Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY'S!, 1920." rnoro-HATs. I I Big Surprise ify at the , tomorrow Starts Tomorrow Now Playing Don't Miss It! LAST TIMES TODAY mm Prasants for they last time today Anita Stewart in "IN OLD I KENTUCKY" Special Scenic Plantation Prolog, With Jubilee Sinfert, Jan - Music, Stage and EIc- trical Effect, LAST TIMES, TQDAY LIONEL BARRYMORE In the greatest dramatic picture . ever filmed, the AMC8EMF.NT8. MI (opperieaa 1BADI MIL AudltoHum Saturday. Nite. Jan. 31 New Floor .'.' " -New Feature Carl Lamp's Orchestra Additional Music furnished by ' Old Kentucky Jazz ; Free Dancing Lessons 5 . . ' 7:3f to 8:30 , . , , Regular Dancing-- V- 1. BiOV IO 1IMV .-i Dancing1 Ji Cents ' . ... ... iTicuiaB cuicut. PHOTO-PLATS. 'Americas Sweetheart" v MARY PICKFORD in her latett picture 'POLLYANNA' ia bringing joy and new hope to million. A you watch her the "glad" feeling creep through your Vein and into your heart afcd to! you find yourself loring Ten your enemies and trying to do good by them. ' LAST TI TODAY LOTHROP 2iS".J -' VIOLA DANA in "PLEASE GET MARRIED" Ajid Charlie Chaplin in "A Day's Romance" AMUSEMENTS.; Tnniv Mat. & I warn a Eveninsr Last two times I'BSKffi' 1919.Revue LET'S GO! ...I11 ' 30 Most Beautiful Girls In the World on the illuminated Runway Four Days Startinf Tomorrow Night Potash and Perlmutter in the i "Fillum" Business "Business Before Pleasure" Nlehts Me te $2.00. Mat. Best Seats $1.00 FEB. S. 6 and 7 MAT SAT. Margaret anglin I In Her New Play 4 'The Woman of Bronze" By Henry Kisteemecher and Eugene Delard. SEATS NOW ON SALE. PHONE DOUQ.4M 1HKMST IN VAUOCVIbLC LAST TWO TIMES MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 EARLY CURTAIN TONIGHT AT 8:00 Gertrude Hoffmann Ralph Dunbar's Salon Singers; Frank Jerome A "Big" Herbert; Watts A Hawley; Fox eV Ward; "The Beginning of the World;" The Van Celles; Topics of the Day; Kilograms. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tft-matST7m Daily Mat. lS-25-SOc JJrVSJ Evngs., 25-50-75C, $1 "Youth 'ViiiI Charm Go Arm In Arm" JACOB'S AND JERMON'S BURLESQUE REVIEW Brans' saw varilos ef the show of wonder,. Beauty Chorm of Youth, Charm and Grace. Most fun Is town. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS LAST PERFORMANCES IN THE BC V TODAY 230 XJ I LJ TONIGHT With the Record-Holding Shubert Attraction MAYTIME With William Norris, Carolyn Thomson, Melville Stokes LAST TIMES TODAY I VA8SAR QIRLS. Musical Novelty BILLY SWEiE HALL a CO. HOWARO & LEWIS FORD a HEWITT Photoplay Attraction: J. Warns Kerrleaa Is "A Man's Man" Billy Watt Cemaey. Jie Folk Theater Players Boyd Theater, Feb. 2 Matinee ana evanlni. Tkksts en salt' Ian. 2s.tR to 30th. St Mlckel's. 15th and Harsay Sis., aad Jan. 31st to Fas. 2d st Boyd Theater. ' , Prices $1.50. $1 and SOc . Beginning Sunday, . February 1st k regular Dance Night at the Auditorium Will Be Sundays ' ' ' Tuesdays Thursdays v Saturdays Admission . to . Auditorium , 10c etavsv wuucis MES J9 t B STECHERDEFEATS CADDOCK; GAINS WRESTLING TITLE Had Been Agreed That One Fall Would Decide Match; . Wrestle More Than , Two Hours. New York, Jan. 30. Joe Stecher of Nebraska won the heavyweight wrestling championship at catch-as-catch-can, by deefating Earl t Cad dock of Iowa, with a body scissors and armlock, af tea-more than, two hours of wrestling. Madison Square Garden was thronged to it; capacity for the match. Referee George Jiotb ner started the bout at 9:18 o'clock. Stecher had the advantage in weight and was seemingly about 20 pounds heavier than Caddock. - Both were very cautious at the start and for 10 minutes simply pawed each other's neck and shoulders. After wrestling 30 minutes, Stecher threw Caddock to the mat with j side trip and pounced on top, try ing for a body scissors. Caddock twisted out of tight quarters and re gained an erect-position cleverly. Tries for Leg Hold. " Five minutes .later Stecher went down in an attempt for a leg hold, but Caddock could not keep him doyn, and both were on their feet again in less than a minute. Stecher then got Caddock underneath with a side roll, but was unable to get any advantage. A forward body hold was equally unavailing and both were on their feet after SO minutes had elapsed. ' An attempt for a body scissors by Stecher with Caddock underneath was foiled by the Iowa man. ' ' ' At the expiration of one hour's time, both men were on their feet. The prespiration was dripping from them but neither showed" any sign of weakening. .' ' , l Stecher . picked up his opponent bodily and threw him to the mat for another futile effort to obtain a body scissors. Again Caddock's wonderful dexterity enabled him to break free and they resumed up right nositions. Thev had been wrestling 75 minutes when Caddock roiled away trom another scissors attack and electrified the crowd by a double foot hold fpom behind which gave him an aggressive position. They had gone 90 minutes when Stecher secured a headlock out of which Caddock squirmed. Caddock gave a' wonderful exhibition of de fensive tactics in preventing a body scissors, and cleverly offset Stecher s persistent attack which lasted fully three minutes. In another effort for a leg hold, Stecher showed His strength by lifting Caddock bodily, while in .a kneeling position. The match had then gone one hour and45 minutes While Caddock conceded , 20 pounds in weight to the .Nebraskan, he put up a. magnificent battle and it was not until within five minutes of the end that his opponent gained a uccisive advantage. Just before the close of the second hour, Stecher secured a tody scissors and wrist lock after Cad dock had made a supreme but futile effort to obtain a half Nelson. Cad clock brought the spectators to thefr feet when he broke the double hold as his left shoulder was barely an, inch from the mat for a pin fall. J he effort had, however, appar ently exhausted him for a moment later he was again gripped in a body scissors and this time both his shoulders went to the mat. The official time was two hours five minutes, and 30 Seconds. ' Wants Fremont to Help Organize State League; 1 Lincoln Has Franchise Fremont, NeJ.. Jan. 30. (Special. James Beltzer of Lincoln called on a number of Fremont business men and base ball fans in an effort to in clude Fremont as a base ball town in the new state league. Lincoln has already taken a. franchise. Beltzer said, and so have four or five other towns. Beltzer said he would like to have Fremont's aid in forming the new league. He found, little en couragement in Fremont, but he thinks that by the' time the robins fly the base ball fever will induce Fremonters to associate a team with the .new organization. : Commercial High Wins .Agajnst the State Aggies Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 30. Spe cial Telegram.) Omaha Commercial High basket tosser6 won from State School of Agriculture team on the University Place floor Friday night kby a score of 34 to 14. The first half ended 13 to 9 for tlie Omaha lads. . . - Mahoney was the big point get ter for the Commerce aggregation ringing up nine baskets duriifg the game. Cameron was also responsi ble for 14 of the points made by the Omaha team. Kimball was ihe big man for the Aggies, making practice ally all of the points. Commerce High plays jie Uni versity Place High on the same floor Saturday evening., , Union Pacific Bowlers Meet. All members of the Union Pa cific bowling league who are to go to St. Paul on February 6 t partici pate in the International bowling tourney will meet Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Omaha bowling alleys. The alleys have been, re served for practice. - .' ' Broken Bow Wins. . Broken Bow," Neb., Jan. 3Q: (Special Telegram.) Broken Bow High school defeated Litchfield here Friday night, 18 to 14, in a fast game of basket ball. This was Broken Bow's third successive vic tory. . . - . ' . . ' AMUSEMENTS. DANCING! PRAIRIE PARK Twenty-sixth aad Ames Ave. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS By the Baa' Htsr Dancing Club OsMaa 4933 - f . ' ... . PACKERS SWAMPED BY LINC0LNITES SOUGEYTHESTARJ Lincoln Center Scores 1 1 Field Goals in' Game Against .South High. i. . T i'iAin T-Ti'rh arhool basket ball squad swamped South Omaha High t li.f niorhe at the. Packers' gym by the score of 65 to 18. The visiting squau was hi mc iu through the game. , When Coach Mead Lincolnites appeared on the floor they were greeted with great applause. Three minutes after the referee blew the final whistle Sougey of the visitors made the first basket. ' Sougey was the mainstay for the Red and Black quintet, making u Dasiceis ounug the game. The first half of the game was played with great vim by both ..;ntt rr,r Patron's eacre five put' up a good fight against the . . 1 . . a t .1 .tinnl veteran squau, uui tuuiu w smui, accurately. ' The Lincoln squad had tne game won in the firit half when S3 tallies were registered againsK 8 for the Packet. Holland proved to be a valuable asset v to Coach Mead's team as He was next to Sougey, registering a total of 18 points. In the second half the Packers came back a little stronger and held the "Red-and Black down. Hill of the South Side quintet made six baskets in tne second half. , He playeoVa gfeat defensive game, al ways having the ball away from his opponents' basket. 'Tonight on the "Y" floor the Packers will lock horns with the Central High school quintet. South Hiffh F.Q. F.T. P.F. T.I". Pts. . 0 1 0 12 . 0 0 0 0 0 .2 2 1 1 6 . 0 0 0,0 0 .00110 Hill, f. Oraham, f , Nelman, c . J. Card, g Bernard, . ..... Ackermsji, f. .... . 0 0 0 0 0 HOdgerv I. . 0 0 0 0 0 Total....... 8 2 S Lincoln Hit h. IS F.G. F.T. P.F. T.F. Pts. Schafers, f. Holland, f. Sougvey, e. . T.uejlen, . Lamb, c. ., 7. 3 1 0 : 0 .. -11 .. 0 :: I Wilson, t. Llntz, g 0 Totals. 31 65 Boone Cancels Game. v Boone, la., High school basket ball five canceled its game with Council Bluffs High scheduled for last night in Boone, on account of the seriousness of an influenza' epi demic now infesting Boone. It is doubtful that Council Bluffs wil make the trip to Ames college today as was planned. today's Calendar pf Sports. Racine:: Winter meeting- of Cnba-Amer-Icun Jorker club at Havana. Winter meet ing of Business Mea's Racing- association at' New Orleans. Trotting: 8necial meeting- of board of review or National Trotting association at Canton, O. Automobile: Onenlnr of shows at Mln- , neapoUs and Kansas City. I Rowing: Annual nteetlnsr nf ArmHmii Rowing association at New York. ' Racquets: Close of national doubles championship tournament at New York. (Shooting: Close of Sunny South Handi cap tonrnamrnt at Houston, Tex. Polo: Opening of the polo season at Del Monte, Cel. a8portIandr! T'oa championships Boxing: Eddie MeAndrews against Willie Ryan, six rounds, at Philadelphia. Young nancy, agalnt Harold Farese, elx rounds, st Philadelphia. Patsy Johnson against Hoe O'Donncll. glx rounds, at Philadelphia. N. W. Corner 15th and V A Made With eVery Suit tailored to your order. Free means free. We wish you to bear in mind that you get the extra pahvof Trou sers absolutely free. Furthermore, you get the same good serv icenow and always. Perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Every Stitch a Stitch of Style 1 None given free after, sale closesvDon't come after and expect to get these pants free, for there will be none. Free means Free. JUST THINK OF IT MEN! Suit Tailored To Your Measure and Extra Pair of Pants Free Stdy'S Ant N. W. Corner 15th and Mail orders not filled during ! MILWAUKEE POST CLEARS D EM PSEY, GIVES GLEAN BILL Jack Is Given Clean Bill by Gordon Barber , Camp Of the American Legion. Milwaukee, Jan. 30. The Gor don Barber Post American Legion, Milwaukee, adopted a resolution fully vindicating Jack Dempsey, the world's heavyweight champion of all charges of being a slacker and a draft dodger and making him hon orary commander with a 1 member ship for life. The honor accorded the heavyweight champion is the highest which , the post can bestow.. Dempsey was informed of the post's "action through a telegram signed by James T. Lynch, i post commander, and officers of the post. The telegrani sent to Dempsey fol lows: . I "The Gordon Barter Post of the American Legion, believing in 'fair play and in the interest of justice, has adopted a resolution completely exonerating you of the charges of being a slacker and tdraft dodger during the recent 'worfd war, as pre ferred by some misguided legion men. "Yoti have been elected to the hon orary commandership. of the post. A copy of the resolutions will be sent you within the next few days. "Please accept our good wishes and wire your acceptance to the hon orary commalidership . of this post." The Gerdon Barber Post is com-; posed largely of overseas men and is flewly organized. Lynch, the post commander, is a veteran of five en gagements, - "We took the matter up carefully and it seems to us that the way he has been attacked is absolutely un fair. We tried to verify the charges made by his wife but were unable to locate her." , Following i a copy of the resolu tion adopted by the post: ' "Whereas, Jack Dempsey, heavy weight champion of the world, has been accused of being a slacker and draft dodger during the recent world war by various posts of the. Ameri can Legion throughout the United States: and "Whereas, The Gordon Barber post, believing that an injustice has been done to Jack Dempsey by said accusations; and "Whereas, Jack Dempsey served his country to the best of his ability by boxing for the Red Cross during the war; now therefore, be it, "Resolver, That Jack Dempsey is not guilty of the charge of being a slacker and draft dodger during the world war; and be it further "Resolved, That Jack Dempsey be chosen honorary commander of the Gordon post and elected1 to a life membership in said post." Basket Ball Results. Columbus. Mo., Jan. 30. Missouri Uni versity's basket ball quintet defeated the Kansas Agricultural Colleger' five, 21 to 19, n a fast Missouri Valley conference game. Chicago, S'an. 30. (Chicago defeated Ohio In a Western conference basket ball game, 48 to 23. Harney Sts, to Your Measure WorlcTs Largest Union Young Sandow Trains Here for Match With Breedlove in Bluffs Young Sandow, challenger of the world's champion featherweight wrestler, Vernon Breedlove, is train ing in K. C. hall, Omaha, for his titular tilt with ereeaiove next Wednesday night in Council Bluffs auditorium. Each wrestler has agreed to weigh less than 124 at the ringside Wednesday night. A side bet of IBU Figure (I) shows hov the popular narrow toe shoes distort your j eel Figure (2) shows how Ground Grippers per mit the toes to retain their natural position. , I II t(S Ground Gripper Shoes 1414 Farnam Street Sun Theater Building H.B. WATERBURY, Mgr. i ill i us r i us si a sim. ias ssa isaa Kt' yaroa are., rrr. l-l J--f "A place for every toe; Every toe in its place." Tailors Harney Sts. this sale. . , $100 has been posted rn the match nd he winner is to take the gate receipts. Al Fiori, Council Bluffs promoter, is handling the match. , Omaha vs. Midland. Omaha University players will make their initial 'appearance in a collegiate basket ball contest this evening when they lock hoijns with Midland college five of Fremont on the Uni's floor. Thormahlen Signs. New York, Jan." 30. The first New York American club 1920 con tract was signed by Pitcher Herbert Thormahlen. t IS TOE OTAMhTF Not if you wear pointed toe shoes. It can't be, although it ought to be. Few people have feet of which they are proud, because they "have abused them in shoes which are any thing but. the true shape of the natural ' human foot. And how foolish, because you ''don't need to have distorted feet. Ground Gripper shoes are scientifically de signed, the exact shape of the human foot. They don't bind or pinch or distort. They permit every toe to take its natural position so that your feet are just as comfortable when you have your when you are bare-footed. Ml; ' ' s a n i ie .an jrwr- vtim . .1 IARM KG! The Famoua"Dun dss" System is wide-. ly imitated. Wehave no- connection with any ether star ia this city and there for urge you te corns to the right Place. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''''' Central and South Tuned For Clash at "Y" Tonight Central High school basket ball squad will meet the South Omaha High quintet this evening on the Y. M. C A. floor. The Purple and White will endeavor to stage a great comeback. n Yesterday the men went through a stiff workout in preparation for tonight's tilt. Coach Mulligan has not announced his lineup yet It is probable that Logan, Mangold, Swoboda, Burnham and Robertson will start the game. Coach Patton expressed great confidence in his Packer quintet. Ground Grippers on as The correct shoe for men. women and children. N. W. Corner 15th and Harney Sts.