Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tim F.KF. : OMAHA. Tl'ttSIUY. FEBRUARY H2.
Howard Vandiver Unable to
Practice Indiana Team
Real Contender for
Big Ten Title.
Howar.l V;nrl'er. rapMtn .!!
gu.ird nn C rciK'lit ""i's h.nk.'t ki"
team ;n U'mM? tn piai't'c
General Addresses 6,(H.K) School
C hildren of Kl Paso
-1 LM1- K 'K I'll l I P HI MHO, Mi- f.r
tnb c-'iii try
iirituv. have t'i- .itiuldir i.tuks a".1 f.-U-r tne i nivriMiy i'i
rV-hiMtioti h.n p::t thf (.linker on ski iiitvp.iiR at Dartmouth. There
i no iin're ski.
. .!! mat:' at I'i'i
p. v. iM j given t 'if
II- is li'e
a j..iv rink. Dinv'e will study ca li t iir iocs and I lie language ot lower-,.
H iV. Vcb. J. AM- ;"!: d'n.'
I rci'iful hotin in 11 l'ao. ('.en.
oiiu T. 1 i -.lung, fot tner c iinuiaiul
i' of the Anieiuan exteIitioar
lit.iie. Ion hr-.t toi San Antonio,
at Wiiv pie rollrtfc, T0S , I,,., , ,u, ,
.k t::at ever vpiH ,,. tti-.l- ,.t a"c..Mv-1e,l m , .-, ,,,
tiiiM't with the Flue aivl White
(j'loitri hcrau.e rf uremhH I ';e "
atik1'. 1 .ct.i'""i",
Vau-IiviT ifiuto.l !::s ?"k'e Fri- , Van-V. h
ri'.v n.gUi ii I'vaiticf. ! itt'e att"i f-ot lu'l t:
t'"fi R:iii th'- iiiunv urt:l ;t tal'ty.
. .n k..o!i vr-stet'Lis ' l'e u .
t r five thou-aml a
an c I.i'm t,i ' i" im'itai'v rvh'liit'
v ' ar.
sjiisal t'a'l's'c fn ta'l in.-hi-!" r-cahai'ta. Doet foot.
MinKtuR Bull, llevo-ir-the Face, Huuatha, M'liMrhaha ai"l
ri-i a i sin in llis 1'fpr w! aL'.O'l rfiiifvirl I ,il''e on tbr
1!. t n't-iM!"!!n i a i
ii'i .'' i i "i-ct j;. . 1 1 i . 1 " on o
'h-t!:-T will he aV to play
aaitst 1 ndiara i. unci l tain.
Fverv : on the t ' n th
!! 1 1 s .'. ! :m. I'cH i r un .si In " ! .
ti . -0 i.'.iv alien: !:i' lorj !
'! .!utk ui pn paoit -r tlK
V'.i i Willi li'OMna Wednevd i;
1 1 --; f.
1 he ln!;.i':a i:-ntvt. tuti.t til h'
"F:m'i"" St'-iii:'. ti'in:-" I ' 'in I'll-k
f t ,! !l, IS ll'f'VHii ) , I,H ot , (
tin' llir. e ic.'l i oiifpinleri i.u 1
Ai-'.ii:n ('!( i rtu o i 1 1 a : 1 1 : ' : o : 1 ! i
i itpnr
't serve auv! "!y F; s thin a colr
near si
as tt a 1 1
afnjj to ycais a no on a iriuro
sp nt at Matvanl 1 h wanei s
I iii'd la'io- ,M Maced at l-oit F'is, !
jcpres' tot the iieneralA lienftit. '
J Displays ot the tmhtarv anil oca i
iional siviil ot tne ai 'oiis nnO riak ,
iM' (in- Kl Paso ,l.t"i t feati'T'F
tin' furl i
I ' a ' ! ' m in lit- I ! a , ( n'"f i at Fe i ;
I l'e ' f i .1 " v: ! c . ! rii'-rn have a!s.-i Vieen redni I f i t 'i a "ui"' !'' a pri' a te
s-.rt. M t n'liers ot the p nm h'e fa " n ill t. a'F'wed to weir their leM' t s
o'l t' .-'i !',lll M'l'Ol
A i-hevs ta'i'i- mad h between Pnnct ton anil the t'nivi-iMty of Cuba
v, ' 1 1 he held inst as qi-r.-k as the ion;t.a"v las a hollow cable.
M 'l'bi-M at M
I p.-ai U o.'ipo s,-li,v. j
h'b srlio"! stailuini.
Ni'ii'l li'.oe it trumpet and th'
h.totnsng ot a Jl nun salute, lien
rial I'fi-hin entered the reviewing
-land at b'oM Hli-s ca'ly m t''e
t,.tr, .,... t oi a t Tnial itipei. t'.n ot
llo..pc. Mi,, cimmi fif A'l'fl'rjn
sm wa brad, d by Mat. tien. Ko'
I'M 1 . Ilow e, ou'.ira'i'ler o' tbe
I '-I F.n.i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 t l - distpet t! e
I lit h the it-ut! 'fire ni ci a weit!v h'ti- factor t1" Interna i ion, M i enth ca a h v resituept passed bv,
' i espoii-'r-ri-.- m h'.! will ah' to buibl i,.n tos "ii tot. of eveTv'tb- ye e t a h ; mo serMifil oartiiu-
! It-'t box i, th,- country. Marly interested, for he bad formerly
I '-oini'ianded the unit, led it nit"
liii'oi-. and I iiuauo the nt I tv. ... I Wt-'at of the St mt.-n t iiov )'.. .,... . ... Air i ei.tii-str-tl not to l- ..-.nolo .....1, : ...
tai h i" st and -i-n'iid, I i-spcct tvrlv. ; w, ,o v ntsn-l trt""S tot tits receive. 1 in the end chan of the village barber ' t''e sharpest hatMen ot hi punitive
in tin- Mb- 1 en" tare. Indiana o, ahatt..,,, j e.-.pedttion at Guerrero, Chihuahua,
t'"''"'' ' I where the Ainer'cans killed U) r.
I ne Hot-sifts have hit on? ,P v rw y0I s,tatP Constabulary ha v e been ,ippoint"d to i efei ? this ' u an bandit- and lost one of their
Kot"- i'"S'ii t at ntieai ; .p, ,rg ? eitien stiulert nuts at New Haven,
v is ,tt ti:.- bands of 1'nidue, wiucili ...
.stands eighth in the race, ,, s.lf 0f (,,tgdtP,,s pffoits to ston inteti-perance, the sopl
" 1 he lndia.naus' niani strength is ; , , .ntmue to n.e bear crease on their haircut
.'tes still
;o i
-irrlm;; tleteiisf
!'iits tlie t !ih.iko Herald hvimtu. r; Ur and Matteawau w
ei. ami tl.e plaviuir ot i s, ,,,,,,-, . u w..o.l alcohol a Summer or Winter drink?
. mPi is one ot the outstanding !
of lonieitnce play this; 1 he c ainpaiKn to bo-.M eolb-ee nrofessors pay is gonig ?tt onp, TIk
''';,r- ....... jaM-..iM,. pay is $1.1(18 45 a yeat. The profs are satisfied with the figute-
tney want to clo is to remove, the decimal point.
Edwards to Fight.
sau Francisco, Feb. '.--Tom An.
dievvs, Milwaukee fight promoter, ac
meet hi a i"Mi t debate. ,-,,,,, .,,, hv T.on bdwards light
weight i hamriiou of Australia, and
1 bet W'lgui'is. the Australian heavy
weight champion, arrived here Mon
day trom the iitipodes
No More Gurgly Brash, "Lump !
Cnrnnlaints- Arp Served
, . n r II ' Vohodv seems to know whv the "est Pointers wear their full-dtess
Against d. Ban Johnson, spenderSon throm.ide.
Cnnnip M-rl- anrl IPr ' ,'1, eir-:i obnnbia eleven wasn't strong enough to win the chain
Ollllie IVldtK dllU VUlCISi,,, ;,,,,, ,- 0Ilr nf the Thousand islands. The coaches will rely on their
lauioiis i libber sidelines next season. When the other side has the ball
New V.. ilt. Feb. 2. -C O'tipl.iitits : the hues ate stretched to twenty yards. When the home hovs grab the
in a .-ssiiiHliiO damage sU1t were: lull the lines are lolded up to three yards. Sci'-nce alwavs triumphs over
t-civcd Monday by the New York ! brute strength.
American If.,gue Pa-e l a!I cluh I I nqH " Rlrt niflfctinn
against ). Fancroft Muison. ntesi- I he Furtlue et ie board team is one of 'the strongest in the middle- i ul uu,u Ddu Uiyi-oUUII,
(b ut of the American ba.jtie. ' vest. You never hear o: the middle cal. the middle north or the middle !
( uniplaiuts were also served on south, so it looks as it 1 urdue grabs the hand-laundered wliiskbrooni
( . nine Mack. Philadelphia; l lark - '
...itbth, washnig.on; Frank Navm nDpYci QfHlFF 1 Coach of Georgia Tech to Be
I'liioti tnitip Ii. ill, ot. l.'Uin, iio ' - - -
i:ihm Duiin. ( leveland, in one ot
in re suns nioiijut against tonnsoii. ; 111 fl I I I 1.1 r r I l :ii..'!''.elp!iia, -e. ohn . ,n :tl, , r,,,. h,. ,i, ,
111 Istliail. for niailV VearS foot ,t1, rI,-,,-,:r,(.I,l vcr,n.'nC.
i d ot . no more.
h at ; The heaviest. tulicM dinm'is. the
" " ' - I 'if! I niviTMty of Pennsylvania for , most unspeakable quick him lies, all
nllliena Quarantine Placed 0H '-'' l:f"Nt three years. The athletu: can be taken care oi without impos-
P . . rouncil has tatificd the choice of the :nc or, the stomach. A scientific !i-
rort L rook Compels Quinlan foot hall committee. gestive can do the digesting whete
i In addition the council has an- , tue ?tr,mach either chd not do it he
n iitnced that Charles A. Keinath. 1 tore or did it very imp'ertectlv.
! Harold Gaston and John J. Keogh, ' I'llis is why the use of Stuart's
William P. Juu'.!,in. supervisor ...f ' former Pennsylvania foot ball plav- Dyspepsia Tablets has become so
h'eties at Fort Crook, announced ' rr'- v l11 Heisman's principal as- universal amoni? those who suffer
stains, r.riiest C.OZens. captain ot ih.iik'.-su. ni ami dyspepsia,
liic New Yotk club demand
damages oi 5(ii,lni personally trom '
F' iiMiii on the ground that he "con !
reived the. idea ot driving the 'cv j
Vol k club on' ot base ball.
"V New York club pravs for a1
Jjdgment restraining Johnson fioiu!
. -.cin ; to himself or receiving out of
the luuds ot the American league
any salary and rexijjiniig him to ac-j
.onnt for and restore with interest j
all sums which he mav have taken i
as salary smce the annual meeting
of the h ague in December. I'M1.).
TO HOODOO DAY . -.:', . ,
Heartburn or Such
Grid Mentor at Pennsylvania ' f.rV-is" lot",-!,1 hlp tnal:, o,
To Make New Plans.
Monday thai the boxing carnival
It ab.o ..sks Johnson ami lus five , sctieiluied to take place at the tort
the 1V10 team; Louis A. Young, also 1 a,p "e ot' Stuart's Dyspepsia
dova!" club owners be restrained i I'r ulav night. February 6. has been 'l!'-a.n. arm nr. minier ""'S. ' i
. i- t. w. .-51 at en. rnort er nrmer - e-,,v" ... .... , B.i
(r,,, ",l,,-,n, ...... inrlter acts in a i d , no ,t i .. . n e.l ,..!.! Ir,,t,,. ,,ilo f.l, vdrieru, rnorner lormer
- , t - ' I . ....... ii...... iukiii, xn- , . ,
. . , . .1. . , . - I'limv vain. 1il:.i pr ii-ill -m, c t . , .. , a '
ot what ,s s.nti to ne rue pin posy , in, uv i. on account ot a quarantine .- i-swi..s,..Uit
and plan of the iletfiidant, Johnson, I bemg plated on the fort. ' ".,e aflv,4,ry 1)0ard give as
to mime the New York cluh and to j Johnny Schit'f and Jinnnv Drexel ' "Stance m coaching. j
drive it .ml ot ball." are hooked to stage 'the lug event I f!n rTTTZTiZl a
his coiiudauit a'so asks tor the- i ot the evening. l.arnev I.ichtcn-I wlufu'uu UUU""!S I
fermentation, heavv. lunuiv
feeling in the stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, loss of appetite or other
such .digestive derangement, yon
wdl find at once a remarkable itn-
evemuii. l.arnev .iciten- a i .
appointiiient of a receiver ami for j si..j, tuanager .t .schitf. t'elegraphecf , Paris. Feb. J. Georges Carpen- . ' Thev nroit.e th. .a,, ;;,., ,,)
lat ehitf would be able t'.'r. accompanied hv his manaeer. oi,-. the .inm,ri,' th- ..,',.' ...,.!..
t,. ;n.pear on the l.hh. : M. Deseamps, wil" leave France , before it can again be healthy and
'luiiiii'iiiin pmyru tiii.'i iiy ioi me i.iiinea urates, car- stront?
.... ...!... .. . .
an in iiincooil timing ine pemieiiiy Mitnniau th.:
of this act-on
Omaha Whist Club
on l-o-t C rook forced the postpone- : pentier is at present touring the j ' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are
".'l.' .JiidJl!:,n- - Provinces. I for .ae at all druggist at 50c a box.
The fcdlowing is result of Fri
day evening's game at the club
room in the Hotel Rome.
. iiilnitH
. minus
. minus.
. minus
Ktl's : n.l T'rev f'.i'U
r, i. i-s.Mi ,H-a t'.-ti.-r . . . .
Mi-o, .,,!.. Ptuts ....
K'l.'M-i- inci H'K !i ......
f.-l. oi.l .VCi'iin
. : .il.'l S. niif!
At. '..mi .imt Harl-n
1ii.'t:..'ii.i ;tn Master..n
si i.r , ,t i -..
w m:i i in- a-.,1 Austin . . . .
,it, Id- , n .o'.l II 'inur . . .
Mi iMh ami llait'-r
liiirncss and P.rothetton are wni
neis in the contest for the Martin
Fins during the month of January,
v. ith a net plus of JS. Cook and
Fibs hold second with a plus of
IN; Abbott and Sweet landed safely
on third with a plus of 15. while
MasteistMi and Xavlor succeeded '
in nailing down a plus of 10. Other i
contestants made considerable cf- )
fott but few points.
Red Sox Sell Three Players.
Foston. Mass , l eb. J. The Fos-!
ton Americans have announced the j
sale of three playeis to the Toledo ,
American Association club. Pitcher ',
Duitiont. Catcher McXeil and Out- i
fielder Joe W'ilhoit go to Toledo tor
a cash consideration and an option
on a member oi the Toledo team.
Sox Lining Up.
Chicago. Feb. J Manager "Kid''
Gleason of the Chicago Americans
has the task of lining up the players
preliminary to the departure for the
spring training camp at Waco, l ex.
Gleason anticipates no trouble in
signing ail the regulars, despite the
declarations of Shortstop Kisberg
F'irst Baseman Gandil, that they
have retired.
Schedule Completed.
Charlotte, X. C. Feb. J The
playing schedule for the 1.'0 sea
son for the South .Atlantic Flase
Ball association, adopted here Mon
day, calls for 1J0 games, with the
season opening on April 22, and
closing on September o.
Jeff O'Connell Dies
Ottawa, Hi.. Feb. 2. Jeff O'Con
Teil, a one-time contender for the
cnglish lightweight pugilistic cham
pionship, ui-'d at his home here to
davr of pneumonia. O'Comiell's last
ring appearance was five years ago.
He was 30 vears old.
Today's Calendar of Sports.
Rarlnit M Inter meetlnc cf I uh-In.rrJ-ran
,lrkf? cluh. Ht Hfttna. Winter n.ert
Ipj of Hiislnrss Mtn Rowing assorlatlnn,
it w Orleans.
Rowling Ohio Stat rhainplonshlp tour
nament open at llu-on.
t.olf Continuation of woman' tottrna
nt at Bellralr. Fla. rontlnaatlnn of (it.
Talrntine t.urnantent at PlnehurM. . r.
annual nsrtinc f ( onneotlrut Mate Golf
aitwriatlon, at New Haven.
Boiinit Kised K.ilton ni.lnt ,lohn lt-r
Tohnson. 13 roiin.1.. at BoMon. .lohnnv
gnff aralnt 1 Irtor Rlrhle, in round at
nadln(, 'a. Harr.r Brown asalnut Voona
Iiide, 10 roundi, at Beadliic, l a.
IIIIIIIIM III 1 1 llll IMtlIIIIIMIItl!lt t tt eilittllMtlM tliliM lllllllllllM.MIIlllllf llliiSIt lliriMEIMMTMl II i tilMIII t lllliitillil Ii mU
The Lark"
(The plane for the average man)
Price $2, 000-F. 0. B. Lincoln, Neb.
A lightweight, two-passenger Airplane powered by 78 h. p. motor.
Prospective purchasers are urged to place their orders promptly.
The original mode) of this plane de.igned for the Marlin-Roclcwell Corporation of
Now Jertey to .ati.fy the demand for . lightweight, .peedy plane with a high factor of .afety,
V tall part, nine times stronger than necessary to met ordinary strain). The expert de
signing of L,e,.t. Errold G. BaM, who h. embodied in this plane a large number of new im
provement. has made The Lark" the most practical, economical and safe lightweight plane
on the market.
STRKAD ovtr all, 2S feet, II Inches. Length, 18 feet. Height, 6 faet. Weight, empty, 475 IV,,,
SPEED 25 lo 80 miles pel hour. Climb. 4.000 (eet in 10 minutes. Glide. 10 tn I. Kgctor of saletv
H. lotal wing erea, 185 square feet. Landing speed, 20 25 miles per hour.
WEIGH f loaded with pilot, passenger and fuel for 3 hours' flight, 850 pounds.
"THE LARK" will be on display during the Omaha Auto Show in Carlton
Motel Lobby just north of Auditorium on Fifteenth street.
Address all inquiries to HARDING, ZOOK & BAHL (Inc )
norm ninth St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Phone L 9106.
iTiiiimiiMiHiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiumn iiiiiitiiliMiniiiiiiiiiiiiiifiii.:itiiiii,.iiiiiitttii itiiiMiiti .tittiniitf
Don't gamble on getting coal
i-A l-M
Automatic burner fits any house heating sys
tem and burns oil which is always plentiful
Nokol can be installed in any good heat
ing plant steam, hot water, or hot air
by merely taking out the coal grates and
putting Nokol in.
A half day's job, yet it assures depend
able, even heat all winter and every
Look at this picture; it shows Nokol's
N simplicity and compactness; and how your
plant looks with Nokol applied.
Sprayed fuel safest
Note this tiny motor driven Nokol fan.
It blows the oil into a fine, cool spray
within the burner. It stays cool till it's
changed to flame.
Engineers call this atomizing the safe
way for Ik mes.
Industry has employed oil heating for
years; atomizing, and the automatic con
trol feature of Nokol, assure it for the
ISIo ashes, soot or hard work
Here is the labor saving Nokol flame
white hot, yet safe.
Utilizing all the fuel getting complete
combustion out of every ounce, it leaves
none of the residues that made coal a
Basement drudgery ends; there are no
ashes and clinkers to make hard work; no
smoke, soot or grime to dirty the whole
house, soil costly drapes, etc.
The Nokol flame is all flame and 90$
of its heat goes to the task at hand.
Clean basement-and leisure
In such a neat, clean, compact tank as this,
Nokol's fuel is stored.
Fill it once in a while and your one job
is done.
Oil for fuel and Nokcl mean a spotless
basemen' and immaculate house Oil
makes no dirt. Coal could and did.
Nokol frees your leisure from the "clean
up jobs."
The self-tending heater
With Nokol installed you may leave your
heater for a week. Stil the house heat
will be maintained while you're away
Just leave your orders with this little
thermostat in the living room.
It automatically regulates the tempera
ture of the home any range any hour, or
fixed at all hours.
Automatically, too, it saves you money;
shuts the burner off when heat isn't
needed; starts it going when it is.
D f
P '
"business is good thank you"
Place orders now
Nicholas Building, Omaha
Nebraska, -Iowa, South Dakota, Colorado,
Kansas and Missouri
Denver, Colo.
Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha, Neb.
Protected by
Doblc-Detroit Patents