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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1920)
i mi: ;i-:u: o.jama. rijiiAV. kkbki ai; ;. i Lincoln Bureau Omaha Bee 'P. A. Sarrov.s, Correspondent- DISTRIBUTION! South Side PROPOSALS DIE comict Bei TaUcn r i at it DippTiun back to renitenliarv FAST AT MEETING Escapes In Nebraska OF CHARTER DIET ap nrrnn mnnm lr .Nhr JA KArrtU Reports Reach Omaha of , ... .... mi New Live Stock Association br M LAUUHLIN Committees Recommend In definite Postponement of Nearly 100 Plans for Changes in Constitution. "t.i r: le.'.g.. cd co j hark i e t . n icd .i.b. ill" re !. N'r , Feb. .". - -pe-, :..)-1'tfd Walter. art ,vtrf 'ho vvas bcins ! tbe Wyoming pniitcu- ; ;iy i ' a deputy " anleu. ; n ! o;u the Luton :a- ' Nebraska Congressman Says Members Vote for Big Bud get to Give Constituents Something for Nothing. Vv.nle vaitmt; ui tee, By &ri utK. !' V.Ms oemg PI i '11.:' hack V n.lungtnn Ciirrfnixmili'nt or rlir life. o;-e, la, l' complete a live- ys -t-h. :. - - i Special ' .,:.,iT .. i ,1.., ... . l- --i.i;"'l nut- e eBrallt.t- V. O H K r C s 111 ..11 " 1 " I eintu r. he ::i:.t e riv: tr .ek-s r -.,1 I! N'ch t-,:tb by t lina ! e'n i v e; :yes tii 1 : rt '' recoi;i!;'e::'..,tn !-!l.,t,f tV.'Mif !!'' ' p- f t o p. re v j!: nif : ' " - y-tr ni for t lie t.i ; I h- f committee rri .).;. f.-'U' proposed ciMruc-. ). .. Sy tbe cM.venti"P. Tin' c-mi. . n revenue ami Uat:.n n,i.-.r.! t!i( s i i. tr ii .-e "ii -::'it prop- -:.!-. I he r.-p. 'i t of !,c Iy:sl.V.: e . 'lit nitfc i iv .ir.ii'r'ni , a two-' c '-".T t n f hi-tead f't .i ripe h-::-.- ' ''ill!: has been MiKiM'-fil .rid !- i ';.-.'.! i.v t''e C"IIVT':ti..l'. I br ji.i't r i..'iodi-'s p.'.anv , ' . ; po-al, ec ii;n:ci:'b"'i t'H' ;!":.':!' V i-r en uii'iiii'i; t. 'l b.,' :-).tt re cmvtnemU th Vi.M !eaL-!a?u:r dr'-ble the state in' .;Utri t-. car'.i o::e of y.b:. b -v i'i r'.er! hut mi'' member ot t',.- b'i.;i--bi!::rr. Ar.i't'irr strm cf 'b-trirt- .v:!ir i -i f."ii of r:iator i - i"''i !' ' iii-mie.!. Divide County. It tin- report i a 'Inn t . nl r.eap I)oi:i;!as roiint".' v r.o 1 iiv.,.-- ( b- -.cpators am' )t-r!Ialirv n I I ' ' I . I .iiUitr. uit win ne u:-,t net-. iarh one ot r'rt t mil" man. I lip i.Usi rab- fop a niei'lbei s a"! at prr-rnt, but !.vrii. viemls a ..ennte of 5i'. S.i'arios '.: iiiciiibrin i-i fi.Cil at SSUH. ni s:ea! of ' it"0 at at present. iitb a tla b.r pcrial Pr,t t i'S iee.l' in .bu s. A split in tbi' committee o-t veve i iif .'.ml w liirii irsiilteil in Immpl' .biri-i! hr- i niV t!; 'vir.' i I'.'-i-.'nrri1 i'i p. HPiil ;io-vC op II." lepnty '.varden re on tbe wav back . ami lia.i Kfantcl bis r !eavr to go to the lavatr. J e there br inmpiil tb.roiicli ' -raska house :(, resume a a Tit: f start pa i;or : t : a s ha.i a an. I a n ptir- 'ia ib- pr- pe'l ai befori f. r "cht op ips too'. .iiateiy started 11 .ii trarci! '.or - a pi! then !o-l. ,!!.icr ".a- -rr' i::.; tiT.e !. ::i:;' t':e sIC of ibe I'm r otlp-e oiie and v a -iirii a chararter ! ne dep; ty v. bo - as ii b him i .I that t lie !o" :l iail n as not .- f!i."-ii,h and about to eon -tin lonrpey to Wyoming. Wal viieb'". about Joi) )nuii,!s. :oprr. lias a inrlh mai i; ni :i-, i ioe anil has tatio.-r! anus. A 'H.od Tn - bee; oiVrred f'"T bic i"an- niih'.pi it the 1 oi::n Ne I (Kfrii-f a member ot the a. final romn it'ee. m uim u-ius of the i edaetiop.s in the bill nrrvi.nis vcars made ticrcss.iry I by 'he coiviitii'ii of the federal ' treasury, took iHia.-ion to roast the appropriation fur "mre and unusual i Ted-," in a mapper that compelled j the lieii-c to -nt'tip and take notice. J ,A"bile he admitted that the nnii'UP.t I carried in tbe b'.'l !':' see-U M'a ; con-iiier:ib'e !e.-s th.iP I'l 1.1st e"r',- ; !l! east! re I.v 1 I'bbOO. , s;i:d be 1 no hone that it v ou!d remain at tlie rop.i a lot oi that the umk. tbe Ptiiic irpoited tropi mil tec, ?'.)' '.1 11 11 because copuressmen, knowing seed distribution was pure mat c S'li IV.'Pbl cause it tlientS a I vote tor an increase i" -ivas (iiing their coiisti cbance to net .-oinething t ne Fremont Teachers Get Less Than Scrub Women, Reports Club tn, i ni i r iKUll "( : tlie v tlibnt valua'de se bp. "i.t tb I be coni,!r (ii: eel lv, to number n r e s s ; o -ceils (,f ai r noti nt and im .vet iMpent tbe p'-o-. ci. com actenient anil ip. strange, nconiuiou and !." said Mr. McLansii I iiTin essiim " cut out to ' v briber directly or in- : that ebcrt. and for a , pie bad tlie mi- j n err recei in? ! uncommon value, but m . Acceding to ;o1ices from Wichi ta, kap., a nioNement is on foot to estabh-h a new l:i- stock assoc'a tiou by cattle, sheep and swine in terests of the southwe-t. The Cattle Kaiser's a-sociation in t:rg;n Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico cattle men to withdrav from the American National Live Mock association and organize tb..-Nvjtliwe-.teni hrderatiou of Cattle Men with offices in Kansas City, Mo., to handle all matters pen. lin ing to the welfare ot range in trrrsts. 'I he Kansas association will s;k! representatives to Houston, Lev, to the Cattle Kaisers' association meeting-. March 15 to ti carry on negotiations. Oklahoma and Ne Mexico arc to be invited to join the federation. Hog Receipts Show Drop In Comparison of Figures Comnari'op of receipts of hog-i at the loe.-'l market for January of this ear 'v;t!i tne same montn last venr W.S.'5 head, lave siiown a I gam flur:ti: January tnis year over I tlie same mouth last year. The hog I receipts tor January, 1, vvere 44'). .il() and for the same month. lQJ'l, 1 they are J4,4n4. January of lat year there were 1'"5.P"6 head of rat i tie rece;ved at the local yards, while j this year, for the same month, 175. 14S vvere received. Durnig" Japunrv. ! I'M0, the receipts for sheep totaled IJiM.iUl. nbib- f,.r the same month Ithis year the receipts ivere 2no.57il. 3 -Cent Envelopes to Be Changed by Pu;n Of Omaha Poshv.asier f;;J Burglars Loot Bluffs Store elbne nvoMiifs by i.o-tol.,e cm- Of S1.500 WOl'tll Of ClOtllillfl .'us ! nilii tile c i . t b 1 1 po - r'teer: ,'0i0tH) and no-" ur Jevs c-eenf envelopes av on band at t!:e Om.iha po-'ot';';ce ji nee t::. return of tbe J-ce-:t t.-.te. 1 .og ijuantities also are rcpoi tcj iioii; postoflices throughout I'nitcd States. In order to save tlie pper invoKed, the l'o-toti. ro depa: tmeut ! the city "b.. re'v :. ! in. s.,ij;e-1 ;on a ac vcme.i bv ibe 1'i'o.iiipce depaitiiwu! . ..sli- i.:P.m and a ciwnh.:- order oi Ike Kiatncr. TA' West has been irceived here to tbe ef- ir,.,,d a ,,v. I oimc-l Khits. some t :e c.iucctoi :e i time ..iter m dnigbt Weiiues.lav and feet t' a die tor the c.iuccb I, ... I,., ,.l . i.bclcs oi which a'te Wins sent to ; Mole .!- men's iPtaul ' voipen'. Pices all over ibe coui-trv . -iiio, LoiliM at M ..!'(' in t.T nra pi iv-tot . lbitrai- C1' w .is g ' ':e ii . iiigb a i ear i.'. I 'neves ransacked ibe . r. .'! Part of City Breakfast In Dark,- :,;;l:f;1'::;',;i-i;!-w,?v';- Kesu'ei'ts ot tie w ester.) pait of 1 m an adi.v.-.ii't; loom for new iiiem i electricity tor bets. W. C. II ill, j.'tU Ihivenpoit Early Risers In the Western decided to surcharge these .i-crnt li'unuuation n ere without light tor street, lost an overcoat, and a fur envelope. Puis were secured trout tVir bi M' . i t- csteniay. as the colbit was taken tio;u coat ot printing tirnis to no u.'ik, nut lieavy s.cet lnoe ilovvti o;'e o! tne Kuliarit II. l ulici tbe cost appeared eves-p. e. Postmaster Fanning then -nig-gested that t!ic change in the du ton I llai nev im p vvres iliiiing the p'ght. I l-e -lint, Utlier coa'; weie si'.tttere.l strert buhls v.cic on!, too. The about the t'.ooi, pothiug else bie.ik was irpaircil at S:.iO n. tn. .was stolen. Bemij ued bv over bre million people annually ae tonic nd blood builder. It will increaie the t-ength of weU, nervous, run down folks in two weeks' time in many instances. Ask your doc tor or druggist. Owl i'.' i.m M,-r,.n-,ei. shows a decrease of while cattle receipts i vears pe that tbiv South Side Brevities renin x M ; it '.i I! I: IP. w hub v ill t. e ...ii te: -cbo, 1 b ciub :.. ,ie! am ti 1 1! I -"0 i e 1 1 -. .- t: lai r i r 1 , irp a m.iio'itv ri'i'i'rt ssetub t'- to flliPf! tore the, a proceeding-. After a two hour session in com'ce of the whole, adjournment was taken without action having b"cu taken on the original measure reported bv the committee, which had been 'tightly amended, or upon my of tiie amendments which had been suggested. Tlie taxation pro posed will come up again b'ndav. v lieu the convention Koes into the committee of the vv hole. One Judiciary Plan. V! proposals relating to the :u Viary 'vstcm were indelinilely poMponed when the judiciary com mittee lepottcd out its recom niemlatious in the form of a com plete article on the court system. The recommendation was placed on g ner.:! tile. Several sweeping than.-cs from the present system are recommended by tbe committer-. I he proposed plan would give the supreme court the power to call m district judges to sit oil the supreme bench with the high court in two rtni-ions. so that the docket can be cleared up if it gets congested. When the court site in t- o d:vi rour. in this manner, it will no have jar'sdiction over homicide cases or "cases involving the constitutionality of a statute. .1 he high court s,ttiug in one division has the power to review any case decided by oi the divisions in which fudges Mt.lindt-r the propose Would Increase Pay. !: lies of tbe supreme coi" f ill uceive a salary oi sr.jn'O a eai.oi. c'n-irb-t judges will receive S'.niM a yea"" if the proposed s stem -. adopted. It is provided, hov ever, that tire salaries of the judges can be changed by the legislature at any time. The proposed plan alsi does away w:th tbe police judge as a constitu tional officer but provide? that the legislature can create this office or my other court below the supreme court nt anv time. Proposal No. bv Delegate l ewis of Wav tie county, to levy a state tax for educational inst:ttt ticus was killed Thursday morning by the state constitutional convention. l.Ci-.t". s salaiv tbi , pi' ni'eei' ( b,-i-s :,,m1 s nd. told the V weekiv meeting hi tcccive "75 a i .Nsi.ed bv ir ire-nleit oi the . that an adequate led that perhaps it vv It w as br.u.giit out many ' . ,u hers wot k for le . vv ages i':- sci lib vv opiau and d'ine-?i b reiiionr. Children Appeal Probate Of Wealthy Farmer's Lincoln. Xeb. I'cb. 1. IM rial. ) --Attorney for tbe four ch dien of l.liah Manning, c.iltl expect 1 vear, (iillUlt- ..f the mien's I on i ml -ev-biu '. eh;'., it wage. ;s not. of the ; ib.aii ate a r s 1 1 1 e v iiai! i -lin (it 1 their eyes j '' Ripened." He sab! the see. is in many j n, j iu.slauccs woubl pot germinate ami jet ,'.- emu aeteri.Teil Hie sect 'iistroiu tiop as a form ..f political g:utt that .was arvlhiug but creditable to the ; members voting f"i" the apprnpi ia - i tioi. ! .Mr. f,-.auKli!i'n Mb! that en-j ii'iiM:-"! a spirit that, cariied to. j its intimate end, tosterci tne. idea among th'- people that the sjo cm- inep stood ready to g ve the citi zen almost anvlhipg it pos-es-eii he had to do vvas to "ask ir,-Ur IPK tl-.l" m i: O ii'.' In n .':-h KnJ-.t.- P"r and me j if. n ! h e ii rn ' nr. ne "I of 'I r ' r I'p'iyuary S, ,T. C. Ho- U- i in ni ui (.-.--' e:j,'h (i ir I- ore !.! SloeU N T"n'y-r"Uil.h a Iia ..-l ti IV. M'"1 ii .'( iri riit-n t, H Han'.. J-u. c 1 1 ' e . T"rpv-ri,uj-l.h a iiJ tr. .-'h -.V'. . t .'! I 'i i!'-i, " ' v ar "-.a. iii.-rl ji : i,' K i a r r. v nfi-v- a lnnK illries f,.. . v n" It. iiplvt l i'-- !.iy t .- w. .mil fm: r,i I v'il! be h'-ta Ht " n, ni. .Similar rri'in t.i 1IC fanner of Araphoe. Xeb., who died March 11. 1"17 leaving an estate worth 100.(100, have tiled briefs in an appeal to tlie Nebraska su preme court front a probate of his will, in which he 'eft the bulk of his estate to his 'tor K! Pi n, ' i ' .1 i f iilii-t Pur !" .!-.!.. Irf.i.-.t A'fri! P. . lr.'P ,11' I VV rrinckd: l lif? fil ;: rn ' ii' ll"i "nH:t K "re ki ilrii.' vvtil eh::l",t. Hur:il eli,.-t . ilai'rt"T of M-. a.-.l s.e.ith Thirty -tlp.r.l a' a I.-"-al it Thur.itay ieoi-ni:n,-rhiiT"!. liui' :s it. am! P.e vv oitld i eeeu c. Ibe copgressniaii saiu he nan aj letter from a man in his district not i long ago w bo said he did not care for anv seeds; that they would not anyp.oe,. iur nc nan noticeu u. or,-..- -.m- press a good many I I'rmnnM : i.ii'lh hvi'i:1 e . i u t-1 1 1 ti,.1 eharge .,f & ?.ni-. T'ipv Pee c.iurt Thursliiy 'rim Mil.-' ntnrin of TVednnffiliis- rdctvt. fiillowibl hy n lis'l't rain, eaiisi'il connltl- ibethlmore valuable than garneu jeeds. w shiiii-1 sni'. hr.nainp ,i,rira tirani-hs, am iirow- i in '. lie put Istat'-meuts about tb.r sheep goats that were being gr.vcd on j I the White House lawn and he stig- j I gested that congress provide some , i way to frank to the people the lambs ami kids. In cause they v.crcj1 5 Snu'tl T--TH'y- ;-ji U'..i-h. SIS Vi:- ari-,.st ., af '1'iTPuty it VVf-iln-ii'lay on r 1 i-roiitlng a I:turb- faird each in iu- Sfi ot man ic n. a i, fter chine hi wife, Al- Mr. Mcl.auirhun said the commit- j ,"".. estate in the real;- . I tee was dtv nl'd on the i1rti!,i',;,..B j ,,. children Kachel Sdimhler, ! but l"' thought the house shoid.! ;;;;'';" ' Montgomery. Tillie !'o- dignity itselr l- eliminating t,tc ' ,.,, , :,n. le.lm ar. in lire rn e - oui mj.siij ii - '-..n ,io.n i.i. i.ui. ,:..,o, tl-'ft a!'ditv of the that loin hr- ri-"iv prl iniir, 'rieis rer.orifl '....i'.pp "'f P'-o olTtric vli-.-i 'i at. .P'frrptit ;it;"-C'i. hijL no j3 vi- ' rr;orL-.l from vrir l-.lsie vvnrthv testing the the groutii with his brother, ne'scs to the will, w; 'I, cn Lvans, who, signed as wit did not witness the will but signed it afterwards "downtown." while Manning was lying at death's dorr at his borne. 1 be estate included SI-.'"") in cash, 47o acies in I'urnas ootintv and J"'i acres m l-plton county, Illinois'. Mrs. Alice Rushton Seacrest Dies at Her Home In Lincoln Lincoln. XrK. 1 V Mr- Alv Kuh:. ;; or T'-eph Sc;uT" lrn:n a I. an-l cU"!,t. Mr-. T. II. Krshtun c n 'fir'--Soiitii Tif- 1 ' tj -1 j f- j r. j J-,'"-. .Mh .erJ',','1,l Jif-lt'-. ' .'Im !m T'V'l'i. ' ;(sou, negro. 1217 Son ti Tvcu ! y - ft h rri"i, atvt S'jiar.d. hrp, xrur irrcp, j nvt "i Twont y - f if ! h 5 T"L v ?r t :i 'cn '.m f :i"-t otiy for I r. -cnttg;itt n. Th" , .t -e vl'l o" N-rtru J rl'ly. r. CSprcial. ) tSoTTbe'st!!e Kearney School Teachers r of Mr. ..rid f Omaha, died Get $300 a Year Increase cither listriet 1 plan. Auctioneer Loses $10,000 Breach of Promise Suit Ha.-:inKs, Xeb.. Poi. 5. -(Special I'elcKram.- vidict for SlO.OOil tor breach of promise to ma'i v was awarded Mis. Liu V. 'Higgins against Ira K. Doty, auctioneer, hy a jury in district court here. Mr. Doty has been prominent as an auctioneer in this section of the state for 31 vears and is unmarried. Mr, llig gin is a divorcee and has adult riiil rl r "i: . Mr. Do"- made no ,, f,-:;.-,. a::d Mrs. liiLrms nas tb.e otii" wimc-s on her sb!e. She testified that at no in-c had Mr. Doty directly pro posed marriage, but bad spnkrn or "when we are married." Counsel for Mr. Doty, when Judge Dupgau instructed the jury to find for Mrs. flip-gins, suggested a ver dict of one cent. A jury last week returned a verdict of this amount against Mr. Doty in an action for slander growing out of a war fund drive. today of pneumopia-iniliieu.-'a. fol-! Kearney. Neb.. Feb. 5. (Special.) lowing the birth of a son two days At a meeting of the board of edu ego. M-s. Seacret's father is presi-' cation here an increase of S3QU a C reamen- ; ear v neat ot the t-airipout company in Omaha. Fun-Tat services v the home in Lincoln J Saturday attei v ill be open to f: aturdav. be held' ill relativ es at The home om M to 1J ! J eat ers, Th as voted public school teach- making the rninimuni Sl.iMltl. board secretary reported that than a half dozen applications lositions next year are now on Nebraska Third in United War Work Subscriptions Lincoln. Neb., Feb. 5 i Spe cial Nebraska stands third among 14 states in the central division in per cent of collections on united war work subscriptions and in the per cent of over-subscriptions, ac cording to a final report by I. C. Obrrlies, state director, who is aUo chairman of tlie state board of control. Hastings Will Become Oil Distributing Center Hastings. Neb., Feb. 5. (pecial.) -The Standard Oil company here tor a distrihufug mil I'iatle terr-.turv hree buildings will equipment bed bout S'.nO.iiiio. An at Ililince.i p .nt for the Hasting-, erected i, a i-.i-i o hie. Child Follows Mother In Death From Pneumonia Fremont, Neb.. Feb. 5. ("Special.) Shirley Steelier. 2-year-old daughter of Francis Mecher of the IfoopT v iciiiit--. death. Mr inonia b'ri'ia titui o: th Sleeiii r is a to!, owe' her mot.ier m died of pu u- .-ortd chai M'-ehe tne cn mi w s a sa-ee aibneiit. cousin of Joe Me, p'on wrc-stb-r. operating ami opice lorce i aiotit J5 people will be inaintr.ined. Former Governor Guilty. Montprlier. Vt., Feb. 5. Former Governor Horace F. Clraham vvas found R-uilty of emberrlemeut of I Foch today joined the ranks of the state funds while he was state audi- . immortal'. He was received by the tor bv a jury that vvas out nearly j French academy in the presence of four hours. I a large and brilliant assemblage. Marshal Foch Is Received By the French Academy Parr, lh. 5. Marshal Ferdinand Nil hi ID n Neb I'.s pledges !o date V-,' a s quota totaled il.Soo.S) was SJ.iW.nOO. S-'.oJ.s.noo, and has been, col lected. Collections of .7 per cent of the pledges and an over-sitbscr-pt-ou of I S'l.o ner cent of the quota were only exceeded by North Dakota and Ksp-sjs nr. Oherties -says forgottei; or ..eerlooked balances on collections :an still be received. Prescribed by physicians for over eighteen yearsAlways say "Bayer" Natalities in Influenza Epidemic Continue Low Lincoln. NNeb., Feb. L-iSpe-e-al.1 A'.though the iriltteu.-a epi demic seems to have passed in On-a-ha. the crest of the disease hi Ne braska may not he reached for a week yet. according t Dr. L II. Dillon, chief of the state brj-eau of health. Only 20 new cases were Reported Wednesday from Omaha, -ompared with 100 in daily reports p-eviou". The fatalities continue to - v;o- iO'v. Dr., Dillon savj. Gets Battlefield Relics. -incoln, Neb., Feb. 5. (Special.) . he State Historical society has re ( rived from Mai. John G.Maher a i-s!lert;oti of battle '"eh! relics v 1-ich I e satb.erej m France and Gcrmru. The "Bayer Cross"' marked nn tablets trrcatis you arc getting the genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," proved safe by millions of people. In the Bayer package are proper directions for Cold.-, Headache, Toothache, Earache Xeuralgia, Rheumatism. Lumbago. Neuritis and tor fain. Handy tin boxes of tw elve tablets cost only a few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of MonoarelicMcler of Sulicvlicacid. 'BASBMBiNT'" : Continuing for Friday The Sale of Dresses In the Economy "Drive" $10, $12, $15 Values at .Pot- woi'.ien and ii'bi.e.i - in Lb.nd up in-ib'e mod. -Is. Tlie material - a;.- : I j n . silk and serge---a iili liutidn ds of attractive siyb's from vhii h lo -iioo.s. Special, for this rale at t'.1'". BLOUSES AT 1.95 and 2.95 Practical style., fm- every di'y vvea: in georgette, crepe do chine. Lice and Jap silk. Xl,o?0 are H.up.os that .' '-u "o ibl ep. ct. to pay o.eO 'o .".rtil nr. Off x l i'i thi sab, at S00 .'b X 1 . y and U.f)5 HOUSE DRESSES AT 1.69 In tin's sale tv n are r-howiuj; a very coiniileis lino of petty bouse dresses. 'I'liiie are hnn i nils of inity .vt Ii , from which to cliooso -. in nil sizes. A n ! icipate vnur present rml fill ure ni-'-ils by buyins no---, v liib- you can rr,-ili-o a piiat savin:;. Very special, at !.(? i!i!!'..V iH-f cses. in I -o 6 y and 6 to 1- yen--, in tin: Feonimiy "liriT:" Sue rial, at. iScM GIRLS' DRESSES lino. I v a 'i (1 1 (sf L' to It v'o,llt .". lo 1'.".., ,'ipeeial. l.(j! Tl fi-ocli.s i if fine materials, aii si -es. v.ortli ".nn jo i s.'i. siii'cinl. Brcttkl'itst Sct.s Cotton Blouses Botn n-hbe and col- j Women's to-piree tp-eiiKiast se's: skirt and coed to match : cut. ored; good kIjIck and material!;; large ,1 .s .oil men t. Worth LCfi to l.fto, special Band Aprons Id light, f.nd dark 'rr cale and striped ;;inj' hani; good sh'.e.s; v i v full; well iiiarte. Morth recn i- v ".dii ,i set. 88c I at i.39 in.;;.;;,- 47c nil' dre ,-es of cin bam and w ash f.uincf , ..'"1 to t;.."i'i values, v, r.v eei-itifinal, at ;;,S." 1 Kimonos ; In rotton crepe and fancy kimono ilnili : full leur-th; well made; com! tUU-y. to C.iiP, at 1 . OJ ii i . l f ." .' A 1 m Vfflim i. :;- iw '. ir e-; itm ibifi rXT 11 rami cis Store Ha-,ei;icnt A rcdc UNDERWEAR Knee Union Suits For v.-onien: of fine cotton, laee trininioii mid SijCH 3t to -It. spe.tinlly prieed, for L'ri'hiy. a', per snit 50c Union Suits For ehibtrcn; nil cotton fleeced. Those arc odd lots. but. -very pood values, speeirl, at, per suit 88c HOSIERY fo (Inod Cotton H"sir-rv women; in bhiek and while; double solos. Special, nr rer p;iir. at. uC Men's Seeks Of cotton lisle, seamless: in the wanted colorst. Special, per pair, nt ZJ)C Basement Center Infants', Misses' and Children's Shoes Shoes for Misses and Children at fur lir.-i-.a or school, tpclndms flack on IT tkin in I.k-c or lemon, blown L'nssian calf skin, laee or t.iilMn. with Cnod Vear welt f-oles. :un! pati 11; ;,n!. laee or buitnn. with either W,-n k or giHy (oj,:-,. ,jPs are sv. .m 1 : i'l U'j to ". Tiny arc G.r.rt to (.:.) values, prier.l jpeeinllv for tM-: ile ::.85-:. to ami INFANTS' SHOES I i all wbito tid, all dark brown Kid. or lab-nt. 'villi bla'k kid (op.s; pat ent with vv hpe cliitll topi. .mi wliiir kid with vhito i-loth tojis; made ovr font form la. ta. Si.-e.i I to b. These are cry pretty little shoes and aro spe cially priced at id 1.49 and 1.69 Shoes for Women In black kid and gun metal; button and laee style?; high and Io"V heels; mt.o C'-j to ls. These are discontinued lines of our 3.00 and Loo pIiocf, offered peeiaiiy, -iday, at. 1.45 YOUNG WOMEN'S SHOES On th..' l.'tiRtish la,- t - hn-e f-'vle. nitb Milnary or low lire ( olors ,-: re lilack anil Ian. Si;-e.S are C'i lo 7. Thry aro oxeep t lonal v ,-ilue:, at, p-r pate 4.45 Women's Sample Shoes I'or woiiuii; in libtek dull kid, and iei hid; buttofl and I.i co stylos; narrow .toe shapes or thort ampe, with con'-av-.d Spanish or Military heel". tlood-Vrar v elt flexible soles. gpes Ci. ". t M r 5's. I, and 4U to 5. IJe-ular 5.f"i AK end fi.n0 value?, sppeinl. pi Brandeis Stores Basement E Buy Your Boy a Sweater During the Economy "Drive" I -arse shawl collar and sub; jvk-h poekebs. very popular with ib hoy. tn this lot you will also find some all wool sweaters for the little fotr. stie 22 to 16. All very specially priced for Friday arid Saturday, at only Boys' Mackinaws. 1 Coat b'-IlK Size 5.95 Wq bave just 48 of these maekinawp, with all around, and patch or skating pockets 7 to 17. Regular S.oo and 1VPn values, special, Fridny. at Boys' Overcoats. There arc 63 of these coats in plain anil fancy mixtures; belts all around and button to the neck styles. Sizes to 0 years. Values up 7 C A to 12.50, special, for Friday, at Men's Shirts. Odd-, and ends from our rtgulr.r stock: them slightly soiled. Sizes i.p to IT. While they Jast. I'ridfiy. a' Men's Underwear. Shirts and drawers; fleece lined o, 1 ribbed. Offered very special for Tridav, at, per garment some iif 79c i !f's-ely 79c Brandeis Stores Basement North Special Reductions in Household Linens TOWELS Full bleached Turki.-Ii fow, - . hemmed ends; soft and fluffy quality made of the riouhle twisted thread. They require no ironing-, vhb-h mean.- a savin? in household rprt)pe. ,-"(- values- Size JSx3. Special, at 4uC NAPKINS The kind: limn :,m-Ii; hemmed: ready to ipse; an cvecllen'. suhnpaie f0, lmeii, and the wearing duality nneee!( i;euiar L.e and 10c valuer. ry special, a J KJC TOWELS P'nll bleached; fancy red horde:-,; 1,. mined ends; the soft quality huek towel; r-i:-P lily'";-' inrhn- Vorth 2-jC and COo. special " "' at 9iflo srf lilCirui.'.di v- lalii rn.s. like linen, 75c DAMASK .About to ,Kres of this Ihish.-i, damask in an assortment of orv' pr 8 fnches wide. Vv'ear.s ami launde ItCfeulaily w-urth i'-prelal, at, per yard TOWELING The soft snd absorbent cotton toweling; f.ii bleacced and semi-bleaehed ; fan. y i rj hnrdrrs. --c values. cry si-cein .. per yard, tit BXRDCHYE The .o'i tr.d no'i-irrbant knni. ;i, . b'-'a-d l"f!'ils. fpc : ;. I p"- 'a-'!, -m -k worth 2Jc and ;.. a-" lc?C Bratidcis Stores Ba sement Center 17c Save Money Friday in Household Needs ELECTRIC IRONS. t-iuu i aiiieed cloclrie lions v,Iih li (Vol of cord; hifrldy riicKelod finish; r r Q reeuliir .".ffj values, specinl, a: OiwO IRONING BOARDS A fie-:"oot nicely lini-dH-d ironiii su"iicc. Has ,-i Mfono-lv ! raced stand. licvul'ir "J. 7! vjdur, spe.einl. at S27 TOWEL RODS 1") aid 'J 1-inch, brihlly finisLe,; towel rods. .Just the tiling for kitchen tic. Thnrdny, ;tt ASBESTOS SAD IRONS ! consisl ino (1f (hi-oo irons, stand and l oldor: ad lii'jhly nii-kolcd. ry "f Worth :;.-'. sppciiil, at per set. S SCRUB BRUSHES One lot ot assorted mtiiIi biiisb.-s, b; ferenf shapes. Tantpico t'ibre bnish. q "Worth 2o, special, -t JL CC GARBAGE CANS (: loMvy palv.mi.rcd iron; hea'-v v. ire nail and ticrbtly fittine eov pr. Three pallon sio, ? l!.2f r i' c :;!!on sire, ai '2. Brandeis Stores Basement South DOMESTICS In the Economy "Drive." Rt ( II Ml I IM. - In v. l,,t0 and every wanted plain .shad. : con sidered a good substitute for all linen; docs not. muss or wrinkle easily. ;;6 inches wide. Special, at, per yard 4oC TISSl K MNGHAM-ln an almont endless variety of pretty eheeks, striKs and plain colors. "7 Inches wide. These fabric:; arc of fa-vt color dved v aru; a very unusual offer, at, pi r jari JuC IWMT I'HIMS-in hatiste, voile and (bniiiie.s-; a variety or neat floial and ro. e hud designs. Prac tical for waists, dresses, fancv aprons, etc. Special, , per yard, at OOC W II I I K Tltil K - In assort, ,) small, medium and wide wale. Suitable for tailored suits and separate skirts, r'.fj inches wide. A very ooil J.i'U cuality, r-r r- at, ior yard I M.( 101 II--nt; itii wide 19c soft enamois finish; snow white; free from dressing: at, 0ss than l'l-esf-Tit iiii'.l eo;.j t,, prieinee, ;.p. rial, pe; yard. 272c IT!I SS t.M. AM . r,ccfs r 'bis well known York or Lagle kind. All iif'v siiring styles in bcnntifii! plaids and cheeks; no large haigain table. ' at. tier vani 29C M HIM. lie giiriir.e !-., nde-3a:-. ten and tlalatra suitinc; !n nil the desired stripes, checks and jilafdn. ma a rial is cspnuulv adapted for hard wear and being of fast color, is esp, dally good for children's play and school clothes Special, per yard, at OifC Brandeis Stores Basement CVj,vr. CURTAIN SCRIM CA'-O j arils of this dainty plain and fancy scrim; some v itii col on d bord, t s, a, e cds - and m er r.on. N oi ih l;ie and c on the bolt, special, lor Tn, In; only, at, per jaid ' l2YzC WASH RUGS' We hare ,e"i of these se-v i. eal-ir wa:b ins'i, in all odors, They are hcavv and durable and mak'e Rp'endiri bath rnum rites. The i-eg-,i-lar price is -ne(.;,,, rr Friday only, at 70C Basement South