Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1920, Page 16, Image 16

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'Attorney for Proprietor" of
New Chop Suey Cafe Says
Tongs Must Not In
timidate Him.
Latest developments of the
Chinese tong war in Omaha are:
.First, the posting of . a. warning
against all nonmembers of the Un brought back his belief. Clearly, one
lute belief which' the concluding
words of my rather hysterical ex
planation brought was a. remarkable
one. But I had the key to it as soon
as he spoke.
"So Lit knows about it," he said
half meditatively. "Then it's sure to
be straight even if unpleasant I
beg your pardon, Lady Fair. I
ought to have known that you were
still all wool and a yard wide. ' But
I'lPadmlt that between you and our
slimy friend down the road I was
distinctly up in the air 'for a few
fleeting moments. Now, the next
thing is what's to be done?"
The "Getaway."
If I had possessed an inflated ego
it would certainly have collapsed like
a bubble ac his words. He had been
ready enough to believe that I had
fallen away from the ideals which he
had known me to possess, but the
mere mention of Lillian's name had
Leone tone not to interfere with the
totig'a activities; Second, the ultima
tum of John W. Battin, attorney for
Joe Lee, that if any further effort
is made by the tong to prevent his
client from opening a cafe at 1408
Faruantffeet the matter will be
submitted to federal authorities. t
The warning against nonmembers
of the tons; was posted Thursday at
the entrance to the alleged On
Tfeons Tong den at 111 North
Twelfth street. It is printed in
Chinese characters of black, on an
orange background.
; Attorney Issues Ultimatum.
' The ultimatum issued by Mr.
Battin came after several confer
, ences with his client, Joe Lee, pro- !
prietor of the California cafe, and
leader of a group of nonmeniber
Chinese, who were routed bysalleged
members of .the tong in a battle at
M08 Fariiam street. Sunday. ,
Lee is paying .n high rent for the
jrepcrty on Kamam street, and
ilans to open the cafe in spite of
:he efforts of the tong, Mr. Battin
ssai(l. The threat published by the
:ong in the January 16 issue of the
"Chung Sai Yat Po," a Chinese
daily paper of San Francisco, which
is carried by United States mails to
all parts of the country, is a fed
oral offense, authorities say, and any
further attempt on the par of the
Omaha branch of the tong to coerce
Lee will be put in the hands of fed
eral officers, Mr. Battin today de
clared. C. of C. JJen Neutral.
Chamber of Commerce officials are
taking a keen interest in the affairs,
but are remaining neutral. They
have taken the stand that the case
is a matter for federal authorities.
Chinese say that at one time there
were three tongs in Omaha. One
has disappeared, and another, the
Hop Sui tong hntr lost so many mem
bers' that the On Leong tong domi
nates the city, Chinese residents
told a Bee reporter.
; N
Common Sense Must '
Fix Gas Plant Value,
District Judge Says
District Judges George A. Day of
Omaha, E. E. Good of Wahoo and
VV V. Alljn of Meadsin yesterday
resumed the hearing of the gas plant
appraisal in connection with the
prospective purchase of the plant by
.. he city, of Omaha.
: Curing an argument by Corpora
tun Counsel Lambert yesterday
fudge Allen remarked: ."The trib
unal' that finally ' passes upon the
valuation must rely on its judgment
and common sense."
Mr. Lambert stated that there are
some things which must be recon
ciled on account of the wide differ
ence between1 the appraisal of $3,
351,000 as returned by the city's ex-
' perts, and the appraisal of more
than $5,500,dOO returned by the gas
company's experts.
V The arguments before the court of
condemnation wilt be continued for
several days.
St. John's Lodge Honors Its
. Retiring Secretary at Dinner
St. John's lodge,' No7 25, A. F.
and A. M., . gave a dinner for its
members and visiting brethren at
'"the Masonic Temple Thursday
evening. The occasion was to honor
Brother Carl E. Herring, who was
retiring from the office of secretary
of the lodge after continuous serv
ice of 20 years. 'Worshipful Mas
ter Bell presided, and on behalf of
the lodge, presented to Mr. Herring
a beautiful and costly token of the
appreciation of hisHong service, and
" the esteem and affection of his
brethren. Rev. Titus Lowe, Mr.
Herring and T. W. McCullough
spoke after dinner. Over 400 Ma
sons were present. ,
of his deep-seated convictions was
that of Lillian's high character and
hbilitjv What a tribute to woman
to whom he had tneted out to much
unhappiness! , , . 1
He was standing with his face to
ward Mr. "Bridgeham," and sudden
ly I taw his eyes lose their medita
tive expression and take on, one of
malicious enjoyment,,,
"Pipe your gentlemn fjnd," he
said gleefully.
I turned my head to see that Mr.
'Bridgeham" was palpably edging
away from us down the road. He
would stand still an instant, looking
around with assumed interest at the
trees, then step sideways for a few
.aces, then stand still again.
"Guess I'd better put a little pep
into his movement," Mr. Underwood
remarked dryly.
The next instant he surprised me
by starting on a run down the road
toward the retreatingMr. "Bridge
ham." He ran wjth a powerful lop
ing movement which would have
brought him up to the other man
in another mifiute. But Mr. "Bridge
ham," for some reason, had evident
ly decided not to linger in the vicin
ity. He increased his edging walk
to a sort of hurried trot, then with
one look backward at Mr. Under
wood's advancing , form he broke
into a frantic run andj disappeared
around a curve in the road.
With a wave ot nis nana io mc,
Mr. UnderwoocTstopped short, wait-.
ed a minute or two, then wanted
leisurely to the curve in the- road,
breaking into a run again just as
he reached it. With an involuntary
smile at his tactics, for I realized
that he meant to convince the flee
ing man of the deadlirfess of his
pursuit, while in reality letting him
get farther and farther away, I
leaned back in the car and closed
my eyes for a minute in an effort
to pull myself together.
' , What Underwood Asked. f
Curiously enough it was not the
appearance of the mysterious Mr.
'Bridgeham," territying as mat was
to me, which had upset me most in
this bizarre experience. It was a
chance remark of Harry Under
wood's, dropped when he had mis
uriderstood the reason for-my ob
jection to calling the police.
"The Dicky-bird isn't playing the
game any too square with you, d n
- I would have liked to convince
myself that he had been talking for
effect, or for some sinister reason
of his own, but there had been
the ring of absolute truth in his
words. What had he meant? I Jor
tured myself with the many angles
of this question until the sound of
Mr. Underwood's firm footsteps on
the road mademe open my eyes and
firmly banish everything from my
mind and save the problem directly
before me.'
, "Weill" he was grinning broaydly,
evidently delighted as a small boy
with ,the havoc he had created.
"Your gentleman friend is a better
runner than a motor driver, I'll say
that for him. He must be halfway
to town by this time."
- "You didn't follow tym very
wholeheartedly," I smiled.
"If I had, he wouldn't be run.
ning." Mr. Underwood made the
statement not as a ast, but as
the axiom it was. ';
"He'll not trouble you for a while,
he went on confidently, "but event
ually he'll get his courage up to the
sticking point again. But if old Lit
is on the job, and she will be, you
won't need to worry. I know his
kind. They're particularly unpleas
ant rats, but they can be effectually
chased when you know the com
bination. "And now, Lady Fair, suppose wc
resume our journey." I'll stick
around until I get you in sight of
Lil's door, but I want you to do
one thing for pe don't tell her
you've seen me yet awhile. I want
to be able to say 'surprise surprise'
myself when the time , comes."
(Continued Monday.;
Welcome Relief from
Tortures of Rheumatism
Come. Only From
Proper Treatment.
Many forms of rheumatism are
caused by millions of tiny germs
that infest the blood, and until the
blood, is absolutely freed of these
germs 4 there is no real relief in
sight. : ''..:.
And because so many people treat
the pain, and not the, disease itself,
is one reason 'why rheumatism in
many cases is a permanent disease,
increasing in severity year by year.
. The most satisfactory remedy for
rheumatism is S. S. S., because it it
one of the most thorough blood puri
fiers known to medical science. This
fine old remedy cleanses the blood
of impurities. Being purely vege
table, without a particle of mineral
or . chemical in its composition, it
works by eliminating and forcing
out of the blood impurities, acting
as a tonic to the entire system at
the same time.
S. .S. S. is sold by druggists
everywhere, and any of them will
tell you that it is a thoroughly hon
est and reliable old remedy.
Write our medical department foj
valuable literature and free advice.
Address Chief Medical Adviser, 309
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
My HEART and
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Revelations '
' . of a Wif e
How Harry Underwood Let Mr.
"Bridgeham" Have His Own Way.
The change in Harry Underwood's
face from the rather patronizing- in
credulity, such as he might accord a
child trying to clear itself ot an ac
cusation by falsehood iff the absO'
Musterole Loosens Up Those
Stiff JointsDrives Out Pain
You'll know why thousands use
Musterole once you experience the
glad renei tt gives. -
Get jar at once from the nearest
drug store. It is a dean, white oint
ment, made with the oil of mustard.
Better than a mustard plaster and does
not blister. Brings ease, and comfort
while it is being rubbed on! -
. Musterole is recommended by many
doctors and nurses. MaioAsof jars are
used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff
sack, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rbeu
L imtiatn.hsBoagCs pains and aches of the
- back or Jrt sprata sore muscles.
In1 uieta, chilblains, frosted feet; colds of
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
. 30c and 60c jars; hosfitasize $240,
Ali Wtate. (Q)wircats OE.Me at li aEd gO -IUss .Tlhiaini Regular Retail Prices
' ' : HART. SCHAFFNEE &' UAEX and .Other High Grade MakesEvery Coa,t Fully (guaranteed
Boys' Clothing Bargains
- J Our Entire Stock of
Boys' Winter Suits
an(L Overcoats 1
Greatly Underpriced to Effect
Quick Clearance
Hart Schaf f ner & Marx
That Sold at '
$25.00 and $30.00
All Sizes
8 to 18 Years
That Sold at
$30.00 and $35.00
All Sizes
12 to 18 Years x
200 BOYS' SUITS, former price $12.50, all sides, 6 to 18
years, Our Cash Price 97.50
150 BOYS' SUITS that sold at $10.00, all styles, 6 to 18
years, Our Cash price .$4.95
250 BOYS'' SUITS, former price $15.00, sizes 6 to 18 years,
Our Cash Price ... $10.00
$15.00. All sizes, 6 to 18 yeafs, Our Cash Priee. . ... .$8.50
You Can Buy jorCasH in My Store, bu t Here You Pay Less
J I II".
365 Handsome Winter Goats
Priced for Quick Clearance at
9 '
Less Than Half
Retail Worth
Winter coats that were made to sell at $75.00 and
$85.00, in the season's many nobby styles, materials,
silvertones, velours, broadcloths and fc'-tQ
, plushes, many fur trimmecL Choice
Men's Leather Jerkins
Sold Regularly at $8.50 $ A
Tusr tti Thinrf fnr f.nM Weather -L-
$19.00 Saturday will buy good cloth coats, colored
velvet and velour coats, made up in many different
styles. Sizes for ladies and misses. Made
to sell up to $50.00. (Jnoice Saturday.,
Just the Thing for Cold Weather
Drugs and Toilet Goods
2.00 Tanty-Jasmln at our special cash price, per os.
50c Java Rlc Fac Powdei, our
cash price 30
S5c Santtol. Tooth Paste or
Powder, our cash price 314
SOc Amolln, perspiration deordor-
aot, our cash price 214
80c Mennen'a Talcum, our cash
price ........... : - j 214
12c Creme Oil Soap, our pnee, per
cake 81-34
10c Hard Water Castile Soap, our
cash price, per cake ..TH4
60c Sloan's Liniment, our cash
price 424
25c Hinkles, 100 in bottle, our
cash price . 1....164
$1.00 Whisk Brooms, our cash
price - 690
60c Whisk Brooms, our cash
price .... 354
J $1.50 Rubberset Badger Hair Shaving- Brushes, extra quality, our
I special cash price
Far scarfs and muffs, in
Hudson seal, foxes' and
wolfs. Sold up to $35.00.
Saturday "
Odd lot of women's suits,
sold up to $45.00. Satur
day clearance
Special Saturday in Children's Dep't.
Girls' smart blue sergeydresses
sizes 8 to" 14 Elegant val
ues, at $12.75
Girls' all-wool serge middies,
sizes 8 to 16. Special, $7.95
Girls' gingham dresses. All
sizes, with long sleeves. Spe
cial, Saturday .$2.95
All girls' winter coats at 25
per cent off -Saturday.
Just received rompers of all
kinds." Saturday . . . .$1.25
' All Children's Fur Sets at
one-half price Saturday.
Winter Underwear" Prices Greatly Reduced
We Must Make Room for, the
Big Spring Stock
omen's - cotton union suits in pink or
irhitefin low neck, eleevesless or dutch
neck, elbow sleeve, ankle length, also silk
and Tool or irool and cotton vests in high
neck, long sleeves, ankle length, tights to
match these garments are slightly soiled.
Regular $1.98 and 12.50, on sale... .$1.50
Women's silk lisle, wool and cotton and
heavr cotton union suitsfra pink or white,
in low neck, sleeveless or. high neck, long
sleeve, ankle length. Regular price 12.50
and 12.98. On sale .$1.98
Women's .Vellastlc fleeced vesta, in high
neck, long sleeve, gray. Regular pricg, $1.25.
On sale ...... 75
Women's outing flannel night dresses, in
pink or white, with collars and long
sleeves. On sale .v $1.75
Women's batiste envelope chemise,
trimmed with'val lace, embroidery or
feather stitched, in pink or white. All
sizes. Regular price, $1.75 and $1.98.
On sale . $1.50
Want to Reduce the Table Expenses ?
Thousands of Thrifty Bayers Have Found the Secret of Doing So in the LOW GASH '
ins Powdsr, t
. 1D
48-lb. sacks Best High
'Grads Diamond H Flour
(or S3.38
14-lb. sacks Pur . Ry
Flour .:. S1.S5
No. l .Hand Picked , r'avy
Beans, per lb. ..10c
Brown Chill Beans, lb.. 10c
The best Domestic Mac-,
aronl. Spaghetti or Egg
Noodles, pkg- ...... 7H
Tall cans Condensed Milk
for lSo
No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet
Sugar Corn, Ripe Toma
toes or Early June Peas,
at mi
The best White or Yellow
. Cornmeal, per lb.. ....Be
Kamo Assorted ' Soups, per
can te
Pure Tomato Catsup, per
bottle .... 1
Curtis Supreme Jumbo Ripe
Olives, can se
l-lb. ci
can High Grade Bak-
Fancy Japan Rice. lb.
Jello or Adro Jell. pkg.l4
No. I cans Pork and Beans
for 5e
No.-1 cans Pork and Beans
Fancy Muscatel Raisins,
per lb. -'
Fancy Mulr Peaches, Ib.ase
Fancy Seedless Raisins, at
per lb. 2Se
Whole Apricots, lb. . . .35e
Fancy California , Prunes,
per lb. .S0e-2Se
Fancy Bartlett Pears, lb.25
The finest and largest
line of domestic and Im
ported fruits in the city.
Courtney's Ankola Blend,
per lb. BSc.
Our Famous Santos BVend,
per lb ....38c
H. B. C. Ankola Blend, per
lb. ......40c
H. B. C Special Blend, per
lb. .....434e
M. A J. Blend, nothing
finer, per lb 48e
The Best Tea Sittings, per
lb 31e
Choice Basket . Fired, Sun
Dried or English Break
fast Tea, lb "48c
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Tur
nips, Shalots or Radishes,
per bunch Sc
15 lbs. Best No. 1 Cooking
" Potatoes for ........ S5e
Brussels Sprouts, b...i!5e
Green -Peppers, each..T14e
Ripe Tomatoes, lb... ..30e
Fancy Cauliflower, per
lb. .... .. M
Fancr Head Liettuce", lOe
and .... ..- 1W
Fancy Leaf Lettuce. T'4e
Clearance of All Satin, Satin and Straw- '
Trimmed Hats
That Formerly Sold Up to $10.00
' . f
' Every "good shape, every good style and trimmingyin
this big assortment. Come in the most wanted colors in
cluding black. ' You will easily find the hat you want in
this sale N x
Trimmed Hat That Sold to $10.00, Only $5.95.
Choice Any Winter TRIMMED HAT
95c AND $1.95
35c Ranges, Stoves and Heaters
Butter, Eggs and Cheese
Th Best Creamery Butter, per
lb. .......... ......68
The Jest Strictly Fresh Eggs,
cloaen .65
The Best No. 1 Storage Eggs,
dozen 490
Full Cream Cheese, per
n. ........................3
Universal. 6-hole, cdhibinatlon Coal and Gas Fuel, nickel, cash price, f 110
Klectrlc Heaters, out price lor Saturday...... 55 to
lir CBD priUO 11 o.iuiuaj w
. . . UK
Furnishing Values
$2.00 Shirts, $1.45
This lot consists of several
broken'Tlhes from our regular
jtock of men's soft cuffs, band
or coll ar attached v shirts; re
priced for qflick cleanup Satur
day. Sizes 14 to 17.
$2.50 Shirts, $1.95
' . . ' ' .
Salisbury, Paragon and Maryiand shirte; three well known stand
ard makes of high-grade dress shirts. Not all sizes in each make,
but all sizes in the' lot, including any sizes up to 20 neck band.
Bay Winter Underwear Vow and Sate H to 4.
$3.00 and 13.50 hear? cotton rib or fleece lined union suits. .$2.25
$1.50 heavy cotton rib shirts and drawers, Saturday....... $1.15
$1.50 heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers Saturday..... ;$1.19
$5.00 heavy spring needle, soft wool union suits-' Saturday. .$3.95
$4.50 heavy flat weave, natural wool union suits, Saturday. $3.50
$2.95 heavy flannelette night shirts, Saturday. ............ .$2.25
$2.50 heavy shawl collar sweater coats, Saturday.. .......... $1.95
50c knit wrist or gauntlet, leather faced gloves, Saturday.... 35$
$1.00 heavy wool box or medium weight cassimere hose, i .... . .65
, We Are Headquarters for Barker Collars.
Barker linen collars in 20 different styles, Saturday, 2 for... .45
Barker soft .collars, in cotton, our cash price. 254
Barker silk or fiber silk collars, our cash priee -354
Three Hosiery Specials
The Quality of Which We're . Confident
You Cannot Duplicate Elsewhere in the
Land at These Sale Prices.
.... -
Women's Thread Silk Boot and Fiber Silk Hose Also lisle
in regular and out sizes. Up to $1.50 values, special. . . ?89f
Women's Cotton Lisle and Fleeced Hose In all sizes, black
and white and grey, also cashmere finished, 75c values. Our
Special Cash Price. ;. . .; .39?
Children's Fiber Silk Hose In black, all sizes. $1.00 values.
Our Special Cash Price y v 45t
Shoes for the Whole Famfly
Saturday vre pace on'sale several lines of wom
en's and growing girls' shoes in kid and calf
with French and military heels, also a few gray
lace with both heels. These shoes are worth
$2.50 to $5.00 a pair more on the present mar
ket. Not all sizes in each line but A A
your size in the lot. Cash Price.... JeUi
Hayden Special Shoes for men in
blucher and bal 'styles. Goodyear
welts and union made. Cannot be re
placed under $$.50 $5.50
Boys', Tooths' and Little Goats' Shoes
All sizes, 12 to 61,. Will make a good
school shoe. Cash Price $3.50
Child's Calf Button, Tarn Sole Shoes
Sizes 5 to 8. Our Cash Price $1.25
$52,000 Worth Choice Staple and Fancy
From the ,
Is Rapidly Being Removed to Our Big Grocery Department and Wil Btf
Placed on Sale Here Within a Few Days.
' At 10 to 30 Less Than Courtney f Co. Prices
Only the very choicest merchandise from this choice stock was accepted by
us, only such goods as we can guarantee in Quality, but includes an immense Tariety
of the most appetizing viands from all parts of . the world-delicjpus beverages xni
table waters, delicious fruits and confections, together with an assortment of high
class staple groceries, par excellent ;
Our Way of Helping Reduce the High Cost of living Is to SeH
You QUALITY GOODS AT LESS-rHere's Your Opportunity Prepare te
Lay in a liberal Supply WATCH FOR DATE OF SALE. .
rini u..t.n uir cash Di'lee. UD from.
Hard Coal Burners, our cash price, up from,,
tilectric Heaters, out
nk.l. mir
. rZ j ir. ......... uachr mir r.nmh nrice for Saturday
Oil Mop Outfit. consiBts of a large bottle of oil andlara slie mop1j1
. special caen pnua oo.v-.-v., f-- - ooa
Cedar Mop, medium size, with good, strong handle......
X-Ray Store Polish, price per box , ?
Silver Polish, a 25-cent value, for.. iJ
Lare can Dust Bane, while they last, at..... 1C .
Anv 60o bottle of Oil or Polish, special cash price
Any 25e bottle of Oil or Polish, special cash price iViSs
A 14-lnch Floor Brush, with polished handle, for .T.
A food 4-tle Broom, special for Baturday, only Be
It Paystry HAYDENS First-It Pays
Choicest Quality Meats of All Kinds
At Money-Saving Cash Prices la uur aanwary twin.
Choice Beef Pot Extra Lean Pork
Roast ...12l2 lb. Roast ... 23
Cone Leaf Lard on Sale,
lb -..Z3?
Choice Shoulder Pot
Roast 16 lb.
Skintyed Hams, sugar eared,
lb. 24tf
When you buy for cash here1, you get the best quality goods at lew
v ?