Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Omaha Corporation Counsel
Begins Argument Before
Condemnation Court De
cision Expected Feb. 9.
The Omaha Gas company wants
nearly twice as much for its plant
in Omaha as the city of Omaha be
lieves it is worth.
Corporation Counsel Lambert be
gan the argument of the case before
the board of condemnation in the
court house yesterday. Evidence
has been taken at various times
since last March. After the argu
ment is finished the three men who
form the board of condemnation
will render their decision.
The highest figure arrived at by
the experts employed by the city
was $3,351,000 and the lowest figure
$3,000,0(O. The gas company's ex
perts found the plant to be worth
from $5,500,000 to $6,000,000. It is
the task of the board of condemna
tion to decide on a fair figure be
tween these twp widely divergent
Public Right to Use.
"The right to use this property
has always rested in the public, de
clared Corporation Counsel Lam
bert in making his argument this
morning. "It has only been trans
ferred to the gas company tempor
arily during the life of the com
pany's franchise."
"But of what use is this plant
without the right to use it in manu
facturing and distributing gas?"
asked ex-Senator W. V. Allen, a
member of the board of condemna
tion. "It is of no particular use," said
M r. Lambert, "without the franchise.
But the city owns the franchise and
without that franchise the gas com
pany has little U!j for its plant and
Decision February 9.
Mr.-Lambert is alone in arguing
the city's side of the case. The gas
company is fortified by three repre
sentatives of legal talent, Judge W.
D. McHugn. recently appointed gen
eral, counsel for the International
Harvester company; W. H. Herd
man and J. W. Dana of Kansas
The board of condemnation which
has been hearing the evidence and
will make the final decision consists
of District Judges George A. Day of
Omaha, E. E. Good of Wahoo, and
Vy. V. Allen of Madison, Neb.
The argument of the big case will
take three days. Final decision on
a price at which the city can buy
the plant will be handed down by
the board of condemnation before
February 9, on which date Judge
Day takes his seat as a supreme
Final Hearing In the
Suit Against Change
; Ot Bee Name Feb. 26 j
A final hearing in the plea for a
permanent injunction restraining any
attempt to change the name of the
Bee building will be heard before
Judge Wakeley in district court
February 26, it was announced yes
terday by Rosewater, Cotner & Pea
singers, attorneys for the Bee Build
ing company. Judge Troup recently
dissolved the temporary injunction,
but on account of becoming presid
ing udge of the district court was
u.iable to proceed with the hearing
on the permanent injunction.
How Long
Will It Born?
Seal a lighted candle in a jar.
Soon the flame will die down and
burn feebly until finally, when the
oxygen has been exhausted the
light goes out. The candle burns
only as long as the supply of oxy
gen lasts.
Without oxygen there can be no
, life. The body dies unless the blood
is supplied with oxygen. If your
blood is not vitalized with life-giving
oxygen, it soon becomes thin,
pale and impoverished.
If you are run down, nervous and
anaemic, it simply means that you
have not enough oxygen in your
blood. Try the REOLO Tonic
Treatment that supplies to the
blood the organic iron (which is
easily assimilated by the blood)
the revitalizing, life-giving oxygen
and the natural cell-salts that the
body must have to maintain health,
strength and vigor.
REOLO has remarkable tonic and
reconstructive qualities. It stimu
lates the circulation of the blood,
and makes the whole body pulsate
with renewed energy and vitality.
Start the systematic REOLO
Treatment today and you will be
delighted with the steady improve
ment in your health. The large
package of 100 'pleasant, tasteless
tablets sufficient for two weeks'
treatment, only costs one dollar
and it is fully guaranteed. If you
are not perfectly satisfied with the
results obtained we will gladly re
turn your money.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.,
49th and Dodge, 16th andDodge,
16th and Harney, 24th and Farnam,
Attorney Intended "Putting
One Over" On Council In
Howard Street Project
John Paul Breen, attorney for
property owners who are opposing
the St Marys avenue and Howard
street grading project, admitted in
the city council chamber yesterday
that he had been outwitted on ac
count of one of his clients telling
Mayor Smith of his plans.
Mr. Breen looked up the law and
discovered that before the council
could legally approve this project
notice should be given to all in
terested property owners of a spe
cial meeting to consider the legality
and sufficiency of the petition call
ing for improvement Mr. Breen's
plan was to allow the council to ap
prove the project without holding t
special meeting, and then he would
attack the validity of the proceed
ings at a later date.
Yesterday when Mr. Breen 'and
a delegation ' of protestants ap
peared in the council chamber, he
was asked if he wished to make any
statement Blandly, Mr. Breen an
nounced that he was willing to ac
cept the action of the council, ap
proving the project.
City Commissioner Towl arose
and offered a resolution, which called
a special meeting to be held in
the council chambertnext Thursday
Mr. Breen turned red. He could
not understand how his little coup
had been forestalled, until Mayor
Smith explained how it happened.
"One of Mr. Breen's clients told
me Wednesday that' Mr. Breen in
tended to allow the council to pro
ceed with approval of this project
and then to enjoin the improvement
on. the grounds that the council did
not hold a special meeting as re
quired by law," the mayor said.
Mr. Breen retired from the coun
cil chamber with as much grace as
the circumstances would permit,
while members of the council and
others present enjoyed the humor of
the situation.
Brief City News
Have Root Print II Beacon Press
Library A Silk Shade Lamp. 25 pet
redu'n. Burgesa-Granden Co. Adv.
Soldiers Give Entertainment The
quartermaster detachment at Fort
Omaha prave a vaudeville show and
dance Wednesday night at -the fort.
Want Names Changed Kathertne
Jankowskl and Daisy Jankowski
filed petitions lrr district court ask
ing to have their last names changed
to Jan.
Woodmen's Installation Seymour
camp, W. O. W., will Install officers
and have a stag party at the club
rooms. 1517 Capitol avenue, Friday
KJwanis Club IiUiiclieon--W." B.
Cheek, president ot the Omaha Au
tomobile club, will be the principal
speaker at the noonday luncheon of
the Kiwanis club at the Hotel Fon
tenelle Friday noon. He will dis
cuss hov--trie money voted for per
manent roads in Douglas county will
be spent. John Day will discuss
rubber goods.
Palm Beach Suits Cleaned now,
$1.25; after first of month. $1.50.
Carey Cleaning Co., Twenty-fourth
and Lake streets. Webster 392.
Recovers Prom Pneumonia Miss
E. W. Molene of the Portland apart
ments is recovering from an attack
of pneumonia. Her brother, A. W.
Molene of the Uintah apaftments, is
convalescing from an attack of In
fluenza. Former Omahan Dies Abraham
Bosewitz. 55 years old, died Wednes
day at his home In Chicago. He was
a resident of Omaha for 40 years,
moving to Chicago six years ago. or
manv vears he conducted a
restaurant at Fifteenth and DodKc
streets. The body will be brought
to Omaha for burial, arriving at the
Union station at 9 Friday morninp.
Services will be held at Golden Hill
cemetery. He Is survived by four
children and lour sisters.
Aged Woman Dies Mrs. Amelia
Patton, 79 years old, died at her
home, 2905 Sherman avenue, Wed
nesday. She came to Omaha from
England 32 years ago. Her husband
died 10 years ago. She is survived
bv two sons. William H. and.
Thomas Patton, and three daugh
ters, Mrs. William Rigg, Mrs. J. M.
Watson and Mrs. A. H. Watson. Fu
neral services will be held In Dod
der's chapel Friday afternoon at 2.
Burial will be In Forest Lawn ceme
tery. Llfo Insurance Meeting Dr. W.
R. McGrew of Omaha was re-elected
president and medical director of
the Prairie Life Insurance company
at the annual meeting Wednesday.
Dr. M. W. Thornburg of Redfield,
la., was re-elected vice president and
treasurer, Fred R. Jones of Omaha
was re-elected secretary and as
sistant treasurer, and T. W. Black
burn was re-elected a director and
appointed attorney. Among the out-of-town
stockholders who attended
the meeting were A. V. Pease, Fair
bury, Neb.; Almor Stern, Logan, la.;
Charles W. Home, Maxwell, Neb.;
Frank H. Stander, Manley, Neb., and
F. H. Jenkins, Bagley, la.
Man Fined On Charge of
Starving Seven Horses
John Kerford. Tenth and Grace
streets, was fined $10 and costs in
Central police court yesterday, when
arraigned on a charge of cruelty to
W. VV. Bradley, superintendent of
the Humane society, stated that he
had evidence to show that Kerford
nearly starved seven horses and re
quired them to drink from an open
sewer ditch.
Custody of three children was
given to Edna Shipley in a decree
of divorce from Joseph Shipley
granted by Judge Troup in divorce
court on grounds of cruelty and non
support. Ethel Grace won a divorce in di
vorce court from Elisha Grace on
allegations of nonsupport, Judge
Troup signing the decree.
Ida Krunsick charges her husband,
Carl, with desertion in a petition
for divorce filed in district court
She asks for custody of their two
Al Zerschling became infatuated
with another woman and deserted
his wife, Viola, for the other woman,
she alleges in a petition for divorce
filed in district court.
' Rachel Donmoyer was given cus
tody of two children in a divorce de
cree from Harry Donmoyer on al
legations of cruel and inhuman
treatment. Judge Troup signed the
Agnes Lynch filed a motion in di
vorce court asking to be granted
temporary alimony during the pen
dency of her suit for divorce against
John C. Lynch, formerly county
commissioner of Douglas county.
She filed her divorce , suit several
weeks ago. They were married last
Omaha Rotarians Regaled
At Athletic Club Dinner
Governor McKelvie, Charles Stra
der, prominent Rotarun of Lincoln,
and Dave E. Darrah, president of the
Charles City, la.. Rotary club, were
guests of honor Wednesday night at
a dinner given by the Omaha Rotary
club at the Omaha Athletic club.
Dr. E. C. Henry urged Rotarians
to observe a 15-minute daily period
of exercising. The program includ
ed wrestling and boxing bouts and a
battle royal. ' More than 200 mem-
bcrs attended the dinner.
; i ivvn
Prescribed by physicians for
over eighteen years.
Each package and tablet of
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
is marked with the safety "Bayer
The "Bayer Cross" means you are
getting genuine Aspirin, prescribed
by physicians . for over eighteen
In the Bayer package are safe and
proper directions for Colds, Head
ache, Toothache, Earache, Neural
gia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica,
Neuritis and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
only a few cents. Druggists also
sell larger Bayer packages. As
pirin is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacides
ter of Salicylicacid.
In Omaha 65 Years Ago
Milton Rogers founded the first hardware store in Council Bluffs in 1855,
he later had a branch store in Florence, Neb. Omaha was not then on the
map. The store was in a little frame building valued perhaps at $500, yet
this business has grown, it has made a family famous, for from the first
day it has been managed by either Milton Rogers or his sons, and today
is the BIGGEST hardware store in the west
It's Not How Big You Are
when you start
The most important point is how well can you
SERVE and are you determined to GROW
steadily, wisely and surely? BIG MEN are not
made in a minute, but are the REWARD for care
ful saving and for BETTER iERVICE.
That which has been done in the past can be still
BETTER done today. Let us help you. Our of
ficers are experienced men, well versed to ad
vise on all banking and business problems, and
the spirit in which this help is given will
make you understand why it is so often said the
Niittoruil Rank
Has an INTEREST in you.
1503 Farnam
Quick, Safe Way
to Remove Hairs
(Toilet Talks)
Keep a little delatone powder on
your dressing table and when ugly,
hairy growths appear, make a paste
with a little of the powder and some
water, apply and let remain on the
hairy surface for 2 or 3 minutes,
then rub off, wash the skin and the
hairs have vanished. This treatment
is quite harmless and rarely more
than one application is required,
but to avoid disappointment care
should be used to buy the real
"That's Dr. King's New Dis
covery for fifty years a
NOTHING but sustained quality
and unfailing effectiveness can
arouse such enthusiasm. Noth
ing but sure relief from stubborn old
colds and onrushing new ones,
grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and
croup could have made Dr. King's
New Discovery the nationally pop
ular and standard remedy it is to
day. Fifty years old and always reli
able. Good for the whole family.
A bottle in the medicine cabinet
means a short-lived cold or cough.
n a . m aa am all
ouc ana i.zu. au druggists.
Stubborn Bowels Tamed
Positive in action, vnfc natural
comfnrtahla. nlpasanf Tli V;wv
j ." " ' I a
New Life Pills are a boon to bowels
tnat need assistance. They eliminate
fermentiner waste and nut-tha
tern in normal shape. All drulreist
9 Km knftla
in Body
Never mind your age as measured by years. How do you
feel? That's the thine that counts!
See this sprightly old gentlemen coming toward you down
the street His birth record would show you that he is past
seventy. But judging from the easy grace with which he
swings along, his errect carriage, his ruddy complexion, the
keen glance of his eye, his whole appearance the very picture
of health, you would say that he is not a day past fifty. He
is young in spite of his three score years and ten.
More frequently you see the opposite of his type. Men scarcely in
their thirties-haggard, listless, weak, nervous men who take no interest
in life, just dragging out a weary existence, all in, tired and worn out
Though young in years, they are. nevertheless, old men. Their vital
forces are on the wane. They've lost their "punch" and "pep." They
feel old -and they look itl 1
Stay young by keeping your body fit. "Keep stomach, bowels, liver,
kidneys and bladder healthy and active. Build up your strength and health.
Nothing will, accomplish these results better than
The Great General Tonic
Jost try "LYKO" when yon are feeling the leut bit Jaded,
tired and worn out Se for yourself how quickly it rejuven
ates whit a frnh feeling of strength and power is given
you. lt'e a reliable appetiaer, a splendid aid to digestion, be
side tends to strengthen and tone up the entire body.
Your druggist has "LYKO." Get a bottle today. Look
for the nam on the package and accept no substitute.
Sole Manufacturers
New York - Kansas City, Mo.
' Is M
LYKO Is Mid fat aristae! auk
ages enlr. Iih picture above.
Refuse ell eubetitutee.
Stairs Store
You Will Be Surprised at the
Value of These
Becoming styles made of
serge and tricotine, smartly
trimmed with braid and but
tons. Just the kind of a dress
for present wear and for early
spring wear.
A limited number of these
dresses have been reduced to
exactly y the original price.
Downstairs Store i
Special Values for FRIDAY
in Warm Winter
Women and misses will be pleased with
the wonderful values they can secure m
winter coats; made of heavy materials la
loose and belted styles; every coat rad
ically reduced In price, at f 10.00.
) Price
A splendid assortment of
women's coats in loose and
belted styles at V4 the regu
lar price.
Downstairs Store
Children's Cotton Hose 35 Cents
Children's extra fine quality black fine ribbed silk
mercerized nose; run seamless; imperfections of a
much higher quality, S for $1.00, or
Downstairs Store
Women's Chamoisette Gloves
' 49c
A splendid quality chamoisette gloves in white, tan,
gray and chamois color. Choice Friday at 49e a pair.
Downstairs Store
27x54 Rugs. $2.69
Hit-and-miss Axmlnster rugs in ex
tra heavy quality, fancy border, ends,
27x54 inches, $2.69 each.
Carpet Remnants $1.00
Carpet remnants, 14 yards long;
Axminster borders, 18 and 22 inches
wide; while they last, $1.00 each.
Jute Samples. 39c
Jute samples in 3 colors; 18 inches
wide, y yards long; special, 39
Smyrna Mats. 89c
Smyrna mats, 14x34 inches; green
with fancy border effects; special, We
each, t
Smart New Spring Millinery
$3.98 and $4.98
Just at a time when the winter hat must be discarded
and replaced by a new spring one, comes this extraordi
nary offering, which includes
Satin and Straw Combinations
A great variety of styles from which to select Friday
at $3.98 and $4.98.
Downstairs Store
Large Size Bed Spreads
$1.85 Each
Large else bed spreads, crocheted
weave, excellent qnlity, $1.85 each.
Linen Weft Toweling
26c Yard
Warranted linen weft toweling,
splendid quality at 2flc a yard.
Bed Sheets $1.65 Each
Bed sheets, size 72x99 inches, fine
round thread quality, $1.65 each.
Hemstitched Damask Table
Cloths $1.75 Each
Hemstitched damask table eloths,
size 68x58 inches, heavy weight, $1.75
Hack Towels 35c Each
Huck towels, very fine weave and
quality, 35e each.
Out entire stock of handsome fur pieces in the Downstairs St ore Is included in this great clearance sale.
Such Furs as
Wolf Fox Sealeen
1 Raccoon Nutria
Choice Sjf
Friday Jp) Price
In the Sale are
Scarfs Many
and Different
Muffs Styles
Odd lots and suits mussed from display, for women) ,AA
and children. ' ( 7 I U"
Winter weights of white cotton, ankle length; won-1 X
derful values at $1.09. )
Downstairs Stors
An assortment of narrow black silk velvet rlbbcns; : ioc
10-yard bolts; black only, 10c. ' J
Downstairs Store
Sale of Unusual Interest Friday
in the Downstairs Store
About 300 pairs of -women's
novelty boots in solid and two
toned effects, high and low
heels considerably, less than
one-half price. Broken sizes and
some slightly imperfect.
Odds and Ends of Wom
en's Boots, all high-grade
boots, many pleasing styles,
broken sizes. Very special
Friday, pair, $4.95.
Downstairs Store
End-of-the-Month Clear-
ance Sale of Men's and Boys9
Clothing Furnishings
AH broken lines will be closed out, regardless of former cost.
Here's a few of the wonderful values offered Friday.
Men's balbriggan shirts and drawers, 98c garment
Men's balbriggan union suits; extra quality, $1.49 suit.
Men's knitted golf gloves, 49c. 4
Men's canton flannel gloves, 10c pair.
Men's athletic union suits, 89c.
Broken line of men's neckband shirts, 89c
Men's and boys' leather belts, 25o. -Men's
hose, black? and gray, all sizes, C
pairs for $1.00.
Boys' blue or gray chambray shirts, $1.39.
Boys' black satin blouses, 89c.
Extra good quality waiters' aprons, 69c. ,
Boys' madras and percale blouses, $1.00;
sizes 4 to 14.
Men's khaki pants, $1.98 pair.
Boys' overalls, sizes 2 to 8, 69c pair.
Boys' suits, odd sizes, $5.50. j
Boys' macklnaws, odd sizes, $4.95.
Boys' knicker pants, $1.90 pair.
Young men's suits and overcoats, $19.50.
Downstairs Store
una anq jf arnam, umana,