RIEF BRIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS FORMER CROWN PRINCE IS LEARNING BOXING. Amsterdam, Jan. 31. Former Crown Prince Frederick William hopes to go to his estate at Oels, near the Polish frontier, to live with his wife and family. The tor- ,, rner crown prince said he was writ ing his war memoirs, but that he could not think of publishing them now. He amuses himself by boxing ' with an instructor from Amsterdam. WHISKY USELESS FOR , . FLU, SAYS DR. WILEY.' f St. Louis, Jan. 31. Whisky and htAwly have been eliminated as medicines, it was declared here to day by Dr. Harvey V. Wiley, presi dent of the United States phara ropocial convention and former chief of the bureau of chemistry, De partment of Agriculture. No men tion of alcoholic liquors as medicines will be made in the next issue of the American Pharmacopeia, which is prepared every 10 years, he said. This was determined upon, Dr. Wiley asserted, several years before national prohibition1 became effec . tive. Whisky, instead of an effective rvmedy or preventive of influenza, is a positive poison in such cases, said Dr. Wiley, adding: "In only one instance would I use whisky for an influenza case, and that would be where I wished to . hasten the departure to heaven of the patient." No serum has yet been found to ' prevent influenza, he declared. BRITISH SOLDIERS TO GUARD FLENSBURG VOTE. Copenhagen, Jan! 31. A special dispatch from Flensburg, Schles wig, where a plebiscite is to be tak en, says that 400 British troops will immediately deaf the streets should the Pangermans try to car ry out a farewell demonstration in honor of Herr Todsend, the Ger man burgomaster, who 'has been or dered to quit the area. The Flensburg police have threa tened to go on strike. EMPTY JEWEL" TRAY IN CROWDED STORE. , Los Angeles, Jan. 31. Two ne groes entered the jewelry store of Louis Rudnick, held5 up a clerk, ; emptied gems estimated worth $10, Q00 from trays into their pockets .-' and escaped in the crowd. . The robbery occurred within a block of posts where several police men were on duty. MANHATTAN SALOONS GIVE UP THE GHOST. New York, Jan. 31. The saloon nf hid in which the word "liquor had only one definition became a thing of the past in New York with ' ihe expiration of 2,838 short term ." certificates. Many saloonkeepers, still clinging to some more or less mysterious hope, have decided to kceu open and sell soft drinks, until the state legislature enlightens the public as to what is, or is not, li quor, or whether - oe-halt ol. one . 15 per cent beer ,vill require X-"H- f tense. FLY 1.000 MILES . IN 510 MINUTES. ? ' Washington, Jan. ol.Au aerial relay race along the Mexican bor . der resulted in an ofticial message heirs sent from Brownsville, lex., to oga1es, Ariz., about 1,000 miles, in. 510 minutes, according to reports .' reaching the-War department. Nine planes participated and no accident occurred. . INFLUENZA RAGING IN SWITZERLAND. Geneva, Jan. ol. Hundreds ot - fresh cases of influenza are reported N from the principal towns as the in " Huenza epidemic continues to spread in Switzerland. The death rate, how ever, does not appear to be heavy. Sleeping sickness has made its ap pearance in a few places, nine deaths irom the disease being reported. HUNGARIAN PRINCESSES OUT LOOKING FOR JOBS. Geneva. Friday, Jan. 61. beveral Hungarian princesses, refugees m Switzerland, finding themselves poor through the low exchange rate, are seeking positions as governesses and companions. But the people gener ally hesitate to employ them, fearing they will instill extravagant ideas in the children. One Hungarian princess left for Zurich recently to take up employment as a waitress. ' SIX HOURS IN BAY OF btcpav TN BARREL. Ptvmnntli. Ene.. Jan. 31. After being tossed about for six hours in a barrel during a gale in the Bay of Biscay, thief Officer Weldon, of the American steamer Bloomington, was -.c-uprt hv his own shin. His home is in New Orleans. The Blooming ton sighted the Spanish schooner Manuel Tampa, which had been abandoned in the Bay of Biscay, and took i in tow, sending the chief of z,Cr a, ut fmir men aboard. ' A gale 4wlmwfl and when day broke only wreckage was visible. Persistent search resulted in the" discovery of the mate afloat in a barrel, ineom ers, including two Americans, were drowned. MEMBERS OFIpTlSH COUNCIL ARRESTED. Thurles, Ireland, Jan. 31. Prior to a meeting of the Durban council, the police arrested two of its prominent members, as well as a man who had leen an unsuccessful candidate for - the council and. the local organizer of the transport workers. Search for another Durban councillor failed. One of the councillors arrested was afterwards appointed chairman of the board by the council. OGDEN CLOSES DANCE HALLS. Ogden, Utah, Jan. ol. Orders were issued by the city board ot hearth tonight for the closing of all theaters, dance halls, motion picture houses and other public assemblage places and discontinuance of all spe v cial sales in stores y until further notice. ' "WOULD GIVE BONUSES TO ARMY INVENTORS. Washington, Jan. 31. Bills au thorizing bonuses to army officers who invent improvements in the pro duction of war munitions were intro duced hr Chairman ;Kaftn of the house military committee "at the re uest of the yfai department VOL. XLIX-NO. 33. mm NEW FOR PACT IN U.S. SENATE Many Irreconcilables Believe Move for Discussion to Begin Feb. 10 Is UselessWant Treaty Left "Dead." REPUBLICANS MAY ASK A TWO-THIRDS VOTE Vice President Marshall, How ever. Holds Majority May .Take Action Slight Hope In More Negotiations. Washington, Jan. 31. A possible foundation for another session ot senate debate on the peace treaty was laid today by democratic leaders as a sequel to the collapse yester day of bipartisan informal negotia tions for a compromise on reserva tions. , , Notice was served by Senator Walsh, Montana, one of the demo cratic members of the disbanded bi partisan committee, that Tuesday, February 10, a motion would be made to resume consideration of the treaty in open senate. He spoke for the .democratic senate leader, Sen ator Hitchcock of Nebraska, who was absent. The announcement developed no debate. A little later, however, the senate was given a concrete reminder of the amount of .oratory it already had expended on the treaty. 3,000-Page Book. Senator Smoot, republican, Utah, exhibited a 3,000-page volume, con taining 7,300,000 words on the sub ject, spoken in the senate last sum mer and fall. Although a vote is -10 days away, there were indications that the divi- xne sailiaj Hires- or unn4nw"iw-ii f. have obtained generally during the treaty fight. The first impulse of some of the senate's irreconcilable foes was to vote for the democratic motion on the theory that more discussion would arouse further public opposi tion to ratification, while others of the irreconcilables held to the posi tion that the treaty was dead and should be left dead. Still Hope in "Talk." Some of the mild reservation re publicans were inclined to favor fur ther debate as the only possible way to ratification, but others believed it' only would consume time that should be devoted to legislation. There have been intimations, too, that a number of democrats would prefer to try some other method of private negotiation betorc reopening debate. It generally was predicted that it the democratic move proved suc cessful, as the party leaders said it would, the line up behind it would be a combination of democrats, mild reservationists and irreconcilables. Republican leaders talked over the situation among themselves during the day, but declined to make any predictions about the outcome. Want Two-Thirds Vote., v It1 was indicated, however, that the republican leaders would make an effort to require a two-thirds ma jority for bringing the treaty before the senate. Under the rules, they said, two-thirds would be neces sary, but it was pointed out that Vice President Marshall had held throughout the treaty controversy that a majority, could proceed as it pleased with treaty consideration. Should an appeal be taken from his decision in this case, it was expected that a majority would vote to up hold him. v Congress Passes Bill Allowing $5,000 to ' Widow of Omaha Man Washington, D. C, Jan. 31. (Special Telegram.) Senator Hitchcock, previous to leaving for Nebraska Fridays called up and had passed the Jefferis bill appropriating $5,000 for the relief of Mrs. Thomas McGovsrn of Omaha, whose hus bind was ,1 il'ed by a government motor trucK driven by a regularly enlisted soldier r-f the United States army. This !egu. '.ion has been up wards of three years milling its way through congress, having originally been introduced by the late Charles O. Lobeck, the announcement of whose death called forth many tender expressions of sympathy fiom those who served with him in the 6oth and preceding congress. The McGovern bill now goes to the president. Jap Government Not Back ' v Of the Hawaiian Unions Honolulu. Tan. 31. (By The As sociated Press.) The Japanese gov ernment hss no connection or rela tions with labor unions in the terri tory of Hawaii, members of which are engaged in a strike on-sugar plantations, according to an othciai - statement issued here - by Acting Consul General, t uruys. CHANCE OMAHA, THE GATE The Omaha Sunday Bee lg rffljrjff JV Wealthy American To Become Bride of Greek Prince Today Mt'rf "William B heeds Geneva. Jan. 31. Mrs. William B. Leeds, who arrived here last night from Montreux, accompanied only by Dowaager Queen Olga of Greece, was married here today to Prince Christopher of Greece. Captain Stocker, aide-de-camp to the prince, said the Swiss civil marriage per formed today was only a formality as both Mrs. Leeds and Prince Christopher were . members of the Greek orthodox church. He de declared the real ceremony would be conducted at Montreux, on Sun day, according to the rites of N the Greek church. Former King Constantine and Queen Sophia of Greece were not invited to the wedding. Mrs. Leeds is said to have in herited a fortune of. -$14,000,000 upon the death of her late hus band in the. United States. The prince is the youngest brother of former Xing Constantine. SAYS BILL WILL MAKE PRESIDENT DICTATOR OF U. S. Senator McKellar Alleges Re Organization Measure Is "Militarist!! Run Mad." Washington, Jan. 31. The army reorganization bill, with its compul sory military training provision, re ported by the senate military com mittee, not only will cost the tax- payers more man a uunun umiau annually, but will result in "mili tarism run mad, said a minoiiiy re port i filed in the senate today by Senator McKellar, democrat, t Ten nessee. The report, which was concurred in by Senator Sheppard, democrat, Texas, said the measure would per petuate the. president's war powers and make him virtually a dictator in peace times. "The minority of the committee submit," sad the report, "that the. passage of this bill carrying ap propriations which must come, will be to institute in this country a military system of the first order. Indeed, it will be militarism run mad, a militarism of the ultra Ger man tvne. a militarism never dreamed of by our forefathers, a militarism that is wholly unneces sary, a militarism that cannot be defended, a militarism that is wholly unjustified when we look at our his tory and our future." Estimates made by Chairman Wadsworth that the fyll with the compulsory military . training plan would not cost more than approxi mately $600,000,000 annually were incorrect. Senators McKellar and Sheppard said, declaring the mili tary establishment wouio. more nearly cost $1,162,072,000 annually. Charge Bankers With Cheating on Remittances Vienna, Jan. 28. Further com plaint is made by local banks against the practice of certain American banks in selling remittances to Aus tria far below their exchange value. The bank officials say 10,000 remit tances from America weekly, rang ing from $5 to $100, are sold at the rate of 100 crowns to the dollat. They suggest that remitters be urged to deal only through repu table banks and send dollars and not crowns, in order to secure the proper rate. 100,000 Garment Workers ' Are Given Raise in Wages Cincinnati,' Jan.!31. Approximate ly 100,000 garment workers in the United States and Canada have been granted increased wages, it is an nounced, as a result of a conference between representatives of the United Garment Workers of Amer ica and the' Union Garment Manu facturers' Association of America here. 'Piece workers are to receive a 20 per cent increase and cutters on advance of $6 per week, effective February 15, m 3H I 1:1 I f I I p ,f J j CITY OF THE WEST, OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1920. ji TAKE STEPS TO NOMINATE PERSHING Friends of War Hero Begin Circulation of Petitions in Nebraska to Place Name on Ballot for President. RAPID GROWTH OF BOOM CONSIDERED PHENOMENAL Much Attention in Washington Centered on Comparative Showing of Army Leader As Presidential Prospect. Lincoln, Jan. 31. Circulation of petitions was begun Saturday to place the name of Gen. John J. Pershing on the ballot in Nebraska as a republican candidate for presi dent. Petition blanks were sent from the Lincoln headquarters to every county and precinct in the state. The Pershing petitions will be filed at the office of the secretary of state within a week or 10 days, when the name of General Persh ing will be placed on the ballot to go before the voters in the state wide primaries to be held April 20. Pershing Sentiment in Washington Is Favorable By E. C. SNYDER. Wnslilncton Correiipondent of The Bee. Washington. D. C, Jan. 31. (Spe cial Telegram.) Since some one kicked over the presidential bee hive applications for poultices are daily occurrences. Nobody appears to be immune, with indications pointing to an unprecedented list of "also rans'' at both Chicasro and San Francisco conventions.. A "killing frost'- nipped the boom of Governor Coolidce for oresident this week, the headquarters of the Massachu setts governor being closed with a bang, and others may be expected to go the same way before June 1 rolls around While a recent edict has gone forth that "favorite sons" must not be used to hold delegates, which may have a deterrent effect upon some incipient booms, one thing especially noticeable in and about Washing ton i'a the nhenomenal erowth ot Pershing sentiment, in spite of the reneated denials Ot the general nim sclf that he is a candidate for presi dent and in the absence of thorough ly organized publicity and promotion committees such , as are now at work for Senator Harding, Governor Lowden and General Wood. Pershing Boom Has Force. Tn the oast few davs those who try to keep in touch with republican leaders here have been struck by the number of active nartv men who have been impressed with the force of the Pershing candidacy. "If such sentiment and support has developed in lace ot the general, persistent and repeated denials, and in spite of a most active and thoroughly or ganized and financed move in be half of another military man said a well known eastern republican, "what might be expected from a thoroughly ncrfected and united movement to push the Pershing candidacy." Shortly after the Wood boom was launched prophecies were frequently heard to the effect that while the friend of Roosevelt might be ex pected to go like a rocket in view of the organization and effort behind him, he would surely come down long before June like the proverbial (Continued on Pago Two, t'olnmn Five.) German Government , Will Quit If Forced to Deliver Army Men i Basle, Jan. 31. Because of the al leged impossibility of insuring the execution of its orders for the sur render of Germans accused of vio lation of the laws of war by the al lies, the German government will resign if the entente powers insist upon their delivery,' according to the Nachrichten of this city, which says it has received its information from a reliable source. Mexicans Will Examine Stranded U. S. Aviators Laredo, Jan. 31. Lieuts. E. F. Davis and G. E. Grimes, United States armjaviators, who made a forced latyiing near Guerrero, Mex., Wednesday because of an exhausted supply of gasoline, are on their way to Monterey, Mex., under military escort. They are to be examined by Mexican military authorities "as to their reasons for landing on Mexi can soil." Postpone Mexican Probe. El Taso, Tex., Jan. 31. The hear ing of the United States senate sub committee investigating Mexican af fairs, which were to have begun Monday, have been postponed to Tuesday, according to a telegram from Albert B. Fall, chairman of the subcommittee, received here to day by Major Dan M. Jackson, sec retary. - OFFERS YOU GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES. i r1 Jmedicinai Vs OTnlNRt Jw$1 SLAYERS AGAIN r'FACE LAST VEEK OF THEIR LIVES" ' r - t Execution of Cole and Gram- ijier Is Sure to Take Place Next Friday, Is Belief. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.) Once more, Alson B. Cole and Allen V. Crammer "face the last week of their lives." They are sen tenced to die in the electric chair next Friday at the slate peniten itary for the murder of Mrs. Lulu Vogt, Grammer's mother-in-law, in Howard county, July 4, 1917. Execution of these two men, set for yesterday, was postponed by Governor McKelvie until next Fri day due to the inability ot John Hulburt, chief executioner of New York, to arrive in time for the elec trocution. He has not' yet been notified to come this week. Announcement by Attorney John M. Priest, counsel for Cole, that he would institute new leg al action Monday to save his client from death has deferred Warden W. H. Fenton of the penitentiary from sending for Executioner Hulburt. Hulburt will have to he notified Monday, however, in order to ar rive in Lincoln in. time for the elec trocution scheduled for next Fri day. Mr. Priest today refused to dis continued on Page Two, Column Two.) New England and ' New York State Ice Bound at 42 Below 'cw York, Jan. 31. All Xew Eng land and Xew York state arc in the grip of the coldest weather of the winter. Xew records for low tem perature were reported in many com munities, the thermometer register ing fVom 8 to 42 degrees below zero. The frigid wave which suddenly gripped the east Saturday was most severe in northern Xew York state, where the low record of 42 degrees below zero was registered at Ava. Along the, Xew England northern coast, harbors and channels are frozen,' preventing the movement of shipping and supplies of foodstuffs. The inhabitants of several islands are reported to be isolated. i Attempt Made to Wreck Chicago Home With Bomb Chicago. Jan. 31. For the second time within a year an attempt was made Saturday night to bomb a house in Chicago's exclusive north shore quarter. All windows in the building and several in adjacent houses were broken. Police say they believe the bomb was intended for a former occu pant, said to have gained emnity, for renting homes to negro families in a restricted residential district. B Mill (I yur). Daily, f.M: Sunday. Dally and Sua.. 17.00: onlilda Nab. aoitata WD Passing, Show of 1920 BURGLARS LOOT SHOTWELLHOME; LOSSJS HEAVY Jewelryv Silverware and $1,000 Coat Stolen While Family At Theater. The home of Frank A. Shotwell, 3224 Poppelton avenue, brother of Abel V. Shotwell, county attorney, was sansacked last night by thieves between 6 and 9 with a loss of jewelry, apparel and silverware valued at several thousand dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Shotwell attended a dinner and theater party during the evening and Mrs. Lois Cochran and their little daughter went to a picture show. Mrs. Cochran returned home about 10 and found the house com pletely wrecked, with .furniture and clothing strewn about the floor. She at once notified Mr. Shotwell and the police authorities, but it was fully an hour before the police were on the scene. A sealskin coat valued at $1,0(30 was taken, besides all the silverware and some antique pieces greatly valued by the family. Everything of any value in jewelry and cloth ing was taken. The thieves gained entrance through a window in the butler's pantry, and, according to the state ment of neighbors, did not leave the house until about 9:30. The lights in the house went out at that time. Early yesterday morning a gun br-ttle was staged almost directly in front of the Shotwell home between Motorcycle Officers Sherwood and Rt therford and a Buick car contain ing four men, whom the officers at tempted to arrest for speeding down Poppletou avenue. After exchanging several shots with the men in the car, the officers were finally distanced. . jt Mexican Cowboy Shot to -Death by 1). S. Troopers F.l P;iso. Tex.. - Tan. 31. Isidro Duran, a Mexican cowboy reported shot by American negro soldiers near Palomas, Mex., several days ago. died in a hospital at Columbus, X. M., yesterday, Alberto Ruiz San doval, "acting consul general for Mexico at El Paso, announced to day. . ' Sandoval said four negro soldiers are held at Columbus pending an in vestigation. 40,000 Poles Want to Return to Old Home Hartford. Conn., Jan. 31. Forty thousand Foles have applied for passports for return to their native country, according to word sent to steamship agencies here by the Polish consulate in Xew York. The message said no more .applications for passoorts will be accepted until action can be taken on those already received. One Cent Raise In Bread to Be Made Monday In Chicago Chicago, Jan. 31. Retail bread uriccs in Chicago will be increased 1 cent effective next Monday, lead ing bakers announced today. The new price will be 11 and 12 cents for a pound loaf of bread and the one and one -half pound loaf will sell for 16 and 17 cents. V t FIVE CENTS. LITTLE GIRL IS KILLED BY GAR OF DR. GREENBERG Ruth Birkland, 15 Years Old, Struck by Auto as She Gets Off Street Car Return ing From Movie. Ruth Lillian Burkland, 15-year-old d.iughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Burkland, 2625 Charles street, was fatallv injured at 7 last night, when she was struck by an automobile driven by Dr. A. Greenberg, 120 South Thirtieth street, as she was getting off- a street car at Xorth Twenty-fourth and Paul streets. She died an hour later from con cussion of the brain at the Wise Me morial hospital. Dr. Greenberg was driving south on Twenty-fourth street. The girl stepped from the car and crossed the street directly in the path of hrs car. The accident was unavoidable, ac cording to Mrs. General Scott, col ored, 2409 Hamilton street, who wit nessed it. The doctor says he did not see the girl in time to avoid striking her. He picked, her up and rushed her to the hospital, calling Dr. A. C. Stokes to assist him in caring for her. Before she died Dr. Greenberg went to the Central police station and gave himself up. He was boked for investigation and Cap tain Vanous allowed him to sign his own bond for $3,000. The accident victim was first un identified. Her mother became wor ried when she failed to return from a movie and telephoned the police sta tion. Her description of the girl tallied with that of the victim and she was ser.t to the hospital, where she identified the body of the dead girl as thai of her daughter. Smoot, Last Survivor Of Pioneer Mormons, Dies, 92 Years Old Salt Lake City, Jan. 31. William C. A. Smoot, last survivor of the Original band of pioneers which reached the valley of Salt Lake, Jnly 24, 1847, with Brigham Young, died here Saturday night. Many of his relatives and friends were with him Friday to celebrate his 92d birthday. Mr. Smoot was one of the first company of men to break the trail between Salt Lake and Los Angeles, Cal. Me was one of the 30 young men called by Brigham Young to go to Las Vegas, build a-fort there to protect immigrants and the United States mail from Indians, and to teach the latter how to raise wheat, corn, potatoes, squash and melons. Mr. Smoot was the father of 18 children, 10 sons and eight daugh ters. Cox Announces Candidacy. Columbus, O., Jan. 31. Governor James M. Cox officially announced ,his candidacy for the democratic presidential nomination. $2.50: aitra. THE WEATHER Fair Sunday and Monday j warm er in southeast portions Sunday; colder in west arid north portion Monday. Hourly temper! urn: A a. m.. tH a. m t 7 . in t I. I. H p. P. H. P. T P. a . IH.........X4 m..,...,,.t in -,' m m S n, m ....! 10 . ni .,..11 11 m. tn t 1 uoiiti ....16 f MILITARY PROBES TRIP IN MEXICO Surprise Sprung on Rescuers Of American Army Aviators When They Are Within Sight Of American Border. ARMY OFFICERS KNOW- NO REASON FOR ACT Flyers Came Down on Mexi can Soil Because of Gasoline Shortage U. S. Consul Is With Rescue Party. Laredo, Tex., Jan. 31. Disrup tion of plans for the return of Avia tors Grimes and Davis to Ameri can soil cainc suddenly late today in instructions from Governor Gon-' zalez of the state of Nuevo Leon, ordering their removal from juris diction of local civil authorities, who had prepared to permit the' aviators to return to the United. States. The governor directed that the aviators be brought to Mon terey immediately, for examina-1 tion." Randolph Robertson, American consul at Nuevo Laredo, tvhq sent word of Gonzalez's action in a tele phone message from Guerrero, said he was accompanying the aviators to Xuevo Laredo. The party is traveling tonight by automobile on the Mexican side of the border, un der escort of a number of Carrau za officers, he said. Consul Robertson, wlip went to Guerrero Thursday to aid the re-? turn of the aviators, gave no fur ther details concerning Governor Gonzalez's order beyond the state ment that the flyers were to be, in terrogated by . General .Franclscf Murguia, of the Carranza army, r U. S. Army Officers Are Surprised at New Action ' Brownsville. Tex.. Ian. 31. The fact that Major General Francisco -Murguai, commander of Mexican military forces in the northern zone. . ' has taken entirely out of the hands, of General Fortunate Zuazua. mili tary commander in Tamaulipas, the situation relative to Lieutenants E. F. Davis and G. E. Grimes at Guer rero, Mex., and has ordered the two men taken to Monterey for military examination proved a surprise to Lntted States army officers here. The change of plans came when officers here thought the return of the two officers to American soil was all but actually accomplished. j General Murguia, according to in formation here, was at Piedras Ne gras, opposite Eagle Pass, today and it was from there, it is assumed, that he ordered Davis and Grimes taken to Monterey. , The only information received at Fort Brown here today was from General Zuazua and Major Flores, the latter of Matamoros, who went to Guerreror, opposite Zapata. Fri day morning, presumably to facili tate the departure of the two Ameri cans. General Zuazua's message came at 3 o'clock this afternoon and was delivered to Captain W. B. Bradford, assistant district adjutant at Fort Brown. No direct word has been received from the two aviators since their first message late Wednesday con veying the , news of their landing south of Guerrero when their oil and gasoline was exhausted, according to Captain Bradford. Turks Mobilizing , Secretly to Attack Greeks and Allies London, Jan. 31. The Turkish minister of war, according to re ports from Constantinople, has se cretly ordered the printing as quick ly as possibffe of 10,000 copies of a proclamation for general mobiliza tion of the Turkish forces, says a dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company from Athens, dated Janu ary 29. The report says the order shows that the war ministry contemplates mobilization in Anatolia, prepara tory to an attack on the Greek and other allied troops there. Wm. Allen White Out for Gov. Allen for Presidency Emporia, Kan., Jan. 31. William Allen White today announced his candidacy from the Fourth district as a delegate to the national repub lican convention. He stated that he will support Gov. H. J. Alle for the presidency and that he is mak ing the race at the request of Gov. Allen. , , Roosevelt Accepts Place On Gen. Wood's Committee Chicago, Jan. 31. Theodore Roosc ven has accepted a place on th Leonard Wood national campaign committee, it was announced at1 Wood headquarters. ' h'