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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1920)
THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY SO, 1920. The Omaha Bee DAILY ( MORNING ) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR BBS BES PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' Tha iaocuud PrM, of which Tha toUl member, to -aloalvaly (cUUtd to Um dm for publication of all am dltpatohw eradjua to n or not othtnrla. credited In thii paper, tad alto Ik Joeal mi published herein. All net 14 of publioatloa of out apecUl dlipeicae. an tin reeerred. BEE TELEPHONES! Tyler 1000 Tr1flo Branch fcetungo. Aik for tna Ptpanmenl or Particular Pereon W.ntad. Far Nlrht and Snnda Service Calh Idltorlal Department ...... Trior 19001. QiruUtloa Department Trier lnoab Adrertltinc Department ...... Trior 10081 OFFICES OF THE BEE Homo Office. Be Building, 17tn tad Fanim. omoea: tarn 411 North leta Pork Beo I1U Military An. South Moo CaaMll Blaffl 15 Boott St. I Walnut uut-oi-iowa uciicaoi Mil Lomnworth Ml 8 N Stmt IIS North 40th JTr Tor Offlat to Fifth Ara. Waahlnitoa CWoaao Beeger Bide, I Unooln 1911 O 1310 H Btraot DECEMBER CIRCULATION t Daily 66,000 Sunday 63,505 Atomi elrenlerton for th month mbeerlbed and iwora' to to K. B. Kaaan, Circulation Manatee. Subaerlbars laavhif th city iheuld hv Th Bm maild to the. Addre.e changed aa .often aa raquirod. You should know that The enrollment of school children in the fifty-two public schools of Omaha is over 33,000. What The Bee Stands fort 1. Respect for the law and maintenance of order. 2. Speedy and certain punishment of crime .through the regular operation of the courts. 3. Pitiless publicity and condemnation of in efficiency, lawlessness and corruption in of fice. 4. Frank recognition and commendation of honest and efficient public service. 5. Inculcation of Americanism as the true basis of good citizenship. Gas plants are also going up. Hungary will 'soon elect a king, the world having been made safe for democracy. . Secretary Lansing has a broad vision of the future, but Americans must work if it is to be realized. ( St. Louis cellars are being fitted with heavy steel doors and brick vaults. Discouraging for the "high jackers." A Canuck doctor says there is no flu this year, but he will have a hard time convincing "victims of the fact. ' The street railway company's occupation tax payment came in handy. A few more cars it rush hours would also help. Elihu Root will land on the world's court of international justice, even if he did not get to go to Paris as a peace commissioner. Why drag Wilson in?" asks Senator Hitch cock. Why, indeed, except he could end the whole matter by a word to the democrats. The Spanish comet has been traced to Wis consin. Who knows but it may be Mars, winki ing his eye, or Venus trying to make a date? V Josephns Daniels says he can name the next president We can not,, but we can name sev eral who will not be, and they are all democrats. County chairmen for the women's drive against high prices have been named, and old HI Cost might' as well imitate Davy Crockett's coon. Mr. Bryan says Governor Edwards is a dis turbing element. What the governor says of Mr. Byan probably will never come over the wires. General Wood and Senator Poindexter are to debate in . South Dakota. It will be an illuminating exposition of patriotic duty and obligation. Two hundred and thirty-two railroads are ' under government control, a simple sign of what is involved in the prospective unscram- Wing of the eggs. General Pershing is proceeding with mas terly strategy by being first to organize the women. Other candidates will now have to hustle in Nebraska. Compromise on the treaty does not appear to be so hopeless, if the change of a few words with any abandonment of principle will bring the senators together. A lonesome bottle of vermouth in New York is .pining for a bottle of gin wherewith to mate and bring forth cocktails, and the dry law sleuths are waiting for the match. A French editor doubts that Herbert Hoover is the proper man for president of the United States, but the voters will not be greatly swayed by French advice in this matter. Coming Vacation Days in Canada Our Canadian friends who are interested in ownership and management of summer and winter resorts look with unruffled complacency on the constitutional drouth in the United J .States.- ine period 01 semi-animy wmcn nas already conferred its blessings on the millions of persons between the Rio Grande and the Great Lakes has produced for them results as satisfactory as could be expected under the limitations imposed on inspiriting potable liquids in ;the dominion as war and reconstruction measures. When such regulations are replaced . by. others designed to meet the requirements of peace they expect an influx of visitors bear ing well-lined pocketbooks and carefully con served thirsts which will leave a mountain of line gold in its broad path. By spring the readjustments requisite to the appropriate Canadian treatment of these so journers from a great desert characterized by water everywhere and not a thing to drink, should be practically complete. The stream of holiday travelers should begin to move early .H j .mm in mntinn late 'Thousands of nieces i and nephews of Uncle Sam who would not be lured to the north by the natural attractions of the region, thousands who do not hunt or fish or particularly yearn v for ice palaces or ' the wild, will make their way across the border, tad by appetite where curiosity or ambition ali um ttka them. Hew. YfiiJf Suj THE PLATFORM COMMITTEE. Announcement by Chairman nays ot a committee to formulate the issues oh which the republican party will make its appeal to the voters this year discloses a representative group of citizens. It is not a "hand-picked" body, nor a haphazard assemblage of names selected to meet an exigency. Men and women familiar with the situation and needs of the country, and against whose loyal devotion to it no word may be said, are asked to calmly consider and dispassionately decide on the pledges to be made by the next republican national con vention. For the republican platform consists of pledges, not mere promises. The leaders of the party accept endorsement by the voters as commission to carry out the policies announced at the convention. This is the main point of difference between the two great parties. Mr. Bryan scouts at the Hays plan for securing in advance of the convention's assembly a definite outline for the platform. He derides the thought of asking the great gathering of dele gates to sign on the dotted line, and insists that platforms should be brought in white hot from the forge, and hammered out by delegates fresh from the people. This is all very nice as a Bryan talking point, but those who are in any sense familiar with democratic practice know how far away it is from what actually takes place. At Kansas City, for example, "Dick" Metcalfe pulled from his pocket a document that had been carefully prepared in the office of the Commoner, and "the delegates fresh from the people" gulped it whole, subscribing on the dotted line line with out demur. Many times has Mr. Bryan foisted his "paramounts" on his party after similar fashion. "Marse Henry" Watterson, in his re cent book of reminiscences, discloses a few secrets of the platform committee x room at democratic national conventions. "Delegates fresh from the people" have very little to do with preparing the collections of resounding phrases, aimed at expediency and few intended to be translated into action. The Hays plan is a good one, for it will produce deliberate, intelligent action, presenting a platform that will appeal to reason and not to passion or prejudice,' embodying principles and solemn pledges that are to be redeemed. Sell the Bonds to the State! Bonds to be issued by Douglas county to the amount of $822,000 have been rejected by certain bond buying houses, certain technical questions as to the, validity of the issue having been raised. The sincerity of the questions is doubted, the real reason for the refusal of the bidders to complete the bargain probably being the change in the money market That the county is solvent and that the proposed issue falls well within the limit of indebtedness is plain to all. The authorities are now going to the state treasurer, where they should have gone in the first place, with a view to having the securities added to the permanent invest ment of the school fund. Properly, all Ne braska bond issues ought to be first offered to the state of Nebraska, for under the safeguards that surround them, no better investment is possible for tne permanent school funds. It is not necessary that the state be given any spe cial advantage in the matter, but sale at Lincoln ought to be the first and not -the final resbrt when a loan is sought by a Nebraska county. "Out of the Mouths of Babes." ' A singular issue of the Thrift week cam paign is that prizes offered for the best letters' on thrift are awarded to a boy and girl of IS, while a youth of the mature age of 18 is accorded the palm for having produced the best essay on "Is Marriage Possible on $125 a Month." Some of the elders, who have tasted a little deeper of life's cup, will perhaps smile at the youthful enthusiasm here displayed. "He jests at scars who never felt a wound," and those who have been seamed from head to foot by contact with the stern realities of life may be lenient concerning the youngsters who march so bravely forth to take up the combat in their turn. We are reminded of one poem by the late Widow Bedott, who headed her verse, "K. K. (Kan't Kalkilate)," one stanza of which runs: What poor, short-sighted worms we be, For we kan't kalkilate . With any degree ,of sartinty What's goin' to be our fate. Yet "out of the mouths of babes and suck lings proceedeth wisdom," and these boys and girls who have striven to produce something worth while regarding a personal policy have actually set forth certain admonitory 'state ments that well may be heeded by their elders, and surely can be applied by all, both old and young, with profit Messages from Other Worlds. Without the semblance of dogmatism or pretense of finality, we may with open mind ap proach Guglielmo Marconi's latest venture, that of catching messages from Mars or some other supposedly inhabited planet As a source1 of mental gymnastics, it is about as promising as anything that has been offered the common peo ple lately. Einstein's theory is for the elect, the esoteric circles, while Conan Doyle and Oliver Lodge have brought forth nothing new, their excursions into the world beyond carrying them no farther than our own sphere. But Marconi is going to put us into touch with denizens of worlds around us, who are jiot yet disembodied spirits. Here is a field for speculation in which the active mind may romp like a colt at pasture. Ground and lofty tumbling of ideas is permitted, and room is open for all. Go as far as you like, but do not be disappointed if some day you are brought back to earth with a thud. In the mean time some of us will wonder why Marconi does not adopt a modern way of spelling "Bill," and how the Martians ever got hold of the Morse alphabet Black Hills "trail blazers" missed Colonel Roosevelt, Seth Bullock and John Brennan from their annual powwow, but they found .consola tion in trying to picture the reunion this trio had on the other side and their meeting with Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Kit Carson and some other of their kind. It must have been some session. Silver mining in Mexico thrives in'spite of Carranza, showing an output of more than $5,000,000 a month. Under civilized govern ment that would be one of the richest regions in the world. A child born in the city has five times better chances of living than one born in the country, according to a New York expert This should Pot .discourage lh farmers, tnougn, Municipal Financing From the Dally Bond Buyer. Financing the permanent improvements of American states, counties, cities and smaller municipalities in the calendar year 1919 ab sorbed aoout $.iu.uw,uuu ot tne tunas ot Ameri can investors. This is a larger amount by over $250,000,000 than the total borrowings of this character in any previous year and is in re markable comparison with the total for 1918, viz: $262,818,844. However, a study of the statistics presented below discloses the inter esting fact that the amount borrowed by states and municipalities in the two years 1918 and 1919 was little in excess of the borrowing in 1916 and 1917, or in 1915 and 1916. In other words, the tremendous volume of public financing effected during the year just closed has simply made up for the curtailment brought about in 1918, through the agency of the Capital Issues Committee, as a war measure. In 1918, it will be recalled, no state, county or town could issue securities for the purpose of building a road or bridge or school without obtaining the consent of the Capital Issues Committee. To obtain this consent, it was necessary to convince the Committee of the urgent necessity of the improvement. The re sult was, of course, an immediate curtailment of public construction activities and, incident ally, a vast reduction in the volume of public bond issues. The Capital Issues Committee suspended operations on December 31, 1918, in view of the signing of the armistice. Immedi ately states and municipalities took up their greatly delayed public works programs, involv ing the issuance of millions of dollars' worth of bonds. When everything is considered, it Is surpris ing that the past year has not witnessed even greater expenditures for work of this kind. Un doubtedly the scarcity of labor, materials and transportation is the only reason why another three or four hundred millions were not ob tained through the sale of bonds and invested in city halls and electrtic light and power plants. There was certainly no limit in 1918 to the amount of municipal bonds the investment markets would have absorbed and it is clear from the records that only a'small part of the bonds authorized by voters and legislatures have actually been offered for sale. The total borrowings, $748,205,783, while larger than those of any previous year, do not represent the amount of improvements that this sum would have purchased a few years ago, which is a fact of some importance when considering the tendency of municipalities to increase the volume of bond issuance. An outstanding feature of present day mu nicipal finance is the good roads movement which has swept the country in the last few years and has been taken up by the public with the greatest energy and enthusiasm since the war, due, no doubt, to the war-time demonstra tion of the economy, efficiency and profitable ness of shipping by motor truck over good roads. The construction of new highways ac counts for a substantial part of the financnig of the counties in 1919 and will in coming years keep the market supplied with millions of dol lars' worth of bonds, the nroceeds of the sale of which will pay for additional roads and their upkeep. With some reports missing for the last few months of 1919, here is the record of state and municipal bond flotations for the last ten years, as compiled from reports to The Daily Bond Buyer: tees TO 1919 $748,205,783 1918 262,818,844 1917 . 444,932,848 1918 ..... 497,403.761 1915 492,690,441 1914 .w 445,905,510 1913 408,477,702 1912 899,046,083 1911 452,113,721 1910 324,360,955 The Miserly Squirrel The squirrel is a thriftv soul and alwavs seems to have the rainy day we are admonished to save for in mind. Our squirrel came out of his warm nest where we supposed him to be hibernating one cold, snowy day last week and, thinking he looked hungry, we flung out on the hard crust of snow an English walnut Mr. Squirrel pounced upon it and, after examining its soundness thoroughly, made off with it and buried it just as he does in the autumn. We flung out another, and another, varied by a soft shelled almond or two, all of which were laid away for that rainy day. As he still looked hungry to our benevolent eves, we cracked a couple of English walnuts and again flung them torth. And he was hungry I He ate them all and sniffed around the shells for more. He looked up at us beseechingly with his skinny little paw on his stomach, as much as to say, "My, that went right to the spot." So we gave him some more, but all the time we had a feel ing that he was carrying the saving habit too tar and that in his case Anthony Hope s defini tion of economy fitted doing without some thing you want now in order that some day you may have something you probably won't want Ohio State Journal. SfteVELVET HAMMERS Bi Arthur "Brooks "Baker mis ARTHUR CRITTENDEN SMITH. The ladies are a lovelv bunch of most de lightful .dears, but ohl they need an awful lot of thingumbobs and gears. Convulsions in the business world with deadly strain and stress are harsh but necessary means of helping them to dress. The pep and pitch of A. C Smith is tensely occupied in keeping them with frill and hem sufficiently supplied. He runs a wholesale dry goods house where lesser merchants come when stocks are get ting old and stale and trade is slow and bum. He shows the latest samples and he tells the latest dope on fashions made to stimulate the female heart and hope; for woman is a fickle thing whose tastes, can shift and move, while man is safely anchored in his deep and trusty groove. But since the men at last must oav for much the women buy, and Smith believes that justice s a good aim tor his eve. he makes his famed Beau Brummel shirt to decorate the males, a thine of class and aualitv. of fine and flowine tails, of collar bands which never shrink,' of colors ne'er effaced, of buttons with the godly gift of staying where they're placed. He has a few opinions which are patently his own, but always waits and hesitates when asked to 'make them known, though if the audience insists that he advance his views, the kind request is one he won't eternally refuse. While utter silence is of course unscientific myth, we find a near approach in him we know as Silent Smith. Next Subject: Joseph Hayden. ronAv The Day We Celebrate. James R. Dewar, Union Pacific Coal com pany, born 1867. franklin u. Koosevelt, Assistant secretary of the United States Navy, born at Hyde Park, N. Y., 38 years ago. Jacob M. Dickinson, former Secretatry of War of the United States, born at Columbus, Miss., 69 years ago. Charles Martin . Loefner. noted American musician and composer, born in Alsace, 59 years ago. Thirty Years Ago in Omaha. C T. Murphy, an old-time actor and author of several successful Irish plays, was here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Montz Meyer and children left for New York to be absent about six weeks. During his absence Mr. Meyer was to visit Havana. The Omaha club gave a reception. Mrs. M. H. Parmalee cave a luncheon at the Uniga tlub ij hoaor. pi j&s, fi, ST Thanks From the Greeks. Boston, Mass., Jan. 23. -To the Editor of The Bee: The unanimous vote of the United States senate on the resolution of Senator King in favor of annexation by Greece, of the Thracian territory surrendered by Turkey and Bulgaria to the allied and associated powers, la a very ap propriate occasion on which the League of Friends of Greece In America, in behalf of all the friends of Greece, as well as in behalf of the Greek nation, to extend to you Warmpst thjttiks tnr tViA valla port you have given to the cause of uioece irom me Degmning of the session of the peace conference. The Lens-na nf ivionH. nt n.-..,. Is completely aware of the inestinv auie services your institution has rendered to the just cause of Greece by the generous space you have em ployed in order to enlighten Ameri can public opinion and to arouse American official nni justly and quickly. n is tne nope or the League of Friends nf firooa that 4.a4i,a - --- - v, v. v, v V"lt J U U lUOLUU tion will lend its support to Greece in her etrupffln for ttio unifica tion of Other of hr nrnvincoa which are as Hellenic as Thrace it self, namely, northern Epirus, the Islands Of tha Apcmii anH Ihi nut. em coast of Asia Minor. LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF GREECE IN AMERICA. N. J. CASSAVETES, Vice President More Slacken. Omaha. Jan. 27. T tv TTtmnr of The Bee: As I am an old reader of The Bee I would HkA tn nav Hunt a few words in regard to branding Dempsey a slacker. In the first place, Jack Dempsey is not any more of a slacker than some of the rest of the pugs and wrestlers. Some of them waitnrt till th roned and broueht in. Why didn't they enlist? I sup pose thev had ilr)nHnt9 TTnM Sam took care of all his men's de pendents, so that's no excuse. I enlisted in the army the 25th day of June. 1917. I had a wife and two children to simnort nnd thev are still alive. I probably never would have henn drafted hnt T wanted to fight for the country that's feeding me. So my argument is this: If .Tank TeTnnoev la branded as a slacker It 'looks bad ror the rest of the drafted men be cause they had a chanc.n to enlist same aa I did. M. C. A. E. F. Where to Draw the Line? Mapleton. Ia.. Jan. 26. To the Editor of The Bee: No doubt a frenzy of fear is on the nation by reason of new . era ideas, and the problem of where to place the blame. We remember how Shakespeare said one might make himself as chaste as ice only to become the tar get of slander. Likewise noW the innocent suffer with the guilty. In deed, the drastic laws proposed 4s a sure sign of decadence, inasmuch as inquisitorial rulings are provocative of the very thing they are designed against 'While the New YorkWorld legally cries: "Down with the con stitution," because of violations thereof, we might go a step farther and exclaim: "Down with the Bi ble!" To be consistent we must ar raign Holy Writ as the chief cause of sedition, because it is the heaviest piece of literature extant when it comes to using symbols, words, etc., against the overthrow of nations. Ah! how necessary it is to use dis cretion else Haman get swung on his own gallows! A nice bit of wis dom rulers have to learn is found in the old prverb: "There is more hope for a fool than , an old king who refuses reproof Moreover, American lawmakers would profit more in the matter of vision if they went to the Christian oracle for their standards instead of wasting long nights in the parlors of Wash ington hotels hearkening to the whis pers and signs of wicked spirits, im personating the dead, and foisting their razzle-dazzle over human rea son. 2d Peter 2:4 is the key to this mystery and the correct definition of "hell," "tartarus," ("the Greek root), shows the place of their habitation earth's atmosphere. JOSEPH GREIG. Against Military Training. Omaha, Jan. 27. To the Editor of The Bee: In today's Bee there is an article on the front page that make me write these lines. It says: "All Youth Must Take Army Course." Is it possible that we are coming to this? Did we have war and find it so pleasant that we want more of it? which is all this army course can mean or why military training? Our forefathers left their home country to evade this military training. My father and my hus band left there also to escape from mis training (wnich seemed to sig nify that the country was in bond age), only to see their eons do this very thing. Seemingly we are going 1 Dollar-Maki(ig Ideas Selling Old-Fashioned Cooking. By BELLB CASH HARRINGTON. Old fashioned cooking is always in demand. Father longs for the dishes he used to eat when a boy, but his high-priced cook cannot or will not make them. Here are three cheap, easy things, which always sell: Hulled Corn. Get white Or yel low corn in the ear. Shell it For every gallon of corn take one of water containing one tablespoonful of concentrated lye. Boil the corn in this water until the outer skin and the black speck at the tip of the kernel come off easily, when rubbed between the thumb and finger. Put the kettle under the faucet for fifteen minutes, rubbing and stirring the corn occasionally, until the hulls are off. Cover with fresh water and boil four or five hours, adding a heaping tablespoonful of salf for every gallon of corn. Put in the salt one-half hour before it is done. De liver the corn the afternoon it is cooked. Cornmeal mush for frying is best made of granulated yellow, meal. Add a tablespoonful of salt to a gallon of water; when boiling, sift in the cornmeal slowly, stirring all the time. Stop adding meal while the mixture is still quite thin. Let boil for twenty minutes, stirring oc casionally. Don't have your fire too hot or it will spatter. If there are lumps in it, add one cup of cold water, stirring briskly. At the end of twenty minutes, sift over it one half cup of white flour, stir thoroughly and push to the back of the stove for another 10 minutes. Pour into long narrow tins and set away to cool, i Cottage cheese is easier to make in warm weather because the milk then sours more readily. Let the milk sour in crocks or pans only one-halt full. When it is firm like jelly, heat an equal amount of water until it begins to bubble, just be fore the boiling point Stir this into the sour milk. Soft curds will form Pour the whole mass into a colander to drain and cool. When cold, press out arty remaining whey with the hands, mix salt through it and pack it in pint or quart receptacles. (Girls ! How about the work of a librarian; tomorrow.) Copyrlcbt, 1S20. by J. H. Millar. Every Day Science for Boy Mechanics, Under the Pavement By GRANT Vf. HTDD. "I saw a man working at a man hole cover in the street today, Daddy. And down in the hole there was a room and another man fixing something. Is there a room under every manhole in the street? What was the man using a pump for: "The pump was to send in fresh air to keep the man inside from be ing suffocated by sewer gas, while he fixed the pipes or cleaned the sewer. That s what manholes are for. "Although you perhaps do not know it, there is under a city street, a network of pipes and sometimes tunnels in which yo.u can walk for blocks. When they build a sub way-railroad in a large city, it some times takes longer to untangle the tinder-the-pavement pipes and move them aside than to dig the subway. The manholes are needed to fix the pipes because the pavement may be DOT PUZZLE. , j backward, getting Into greater bondage by adopting a rule that has clouded the countries of our fore fathers. - With the high cost of living, hard ships and profiteering staring one in the face, and now this life is hard ly worth living. Is there not enough Americanism in this country to save us from this that has always been considered something to run away from? Let us have our old free country back as before the war. 1 MRS. A. H, Union Outfitting Co. Offers All Dinner Sets at Half and Less Saturday Sale Comprises All Sample Dinner Sets and Sets That Are Incomplete. Positively the Biggest Val ues in Dinnerware Omaha Has Known in Months. Although housecleaning, for many of us, is several months away, the Union Outfitting Com pany announces that it has been cleaning house in its China De partment, and the result is a sale of fine Dinnerware Saturday that will be the talk of the thrif ty home-makers. The sale embraces hundreds of dollars' worth of fine ware Din ner Sets that have been on dis play and have had one or more of the pieces broken, leaving the set incomplete. It is China famed for its ex cellence, not only in quality, but in the beauty of the shapes and charm of the decorations. In order to insure a complete Clearance next Saturday every set is marked at HALF its former price and in many instances much less. To secure splendid Dinnerware so much under price is indeed a treat and a savjng opportunity that few housewives, and partic ularly young couples, will want to miss. Such an event is further evi dence of the money-saving pos sibilities at the Union Outfitting Company, Jocated out of the high rent district As always, you make your own terms. I InvDerisKatle a aa ! Wvtrt xvc state tkatr I f the matchless beauty I I of tone of the 1 I i9 "imperishable" xxre J state a fact whick I I cannot be said of any' ; other piano, Bar nonei oeinsx, uie cervvioxv I resonator, pre the 9ocm4iTUK a, st . . v. rvt ard om fiattertixvg I I . I -ana you will b I none other! orever. L 71 I In Stock j Right Now i Apollo Player Grands. , Apollophone (Piano, Player and Phonograph). Brambach Boudoir Grands. Bush and Lane Pianos. Kimball Pianos. Cable-Nelson Pianos. Hospe Pianos and Players. La Gonda Players. Whitney Pianos. ( Hinze Pianos. Cash or time all same price. Every instrument mark ed in plain figures. I I a I I J 1513 Douglas St I The Art and Music Store.! two feet thick a solid . mass oi rock, cement or other material, with asphalt, wood or bricks on top. "Under the pavement, there is al ways a service sewer a big clay tile pipe to carry sewage from buildings with a branch of lateral leading to each building. There is also a storm sewer, perhaps a con crete tunnel, to take away water when it rains. There is a water main a large cast iron pipe, with small leadpipe laterals for each building. The gas company has mains, too, with house laterals. In some cities, telephone cables are placed underground, and in a few cities steam or refrigerator pipes carry heat or cold to customers. All are down at least four feet to be below the frost line. "In our city, where most of the pipes are owned by the city, the system is simple. In old cities like New York and Boston, where these 'utilities' were once owned, by many separate companies, there is a ver itable network of private pipe-lines. It is safe to say that in some cities if a downtown block were filled with costly automobiles, their value would not equal the money repre- Japanese Get Theirs. A cynic compliments Japan as be ing the only power that has not claimed to have won the war. But tin linnnraU. I.... J t to claim anything they, got theirs. x-niBDurn JJispaicn. 32 i 31 30 29 33 24 ) 47 I. 25e e 24 V i e ift fjl.O 54 V.,a aa.'JbS.'; 3b 6' ,'! I5 a-- 3 I. it I si 4 1 lOIW 3 I v What has Susie dwawn? Draw from on to two, and io on to th and. sented by the many pipes running under the pavement on which they are parked." (Boys I Tomorrow read about how to become a . veterinary.) Copyright, 1920. by J. H, Millar. BABY SUFFERED WITHRASH On Forehead. Itched and Burned.FormedCrust.Was Sore. Cuticura Heals. "Baby suffered with a rash on her forehead, and it went into her hair. It started with little pimples and formed a crust. Inched and burned and was eore. She would scratch and it stopped her hair from growing. . "I ett a free aarnnln nf Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I bought more, and in three weeks she was healed, after using one cake of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Oint ment" (Signed) Mrs. W. IngersoU, Chappell, Nebraska, July 25, 1919. Prevent further trouble by using Cuticura for all toilet purposes. flktnlalav ffaaV Vh. faaa W.SI A 1J na.u trtt,DoptH.MahUo,laii' Sold ray- Bliipa2r u,nHnBntoaDWc. Talcum Zfre. sawVCuticorm Soap ihaTa without mug. Collecting Money , The Collection De partment of the First National is a most inter esting as well as a most necessary department. c i Collections for all the important centers, bills-of-lading covering all kinds of merchandise, notes, certificates of de posit, coupons, etc., are only a part of the busi ness handled. Documents of various kinds are held in escrow and contracts where one party is absent and where this department represents them , are handled daily. Instruments and deeds of all sorts are en trusted to this depart ment to be inspected" by interested parties, and numerous other trans 'actions of a similar na ture are constantly tak ing place. Nearly a Million Dol lars a day is handled through this interesting and busy department. Mr. Williams, Man ager of the Collection Department, will , be gfad to explain how this department may serve , you. First National IBank of Omaha Street Floor Entrance Either Farnam or Sixteenth Street Door "E.tabli.hld 1857