'"r'e.l or ad
such an upheaval and which m this country, as ! ' l,'.' ' ' ........ , - ,
I abroad, has been only partly of:t by our ex-'onu . 0.'.,,:v, ti'r 'li.
, ;'0:-s piotits t.iM-s. I .i try to bi n g oov. n priots .-.,, t, ,..-.,,,) :. ',.., ;u.,j -,-;;,,.oi pi og
by ciboli pi . ,i i tee r mg. i; e . e--. proim-cs r-c-a ., to i !i, man b. tt'.- lain a a ad
very little mhciss. p,-r touts oi the :r,.ub!e aie , v-'ir' Pl1 by tin- t -hint: or
mm h moic di-ep seate-l. " " hat is nti,-iie. and nn
In the second ida.-e ! ,ve hi,.!, oim. ronn- i !- l '-!t h re are Mill tliosn no w. !
. , . . 1 . ' ' i o i i i v . i . r' I 1 1 ' V . r . . . , : . . . r t .-. . i . , . . i w ' ' ' ' '
i a erv large extent, ves. Jnat i. .... . .. .- ' :,- . . . ., , .
. , , - , . ' "? la a 1 ! i' "s a .':! to; t ,n p-ist lion in a . I r O.l 1,1 1
t ir as the high piuc are due to an tnat , ., .f,,K f , , 1 i,. ,., , rll. ,.
losi-.. niiv air H-iiiiaaeio i mi: , , rre.. . ri i o sr.o, r,,,, ,.r tc
o fa j- n-- t he ,.i!i,t :dn ,,f ihe -pi.
c pen, Urn prfss .and the , ,,
I every fori now .i.ta ut .)S
i-dl'i-at.a-s. vl,.i! t ind l.y nud ib-
part not. n t ri.-li i n - from thitwio -h
is tmlv Iranarie and :is tamilit as
f mdaminta! and undisputed by
tihi losnpiinrs mnt;v cent u rii.s si
then thcr. w:!' bp no mcd of
s-e-n;t!s- ;,-,, f..r's," .mi 1 ccrtaiidv m'l.di I " here
i"-. ii'd of erltnin.a! , a nd ; idea ,,r.
court-: the pi; ."pit. the pen ami tio-' IleJ-thi I
l.fe-- 1 i I coliti'iiie to Ta-.i.-Ci M, ,,w ; .
i to teai-h as true . mndi of the lin- 1 ,:::u af WS
; rea-. nnh'c and unreal w !:a', hreti
iur.l-.e- h.ta-ight in the past. ,,nd candid, hum
in. Iticem v, i iti. Ktn be ban-,-. I, then w:H
' t i i ,j e - j ; s- o ' t r. o u
-tav -
to sav, in
increase in teal costs, they are pctmaiient I lie
rhict clement n the real ioss are ii-- in the
interest rale, due to the bet i net ;nn ot capi'...!.
ami the im iea-e of wages a'.b u.'ai.t upon the
rise in the -tamhird i t lAmc ..; the M.rk:i,g
pojuilatioii. Tiiis is a na
and to tho siniat'on all
If t!
.vide ph
1 incuts mu-t he adjusted
ur e
.inoiaie arrange
to a certain, ai
m I m An.wered'fc ! V t.' 18 4,
5 ! A. i D W I II 1
The Films Specialist. 1 he i'hetiucal Engineer. ' 45 c, - sC.
nv v I i 'Aim 'ii m s 1 1 v it. ; i i a i- - o u Vvv ' " S
While Bi'i tl-a'ii i !H'.t t'e ,,,,,1 M,,,,, Allen N- i .
t i tin- ohng .auw -. M,o . .' csp i.mrllls ill high " 0- .Sj
li,ics 1 -o'.ed on m ilosia-' 'i.-m I; i - . 4i ' -..
L. r, .t .... iMiinml the sa t hi ! a '-'.c-i. ''-a' tins ' X ,
"Bc-taa. MMl'ie , ..,.; II' e ! I i , a a- n 4o 39 , I
your e(. ,.,t.!.-. on it A: a on . - -I " Ult to w ot K I I.
thein.ue. v. mi don't k..e a v.-glr A:''' '! i". !"" Jft i' III .
1 ... ot" . t, , !, ,'- !." lo mi- to ast night '
aie n-it: cr tegul..,. .o.noc, ., ";' '!" hi' ''-her, I '.ill il.'sa.hem ,
cat I .iou't think mil .. 1 '"l'1' ' '"' l!,r ":'
thing about our work. Ihi. g. t . . !.-- .p i l-uutnl i"..mpai. " ' ' ,
to the l.l.t a "V buieaii and t -,' on' ' 1 ' s he.m,al engine - , Ji0
a f, oca fae.'s ,,.ot " V ' " ' (' - -lKr "' ,
" eil, ol a'l li.r. c: neks. Cat .-i , . .
,- t beat me out of mi i h 1 g Nft V
,, g-a'.mg " : J , 25
The I.ibiary Bureau. 1 ' ("3 M
... i -, . , . i . i '. m t , r. i ' , .j '
j 1 h.-i e is i 1 hra' c bin ca i oi p . 'i -lis I a .
. pi-uopal ot th- I i ite.i .- -. - ( ;i ' f i 20 . " J "
ii'.hcie one tti.. snuie the . , . . r 1 '
'ormatnm aad'e.p apin. at ha , " g. V?7"tt ' k I . ? J
! lhcvwcra-l..,.;b..go,o -f ' --H 5 J
I : '"im I m srcia' ot tiie largo i j.. . .jjjWl 'p-T-jBlBKirl , ' -
mm. Ml " J- .
VCTTY A . -,a. sXTi i
! ftm- -M ; o '&J
1' I tISIli,-'i Vr"M ,,i:r "' '" ' . ,
i J J . .'KSB6$&i -.'--.r cb'tiu. ,il engineer aie as sketrhy as 1 2. , f
iL. -"c a . JsaP&lm'- --i-f .'...v. ,.i m ,., i ...... s., ,,-e-ir toil .
M toIif . ' 1 K" ' l" ' a l-l'b- about his i..b 1 !'-. Turn one p. two. : i te .
! j '' 'TvfMxOT' He ,, ,,-t know , hen, i-irv. It is .. '" 1
''in'.a! ei.-U'.ei. () v chem- U. ma - t a- a
V -".S! E$'fWj "' Hl-.en a (...v w.uh.d ;,u a l-M--g mi: t I his i- n-'o uc-s u
V-Pl rf'l'Oert' o'l ing li. - .!a ai'd studied at in .;!, he has -uhaicit , mi to iur
! F'-l'flfl ' '""' I.V...:.,t.v ':,n he ... hli taioueh till he g.t- a p-.n-- e
I '" , ' ; ' no m i -'''!. I ''-Is -,e g, t his ti am- ( .-'abli-.ii d. H e . -p ; . a ; : : . , . a
: 'Ota g o ci i.e.- h . . , 1 1 . -r i . i most ho. !.-. f d w- !. .ir.-i. v " .
o-.--tn.rn .a t ::. ' : -, .,!;,,, ,,;,:,,,::...,, it to'.s.,.-, :. th.- u -e -t - '....! I
laced at a - ,i,u bv a coins,, m a m. hmcal !'-. ..- in mdn-tiv. I. --! opi..- I
IS ! Sy-, ... ',,,, I I,,, th,- .-.on oi th, IT.-I a:C i . m t o: mil ' v r . ,. .. 1
1 in i e a i - s ,,-'. s.-li... !, in I i, , .. ,,,,.t, ,;;,;.,! otituui'i, In al'i "i -a. i md g ' beg.- - g : " a ',
l ! ..-ton. c a- Vol -k an. I I'hil i b l;-l ;a v.u ,,,,, t,;, .,,g ,:, g.-ue-al cr- 1 ' ' '" a e I a-u u ,, 1 . ' ; a :
I ue- i. )-It,'t le:i. 'lie st:-.;'! c-'o. oaaia.g - '.a a. ma-, t'e w.ak nf !" -r Imiini I": ot i a i ' " a t :'f ' o
' aei c t a - v li vol. so t ie y ,, , i,'. o-; . i,,. , 1 , :, :, ,, , ,- ,.,.,, ;, . . : '--e h- : d I hi d p ,i ' : a -:1 . a i hei -
. i i on c-po, ..!';.. e iiair-e i'; t!.- -nfni.i! g ;i" that of ,.ti:er " g: i - m v many huge nn' -r-" ' . .1 t
::ea'e-t sj.,.,-,;. , im- ".a! s,ia...l . p. tiie -.glil'iiv "f '
j T-a i m. :! hs la ' . : . 1.1 a : :.o: b - , ,, . , ; .. ; ., ( , : , , , .:. , the .mci icau ' h -m-.a' .-tj,
':le ilt'tk t r the lb '.me !.:.:;. a ( o , ; n,;.t tin- r.u:iiV ,,t 11'"'' -t-iel, N" . , W a si, mg ' oi.
m'eillg, n , 'a--:!:, a l.v :,:otl,..,. . hi..,;,,-.- ,,,1 , I . I
""' ':'!, ''''I. 'r 1'" 'b;:-" o, - nna viana-ai! cam , " ., , , s-
amig.r v"n a p.o v. hr-.m ihi- ;,,a;l',,i the-e . . , . I
l mm' b. i . d g-' - ttmler l:-r. an oppmtimly t..r proiiioti.m to A ',', t n , a- , I
b". .,:. ..! Hertha : ' . - , 1
L -...,! r' i. ,-,t ri a t r i-- a i i t s r m ii -i-t i I
--''' i'1 a , BfljlO
Am! wh.t
-. ,'athellv bid
ore na .rnmg wh n he
o -nv rt a cert, i n letter
steiiog'-ai-her e:.o t!v
though indeed a minor, extent, the n.-e of prices
has not conic to nay. li the :i-e is e;,ggi rated,
:. e., it ma costs cm he itoiuonl am! the cur
terry mtlatn an di'miii-'h'-al. then t- exter.t
at lea-t the liigil borl ,-. maces n;a s!ig':rl-r-'ccde.
to gr-
r him,
1 iiep
, i
d b
c - Ir.i a -
Democrats and the Treaty.
Tt i; a suit the purpose of flic New York
r . . i . i . , .
. limes ami otrer atiimtiistration organs to pie-
"Bfllv" Thompson is going to give "Prinee i tend that Senator Lodge i meddhng with the
Arthar" Mullen a rnn for his job "Harmony"
grow no les-
l.iiy IHiails .loliu Hull.
--im Kid.. "J"o th- bail.. i
I'lin letter in t -day'.s
fs rhicV among Nebraska democrats.
Rryan thinks the kaiser ought to be tried ir
order to establish history. Other folks want
rdm tried to make a little more history.
Tosephtis "Daniels is very hti'v at democratic
banquets,' tearing into Admiral Suns, but be has
rot yet answered any of the admiral's cha-ges.
Chairman Cummihgj may think he is mak
fng headway by defying Bryan, but lie has a lot
of othee things to learn, shout democratic
" . . . . .i
Rem storfT was amused to find has ra'". on
v bt of German war lords sought for tr a'. It
-nav not be so fnnny when the Allies get hoh-1
of him.
family affairs of the senate minority. How
ever, quite a vivid imagination is needed to '
discover any connection between the light for
the treaty and the struggle for the leadership
shoes of the late Senator Martin. j
AVhcti Senator Hitchcock ceased to he iliair- '
man of the senate's committee on foreign re
lations, with the cr. n i i n cr of the Sixtv-sixth con-
i Riess. lie went back to the place ot ranking 1
I , ; ..!,.. It 1 I nv iiieiui'ci ami auiomaiicaiiy oecame me j
spokesman for the administration on the treaty, j
If, tinder his leadership, the Wilson plan did j
not make the progress the president had honed 1
for, it has not hcen because of republican con- j
nivance with the minority party. Senator Lodge j
endeavored at ail times to cany on the effort J
to secure effective reservations without mvolv- 1
we ,u
"e,l costs have been incie
by dislocation of miiu-trv
gam e engendered by ;. great v. ar v. -th to re
fu-al to -a'.r a.: I ;'- ica-lmt-ss to -pern', if i
Clear thai m tm--.e da, a laai- ,,' h- ist -.-im- ;eme-
iiiii ,ue o, a,- nope., jor. i a i.,.'.ei worn- ir we. ..
i -in icmiei i.itu.r mine .uuieiii y a wen-con- sua lieadol '-.Vix on I !
sulered p. .'vy .1 imhistiia! ijeiuoi r.u.y wlrrh i-ritii nt and titimiv b
will give the laborer a new hope and new in i".:ms "Ut the pro liiat.s;.,
ccntivc: it we can mk'H the rcs-im-.i:.-,:i and ' 's ;i 1 r, ,.i d !'o!;ta-aio
restoration d ti-umal iiniu-irv, i . a'one '."iv.
but a'l river the w.-rl-l: and it we can ir.stil! r:i-
the ,i vet age man a h'tle niore u ., ! on e v to th::it
and di-i oimt.-i,,:!,, i- the pn-ent oiii:n,,ih (!;ift.
,r i
were ,ngh sta-nta
and k'-nt in the '
m-f as m other !!-.
"So. ! t.-. l I ,
ami e:':'iL!,-i;i svsp
raisinc 'as fv:-;,;-,.
I I g::.--- n :
dd W
a- d pi
.1, .I.
V, li
do a"
to pure i v wa-driul o pcpahi-a: e . -! ue
these thing-, we sha'l et mio im
timdam.cntal i-uces which will i-'lme pines.
But. in the sfa-,,;;. plao. aamet'hii.g can he
boned for bv a t e dti. tma of the i
As an ill
.f 11
bv k fa
' to g -f 1
it. Voit can
t t.t: if nt ; elope ev
and i
.i-wi.s.., t-vtryt'i.r:: tr.uii Ait. In toi iM-.a '.-u
tim l.eague of Nations to the .-'-ml!-' o'
dtt.i tor anv ..Ht.-f. is .onsiderod urn!
." r-pta !.y if i-ntiiK in ibvolii.n to. l!o-to.i l'l, ais.i nl r
i on
img hm
LOCflTf IT 50Mt
::: ..-.
1 n 1
' tr -rj J
a -i
in vour e-
I' s
.. h
dimr tin ir c-,m.( i'
st ,t w:i; be in.
ir tr- fti'igs H-...J
I 'I'r.irsei ".
-n oi, tb--
laei t..'.oi-
peace in patt'san
The H'tle sins'., and s'op we h?ie to cateml
,th dwindles to nofht'ne in r ompa: i-on witii
the eighteen-foot -owdnfts that have buried
New York.
Mexicans have released one of th ho
of American aviators captured, f1 the
may follow in season. But the comse r
neighbors Is anything but "rlubbv."
Tnsserani-i,i!s- notifies the White slcjse that
Francs will accept the Lodge te-e rvations.
'.radualy the opposition is narrowing down to
the man with "a single-track nvnd."
Yen may have notked that while G. error
Pdwurds was not on the "official'' list of speak
ers at the Cutnmings dinner, he spoke just the
turns, and got a hit; ovation. Now, Mr. Brvan.
whaddayn know about that?
.4 Curious Statement
ing the whole
Only when the president !.:!V;er!t wrote f
the democratic senatuts, requiring as a test of
party fealty that they tote to reject the treaty
with the "Lodge t escrvation-". did the ait.oi take
on g partisan line. In his letter to the 'ac'-cius
assembled on St. Jackson's day to renew their
f.ofh. the president again demanded support for
his views and the party make them the pa-amount
issue m the coming campaign. On this
occasion illiatn Jennings Bryan interposed,
arguing for the right of the majority to govern,
and advising his democratic brethren to give
acquiescence to the recet vation s because thry
had been adopted by a majority of the senate.
This is the simple history of the treaty so
far as it is involved in party politics.' If the
democrats ate divided, ard aie breaking away
from White House domination, the fact is not
to be laid against the repu'dkau leaders, further
than the effort has been made to appeal to the
patriotism of thoe who might put the country
above party on the final vote. So far as the
siicc.essorship to Senator Martin as minority
leader in the senate is roticrrned, the repub-
' lieans are quite willing that the democrats
i should bestow the honor as het -rives their
' situation.
siou ot ciedil. resolute det.-nr.Hiation of tiie
government md to !..n-..-.v any more; the
adoption (d' a national and stair budget sy.-t-m
With a cotiseipou! p--omot:o;i i f gre.a'er i-mii
oiiiy m go eminent. 1 1 expense-: the maintenance
of a tax si. stem suMoient not ,,i..ii, to pny all
our cmari.t expeu-es. but a:so to commence the
sinking ot he i: I' otial debt : and a imnc prudent
am) vigoious policy ou the. p.o t ot fi e bank-,
lookim.- tow ard a gi, con t ra 1 1 if 'i of out
o . p- t . pa inb d is-.-..; 1 1 ,e -c i ni.ola s v , i ' I be l.n
more rtfectoe in tiie pie-cid emcrgpey than anv
malohiit tiobci oi hxii'ir mur1
I bus -ac -i e th.,' the i:-e o' pri. ee : n o a 1 v
semimvuf is drjitmg. fal-.e anv ..j-a , ,
..f our polo i, a I gat l.i- rings ..'r p j'(
tr-o'i entertainments, tdo riat i.oiai J,
-.uia.-m is tuner iriuimiten or cm
L,".--v '-"-" I
- had. -s of W;gsl,...,,,i,. .Iff j Should Im llnioiiioil
Jacks, ,, ami Ian. -oil, , ilr-livi r j .. , , I-
j eraf;.- p., My. Ml the sy in pt
i .lieate that It is !.. im .-iiPieied wi
i i ceu , r. nee id" .Mi I'.rs.iii. - T' .
Ab.-mt f'O net- .-oil of ab (h imi-:,. "!! . x
ers ir I '.-nn.s.vlv aniH are ri.ior',1 bv ; "" ' " "
ths vorlv turn's .aimpeiisHrbin law. j
Sib 1 ',' I .1 tlio hourly a age ot
st.el and iron mill nm-brrs Ire; In.
p-ase.l "-' per rpiit.
1 1 is . ' 1 , ma '.-'d t ii i - p r p.,.p..t
pension of w..rk by i,p r oal num i a
a bp. of more than Sni,.
JKBIIY ll'iUAi:ia
It Soothes rind'Kelieves Like
a Mustard Plaster Without
the Burner Sting
Musterole is a clean, white oint
ment, made with the oil of mustard.
It does all the work ot the old-fashioned
mustard plaster does it better and
does not blister. You do not have t"
bother with a cloth. You simply ru"j
it on and usualiy the pain is gone !
Many doctors and nurses use Muster
ole and recommend it to their patients.
They will gladly tell you what re
lief it gives from sore throat, bron
chitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu'
ralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheuma
tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, trosted feet, colds of
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia .
20c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
i used
a perm,,!
ca'i na-ti
a- as it -;i!
I'a' s-i
,i ,
i partly a tr,.
it i- tt'1-p..r.,
the i, siiiutill
a m ,-,. ut. the
i . with its
its ami dangers
U'libt inn',.
w I I
i p i . r a t v p h r i -
. o om 1 1 1 1
ii i f the rnn
pie-sent pete,
tb mh.-.t
a 1 e ' v lead 1 1
I ii'
bra t,
pa p.-
a ip
r, i"S!j.
l-s, p. a.
hit am
h ,
1 1 a w
High Cost oj Government
" 't the b:g, i co-t
gov et'timei.t.
In his appearance before the senate mmtmt
ee. the so-styled ambassador of the Russian
Soviet government. Mr. Martens, testified that '
the bolshevik' ro longer contemplate th' suh
'"gatiou of a'1 other rations. There i.mld not ,
be better testimoiiv to the solidarity ot A uteri -cm
sf'tinier.t ami the -iisobi'e impci -,a..',:s
-,(sS , the labor union to then pi ipagamki.
'I his is not the reason advanced, howtvci. I t
the pi of essed chanje oi prhev. This is that ti e .
sovkt goverr.'ronl is now t-img e ..ugh to ;
it hip the world! So tt fanspires that v hen the
soy-let government was weak it was b- -t upon !
.oiumeiing the woild by foice of aim--, when 1
ihe soiirf govet f.ntcrf became iioi.-, it gc-c up
the idea. A imams r.niud of tra-o'"rg.
tl-otouglilv and insin.r erely bo'shc ik '
khe backbone ol the tieng'li of the .vit ;
cove1 iift-t a;. p. Mrs to be the tact tbete j
i. po P'.m.i wraith in the hands oi l'n people, '
ot- of the batik-; that it is all in the hands of j
the gsoveintneiit a bind ot highway i .-1fc ac-
,-o d-m- to fibs vfis.oi he amount g.vcn as I
the fluid wealth in the possess. on of the govern- j .mobfy its existence.
mcnt of Russia ts halt a billion, about enough -
to purchase toothp:c!;s for Amct icans for a The piesidcut may not be able to ie;ume
Declaring o-e bit-
hying is tlm h-gh co--t o1' federa
: M-t:,,p ,r Artlmr I'appei of K,,n,.;s wants '. ,
pendltmes cut down ami wants the f'a'ikmg
, privilege lake ii trow tni-i'.etf rd congiess audi
j that co-t tas r.l the ta-pavf-. I - I'M') br- points I
' out 'he high ro-. ,.f living ,a-, t:i-t showing!
! and the .-.-.rp.-.ration lave levied then amounted j
I to s:!.nnii,r,iio, ;op( ,,,, rea. bed
i fiOiKinil, and now timy aie about $2.:"" j
And tins lew on corpora t tops t taken from the
I public by (uglier prices !e ied by the coipota-i
tious. ,ie pnhlia pavs the cost of covet mien t
and of biicinesk. r declares Washington audi
the gf.vernment are in a iiilicub'ii.s position.!
preaching tloatt and iiaiiv idiial co-nomy and,
then spending vear alter ear niote and nimr
tuoncy, more than it has. more than it can raise
from ordinary methods. He wants the ro-t of
government reduced, that reduction may be
started toward the taxpaief and the consumer.
Ohio State lotitnal.
I- illy kin,
'o mamibe
- i na si-. in
.-ii i ' M tii e i ,.;
n-dl w 'l re,- w e. d -. -
mm-- ' In n ! ",t. k;ma ,,f r,.r. , s
I'lal jarulors m L'.'mag.. ha-.r-fe-inod
a m 1 m and Fei-ured n wage,
in, re;e-e that ,, or.-igr s 22 per .- p'..
I ait iit tli,.iiMi;i! g li wa.r'1 r lire
mi uibcis of the trado uim.n mu o
mr-i;' in 'I'oronto. I'amida. Th" mru,-b.-rship
Is ilravvn .-Im !ly f,..,u among
.he feuia.lp si . nocra pliers, . 1 c-r i--s
and aeeoimtanls in the railway ol-
.1, O t i:h M -t". i;. f
f.a;a 1 S- , iirl ly last a--!
fi -e 1 1," .a - -a. Nh rl- i- m'
V Oar: ,il,--nr,i.
I','!--! 11.0 K'l' -, tr
La 1 n l a 11 - s f a nl
l in
loan. , -., I'. r.-v I'.i
"1 in Ihli'lati" nf lull.-.
I ,! "-ii'li-" .'-.
10a ti..-. oi -1-
nC f a
'1 lh
..if 1'e.J
.ai ll-.ljtetn,"
!i V . 1, 1 .
-ha, 'C
V t!
- in. , ,ig,
a rfil a-PCr,
ai.., n nim her on hit
., .1 Im,, li r.l.
Im-iaiic Uel.-ho VIV.I tn j
R.vhcul laborers are again threatening to
-" ke if tbctr ".age demands arc not granted.
M m gut .-nt- br a bad idea for the railroad ad
ministration to call one of these bluffs and end
the menace, once and for ail. If the. transporta
tion business of t'-e country is to be earthed on
under the continued thieat of labor troubles, the
prop'e ought to know- it, sn that they ran ar
ranes accordingly.
rVtbsp Senator Sntoot is right in h"
.Vc'arat'on that the half -million dollais spent
to circulate speeches by members of the presi
dent's cabinet is money wasted. Still, the ad
ministration telt it must make some effort to
The Day We Celebrate.
i laiide I' ll 'v-.e!!, Arumiir . t"c . hnn SR.
Robert B Mantell. one of tut noted eeterans
if tiie Amern-an stage, bom at Irvine, Scotland,
Oo v rat s ago.
I.'ohrit J. Gamhle. h" nrr t'niferl State ser-
ator lioin South Dakota, born in l.eneee I
county. New York. t') yats ago. ;
l'alrick 1. M.'ian, pianager of t',e world's
champion I inrititMti base hall team, born at
Fit i hhiirg, Mass., .14 eai s ago. j
lleoige I Babe) Ruth, ciiam- ! h.oine run i
hitter, now with tiie Acw loilf aeticau irague bail team, born in P. , , ' i 1. 1 -1 ; r l'h years ago.
-( i,.
"V h i-
q a.i
"H s 1
"I la
. ' e Pr ,t - mntlr I i""
l-.a- .a, 1',. a
e' 'IT'. t,, he T-nKIr,- up,"
:-: Oho. H.'al.
i..i- '.-M-.T e.,-P nf
. -1 l'.a y f'.irw.-a -llr,,.
- , n" -. , t - his t a- -. i- r i , ,'
b,i tor ;,aifl.
lin, i a g ma-;. vmi tr.
' I ..ui lo- n.
. 1 a. i;.i;-!.fl ti,i ,i'a
.1 i.-ngae Hiifl reti,
sai m half a iijtrni'e th
a a' .p- a -a 1," m,
-ill 1 1 i h Ilr.ish. i Hd tr, , I,.
i ti V p.s fine to har
, ir tb a,
ir, .1 -o ,i. . ' to Irltr r- ta II
,. . i o r .
year ana to pay xneir tipping mu tor a nisr
period. Vcl. -with this halt-bilhoti the Soviets
could "hip the world! .Vial the s-Miate com
mittee has to k.den to this drivel. Liculrntallv f
ti-c w lines-, for Kii--'a savs the 'evolutional'
.ntivit'cs or lisposition hcie is purely Ain.-ii-car.
- ui w loch he is both .r-mtmg .rid Iving. j
I lie labor im'oiis complain "i the alien-born j
j Thirty Yeats Ago in Omaha.
Maggm Mitchell was playing' :n "Fauchon."
his j In the. audience were people who had seen Miss
duties for months, according to reports ttoni
Washington. This will carry him well up to
the end of bis I-rm.
radicals as then" only troublemakers.
Mitt hell in tins play 40 years belor
About 50 nieiTihets of the B. '. O. h. were
pre-t nt at their fourth animal banquet.
'Ihe I it'iiui'l M-lk ('an .mupai-v was imot--.c.'-ae,
with a Mo,k ..f SJnno!!. I ' I . c
im ot ,oi a tm ,s wen- t baric F ll-nm,,ti, W
nun O. Ibr-sett. William o. M.-Ks-ilev ..:vl Fr-.i.k
t. i. I
wait until the tourists .cava and maybe the old j " M- ,' 3.)V, , blr,.t,P,, ,,.,n, , n, t., i
rahtoruia has oowded Ne!iaka out
place in matter of automobiles in seiv
oi la -t
i:e, but
1 1' Bt
far. i,,:
1'IT lie - a
.- .1 li'
I."- .
ii a iti"-'.
VirK. A-
111-1,. It:.
a ,,.a lorn ac- aR.
r 1.
i. -, ii of All-n airt,'- th
in, i
n'u. S ro -h villi ti a
1, !
1 ): flAg .Oi,.
fi na Aral in t , .
"-l-,llr' ll'-r Mm ,..,
a v ,1-. .-r,,. ,
:ll M III" lint 1, V:V In
t h-3 mri r in
o ''a';. Ih,' I.',... haart j;;,ni. the ur. ?"
-.,,-1 Pf--,-v I 'a i -, r-1 .r ...
Hi 'Oil,', iii-i brand ct fas.' tin.
1 N;!i? I,
'W 1 . h t fi IliA' ttaO n-tntar. ,a f i,m Ihfi
-I. !..' s.O'1 I'.-n v p.,, a . u. a
M N - -ai m.. ,. , . , ,. ... ,.,
'" i Ci
S ;-"l ,
r'-t n
biah Vikl E LI
TP Aft?
MARK je a
and Auto Oils
" The Best Oils Wo Know'
'Thf-re isnii honor in luisines.s that is
the fine old of it; that, roc kojis with
every man j'usti r ; that loves li,uht:
that regards kindness and fairness
inori highly than floods or prices or
profits. It becomes a man more than
his furnishings or his house. It
sneaks for; him in the heart of every
one. His friendships are serene and
secure." - Loncrfellow.
Kn Rood gasolene:. :
CRYSTAL BLI1ZEN (lii'i Icrt , 28c
VULCAN (dry test), 25c
Our Klrttric T'linips Insure Accuracv-
-Your Protection and Ovits.
Baltimore American.
1 ratio will bs restored.
morntD i
,..1 .