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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1920)
'I ... .-V; v fHE ,BEE:X OMAHA. FRIDAY. JANtfARY :80, 1920- " v :"r ; " 9 FARM LANDS-WANTED. Nebraska Lands FineImproved Farm '; On Very Easy Terms ', Possession March 1st 10 acres located In Hamilton county, Nebraska. miles from unnA lnn rinnl S-rnoro house. (In hrn room for -. 1id of horses, jo cows anil 30 ton 01 nay! excellent fee yard, well ahelt rid, fenced with woven wlr; good chicken home. wlt. windmill and cist ern. Place all well tenosd and cross fenced Je acres under" plow of whlrh S5 sores era In alfalfa, good aland. I.and under plow lira naarly level, bal ance the vory beat of paatura. All Hood black loamaoll with clay aubaoll. Soma . nice fruit and shade trees. Price for , It days only 1116 per acre, $1,000 cash, balance good terme. Thla farm will rent for S09 caah. " M. A. Larson, owner. Central City. Nebraska-. Ideal Grain and Stock ; , Farm, Well Located U0 arrea Howard county, In th Loud Wver Valley, four tnllea from good tiwn. Black loam soil. Ilea level; 100 acre nnder plow of which 20 acrea ar In alfalfa: 15 acres timothy and clover; 10 acres wild hay, bulance the very best of pasture. Oood 4-room house, a larse barn and other necessary out buildings. .Place all fenced and croas-fencad, Prlrs for1 10 days only $90 per acre, $7,000. cash by March 1, balance .terms. Thla farm la rented for $700 cash. Seo M. A. Larson, owner. Central City, Ncp. Widow Owner Sacrifices Midwest Farms, $2,600. (fn dtrrct railroad line, city Erie and ; Pittsburgh; near stores. schools, churches, milk station; railroad depot, etc.; acres blgi crop-produclna- tillage, 4n nnnl. t.u. - i ,. r- (jrtiio, iicmiurB, ubuer fruit; 11-rnom house, stock barn, horse ,. barn, granary, poultry, hog- houses, etc. Owner for quick sale makes low price. 5,b00: easy terms. Details pare 07.J -wrotua v:aiaioRue Farm Bargains 33 States; copy free. K. A. Strout Farm Agency, ftxi-BF, New Tork Life BIdg., Kim City, Mo. HALF SKCTION. Good fertile farm miles southwest cf Ogallala, Neb., north half of 1-12-40; 300 acres broken; psrt in wheat, part In corn; price . ngnt ; buy from owner. Goodwin E. Anderson, Grand' Island, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBKASKA at tlve right price. Write for list. LARSON A CARRAHER. Central City. Nebraska. l''ARM3, possession March 1. 1020. SO acres and up, good ranch, some exchange. Information frdm C. V. Nelson, 1021 W. 0. w. Bldg.. Omaha. VRITE ma. for pictures and prices of ray farms and ranchea In good old Dawes 'o Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. r For Neb. Farms and Ranches M Graham-Peters Realty Co., S2I Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. CHOICE 480-acre. northeast of Holt, at r55 per acre. $11,400 cash, Instance S. tiood ho. no and barn. H. R. Sprague, Star. b. A. A. PATZMAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. South Dakota Lands. TOU REAL EST aFb MEN If you want to gst In touch with the best cheap : land In the country today, get my list ! "Money-Making Bargains In .Central . South Dakota." Big rush coming. Get . In now. O. F. Barnes, Pierre, S. D. AUKNTS wanted to sell Central South Da kota land on commission basis. For par- tlculars wrlta G. M, Livingstons, Pierre, a. n. Wisconsin Lands. ' LONDOLOGT, a magazine giving the - facta In regard to the land situation. Three months' subsartptlon; FREE. If . for a home or as an Investment you are thlnklng of buying good farm, lands. impiy write me a jeuer sna ssy man , me LANDOT.OGY and all particulars. FREE." Address Kdltor. Landology, Skidmore Land Co., 433 Skldmore Bldg., Marinette, Wig, Wyoming Lands. READ THIS. What have you to offer for a 320-acrs homestead relinquishment In Wyoming; oil belt; all level valley land. This is A-l. Address T-888, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. LAND SEEKERS Our $26 excursion to the Rio Grande vallev im now on. w. a Frank. Neville Blk.. Omaha. - FARM LANDS FOR RENT. CATTLE farm, 1,000 acres, for rent, $760! ! Address, Charles Hyde, Pierre, S. D. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. USED CAJtS 1 Hudson speedster, handsomely reftnlshed, new tires all around, $1,400. 1 S-oaseienger Continental, reflnlahed, price $200,., 11916 Overland Country Club roadster, . In flrst-clasg condition, $350. ' 1 1919 Standard Eight seven-passenger Demonstrator. .,' $2,000. - KEYSTONE MOTORS j .COMPANY 2IM Farnam. Douglas 2181. STANDARD WINTON EIGHT ' ' ' ' ' . SIX F YOU are figuring on purchasing a truck It will pay you to see these be fore you buy. One 1910 Kelly '-ton truck, fitted with Stevens Motor.' One 1014 Alro 2-ton truck.'' One 1916 1H-ton Kelly. One 1915 m-tnn Kelly. One, 1916 14 -ton Kelly. , Ttuy. direct from owner and save moncy. Call and see thewe at the FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. 12th and Jones. A REAL BARGAIN. ""1017 Milburn electric 4 cord tires, batteries guaranteed In first-class condition-. Must sacrifice. Payments If desired. ' ' PHONE WALNUT 430 J, PACKARD ROADSTER We have for quick sale at a bargain prloe a Pack- ' ard roadster. It has 6 almost new tires and other extras. We are just putting this car into the paint shop to be en tirely reflnlshed and you will have your choice of color, We will let this car go at a big hargnln If you act at once. ' Terms: Liberty bonds, or trade for other car. Packard Omaha Co., SOU Harney St. Open until 6:80 p, RENT 'A NEW FORD I DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 1J4 CENTS PER MILE. GA8 AND INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARE COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN- TER SERVICE. DRIVB-IT-YOURSELF-COMPANT. FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1316 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. $62$. $OKD KEDAN One of the' latest 1919 model, looks and runs like a brand new car. Has spare tire and rim, bum per, aelf starter, and many other ex- tras. -We will sell this car right. For quick sale we will take cash, Liberty bonds or trade for another car. Pack- ' ard Omaha Co., 1016 Harney St. Open m until 8:30 p. m. 'Buick--Better Hurry ' ' Light Six,, In excellent condition and new tires, new top and curtains. Would take in good late model Ford, or can aell on term THE NEW USED CAR PLACE. . Tyler 4072. - 2047 Farnam St. LIGHT BUICK SIX. 1917 model D-46, good shape, all prac ,, tically new, Sprague tires, new top with side curtains to open with doors, large , oblong glass In rear of top, varnished last'spring and upholstering all In good shape. . Will aell cheap or trade for city property. Call Tyler 4037. Eve ninys Harney 604. EOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mo Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15ttt Und Jackson. Douglas 3500. . v USr.D cars of exceptional value. :ars or exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 1569 Farnam St. Pong. Ii7. 5 ROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS UBKASKA WHITE CO. f RED D. C ROGERS, MGR. TYLER 17T. 1407-31 Capitol Ave RELIABLE automobile school; beet elee. trjcal and self-starter courses ; day and night school; coma now;, free catalogue. National Automobile ahooL 1814 North . Twentieth. Omaha. ,' tEDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or" steel. Send fori circular Redl-Made Bousing o.. Z3U Howard. Red 86T. rVF) HAVE (0 good used cars te select Trom. All piiceo. . . . . . MBBRS AUTO CO.. 2056 Farnam AKLAND Sensible 1s. MARSH OAKLANT COa BRINGING UP HER rAOTMEr? HOME "lEOr-AAiM. - New York Metals. New Tork. Jan. 29. Conner-Iron and Antimony Unchanged. Lead Quiet; spot and March, $.500 $.7Sc. ' ,. ' Zinc Easy: East St. Louis, soot S.Ofltf J.lJo. At London Spot: Copper. 120 2a d tin. 3I3 17s 6d; lead, 47 (s; line, 69; uinvra uncnangeu. , t ' 'Liberty Bond Prices. few Tork, Jan. 29. Prices of Liberty r-onns at u:au a. m. loaay were: 8s 98.90; first 4s, 91.52; second 4s. 90.58; first 4i., 5, 91.72; second 4Ks, 90.65; third 4f4s, 93.36; fourth 44 91.00; Victory O-Wa, ra.JVi viciory tB, vs.xs,, Turitentlne and Bosln.' Savannah. Ga.. Jan. 29. Turoentln Firm, $1.8914: sales. 109 bbls. ; receipts, 33 bbls.; shipments, 23 bbls.; stock, 10,160 Rosin Firm; sales, 619 bbls.; receipts, 428 bbls.; shipments, 104 bbls; stock, 38,652 bbls. Quotri B. D. $17.90; B, F, $17.9018.00: G, 6l7.90igilK.06: H, $18.0015.00; 1, 318.35; K, $19.50: M, $19.75; N, $20.00; WG, $20.50: WW, $20.26. . ' Bar Silver. New Tork, Jan. 29. Bar Silver 31.S5K. Mexican Dollars $1.03 H- Mew York Sugar. New York, Jan. 29. Sugar, unchanged. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. BEST VALUES IN USKD CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2520 Farnam Bt. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S. Look for the red aeal on windshield. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO., $032 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OWNER going to California, will sacrifice, fo cash, my new Essex touring car, only driven 300 miles. Harney 6066. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used carei quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange ' Co. 2069 Farnam Bt. Doug. 6035. 5-PASSENGER car, summer "and "winter tops, motor perfect condition. Cash or trade for Ford. Colfax 2622. MODEL "R," 1918 6-passenger Hupmo blle, 1st class coaditlon. Call Webster 1657: evenings. FORD SPEEDSTEP, first-class condition; must sacrifice; leaving city. : Harney 105P. . OOOD USED CARS OCT L SMITH. GOOD car for sale, $75. Douglas 6422. Auto Livery and Garages. TRUCKS, all sizes for hire. Best rates. Tyler 1976. Best service. Tires, and Supplies. NEW TIRES GUARANTEED 30x1 $ 8.60 I 22x4 $18.95 S0x3U 11.50 I 23x4 SALESMEN AND DISTRIBUTERS WANTED. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 NO. 16XH. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP." 10x1, $4.00: !0x3tt. $5.00. All else In proportion. Ijook over our rebullte. Open Sundays. Tyler 2186. 90s n. I6tn St. Keystone Tire snnp. NRW TIRES DIRT CHEAP $0x8 H FISK... .$11.95 34x4 $20.9$ 30x3 8.95" 36x4 26.95 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1723 CUMING. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries, Edwards. 2616 N. 19, Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains in used machines, Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. ' Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truek and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. ' OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 1619 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Does Your Radiator Leak? . Better work at lame Vices. C. H. ELSASSER. Let ni9 tackle your radiators. Tyler 4009 - 2623 S. 21st St. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaxlnes. We collect. Ws distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1I1-1112-UI4 uortge street. WILL Marian Braman, who left Spokane In September, 1918, please write an 'old friend?" Perry Colliu, Cashmere, Wash., c-o. V. A. Wlngate, Box 49. WILL anyone knowing the whereabouts of Earl Wolven (printer). . light complex h ned, ago about 28," please write Box T-69, Omaha Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. S. C. W. L. cockerels; 8. C. R. I. Red cock erels, pullets. Barred Rock cockerels. Harney 1385. FOR SALE One dozen single comb Rhode IsUMid Red pullets, one cockerel. South FOR SALE Full-blooded White Leghorn cockerels. South 1848. MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. ; Private loan booths. Harr Malaihock. 1614 Dodge. D. 6619. Es.1891 FARM8 and city loans. E. H. LOUQEE. INC til Keellhe Bldg. f Horses Live Stock. Vehicles. For Sale 800 Sets of Harness, . SADDLES AND COLLARS at 31 per cent discount; free list price Midwest Harness Co., T06 N., 16th Btt Omaha. Neb. RETIRED from farming: will sacrifice -few good teams menched mares, 6 to 7 years old, 1,60 to 2,100 pounds; will guarantee them, 1321 S. 29th street, block east of East park car line. SETTLING up our estate, will dispose of our own raised mares and horses; all matched teams. 1.600 to 1.000 Bounds- young and sound. 2411 St. Marys Ave. REAL bargain for cash;, two teams of big, young, mated mares; also 3,400 pound team draft horses. 2226 Mason St. ' W have) a long list of buy er ' for five;, six, aeven and sight-room modern homes, cot tage and bungalows. Phone in and w will inspect your property promptly. For re sults call . . : OSBORNE REALTY COMPANY, 430 Bee Bldf. Tyler 496. itiiniiiininiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiniiritiiiiinii. fHarryM. Christie Co. I ask for a ehanee te sell roar 1 I HOME APARTMENT. i 1 BUSINESS PROPERTY f 1 'v. !V ; or TRACKAGE! u '"l H,! fo Bick "lt. MustS J be prietd right. s aKeeline BUe. Tyler 5240. B - - J : Erealags aad Sundays. , 1 r-5tnr ' FATHER- TO Market LIVE STOCK . Omaha Live Stock. Omaha, Jan. 39, 19 JO., . Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ....10,272 7,176 3,1 U Official Tuesday ...10,834 16,596 18,77 Official Wednesday.. 8,224 14.605 .12,601 Estimate Thursday.. 4,900 14,000 9,400 Four days this week. 34, 230 62.917 43,350 Same days last week. 35,516 63.969 2. 211 Same days 2 wks ago. 37,413 63,738 '48,011! Snme days 3 wks ago. 28,290 53,270- 38.276 Same days year ago. 26.368 68,0,52 30,285 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Nb.. for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., January 29, 1920: RECEIPTS CARLOTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. Wabash . .. Mo. Pacific 3 Union Pacific 62 C. & N. W.. east 19 44 26 40 1 . . 50 1 1 21 1 3 33 4 4 1 2 14 4 215 43 1 C. & N. W., west .... 37 C, St. P., M. A o 35 C, B. & Q., east.... 4 C, B. & Q., west. . .'. 37 C, R. I. & P., east.. 6 C, R. I. & P.. west. . . . Illinois Central 9 Chicago Gt. West. .. 3 Total receipts ....208 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hoge. Sheen. Morris & Co 756 1.459 630 Swift & Co... 1,311 2.546 2.357 Cudahy Pack Co.... 1.665 2,695 1,71 4 Armour & Co 1,775 3.668 839 Schwarts & Co 808 .... J. W. Murphy 3.225 Lincoln Packing Co.. 44 , S. Omaha Pack. Co.. 5 Hlgglns Packing Co. . 23 John Roth & Son 20 Mayerowlch & Vail . . 8 Wilson A Co 51 W. B. Van Sant & Co. 31 Benton & Van Sant .. 40 F. P. Lewis IB .... Huntzlnger & Olive .. 2 J. B. Root & Co 273 .... J. H. Bulla 25 . .... Rosenstock Bros 148 .... .... F. G. Kellogg 24 Wertheimer & Degen 159 Sullivan Bros Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co. . 158 .... .... E. G. OTirlstle 48 John Harvey 370 .... .... Jensen & Lundgren .. 35 Dennis & Francis ... loo .... Omaha Packing Ct 21 Other buyers 1.315 4,790 Total . 8.576 14,301 10.230 Cattle About an average Thursday's run of cattle showed up today, 4,900 head, and the four days" supply has been about as heavy as a week ago. The market closed weak and unevenly lower yesterday, and opening bids today were around 1525c lower, right good beeves selling at $13.25 1.1.80. Cows and heif ers showed fully as much decline as the beef steers and were slow sale at that. For the week the decline for both beef steers and cows has been 2550c, and It has been a slow and uneven ,trade throughout. Blockers and feeders - were In rather liberal supply today and In slack demand at decidedly lower prices all around. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves'. $13.0016.00: fair to good beeves, $11.60013.00, common to fair beeves. $9.00 11.50; good to choice yearlings, $13.60(9 16.00; fair to good yearlings, $I1.6013.50; common to fair yearlings, $9.0011.50; choice to prime heifers, $11.604!il3.00: good to choice heifers, $9.0011.60; choice to prime cows. $11. 00S 12.60; good to choice cows, $9.7511.00: fair to good cows, $.8.25 $9.75; common to fair cows, $5.75 8.25; choice to prime heavy feeders, $12.25$ 13.60; good to choice feeders, $10.75W 12.25; medium to good feeders, $9.25 10.75; common to fair feeders. $8.00(3)9.25; good to choice stockers. $9.60l1.0O: fair to good stockers, $8.00 9. 50: common to fair Blockers, $6.008.00: stock heifers, $6.508.7i; stock cows, .$6.258.50; stock calves. $7.5010.60; veal calves, $9.60 4 15.50; bulls, stags, etc., $3.75310.50. Representative sales: BEES' STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. ' Pr. 913 $11 60 928 $11 00 24 39 1142 39 1112 12 20 15.. 15.. 9.. 20.. 12. . .1130 12 25 12 20 12 50 ..1130 ,.1056 ,.1084 . . 877 12 25 12 65 13 00 11 00 13 SO 10 25 10 75 11 25 6. 1076 22. 21. .115; 13 75 13 45 13 35 .1229 .1173 20.. 22. .1255 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 603 840 698 9C0 9 75 20.. 7.. IS. . 10.. 859 818 10 50 11 00 11 75 12 25 855 936 12 00 cows. ... 700 ...1150 ...1046 ... 801 ...1015 6 90 11 .. 670 . .1102 . .1022 . .1045 8 00 8 75 6 00 9 00 9 50 10 00 10 50 8 50 9 10.. 7.. 8.. 6 2; 9 .15 9 65 18 1042 11 1159 ...1035 ...102.1 10 25 6 1253 40 1170 10 65 STOCKERS AND FEEDEKM. 7... 4... 12... 28... 10... 6... 21... 9... 14... 1.,. 1... 1... 1... 1... 2... 1... 1... 1... 7... 8... 1... 6... S... i..'.. I. . 25... 1... $... 724 9 00 9 75 13. 638 9 26 10 25 11 25 11 CO ... 615 ... 631 ...1083 ... 974 ... 488 ... 836 ... 892 ... 990 ...1190 ...1180 ... 7S0 ...1130 ...1030 ...1340 ...1170 ...1030 ... 2fi0 ... 380 ... 348 ... 3f6 . .. 168 ... 16 ... 170 ... 260 ... 332 ... 216 ... 163 28... 6... 25... 616 836 $18 9 00 11 40 11 75 HEIFERS. 8 76 6.... 9 50 8.... 10 00 17.... 10 50 15. v.. 791 695 857 1 00 9 75 10 25 10 75 8 25 8 76 . 25 9 40 9 75 8 75 9 SO ... 692 ...1520 .,.1300 ...1420 ...1420 ...1700 ...1640 ...1340 BULLS. 1 25 8 60 9 00 9 60 10 25 9 00 1 75 i:alv es. 7 00 8 50 9 25 10 00 13 00 14 00 15 60 ' 10 25 12 00 14 00 15 25 1.. 130 380 , 362 168 180 250 425 250 230 250 155 8 50 9 00 9 50 11 00 13 60 15 00 10 00 11 ,00 12 too 16 00 15 50 7.. 20. 6.. 3.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 2.. 1.. 7.. Hogs There was only a fair run 01 hogs here today, .estimates calling for 201 loads or around 14,000 head. The market was late In opening and not very active then. Very few sales that sold ii,hi h caliA.4 steady but the general market was around 16(S25c low er than yesterday at a. duik 01 14.70. Extreme heavlee dropped as low as $14.25. An early Mop was made 01 $15.10. ; Representative sales: HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. ... $14 26 64. .305 Sh. Pr. 230 $14 60 40 14 63 ... 14 75 110 14 85 ... 15 00 ..298 61.. 213 77. .254 14 60 14 70 14 80 78. .226 83. .215 76. .242 66. .298 63. .263 35.. 242 $4. .227 14.90 16 10 Sheep A moderate run rf Bheep and lambs was reaelved this morning ana packers wasted tittle time In placing bids on the more desirable offerings. Best lambs sold generally eteady with In between kinds possibly a little higher. Some 'heavy lambs reached $20.61 and a spread of $20.2620.60 bought bulk of the good grades. No wethers; and year lings of consequence were received, best ewee here brought $12.60, a new price rec ord for the season todate. Inquiry for feeders continues broad and active and good fleshy gnafles are quotable arodnd $18.50$.26, medium weight feeders are selling from 817.7618.60, but are very scarce at present time. Feeding ewes claim a limit of about $1.50. Quotations on Sheep Lambs, Rood to choice, $20.16020.65; lambs. .fair te good, $11.76020.35; fleshy feeders... $18,509 19.25; medium weight feeders, $17.60 18.26; cull lambs, $14.60(717.00; yearlings, $17.00918.26; wethers, $12.0014.00; ewes, good to cholos,,$ll,0011.60; ewes, fair to good, $11.00012.00; good feeding ewee, $8.001.60; ewe culls and canners. f 7.0008.00. . . , . Representative sales: . r - x'FAT LAMBS. , . Ar- Pr- -No. At. Pr. Sao Pagt T HEAVENV WHAT VAb . FOR. I . and Industrial News, of 234 fed.. 37 fed., 80 fed.. 35 fed. . 76 culls 20 fed . , 13 fed.. 42 fed.. . 74 " 19 75 . 98 20 10 . 63 19 60 726 fed... 74 231 fed. .. 69 20 10 20 25 FEEDER LAMBS. . 66 18 00 60 fed. .. 64 40 14 00 73 culls. 40 . 59 18 60 ' ' FAT EWES. .142 12 00 186 fed. .. 105 FEEDER EWES. . 86 9 00 18 50 15 60 12 (0 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Jan. 29. Cattle Receipts, 14.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 7,000 head; market weak; beef steers, me dium and heavyweight. choice and prime, $I5.5017.25; medium and good, $11.50;5.50; common, $9.5011.60; lightweight, good and choice, $13.00 16.25; common and medium, $9.0013.00; butcher caitie, he item. $S.75tf? 13.65; cows, ?6.7512.40; canners 'tnd cutters, ,$5.5! 6.75; venl calves,'- 11H.0019.60; feeder Htcers, $8.00(&12.25; stocker steers, $7.25 10.S5. Hogs Receipts, 47.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 25.000 head; market 10 to1 20c lower: bulk of sales, $15.10015.35: top, $15.65; heavy, $14.8515.25; medium, $15.1015.36; light. $16.15015.45; light light. $1 4.7-6 16. 30;- heavy packing sows, innooth, $14.2514.50; packing sows, rciich. $13.8614.25: pigs. $13.76U.76. Sheep and Lainbe Receipts. 13,000 huad; estimated tomorrow, 8.000. 'head; mnrket unsettled: lambs, 84 pounds down, $19.00021.65: culls and common, $16.00 18.75: ewes, medium and good and Choice, $10.7513.60; culls and common, $7.00 10.50. Kansas Oitr Live Stock. Kansas City. Wo., Jan. 29. Cattle Re ccipls, 4,500 head; market steady to we.ik; heavy beef steers, choice and prime, $15.25(3116 50: medium and good, $11.25 15.25; common. $10.50ll,25: lightweight, good and choice. $11.0016.00 ; eommon and medium. $8.2511.00; butcher cattle, heifers. $7.0013.60: cows. 6.76ia.OO; dinners and cutters, $5.25S7.00; veal calves, $14. 0C l-7.00; feeder steers, $8.25 13 00: stocker steers. J.6010.90. Hogs Receipts, 7.000 head; market steady to 25 cents lower; bulk. $14.50 15.00: heavies. $14.50 14.75; mediums, $14.605.00; lights, $14.4015.00; pack ing sows, $13.5014.25; pigs, $13. 60 15.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,600 head; market stea.iy to 15 cents lower; lambs, $18. 00QI21. 00- culls and common, $12.50 17.75; yearling wethers, $15.2518.00; ewes, $10.65 (& 13.P0 : culls and common, $5.25(8)10.35: breeding ewes, $8.0014.50; feeder lambs, $15.2518.25. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., Jan. 29. Cattle Re- cw.Sl'U neaa: marKei strong; rnoice fed. 813.00016. 76: Bhort fed. $9.76012.60; beef steers, warmed up, $7.0068.60; fat rows and heifers, $8.75013.00; canners, $5.007.00: veals. $8.0O16.0O: stockers and feeders. $7.0011.50; calves, $6.00 9.00; feeding Cows and heifers, $6.50 8.50. Hogs Receipts, 10.000 head; market steady; light. $14.5016)14.75: mixed, $14.40 14.50; heavy, $14.50 14.70; bulk of sales. $14.60614.70. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; market strong; no eruotations. St. Joseph live Stock. St. Joseph. Mo., Jan. 29. Cattle Re ceipts. 2,000 head; market steady; steers. $9.5016.00; cows and heifers, $6.50 14.00; calves, $7.50017.60. Hogs Receipts. 9.00 head: market steady; top, $15.00; bulk, $14.8015.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,800 head; market steady; lambs, (15.76 20.75 ; ewes, $15.5017.60. St. Paul Live Stock. South St. Paul. Minn.. Jan. 29. Cattle Receipts, 2.900 head; market Steady; steers, $6.5017.50; cows and heifers, $6,000 11.75; calves, steady, $7.00fi18.50. Hogs Receipts, 6.600 "head: market low er; range, $14.8014.9O; bulk, $14.80 14.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,800 head; market steady; lambs. $8.00020.00; weth ers, $10. 00 12.25: ewes, $5.00 (JJ) 11.25. New Tork Coffee. New York. Jan. 29. Yesterday's decline was followed by some scattered covering in the market for coffee futures at the opening today and first prices were 1 to 3 points higher. The buying was en couraged by reports of a steadier futures market at Santos and a rally In sterling exchange, but after showing net advances the market turned easier under a renewal of scattering liquidation, accompanied by reports of a decline at Havre and that si me, of the offers from Brazil were a shade easier March sold off from 15.63 to 15.52c and clored at 15.54c. with the general list closing 9 points higher to 4 points lower. ' January, 15.34c; March, 15.54c: Stay, 16.76c; Julv, 15.96e: Septem ber, 15.72c; October. ' 16,65c; December, 15.49c. Omaha Hay Exchange. Receipts of both pralrlo hay and al falfa, heavy, the supply larger than the demand, which has caused the market to go lower on all grades of prairie hay and the medium grades of alfalfa. Oat and wheat straw, steady, with th's demand easier. No. 1 upland 'prairie hay, $22(923: No. 2 upland prairie hay, $1820; No. 3 up land prairie hay, $1012; No. 1 midland prairie hay, $2022: No. 2 midland prairie hay. $16 18; No. 1 lowland prairie hay. $1415: No. 2 lowland prairie hay, $10(812; No. 3 lowland prairie hay, $S10. Choice alfalfa. $3334; No. 1 alfalfa, $3032; standard alfalfa, $2830; No. 2 alfalfa, $2Srf25: No. 3 alfalfa, $20022. Oat straw, $ll13; wheat straw,. $10 12. - Xcw York General. New York, Jan. 27. WheatSpot steady; No. 2 red, $2.65, nominal f. o.'b. steamer. . Corn Spot steady; No. 8 yellow. $1.724, and No. 2 mixed, $1.71H, cost and freight New Tork. 20-day Sljlpment. Oats Spot steady; No. 1 white, ll.Otti. Lard Weak; middle west, $22.15 23.05. Other articles unchanged. Dry Goods Market. New Tork, Jan. 29.-j-Cotton goods in the gray tended higher. . Yarns were , firm. Finished cottons for fall sold In large volume for delivery . till October, Raw ilk was oulct with- manufacturers re sisting recent advances. Wool goods Were firm. New York Produce. New York, Jan.- i9. Butter- Firm, unchanged Eggs Steady, unchanged. Cheese Weak, unchanged. Live Poultry Steady; chickens, S3o; fowls. 4244c; other prices unchanged. Dressed, quiet; unchanged. Kansas City Produce. - Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 29. Butter-1-Unchnnged. - - . Eggs Lower. $16.0016.25 per case. Poultry Higher; hens, 33e; broilers, 36c; roosters, 16 24c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Jan. 29. Evaporated Apples Dull. . Prunes Irregular. Apricots and Peaches Quiet . Raisins Less active New Tork Cotton. New York. Jan. 29. Cotton closed at 34.62c, or within 2 points of last- night's final quotations, while the general list was 20 points higher to 22 points lower, Jiff aad Maggie, in Full of Colors la Th Sunday Baa. i OOt'T Knv) Hf WANTED fo GRAIN MARKET 1 Omaha Grain Market. , . Omaha Jan. 29, 1120. Grain arrival by carlots today -were; Wheat, 25; corn, 68; oats, 4, and rye 7. Early sales or eorn were made at un changed prices. Oats advanced Mo. No wheat was reported sold up to noon. The market was narrow, receipts of all grains being light. Wheat was firm, corn was unchanged to a cent or so up, oats were a half higher and rye was firm No barley was reported In, These sales were reported: ' Wheat No. 3 hard winter, 1 cars, $2.68 1 car, 2.6(i; no. 4 ,pard winter, 1 car (smutty). 12.56: 1 car. 12.65: 2 cars. 12 1 car (smutty), $2.46; No, 6 hard .winter. 1 car (smutty;, tz.ts; ixo. ft durum. 1 car, $2.07; No. 1 mixed, 1 car (durum), $2.30; No. 2 mixed, 1 car (durum), $2.30; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, $2.67. Corn No. 4 white, 2 cars, $240, 2 cars, $139; No. 6 white, 2 cars, $138, 3 cars. $1.87; No. S yellow, 1 ear, $1.46-; NO. 4 v.llnw fi nor-. t 1 9B. XJn R .nil . 1 1 QC 9 ram. 1 SK! Nn S vc.ll.ur 1 $1.32; No, mixed, 11 cars (4 per cent color) $1.38. 6 cars,' $1.37; No. 6 mixed, 2 cars, $1.34, 3 cars, $1.33. Oats No. 1 white, 4 cars, 87c. Rye No. 3, 1 car. 81.68V4; No. 4, 1 car, $1.66. Omaha Grain Inspection. The number bf cars Of grain of the several grades inspeoted "In" here during the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 2 hard, 6 cars; No. 3 hard, 4 cars; No. 4 hard, 1 car; No. 3 mixed. 1 car; No. 4 mixed, 2 cars. Total, 17 cars. Corn No. 4 'yellow, 10 cars; No. 6 yel low. $ cars; No. 6 yellow, 2 cars;. No 4 white, 6 cars; No. 6 white, 4 cars; No. 4 mixed, 6 cars No. 6 mixed, 4 cars; No. $ mixed, 2 cars. Total, 43 cars. Oats No. 3 white, 3 cars. Total I cars. Rye No. 2, 1 car; No. 3, 5 cars; No 4, 1 car. Total, 7 cars. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENTS. Today Week Tear Ago Ago Wheat Corn Oats . . Barley Wheat Corn . . Oats .. Rye . . Barley 25 ... 68 4 '.'..." 0 SHIPMENTS. .......'..-.-..'44 68 12 6 1 28 62 15 0 66 ' 87 45 7 6 Chiraga Grain and Provisions, ' Chicago, Jan. 29. Fresh! strength de veloped in the corn market today . owing more or less to a rally In sterling ex change. Prices closed firm, tfa-to 2o net h L ,'j,'R',..,l May, $1.36 to m1.3501.SS, and July. $L32 to $1.32. Oats gained 'Ac to e. In provisions, sentiment In the corn market was In favor of the bears Although selling was of only a scattered sort, urcerlalnty in regard to financial conditions deprived the market of sup port. The sharp break In sterling exchange yesterday seemed to have disturbed con fidence, and there was also much notice taken of reports that the federal reserve board diecountenanoed the carrvlnr of hlor stocks of unconslgned commodities at sea board. Later, however, a rise in sterling was followed by a more active demand for corn. On the ensuing unturn. January corn reached the highest nrlce this Ton and in tire' deferred months' there was neavy covering- by shorts, Seaboard buylnsr of Julv deliver helned oats to rally with corn. .provisions were depressed " by eastern liquidating sales of lard, and bv as sertions that France would commandeer meats. Late strength of grain, though, operated as something of an offset. By Updike Grain Co., Jan. 29,' 1920. Art. 11.11 t" f 11- I I .'".a.,. I I I I I 11 II I I 1 I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesfy. 1.44 1.47H 1.43 1.47 1.44 1.34 1.36 1.34 1.35 1.85 1.31 1.12 1.31 1.32 1.32 .83 .83 '4 .82 .83 .83 .76 .76 .7i '.76 ' .76 1.67 1.69 1.66 1.69. 1.6 1.60 . l'.63 1.60 1.63 1.61 31.50 89.60 89.60 139.50 39.25 38.50 39.00 38.50 139.00 38.85 22.60 22.79 22.60 I22.7O ' 22.80 Corn Jan. May July Oats May July Rye May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. My Ribs Jan May 23.27 (23.37 I23.0S 123.37 123.45 I I 120.25 I 119.42 120.43 119.30 20.30 120.42 120.22 Omaha Hay Market. ' Receipts of both prairie hay and alfalfa heavy and (he demand fair except on owland prairie hay and straw which is lower. The other grades of prairie hay and alfalfa art steady with no change In prices. Alfalfa Choicer' $33.00 34.00; N6, ..1. 2, $25.00027.00; No. 3, $3LOO24,00. ' .Straw pat. $11.00013.00; wheat, S-10.0 012.00.- Chlcago Pndnee. Chicago, Jan. 29. Butter Higher; creamery, 6060o. Eggs Lower; receipts. (,684 cases: firsts, 6758c; ordinary firsts, 6065c: at msrk, cases Included, 54 57c Poultry Alive, higher; springs,. 88c; fowls, 30c. . Minneapolis Grain. t Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 29. Flour Un changed, v Barley $1.201. 44. Rye No. 2. $U611.62. Bran $48.00. Corn $1.431. 46. Oats 8384c. , Flax $5.255.30. . ' St, Louis Grain. ,.SA .Pu,Bj. Corn January, $1.49: May. $1.88. ... Oats May, 85c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, lio.t Jan. ' 29. Corn January, $1.47; May, $1.37: July, $1.33 1.33; September, $1.281.28. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. Jan. 21. Potatoes Stronger; arrivals, 21 cars; northern whites, carlots, $4. 55 4,86 ; western - russets, Jobbing, $5.76. TTIMTM lilNliJ PURE FOOD PRODUCTS ' PORK AND BEEF PACKERS -PROVISIONERS PRODUCE DEALERS WHOLESALE BAKERS MACARONI MANUFACTURERS TajkM MAJUL SjSMSSTailSSl - . j v, a AnpsosuuoM P .1111)! .OM-HE JUtT A"bKEO MM, THE. JAl-ER F THERE, - H -VUZ.Atf MAVUfg II 7 HN. ' ) (C) I9ZO " mr Hrt FSAfuas Ciavict. 1 j HA,T OiD HE TW.E LOCKED . HIM UP?, the Day FINANCIAL New York. Jan. 29. With Blight relief in the International credit situation and fresh Indications of tighter money, stocks drifted aimlessly during today's stagnant session, an irregular tone prevailing at the close. A rally of $ rents In the pound sterling had less substantial recoveries lh the French and Italian rates were nullified to a degree by recurrent heaviness of re mittances to Denmark. Norway, Sweden and other neutral centers. , The. money market was Influenced by reports that .banks were withdrawing funds to meet payments at Jhe end of the month. Call loans ooened at 10 ner cent.- the high .initial .quotation of the week, gradually advancing to H per cent, which dupli cated the mayimum of the month. In the stock market cumulative evidence was offered of fresh liquidation among specialties. notably the low grade oils. These were adversely affected by the sus pension of the dividend on Frecport-Texas common stock. Industrials of recognized worth moved contraj-tly, steels- .forfeiting part of the Advantage registered -the previous day as a result of the avrble statement of the United States Steel corporation for the final quarter of last year. The motor group and kindred Issues drew away from the general list, however( displaying pronounced strength on the steady accumulation of General Motors, Chandler and affiliated subsidiaries, where extreme gains extended from 3 to 13 points. Sales amounted to 560,000 shares. Bonds were inclined to rally, especial ly several of the Investment rails and high grade Industrials, but the Liberty group continued to yield, some of those issues making new low records for the cur rent movement. United Kingdom 6s of 1937 also reacted a point. Sales (par value), aggregated $16,350,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and range of prices of the leading stocks: -.' Sales. High. Low. Close. Amer. Can.- ." 14,800 67 55 65 A. Car and F. .. 400 138 137 137 Amer II. A L.. Pfd 200 Amer. Loco 3,400 99 98 99 99 68 92 99 61 98 68 91 -98 61 Am. Smelt. & Ref. 700 Am. Suir.ntra Tob. 2,600 Am. T. & T 1.200 Anacond Cop. ... ,900 Atchison 1,200 91 90 61 83 83 83 A.. O. & W. I S.N 700 163U 160 160 Baldwin Loco. ...29,900 117 116 116 Baltimore & Ohio. 2.100 31 31 31 Beth. Steel "B". . .19,100 99 98 98 Butte-Sup. Cop. .. 700 26 26 26 Calif Petroleum . 200 41 41 41 Canadian Pacific. 1.900 127 127 127 Central Leather . 1,500 az i C. & O. 40W 400 700 100 54', 64 Si 36 84 25 37 40 85 64 36 84 25 37 40 85 223 60 12 C M. & St. P. . 36 84 25 37 40 Chi. & Northwest. C. R. I. & P. ... Chino Copper ... c:oi. Fuel & iron.. 1,000 Corn Prod 3,700 86 Cruclbla Steel 11.300 226 222 Cuba Cane Sugar. 4,800 61 60 Erie , 1,300 12 12 Oen. Electric 800 lesvs jst 166 Can Motor. 26.200 S14 298 314 Gt. Northern, Tfd. 1.400 78 77 78 O. N. Ore ctfs 800 300 600 5,100 00 3,000 39 31 39 Illinois Central Insp. Copper .-. Int. M. M., pfd. Int. Nickel .... 56 97 24 85 65 96 24 84 56 96 24 84 198 24 49 24 65 16 69 25 Int. Paper Mexican Pet ... .99,100 199 196 Mlnml Copper 400 24 24 Mtdvale steel Missouri Pacific... Montana Power... Novada Copper... New York Central. New Haven Norfolk & West,. Northern Pacific. 1.100 200 100 200 200 2,000 49 24 65 16 69 25 68 78 94 42 28 49 24 65 16 69 25 68 78 93 42 28 100 600 68 78 93 42 28 21 74 114 41 99 Pnn-Am. Pet..... 4,700 Pennsylvania .... 2,600 Pitts. & W. Va... 6no Rav Con. Con . . . . 2.600. 21 21 74 Redlna- 90O 75 Pen. T S. .... .24.800 115t4 114 Sinclair O. & R. .419,200 42 41 Southern Pacific. 8.200 99 99 Southern. Ry... 5.100 2114 21 21 Studebaker Corp. Texas Co Tobaoco Prod.... Union Pacific... U. C. Stores TT. S. Ind. Alco.. U. S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd... Utah Copper.... Western Union ., West. Electric'. . . .24,100 105 103 105 . 1,700 202 200 202 . 400 '90 90 90 . ' 700 122 121 121 , S.800 89 87 88 . 2,400 108 106 106 .28,300 106 105 105 . 1,100 115 115 115 . 1.000 70 "4 7f 10 100 87 64 9 81 47 87 53 87 53 29 83 47 1.200 4,600 . 100 Willys-Overland National Lead... Chlo Cities 28 8 "Mi 47 800 Royal Dutch ,11,900 109 107 107 , . New York Bond List. U. S. 2s. reg.. 1001T11. Cen. ref. '4s U. S. 2s, coup. 100 int. Mer. Ma- U. S. 4s, reg.. 105t rine 6s U. S.'cv. 4scou. 105,IK. C. So. ref. 6s Pan'ma3s, reg. 88 I & N. un. 4s. Pah.' 8s. roup, 18 Nf.. K. &'T. 1st 72 93 71 $0 69 56 85 92 75 83 82 87 91 Am.T.T. cv.6s. 91.1 4s Anglo-French ; lMo. Pac. gen. 4s 6s . . '& jB-iuiiwoni. rwr. os.. Armour&Co.4 83 IN. Y. Cent. deb. Atchison gen. 4s 77 J4 deb. 68 60IN. Pac. 4s. .. 85No. Pacl?c 3s. ; 95Ore. Short Line 73 ref. 4s 77 Pac. T & T. 6s B. & O. cv, 4s Beth. St'l ref. 5s Cent. Lea. 6s.. Cent. Pac. 1st. C. O. cv. 6s. C, B. & Q. )t 4s C, M. & St, P. cv. 4s :... C, R. I. P. Ry. ref. 4s . . Chill Copper coK trust 6s. . City of Paris 6s C. & S. ref 4,s t. & R. G. con. 4 Dom. of Can ada 6s (1921) Erie gen. 4s. . . Gen. Elec. 6s. Gt.Nor.lst 4 s 14jPenn. con. 4s Penn. gen. 6s. 87 'Read'g gen. 4s St. L. S. F. 65 adj. 6s So. Pac. cv. 5a. 90 79 SO. 102 79'Po. Ry.. 5s 84 92 Tex. Co. cv. 6s 103 73 T. & P. 1st 84 llTnl-on Pac. 4s . ' 82 63Un. King. ' of , O. B. & I. 91 1937) 19U. 8. Rubber 6s 96 U. S. Steel 6s.. 82 I Wabash 1st .. 87 86 98 89 New York Money. New York, Jan. 29. Mercantile Paper--Unchanged. Sterling? Demand, $3.50; cables, $3.61. Francs-remand. 13.24: cables, 13.22. Belgian Francs Demand, 13.12; cables, 13.60. t Guilders Demand, 38c; cables, 38c. Lire Unchanged. ' Marks Demand, 1.33; cables, 1.35c. Loans Time, strong; 60 days and 10 THE SKINNER COMPANY R. C. HOWE, VICE PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER OMAHA, U. S. A. - Tkle (raat Independent iaad products 'com ptnV is owned by seme 8.000 stockholders, hi eluding sema af 1hs west's creates t ll v stock producers, a. Drawn for The Bee by McManut Cr right. 19i9 luumatici ! News Bar vita. CHARGES OF SIMS -WILL BE PROBED BY COMMITTEE Made Statement Navy Was Not Prepared to Enter '. The War in 1917. Washington, Jan. 29. Charges by Rear Admiral William S. Sinjis that the navy was not prepared to enter the war in 1917 are to be investigated by the senate subcommittee already entrusted with inquiry into' the navy V conduct of the. war, which has been criticised by the same of ficer. Acting on written suggestions from Admiral Sims, Chairman Page of the naval committee asked Secre tary Daniels to submit full informa tion as to the condition of the navy just preceding the entrance of tht United States into the war. Admiral Sims'"- letter to' Senafoi Page amplified charges he had made before the subcommittee investigat ing the naval decorations contro versy. After conference with Sen ator Hale, chairman! of the subcom niittee, Senator Page wrote Mr. Dan iels asking that he transmit a de tailed statement showing the loca tion of American warships two1 montns and one montli prior to tht declaratiton of war and their loca tion upon the actual day this coun try entered the war. In addition Senator Page asked for the names of the ships ready for distant serv ice when war was declared and the names of those not ready and the reason for their unpreparedness. Investigation into the naval awards controversy was to have been re sumed tomorrow with Secretary Daniels testifying before the sub committee, but owing to the illness of Senator Trammell, democrat, of Florida, a subcommittee member, the hearing was postponed until Tues day, at which time the secretary will appear. The wider inquiry into Ad miral Sims' charges of unprepared ness and failure to cooperate fully with the allied navies will be mado by the same subcommittee later. No Change in Uniform. Washington, Jan. 29. Secretary Baker ruled today that no chanees would be made in the present army uniforms, mainly because of the high cost of material. My HEART and My HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife The Way Mr. "Bridgeham" Struck at Madge. . Something significantly malev olent in the eyes of the man who had just broken away from Harry Underwood's grasp made me pause just as my foot pressed the clutch of the" car. The eyes conveyed a sinister message to me, a distinct warning that something dire would happen to me if I obeyed Mr. Un isys, 74 per cent; six months, 7 per Cflll. ( Call Moi.y Strong; hlirh, IS per eent; low, 10 per cent; ruling rate. 10 per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; offered at 15 per cent; last loan, I per cent. Sterling hardened again In the la( drallngs. Sterling SO-day bills, 13.48; commercial CO-day bills on banks. 13.48; commercial CO-day bills, $3.47 ; demand, (3.51V; cables, 3.52'i. London Money. London, Jan. 29. Bar silver 85d per ounce. Money 3V4 per cent. Discount rates Short bills. 4 per cent; three months' bills, unchanged. UPDIKE We Specialise in the Careful Handling oi Orders of Grain and Provisions in I Future Delivery t foi All Important Markets Ws Are Members of . Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merchant Exchange Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trade Omaha Grain Exchange Ws Operate Offices at! Omaha, Veb. Sioux City, la. Lincoln, Neb. . Atlantis, la. Hastings, Neb. Hamburg, la. Holdrege, Neb. lies Moines, la. Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis. Cicago, 111. and all of these offiees are con nected with each other by private wires. Ws Solicit Yo'ur Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Craia Exchange Building. Omaha, Neb. 1 P. S. Cash Consignments Solicited. A mild Fistula without a ... i ioxm. Ether or other general anaesthetic used. A r ",'e4 vry eaas accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until ?u2- Wr U ,or boo.k 1 Rf!t,U D-". with names and testimonials of mors than 1.000 prominent people who have been OH. E. n. TARRY 240 Bt derwood's command to go to South hampton and send the police back. Marry Underwood saw my hesi- tatiotit and interpreted it in his own wav. "There won't be anv murder done ' while you're gone little girl," he said. ' But if "vbu don't et the no- lice here before this arttqle at my ngnt teels impelled to shoot Olf his mouth again there may be consider able damage accomplished." . s "I think you'll find " Mr. "Bridae- . ham" ?ut in more suavely- than I had thought it possible for him to sne.nk, "that the last people Mrs. Graham wishes to have interview me are police officials of any kind," tie stepped adroitly to one side as he spoke, well out of reach of Mr. Underwood's long, powerful arms. It was well that he did, for the man wjio had constituted himself my protector sprang at him as he ut- " tered the sneering words, then stopped short at my terror-wrung cry. e . "He's right, Mr. , Underwood! Please don't let the police interfere . in this." ' - - I have never seen such absolute amazement on the face Of any hu man being as overspread his coun tenance when he caught my mean ing. Tovniy consternation I saw, the first surprise of my statement ' over, he evidently interpreted my, cry as proof that T must have been guilty of some offense which had put me iri this man's power. The sudden, keen glance he shot at me made me shudder, for there ', was blended in it a modicum of -re- . grct for having found my feet of clny. and a much greater proportion of sinister jubilation at finding, as he ' supposed, that my conscience and ideals were no higher than his own. Harry Underwood's offer. But overshadowing everything else there was in his look a protect the quality that gave me a queer kind of comfort in spite of my dis trust and disapproval of him. With a menacing gesture he turned to Mr. "Bridgoham." "Beat it down the road a bit." he Said icily. "I'll talk to you later." There something so deadly in ' his tones that even the other man's , audacity ft isn't equal to. a retort. ' He conte&ed himself with a glare and a shrug of the .shoulders, as t he must perforce humor a madman, but he obeyed instructions implicit ly, stopoing well" out of ear snot, i "See here, little palf ... Harry Underwood's voice was filled with protective tenderness, but there was something else less pleas ing in it, an indefinable cheapening of me and his association with me ' that I had never heard before Jr. his wildest moods. ' Madge "Explains." . ' I looked up at him a bit dazedly I am afraid. Indeed, I didn't know what to say or do. That Mr. , "Bridgeham". had discovered the se , cret of the Stockbridge murder case which I had guarded so carefully I was sure, and that ,he meant to : frighten me into revealg it to him I was equally certain. But how Har ry Underwood could' help me I had no idea. "What's that fellow got on you?" he asked significantly. "It can't be you've been up to something the po lice can touch you for It must be he's trying to blackmail you. You'd, better just tell your Uncle Dudley, all I'm. the boy that can,, straighten things but' for yoTt."Anlrr I don't blame you, whatever you've . been" up to. The Dicky-bird isn't playing the game any too square with you, d n him!" I didn't understand exactly what he meant, but there was enough of significance in his voice to make me color painfully. All at' once I felt that nothing in the world mattered so much as to set myself right at once in this man's eyes. It was not that I cared for his opinion as it af fected me personally. But to have this man who had . been so closely associated with Our little group, and who had later broken' every law of God and man he could find to break , to have him believe, as ; he evi dently did that I had sunk to his r own level this was intolerable , "Oh!" I gasped. "You-you don't understand. I I have -done ' nothing that I regret. But I hap pen to know something about somtiV one . which this man is anxious to t find out something that means life or death to some one if the police Know about it. But Lillian know 4 and she wanted to arrange it so that this man should see her instead of ' me when he came to frighten mc, as we were sure he would do." (Continued tomorrow.) " . - ' First Farm ev Bonds Obtainable in Denomina tions $800-$I,000. City Real Estate Bonds Denominations $100, $500 and $1,000 Tax Free in Nebraska. t Ws believs these securities meet with the requirements of the most conservative investors. OMAHA , TRUST CO. Phene Tyler 100 Affiliated with the Omaha Nsttlonal Bank. WR-Offer 6 nntJS!2 On new Ornate business property. . ' DctiomiDstions: . SHO.eo te M, 000.00. , Owned and -noonmsnded kg Heme Billetr. lee. Dewrlptlre literature. Asierleaa Seosrlty C.. Oaiha. ' 6 Fistula-Pay When Cured system of treatment that cures Piles, and other Rectal Diseases in a short time, a severe euraieal operation. No Chlitm. Bulldin OHAH k. !- r A.