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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1920)
0 V. THE BEE: OMAHA', SATURDAY. JANUARY ai," ivzv. Drexel's Boys' Shoes A.ra making more friends every daj. Wise parents are learn ing that they are one way of reducing: living cost. Be sure your boy is wearing " v 1 TEEL lHOD 'HOES v You'll find that one pair of these shoes will outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. Boys' Sic ' 1 to 5tf $4.00 Little Men's 10 to 13H , $3:50 DREXEL SHOE CO. Bee Want-Ads Produce Results. Brief City News Have Root I'rtnt it Beacon Press Library & Bilk Shade Lamps. 25 pet redu'n. Burgess-Granden Co. Adv. Palm Beach Knits Cleaned now, $1.26; after first of month. 11.60. Carey Cleaning- Co., Twenty-fourth and Lake streets. Webster 892. m '' Postal Employee 111 Forty em ployes of the poatofflce, mostly mail distributers, carriers and clerks, were off duty yesterday due to illness This has created a- shortage of help at the postofflce which may result in delayed mall, according to Assistant Postmaster Woodard. . x To Boost Home Rale Henry Olerich, Omaha economist, will hold a meeting in the city council cham ber Saturday night In the Interests of home rule. Serving on a commit tee with him will be I. J. Dunn, City Commissioners Butler and Zimman, and ' C. G. Cunningham. An open discussion will be held on home rule. All Interested are Invited. City Coal Orders The municipal coal department will receive orders Saturday night, 7 to 9, at the Are station, Twenty-second -and Lake streets. Colorado coal will be sold at $9 per ton. City Commissioner Butler states that he Intends to use the fire stations for this purpose If the experiment Saturday night Is successful. Brooklyn Rabbi to Speak Rabbi Wolf Gold of x Brooklyn, N. T., wll Air Mail Service to Start Before March 1, Says Chicago Aviator Ain mail to Omaha from Chicago will be an actual Jact before-March 1, according to Harvey A. Beilgard, of the vljnited Aircraft corporation of Chicago, who arrived in Omaha Thursday to investigate local aerial navigation conditions. Mr. Beilgard is reputed to be one of the most expert flyers in the country. He was formerly with the Curtiss Airplane company,, and flew several of the latest Curtiss models, which are said to be the largest heavier-than-air craft in the coun ty .. He will meet with the several aerial navigation societies of the city, and "boost the air game," he said. "My company is spending more than $500,000 in advertising this year," he declared. "l am not here, however, to push my own company, but to boost the air game generally. "When Omaha once begins to realize the benefits of air mail, it will never relinquish the service." address the Omaha Jewish churches Saturday at the regular services. Sunday night he will address a mass meeting at the synagogue. Nine teenth and Burt streets, at 8. He is a member of the executive council of the National Mizrachi Zionist or ganization of America and attended the recent international Mizrachi conference In London. Charles f. Davis Dies Charles Parker Davis, B7 years old. a resi dent of Omaha for 80 years, died of pneumonia at his home, 8628 North Thirty-sixth avenue, yesterday. He was engaged In the commission busi ness on the South Side live stock market Surviving relatives are his wife, two sons, Sedely and Parker; his brother, Dr. W. M. Davis, and a sister, Mrs. Wilson Jones, all, of Omaha. Funeral services will be held at Gentleman's undertaking parlors at 2p. m. Sunday. Burial will be In the Forest Lawn cemetery. .iiiiiuiMiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHtiiitiiiiitiiiitniiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiw PHONE TYLER 3000 HiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiJiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiitiii TavV .T lUffi PREVENTION IS BEST CURE FOR INFLUENZA SAY PUBLIC AUTHORITIES Every Possible Effort Is Be ing Made In Affected Lo calities to Stop, Further Spread of Disease. OUNCFOF PREVENTION WORTH POUNP OF CURE , , Persons Who Catch Colds Easily and Who Are . in Run-down Condition in Greatest Danger.' Influenza continues to spread and the disease is now prevalent over many sections of the country.? ' It has baffled the medical skill to an unusual extent, and although it has been held in check in most lo calities it has gotten beyond control in others. The germ has eluded bacteriologists, and medical men now agree that the best cure is pre vention. ' ,. The surest "prevention is to build UBthe bodily powers of resistance, and to get the system into the best physical condition possible. It is now universally agreed that it is possible to perfect the powers of re sistance of the human system ,so that it can throw off almost any in fection, not excepting Influenza. It hasbeen observed that persons who are'weak and run-down are more susceptible to the disease than persons who are in robust health, and if you are in a generally .run down condition and below normal weight this warning should 1 be heeded promptly. If you are in this condition nothing on earth will build you up and strengthen you like Tanlac, which contains the most powerful tonic properties known to science. As a reconstructive tonic jind system builder it is without an equal and contains the very ele ments needed by the system to give you fighting strength to ward off disease germs. This is a statement of fact and it is supported by the recognized authorities and reference works including the U. S. Dispensa tory, the Encyclopedia Britannica, and also by standard text books used in the schools of medicine. This statement is further proven by the fact that millions of persons who have actually taken Tanlac have testified to its extraordinary merit as a medicine and by the fact Tanlac is today having the largest sale of any tonic on the American market. Tanlac is also an ideal strength ening tonic for persons who are suffering from the after-effects of colds, influenza, ordinary grippe, and bronchial troubles, and hun dreds of thousands are using it daily with most gratifying results.' In connection with the Tanlac treatment it is very important to keep the bowels open by taking Tanlac Laxative Tablets, samples of which are enclosed with every bot tle of Tanlac. , Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meany Drug Company in South Omaha and the leading drug gist in every city and town through out the state of Nebraska. Adv. SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS. Made in Our Own 'Factory One of Our Many Models i anx v. i- s GESS-ta taw everybody store Final Clearance Sale o - i Men' s and Boys-Suits and Overcoats JIWWa.U. 1 MBlH 1 . ni i i i ii .ii si i r w mm u ii ii in i mu m iwii U M I IS IU V II B IB JTIt. TB. TV 1V . Stt B AiiJI! I U l - I IM III. BWfkl mm WkWl - "v OVERCOATS $39.50 We have put 200 Men's and Young Men's Over coats in 6"ne big lot at $39.50. -This Vill include many of our better grade coats that have .been greatly reduced. , Many Models Fourth Floor, All Boys' and Junior Overcoats l2 Price Mothers should take advantage of this oppor tunity to save. We will put our entire stock of boys' suits on sale at $8.85, $12.45, $14.45, $18.45, $22.50, $25.00. . Men's Suits A wonderful opportunity to get a new suit that will be suitable for spring wear at a great saving. . Many models in form-fitting, double and single-breasted; also waistline effects, in blues, browns, grays and fancy mixtures $23.75, ( $33.75, $43.75, $53.75 and $63.75. v Fourth Floor. SATURDAY The Last Day of Our January Sale "Will Afford- a Wonderful Opportunity to Buy ai ...... MA 1VJL1 1. 11 At Most Unusual Reductions for instance- . A number ofS-lb. Genuine Felted Cotton . Mattresses, enclosed in attractive, durable rt tick; well finished and up to standard in every way. Selling-regularly at $16.00. SATURDAY ONLY. . , ..... ............ A varied assortment of samples, broken lots, as well as mattresses and box spring sets in dis continued tickings at a saving of about ONE-THIRD.' $1 A.50 Two $60.004.6 Sample Sealy Mattresses, at .. 840.00 $27.50 1.6 Sample Hair Mattress, -at x S19.50 $57.50 1.6 Sample White Hair Mattress, at 837.50 $30.00 4.6 Imperial Edge, 50-lb. Choice Felt Mattress S22.50 $25.004.6 Carletion Felt, 50-lb. Mattress with four-row stitched edge and heavy art tick 820.00 A number of Mattresses for 3.6 Beds bearing similar reductions. '' METAL BEDS "Close out" of samples and slightly marred pieces $16.504.6 White Enamel Bed now...... SS.25 $16.503.6 Vernis Martin Bed now... SS.25 $26.503.6 White Enamel Bed now.". 813.25 7.504.6 Vernis Martin Bed now 85.00 $19.504.6 White Enamel Bed now., : 810.00 $35.00 1.6 White Enamel Bed now $22.50 $15.004.6 White Enamel Bed now 311.25 I o - $45.00 No. 1 Box Spring Set ($30.00 , Box Spring, $15.00 Mattress), size for'' a 4.6 steel bed. Sale price. . .832.50 $74.00 No. 2 Box Spring Set $47.50 Box, Spring, $26.50 Mattress), size for 4.6 steel bed. Sale price .... 850.00 SPRINGS k5'"1"1 - All gray enamel or Vernis Martin finishes, making, them rustproof. Elevated 6 inches above side tails, and made wijth heavy steel tape edges ( $10.50 values .$8.50 ,Vv 9.50 values .$6.75 You Can Cook and Bake With Ease on This ' . . . . r ' ' " " . ' ' Detroit Jewel Gas Range i It is a gas range so skillfully designed that you will enjoy working with it. Mly. , The big, roomy cooking top the baking oven sind broiler, placed on one side out of the way, the handy shelves and high legs, making it easy to sweep and mop ufnder these are but a few of the many features which you will like when you see the range. n Detroit Jeweta cost but little more than vastly inferior types. Prices are $38.75 and Up in xm u Why not let us show you the many conveniences and the advan tages of white enamel partsthat wash as easily as your China. o: V LUGG AGE Items of considerable interest to those who need Trunks, Uags or Suitcases,' and ' who wish to shop with the utmost economy. ' Men's "Belber" Wardrobe Trunks, steamer size, fitted with hangers, drawers, laundry bag and fit-all case, and lined throughout with lineen, at 812.00 Ladles' "Rose" Wardrobe Trunks, full size, fitted with hangers, drawers, laundry bag, shoe case and hat box, attractively lined and finished, t 850.00 $39.00 Ladies' Fitted Seal Bag.'. 827.00 $40.00 Ladies' Fitted Bag of Genuine Walrus, at ...'.....,...... ... 325.00 $25.00 Ladies' Tan Pigskin Bag .$12.50 16-inch Long Grain, Black Cowhide Bags,' lined with silk an extra good value at. . .311.00 $45.75 24-inch Man's Suitcase, in black, long grain hide, slightly damaged. Special price, at : r 836.00 raiiMuauuaiaiiaiiKiisjmiiatiriiaiiBMaiiaHaMaiitsiieitaMaun)enauaiiattaiiauauaitsMiimnaiiaiiaiiaiiBria PHONE TYLER 3000 antnauaiiaitBuaiitiiaitaMaaaiiaitaiiai.aaiiBHaHaMaiiBnaiiauawaiiauauanaiiaiiaiiaMatitiwiantfntvasjc a; ST