THE BEE; OMAHA.1 'SATURDAY. JANUARY 81, 1920. Flashes From Filmland Neighborhood Houses AIOI.1.0 ih and LMvoaworth MAIKJR KKNNKPT In "THROUUH ITHB WRONG DOOR." tory of fklne Ir and honest hart; alio KMAWIIINU HARRIERS" HAMILTON 40th mmi Hamilton MAE MARSH In "TUB BONDAOK OK BARBARA." and a Harold Lloyd comedy, i COMFORT Uth ld Vinton MON ROK SALISBURY In "SUNDOWN TRAIL.' and a Bl-V comtdy. LUTIIRO rUUt a d lothroo VIOLA DANA In "PLEASE GET MARRIED." and CHARLKH CHAP LIN In "A DAY'S ROMANCE" DIAMOND J4th and Lake RUTH ROLAND In "ADVENTURES OK RUTH," ehaptor four, -and MARIE WALCAMP In last atory of '"TEMPEST CODY" aerla and comedy. ITv.js safe to estimate that two third of the onovie fans of Omaha Jiave been to the Rialto theater this week to see that good old southern screen production, "In Old Kentucky," featuring Anita Stewart. As nearly every person, young and old, like a horse race, to say nothing of the many other in teresting features of this produc tion, we add here that the picture will have its last showings at the Rialto today, "and if yau enjoy something thrilling, as well as to see some very clever screen' acting, make it a point to be at the box office early, so as not to miss out on this big photo-production. Sun and Muse Many critics as sert that "Pollyanna" is one of the greatest picture plays ever filmed. Th reason for this is that the philosophy upon which the story is baaed conltihited a theme hich at the present time has an unusually wide appVal. This production will be the feature at the Sun and Muse theaters for the last times today. Strand Lionel Barrymore repeats in the screen version of "T-he, Cop perhead" the striking impression which he made in this great drama of ciivl war times when it was pro duced as a stage play. The picture closes a week's run at the Strand today and is a production every per son should see. It is well worth the attention of every admirer of really line photoplays. ' Moon "Checkers" is about to leave us, and it's just possible we will not have another "Checkers" to thrill us for some time. The last per formance of the William Fox racing photoplay, which has been drawing good houses at the Moon theater this week, will be given today. The pic ture is a big magnet, with its com bination of humor, pathos and glow ing romance. Empress The dramatfc action of "A Man's Man," the photoplay at traction starring J. Warren Kerri gan, which is being shown at the Empress for the last times today, is as fast as a rapid-fire gun. From the first flash on the screen of the water tank station in the Arizona desert,' where the mining engineer defends the young girl then un known to him from the annoyances of a traveling salesman, to the final picture in far-off Sobrante, where he wins her heart and learns her real identity, there is not a foot of film that does not pulsate with intense nomantic interest. 1 AT THE THEATERS THERE are going lo be some do ing5 at the Gayety this after noon when Jacobs and Jertnon produce their 1920 "Burlesque Re view" for a week's engagement. Both in the completeness of the scenic and costume equipment, noth ing will be seen at the Gayety this season that begins to approach this attraction. The competent cast is headed hv Billv Snellman, with Ed Shubert. Harlie Mayne, Irene Mera, Irene Learv, Irving Gluck, Billie Clark and" Harry Emerson. An elaborately downed chorus com- nletes the organization. Tomor row's matinee starts at 3. That the MO most beautiful ' girls in the. world" are found in support of the famous Fanchon and Marco in their revue, "Let's Go," which concludes its week's engagement at the Brandcis theater today, with two performances, matinee and evening, is the proud boast of the stars them selves. Fanchon and Marco were hcadliners in vaudeville for several seasons, but their clever work in "Let's Go" discloses them at their cleverest. This is farewell day for Gertude Hoffman at the Orpheum. She will nresent her series of dances and impersonations this afternoon, and again this evening, ine curtain xo nieht is to rise promptly at 8 o'clock. The bill opening tomorrow is to offer two headline attractions, one contributed by Maude Lambert, musical comedy favorite, in combi nation with Earnest R. Ball, song composer. The other will be the one-act comedy, "Two Is Company," presented Dy Wilbur Mack and his company, which includes Louie Holly and Earl Bronson. Another featured act will be contributed by Charles and Henry Rigeletto, as sisted by the Swanson Sisters and company. The closing performance of "May Time" will be given at Boyd's this afternoon and evening, and with the end oi this engagement closes the career of the beautiful theater. This company id one of the most compe tent groups of entertainers ever seen in Omaha, while the quaint and wholesome attractions of the play itself commend it to all. Miss Caro lyn Thompson, Mr. Melville Stokes and Mr. William Norris have the leading roles. t ' When "Business Before Pleasure" conies to the Brandeis theater for foflr days begining Sunday "night, February 1, Omaha will be given the opportunity of seeing Abe Fotash and Mawruss Perlmutter in the "fillum" business. Harry First is Mawruss and Jules Jordan is Abe. The vampire, wjio causes all the trouble, will be portrayed by Miss fane Lowe. A capable company sur- ' rounds the principal players. Howard and Lewis, at the Em press, are a pair of clever farceurs and aluong vaudeville's cleverest funmakers. They offer a comedy song and dialogue conceit entitled, "Do You Like Me." The Eight Vassar Girls, offer one of the prettiest of musical numbers, 'play ing a variety of instruments. The stenery is distinctive and elaborate. Veteran Engineer Dies; John Stevenson, 74 years old, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph M. Dougherty, 6557 Flor ence boulevard, Thursday night. He worked as a locomotive engineer for 25 years wrth the Union Pacific. B. C. Grosse Dies of "Flu;" Wife Hi With Same Disease Benjamin C. Grosse died at his Li me, 1420 Sherwood avenue, yes terday of influenza. He was em ployed as a pharm'icist at the Sher man & McConnell Drug company. His wife is seriously ill of the same disease. A brother, John V. Grosse of Elgin, III., will take the body to Elgin for burial. 1,250 additional feet of selling space has been secured by this expansion. H CtVOTMlNO COMFACT I yf COR. PODQLAS V in Every Dept this progressive store has been ma terially enlarged. Saturday the Last Day of This Great xDarision-Sale! For this Filial Day's selling wo hf.Ye regrouped all .broken lines into lower priced lots making the values for Saturday .the greatest ot the entire sale. The log ical time for Clothes buying is Right Now. Let your first duty tomorrow be the at tendance at this sale. .Share in these wonder ful savings. Buy now for future needs, as ill Clothing prices are making rapid advances upward jCh. $22.50 and $25.00 Suits and Overcoats mm f iVlWHAWiir? AwlAW JO 1 )f u i iff i r ni im&s k .nx ma : r.m vj i Jill Garments that are made right, fit right and hold their good appearances. 1A 50 Palace Suits and Overcoats now 24 So great are these values that in order to secure good selection we urge you to He aere early Saturday morning. The Mdst Startling Clothing Values of the Hour ! , Look where you will, the equal of these Suit and Overcoat of ferings will not be found, America's finest made Clothes at ridi- i n 1 Ail a lnirr r.TnAa $60 - and 6S Suits and Overcoats $4450 Fur - Collared O'coats Saturday $1 Q75 Positively worth to $40 Plenty of big sizes. Made from fir st quality Kersey, quilted lined through out. Choice while they last Saturday only ' $19.75 $15 and $18 $29.50 and $32.50 $37.50 and $40 $45 and $47.50 $50 and $55 , Suits and . Suits and Suits and, Suits and Suits and Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats 12S! $29 $34 '39 FurLinedOvercoats '.. Tajie your pick ot any fur lined overcoat in our entire stock during this final week at PRICE m , Men's Pants Suitable for work or dress; worth $3.48 and $3.98; on 'sale at .: $2 Omaha's Greatest Sale of Men's rants 1 Last Day SPECIALS J 35c Paris Garters, all colors, to go at 19k All Suit Cases and Club Bags go at "..20 Off Big lot of $1 Silk Neckwear to go at 50J All Caps go this- week at a discount of 25 Beau Brammel Fibre Shirts silk and satin striped, $0.00 values, to only All Shoes go in sale at a dis count of 25 Dress Shirts with French cuffs, $3.00 and $3.50 val ues, nov $1.98 Shirts with laundered cuffs, $2.50 values, in sale SI. 25 Winter weight Flannel Shirts $6.50 values, now. .$4.98 close out at Flannel ' Shirts, worth to .$3.98 14.50, in sale, . . . . .$2.50 Tour One Biggest Opportunity. Every pair guaranteed to the limit against ripping and tearing. A new pair U not satisfied in every particular. , $2.48 and $2.98 Trousers, bow ...$1.98 $3.48 and $3.98 Trousers, now.... ........ 82.98 $4.48 and $4.98 Trousers, now 93.98 $5.98 and $6.98 Trousers, now '94.98 $7.98 and $8.98 Trousers, now $6.98' $9.48 and $10.98 Trousers, now. ....... .$8.98 $12.50 and $15.00 Trousers, now 910.00 $17.50 Trousers, now T ....$13.50 UNDERWEAR All Wool vUnion Suits Lewis, Cooper and Wright up to $10 val- AJ- qo ues, at J0.IO Wright's Part Wool $6.00 Union Suits, a0 fto Sale Price $0.9o Heavy .Mixed Wool Union Suits, $4.00 and $150 values,... $2.98 Heavy Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, $2.50 valr aes, in sale $1.48 MP , Children 10 AVatch for an nouncement 0 f "Mina Taylor!' contest. -n nr-N rr n ire n vi mi r.n m m w m w m r m m a m 11 rj mm m r m m m m mm ( lira in 1 . r 1 isii -uii c u mt -k'sv tin 1 1 iwki e i .. MyEMW) llMailll WOMl 11 STORE February lit to 7lh is (ka: lor' T..7 99 EYERYBODYS wec STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY Final Clearance of Women's and Misses' Winter Coats Two Groups "These coats are all OUR REGULAR 'STOCK, anct re duced to these prices regardless of cost. A splendid opportunity to se cure a good winter coat. We advise an early selection as there is but a limited number in each group. $15 and $25 Included are: Tweeds, ' Silvettoncs, Coating Velours, Crystal Cloths, and Plushes, in all the Wanted shades Second Floor ; ' A Real Economy Sale of Georgette and Crepe de Chine f Blouses at $6. 75 The very spirit of fashion has been conveyed in the beautiful new blouse creations featured in this assortment. The sale of these blouses at this time gives added evidence of the fact that, despite market conditions, There Is Always a Saving on the Blouses Bought .Here Two are illustrated. Second Floor VESTS 75c Each Women's vests, low neck and sleeveless, white and pink. Union Suits $2.25 Each Women's union suits; odd lots; medium and summer weight; various styles; $2.25 each. Union Suits $1.75 Each I Women's medium weight fine quality white cotton union suits; low neck and sleeveless, ankle length, $1.75 each. Fiber Silk Hose $1.75 Pair Women's rib top black, white and cordovan color; full seam less foot fiber silk hose, $1.75 pair, i Silk Lisle Hose 85c Pair Women's black, white and cordovan silk lisle hose; seam less foot, 85c pair. A n Interesting Book for Sun day Reading Visit our book department and take home an interesting book for Sunday reading. , "RED AND BLAjCK," by Grace Richmond, author of the popular "RED PEP PER BURNS" stories, $1.60. Third Floor. The SPrin8 'Season's -I The Spring Season's Best Styles -in Millinery at Most Popular Prices Unusual assortment of new sprlrfg hats in straw and satin. Satin and all straw effects, smartly trimmed in ribbon, feathers and flowers; large, small and medium shapes, especially priced for Saturday selling " Second Floor Italian Choco late Creams 75c Per Pound Italian chocolate with a- pineapple, cherry, nut and ' vanilla' centers, special, 76c pound. Salted blanched peanuts, special, 50c pound. . Main Floor Presenting Individualized Types in Early Spring Models of Gossard Corsets For every occasion, for every activity; for women and misses who demand the unusual and exclusive. ' ' Lightly boned corsets that give the uncor seted silhouette, the results are charming because of the fact that the figure under neath these revised details is straight and natural instead of stiff and set. . For figures full,, stout, slender or average, our jnodern corset department has models galore, deeply hipped and skirted, but ex tending very little above the waistline. Models ol beauty and comfort, hygienically designed. Prices $3.75 and upward to $32.50. Second Floor DolLClothes Sewing Class Saturday, From 10 to 12 A. M., on the Fourth Fsloor We know that every little girl has new dolls to make clothes for, so we have made arrangements for all the girls to come here Saturday, and we will help them cut and sew their doll clothes. I Thread, needles, scissors and material will be furnished free ot charge, and competent instructors will be in charge. Every Little Girl Is Invited to Attend $9.85 Drugs and Toilet Articles Listerinc, 14-oz. size, 78c. Listerine, 7oz. size, 39c. Listerinc, 3-oz. size, 19c. One-pound roll hospital cot ton, 54c. I .1 One lot pure bristle tooth brushes, 14c. Laxative cold) ablets, 19c. Chappedine, for chapped hands, 25c. ' ; Four-ounce bottle glycerine, rosewater, and ty.y rum, 25o. Four-ounce bottle pure gly-s cerine, 25c. Glover's mange medicine, 50c. Medium size Danderine, 49c. Pond's tooth powder, 29c. Main Floor MEM o Take Advantage of This Sale P of Men's Furnishings 600 fairs of Men's and Young Mens' For Quick irousers In the Downstairs Store ' Clearance in Three Separate Lots Lot 1 Men's worsted and corduroy pants for mechanics and workingmen of all kinds, $3.95. ' Lot 2 Mon's worsted and cassimfcre pants for office wear, $4.95. , - Lot 3 Men's worsted cassimere, serge and whip ' cord, suitable for any purpose, $5.95. 300 pairs men's khaki pants, all sizes, $1.98 pair. Iownstlrj Stero. Saturday , Extra Special! On tht Main Floor. Fine muslin nightshirts, soft finish and ex cellent quality ; sizes 15 to 19, $1,50. Men's fabric gloves in gray and brown ; sizes 1Yi to 912; pair, $1.25. Hose, 23c a Pair Broken lines to close; most all colors; all sizes, 9Va to 11, represented, but not all sizes in any one style. Price 23c a pair. ' x Main Floor Men's Shirts at $3 Each On the Main Floor. y Shirts that are new and fresh. They are splendid goods, made for the tastes of the fas tidious man and showing the finest woven, cord ed and printed madras in newest stripes and small figures. No trouble to find 'your size, style and favorite color. They come in all sleeve lengths and sizes, 14 to 18. $8.00 eachv Main Floor. vV 3 f 3 if I i Nil 2 , I. .If 93 :3 if h It; "1 St t-i" 'V A- 1 Ot: