WATCH "THE VELVET HAMMER'S" GENTLE HITS TO SEE WHO'S NEXT ON EDITORIAL PAGE The Omaha Daily Bee RIEF RIGHT REEZ Y THE WLATHtR Generally fa:r IVday and Saturday with moderate tern perature. II.MIll ,'ll,ll'l.ll II .41 . II . .11 . , HI . SI BITS OF NEWS r. i.. lit m. in ,,:i ,t ti SPIRITS FOR CULINARY PURPOSES AVAILABLE. Xevv York. 1 !. 5 - Charles- K O'Connor, state fc.lcra! pr litSmt . n -Sent, announced tlut alcoholic uors can he used tor cocking pur- noses without violating the hw. Mr. O'Connor said. I "New Yorkers ha-e no need to do without brandy in their mince ".05, or wire .ntce on P'eir pud dings, as permits w.ll hr issued to notelj and restaurants to keep a stock of brandy and wine or whisky on hand tor legitimate culinary pur poses." PHYSICIAN TOO BUSY TO COME INTO COURT. Kanas C ity. Mo . Feb. 5 -Re-portcd for pa: king lit, automobile ti me "afety j-oiie,'' llr I . S l ay li r l physician, vent the following note, .uceimpanied ;v a signed clicck, to .1 notice John irorge of the North Siqe municipal court: "I'm guilty, but am -o imsv wrh htlueiua p..ticuts 1 cannot come to . court, t lease till out tne ei;aoci check for the amount of ir.y hue." The judge tore i,p the check df.feat and spouse too much for farmer. Macon. Ga.. 1 oh. V --Defeated in he election t'T diei itr, 'ami. a. .'."'d- r to report, npi'r.iii! ed by b - re for -peud-tig in. .avmg in : mpa-gn c pen-! -, .1. F. . armef Irv ii .:. near here -let and killed limis. ii. WILLING TO ATTEMPT JOURNEY TO MARS. Philadelphia, Feb. 5. --dpt. Claude TL Collin',, preside i.t of the Avia tors' chin of Pt unsv lvania. is willing :o be the 1ir-t man to undertake a one way trip to Mar via skyrocket and take the chance of a hard bump .it the end of the line if he is lir( .aiih'd v appeal directly to the ".'oj.V of Ameiica in an endeavor In 4'.'.;.!;rn then to the necessity of ,h- - "pint; a -'ror.f i r air toroe. RAILROAD ENGINEER AFRAID OF A FORD. Tulsa, Ok!., I'civ 5 tiestionrd John Kell; ad engineer here, a An 'r art a- iur"i m an automobile ac .'id'tit 1 ase. "l-ier drive an engine;" akcd th.e .'tfrii'iu'v or Kelle. "Yep. I've driven 'e:r. tor jears," replied the veteran. "Ever drive a Ford?'' continued the attorney. "Nope," replied KclK, "I'm 'fraid of 'em." WAKES FROM LONG SLEEP TO FINISH HER LESSONS. .mw lui. , t". .-. '-' .....- dd Sophie 'Iioyanski, who fell a vie- t to sleeping .sicknes, days apo, wakened lor the hrst time I h.urs- !av and askenh "Where is mv mother? I mmt; iT.ish mv les-ums or I'll Ket ,1 bad ' nark. Ynu know I was dome them .hen I fell asleep. I must hurry and mi-di them tiuw The girl then lapsed back into im-onseiou-tiess, bu! the pliv-ician--a'd tonight her eondif'on great ly impt ovcil. BUSY THOROUGHFARES TO BE "ONE-WAY" STREETS. Xevv Yor, l'cb. 5 . Annoum ement 'hat Fifth and Park avenues. M.01- , hi'ttan's great longitudinal arteries of motor traffic, would become "one-wav"' streets on bebruary vas made by the police department, A fvtcm of sifitial towns on Filth avenue flashing red, green and yel- low lights, in conjunct ion with on- vay rules, is expected to remedy congestion that now limits tlnuis oids of automobile to a snail s ace in the rush hours. CARRY DECREPIT EMPLOYES TO DESKS. Washington. Feb. 5. - The policy of retaining old civil service em- doves in their posittions long past the retirement age has gone so lar . f .1 ii. . i.-,...- ... at some 01 111011 .11011.;. ... ve carried to o'eir iir--, eseuaioi sterling, republican, of South 1U kota, declared in discussion of tin cm! service retitf einr'it bill. Some of the employes are more than Sf vears old. he said, and long ago reached the age of --eni efficiency. The bill fixes the retirement age At 65 and carries a maximum an nuity of ?7'0 and a minimum of SISO. "FLASK CONSUMER" TO BE TRIED ON "BLACK FRIDAY." Chicago, Feb. 5. -- t diaries V Thomas, Chicago hanker and brok er, va arraigned before I nited States Commissioner L. '", Masoti and held in bond of .v?.non for trial on a charge of violating the eight eenth amendment by using a pocket lask. The case was set tor l'cb Viarv 13. Agents of Mai. A. . Dairy mple. rohibition director, arrested Thorn- , 9 earlv Sunday morning a cab- ret while the banker was pourin 3 ' rmk trom a mp peow i 11.11. . as charged with transporting liq isr in Moh.tion of the law. It i he first cae against a "flask con- . f c- a.. 1 ." which has been proccutcn uder the dry amendment. MOVIE PICTURE COMEDIAN KILLED WHILE PERFORMING I.01 Angeles. Feb. 5. Karl Bur- ges. a motion picture actor, via, .i'.ied here when ce 'c'l t"i teet "rom a-t airptare on which he wa- rjertormirg in t'"' tnak'iR of a comedy. Burge!i w tlyms with Lieuten t. Ya1ter Hawkins, an aviator who had a record of never having met vith an accident. The actor was n ca'f off a dummy from the plarc. but in oire u'...'i-;er it; at empt'i'.; tins he fell himself Tin camera men and dhector thought lie falling body was the dummy and continued photographing". They did not discover their mistake un til they went to remove the supposed j (iummv from telephone wires where t had alighted, and discovered that , it was Burg. body. 1 Fpttge-s w.,s a prufecio:'.a! "stut.l .a;. " ard had been employed in mo- tion picture work for 10 years. He vas said to nave oeen tne tirst o make a successful parachute jump . VOL. 49 XO. 1200. TOKP REPRIEVE IS URGED FOR MURDERERS Special Messenger Gives Peti tion to Governor on His Ar rival From Omaha Execu tive's Plans Are Unknown. COURT DECISION TO BE GIVEN AT 9 TODAY Father of Doomed Man Faces Death to Visit Son Electro cution Will Be Delayed Until Late on Account of Courts. Lincoln. Neb.. Feb. 5.-(5pe-cul TetoRrai'i.1 - A special messen ger, bearing a reiet t'i..t v as pr.n tvallv a demand, reetfd ilovcr . i , r MiKehie when lie stepped from a nam at I.mcdn;ht returmiv' '10m Omaha. J'he nipiest was t r repn iex e tor Ai! n . (trimmer. w ho with ANiMl le I o'e, is -ci:-Utinnev ( 1 - 1 1 0 1 '. tii be electrocuted tomorrow a noted ta:.- t,,r tJle muider i.f his nintherdu (.. In tittirss ; . rs I ,,i y,,.,, ,,.,ar .;p,,, ;,, llo'.vard county . on thi: mcht Julv 4. I'M 7. It ua -'.qned be l . j. Camphr',! and Sterling I'.MuV. atlotprvs for the doomed men. t'-intr every leal means at their di-iposal the attorneys have attempt ed to obtain a coiumiilat'iui of sen tence or a new trial. AM state and federal courts have to date ictu-rd to interfere, holding that a fair trial .Y crantfil a"d wit!) tnree easei 'vmliiig in stile court, tiled 111 an eleveiitli-h-nr attempt to prevent n. reeiit'on, the la-.vvers appealed ,,, c,,v(Mtlov ,,, pi,tl)0ne (h(, lUv -,,. th,.;,. ftiet,t ,,, fpr. . Want Sanity Probe. What action the nvcreor will take is problematical. Etforte to oi ate. linn at his home or otnee roved little. Immediately afi-r his a 1 rival Lincoln he disappeared and attorneys interested in the ease '.:ave up hope of learinioT the fate of ' nammer unt'l tomorrow. The case upoti wh'cb tlie at!o;-. icvs hasp 'heir renue-t tor a re prieve are two motions for a trial bv jury on M'c -anitv of (ir.imnter rtnd a mandamus aupcal to lecall the death warrant issued by the district court oi Howard county, 1 hr motion for a trial to irvr-ti- fate the sandy 01 (liammer were filed in the district courts of caster and Howard counties. A de- murrer filer in Lancaster county was sustained h'ay and the deei- -.ion appealed to the supreme court, dcr-ion on lb- appeal has be-i: promised by the high court at ') to- morrow morions-. A'si-taut Attor rev tiencral R. M. I affertv- i en ,;, to Howard county to file a -miliar demurrer there. A motion to have the supreme court advance the hearing of the appeal on the mandamus was refused today. Commutation Is Expected. t., ,1,., ,.1 ll,Ki(.c t.r I.a ... c'ltion is tne clnrt topic ot convcrsa turn, it is consistently rumoreu tuat lie governor will giant a eommu- , inouth. nation of sentence before sundown , Secretary Lane announced lo Fridav. I'obticians known to he mght, following passage bv con friendly to the chief executive .iy gress todav of the joint resolution that lie has not slept for live days giving honorably discharged service worry it; 3 about the execution and men a preference light in obtaining as been seeking a loophole to stop lands under the liotm -stead act. that the death penalty heina; inflicted. ; first application of ihe provisions of wrammrr and cole are said hy , r r , . ,.t. .; . 1 - . t ... j :.. i'l-.'.! onii.o, 10 hi; 1..11111 .0111 1'i iue .verm 1 lane auei rsiiosponij nowise perturbed over their coming projects. death. The North Platte tract will be ( har'rs (irammer. father of the ..pened to entry by ex-service men. loomed man, came to Lincoln from March 5 and tee Shoshone project l is home near Palmer Wednesday. March 'a. The iiht of pr'oritv in He was stricken with influenza a . favor of former service men will be '1 w- dav ; ago ,-.nd left the sickbed in force for oO dav -. after which re. 'gainst hi, doctor's advice to visit maining land, will he available tor !ps son. He is near death in a Lin- public entry. Thus the public vvili ioln hotel and doctors have been be permitted to enter 011 the North obtained to stay with him all night, j Platte, tract M.iv 4, and on the Sho T T e insists that he will leave hi, bed shone May 2. for a last visit with his son Friday ,norT,irig. Warden lemon o; tne peniten tiary announced tonight that the eect'ocutiop probably would he de fined until late t" the a'temoon. due (l1 t ie cases still pending' in court He was at a loss tonight as to what action to pursue in regard to th, execution, the supreme court Hav ing ordered him to inflict the death oer.a:ty triet co the Howard cottrtv dis havivg ordered l :m to there a a ,'! cs in tin; irammer e-.e. Not in Death Cell. Dae to the pending cou-t cas. i, e coruemnen men na e t'ft heen : nhacerl 1:1 the death cell, nut the death watch has been placed to j .1..:- ..11. siiaiu liirn 1 1 1 1. 1 If the supreme court ru'mg is ad verse the attorn. s t;i- tiiey -.!t 'le habeas corpu-- proceeding, in the Washington. Feb. ". - Hon,-, federal cou-t for Crammer. Thi ' democrats will hoid a caucus Mot action for v ole has been tried and , day night to decide the pa !y stand proved fut'tle and state authorities , on universal training and other are completing preparations tor Xe- braska's firt electrocution Executioner John Hu'biirt rived today from New York and is i ar- onlv awaifnc word fr .1:1 Warder. 1 bcpp.u, of t'no :,,tc t'w'fiiten'.iarv to, press the button releasing the "cur- 1 rent of electricity that will bring to 1 a cose one ot the hardest-fought ' nuirdrr trials in the history of fnitr.d teconif.rUii mailer kUj ?S. I9i al Oin.ha P. 0. uniltr art of Marifl .1. mri WILSON PEEVED AT GREY'S LETTER ON PEACE PACT White House Apparently Not Consulted Prior to Its Publication. a -dr.: num. Feb. . - I 'la;: 5 ", parte leae.i rs tor resumption of the featv ('ebnte began to t..kc "rni ti '""i' P' although i' v onld 1 In pro, ed; led U!"i for ml ;!( ; no 'ie : n until a pot! viator ll't.'i.c ' vj tie leade : . 1 e i u ; 11: aider a v, ecU' pal l col-,', ' eni e , .iMf r -o: -,i o: . acting ibi"o g to Washing - .,ee. ill: ,! a .1- p.. ml rai-i-l w ,:! the rK ,(;y , ...i.e.. .;! to ti.r -el'il'e t!o..r. ll the ' . ubliean .-ide tliere were niriuroiis eoiisiihations amony tiie lea'ici-., 'lit it was said t.o final p!a:i was adopted. Indications developed that the in fluence of President Wilson mn;ht ,-.Ka;ii be felt in the senate contro versy. It became known that he had been in communication indirectly with some democratic senators and the renuhlicans heard a repot t. '.'inch hrr.atof4 Hitchcock liickned t" discus-, that a letter -et ting to: I h tl'e e.weuti' ( '.- view-, mi cumpio i ".-e resi n ations had been -cut to the democaiic leader. Notice Grey's Letter. The White Mouse also took notice. I Mied letter of i-court '.rrv, for mer British ambassador in ;l,e I Cited States, in recard to ir-eia t'ons, officials elo-e to the pte.-uli'iit "uhcatuiK unollicially tiiat they telt the ordinary diplomatic murte-ies 'could have Mifsgc-teil that tin- jrov ernment he consulted before such a document was made public. While taking the position that they did not rati to specifically deny them. Whi' House otlii-ials said there was 1 " ": 1 ' . " " the pre -idrnt knew t.t the Mry Mrtter nririi- to it ntild-ea tion. Report-, thai the letter's publica tion had led to diplomatic repre sentations b- this government were denied at the state department. Anions .senators the (,-.ey letter continued a subject "f w ide-pread liisctissum, apparently toreea-.tirg that it would p'ae a prominent part in next week's debate. Fears for Colonies. "Lord firry va very eaietiil m !ps cotncrs.-itinii cmcetning the treatv and all proposed reservation1' v.-Pilr tins country." Senatoi Hitchco,'; .-aid "He said th- oi-b-ic-ervation v iiieh concerned hi country ilireetly was that winch de- i In red thi't the 1'nited Stales would not be bound by any deci-ioii or election in which the colonics cat separate votes. Tins reservation di ' not affect the mother country, but he thought the colonies might strongly object at havmg their vot inv right thus attacked." Former Service Men To Have Prior Rights In New Land Opening Wasiui'Kton, Feb. ?. - Soldier,, sailors anil marine, who served :n tiie v.'Oihl war will have prior rights of rn'ry on the vast North I'lalt and ShoMione irrigition projects in Wyoming to be opened mi nei.t tiie resolution would be applied to . 1. - - 1. t-11 . . . . 1 .1 1. ... . Will Float French Loan Here to Aid Exchange Basis Paris, Feb. ".- A portion of the ' new French loan will be floated in; the L'nited State, threaten a con sortium of bankets and will be placed in dollars with a view of ', easing the exchange situation, it is ' learned here. Thee bonds will bear 5 per cent ir.tere.-r. as in France, being edeemahle with a per cent . bonus ivithin o'l vear-. It i, undcrsp-' -d the am.ou: t to be placed in the I' States has pot been fixed, but some estimates have rutl a5 high as ?. (iil.OOi) 1. inn. Democrats to Hold Caucus On Universal Training Bill P. 1. other armv organizafon bill provisions, a petition circulated today having been signed by more than enough 1 members opposed to universal train-1 mg to issue the call. I" t'"c senate. S-'nator Kirby. iemocrat, of Arkansas, introduced . an amendment to the my re-' organization bill, w luoi w otiel rum- Ne-;inate at! eomnulsory military 1 j OMAHA, FRIDAY, OMEN PLAN All Are Potential Profiteers, Taking What Traffic Will Bear, Says Gov. McKclvie Favors Limited Boycott. LONGER WORKING HOURS ARE URGED BY MAYOR Speakers at Meeting in Y. W. C. A. Unanimous on Need of Larger Supply Before Prices Can Be Lowered Materially. he ,i!!iht..rit!iit of the Y. M. C. va- fdb'd ve;-tcrdav at the meet ing ot the "Women's Anrv of Xe-hra-ka. M r-. 1 '. L. H empei. 111 . harce of tin luov ep:ent in ()m.iha. o'e-i''ed. Speak, r during tin after-:i- ., w 1 1 '.' ' I love! nor McKe'v ie. .v 1 .1 -, . -1 Smith, I'cioi Fodrea ot the "' I .'Oiei.ictui'f 1 a -s.-.ciatii ei. h rpe-t I'.iifieil. pre-i-b lit of the Retail ( liocer-' a cia! ion : Loirs Na-h, 1110-1 do i': t oi h"i''l"--. Nash ( o,; Mrs. 1 . (i. Ryan, director tor N'ebra-ka v the ecmoii'" ratrpaigu. ami Mrs. !'. I. r.inm-tt. who b.a been in e -' igatiug price in )maha. " o' afilieaimg o tlie -olu-r sense of the people, many public officials have appealed to the preditidio's of the people and I now ot i',.,.!lr,pg tliat renter ill to the country . t"-, --podes derlared - loimtrv and ;.gi- Covi-icor !,Ke'vie. "Th ! )-..., r.-.-.tlv prodded tat. n ac a ivim or tne war. v nai we want row is not more agitation, but Irs, ag'tation and more appli cation to sound principles. We .mis t app'e economic remedies to economic dl-. Supply Big Problem "W . .-1 1- lb ne so patrioti 1 h e go. err or. "that he w i; sav 'I ."in villii'g to let other frllo'.'s take as much as they want, but for my- elf. 1 deign to do it :' We are all potit't'al ptofitrer, taking what the 1 rat iic v. ill b, a -. " lio ' ie tne pr'cr !. tr.ut'C will bear f 'Tit l'p"." In I 1ditie.l1 oi 1 .0 ,,-t,,i. "In ..ip' rondition now, tim supply 1, sjiort and the de mam! hr'ge. I hat 's the uudei lying cause of high prices, and we are'fving our whims in our pur- r p ,PS. "The -hopkeepcr begin to shiver ", l.ep v mill n start to Investigate. It -vv e fail to accomplish results in this campaign, supported by women and beaded by a woman, 1 shall ie. mtv much disappointed." Boycott Recommended. 'I he c-overnor reroinmendeil a limited boycott mid a ia-l'iou tor ,'iifiii:,' old clothe-. "During the n,is .,--r I have had no new sinus, ; nl e'.v :iat and no silk spirts, lie loir-d. "in spite of my !o salary, il .s...--Nii a year, vuicli whf tin-r I earn it or not." get Major S;iti:'i emphasized the law I .i'( iiiiifil tm I'mup Tun. Column Three.) Honest Maid Keep: s Secret Plan to Spend Her Reward of $100 I w enty IK w sc. bills efore tiie eye, of spi Ai i lauitnan, living at the ll ofil'' of . C . fx mnarn. mth 11 tv-lir-t street, yeskriiav as a reward tor the , mud, ,,g of a diamond Inooch worth l.r..1?,,iC to Mrs. N. 1.. Med- '"' ' '' . i v oi. i on v ..di 111, oi ' lio with the money," sin ih inky -aid as il co.erirg -em. m told plans to spend it. ' Tli. tor! fi.iii.if the ten lYe;,!,,. afternoon on the sidewalk un Dodc street between liltieth and Fifty- first streets. Thinking it to be a common piece of jewelry she kept it until she read in 'I he she said, of Mrs. MedlocVs loss the night before, i'poi! bainiim of the -'mil, Mr. V.'-'.loi k piesented Mi. liaughan w nil S1U0 in uiitis, d bid-. The girl is n daughUr ot a farmer living at l-'rtmont. Neb., and is attending a buispcss college here. "Money Am Sure Detriment" To Negro Victim of Holdups "My monev -urc am a dctrimcl he- pie." -aid Paul .sa'ter. neg'o. el" Souih Twenty-fifth -trcet. ia-t night when he wa bound and gaged by two men in hi home and a safe ' containing SiJsll taken. 1 hen Paul finally untied himself '. and wife and rushed into the -treet i to give the alarm an officer, think 'Pg bin: crav, nrre-ted him Indepenclent North Dakotans DrninWn Anninct Mnninrbpinp "Vjamai n-.i-ai uoano Grand Forks. X. D.. Feb. 5. Or- eani?at:on of the convention of tin North Dakota Independent Voters' association pertrefeil at th c rnday. tru-r.te she's he! i 'J hi;i-sd,,y an I he a - -ociation v i'il tot ?i;d ado;if policies for cor it eamtiaign in oppositio tinning to the Nonpartisan league. There c, etc about jUO accredited dclcjate. ! W ON HIGH RICES HERE FKHRUAHV 6. IWIO. Wonder Folks WILD DISORDER i'HEN DEPUTIES OF ITALY FIGHT Pandemonium Reigns in Rome Chamber in Which the Members Engage in Fisticuffs. loinr. Feb. ?. S-eu ".rrler prevailed m l' deputies diirii.g deb oi ' mi chauihe." op tin- economic situation, p.trtii ularly r -,-t . alive to step., taken by the goveiu meut to reipii-Oio;; oil. I i. t bit ter i ccrimmations '.'ere exchaiigcd by soeiali-t and l',ihd'V M-'HH'iT' . f the chami" r. When asked !-, aplain tic v.ii--city of oil and recent orders com mandeering upphr&.. Signor Mu iiabli, food control'er. asserted that while there was complete liberty 01 commerce, "nil bad disappeared ro'ii tiii- mark' t. At tl point , I )ei)U?v 'elhi. -oriali-'. -ndilol "' il exi-l:-. for th. tc is -tii! m tuch I iie w iiole firrnluctioti of !;,..-t y a '. It is you who i, h'thiig it." The entire left attacked Shgnoi Murialdi, who stood impassive with ,j8 hand,, in his p.-U-t. ; "h anyone ha a specific accua- , ''"n. rie sain 'many, on.v , ;o nrmg it torwarc. I wi.i u.e ably punish whoever i- guiity proiiteering in oil." rr Tlrt,.., Tl,,t. . ":lJT.1, ,Tt- a, .,,r, ' ot"' 'V l'pUty ",n,llaccl' v'1'''': ' hputy tvarlians, who was tormerlv a cart driver, shouted in thunder tone ,..s-' "You buy oil at 35' lire and ;,V ii at L.'UM. t am.orral t amorra 1 The tumult, vkieb was indescrib able, w;is heightened when a voice was luard yelling tioiu the inddic galh-ry: "Shut up! hair,c' I pro test! Viva proletariat!" During hi, speech Sigi.ot Murialdi .f-serted that the national production of oil ''.as m.sunicicr.t. Calabria, which produces most of the coun try's oil. In -aid. wa- pelting forth scarcely euouch "or local eoi.-iimp-tl'Cl, "bui would do j,. b,.-t ." ' Actual Fip.hting Starts. At this point he v, ,i int. 1 1 app-d by cries 1 ,1 "I n e h Ip u,!"' t op -fusion reached the elim.iN amid the deafening inult hurled at each other by the Catholics and the o- ciausts. ignor ramj'.-bia'io. s, ,,-iai 1 ;st. gave the, s-g-ial for the actual ' "gliting in riishi'K'. among tin. 1 athohcs .-onl rami'ig Plow- up, 'b'p-ipr., ;pl .l!" 'lit hi! '. F'"- sop .lip t, e i nu .ue ng'oing. Di'tmites Si -rati and I'.ai -'eri distiiiitpsh-'d themsiive. lie; lat named was dragged away ir..m the fray by three companions. The eonseriati'-e depute. Sic nor Maury, who wa sun'oimded i.v o, ;';.h's. ' t fly- b'o . ;tt h'. ;..; ,i, ,1 r,.o ; -ts wit': the a'dlp; of a pn-'e Iglitcr. r i)ri.iudo, pr. chamber, finally suspended the ting 'j . .. ,.c - Mi ' y B Mall (i ynt Dallv, W P.lllV illlll Sutl.. i" 00 mitllilf Nr-ll Won't liven Clean ATLANTIC COAST SWEPT BY WORST STORM IN YEARS Snowdrifts Bury Cities and Towns and Damage Done Bv Waves Lnormous. 'i .-il, I- eh. .s. 1 1 iige '...av - .j i'il 1. 1 1 tit by a 5li mile gale were still --,-( epii'g the it'.rtb Atlaetir eoa-t vvbi'l-c eities and town- ulc-ng ihe -lan e w i re try "ig with md'l p . i :t oieecs. to di;' lhem-e'' - mil of the deepest sno'.., di its ,,t vear-. Damage done iy tiie ,1 a ;.. resort and summer home, along tile Xevv Jer,ey and Long Island ou-i, was estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollai.-. Shiopsnti remaiiicd a: anchor or moved wuii the inmost caution. In the laud -! wked waterways around New York huge ice fl.n meiiacr-rl ic.v ieatiou. Ferry Houses Flooded, hi t '-y house. on the New York and New Jer,y sides of the Hud son were flooded and water from (he i'.ri,. terminal dripped into the Hud son tube, at Jcr.-cy t ity I loineward boUi'.d commuter in ttcd and fumed as they waited for ferryboats to get them to the tram- thev knew would IIP 131- IP MO'.!. ,,i t,. ,'lfu. dcMinaFops Seabrighl! bmg a urcet for the , sllffered more ,! an ane of t!lc OI;.rr IKrti,fn, Xrv rsi v coast res, i,- s. t K oi hawav l.e.u n. t .. o t. mg ..'low a -iimmer hop Is, ilmty In: II iintlniteil on Thiii. Tim. ( iiliiinn fno.l T n 1 r i0 rCrshinfT (aiTinaian O 1 O MT'U n wt 1 win dc waged Against 'C . C . II ravorue oons ai nome him. dm Neb.. Ih h. No c.,i;. icugn to secure the noUMiatioii of lieu. John J. IV rshing as repuhlican candidate for president will be made in state, that have "favorite s0n" eandidati -. according (,, ,, state ment made bv Mark W. Wood,, chair;' an o' ;h, .xecutive eon.iuii- epra-na j i ':-e--,i- M 1 Mr. , ea-t and . rui. -in. for .1 trip through the e-lth in the mtece-t 01 tiie movement. a:d that by -on-'' he meant those iv ow cd candidate- and are Pershm "la voi it w ho are aepi puM maisii'g a i.p-e u Ilelin ,1 pop." t . 1 e r e Bandits Abduct American In a Raid on Ranch W a-ii.: c-.-n. Feb. 5. iwpictioi; of lo-tiih F. Askew, an American citi. p. during a raid by Mexican! baud'ls on the plantation of the' 'I lahualilo cowtianv. near ! erdo m' the of lluraiigo. ...a-- repented ' 'ca 'o.h,.. t . t' e S'.pe d- p. -'i-.-!: ,.:' 'i I : ci ' '--'. ;, M--.. ' ic, ( ny b;, t,r, .. to th- Mrxi- : 1 ai' 'o.i;n eh,,, an urge,,' ; c-, j : t- s; 1 ; " -that step lie taken 'o pert, dav Askcw's release, Sund.n. : M : iMl,go PXll.i. TWO CKNTS. ri IM Off Their Walks SOLDIERS WILL FOLLOW THEIR GALLANT CHIEF Men Pershing Led in War Ready to Go Over the Top for Him in Peace Conflict. ..-li'iig.n. Frh. 5 - i Special. Per dune vvill nceive' the support o; soldiers ;f he enters the pie' e.rtial campaign, says l',.-com M. I tiumor. Washington ncvMpcr core spor den t. "The first in suit , i f the definite id. cong ,, Pershing in the race has l.i c-ti l''c bursting of the bithbie. '(.'ncral Pershing i, not popu'ar v it'' the former service men.'" savs Mr. llascoin in reviewing the polit ical siiu-it.on. "For months and mouths certain interests have as M'iuotisly been spreading that ort ..f go,,iv Hip mi hi- present 1 1- -nnphal t..::r. ! in ral I'er-hing has In en the ip:e-t ,.f Au-eriiau Legion, I'hey a'v Iiaving the r.ot)o: t unity !o Icrn tu-t what s-ort of a man ( ieiic-al !'( rshing is, and en ry viiy i e he has made a wombr in! impres-ioti. " I he seniimeiii f-.r 'b ueial P, r--hms. is s.r."ig. rc-ting utiou alt v i l ine inni'il .ai I'ii;e Tin,. I nlunin riip.l Conductor Killed When Freight Car Is HictM:u ai iiuiucu 1 oroner 1 oroner I 'utler of ('ou PluiTs rotir-ci ve-cr Hr.- that w. a Wood, vetei.i'i h'ock Nlaiid f com.-'cfoi . wa, nistantfy killed at Mjno, 1,. la., J5 nulcs e,i-t , ( 'omicil ImUII-. at an early hour in tip- dav. Hie waycar in in which he wa rid ing !"ft ihe track and turned over in Ihe ditch. Conductor Wood v-.a-caught beneath the wreckage and cu-herl to death C. ( ) , I,,,,, u,, J- P- Far,,;. Ilhtt.,,, stockmen. in the w re rimed, cuh-nt i'.i- reh b;ok. n Khol. Equitable Building Robbed, Ni w York. heii. The ' atllt ot the P'tt-hurgh Steel company . tiie Fo'.ptable iiip'dn g wa looted iast i ighl by- bipyl,, ,, helped f- 'h v . hi ' a: c vtit." it; w :, . -'oh ' . The I .qilihiblr '.':! !:ng. V- hc-h i- in tile in rt r.t ti unanci ,1 c'-f' n t. linn., . ;'( ,.v. Y .'; branch ' r 1 - ;- ' 1 ; ... r h in'.- Release Delayed. Douglas. Arir.. Feb. 5.- ' c,. rf. el of 1 elite. i.n-'s !.. M WoU d C V.. 1 -her. .. h .1 ! lav i f i, -; s, c; a, inlottpalion that ' era., lied bet e. 1 1 I .' neon . . GERMANY Til REFUSE FIA1 OF ENTENTE Is Expected to Do What No Government. Though Ani mated by Best Will. Could Comply Willi. Bauer Says. HIS NAME ON LIST AMUSES BERNST0RFF German Charge d'Aff aires at Paris Ordered to Accept Al lied Note Which Von Lersnci Refused to Receive. Feb 1 ,.. f ,..,, b'h - cop- fee ,, the Natiot ! Ac '"' ''" w ill ;:-rf "-.i ; u ; r;.t - w ith tar ! all h-,,,'t'-, ti decide id the'- to .'.-' . e !: e a sen-i d v. sar-- , -vi'e ' Ss !.;, -s.-.-j !',-,,,,, 11,-. 1... ,IC a(.. ' "' ' " in i . 1 1 1 , e i t i 1 1 ! w ith the eora f ' . ai-'smg imt ,,f th etrad: i'ei: .i.oceeihl h.o . edor Pauer in a statement ;,. the pre, todav said : "liermany tind her, elf oi a erit t. a' n, ,.., cn.ii,ir f,, t'aat whet: conn, cited v.itli t';r ipirstior .s briber h.. would sg pPac, lii.lty or pot. 1 hen. as now, "th "ov ei i;nie.( tried to reject tiie so called clauses of honor. " uiaiority of the aemh!y votec ;n f.iv-o- ,,f signit g the t-eaty or )'"? ''MS. p resuming ;hat ibes clause woiihl :i,,t become effective I he-r efforts wen- unucces,fnl, aI1(J under pu-, Mire o- the threatened oc, cipat'on of (iennany, thev re solved to accept the treaty in its en tirety. No Lack of Sense of Honor. "I here was no lack of a sense o: h..ror. h was known that Francr hinged for an opportunity for he: I'oops to enter iiermany for thf purpose or separating the north from tl'-" south. It wa an art of self I'M -ervarioi; that w e did not hesitatf t e, sin "Mea'iwh'le we left no stone un tinned to procure a 'atisfactory so "oioii ot the question relating tc h.ambiig over ,,f the liersons de mainh'd and we have done our ut most in convince the entente that we we expected to do what no govern minf. though animated by the best good will, could coiitp'y with. In a d'-epsMop with the representatives, oi the entente our standpoint wa Milly appnriated by America and rind by Fnglatnl's official rep-'cscntalive.-. but not by the official r, preset; tative of France Request Was Refused. "We tried to get a lit and the t-.rges against those named before , file ratification of the peace treat", so tlnit we out selves might take pro ceedums against them. Our request vvas refused and our attempt to ti- 'taSks', ;l ,tate court was frustrated. ! " fur s'at; tpoint was explained in the note ot January and we c'-'ain emphasize it, Rnf we shall -'' i.'tlv- av , :::v provocation. ; "r.-r tin reamn the government M ulcts that l'ai-ou von I.ersner re ipstd to forward the entente note. I n any h action the interests of whole nation must be decisive "and not '.he honor of a single indi vihia." Britons Off for Paris. !..:,' Un kenhead. the lord high c.iaiicellor, aid Sir Gordon Htwart. the atiorncv general, leit London for i'a-is t us afti moon. Their depart i:re foil .wed a cabinet council a; w a eh te,e (icri..,!; attitude in regard '" 'he , '-. fi'.idition issue was dis-c'i--id ird into which the lord high .!,:!!,-( !:..r a' d tiie attorney general ' ' re . ;.h, d : ,- con - pita lion Von Bernstorft Amused. Fmhu. Feb. .. tine of the most simp.!.-,! men in Perhn was Count von P., -iiiciortf. forimr ambassador to the ("nited States, who it is said. de:red by the ,-,'hi-s for his a! h fed roi'i'i'i'iv.iN C;h H.sfo Pi.' , ' . 1 n- c en t. lieMnfe hi stirnrisc iidly am.ised. H nee, . ued that he wa not afraid tc "''! He added that be vat i'f civ to go if wanted and that he might oi-tii put the allies; in a quan 'i they attempted to prosecute hip. ei'icicib -ay- that i" th.e trov-ei-umen: attempt to arrest those hers,,;!- deniaudcd by the allied povv-c- seveie ; tcrna'hii'al disorder '.I'l occ'l'V Oidered to Accept Note. I'm-, l eh 5. -Dr. W-lhr'.m Mayer, I o -tll'.e charge rt'. iff. lire, at Pari' viil leave I'i'lg H -I-P'tion. i'i man g 1:1 t, 1 1 , ,1, . tor Paris this eve- ha receivd formal in to a.-Vept the allied note ey'r.-nhficip of persons " ;:' 1 1 ir.-e. -av s a dis--: '' C ". -u .' capita! b- Ready to Try I. W. W. M on tcaim, Wash , F eb, 5. j Twelve men aie rradv to he -'Worn .''for to t,v 1! a'i,.g,.,! , ". '. c ',.- ge-i w o'- ;he cut-.',-: ,,f Warn " '' ' " ' ' Pm lu-i"!-. t'e "" ...-' iieiore n'lon u.ukes .! opening ML ice p- . , t' Ift