Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1920, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 18

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    -8 B
Stands . Ace High
Every Member
! Household.
,. The mail carrier would be in die
lirst division, of a popular vote for
those who serve the public from day
to day. Epithets have been hurled
at tlte ice man, the coal man, the
plumber, and a few others, but the
aiaU, man, like - Tennyson's brook,
goes on forever, secure on the crest
f public favor. His "popularity ex
lends from the lisping miss who re
ceives her first valentine to the ven
erable person who receives a missive
from an absent friend.
The footfajl of the mail carrier
eu the walk always arouses the in
terest of, the busy housewife whose
work is never so urgent but that she
an respond with quickened steps
to see what the mail man has
trought." The mail man stimulates
"$he imagination, because who knows
,wh'at glad or sad tidings may be con
cealed in the Jetter which he brings?
tie . bears tender messages to the
Jovelorn and sometimes he is the
Jiarbinger of news that almost rends
4he heart in twain. He is always the
f .JvrJcome guest, whatever may be the
tidings he carries within his leathern
$ouch. He mixes the bitter with the
jfweet and mostly it is the latter.
i( human nature find trie wonder is
Jhat lve does not grow more cynical
curing the whirligig of time. He is
Jisually cheerful and seems always
Jo have time for a passing word.
5And he would have-to possess the
ivisdom of a Solomon to answer the
tnany queries that are put, to fiim as
he. moves from house to house,
f Bombardment of Questions
j "Did you see anything of' my mal
se kitten ?"&, woman asks. "It was
the first time I let her out of the
yard this winter and I just know
Ob: More.
Bladder Weakness ' Quickly Cor-
rected by Recent Scientific Di-
covery for Old and Young.
1 50 Cent Ptckage Free
What wonderful comfort To sleep all
night sitd not set up at least oitce, and
I maybe she or eight times every ( night
because of bladder weakness, i nave you
' forgotten what the restfulness and luxury
fot aa unbroken night of untroubled sleep
Jls like!
J Wonderful! Wonderful! Sleep Uke
a Top All Night Long I - Kellogg ' Brown
4 Tablets Make On Foal Young Again.'
Among the principal eauses of this
J trouble is chronic enlargement of the
'prostate gland and bladder irritation and
of these and of th scientific discovery
upon which Kellogg's Brown Tablets are
', based, a noted medical authority say s :
j "A symptomatic euro is usually achieved
J The frequent impulses to urinate
4 and the recurring desire at night cease.
4, Successes with this salt have
4 been, had in men of ninety years."
$ Every man, young and old, should try
4 this wonderful treatment. It works upon
the bladder to correct the faults that are
causing a host of men. days and nights
pot untold misery. "
Send coupon today, with six cents In
'stamps to help pay postage and packing
i for m free SOe Trial box of Kellogg's Brown
Tablets to Frank. J. Kellogg Co., 225
Hoff master Block, Battle Creek, Mich.
2205 Hoffmaster Block,
Battle Creek. Mich.
., Kindly send me. Free, 'a SOe box
of Kellogg's Brown Tablets, t enejose
So in stamps to help .pay postage and
packing. ' , . ' ,
' ' - -
v . r '
City.................. Stafe
All Makes ,
Special rates to students.
D. 4121. 1905 Farnam St.
i fibai i vr-m sV2 a ik xnmr,
b f fa r .jp e mst
ft I fi .Wl 'k . sW -
it ; '
.WbVbWW weWW W veWW W WeWWWaaseaaT V BjgswBajBjT v Weepsp W egwsgpaejeaspeaw W veeVesvavaa w
' - . (Both Acute
iNo Knife, No Ether, No Chloroform Used.
' " No Sever Surgical Operation.
401 Pastes Block.
that Brown's dog will scare her to
death. If you should see my kit
ten, will you please call me up?"
."Did you hear anything bout
an eclipse of the' moon?" another
woman asks. "Mrs. Smith said she
heard that there was going to be an'
eclipse of the moon and I am just
Ldying to see one.s
The wise mail carrier early learns
the wisdom of the old proverb which
admonishes mere man not to see too
much, hear too muc,h or, say too
much. He soon becomes a "wise
bird," as some people would ex
press h.
' "Oh, yes, .some women even go so
far as to try to get me to give
them some neighborhood informa
tion about other women," arrold car
rier 'said. "One woman asked me
if I had observed any silk hosiery
on another . woman's clothesline.
Of-' course, I could not tell her even
if I had observed the hose, because
the rules of the department pro
hibit us from telling such informa
tion. Another woman asked me, if
J wojld Teturn some sugar she
borrowed from a neighbor. These,
may be exceptional instances, but
they serve to show -the scope of our
little everyday experiences. A
woman qne day asked me if I knew
what was good for an infant suf
fering from.pain in its stomach. Sfi
said she thought perhaps I was mar
ried and would understand about
such things. I have often thought
that it would be nice to carry an
encyclopedia with me."
Friends With Dogs.
Most mail carriers make friends4
with all the dogs along their routes,
but once in a while one ot these
gray-backed minions of Mr. Burle
son's brigade "incurs the enmity of
the canies. AnsOmaha mail carrier
stated that he had been bitten three
times in eight years.
These public servants as a class
are healthy, probably due to -their
outdoor cxercjsc. The average
Women Look to Lady Astor
To Prove Efficiency of Sex
... ' - . i .
Believe She Will Find Her Place and Make Her Posi
tion in House of Commons, and Worthily Repre-1
sent Voters Who Gave Her High and Unprece
dented Honor. ' ; " " .
President of the Condon Society for
Women's Suffrage.
London. Jan. 31. Lady Aster's
election to Parliament naturally has
excited many differing Amotions.
She has taken her. seat," introduced
by the two outstanding members of
that bouse, of which she is now a
member. ,
' Mr. Balfour has long held a phil
osophical and logical belief that
women should have equal opportu
nitnities in the state. Mr. Lloyd
George has had a sporadic belief
in adult suffrage. Mr. Balfour has
known Lady Astor as a friend for
many years, and on that footing1
of a personal and provSd friend
ship her constituents have elected
her their member with no uncertain
or doubtful vote. '
It is another sign of the times
that, in largevjjemocracies, it is the
individual that counts. Many, no
doubt, voted against Lady Astor's
candidature merely on the ground
that she was a woman; others voted
for her because she was a woman
who had proved by many acts of
the hand, guided by . the headthat
she had a living interest in all that
pertained to the good of the whole
Possesses Mother Wit ;
Lady Astor possesses mother
wit, and she has shown that it is
possible to share democratic views
with all sections of the people. To
Parliament, therefore, she has been
sent, because she is the best ex
ponent of the views of those who
have elected her.
Lady Astor will remember that
she is the first voman to take her
seat in the Mother of Parliaments.
The sblemn trust and high respon
sibilities will not be betrayed in her
hands. Naturally there are those
who can see no good to her sex.
Turn back the pages of history and
we shall read the ancient oronhet
"'""K a,?uJ wnen e le was
moved which fexchlded members of
calling aloud when the test was re-
fhe Roman and Jewish faiths irom
Parliament - -
Parliament within the last 20
years has said it was an impos
possible thought 'that women should
be elected as aldermen, and if the
mayors, how were they to be ad
dressed? Similar conundrums are
being discussed as to whether the
woman member is to wear a hat or
if she is to be - addressed differ-
Will Teachers Wear y
Buttons Given for 25"
Years In Schools?
Kansas City, Jan. 31. Will the
128 Kansas City school, teachers
who have been awarded -a "medal
of honor" for teaching school here
for 25 years, wear the button the.
school board has had designated for
them? v - .
This is the question which the
boad of education here faces. Its
"some question," too.: Here are. the.
reasons: ' .-.-.-
First Because of age. Most of
the 128 teachers who have been with
the board are women, and few of
then), it is believed, will be. willing
to admit that they are "old" .enough
to have taught 25 years. '
Second Many persons feel they
should resign in favor of younger
teachers. -
and Chronic)
r.1. HAHN
'Omaha, Nek.
The Mail
Omaha carrier walks a distance
equivalent to once around the world
every five years, and some make it
in less time. Thev walk from 15
20 miles, a day and carry quite
a pack during the early stages of
their routes. The high cost of over
coats does not worry them. They
work eight hours, a day and then
they are through and , frequently
the experienced carrie completes
his day's work in less than eight
hours. ' .
Mail carriers are competent to
give some illuminating answers to
ently from any other honorable
member. . '
The Jew has been permitted to
take the oath with his head covered,
according to the traditions of his
faith, and doubtless Lady Astor will
follow the convention of her sex
in wearing her headgear. "
,. Will Commit Same Mistakes.
Parliament, when 'it 'settles down,
will find the woman member differs
little from the rest of the members.
She will find her place and make
her position. She will commit the
same mistakes and learn the same
lessons. ' ' '
To women it is naturally a great
moment in the story of their recog
nition in the freest and greatest de
mocracy of the world. Only those
who have lived under disqualifica
tions know what it is to feel that
these barriers are forever removed.
IVe believe that Lady Astor will
worthily represent her constituency
and that she will inform Parliament
at first hand that women are worthy
the place which has been granted
to them in the new age.
Trap Door In Front of 4 .
Cashier for Hold-ups
Witchita, Kan., Jan. 31. A bank
robber trap that is guaranteed to
work, is the invention of M. Def
fenbaugh. The gun carrier walks up to the
cashier's window, presents his "cre
dentials" and proceeds to collect,
when he suddenly has a "sinking"
sensation. ,
The floor simply sinks down, and
he finds himself in a straight jacket.
A trap is built in the fjoor in front
of the cashier's window, and cov
ered by v the -rug. When the bank
robber stands on the rug, the, cash
ier simply presses a lever, and
presto, the robber is ready for the
To develop the beet sugar indus
try, Australia will adopt up-to-date
American machinery and will im
port sugar beet seed from Calir
, BY :
The Nebraska Army & Navy Supply Co.
Leather-lined Vests, with moleskin back and leather sleeves.. .Worth $18.00 Our
price ...... .t. v , . , . v$9.49
Raincoats, extra heavy, brand aaw, ventilated double back, vary special, at. . .$12.50
Roofing Papers, 2 ply, sanded both sides, waterproof, weatherproof, and fir resist-
i ing, 2 squares to the roil, price per roll $5.2S
Khaki Breeches, a real snap, at. ........ .79c
U. 5. Jerkins or Leather Vests, very special, at. .$7.87
Heavy Grain Leather, Chocolate. Munson Last Shoes, exceptional value $4.98
Harness, brand new, double set, solid stock throughout. Regular price
- $130.00. Our special ofier, while they last $78.00
O. O. Shirts, regulation issue, all wool, brand-new, $10.00 value. Our price. .$5.98
O. D. Mackinaws, all wool, belted back. Special ; .$15.98
U.S. naversacas, special
Hip Rubber Boots, brand new, all sixes, a
Wool Undershirts or Drawers, pair garment .vM.v $1.68
Khaki Sweeten with sleeves, wool, special
U. S. White Canvas Barrack Bag each,
at $1.29
U. S. Army Raincoats or Slickers, ueed,
at - .' $3.48
U. S. Army Wool Blankets $6.80
U. S. Marine Blankets, all wool. .$8.50
Cotton Double Blankets, 72x84; in gray,
browns brand new; while they last,
at $5.98-
U. S. Army Regulation Tents, 16x16,
with a 3-foot wall, pyramid ahape;
extra heavy duck canvas; these tents
, coet the government upi to $125.00;
have bean uaed in' aarvcie; our apo
dal offer $35.00
U. S. Army Cot Bede, all iron, with
Simmons' Sagleaa Springs . . . . .$8.69
Mattresses, Ostermoor AfhTy, 3x6 Vi
foot; goad aa new. A bargain at $5.50
U. S. Army Munson Field Shoes, brand
new. at a orice of $6.98
Army; Munson Infantry Shoes, genuine
oaK I
soles, brand aaw, sale price, $6.98
Medium Weight Gray Sock...... 49c
Wool Sacks, heavy ....69c
Cottan Socks, brand new, doxen. .$1.68
Cashmere Socks, per pair. 39c
Per dozen .... $4-50
TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS We ablp goods exactly as advertised. Make orders
out plainly. Include money order or draft. No C. O. D.'s shipped. If ordered by
parcel post include postage. You are assured of prompt and satisfactory shipment.
REFERENCE State Bank of Omaha. Make Money Order or Drafts Payable to
the query, Should a man marry on
an income of $125 per month?"
That is the present maximum salary
ot the mail men, and it may be said
that bachelorhood is the exception
among this class of workers. They
are thrifty as a class and many own
their homes.
Don't Have to Worry.'
They do not have to worry about
filling out income tax schedules.
The present salary ranges from $1,
200 to $1,500 per year, which will be
observed until June 30, i920, after
which there is uncertainty as to
what the scale vilh be. The initial
salary is $1,000, with a bonus of $200
pe"r year, and this bonus applies un
til a maximum of $1,500 per year is
reached. The bonus feature was a
governmental way of increasing the
pay until next June. v
Omaha policemen and firemen are
now started on the pay which is the
maximum for experienced mail car
"I like the work," said an old car-
v " kMn..0A ii. int.. m a. .4 ? h . A
the open air every day and I dort
have to spend, much money for
clothes. I enjoy meeting so many
people along my route, and I know
that when I have, worked eight
hours my day's work is done. I
would not find any other kind of
work congenial." ,
"Gets-It" Stops Pain Immedi
ately and Corns Go Quick.
The way to handle corns is the tried
and proved "Gct-It" way the way that
millions have found quickest, easiest,
safest and most reliable.
A few drops ot "Gets-It" knocks the
hurt out ot any corn at once and soon
loosens it so it lifts right oft without
any feeling. Oh, what comfort! How
grand to walk and dance and jump with
out a single twinge! Why not?
"Gets-It," the never failing, guaranteed
money-back corn remover, costs but a
trifle at . any drug store. Mf'd by St.
Lawrence A Co., Chicago.
real snap. , $5.49
,.. ., $5.88
Cotton Plaid Mackinaws, heavy, $4.78
Three-fourths Sheep-lined Costs, mole
akin $14.69
Ulster Sheep-lined Coats, moleskin,
for $26.50
Corduroy Sheep-lined Vesta, without
sleeves, all sires, brand new... $6.50
Overalls, brand new, union made, with
bib) also Jackets $1.98
Unlonalls, khaki, brand new, union
made y. .. $2.98
Khaki or Brown Flannel Shirts, brand
new, wool, at $4.98
Silkilina Khaki Kerchiefs. 2 for... 25c
Wool Union Suits, brand new, per suit.
at ...$3.79
Khaki Sweaters, without sleeves, brand
new, at ......$4-68
Sweaters, ' with shawl collars, brand
new; gray, oxford or brown, at $4.68
Barbed Wire, painted: 60-lb. reels
(or : $247
White Jumbo Wool Socks, extra heavy;
ale gray, at 98c
Gray ' or ' Brown Wool Socks, light,
at .....j.. 59c
Frenchman Tells of
Blonde Lady Head of
German "Spy" Ring
Didle, Jan. 31. Admissions made
before a court martial here by a
Frenchman named "Blanquart, ac
cused -of intelligence with the enemy,
have , revealed the existence all
through the war of a German espion
age center near Antwerp, the direct
ing spirit of which was a woman.
Her identity has not yet been abso
lutely established, but enough is
known to make certain that she was
the daughter of the niece of General
Von Lemrich, formerly German
governor of Lille. She is referred
to in all the testimony before the
court martial as "The Blonde
Lady." . .
Endowed with extraordinary
beauty, gifted with unusual intelli
gence and charm, this mysterious
woman was picked out early in the
war by the German spy bureau as
one of the most powerful of its
agents. Her work was centered in
a chateau near the Great Belgian
port,'where shebegan her activities
soon after the occupation of that
city in the year of 1911. Blanquet
was one of her principal workers
inside the French frontier, accord
ing to charge made against him by
Captain Vernier, president of the
court martial.
Every time he had occasion to go
to the spy centre, Blanquet asserted,
he was blindfolded and, moreover,
the curtains of the automobile which
transported him and his guides were
carefully pulled down so that he
could not see the road which they
followed. Nobody was ever ad
mitted to the chateau except at
900-Pound Shark Caught
With a Rod and Line
Miami, Fla., Jan. 31. AOO-pound
shark was caught with a . rod and
line by W. Thompson Starr, of New
York, who recently went to Primal
Island on a fishing trip, and has
rejoined his family at the Royal
Palm hotel. This-is said to be the
largest ever caught in that manner.
.2523L 13A.a4
Commercial Primers-Lithographers - steel Die Embossers
Most people do not realize the alarming
increase and remarkable prevalence of kid
ney disease. While kidney disorders ara
the most common diss eases that prevail,
they are almost the last recognized by pa
tient and physicians, who content them
selves with doctoring the effects, while the
original disease undermines the system.
Your other organs may need attention
but yonr kidneys should have attention
first because their work is most important.
If you feel that your kidneys are the
cause of yur sickness or run down con
dition commence taking Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and
bladder medicine, because a soon as your
kidneys begin to improve they- will help
all the other organs to health.
A Trial Will Convince Anyone.
Thousands of people have testi
fied that the mild and immediate ef
fect of Swamp-Root is. soon realized,
and that it stands the highest for
SPECIAL NOTE You may obtain, a sample size bottle of Swamp
Root by enclosing ten eents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,' Binghamton, N. Y. This
gives you the opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of this medi
cine. They will also send you a book of valuable information, contain
ing many of the thousands of grateful letters received rom men and
women who say they found Swamp-Root to be Just the remedy needed in
kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The value and success of Swamp
Root are so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample
size bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Be sure to
say you read" this offer in the Omaha Sunday Bee.
Tlxrasands of others have gotten rid of theirs WITH
of over a pound a day and WITHOUT PAYMENT
until reduction has taken place.
X am a licensed practising pbyslcUa and personally sefeet fht
treatment for each individual case, thus -"Ming me to etooaa
remedies that win produce not only a lots of weight bannleMty,
but which will also relieve yon of aD the troublesome symptoms of
OTerstoutness such as shortness of breath, palpitation, Indigestion,
rheumatism, gout, asthma, kidney trouble and various other affie
tlons which often accompany oventoutness,
My treatment will relieve that depressed, tired, sleepy feeling,
giving you renewed energy and vigor, a result of the loss of yourV
mperfluous fat t
You are not required to change in the slightest from your
zegoUr mode of living. There Is no dieting or exercising. It is
simple, easy and pleasant to take . "
If you are omstotrt do not postpone but sit down right now
and send for my FREB TRIAL TREATMENT and ray pin
'J -
288 fifth Avefa. Ktw lark. & t
Ernest Harold Baynes to
Appear In Lecture for
Humane Society.
The lantern slides which ' Ernest
Harold Baynes will present in his
lecture, "Our Dumb Allies in the
Great War," at the First Methodist
church Thursday evening, February
5, under the auspices of, the woman's
auxiliary of the Nebraska Humane
society, are said to be some of the
most remarkable animal reproduc
tions ever made. These weremade
from photographs N which-; Mr.
Baynes took when he made a tour
of Europe last year as special
correspondent of Harper's magazine
and as a -representative of the Amer
ican Museum of Natural History of
New York, to investigate the im
portant part played by animals in
the great struggle.
Mr. Baynes first went to England,
where the War department gave him
every facility for studying his sub
irt Ha watched the-embarkation
and disembarkation ofhorses and
mules at Southampton and visitea
the remount stations and veterinary
hncnitala tn larn how the Enslistl
horses were redistributed aid taken
n( sltirino'' th war. He visited
the great military pigeon lofts and
personally tested the pigeons by
flying them from his hotl to dif
ferent parts of England. At the
dog school at Lyndhurst he wit
nessed the training of dogs for mil
itary purposes, and when he left
took with him a messenger dog, by
which he later sent a letter thank
ing the commandant for his hospi
tality. . ' . .
In France, Mr. Baynes was the
guest of General Pershing, who was
so interested in his work, that he
sent hitnfon a specially planned tour
of the battlefields and the camps of
the allied armies on the Rhine to
see the conditions under which the
animals had to do their work. .
In the king of Italy's car,' Mr.
Baynes was driven through the Alpi
to study the work done by the
mnlM. oxen, donkevs and the, 13.000
does connected with tne Italian
Hp also visited Belcium. Gtr
many and Austria and later Egypt
auaa amctl
aar MsmsAfCS
omci n
its remarkable results in distressing
cases. , . ,
Symptoms of Kidney Trouble.
Swamp-Root is not recommended
for everything, but if you suffer
from annoying bladder troubles, fre
quently passing water night and
day, smarting or irritation in pass-
ins:, brick-dust or sediment, heaa
ache, backache, lame back, heart dis
turbance due to bad kidney trouble,
uric acid rheumatism, lumbago, may
be loss of flesh or sallow complex
ion, kidney trouble in its worst" form
may be stealing upon you.
Swamp-Root it Pleasant to Take.
If you are already convinced that
Swamp-Root is what you. need, you
can purchase the regular medium
and large size bottles at all drug
stores. v
Da. B. sTswYa. SS6 Vtft Ave, .t. CIM
Kindly . send me yonr Fit KB
when-reduced" offer.
lysine ,.w.w.himm
Address or B.F. D.
RA j
and Palestine, where he learned of
the thrilling . work done by 40,000
camels in General Allenby's victory
over the Turks.
The committee in charge in
cludes Mesdames J. E. Davidson,
Howard Batdrige, Lucien Stephens
and C. L. Farnsworth.
U, S. to Sell the '
George Washington
And the Leviathan
Akron, Ohio, Jan. 31. Boats
seized from .Germany during the re
cent world war will' be placed on
sale. v
At least this is the announcement
received by the Akron Chamber of
The famous George Washington,
the boat that carried President Wil
son and Mrs. Wilson and party to
Europe and back, and the giant Levi
athan are among the vessels lied
for sale.
A back -rest for motorcyclists to
be fastened around the waist from
the handle bars of a machine has
been invented in England.
wmy to
a,J.,21' ""Hleo" fr" any address.
Hall Chern. Co. Dept. B 66 St. Lnui., Ma.
Be Better Looking Take I
Olive Tablets , J
If your skin is yellow complexion
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
you have a bad taste in your mouth
a lazy, no-good feeling you should
take Olive Tablets. , .
- Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets a sub
stitute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study.
Dr. Edwards'OliveTabletsareapurelv
You will know them by their olive color.'
Tohaveaclear, pink skin, bright eyes,
no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on
the liver and bowels like calomel yet
have no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome con
stipation. Millions of boxes are sold
annually at 10c and 25c. Take one or
two nightly and note the pleasing results.
Don't buffer! Instant relief
follows a rubbing with old !
"St. Jacobs Liniment"
Conquers pain never fails.
Rub soothing, penetrating "St.
Jacobs Liniment" right on the ache
or pain, and out comes the neural
gia misery.
Here's a joyful experiment! Try
it! . Get a small trial bottle from
your druggist; pour a little in your
hand and rub it gently on the sore,
aching nerves, and before you rea
lize it in just a moment all pain
and neuralgia disappear. It's al
most magical, but the. joy is, that
the misery doesn t come back. No!
The nerves are soothed and conges
tion is relieved and your neuralgia
is overcome. '
Stop suffering I It's needless-
neuralgia, and pain of all kinds.
either in the face, head, "limbs or
any part of the bodyris instantly
Danished. "M. Jacobs Liniment is
perfectly harmless and doesn't burn
or discolor the skin. In use for half
a century. 1
Why be Fat?
Become Slim ThiiT Season
Have you heard about the new
system for weight reduction?
You-may eat and drirtk all you
need. There is no tedious exercisinjr.
Take a little oil of korein at meal
times and when retiring; also fol
low the simple, clear directions. A
loss of weight, ten to sixty pounds
(whatever you need to loss), may
be expected by this safe and pleas
ant system of fat reduction. At
the -druggist's get a small box of oil
of korein capsules, and start at
once. Be of-normal sie, with good
figure and attractive annearance.
agile, quick-witted, healthier And
more efficient By reducing weight
now xpu are likely to avoid one or
more diseases, heart weakness, sun
stroke, apoplexy, etc., and to add
many years to your lifo. Remember
oil of korein. Become thin end
stay so. Show others this advertisa
Use Grandma's Sage Tea and
Sulphur Recipe and Nobody
will Know.
The use of Sage and Sulphur for
returning faded, gray hair to its na
tural color dates back to grand
mother's time. She used it to keep
her hair beautifully dark, glossy
and attractive. Whenever her hair
took on that dull, faded.,or streaked
appearance, this simple mixture was
applied with wonderful effect.
But brewing at home is mussy and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking
at and drug store for a bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound" you will get this famous
old preparation, improved by the ad
dition of other ingredients, whicn
can be depended upon to restore
natural coldr and beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says it darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell it
has been applied. 'You simply
dampen a sponge or soft brush with
it and draw this through your hair,
taking one strand at a time. By
morning the ray hair disappears,
and after another application or two.
it becomes beautifully dark and
Here's the Secret 4
ot Facial Beauty
No Matter How Disfigured With
Pimples, Blotches, Blackheads
or Muddiness the Use of
Stuart's Calcium Wafers
' ' Works Wonders.
Tea win be astonished So see the wee
Jarful change that so often takes place
tn just few dart after using Stuart's
Calcium Wafers. ,
Pimples, blotches, liver spots, black,
heads, muddy complexion and skin erup
tions affeet the skin because It is one of
the natural outlet of the body to rid It
self of Infpuritles. If you supply It with -the
proper materials it will convert these
skin poisons into a harmless substance
to pass off instead of forming ugly ac
cumulation in the skin. These Wafers
contain the best skin purifier known to
science Calcium Sulphide.
Get 60-cent box today of Stuart's
Calcium Wafers at any drug store.
1212 Farnam. Tel. D. 353
This wonderful booh wilt be
sent free to any man upon re
Q8 Berry Block, Nash vHif.Temi. t;
"I had stomach trouble" for seven
years and one bottle Adler-i-ka com
pletely CUBED me. I stilhuse it as a
family laxative with good results."
(Signed) E. Hoeft.
Adler-i-ka flushes BOTH upper
and lower bowel so completely it
relieves ANY CASE gas on the
stomach or sour stomach. Removes
foul matter which poisoned stomach
for months. Often CURES, consti
pation. Prevents appendicitis1. Adler-i-ka
is a mixture of buckthorn, cas
cara, glycerine and nine other sim
ple ingredients. Sherman & Mc
Connell Drug Co.
I A Woman's Verdict I
fJ a J '" Jl m . .
I ens or dutrenng Ureatly
With Kidney and Bladder
Trouble and How Balm
wort Brought Relief.
Her Letter Weir Worth Readlnf
Mrs. Nellie McGinn. $09 East
138th street, New York City, writes:
"For the last year I had suffered
greatly from Kidney and Bladder
trouble, distressing; pain in the back
and hips, with rheumatlo twinges
and frequent severe headache, ac
companied by nervousness, chills,
and fever; also a frequent desire to
eliminate, a smarting, burning sen
sation, with' pain in the region of the
bladder. I would frequently have to
arise at night, my sleep being dis
turbed by the pressure and inflam
mation In bladder. Beginning the
use of Balmwort Tablets I noticed
almost Instant relief, and continu
ing to use them I am now totally
well and relieved of all pain and
dlstress"from-whlch I suffered. I am
glad to recommend Balmwort Tab
lets as a reliable beneficial medicine
and trust others may And relief auid
freedom from pain and distress aa
I did, etc."
The above letter la a true state
ment and Is on file In our offices.'
Balmwort Tablets bring relief when
other medicine has failed. Sold by
leading druggists, $i.uo per tube.
If You Are On Who Has Quit
Indulging in Strong Drink.
Cadomene Tablets Will Help You
Over the Ron fit Period.
Cadomene Tahlata era. ti.inii.i .
weak nerves. Weak, faulty nerrea
often come from strong drink. Some
times the system is Impoverished by
excesses of one kind or another, such
as poor digestion and faulty nutri
tion. Overwork, anxiety, ,aad ren
grief causes abnormal nervous con
ditions. Th Klnnith ...
- - r. ... v. re
clines. The strength of will power
wanes. Nervousness and sleepless
ness causes further weakness and
loss of vitality. Year of faithful
practice taught a great phystcari
that the formula, now used to make
Cadomene Tablets would surely
build up the health of his patients.
Now anyone can take this great
medicine if needed. Mr. O. A. Hoov
er. R. R. No. 1, Reading. Pa.. WTitee:
I am taking Cadomene Tablets with
very gratifying results. Nervous
ness, overwork.-and sleeplessness ara
my complaints."
-I: J N- Herndon. IMS Twenty-fifth
St-, Sacramento, Cal., writes
"I am using Cadomene Tablets and
find a great improvement has been
brought about in two days."
Every package is guaranteed sat
isfactory to the purchaser. Adv.
Read the "Want Ad Pages In To
day's Bee They Ara Full of Red
fiarjuiu 2a His Rjuf Siiife 4
" WssaSMsJBsi