Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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I ' "1 'b.W.n 'm" v !r. ,ir. N i- . "l : r .m j
. .lo e'. r" roe!.;, r, ,1, n.i n-, ilrn: rani
be 'i.,1 rir (..,;.; In j', ire n( 14. li
'l:'h. " s.,1 , N I
vi'K II A P. . il t)i" nh V ft.' In I
buy In mil .a';!'.,- i..: . wat-. ? r e.'.i I
M iNrii ie I n .H' m's ' fn
bo nisi I Jul , - T "iv m ! ' !i u Vi o :
.".1 .ens oj . ;ir b. !r,f
"McCague Investment Co.
V I f.f , jv rush f - .. 1 h i or pti-
' fm In rut- M it t ) : ,h;i:cl! and
i -i"-1 ' r'nM, H". V K ' v Irif f-j'.l u-
Box T-S, Omaha I.eo.
ruA'ii.M ws v antf::
b'nipj, lotto a-.j rf wor'h the
viirtiry. Kr qu!"k ifinris. I'-st with us
t ?.." B-:ir.Vli 'Ih'.i'T H.i.g.
fowler & Mcdonald
UlVlii' Vi 1 : n"'k htj
W K hm o l.uii. v t": (f I :st uiih
Kim ,ii:n " -.i.MM.i ,.
4 '1 ' or.ibs r i r' I.;
1 1 i r "'.,.-' ,o, 1.vlM, "ir"
m lioi;. .. Hh I""' '' lit In
I ' i.x .. ..1i en V !". .1 II.
1 I - 1 li r i i -M f I v w Pli
I'll II. . I-:. I'KTLlf.. 'V . ' .M CANT
I 1 i i In Nil! H... k l..-;c " 1 -
Ml!.!, I . i - a' f- " ..iirr...-l-.. s".o:i'1
'''llK.ik''. t' b oor.s '"b.ts. I..
I'-.ix.-, Tlri-vi-la r"-.ilrr Til.,-
h...t. I.M'AI'K :,.,.t ill! k t itu'lrnnoe.
1 1 l.l; M A NSI-.N - i t i
, t " .:t tin n,,i n:.!ir
W VTx'T l ) iuv from . iv: ni"fVni or
l.irt t'loibrn, 5 to 7-rimv. bonso for
i jr;. 4
J i'U ...a it mi .. Iiv '.'"i- s-r-t- !( wi:h
'. il 11 i: I Ml
IT 1 i 'in ,v Ilk H'.U- I '"Hi! 1
IVI' !... i ho T-1 j -1 ...... i ... . ,4., ..;! ..iit
.-tj ; !;.t villi . I . c n . f'..tiMi.,
-I Hry'.'.' TllMI-- 1 1 ST
i -an" I'A V " f r'.."'in 1 v n n:7" 7i "i:i..".lV-rii V-
rooni h' 'IH'V 'Hi pi l'i',lti'i:i. e.
rim ll . r ; , i ii,.h h. li. i-
Real Estate Loans arl Monngages.
. fi.i , j i n .h,r ma I 'l'. i i.:iiiM V l.
'A i I u,, l; .it i mi, in, !
''' r.v ' . ! i.i "ii in., i i i. .i r.V.u-v
i i,i "M .- !: .ir ii !!!.. . II.
'' iM V:- , t-i i I I, ... Hi... II. ''II
fi.MAl'l "liiM'KS -.;sr" NKII KMIMS.
ii k 1.1:1. b it km. k - ta n:
"l om Nut If. iin.k- I i-'i
pi: i rn ' i : .
$ : M i.. J ' ii ' i. 'I r ! r iitill' ; y.
K f 'i: i ..-.l. u:.u "1" S IMh ft.
PR I V. 1 I i' i ! X.
lii'..N A- nilll'IM lin,K 4--.i
! i: HI K 1 .. h l. "mi In N:i'
Stocks And Bands.
.-. Mil I l. I'M KM'
'Vm t. ' im'ii ;..n '! I -'"" frairr-
I; IHII i" ' ' MH'I Wl-'lilllZ 10
i al." 'i I" 1 1 I ' inrv r"n ' i T p.ili- y
u 111 ivi.i- l i I -'Ii. .' i i : '' ii i' 1 1 iK-'lh i'f
'n.n'-'.'l. I'll" Is i' 1 1 1 I'M ami in p"or
ii,.,, i' h. u sSI a "i.i i ' 1 1 1 - s.i Hint
. i.lir,. $ 1 . 1 ' ' il !! ;m. 1 . r.'li- li 'Mi-r
i il- i. I h of ii'i-ii' 'I, :i it'l '"Hi ii'" 1
iip prtr.1'i ni In iii'-miir, , cimni'i; to
"ink fi"m V"1"1 i.i 51 In sh.-rt limn.
lrl'!l.'.. Ilr" 11, M '
Finani'i.'.l Wanted,
i'OC'K ISm'K
W iM! frotr ?1r,0 '
v, onn ptiM-k if y.iu
M.nre aui.itiMMHi woi kins t'rtt!-
' n t. WiU t-iiiMi,- r niily fstab
i iv-hf,l f ;rni! n lv nr" nn a
money nuiklng r'is!3. wbn hfv
-ir v ii! pay fll'nil". n
n ho h.ix'c 5 nft ur mnr stock
hMi.Iers. U'-pliP.t houM Rt-s
' d.-'tnlls, nhli'h will h
i r-'nti In ronfitl'.'iv t.
m 1" .T,,,-.U 'tl
iil'l.l' like to l-t.-tr fiuni soui li'iiu i'm
pMiy "r s-omi mio lu hn s money to
:.n 'n f.rt lii'M-tRu'" in Logan or
. Kit K r;nn roiin . i'oloratii, writo
l-'nt Nil Ula of ,N racuso, Nfit.
Colorado Lands.
Colorado Land For Sale
Five t h ou in n1 firr t went y milps
umiHi of Mathfson, Colo ; nil tilla l ;
?.imM fliTi'P uncior c u it i a I l"n, iL'if
lr il ne , saii'l Ion in fin!!, v a f v. ii b
w Lit! mLI . three pMO'l t of imi'rov--uiPiifs,
wrr-th from to $!i.'in(
K'li. ,'rop.i 1'iirn, nhat, rye, Im'.'his
ni'il p"tno-tt. ' four"! In eetiMiS
n u h;t If scot IfTi ; sohool hnns on t ho
VHTi'.'h f i v f 1 o i li" ti stot"'- rurnl hihO
1MUt Vnc ??0 tn Tor ii rf; ha'f
h sli, ( rm.H in balHper. This 1s a ronl
fi.rni. 1h j Meal. LI nil nr hiiv
itiirt ii-Tt'M ur. I'rlce nr.-nriinK
to mi"tl. r nf Hi'tvs Mtulor rniiivatinn
ttnl r:prn MOf ii's H. A HnlMfi5i'n,
Jiarpfain In Colorado Land
IMVii' tmrir'l forty nor, lfly !-"lal;
f(y Tl!:l' t'f i ''ntln SpHllk", l'l
L::u o'n, p-m -vi nil.'s: roo1 fence;
wi hnndre-1 .-v- Ir"f-; living wafr;
hivsi 1M 1"""; mu( fpII at nnoe
tor rash. Vrion p'xf-rti .l.iiinrs ir or.
M-- n i.;i! Nirip h.s tin ivnrstment
f..t ri'i'-. r"'-!'i n '
! t V. T "n S: . ' .i' Sprinqn (-'"
l ar-r.s ani iimi'h.'i fi'iy l;'1. Inwput
TM-Ii-'S' ,1l t ' 1 '. RiH',1 CT'ip. fx-rl-
'-nt iliniati ..-n. for frre d"sert;'tl
I'Ci'kl.'t nn.l l'it.
jiii; iini.i',1! riiiMTY co.
1 .am ir. i "In.
to At'RKS, or... Miilo nf lounly s n I ; nrw
t'iiMC.ilt''v lifii.s v ,.tlirr itnpi-"Vii''-iil :
r.i t snit, sprmcs .iii'l riinnlnic it.'iIt;
in 1 1 s ,.ii'' ":i:.t nf IH.nvir. lrnl with
own i-!. Writi' I. I-. ILiimcn, 214 Wllkln
Mni . iiiiiiih i
" T. N1 1 SKKK KUS"
ThnsA thin MftlH t'i Kili' fninis nrl'1
iHiirrios, bMh il-v aii'l 1nlKHt'i'1 lan'l.i.
i'S.i rf.v rl y, mil it wll
iit3 nf v. itiiii. w ,. rln. Hio Slmit
Si . n, n, .r rJ.v
Vi lnl. I , lioi,'f I w ."' llnpr" I'll 1. in-
null Co.. C"ln. UiPls. HrtTirHiiiii. Fasy
tornm. Srt .T. T,. MunrT, Arrlbfl. l.'"ln.
Iowa Lands.
l;n Ai'KKS nrnir l.arllns an.t Vms'iia.
fair M't nf liiirroyoni'-n'i'. ShHtiy onimlv.
IJ15 per acri i !'!' c !: I'm;., posas
slon March 1. 1970
701 Kurbao'i Tf k
Kansas Lands.
l.lO'i acrfS of fe'llli-. lov.'I, Marl loam
.ill: M) S'T'i pislurn. iiO a, -res culti-
laltnr,. 1.0"0 a.-r-'s Tiat!v KUl? s!"n
ineailowji:; o . . o
i ropa 19'9; plonly watfr; railway sta-
finn en land; on auto trail in oi l-olt;
$loo per ai-re; t-Tttts. Jl. G. Lambert,
oner, Tornr-to. Kan.
tiiiR M.E i '!ie-'iuanr e.-tlon of larvl in
M ill's nr, mill. K.insa. 100 a'T-i nf al-
l"y lan.i i"nl- r ."jltiiHli' n i'.o a'-'iii of
Bool iua'r'.o bsy laml l'n J'.i'M'o ppr
aori. 4". K. L'avis, Jioard of Trail B:lp ,
Kaii5as '"Iiv, Mo.
VOR SAT.K li'O a TO smooth wj'pril
Kamns wtioat land, iliji m towi ?l o.iO;
iurtcr furiliHr cm. $.'.60n. Write V. E.
Nl.jut!. Sullna. Kan
Missouri Lands.
M5ACRF:ii. al1 fine, dcT. blai-k'iimf-ston
land. Good oorn. alfalfa, rd
oloipr row on plao: Mg, fine barn.
Prlo It it por ao;. Write tor list. E.
L'.CroftNoi ada. Mo.
I 1 T.. diair.e'l land. l'io hu corn a
r.Trms 4M i nn? iipuards. one-fourth
oash. Ivlaiioe :!f1 .?ars. Foe m. G. V.
!ohb!n li'io rh.-aco.
Nebraska Lands.
toR SAt h Farm In Butte l Oun'y, Jijl
acres of pood sol!, no sand: pop acrei
traotor land, ixo bt.s under i-ultna-tion,
23 acres 11 alfalfa; land fv-nopd
3rd C"oss-fTicrd . 1 m pi oi -Turn's fa'r;
Will SPll 9tj0 aor's or less. Terns.
i r?r asm, ij rish raym'nt and bal
ance on tin," to u!' n-.Tobaspr at 6
per cent. F'.'.n.os I n ipre ' i .--I w rl'e to
owner, i' A Smothers Ailiancp, Neb.
oorn Avr aTfVi.fa farms
at tb. ricbt price. AVrtt" for list.
Central City. Nebraska.
I ARMS, possession March 1. 1920. ? acrea
nd up. good ranch, aome exchange.
I -formation from C A.', Nelaon, 1021
AV. O. AV. Rlda-., Omaha-
'RITE lue for picture and prlcea cf ttt
farn.a ancl ranctiea In good old lTOais-ea
64, Xfi Hunferford, C'Tllwtord,, Ut.
Nebrsk Laiidi.
(()() I) ONKS
1 -1 3 if. Srpy rouniy. iral! 1m-
;i:-i '1'-. ll Uilll. g '0 i'ii;lt.rn ;
r'y f : ! it - r
w i . : or s r'i!i of OiriAh.
sit"ii. it "nl 'irn, njilaprl mill
v i -r. :4 "00 can run f. r
1 o v ,
' '' i i, i re oniv
4"'-ii darilv a.faifa
r mi!'' fut
tl I 111: TO t'J. i
I . j p i r
i'1 aori's orpy i ,i:ni
"1 .ii f.iir
iinprovuniPiits llri;a.'l n l llin.
M a rifl Sarpy oiiiiniy. upland; ru
mi'rou Put .nail I" pi ,, -iipmiis ni-ar
"hoot and hlKll tl""i. !"o: to i"ll
tn. Only f:A per; is, cih. haUii' I
per fir.
210 a'T'.i. within fit ml'.., dnndy In
oii"n, nunierou.1 In-pr,. imium . l uo
110 a.'r,. large S-room hmisH, fair
'il. ' 'oi1 11. and good traitor
faun, imly I;-::.;.
170 aori-n on main highway, lavi aood
lilK w.'ll Imrroi',1 Uilni1. not a rlm-
ple "n it. wnrih ti: ue. ifily
lo a.Tr. lininl.n riHitity, .vouuth'.n
to t eo -oil ! ii it 1 y pr u I cf exua larita
I i7i t . r ' -. m p 1 1 1 1 . l.iys Idoal. U'oi
C ' a '!' good l.ii.iilon, -!i. He In, 4,i
a -r, . .i;f'.;fn, worth mora. J.13".
fi a .. iiiland.". 0:050 in, 0 Mild not
lav I,- '.-or. liitprovoj, good oil. liiqj,
l' n a' f.s. 1 so 10 K'.oil town, Itn
pro,.,l ;!'ii BiTfn of It lvp and good
land iivorlh Llio entire pion.v a.kPdl,
lialar.oa 1 il.inir to raunh hardwovd tim
ber pas'ure. $140.
31 aori-a Improved, clou in, extra
good .'!!. $375.
P4o iitpi, two e.fs of liiiproyementa,
m.i.iir porii"n intra good faun land. general (train and etock farm. Only
$.11, .
SO aorofl, wl'hin iliree ml!a of Omaha
nea- eta:!-.n, lit lai d In Ilia stat. ( 3 .'. 0 '
US" a. r-'i", , ,00 in, $jii,n00 worth of
liiiJT.ivf monte and 1H0 acrej alfalfa.
A m Sn a-r.'i Tiodfte street. 120 anree
enior stn-.-t and :() ai-res Douglaa
1 lu.ill n '1 you mmiTi'ii. 1. liters far
ohoapT land, for la nionev. bm then"
nr all 1I11011, I'liTMi-K KARMfl, not a
" " t farm anionj; tlifni. Soo an expert,
''."..d lerma on i.Tal ,f my beet ones.
' Mil V S, MI'UHll.I,.
K'15-inu; ill na'I'H'NAL PANK
i' or ..' 1 Miii.i in,.! Knoliea e-e
ii ni bail' . 1 V r 1 s Kr.Mio 1 'o
-J-l1 ''- N' ''"' "' "I'iir . 1 'mail.
1 i ri;"i . "1.1 1 : K'.""$.;.'ini""; ,',!, ,' oV,t , '1.$
1""' lilli" ii'!:'iii;, M. I'ni'i, oun-T,
Hir'.o .iluv-, M.i
A jV PATZM V. Kymri"i Karbaoh Hill.
South Dakota Lands.
Ui'i Al'kl-.S, 5 milt's caM ci 1'irrre.
S. IX, go 11 1 1 c 1-1 Ri'i'iri'l; tlii-v
are 1 a i -i n 50 hu li c 1 -i nf coin to
tlii' acre in tins (!;tiict; will lake
icr acre; a snap. R. I". Ilcy
(lon. Apt. 15. T!ic Morns Omaha.
Vf KKAL'kstaTK MKN-tf yo,j "svant
'o km in li'uoh with ih b.-al oheap
land In ti ii'imlry Mdiy. set my ll.t
"M.inry Mnkifc Hat-a-air." In I'entrM
Soulh 1 1.1 k , ta " 14.1- ru.ib 0"inlii. I'.tt
I.i imiT '1 F llarpes. I'. rre. S. 11
lil'i A' l: i.i Knprnvi',1 4 nil!.'
I.e.oa. M' I'lior.iop iouitty,
Kai'l. n. Koi,'i. Ta.
1 nontlloast . f
S. I'. Ja 11103
Texas Lands.
NI.N.T e ins'.. 111 for la5 Hlo lirand val
lov Toa . la-.. I' biuarv 6. W. S.
j'ranl;"":' .x Hlo If k.
Wisconsin Lands.
Li'N'l ".l k; V. a mapii?.ni ulilnp the
faotn In roKaid to tb.o land iituatlnn
T'brpo monrhs' aijl'n. rlptlon. 1'KI1I7. If
for a home or as an I a i-o.-tinent you bio
tlimkliis- of buying 4t""d farm lan Is.
pfinply n rile mo a lM.-r and say "Mall
inn I. AM" il.i 11 1 r a-d nil panloulara.
1T.FI7'1 Add'-osS Idl'o-. l,and"loi;y,
.ikidmor. i,n, o., 473 Skldmore Kl.Jg,
Marineiie. M' ie.
F07 Sale.
T , n h t Sit l.J u io k . new t n p n n il n nf
tiroes. 4v -trellent i-ou n ton. T H! sU
4iii ihim car for ?,o2 down, lialanc'i
Js) per month for 10 months an-1
vi!! pay your Insuran for 1 yrar. No
tntrf. Oil M'ylpr or Tyler 4172
during offir hours.
13", Cr.STH VKR MU.17, GAS ANT)
H14 H(iU'ART STHni7T. P'H'G. 42T.
fiu-nr 1 A.-i tn (T e!ty, itnl 'tll Pfl ''rif -i
thl-i fine, 1917 model. 4 cord tires,
rnynu-nto: If dslrM. Will trade. CaM
today, Walnut 4 3 0 5 .
1 v Ti'N in iv trnrk at 2.3 per rout dis
rouut : w ill ai-oept aiuall rash paymont
and the balaio-e may bo paid; i
bllnsr In xour Llb-'rly t-onds; must b-4 '.
snl'l ai oMoe. .'all Smith, llnrnoy 7333 or
Utr. AAls-ht at room 929 Hotel Conant.
t'SFI) cars of
eptional value.
37 73 Farnam Pt Tong 19714
114 MSSF.L, 1st
'I I 7 7,
iss cntidltb-n. Pouglas
An Ideal Farm for
Thoroughbred Stock
288.(33 acres, 4 to miles from Carthajre. S. 1)., on
main highway to county seat and main line from Sioux
City to Huron. Every foot can be farmed, lays fine, from
north to south, juft rolling enough to drain. This land
is fine black loam. Farm is all fenced and crossed.
Eight-room house, with cellar. Good roomy cattle and
horse barn, big new cattle shed and hog shed, machine
shed and granary, hen house and other small buildings.
20 acres of timothy on land. Land all under cultiva
tion but 70 acres. Trees on north and east of house.
Buildings face south.
Possession March 1, 1920.
Slo.OOO cash handles this, balance on 5 and 10
years' time at 6rr. Here is an opportunity for a good
stock man, especially thoroughbred stock. .
Miner County Land and
Investment Company
A Real Farm Home
In Miner County, South Dakota
320 acres of excellent land 4 miles vest and
north of Carthage, with dandy good improyements,
consisting of house, barn, hog house, granary, flow
ing well, good grove around buildings, farm all
fenced and crossed. School house handy, ancl lo
cated on main travel road to Huron. Every foot
can be cultivated. 230 acres under plow now.
$34,600 carried back on land at 6fc for five
and ten years. $12,000 cash handles this, for cash
payment. Possession March 1, or we will rent
it for you.
Write or come at once.
For Sale.
"V',ls' K TlVi: 1'1'V
l :
1 k:
'I'l.l'' ':
i". r y
I ur
l;.i-i.':i ..r
I .a I r Kn..
ii,. I-:, t - ' I n i"
l:,.,1 K..I.1 ..'
I'll- H.iin.'y
I .-111 nn. I .Ki
n 1 : si v
KKKli I',
l' I'.'Mll'.KS M'.H. 'IVl.l.K l.ti.
11 7 :i '
M A Mill
, Till ''Ii
. f ::.. t I tl 4-
TV 1 : 1 Mi'
ol ,..4 giia;
,.i:,l. 1
1 H ". II". I" 1
In first -
' I : r -i" . n 1 1 :i . 1 ' t e
ad' for
' e. Wa : i;' 4.
:.. .b..,,!. !.' 1
;..r , 0111 -., . l.l r
' Ut 1 '' 4i,.,.f yy,, , 1 , s;
... ..- i'1'l IT1"' v, . r.
day and 1 I y r. w.ib ,, 1.
iial 'inie. ' I' I' k'Ta il:,l y ,
14 North 1 hi a', 1 l.o I r
I ,ln to .4,,, ;, 1
It 17 1 . 1 A 111.!' .int. -in. '
tr'.i'al and !:
r.Uiu i' !;1 ''- 1 "" '
National Au!"""t':
l.i'W; f
11 sohi 1
T wentlt I ii. 1 '' , i lit
hkVii m 1 r. 1 1 .mi a ' 1 v '
S. id for 1 dr. ular l:-f. Ma
1 o . 7 11 111 w I'd H"d
H'n" h avi:";.i ... .1 uJ
,.r.i. .'1,
1 1
1 1 oiislny
lect 1
frop I " '
mi:i: k - .'i i
il 1'ari am
If .
:.. sis
K.iriiiiin S'
ni:sT v.M.ri;s in kskp r.Ks.
'10 in F Ml NAM.
Til k " Vi'i xi: Ki.vt: h
V. n. N 1' 'M' 't.S M.iTi'K 1 1 'Ml ANY
'2 .'. .' 0 1'arn. .111 M
i?rurn:iTii'!r4 r rsi:i aus
Took f"
II,.. red seal 101 ' H.-llliein
I - I .1 I'A R 1 S 1 ' 1..
FX'-l'l'Tli 'N A I
IVAN I'lll'-M'or spol
1 ' lis.
Il," 1 "0 is'l rara;
iiuioli a. tun . 11
lolay Aula Kvnaiiso
10 7'U.! b'a r ti.i 111
I miK. 1 41 '.
NK'AKI.V iiw
;:4!ii I'-.i'ii im
Kurd i 'i.i'o at a lainaip
SI l"U.'.as
11. 11 'li l'S17l ''A KS.
Tires and Supplies.
i'l lil-.S I i HIT i M KM-.
A 1 1 h ?.os Hi proi'"r'b.n K""l '!
,,. rpbuil-e "1" n Sum! lis 'I'M' r 7?'.
oos N 1'1'h Si. Ksi.siiii" T to Shop
MAV TlltKS iiKAUAN T 1 7 1-7. 1
"j- ...! ! I ."Ml 4 $1 S 9;
jn.x.-.t,," ii :o I i;;4 i?
sf.i:sMi:.N AM' i'isTHiiii'n"i:
wan n:ii.
yTNi'ARH t t it i ; i'".. 4in N'". I'i rii.
N " ill: is" I 'ill t i'H r.A'
30,3', l'ISK....$ll!li 4s4 l:".-i
Oxl :'.!'
1777 Cl'VlNi
s. ,-4 ' o elat "
K.MM A N TI!!K ' ' ' It H 111? S
for Ua
:1 1
KM'lAT'iRS r.
S '7IkI M T
.""i' i " '
ceil K' 'U'.)
X K:-as-11,
st yvorl
r 2.1
, rea
er 4 'I'M.
adialors f,
Repairing rotid Painting.
VT 1 ' rvlMR" ' ' 1 R KS 1 N S'i 1 1. 1-7 !.
Manilla, tur-d In I'miiba .t-liour serv- ,
Ion f.r in'", tlU'iv Hiol ti'i''''r. Kxi'Tt
radlaior nnd f'Tobjr rrpainpe; t'"dy ,
dents removed; rp'w fenders made. I
I1MA1M Al'l'l K.M.'IAT'lR Ml-.;. CO,
1X11 Cihiiihk St. . ,T,!''r-?)':
MotorcycesandBi(-jcles. I
UARTkY - ll'SliN" MOT. 'KCViT.F.S j
llaiKame in in-" I maoldnc". A n 'or II
Rous, ibo n-.oton-jcle man. Tiih and I
.eav-niO'Tth S' I
Tl'lF. .CaTTva'TIi "X Army Imjustnal liome
is.'ll.-l ' '
nuyi ?.v
ur old olulhlVK. fuiTltur". 1
A e ool7 of. Wo dlsll Ibuio. ;
rh"iio i'"ug
oall. call an
4133 and our wagon will,'"""1 4.-u sn-.p 14 o- rauur s-ar"
a lnvi,..,-t ,,ur n.iv bouip. i a nil rul-'i! s'oad'- or 1 or- really -vo. Good
1110-1112-1114 TVdi;
AAli.T, Marian nraman, wlui loft
In KepteinloT. 191H, td.-ase write
old friend?" Ferov 1 1 1 14, Carhmore,
AAash.. c-n. F. A. AA-ngat". Jlos 49.
COI.l.KC,Tfl.;iKl, will piano !n
Htructl"tin or yoliip. for cougoPlal home,
riox T-i3S Omaha. Rue.
Horses Live Stock. Vehicles.
For Sale.
Talr f dark grax' mares, r. anil
5 ears o'ii, xvlshl. 2. MO: pair of browi
uiar-s, n and
years old. yvelgbt 2.4i"0:
pair of 1,44' mari's. n anu 1 xoars, wikhi
,500; pair of roan mares, S and 9 years
old weight C.ICO; one )iors. svelght
1.150; one horse, walght l.l'io !bf. Tlu-sp
horses nr all of the farm ard am gio,
honpst yiorkers. AVill bo hltohed before
buvlmr. Rpsblsnce, 210U Lake St. Fhone
AVPlist-r 1.1 17.
800 Sets of Harness,
"0 i'-r rent rtlK'iunt ; free I'. rrlcc.
Midwest Harness Co.,
1 Tor, N" 1fith St fmaha; Nob.
pood vcrlfrs; harnesii ami napon,
; No. tvh St.
' : : -r "r".-
CI-'iSING out 4iiv stork of roglslPied Rtld
pi illrropd New- ". aland". Fl-mlsh
c.laots sod Rufns Rods. Hiirgnlns f or
uuli-li sale. AV. v. Kr.uifo. 161s AA.
I.oulfia St., .'.rand b'-lanil, h.
N'ow iv b i i o 1 P "-k I ' " 1, -f Is, a iao eggs
for hati-hlmr. Walnut 2i.
ni.CjioMis ami" .i"k v i;i.ii y iiANr
I.r west ral"S. t'riiate bon booths Harry
Jlal.ifhook. 1714 Tiodt-e. li 5S19 Ks. 194.
' FARM and oily loans
11. 11. T.' il'c, I'7K7 TS'C,
1 b 2 S Kpolino lllilg.
1a ii 1. 1', liura v ?.
i', i",.... Hon
s .'., 0 n , 1
1 mo
I p 1 4 iv
at- y
.t.v :
( v l 7,: III
7.711 :' 1 : 1
UV'41 ' j.,
K'.4..T I,'..",.'
:ii.;ii o 1. a
w ' 1 a a I n
t day ,f lb'
1 Til H I W
I'.'. 4"
; i ;;n
a Ilia I hi . 1. v. u
.1 1110 d 1 y ,: a
I'H It ! -A ' .' 11 ;
but ii-s
k fo- ilo- i
I !v . "no h. ad
.;,li-r 'hall f"l' '
f ,1
'ly llioro holiii;
r. Ihia la ;; "" 1
day a voir mi"
1 in
iiiov,. tb'.a ii.o!':!i;i:
:;y i.'. nnii .:. , -i n
a yy lp 1" y 0: y j ,a:n.
e earli' I :i' 1 1. k on
t of 111.' fT-I SlK.'S
'..-.-s 1 at w ore 1 .,
ti w ".',:' olo.o. I ut
I In to tlo- 1 i.irkor.
a 1
' ou' rir 11:. 0 b' l.'iv
I nl 'or. iv '1 1 1, I I s
I H ''l 1111' 1 Mi ll 1
I 1 "U.'d 0 i'1.- or
at p::
lowor. T
:od and
1 1
p y or ! , 1 : s w as
nr. si a ly
1 : 1 ; K V
-r KK.KS
Av r
'i ". n 1
1 s l l!
f. 7.". S
1) 00 I ,
y 7 .'
11 urn:'
5 1 . 7
! I I,,
14 i
I i" 3
s 50
s 1 0
, . I' M
;,l (l.l
!.. no
'. 1 '"I
lo 7i
. 70 '1
. li"i
. no
I I.'.
, 0 I :
s T'"'k i:ks a N l
KK 1-7 1 'Kit P.
:.. 4! If. s ;-, 2" r.114 t ...
' ; i '. I ', torn u . ... v 4 n 1 0 7 li
l'i . '. ... 1 1 .T. 1 0 1,0 77 . . . 9'I4 11 111
... 1 " I" I!''
.-am I.i.'.-,;., Hlliil;ii r.'.'l::iK f . T on''.
l,...ds , r around I 7"'' b.-ad. but iua'..!y
I J U" I a ' , " ' . s o'l I'atl!" -Ilood to , Pol, H
l,.,o...s. I 1 a";,; I 1 " . fair to Koi'd booyes.
4 I 1 ; ' 0 1 ; ;,', . ooiniii in to fair b -om i,
jo no oil mi. good lo rln. loo .n 1 1 I k".
4 ; ; (,, i 4.1,11 , f:,T to Ko'd yiarliiiiis
1 ; I '". 1 7 O'liii'i.'ll to fair ) oarli on 1.
J i mi ,1.1'a; ,!,.,.,. to pill'ie h":f- rs.
SI I mi o I '.' 70 , I,, olooi',. I:, 'f.-rs.
4: i a.. , i ,,.i , !,,.. o p, mm i.iws. I ."'
I 1 7 "" . 1 (O ' b .' 0044 ?S 1 o ,,l ,
K'lr ,, H"od rows, $ i ; i 9 .01 : ooininoii I"
fur o,.,'.s $ , 'i ., , -j... ob.'oe lo prune
f- "'t I -, t ! "" .1 I 7 ". B t 10 I'll-'io"
I ''iters. $ I 0. ' '1 ;a 1 I mi. 111. dlum tn i,"d
f " d 'I's. 'i 1," I" 0", (-"liiii "11 to fair
f ni. -I-', 17 : " : ..; u-""l to ol'.'O e
4' ' !, 11 4 1 7" 1 1 1 on ; fair 1,1 Ro-'d t-" Ii -
" - a- '"i i '.1 : I, noon In f,!T " U "v.
.- s .1.. ; It 11- If'TS, $0 '" ., i 7",
o.-k ''"", J.I mi :': Oi'i-k call,'.',, 17 ."'"
" I" . 0, x,.. ' 'l4."i. .? 7" ;l l.',.:,0, biilix,
Mit, 1 o . . ; 7 ,1 1 - , 0
H" - It-.- op's "f Iwili I' ' -o -th'
00 Ibo w liolo was 4 !-. it,.,. I Ti.o s'uip-
P'T 1 iai-:-
. t v is 1 0 a 1 bicb'"-
ur 1 ,i -.' 1
: l,l ip.'i s
.1:0pp. ,1
' ilh l'. 00 (ii popul.i'
p.iytr.i; a ton of $ I f. ', 3 and
i' low M4 73. The pa, :t
raCy 1','s f'om s'ei,(h' to J"o
p:':';o boa' y b-'-s fu'lllIK t"
hi nil "i-.
pa, bers
bip'i Jiey Iif.-"., on the other
ban-1 extrern
til a K.i'd il"44!l as li'W
a, ?II7i. !':n!,"is l.'iinul lips' of thPT
hops from $' I 'i" 'a 1 1 1:.. Hull! of todays
iai, s yi aa $ M.7M' I :..i 0
No. Ai. Mi Pi No Ai f: ; pr
3 1 . . ' '9 1 x" 14 7- :..;:; 40 14 430
7 1 . . "'T 7 0 14 1,3 1 . . I :. s 1170
.7'4. 1 4 7 7, 91,.!,-, 1 t n 1 1 !
k'l..Mi3 1 M 11 y, 47..2r'0 70 :i 9a
L0i; jio 1 7.-, lil..2"M ... 17 00
.703 40 1 ; 07, il? .270 ... 137"
' ' I
J Shoe-p and I .-t 1 - Tho iv-rU oppnial
j "ill ivllli y lii,"l-r,'- roil of Ml''- !' and
; lambs, but pa kors irerg deoid -d!y bear
oli li'.'iii Ibo -iai"! .,--,, 10, ni.. a ifoii.'i'al of-
' '' ' ''iT.ip.-:, t 101 l.onns luul 10
: "U at pi"b'ps Mint. 4 .'re m.Mly 23',i.-,no
'ta ui's u,"p.-.i in ., w in a tow- maun
i ,.r v,.,... ,. 1.1..1.. n-4. .... iU.n.l o'u,; ro ouot-
itf'M ar'.unil " On ' l ?. "' nnd mhh.; l;i nil-y
' vh went cut t h '. t incrninff fit $ ' 1 . V 5.
Tli're c.a ot-y h r t ! n iItchii..! f t (oij.
oyv p',.1 lirf'O-!- ! " JITi'l ft Ti'l 'f a!lIS 1;1
t iris I'F.i ii' 'h of ! In trade u ;t down ward.
KtM-.N r offtrtnK hnd to at 1rolln-M
cf fuHv L'.'m. In nv-it oa'-'s. Floshy aiTtlt liardly bringing more than $19.00 at
1 !"''cont, im
gnotH'ionfl on F'lop ant T.amlm f ta 1
choir. $20 nn y.Zr. ; la tubs, fair
k v!. $19 y'fl id fshv fe.-dem. M.6
rrlinii; medium vleM feotjorM. 1 ."Uft
M , :,. r
lain mn, Jl i. ;n Tr' 1 . .on ; yearlinpg.
f 7 i.r, 'f, s
U'-ta. f I L'.'oi ft t.nn : ow,b,
KOnd (,-, rhnlro. ? ? ? 0.. ft O ; fivfig fa;r to
CO,d. $1 l.COfi 12.00; gold fprdT PWPS.
$vOi -ff 3 . 0 ; ewes, culls ond tanners. 17.00
Iijcaro I. lie Stork.
Chi a p.o, fvi. i'. --Cattl' Kr1-ipts.
ihi.'i hijji. ; fsTiTnat'-1.! to-o'-rroM-, Ici.Oiio h'i't:
tiMrker, w-tk; brt strfl, medium and
h'" H w, c h'-'l' p rid frlme. ? 1 o 17. ;
riM'dunn and n"'t. I ) '? I .'. 2 ' : mrninon.
2'-n !M'V 1jr!;t, poo-1 an.! .-holrc. U..0
' 1 . ; rfinii'i.'ii and inediutn, t.ZTi-'t)
I 2 r.'i, hut.-hor rattle, h-lf.-r?, T fi 1 ;,. 50 ;
t-n $t. To 'h 1 1 fi ; on nnera anfl i-m t f-rn,
y S n r 7.: v'Jil rTlvem. $ 1 7. :0 i on ;
fcf.j..r 7'-'rs. $"..0 j5 - 'lo; Htorker Kteors,
$;.:-' t, i" 7.,.
H'-s Koee.Tita, 44 1X00 head: rstimatpil
t'lui'-rroy,-, 43. in,) h"ad: marK.-t, ateady to
nn- hlsli-i': bull;. 1 3,1iMj' 17, en; top. !5.ii:
ho.-ii,, " I 1.7S 'o' 1 '..711; mi'dium. $ I 3 1 n '
;:. 7,0; li.-1't. M 3 1 3 'if 1 7 70 . lltrht. llpbt,
; $ ' 4 s o 1 3. 7 .' ; li.-i.vy pa. l.inK sows, smootli.
' $ M '"";' 1 1 . f .0 ; l a -kini; S'O.vs, rouph, $13. Uu
It 0 : top.:. J I ! no-,,- u,, :,.
sheou Lambs Receipts, 24,ono
b'.ul, e t inilfd tono.rroiv. IS.Ono b-ad:
inarWt. loiver; lambs. M lbs. down, fix 00
u 20 7,": '-ulis nod ''"imii'Mi $1 3.'"'0 '( I 7.73;
i ii's ui 'du'-ri (.,:. good and .'Imloe. t.a)
1M 3 23; oulis and ooliiiilon. $7.0015-10.25.
Ki.iiea4 ( ity Lhe StocU.
lii:,. ip I';'". '1,. re!i. 7 --!' P. Rurca.j
-f JT'.rpolp. I Catt!"- li'-'-'ipt'.. '71.500
lu'-id: psoors, slow- to w.-al;; others lower;
ivv hoof Moors. oh"!'" a ul prime,
M I 7n "t 1 0 27 ; mediums and Cood. JI'leOTr
1 1 7 7 ; "iiiiuoti, ? li 70 a l n r.'i : llulitwi-lfflil,
coi.d so, , hoio". si I on ii 1 7. 77. ; oommon
a-. I n:'-"'ium' J. jr. -i II : bui.'l'or .'at:1',
i.'if.rv. j; .... i irvm. e.,'4a. ,-o.7,-.5; 17 :,0.
nuiiti. ami, .'.-..2.7 'IM'i.77 ; val
rail, s, '! 7 .7,'. 1 7, ''0 : foo.i.r .,r,
'loll, s!o"k,r Mrors $: 7. a ,. 1 o on.
H-KS -R"-"ipt''. 1"."00 b'i'd. Tiarse!
..,:i' to 27o Ircher: lu'k. I! I..7. h to.S...
o.a'i.i. i I n '': I 7 I " : 111 'dlums. JIIX7-..
171'; liKu'i. 4 1 I X '.' n . IT' kinK soil,--,
Jl .: :." u i i "a ; v'c-'. M .!.'"' 'r 1 o no.
Sb' "p .-I'll I sin I's--li". cpts. s.oon head;
inail - t ::" ,. r.v f.odors. stoady ;
"ni' si; .'. ''r'.'ar.-,; on':? and rniuinon.
J 1 7 .'.'i t 1 7. 70 ; ;...rliiiK AV.'tliors. $!'.. 2.'.f
i'"l, e".is J ; 0 41, u l 2.7 ', ; rulls and com
limi, ?7 77 !T I O.2.". . In o. ilinq "MPs. JS.001
112a. f-C'lor lambs, Jl r,.:,o is.; j.
'loll. I Ity I lie Sl'iok.
S'O'is Cily, la l-'ei.. 2 ClitllA Ro.
, eip's, 4,'fii lo ad; mark.Pt sloadv to
4-oal. ; "home fed sloors. $14.00 1 H, fiO ;
short fo.l s-leer. :' . 7 :, - j 1 7j , o 0 : fat mn
; nd hof'"'3 Jx; i, J 2. 7 a ; oanners, $.'.,. 00.;,
r.TS: voal ralvrs, J vOn 1 r on ; feeding
rnivk end hi Ifors. $.i .10 'ij'S I'ft, atook irs.
Jl no il 1 1 on.
!!"Hs R ocoipis. head. market
sfradv; linlit, $14 so h l.'. on. mixed, $i4.r,o
f1l''i, hoayy. J 1 4.70 -rt 11, '.'0 , bulk, $14.70
li 11 .?.
Sh". p end Lambs Receipts, 4, for) had;
rnarliet. sfniily.
St. l,oni irnln.
T.omIs. .v.... v-b '2 Corn Ma"
.W ; .inly. $1.337 q 1.34.
uati M.iy. .c.
Niv York Coffw.
Wt Tot1!. Vfh. 2, 'of i o 7 Rio
1 futures, steady ; March, 1 4.". 4c ,
..U.'V. lrilC.
We Speciallte in the Careful
Handling of Otdera of
Grain and Provisions
Future Delivery
All Important Markets
"We Are Members of
f'iiienffn Rinrd of Trade
Milwaukpr- C'h amlicr of roniinrrr
M 'nneapijlis t"ham!rr t'f t'nimerc?
ft. I .tuiis M orrh.nit'i V.xc han(je
Kansns Cit y Hoard of TniHe
Si"ux City Roanl of Tr.-nie
Cmaha tirin Kxt-I;ang:o
We Operate Offices at:
(in..i!.R, Nfh. .Sinux Cily. la.
T,irii-on. Neb. Atlantic, la.
Ha.ctitip:s, NTeh. Hnmruirtf. Ih.
Holilrfp. N?b. fU's Mninpj, la.
(ipne a, Neh. Milwaukee, Wis.
Chicairo. III.
and nil nf tbee effice ar Con
ner ted with each other by private
We Solicit Your Patronaji.
Grain Exchange Building.
Omaha, Nab.
r. S. Cash ConaigntnenU Solicited.
and Industrial News of
i I 'in .ill... Fob. :. t n ''
I ilra'n re.'.'tpts g.-noi .ll'.i wore HkIU'T
.loin la-" yio'.i.lay, pari I, u !a rly , oin K-'
. i; ls of 1 1 1 1 a Kiain won- s oais .m
; y , a's a w'fok hko- heat ari iy.i.s lo
,,ay svoio 40 cars. t'aia '.S '.us, rye s
. us and barley oars. W'lioat was i on -,a"v
.!.- lo oo lowor, s;lh a f.'w
, r; Ilia ohoue namplea illspoa'd of up t '
a 'a'o liour. 1'i'in ias a oent up o a
o'oit off Sotno of the. ot.oloe y.'l.ow and
inii 'd ir.UKht the iiUiiia l.ow. r snJn
it:,, K''iiora!ly lower. iuiIs ivii uu-
I 1' II.,;, d
liHi,t Ni. 1 hard: 3 oars 7;n N
': bald 3 oin.-. $.'.ti": 1 oal. t. W: 1 oar,
M.' : (mii'M' I. No. 3 hard: 1 oar, f.'S;,
I o.,r. J '.' . ;i ; 1 rar. $7 aJ i Minn ! 1 No 4
,l.i i .1 -.'. on l a. $7 IS. s.uiipio i, mil Til
'im:i.! . $-'-3; l mi $ 7 70 .;.',
.si) No. .1 iliuui.i: 1 oar, $7 37 No. 4
. ii ii u.ii I . . i , $7 7' No. 1 in', xi d I
a- $7'.". No. - mtxod: '-' oais, .'.1.
'dur'iiiii Na. 3 mixed: 1 oar, !: .'i No.
, i -lu.xod: i rar. (liuruml. No. )
1 mi y .,. i oar, $7 17 I durum i .
' I'.'i.i--N". 4 while: 7 oars. SI.40. 7
. ,lt, f :;','' No li yvhito' 4 oars, $1.7,7
,.'(t i n:'-: 1 i-ar. l 34: I our. Jl
No 4 i. lloi. : i on'?. $139. Ibi iai:'.
v; ,, o xilloiv: 1 oar. $1 33; f oais,
j; ')' ,.i 6 vollows- 1 oar. !1 37. No
liilx.'d 1 rar, Jl U. No 4 mixed: I
, ! $i ,o ipear whltii; '7 pais. $1 3. :1
, ,-s $1 37. No 4 mixed' 3 tars. SIT 7.
i .. a'r whitel; 1 rar, $131 ishippeis
islit-i; .! 0.31'S. $1 33. No. 6 ml.xeil: 1
, ar SI .1
4 ;!, Nn S white: 3 oais SSo; 1 -.
.71,,., 1 oar. y. ," :" K'sM. No. 3
1, ixod": 1 1-. s. ',0.
Harlov- -n !''! : 1 rar. Jl K
ii.lAii.v i,iy.ii;x j ,1 1. ii r. 1
Today Wo
K'l Ago it"
40 . 0 ii A :u
. Xs 1.1:4 13'i v'i
. L'.'i 70 ; , An;
X 17 9 ' Am.' i.Yei-lt Year Am
Ann Ac ' ' " I"
. n : : ' A"..
00 1. 97 I A:n.
.'. I.'i 7,0 ..'.' I A 111.
0 i 17 Atohlson . .
kr. M A U K 17 I'S 1 At.. C iv- "MS I'oru I'als liald-'.-in 1.'
.. 3-i 17 7 1.7' fx .x- " ....
0,; -a H dh StjO' ' 1
'117 ; ,1" v; 1 Hullo .X- Sup. C'
i,i- , . , 1 'a! P01 re'' mil
'17- 1 'an a ' la n lino.
1 Tib'
1 Hi
M Mill' .11"'
yy uu i.i, iL-
4nm1iit l.niin Iiispertion.
The puu'.I'it of in its if K -ii in 41 f the
s, ". oral gr-,,l Inxpe'iid "In'' hero ilurlntt
' I,., pa T 2 1 It' ll I'm fol!"44 y :
U ,i..,c Nu. I bard 2 ; No. ; liar,!. 4 ;
No. ; bard. I1; No. 4 hard. i; No. 5 bard.
" sample lard. 5: No. 3 nl xod. 2; fani
l'!o spruii;. I ; No. durum. 1 ; '1 o'a! 2?
,'.,,.,.. No. 4 " b " ', ', No. S X, : i It -. 12:
N ". j white, 1; No. 4 yelioi4, 7: Nn. 7
4 , l!"4v 2y: No. il yplb'44. 1; No. 1 mi.xod,
7: No' S mix d, ' 19; No. 6 mixed. 2:
lo'.ll e2
oal:- -No. ? 1,'lilte. 2. No a yvln'p. 20;
No 4 ivbltp, ': muipo) iibllo, 1. Tolnl 2'i.
rt4oNo. I. 2, No. .7. 1: 'lota! .
liarlev- Ni. 3, 1; reuot.'d. 4: Total F.
As i
Ro -eipts
AVb.. t ..
. . . . X 4 il. "'in
. . . ,.'...."
. . . ."!
l'-,''0 1
x 7o. nil, i
1 vi.nno
fi '-.',. on a
71?. 000
7 D.ooi)
1A b, at ...
. . . 7 1 5 . '"' r"4
4 L'.f l'O
. . , 4 . 2 '" n
IA iu at and four. . . . 2 l.;.''"i
C.T" 7. 4 . 0 ' 0
' 'ii t s 1 20. '"'-o
Knnsns Clly (.ruin.
17,1' -: l"ll,', Al'l , t'b. 1 --C,
or. . Jl. 1 1 Mav, J I 7'-. ; duly.
I ..- . Soptemuor. $'.2i4.
': .1 a 1 1 il -$1
32 ' V
iirk llunoT List.
i yVes' orn 1
I'. St. 2", rror, . . I oo ij Krle C.e;i 4s .. I"'
1'. S- 2s. o.-up. . 1 "0 ' ; i leu. l-:o"'. 2s . t'Hi.j
1'. 8 4'-. rfK -Ulai C.t. Nor. 1st
17. S. ov. 4?. 4 "':, 5Sj
coup 1 0 7- "-111. Cent. ref. 4s 70
1'lina. lis, reg.. . , Int. M'-r. Mar. Us 92
IMlm. 7s, roup. HH llx. c. Sou. ref. 4s 7'1'i
Am. T. T. I'V, ,L. & N. un. 4. . 601,
Its ; M , K. T. 1st
Anmlo-Kr. ds .. Ub'j 4 r!
Ai-ir,our & Co., M". Fac. uen. 4s f.ilS
4'-.. N Y. Cen. deb. s 9'!
Aloh. Ren. 4s . . ,71. Nor. Pan. 4b.... 7.74
tl & O. ri 11-s Ml, Nor. Fao. 3s.... 53 it
Both. Si.ppI ref. o.-e. Short Line
Sis. pf.l SI ref. 49 SI
i'nt- Lea. Ps... Jj'j 'I'ur. T.ei T. Sfi
t'nt. Fan. 1st.. 73 , I'-nu. rnu. 4tas. !"n,
C. Ai (i. ov. ,'s.. 784 Femi, fton. 4s.. SI
1'. B. 4 Q. joint ,R"a.iing gen. 4s KH,
4s 34 1st. 1.. A f. F.
C, M. 4- St. P. f adj. f.3 fOVi
CX-. 4'as 67 V Sou. I':"', i v. ts.l02x
C R. I. I'. I'Sou. Ry. 5a.... hS
Rv. ref, 4a 84 '- : Tf xas Co. ' Us 101
Clllll Ccti. ooi. T. F 1st ... . S4
trust 61 .... SO jl'nlon Far. 4s.. S2'i
citv of Faris 6s 1't Un. King, of fi.
Colo. & .Sim. ref. 1 B. & I. 6',-ia
4'jS nV (15.77) S7
P. & R. O. con- IF. S. Ilubber 6s. S.iA;
sol. 4s 63 I Wabash 1st Ss'v
li'.m. of Canada 17. a. Stoel 63... 97'4
?a (19.11) ... 91',!
St. .losrph Live Stork.
St. Joseph, Mo.. Fob. 2'. Cattle Re- ;
o ipl -, 5,fn0 head; market lower; steers,
$9 SOS In. 50; cows and heifers, $a.604ji
12.50:" calves. $: 50 fi lfi. 50.
ITobs Kcclots, 6. "00 head: market
hlirher; top. $15.10; bulk. 1 1.S5 rM 00.
Shcp mil Lambs Receipts. 4,0no head;
market ncak; lambs, SI H.GO 20.S0 ; eivrs,
SI 1 12.7.0. .
A Review
of the
Oil Industry
of intense interest to
in all
Oil Companies
We have gathered all available data on
every factor entering into the oil business
supply demand marketing facilities of the
different fields probable result of pending dc
velopment and particularly the bearing of
such factors on the future of the leading com
panies, each one of which is treated separately.
Copies sent without cost or obli
gation. Write Dept. 01-23.
Members of Consolidated Stock Exchange rf New York
50 Broad St., New York
New Vol., T oll '.' - l'i, ."'1 d iioTilli' i.
ol 11 foreU-u - 1: '.1,1.1. . '.1 loan- los',"..
to lit I'tT oen: a:.,' '111" i:',"' -i sT.l 11 10b
Mtllal'lii at an ,1 ;.,i:i"i of (he b',1 1,1 9
and "on 10 '.0 - ,; ,f,r a ninilol mainly
foe today s y 1 ' y iPl .e-s .-lo ',. ni.u l.ol. 11,11 : slow ,,; a'l'iuy and
strei-';:h II' Ih" oils": a V pal . Ill 1 plod.
, i, on tb" 1 ilia', d-'biio on the
p j,-. t- a:. 1 t s'ln be haslo'i,',! bv Vi-O'll-'l
ilri . . s'al. 111. 'Ill Tills M is 1,1,111
oo pi'll.-d, l'l reiollni; a' Tie f:i'
:.'Vi of 1l'fil:o an.: ' : 'niK inla a "Oil"
of a:n;by I n- llio b.'.l' f of lb" session
I. '."I 44 f k s looa: I'.ui'a slal'ineir.s wore
r nntil-'il as l',;lli lOlo.oi' acimy. bill a S'H
i. . of , 11.. I,' ." . ir ott . - I.m It.i! oeiTors
..l-o'.i 1,1 mix.'. I Hal: 'I aod 1,.s. . w -s' 01-11
a 1,1 h.iiillii'.'Oin s. -it'ii. mo:,r,y ati-nu'li-e:,lo
if t b' I r 1 0,1 "1 , -'
In ba:.!.!' ii'i th"re iv ,s forlb'T
o,o- to.-Iure .1. 1! ,,i- with the 'i'K'1' '.'" "''
of Inlornal' 01 il . r..,::fa. but (b' too'n tin'
f " in i,.lv ' dl'. TP'slon lis to li.llliiat'i
oi'l of Mil' :oTei'c'i moyemont oil this
01U". ' ri 's f " . ' o :i 1 1 a 00
Rills V or " M.: ou'o ui'l.o'Iallt ! Us I"
man:.-' s! a . 1:1."' "f f!!.. '""''
i"'iit'.ni,"'t on the pa-t if '"'
vno. u'.a ".1 o Ih-, i .t's Tl..'!r n. 'dorat
iroi Kt h
o iliid from the prouress or
1 '. 0
A f. w b id' ! - In roiled States
S'y. 1 and -ill. r siaa. lard I n .1 1: 0 1: n 'v . "ire
a' mi'itniii'i' u i"t,.'l"i's m the final 'l''o''-t'!4-
p "'".l ' "!"' Idil'k- Willi the llllll
f, I rata for , M iin:"i' and the lnuwl '!"''
ta! , n f-.r t"" li"l '"x"hanK.' ,
T o u s ,1. a lv 11. nil. lotions tbrousin-
.,. .,,-, of l ib, rty bo". Is and
'i, Io't to:, as lyeil as sp'oulattie ral.a
,-nd In.; trl 4l.
11 mh. 1 0' Clnxir
9 1 1
137M 1K l-i-'S
11C1- hi, 1; 1.
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1 a n
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HI'S. 1:
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C . R. I 77
,'blno Cup
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I'uba i'iiio
b'u. Fl.-'-ii-Cop
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lot At M,
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9 x'1" 1 '"' '7
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!"0 16
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7.1 00 r
7, 0 o (liii..
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1.1 00 4..H,
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2 4 '
P.i 1 l r . .
Ken. Cop
I,. .I- '
M.',:. F"t
'Aluuui C"P. .
Alid. Ste-i. ...
Mo. Fan
M'llil l'n..'. .
V 'i ada c,,p .
N. A' C 1
V A' N ir .X 1!
N'T. K AA-es'. .
Nor l'n".
i' A: '- F.'l.
' I-..T1 I'il'lln -Pitts,
e V. A"
Pitts Co
R. 4 '..;.. . ..
Roadins ...
Hep. 1. S. .
Sin. i'. R. .
Snuih. Pao.
South. Rv. ..
STtiJ.-. 4 -error.
l-x '
!Tob. Prod.
1'lllon I'a". .
I' c. Stop's.
1' S. Ir.d. Aloo.
17. S. Steel...
r s. s.. fm.
Utah ''OP ...
W.tliR, Plot. .
V. Illvs-Oi er. .
N'.'ll. T.pad. ,
1 .;
f n 1 ..
1 6
lis .
91 '.
11 T
6 0 1,
;4.7,iU) l;.; 1 I :l ,
10.100 4 1 ' . 40 :s
! i :,oo i'H 5t 1 i'i'-s I"11 S
2,700 7'2'' 21 4 77
1 - 7,1,1 1 0- 1"4 10 1 'j,
I 7 ii 0 ;ni 2 i' 200
1 ,-oii x7'-? kit !'i
2.7"0 12,7 17 2 177
6 2 0 0 ;,7 IJ S.MS, e
2 200 1 0-'--, I0.MI4 10fii,
;.'..4n0 1'1a- 1"IS, 1041,
l.t.oo 1 I a', 1 11'4, 1 17, 4,
7.0.1 7.'. 74t 74-',
1,600 MS i'" F,3s
2 noo ;x ', 2S 'i 2' '1
100 S3 S2 S2
1 000 47 41" 1, 4 6 4t
3,son inxi; 10-1, jog
1 d. 10 1 Hies
R. l'lltoh. N . T.
Bid '- Fl.tra dlvllpprl
I ondon Mune.T.
1 'ir.iion, Feb. J. Rar Silver 4 ,c frr
.Money 3 17. T cent.
niamnnt Raton Short Mile. 4 's per
cent: throe, months' bills. OS per cent.
New York Suiriir.
N'-tr York, Fob J. Raw Sugar Steady:
centrifugal, 13.04c; fiim granulated, 16.00
(i I'.. no.
We Offer 6
First Mortgage
On new Oniaba ('tc-'in i rrpertj,
I 'n f-miri a : i " ' :
$250-00 to $5,000.00,
Owneil And rf iifuijpn'lM hj
Horns Builder, Inc.
PPbCtipmc JiteraturA.
American Serurlty Co., Onmh.
This great independent food products com
pany is owned by some 5.000 stockholders, in
cluding some of the west's greatest live stock
the Day
I ( liii-ngii lirnlB anil I'riM lelnin.
4'lilo.n;o. lei'. 7 Corn iloiilopod
t's-'h t,,ay on nut b s, antiio 'i
of Mippt.'i. at ttllnll-nl OflltiTs I'll" mar
i.ot will, n at ioteiT'Cs bud been irrious
." d 11 oal, , ios. d fa 111. "tf to lo I.,'!
.1.14 an,'.', wllll Ma4, $1 7,, , ,1 1 and.t'lU.
. ;'.'.!", a.'-l, Cats I, ml , to v and
pi.ii ...,,s 17 ti $1 4''
No: nil l.siiio.l ng ilia! the lisiblo .upi"!
of ,'im'i si in. id a small In, 'lease today. 111.
iMlu out not nlt-r the fnot tba' tho total
ui. U 44- is the amallest at this In
in my 1 i',as. In this eonnefttoii bulls pui
;ti I'ti, ul 1 r muss on ndiloi'S that fsrme'i
1, iiliou .1 to bold out f"f $1 :!' a bush"!
al ,0 , l'i i- a'allons
'I'.ila of a possll ;e strllie of railroad oin
, pioi.s o, iin'o.l so 1110 44 li a I as a fu'lb''
allUllls to IniyiT". and si. lo". .Id an
adMino. In I'.-'lladlan wb it i'l.i1alions 1
ibo olh"- l.aiiil. ilirln 'lie "isi pan
01' tin- dav temi ornrv 1 ' Xaoks waTe p,
,1110 "d by the io;-"if '.l opi i.Hur of r.u-s .4
to f"l !!' t. aoe ai'.i! bv bearish 1 low s In
re .id to proyallliiK flliail'dal ooiidlti":,'
il'i.s 14 it,' yi' a'a as a result of iiossi-i
hat oxi'l'.'l . bad resold l.OOll.Oflil b'.l.'.vls
rroyisions ,ioo';liied shaiply on ac- 'u"i
of tb- i:ni'ip"olod lil'Ke nui'iiint of live
,',,,' iv',, loll llio urn ertui" lit t' ported on
la 1110
A 1 1
Ori'n7' High "la"' ' "' Testy.
l'l I I .
M -41 ', 1 ?fi 1. 1 USA, I "'I 1 3"
I 1.37 V 1 1 3IX t -- 1 "
! i in -,' i.i"', 1 :.v' 1 70 v 1 30
I ! ; I
14V, .4 I I, .'t '. .'I'.". .1 '"
1 .7-,' :i!, .J."v
17" ' 1 7 7, 1 7 ,n 1 7 0 177'.
1 1 (lli 1 l.fkS' l.KS'v Kfiii'i 1
1 I 1 !
3 SO IjS.i'O 77 JO 37 3S 39 00
l' I I , .
73 (A 73.30 '73 415 "7
73 t77j '23 87 "7 3.03 '7.1 13 '33 u
1 I 1
20 30 :,o '70 ;a 7,' in 20 '.7
.i sn n f '70 40 '20 40 ,70 91
S , p I
114 O
Ma v
.III 14
Mlniienpolls lirnln.
Mniroapoll 1, I'eb. !. Flour- I'liolian-jod
ii.ii-i.iv- ,1.:..' 1 44.
Hto-No. 7. Jl.t'f'S'f1 7,
Tlrun- $13 00
1 '.Til $1 42 ii 1.41..
1 iii's M 1, WXi'-iP.
l'l.ix $'..17:' 'I 7 37.
liar Sllier.
Voi',,', fob. 7 - llir '
oan I'oilor: J 1 .07 '
Investment secured by
improved Omaha Real
This should interest
For full information
607 Bee Bldg.
is rftver out ot date. Invest: vour
savings in income-yielding securitic?.
Our February Offering Sheet lists i o-i
Bonds, Short-term Notes and Preferred
Stocks. Some or the new issues are de
scribed in detail.
Think of the investment opportunities
offered today, when United States Govern
ment securities sell on a basis to vicld
high as 5 . 1 5 9fc f and other high-grade,
securities sell on a relative basis, equallv
"l ou have to go back to Civil War timet
to duplicate the present interest return on
SrnH for circular OB-2S0
The National City Company
sH9?. . .
SE Omaha Mrat Han Building
raW. -r.i.,,.1, ii 1 oie
We beg leave to report:
January, '20, treated us fine. Premiums heavy,
losses light. Employees all overworked but all happy.
They want more WorI(, for the Lion. Automobile
premiums in January a thousand dollars a day. Ac
cident and Health division a thousand (nearly)
a day. Plate Class a thousand ( nearly ) a day,
contract bonds the same. Lool(s lil(c a million and
a half this year.
In short, we express our delight, by a phrase
borrowed (this time only) from one of Omaha's
most successful business men, and a real artist in
advertising, changing it only for the superlative:
"Business is fine thanl? you."
The Lion Bonding and Surety Co.
E. li. CUREY. President
I IberlT nm Trlrca.
Tk. K.h. :. Frlee of l.lhaili
II 311 a in Indav yvere: .M.,a
id is. .t omul , i l
1 70; 41 1 ond 4 ,. j., thlro
:. f.uiiih , 'inilo, victory .1 ,s
4 . 4 v, ' . us
I ibei 14 bonds al 2 36 p m
;: u, s y 'v first 411. 91 ?.' .
' in s' I1,., 91 Is SO, opi.
ib i d I s, : 11 , foiu 1 h 4 4,.
4 i',s. 97 97 Vlolol y 4a
First Farm
Mortgage Bonds
Obtainable in Denomina
tion $500-$ l ,000.
City Real Estate
$100, $500 and $1,000
la Fit in Nt'bt .vka.
We hetieve these srcunlie
meet with the requii ements of
the moat con serv ntive investors.
rhone Tyler 100
Affiliated with tha Omaha
National Hank.
How cn 1 invest in the oil business
rit the least possible chances to loss,
with the largest chances for gain,
Bnv oil lease around drilling wells
in M;me good oil field where the best
ideologist ha p.d on the territory
fflvor.ibly and says that the drilling is
on structural.
There you are doing just what the
best brains in oil business do. Your
investment then should he successful.
Mr. Tugh. the oil man. is sell hi jr oil
leases in the hig Texas oil fields,
around many drilling wells. Get full in
formation from Mr. Pinjh, who has bn)
over every foot of this great oil field.
Call on me at F ontenelle hotel. Room
227, for complete information. You
will appreciate this information wheth
er you buy leases or not. No obliga
tions on your part to buy tn jet this
information. Come and see me.
. .. .
i-y ii "lie iiuunmn ooim
Otfirn tn mori than jO Cifttt
i .1 , n 1 I. I
I'M'i'S 0
' to.lai w t ri
, i, , ond Is
I ''
1 6