THE OMAHA' SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 1, 4920 The light of law, tha ewrlty al graoe, ' ' Tha mind, the nulla breathing I ram her face. The heart whoee eoftaeae harmonised tha whole, Aad ah, that aya waa aa itself aaull Byre. Here's a eigh to thoaa whs lova ma, And a amila to thoaa who bate) And whatavar eky'a abova me, Hara'a a heart (or avary fat. - - Byraa. SOCIETY Merriweather-Tighe. e The marriage of Miss Anastasia Tighe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Tighe, and Everett J. Merri weather of Valley, Neb., took place Wednesday at the Sacred Heart church, Rev. P. J. Judge officiating. , Mr. and Mrs. Merriweather will re side at Valley after February 15. , , Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beachler announce the engagement of this daughter, Jane, to Dr. Clayton Zel- Icrs of. Lincoln. Both attended the University of Nebraska. Miss Beach ler is a member of Alpha Xi Delta. Dr. Zellers served overseas as a lieutenant during the war. No date has been set for the wedding. . Card Party. A card pp.rty will be given Thurs day evening, February 12, at Arm strong hail, Forty-fifth and Bur tlette streets, by the women of the Holy Name parish. Bazar. A bazar, will be given February 3 and 4 at the Metropolitan club by the women of St. Cecilias parish. Entertain at Dinner. Miss Helen Danielson entertained informally at dinner at her home Saturday evening. . Dinner Honoring Judges. A dinner will be given Saturday evening at the 'University club in honor of Judge George A. Day, who has been appointed supreme judge of Nebraska, and for Judge W. D. McHugh. The Palimpsest club will give a reception and dinner Monday even ing February 2, at the Omaha club, in honor of Judge McHugh, who leaves soon for Chicago, where he will reside in the future. . Parries at Folk Theater. Miss Emily Keller and Ruth Mill will entertain 16 guests at the mat inee Monday, when the Folk theater will present its first plays. Miss Arabella Kimball will have a box for both afternoon and evening per formances. Miss Kate McHugh will have six guests Monday even ing, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ervin Bran deis will entertain at a line party. To Present Play. The March graduates of the High School of Commerce will present three plays in the early part of March." . The Twig of Thorn," a two-act play; "The Workhouse Vard," a farce, and "Spreading the News," also a farce, will be presented by the graduates. As yet the casts have not been selected, Miss Mary Irene Wallace will coach the amateur actors. . - Entertained at Luncheon. Rev. Andrew Murphy, pastor of St,' Cecelias cathedral, and Rev. B. L. Conway of the Paulisf Fathers of New York, were entertained at luncheon Friday noon by Mrs. E. Theta Phi Delta. David Broadwcll will be host to members of Theta Phi Delta fra ternity at his home, Monday even ing. " To Honor Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Tudson will entertain at dinner at the Omaha club, Sundav evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cooper of Pittsburg. Covers will be placed for Messrs. ahd Mesdames C. M. Wilhelm, Wilson Low, Luther Drake, David Baum, and Clement Chase. To Give Program. A program will be given, Friday evening, February 6, at the Swedish' auditorium by the members of the National Dancers and Norden Sing ing society. Tableaux and folk dance will be features of the pro gram. Emil Peterson will be in charge.'. , .. .- Press1 Club Luncheon. Miss Margaret Angtin, who plays at the Brandeis theater next week, will be guest of honor Friday noon, ' February 6 at a luncheon to be given by the Omaha Woman's Press club in the palm roorri of Hotel Fontenelle. Mrs. T. R. Rut ledge, chairman of the courtesies committee, is taking reservations at Harney 1355. Kensington. The Omaha chapter of American War" Mothers will be entertained at a kensington Wednesday afternoon, February 4. at the home of Mrs. Fred Palmer, 2715 South Nineteenth street. The assisting hostesses will be- Mesdames George Parker. Fred Campbell, Vail Fling, and A. Harris. Pershing Club. The Pershing club will entertain at a dance Monday evening at Lyric hall, Nineteenth and Farnam. ' Goodtimea Club. A maquerade dancing party will be' given Wednesday evening at the Lyric hall, Nineteenth and Farnam, by the Goodtimes club. ' Card Party Postponed. , Mondamin lodge has postponed . the card party which was to be given Tuesday afternoon. . Creighton Mixers Dance. A dance will be given Friday eve ning, February 13, at Kel Pine's academy by the members of the Creighton Mixers club. An unusual program is being planned by those in charge of arrangements. Golf Club. The Prettiest Mile Ladies Golf club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. V. D. Benedict, 2595 Crown Point avenue, on Tuesday evening, February 3. Le Mars Club. ' The Le Mars Dancing club will ' give a leap year dance on Tuesday evening, February 10, at Kelpines' Dancing academy. Invitations have been issued to 150 ' Members of :the committee m charge of arrangements include Jay - Collins, Jack McCarthy and Vine Schmittroth. One of the few equestrienne stat nes of women to be found anywhere in the world is that of Queen Vic toria,, which was erected in Liverpool jvsV5d years fo 1 ' , - Esther Wilhelm a Bride I tvWMfs '"ait! "- The marriage of Miss Esther Wil helm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm, and Samuel Cooper of Pittsburgh took place Saturday eve ning at the First Presbyterian church. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks of ficiated. Palms and' pink roses formed the only decorations. Miss i Mary Cooper, sister of the groom, was maid of honor. She was attractively gowned in pink taffeta combined with tulle and tiny satin Mowers in the pastel shades. The long train was also of pink. Her large arm bouquet was of pink sweet peas. ' ' Misses Erna Reed. Gertrude Stout, and Dorothea Cooper, sister of the groom, were bridesmaids. Their gowns were of pink taffeta made with sash trains and com bined with tulle and flowers. All carried arm bouquets of pink sweet peas. The bride was gowned in white satin made in the prevailing mode. The veil of tulle fell to the hem of the long satin train. Her bouquet was of bride's roses, orchids and sweet peas. . , Mr. Robert Seree of Pittsburgh was the best man, and the ushers were Mr. Sydney Strong. St Paul; Mr. Robert McMurdy, New York; Mr. Alexander Ravell, Chicago; Mr. 66 M 15th and Harney Douglas 1973 i. The House of Pleasant Dealings And the Home of Quality Goods , , We, Feature Two of America's Finest Pianos The "PACKARD" Grand -AND The HOBART M. CABLE" Player We cordially invite you to iee our instruments. Charles Allison, Mr. George Stock ing, Mr. George Metcalfe, Mr. Bur dette Kirkendall, and Mr. Richard Mallory. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held" at the home of the bride's parents. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cooper of Pittsburgh, pa rents cf the groom, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilhelm of Chicago. After their honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will reside in Pittsburgh. To Overcome Winter v Complexion Troubles If tha chill air causes yonr skin to dry und scale or become unduly red or spotted, before you so to bed spread a thin layer of ordinary mercolized wax over your en tire face. Remove next morning with warm water. This is the ideal complexion treat ment for the winter girl. The wax gently absorbs the dead particles of surface skin, so gradually there's no discomfort. This gives the underlying skin a chance to breathe and to show itself. In a week or f o the new and younger skin is wholly in evidence and you have a really match less complexion. Naturally all its defects disappear with tha discarded cuticle as chaps, roughness, blotches, pimples, freckles, blackheads. Usually an ounce of mercolized wax, procurable at any drug store is enough to renovata aven tha worst complexion. "5 wmmmm - . - f ii Campfire Girls Greaet preparations are being made for the Camp Fire frolic, which is to be held at the Prettiest Mile club February 5. The following groups are working on committees: Invitations, Okpe, Wahanka, and Can waste; decorations, Satakalohi, Tomoke, Raosu, Tatapochon and Lexae; hospitality, the torch bearers and Akita; program, Osoha, As sandavi Auyzunta and Kopi Yal lani. Guardians' association will change their Tegular meeting night from February 5 to Tne week later, Feb ruary 12, because of the Camp Fire frolic. At this meeting a guardians' ceremonial will be held. ' The first aid class for February tinder the direction of Miss Luella Larson, is filled and any Wood Gatherer wishing to enter the March class must register at Oma once. The Oecceca Camp Fire girls had a movie party Monday evening to see "Pollyanna." The Alahi group met Friday with Carol Ray. Eleanor Connell and Roberta Ray visited the group. The Toheha group; Miss Bertha Vaughan, guardian, met Friday at the Y. W. C. A. and finished the bead necklaces they have been mak ing. The Minnehaha group with Miss Rosali Platner guardian hed a business meeting Tuesday at the home of Ruth Hichardson. Three new girls joined the group, Frances Hartell, Virginia Powell, Dorothy Johnson and Mildred Cullen. The Kopi Yallani group with Miss Mildred Foster, guardian, held a movie party at the Muse Saturday to see Pollyanqa. ' The Lexse erouo. Miss Bernice Ruxton, guardian, met at Saratoga school Wednesday and painted place cards for the Camo Fire oartv. The committee reported $5.50 from the candy sale the girls had at the Sllhltrhan theater lasf ur1r The Ayuzuntas, Miss Luia Pasco, guaraian, met at the home of Har net Fonda 1 on Wednesday and Dr. Frank C.Secor 1017 1st Nat'l. Bk. BIdg. Office Phone, Tyler 2138 v "OUCH! ANOTHER RHEUMATIC TWINGE" Get busy and relieve those pains with that handy bottle of Sloan's Liniment XT 7 HAT Sloan's does. ' it does YV thoroughly penetrates with out rubbing to the assailed part and promptly relieves all man ner of external pains and aches. You'll find it clean and non-skin-staining. Keep it handy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, stiff joints, pains, bruises, stains, sprains, bad' weather after effects. For 38 years Sloan's Liniment has helped thousands the world over. You won't be an exception. It is unequaled in producing results. All druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. 1 nmmmh w 1 worked on a group symbol. Elec tion of reporter was held and the lot fell to Rnth Sumner. The Asabanakee group, Mrs. Glenn Smith, guardian, held a busi ness meeting Monday at the home ofAlice Ayer and plans were com pleted for a raffle they are to have. Tickets can be had at headquarters or by inquiring from one of these girls. The Witonnhi group whose guard ian is Miss Marie Gossett met at the City Mission Sunday afternoon and several new members were present. They were Victoria Elias, Lulu Helaney, May Hayek. Mary George and Adele Iyen. The time was spent choosing names and sym bols for the new members and learn ing the Camp Fire songs. Big Sisters. The Big Sisters will give a dinner at the Y. W. C. A. February 9, the purpose of which is to discuss plans to increase the membership. Bishop Ernest V. Shayler and Dr. A. D. Dunn will speak. Reservations may be made at the Y. W, C. A. until February 6. Sojourners Club. The Sojourners club will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Mildred Hamilton, 31S2 Davenport street. SEE OUR WINPOW DISPLAYS SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY CONANT HOTEL BUILDI NG SIXTEENTH STREET Announce for Wednesday, February 4, at 8 a. m. The Greatest Dress Sal Ever Held in Omaha! Dresses for Every Occasion EVERY SIZE AND GIRLS! GIRLS! i Purify andPerliime Your Sin Willi CUTICURA TALCUM The most fascinatingly fragrant and healthful of all. powder per fumes. Antiseptic, prophylactic, deodorizing, fragrant and refresh ing, it is an ideal face, skin, baby and dusting powder. Convenient and economical, it takes the place of other perfumes for the person. A few grains sufficient One of the indispensable Cuticura Toi let lno for keeoine the akin clear, sweet and healthy. Iotmu. vwwntk mh .wwuwvnnywnaT.1 Sample aach free by mail. Addreaa post-card : Cabcura LkboraUNriaa. DaaK. Z, MaU.a. Maaa. Jacksonville Florida, 'Aziz" Tha true utarr of Jacksonville, tha ctt nf ' your opportunity, describing la detail the many advantages and - raaourceai Learn why Jacksonville la riorlda'i foremost cltr and tha cantap r x. agricultural, commercial, nnanclal. Jive atocK, manufacturing and ahlD plnr actlvltlea of the ranldlv A.. nivpmi Boutneaat. write toaay 1 ... au.CTUHDf Boom loss. City Hall, uaciunnTUle, X 1. ' Bee Yant-Adi Produci Result.. The costume pike held Thursday in the-gymnasiuni at the Y. W. C. A. was greatly enjoyed by all those in attendance the children who came at 4:30 p. m. and the grown-ups who stayed until it was over.' Side shows, fortune teller and renders were present and practically nothing was lacking that is usually found at a county fair. . Anyone desiring to "enroll for gymnasium work can do so at any time. Registrations are being re ceived daily by those who are anx ious to take up a systematic course of exercises in body-building work. Sunday vesper services will be in charge of the Many Centers club. Rev. C. E. Cobby will address the meeting at 5 o'clock. A friendly hour of music and surprises will follow from 6 to 7:30. This is your last chance to register in the midwinter term of the educal tional department. There are still a few places in the modern drama, cooking, sewing, millinery, expres sion, psychology, business English, French and Spanish classes. Inquire at the office for a schedule show ing hours and fees for classes NOTICE TO BUSINESS WOMEN As there arp hundreds of wonderful Dresses in types most desired by Business Women," Stenographers, Office .Women and others em ployed during regular store hours, for your convenience in making selections " " ' - -Our Store Will Open Promptly at 8:00 A. M. Wednesday COLOR Wednesday, Feb. 4. EVIJRY WANTED STYLE How Present Methods of Living Sap the Iron From the Blood-- Causing Weak Nerves and Lack of Physical Strength Alarming Increase in Iron Deficiency Among Men and Women of Today Leads Physicians Below to Explain Why They Now Prescribe Organic Iron Nuxated Iron to Help Build Up Weak, Nervous, Run-Down People by Giving Them More RED BLOOD STRENGTH, AND ENDURANCE Nuxated Iron is Now Being Used by Over 3,000,000 People Annually That the nervous and physical strain of present day life has produced as never before an alarmine defici ency of iron in the blood is the phonsus Wallace, physician of many years' experience and formerly of the British Naval Medical Service, who explains below why iron is absolutely essential to the greatest development of physical and mental power. Dr. Wallace says: "In every age since the beginning of time people have fallen into certain modes of living harmful to their physical welfare and it has remained in each case for Na ture, Necessity or Science to provide ' means that would help build renewed I health and strength. Among the ancients coarse foods and. out-door life helped make rich, red blood to replenish the wasted forces and preserve high standards of health. But this opportun ity for building up health is not open to thousands of men and women in civil life today whose, wearing tasks and iron im poverished foods sap their energy and vitality and make them weak, anaemic and all run-down and often cause their blood to liter NUXATED IRON ally starve for want of iron. v "Unless strength-giving iron can be obtained from tha foods we eat it must be supplied in some form that is easily absorbed and assimilated and , for this purpose I always prescribe or ganic ironwhich I have used with such successful results that I am absolutely convinced of its effectiveness for helping to build red blood, strength and endur ance." Dr. H. B. Vail, formerly physician In tha Baltimore Hosptisl and Medical Examln r: says: "Throughout my experience on tlospital Staffs and as Medical Examiner, I have been astonished at the number of patients who have doctored vainly for va rious diseases, when in reality their deli cate, run-down state was simply the re sult of lack of iron in the blood, frequently brought on by modern mothods of cookery and the strain of t::c prenent day high tension life. Time cud ".fain I have pre scribed organic iron iNuxated Iron lurpriatd patitats at tha laalditv- Girls ! ( Your hair needs a little "Danderine" that's all! When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair, also double it's beauty Try "Danderine" and see! - THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF THE OMAHA BEE OFFER MOST UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR BIG BARGAINS. belief of Dr. T. Al- STRONG, which tha weakness and general debility was replaced by a renewed feeling of strength and vitality. I took Nuxated Iron myself to build me up after a seri ous ease of nervous exhaustion. The ef fects were apparent after a few days and within three weeks it had virtually re vitalized my whole system and put me in a superb physical condition." No matter what other tonics or iron rsmedies you have used without success if you are not strong or well, you owo it to yourself to make the following test: See how long yoti can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. aad ' Next take two five-grain tablets of Nux rltk attd Iron three times par day after meals WATCtf TUESDAY'S NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS A BRIDGE OF SAFETY TO VIGOROUS HEALTH Like a crashing avalanche of mighty rocks the condi tions of modern living are threatening the health and strength of many a man J or today. It ,is for such men that Nuxated Iron serves as a bridge to safety by helping to build up red blood, power and endur ance. for two weeks. Then test your strength' strain and see how much you have gained. Nuxated Iron will increase the strength, power and endurance of delicate, nervous, run-down people in two weeks' time s many instances. Msssfseturer'i Nets: Xuxattd Iran, which Is rrnrrlhed (nil noommmded hr rhrslrlans snd utilch Is now helns used by otor three million r !le annually. Is not a secret remedr but we whth In wall known to drunslats everywhere. l'Dllka the olilcr Inorganic Iron products It Is eaHy SHlnnlnled and does not Iniura tbe teeth, make them blsok nor nr'wt Hie stomach. The manufacturers tutr antea smvaeHfitl and entlrelv saiitraftorv results t STerr tmreliawr .r they wtll refund your nwiev It Is disjoined In thin eity ty Owl I'nif i n.. Xtirr man 4 McCeoneU's Mrs Prug Stores aad all etel drusslsts.