Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Loci annwrrs .harp and auddan an inmi pravm.
And thrum th thin hava piayrd for m ur (aca,
t A rautitlrt with a gilt in t.
Mia. Browninf.
, Mn ii nut tltr cirtun' at t u . c. t 11 rumattimc
I thr v i it'.n ol men
Ilum.nie Society Lecture.
I : '.. a ix 1 i -i ; y to the Nf
iitrfska Humane society, u!l picscui
1 liest ll.ffilij Havnrs c;i the eve
' " R of Thill: v!.. . !' ft :m.i r y 5, in ,t
Vi tute .'-) ,-(.)i;r I hiiub Allies m the
''(.it V.i : " Mr -;.i nes is r'!
' ".ov n ;ii ,i vt : in . lee tut or ."!
u.mii ahst His lecture will be illus
i.itrd w:fh flidts.
Domestic Kducation.
D.'tUfsM,- ( 'Ii.-CIt!"!! sf. IH'11 A. 1
. m!I tnfft I hut s.!.i at 1 .. wit:.
Mis. Herlirrt JVtte-,' .'41V Davcu
;-! t street. The study of diet will
' e coil! Mini d.
Publicity ( 'hninnan for
"Women's Army ni'
Suggestions for St root
I'aceantry ami
I Proration.
' -stn '-i p.t-4:. t y docoi at
. i' s' , " i .( -Mil. arc ii"t at
. 'lit cctut . w lifb is for continual
tin! ihidv n - c .Hid eniovineiM
I hit rhu c. m h i : o or at nut should
n 1 1 ! c :,ui' - .-u i ctiMklv to re-
How to Make Up
i .' !. nil' IM'IIIC, INC SCM'Cl (ll. SI), ;tl itllftllt. ... .
?:"o, .sensible surest ions by MStPl'S
Normal School of
Citizenship In
Improvement Club.
1 hp I ii !it"ii I'aik I m j r u e ! i i . t
i hit) will meet Thursday evfionk'.
lebruaiy 5. at X o'clock, m S'i
iinaha National Bank buiHmp.
Don't worry! Let "Danderine"'
save your hair and double
its beauty.
i y ii i
:'ie a-cbif
Mi: ,1
art. t'r if il
I o slop i at once anil
I ill the .scalp ot every particle of
il.tiiih ulf. Ret a small bottle of do
listlwnil "Danderine" at any drug or
toilet counter for a few cents, pour
a litt'e in your baud and rub it into
the scalp. After several applications
tin- hair usually st"ps coming out
.uid you can't find any dandruff.
Your hair will grow strong, thick
and long and appear soft, glossy
and twice as beautiful and abundant.
Try it I
K-t !!! km : t' MMic'i of the
, success hi any work or i a-gai' a u t
I depend'! upon the publicity i hair- I
I man. A woman ot entity. ;,i,ln?
land tact is usually chosen f . u this'
i important ttosi.
! Mr.. .1. V. Welch o? P.- h.,
! been delegated to (hi- v "rk h the
"Women's Army M Nt br., -k.i." lb-r
cliiet re ..asibility .t ' . -c :st is t
make ,i sit ccs, (i the m.i niei-lhu
,'lieil f,.r 'I hi1' s.l,,v .if;. ; ::...!!. "eb
uaiy 5. at ..' M '.. U k. ..t tb,- Y. W.
i". A., at whic'' i , vi i r McKelvir. i
Mrs. ('. i. Ii .ci i: 1 r wll
)eak. i'.ai :i da ti::d M:- W'c'cli
conle rrii'' with the dpferent r!ul
i onil'titt'Ts .on! n!ifr. ir. the tt.ter-
-1 of .u curate ,a i re- a if w - ; c -
k'.irduiji nl.ins and ;.ro:iess oi the
wouie'i wll.. ate fi.i!eaori"; t c u: high costs. Mrs. Welch is i:-.w
I si'rvinjr as treasitret .i tie h h:i--i
ka I'edcration oi W.e .,m:'s club.-.
I Minne Lusa Tea.
The Minne l.usa Woman's .oc;civ'
I will be entertained at a musical tea
en Thursday attei r,o. m, hCbrnary 5,
when a program will be civeu by
Miss Rosalie t'hitncr.
Ross N'ewell aitd I. R. Anthony. !
Mrs. R. A. Waugii will give read- j
itlRS. i
r., rs s,i it i ii : i n - ibatcly jol inrvii
.i 1 . 1 r"tri- nit" competition, with
whnh 't i;uv revertlieless outrival
bv ,. its gayety, its bril
liance, and bv a beatify oi an en
tirely fiif'ereut sf'rt.
"Instead ot being treated to an
el ib'tion t-t;eautry and decora
tion as an ail m 'tsell we were con
tumted with nintatton architcctute
of an ancient, uninspired, cumber
some sort-ialse in tact, false in;
taste, and aeiually obstructive to
the aim and . n ot it all, which j
t" enhance and add n the spectacle
of ni.trcliiiig ti.'Ops.
1 I ): kjanif unity. The pageantry
should emanate frc n one mind,
s!i.mld smbolize one dominant
t.ira, and this jurisdiction should
extend over all private displays
h.itsoet c
J- l oi:t'nuit. The eye and mind
should be carried continuously on
ward to special points of accent
and enrichment.
a-t'olor. All other factor should
be subservient t the color scheme
.old the clor scale. This should
! i it h and a"iou-.
-I Mo emeu!. The -iiii and the
wind should be made cdlaborators
b many artful but hiiiIc devices
c. h:ch need no? be entered into
e r e .
P. E. O. Sisterhood.
! i .i ; t t- hi of the I'. !'.. . sister-:
hood will meet fot 1 o'clock lunch- .
evi 1 li.'.i s-i.o witii Mrs. Dean T.
in i t ii. .l.iDo Dewey avenue. Mis, J
i'. A. l.ticke will be assistant hos-
Longfellow Circle. '
f.oimie'l .v. ehantauipia circle will'
meet at the public binary I hurs- ,
iiav eenius at " ."T I'he lesson '
wil! be s-ct'oit from "Hrolhers In
Aim-." Leader, Mi-. Helen K. Mor
ton. Art Department.
M i - I . F. 1'ast, i !y, leader of the ; ilep.i! tmeiit, t tmaiia Woman's '
clni), announces that the regular
inrcfrc scheduled for Thursday :
art em .'!!, February S will be aban-:
doi.ed in the interest of the mass!
meeting to be held in the Y. W. l".
A. auditorium for the purpose oi
ill -i Usstnj; bitdl c st s.
French Club.
'I he hicnch club will -, a i I day
i hnr-d,'v. February a at the Child
a v ii I Us', iiilte. ,
Mrs. Peterson Vill Speak. I
Mrs. A. (j. Tctersoti. member of:
the State Hoard of Control, will j
speak before the political and social,
science department of the Omaha
Woman's club, Monday afternoon. 1
m - s
V,--v; ', a-
.s .-: s .... M'.AIMA AO. . amxc. .v .'A
c on
i roper Use of Henna Tea
Dyeing the hair is a tad. Ion
ee you dye it. you bav gAcn
n:..-t ihsiied shade, make a henna
lea. l.'.r one ounce of henna
li .e i - and one quart of wafer, ami
,1. , , ii to one i a 1 1 1
.mis,-It tne hie j..,, ft kotpmg it Apply the henna to the roots of
'!e l. As t.isl .is tlie hair grows out ,1,,, 1;i;r ujt, hnish. A tooth
ii has to be colored again, or the ,r,, w,n ,,,. It must be absolutely
r... !s will be entirely ditfeient from , ,.aM-
tie rest of the hair. ; ni,'.n ,,,1,, a ,ri;,. inlS);, a,i ,iis-
It en will .he your ban. have ! jit!l. tilc henna throughout the
some one who is ,-(n expert do it. j,
Save money on something cKe nn.l ' Wheai it is tiioroughiy uet with
'i imp, ii i.ii.t post ee
featutc ot the t. hicago snttra
vention w ill he a "1:01 v,-!ii.l
citizenship" to he enducted undt i
i he personal 1 u ci.t' - ui of Mis. an i
shapman Citi. pteshient M vhe Na
tiiuial Amcricauj Woman Surfragc
association. ) he school is scheduled
tor the w cih beginning riiurs.l.iy ,
February ll), to and including Wed
nesday, February 24.
Mrs. Raymond l'.rown. author , t
"Your 'ote a ml How to I -r It."
and Mrs. Maud Dark will each con
duct a eour.-e. The other topics
will be covered by various men and
't omen. The school will be tree.
The basic idea is to tram women
who can go fot th to other women
as teachers of citizenship.
Sneaking of the great need ot tin
school, Mrs. Catt says.
"Many states where i atiiicati.ei
has taken place have been having
schools of citizenship. We, m tin
headquarters, have naturally In en
gie.itly interested in this form oi
activity and in seeing that these
schools ically rise to the high a i i
which we, who have made so
.sacrificial a struggle to get the vote,
ought to put before the women vot
ers nf the country. Alter our i.nai
i ii..Mt'ttng ! 1 1 , " 1 1 and v l',M ! :'ep a "i
i ii o ' , h i thit w c tray g c i from
them all the'! e xpe i 'e", r I . a - t
lei e w 'sh to a.', I e, tin i s II oi
the N n 1 !"v se: 'i mi 1 crsit and t ' e
t hicago nun , i :n oi .lei" to hi!
, ur ptob'en' to gteatti heights than
a if en t ' v h . s vet been alt line.!
c w aeib! I ke lo hue.! to
, l. .ol th, I, "id ot p. a, ti, a: eihn a
tioial w oi k that I- beifg .Inie ri
some ol i'-.c , s a " I in t w iv
p' all alt,"..! r:! s upon th,
school tviih t!ie best prepat u ,oi.
the new i ill -ei.shii w.nk wln,!i is
available at this tune
"I Vl'ty state ouy;lit to h.iV -lll.o!-
ot c if' , n - hip and lii.'i, lei,' i ee.1 -
! "Diamcnd Dyes" Make All Her '.
. Faded. Shabby Appatel
. Turn New .
i -! ' pet -on who lias h ol
i toiimng t" in lit-i tin the
I believe that auv stale i
in i. , fiild keep tin ee or lorn
ea 1
Ideal Wrinkle it mover
luisily Made al Home
( , :i 1 1 1
tun ; if. I . - v i
vol t'
..hoiild he c
county and
lliey ought
out so impe
sell oo
illdueled in every state,
village of the nalion.
to be planned to giv
ling an inspiration
the h'Miii.i tea. put a towel about it,
have it (lone c.'irect'v -and
tautiv. -,,,, ti,. n down close to the head.
b.verv sex weeks ton wol have to I jt Uim ,aif ai, hour.
have lye ,i ti!ied again -ometimes i A,-,er ,rushing thoroughlv drv in
otirner-until the hair is accustomed
to the coloring. j
Dyeing takes patience and perse
verance. Il the is pi, ma
li.Uely ope can exense a woman for
dyeing it. If if thne tot- it to
turn, the Inns ol th,; fa, . leipiire
sottenmg. and gray hair give- it.
Nothing gives a vv..iiian Mich a
hard look as dyed hair, ii her
is wrinkled.
F.ut --women vi!I dye their hair, j
For iMi aohurti tint, and this js (lie
sini or over a heater of some
For a walnut stain, a reliable one
is made of walnut -kins beaten to
a puhi. i. .ii r ounces ct them, and
la ounces ,,f alcohol. Let it stand
;'. .!' 10 days before using
women m large numbers will vote.
"Many teachers will be wanted
and many ill prepared will atten.p:
i lie work. Therefore, we of the pres
ent national board feel that it is
incumbent upon us to offer to the
states the best preparation for this
new duty which can he commanded
at this time.
"We wish to invite those who
have been teaching citizenship
schools to tell how they have been
Juniper Tar
Best for
Don't worry iiboul perfect i e: ults.
I'.- e "Diamond Dyes," guaraiitt'cd tn
rrivo- a new, rich, fadeless color In
any fabric, whet lit r it he wool, silk,
linen, colton or mixed goods
dresses blouses, stock i ih's, skirts,
children's coats, feathers, draperies,
coveri ngs.
Th'a Direclinn Ibiok with ea, h
package tells so plainly how 1" dia
mond dye over any color that on
cannot, make a mistake.
To match any material have drug
gist show von "Diamond Dve" Color
Reliable Home Sys
tem Under $109.00
February 9. at J:,?D o'clock. M rs. , t ,muiissi, mer Robertson states 'in
If. J. Ihiih y. department leader, says ; fh;eti,-a absolutely on the wane in
that al1 club women oroth-Ts inter- Chicago, rapidly approaching nor-e.-ted
in hearing .Mrs. I'eler.son, are mal c-onditioiis and prospect of any
invited to r.tteiiil the meeting. interference with convention. Hope.
. . ' our state vi!l he well represented.
Chicago Convention " A R R 1 L CH A DM A CATT."
Hastings, .xcn. heh. 4. I ,,. Hetwee,. M) .),) women have
kevnig telegram has bt ei. re- ,,,.,..,,. ,ifoiitl(,, tIlril it)(ei,ti,jn nf ,
ceived from Mis ,irr,e ( hapm.m , ,.,.,, thp xatin;l, Suffraoe .
att. president . the Nation, ut - ,,lv clUl a, del,(?ates fmm Xe. '
trage association, by Mrs. ( barles j,rHS' t 1
II. Dietrich, state president of the! J
Nebraska association. ! Women -tudents were first al-
"We -hall hold convention Chi- j nutted to the University of West
c,R'. February 12 to 18. He alth ! hrginia m lUR.-. " j
f Coughs,
. Colds, !
jfnSore !
W Throat
Keep Juniper Tar In ih Mrdlrin
hrst fiT Finerrnvli .
60 Doses, 30c at druggists
Tat persons, pari i.idarly tlinss
frnm ten to sixfy '.uiiids above nor
mal weight, will be interested bi
enrn timt lh''V may'e weight
while ratlin; nil tley li'-'d mid whi!.
reallv onj.iyinft the easy way of becom
ing slcinlor and lienlt l.ier.
This slinulil he dune br usiii '; evil nf
knrrin, iilso follovviiig simtile rules ct
kivrihn system thnl. e.iin v.itli til" hov.
Evep a (cw days' toiatment Is hum n
lllaivv a I'le i'iiilK ri'du- 'l.ili. Tac si. I'
enmes tljih-er. the tfe.-li flr-iitr. tin- fk"i
lem.ethcr ; wrk soi-nis e;ier. Mre l-u.-a
nt leelii's t.iK.-a i's:; nf ti.e li"!
t.!v ami mft'tl us S'H. Tituntis I it di -.-i I'p ' i rt.
lf yuu liavt tritd various methods
of fat reduction without real benefit
you Diay be now be very thnukful nt
iiiiving foiuicl a Pennine system. H isj
nafp, pleasant anil healthful. In eae Ii
bor there is n .100.IM1 guaranti e. Hu.7
a box of oil of korein ar nnv lmsy drug
store, or send, for free brochure P
liorein Co., Station V, New York. N. Y.
e'l V "t I'.x.f tl.'Mllll l ', .
ii I a-.- Mill, i iiii.lrn ,n l in
fl II, ' I ,,r yti. I
llie ,',., t enn !,r ,iii,l,lv
11 . ' IV rt lie el-- i, n,l l,i tuli
I I el-ni , cl l. ,le s .tc in,- , im-
,"in, 1 l"l' i'.m, tl-Ti-a sj,,.il,. m Ii.iU
1'inl .a wii.-i. I'll-, -I I'I.ih is net mile n
.ll'inia,' list ,'H.i; fill , tail III - A hrtH't'wial
l.i.i,' !!',, -t n' " tin' lii'inrr. s iu.,,.1 h,"
si iii, ti..' ni.,i. .,iitlifl Hpenai iin, ' .
I'l.'ll Hl'1,'1 tt,' ,V lll.-l Hpi'lu-aticii. will
H'l.'l.l.ll ll'I't .telit! .'ll.
II van .-ill 'lean -"Hie vvltt-h Hm.'-I
lli'il i,cei; , ti ii, C.Mil' illllClLrist 0 0 ' I
in:,',,' ,,iii ti s e ii . k I s romovei a th
r.'.'l.'.l, can uiil till,! Iliis tar nwl,' ,''
O'.IIC,' tll.'tll MI.C-sH,',' ,.nl., I'llstP Mti'l
.al m 'iin-!,' in - rai .11 leu-.
Some kind nf S I n m a c K, T r o u Ii I e
Willi Cramps and Terrible Paini
Made This Oklahoma Man
Life Miserable Until Black
Draiit'lit Relieved llim.
( inckaha, dkla. -Mrs. .1. Y.
Walker recently said this: "We use
Flaek-Draugbt as a family medicine
and think it is the only liver medi
cine made. My husPand makes it, up
ami Uses it as a tonic as well as a
laxative. I use it for headache, sour
stomach, a full heavy feeling after
meals, which 1 suppose is indiges
tion, and it certainly does mc lot
of good.
"My husband had some kind of
stomach trouble -wo don't know
ju-t. what. It would strike him juit
any time in the day and' cramp or
pain him just, terribly bad. Pome
one t "LI Ir in how to make a ten of
the Mack-Draught, which ho did. It
did him so much good it removed the
cause and cured him. Since then
we have praised the Black-Draught,
to our friends, anil gladly do so."
Seventy years of .successful use
lias made Thcdford's Black-Draught
a standard household remedy. Every
member of the family at times needs
the help that Black-Draught can give
in cleasing the system and prevent
ing or relieving the troubles that,
j come from constipation, indigestion,
lazy liver, etc.
Try Rlaek-Praught. Sold by all
I d rut-gists.
u In IH
On Sale Thurs
J LJu ! Iznfls 1 Hffl
day and Friday -Cash and Carry P
mm j
rices- Delivery on
rders or Evlore
Store No. 1
2223 LEAVENWORTH ST. Tyler 562
Gold Medal Flour, 24 lbs $1.70
Best Creamery Butter, 1 lb 65c
Granulated Sugar, 2 lbs. for 30c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen . -t. 57c
Large Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 60c
Small Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 40c
Copco Standard Quality Corn,
2 cans for 25c
Copco Standard Quality Peas,
2 cans for 25c
Copco Standard Quality Tomatoes,
2 cans for 25c
Selected Hand-picked Navy Beans,
5 lbs. for 45c
Old Monk Olive Oil, per quart. . .$1.50
Old Monk Olive Oil, per pint 75c
Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 25c
Kirk's Flake Soap, 3 for 20c
Omaha Family Soap, 3 for 20c
Electric Spark Soap, 3 for 20c
Cudahy's Borax White Naphtha.
5 for 25c
Caripo Ripe Olives, per quart can, 35c
s mom
Store No. 2
Washburn Blended Rye Flour,
24 lbs $1.25
Gold Medal Flour, 48 lbs $3.35
Best Creamery Butter, lib 65c
Granulated Sugar, 2 lbs. for 30c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen 57c
Large Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 60c
Small Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 40c
Copco Standard Quality Corn,
2 cans for 25c
Copco Standard Quality Peas,
2 cans for 25c
Copco Standard Qality Tomatoes,
2 cans for 25c
Select Hand-picked Navy Beans,
5 lbs. for 45c
Old Monk Olive Oil, per pint 75c
Quaker Macaroni, 1-lb. pkg., 2 for 25c
Quaker Macaroni, V-lb. pkg., 3 for 20c
1 can Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 bars Gob
lin Soap and 2 Golden Rod Washing
Powder, all for 25c
Cudahy's Borax White Naphtha Soap,
5 for 25c
No. 22 Can First Grade Sliced Pine
apple 35c
Cor. 2 2d 31. and PoppSeton Av. Tyler 3718
Gold Medal Flour, 98 lbs $6.50
Best Creamery Butter, 1 lb 65c
Qranulated Sugar, 2 lbs. for 30c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen .... 57c
Large Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 60c
Small Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 40c
Copco Standard Quality Corn,
2 cans for 25c
Copco Standard Quality Peas,
2 cans for 25c
Copco Standard Quality Tomatoes,
2 cans for 25c
American Beauty Macaroni,
20-lb. pkg $2.25
American Beauty Spaghetti,
20-lb. pkg $2.25
Old Monk Olive Oil, per quart. .$1.50
Cudahy's Borax Whte Naphtha Soap,
5 for 25c
Diamond C Soap, 6 for 25c
Caripo Ripe Olives, per quart can. ,35c
Muscat 3 and 4-Crown Raisins, 25 lbs.
for $5.50
California Dried Grapes, 25 lbs, $6.00
Store No. 4
Pillsbury's Best Flour, 24 lbs . . . . (ask)
Gold Medal Flour, 24 lbs $1.70
Best Creamery Butter, 1 lb 65c
Granulated Sugar, 2 lbs. for 30c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen .... 57c
Large Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 60c
Small Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 40c
Selected Hand-picked Navy Beans,
5 lbs. for 45c
Old Monk Olive Oil, per pint 75c
Elcano Tomatoes, No. 3 can, 2 for . . 35c
Amercan Beauty Macaroni, 8-oz.
pkg., 3 for 25c
Caripo Ripe Olives, per quart can, 35c
Diamond C Soap, 6 for 25c
Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 25c
Kirk's Flake Soap, 3 for 20c
Cudahy's Borax White Naphtha Soap,
5 for 25c
No. 1 Can Grated and Sliced Pineapple,
2 for 35c
Store No. 5
TYLER 1739
Gold Medal Flour, 98 lbs $6.50
Best Creamery Butter, 1 lb 65c
Granulated Sugar, 2 lbs. for 30c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen. . . .57c
Large Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 60c
Small Sun-Kist Oranges, per doz., 40c
Copco Standard Quality Corn,
2 cans for 25c
Copco Standard Quality Peas,
2 cans for 25c
Copco Standard Quality Tomatoes,
2 cans for . 25c
Skinner's Macaroni, 20-lb. pkg.. $1.90
Caripo Ripe Olives, per quart can, 35c
Old Monk Olive Oil, per quart. $1.50
Muscat 3 and 4-Crown Raisins,
25 lbs. for $5.50
California Dried Grapes, 25 lbs., $6.00
Omaha Family Soap, 3 for 20c
Electric Spark Soap, 3 for 20c
Cudahy's Borax Naphtha Soap,
5 for 25c
Kirk's Flake Soap, 3 for 20c
Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 25c