Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Daily Average Continues at
70 More Than 400 Cases
' Reported Here Since
' - January H;
Nearly 70 cases of influenza were
reported to the health office yester
day, equaling the average for the
first four days of this week. The
total for this week is more than 300
and the total since January 14, when
the first case was reported, is more
than 400. - " 1 ,
Pr. J. F, . Edwards,, health com
missioner, reported that eight deaths
from influenza have occurred since
January, 14.
Urges Week's Quarantine.
Sixty per cent of influenza victims
in Omaha this month were from 20
to 40 years old.
J. H. Dillon, chief of the state bu-
reauof health, has urged the health
commissioner to enforce a quaran
tine of at least one, week in all in
fluenza cases. ., - , . ,1
The Nebraska Telephone company
yesterday reported that it was short
,129 operators on account of illness.
' Deaths Reported.
The following deaths from influ
enza' were reported Wednesday: Jb
' Keph Abrahams, 38 years old, 1 516
North Sixteenth street; D. M. Wis
'.doraV'42 years old, 2122 Locust
; street; Karl E. Pott, 30 years old,
806 North Forty-ninth avenue.
Three deaths from pneumonia
were reported during the. last 24
Dr. J. F. Edwards; health com
missioner, yesterday asked members
of the police department to co-oper
Value-Giving Offer
See- our Ad
rertlsement In tils paper
on Trldaj
f- Guaranteed
felt Mattresses
45 lbs. of pure layer
Fejt; holee of
three patterns, art
ticking, roll edge,
Bowen's Bedding
: Department
offers "Value-Giving" Box Springs
ta4 Mattresses of Guaranteed
1 -'- MiFt
flUA, im i
mi rmttT. Kmni mrnjm am ny(j
ill IIIS
2 v i y
I... , I
ate in "the enforcement: of the anti
spitting ordinance.
Tweirty members of the fire de
partment reported off duty yesterday
ou account of illness.
Dwight E; Porter, principal of the
High School of Commerce, is ill.
It is believed that he is suffering
from influenza. '
Superintendent Beveridge report
ed that more than 80 teachers were
absent yesterday on account of ill
ness. I '
Last Hours Spent
With Ouija Board
. (Contlnned From Tf On.)
cause my partner did not carry out
my instructions. I had ordered him
to jump over the rail the minute we
entered the place, but he was an,
amateur af d wasted too much time.
It took him about four minutes to
pick up what money we did get,
when it should not have taken more
than a minute." . '
"Who was your partner in the
Brooklyn robbers?" he was asked.
; "I don't care to say. I don't want
to ' implicate him. He is married
and I think by this time has left
the country. I. met him first in
Norfolk, Va., a short time .before
the Brooklyn 'job.'" -
Hamby said he had never had
arty women accomplices jn any of
his robberies "because they talk too
much." The day he was brought to
Sing Sing the prisoner was asked
what "interests" he had In life. He
lighted a cigarette and watched the
match burn itself down and go out
before he replied: -
"The only interest I have is to
see that I spend the time from now
until I go to the electric chair in
smoking, reading and making my
self comfortable. I know there is
no possible chance of acquittal I
am guilty and that is all there is to
it." At another time he said:
"Nothing ever bothers ( me at all.
The. sooner the end comes the bet
ter. . It's immaterial to me. I'd
sooner have it all over with than
have this fuss. This place is nice.
Everything here is very nice. There
isn't anything I want that I haven't
got here."
Judge Fawcett of Brooklyn, who
sentenced Hamby, said he was thje
"worst" ' crminal of 6,000 who had
come before him in his entire career
on the bench. Hamby's "philosophy
of life" was embodied in the fol
lowng statement he made just be
fore being sentenced to die: '
"It is nothing for me to die be
cause I am coming back. It may
take a few years or it may take
several thousand years, of course,
but time does not count. Being
brought into this world is like be
ing placed in a class of small chil
dren, with each trying to compete
with the other. Some of us are suc
cessful and some are not As for
myself I have flunked.'.",.. . , v,
: .' , 1 . , " -
According to an Italian univer
sity, professor, radium can be found,
in ordinary dew.
; "I prescribe grapefruit for all
my patients, and tell them to
be sure and get
as other grapefruit to the At
wood is as cider apples to
pippins." -
L ORAPEFRurrorjHfwre:
Sold entr under thli trad mark.
Omaha, Neb. , ,
Wholesale Distributors.
Time Tested,.,
THERE are feW
surer or more de
pendable tests of
a bank's "sound-.--
ness and stability
than the test of
WITH 1920 this
bank enters on its
fifty -fourth year
of service; to the
people of Omaha
and surrounding
territory. .
1 TheOntaha
National Bank
Capital and surplus, :
$2,000,000; '
, .
Accomplice of Ralph Murray,
Wanted for Bluffs Holdup,
Strikes "Officer With
Handcuffs and Runs.
Ralph Murray, suspected of hav
ing robbed the Prudential Insurance
company office in Council Bluffs
two nights ago, and an accomplice,
John Brown, escaped four detec
tives near a garage at 606 North
Eighteenth i street, at 1 yesterday
morning, when Brown severely beat
I)etective Andrew Trapp while the
officer was putting handcuffs on him.
W. H. Moran, 1305 North Twenty-fifth
street, one of the proprietors
of the garage, who was with Mur
ray and Brown when the detectives
surprised them, was arrested and is
being held at Central police station
for grand lafceny. An automobile
belonging to Ruth Livingston, 609
North Sixteenth street, which had
been taken from the garage, was
found in Moran's possession, police
Trapp Has Black Eye.
Detective Traoo is sufferiner from
a blackened eye, several cuts about
the face and head and a bruised
right hand which he received in the
battle with Brown.
Murray escaped while his accom-
War Heroes and Brides
Plan to Fight High Cost
v 1 V
(Continued Prom ge .Ons.)
service at Fort Omaha in 1917, short'
ly after his graduation from the
council Blurts High school. His
bride was a member of the same
graduating class, and their romance
also dates back to the time when
they attended high school parties to
gether. He was sent to France with the
Eleventh balloon comoanv and was
seriously wounded in active service
by shrapnel. He was sent back to
this country and spent months re
cuperating in army hospitals, most
of the time at Fort Des Moines, la.
He continued his courtship during
brief furloughs until he was finally
discharged in normal health and ac
cepted a position with the real es
tate firm of his uncle, Harry G. Mc-
uee. '
Couples Were Close Friends, f
The two vounc men have heeft
close pals and chums since parlv
boyhood and their sweethearts have
been mtimate friends since high
school associations. The couples
spent much of their time together
during the last few months and it
was during this period that they hit
upon the scheme of fighting the H.
C. of L. by establishing themselves
in a single cottage and dividing ex
penses. A similar economy will result
from their sensible plan of spending
meir noneymoon togetner. 1 neir
destination was Icept a secret from
their friends and relatives, J)ut they
announced their intenton of making
their honeymoon as simple and in
expensive as possible. Upon their
return they will make their home af
218 Third street, just around the
corner from the high school, where
their romances had thrir inception.
Pa sais I holler
less fbrcandif
when I have
mi fill or
r post
Superior corn flakes
rich in natural
Factory Specialist
at Union Outfitting
Co. for New Home
Demonstration Will Show
the Many Kecent im
provements That Make
Sewing Easy.
Handsome "New Home"
Sewing Machine Given
Away Friday, Feb. 6.
The. woman who has sewing to
do for herself and little ones
this spring will welcome the spe
cial offer made by Union Out
fitting v Company during "New
Home"- Sewing Machine Week,
starting Saturday.
From Saturday, January SI,' un
til Friday, February 6, you can
have a Sewing Machine delivered
to your home on the payment of
ONE DOLLAR, ready to do your
spring sewing. i
A Special Factory Representa
tive will be present to show why
the "New Home" Sewing Ma
chine because of its many im
provements, runs lighter, sews
faster and makes a more perfect
And think of getting a Sewing
Machine FREE! It is possible if
you visit the ' store during the
At the Union Outfitting Com
pany, located out of the High
Rent District, no transaction is
ever considered complete until
the customer is satisfied; and, as
always you make your own
terms; :::t';::,!.. .
One of Men Who Made
Daring 'Escape From
Police When Captured
Ralph Murray.
plice was engaged in the fight
with the detective. He is wanted by
Omaha police for the theft of an au
tomobile belonging to L. Lotz, S01S
Cuming street, police say. Murray
has also been identified, detectives
say, as the man who tought detec
tives a running gun battle in automo
biles from the Douglas street bridge
to Seventeenth and Orace streets.
where the car was wrecked 10 days
Say Identified by Pictures.
Ed Francke, one of the proprietors
of the garage, told detectives that
Murray and Brown had been hang
ing around the garage for the past
two days.
Murray has . been, identihed ,by
pictures as the robber who held up
nine, men , in an insurance company
office in Council Bluffs two nights
ago, police say.
Council Bluffs police also are in
vestigating a report that a high
school boy is said to have boasted
to his friends that he was the gun
man who held up tlie insurance
The lone robber obtained $800 in
cash and a diamond ring valued at
$2,500 from his victims.
Revive Old Tale About
Pershing's Promotion
(Continned From Pa One)
honor the man whose work in the
Philippines had been so' signally
successful. ' i
On November 18. 1910, ex-Presi
dent Roosevelt, then one of the
editors of the Outlook, in reply
to a letter of Senator Warren en
closing a clipping from the Wash
ington Herald which imputed ul
terior motives to the senator in
connection, with the Pershing pro
motion, wrote me senior senator
as follows: ;
Brands Story a Falsehood. '
"Dear Senator Warren: It does
not seem to me that the quotation
in question is -capable of miscon
struction, whether taken apart from
its context or not. Your son-in-law
was oromoted so strictly on his
own merits that I had absolutely
forgotten that he "was your son-in-
law until 1 received your letter.
even now, 1 cannot rememDer
whether he was married to your
daughter or engaged to her at the
time he won the victory, because
of which, I promoted him. My im
pression is that he was not yet
marr;ed to her. In-any event the
promotion was made purely on the
merits, and unless l am mistaken,
vou never snoke to me on the sub
ject until I had announced that he
was to be promoted. Ihe article
that you enclosed from the Wash
ington Herald is a tissue of mali
cious falsehoods. It is not a case ot
a man writing under an erroneous
imoression. it is a case of a man
being guilty of malicious and wil
ful untruth, r-aithtully yours,
In a oostscriot to the letter the
distinguished American in his fa
miliar handwriting added: lo pro
mote a man because he marries a
senator's daughter would be an in
famy; and to refuse him promotion
for the same reason would be an
eaual infamv." President Roose
velt in a message to the 58th con
cress, second session, speaking of
the necessity for" legislation that
would permit of the promotion of
men who had shown signal ability
and fidelity in the. discharge of their
duties urged upon congress the en
actment of a law similar to the prac
linnn'u'i in m
FRIDAY 8:30 A. M.
Friday we
700 pairs of Ladies' Shoes at the
ridiculously low price of
I. .
$3 and
tice pursued at West Point in ad
vancing cadets. He said in this mes
sage, "Ability, efficiency, fidelity
and all other qualities determine the
rank of a man year after year at
West Point and his standing in the
army when he graduates from West
Point; but from that time on all ef
forts to find which man is Best or
worst and reward or punish him ac
cordingly is abandoned; no bril
liancy, no amount of hard work,
no eagerness in the performance of
duty can advance him and no Slack
ness or indifference that falls short
of a court martial offense can retard
him. Until this system is changed
we cannot hope that our officers will
be of as high grade as we have a
right .to expect, considering the ma
terial upon which we draw.
Pershing Prospects Good.
Then he uses the Pershing case to
justify his recommendation for cor
rective legislation in the best Roose
veltian style:
Moreover, when a man renders
such service as Captain Pershing
rendered last spring in the Moro
camoaiVn. it oiio-lit tn Vi nnsihl
to reward 1iim without at once jump
ing him to the grade of brigadier
And speaking of General Pershing
and the campaign now in progress
to draft him as republican presi
dential candidate, William R. War
ner of Colorado, sneaking of oohtics
n the Centennial state, says in the
Washington Post this morning:
Colorado hasn t made up its
mind as to whom it will favor for
president, either republican or demo
cratic. There has been a lot of ac
tivity on the part of 'adherents of
General Wood and of Governor
Lowden. They were early at 'work
in tne state, and there are Wood
clubs and Lowden clubs in 'different
parts of the state. But this does
not mean that the state is for either
Wood or Lowden. Indeed, if one
is to judge from the opinions ex
pressed casually by republicans in
various parts of Colorado the voters
haven t any choice, lhey are wait
ing to be shown.
General Wood is well known m
the state and so is Governor Low
den. For that matter, so are other
candidates. Senator Harding made
a strong impression when he visited
Colorado and General Pershing is
probably better known than any
other man. The apparent impression
that Pershing is not popular with
the soldiers who served overseas, I
find, is entirely erroneous. The men
of the expeditionary forces who
fought in t ranee and who had op
portunity to meet Pershing as com
mander or otherwise have nothing
but praise for him.t I don't know
whether General Pershing has any
political aspiration, but if he has,
then, in my opinion, he has the edge
on a lot of other fellows who are
looking toward the White House."
"All Steer
YcnTget ' more" th'arinHgspace
and security when you buy "
GFAllsteel Office Furniture
You get, in each section, the ut
most in convenience and perma
nence, because this equipment is
all that the name implies Alhttel.
Alhteel construction insures free
dom from cracking, warping or
sticking. Alhteel finish will last
through long years of service,xand
never become shabby.
We have GF Alhteel Equipment
on display for your inspection.
Orchard &
Sixteenth and Howard Sts..
Department of Office Furnitur.
place on sale about
Your choice of the lot while
they last. Plenty of good
styles, in all colors, with high,
low or medium heels, in all
sizes from 2 to 6.
Just the thing for Spring
wear. Nobby spats in all
colors to match any shoe-
of sizes. This lot oj
Scats includes values up to
$4; on sale at
320 South 16th St.
Druggists May Sell
Liquor on Prescription
(Continued From Pf ).)
lay in procuring liquor on a prescrip
tion through a pharmactist. might
have serious consequences To the
patient. - - . -
''Provision is also iade in regu
lations for issuing permits to hos
pitals and sanitariums to enable
them to procure intoxicating liquor
to be administered for medicinal
purposes to patients at such 'in
stances and also for issuing permits
to manufacturing, industrial - and
other establishments maintaining
first aid stations, authorizing them
to. procure such liquor for adminis
tration to their employes for medi
cinal purpores in emergency cases.
Foulard Returns
flits soft luster and the
charm of its printed de
signs recommends it as a
means of expressing the
springtime silhouette. And
quite often it is combined
with taffeta Of a plain
fl Our showing of foulards,
taffetas and meteors in the
newest of colors and de
signs is already most com
plete. fl Our tailoring serges and
they are strictly men's
wear serges, offer very
fine values for spring tail
Ieurs at prices from $5 to
$8.50 a yard., ;
fl A special price on
brushed wool scarfings in
two-yard lengths and in
any number of shades;
regularly priced $3.50 a
yard. Friday, $4.95 for a
two-yard length.
Williams' tooth paste,
Friday for 8c. a hibe.
Almond meal, especially
recommended for ten
der skins, is priced 35c
a box. ' ,
Rit dye soap in flake or
soap form in a number
of shades, Friday, 10c a
b)OX. Toilet Good Section
New Spring
for Boys from
Oliver Twist style s,1
middy suits and one-piece
affairs, crisp and starchy,
in styles a boy would like,,
and possessed of wearing
qualities that, will please
his mother. Solid colors
with white braid trim
mings, or colored trousers
with white waists and
colored trimmings; there
is such a variety of styles
that you'll be sure to find
the one you prefer.
As a special one
group of rompers
of pink or blue
chambray g i n g
ham in sizes 2, 3
and 6 years. Regu
larly $1.25 and
White Wool Flannel
75c a yard
Highly mercerized, cotton warp
wool-flannel ; an excellent qual
ity for children's clothes, petti- -coats
and the like; 27 inches
wide Friday, 75c a yard.. .
Second Floor
Particularly Fine
Comforters for $1.50
Silkoline-covered, cotton-filled
comforters, full bed size (72x-84-inch),
special. Friday for
$4.50 each. '
Second Floor
I Jeff ens Accuses War
Department of Waste
(Continued From Vf One.)
constantly in use and as much lum
ber was burned as was used in the
construction of the immense plant
that cost upwards of $80,000,000. Five
hundred horses were' shot and
burned, car loads of bread added
fuel to the flames, tons of hay were
burned in the winter -of 1917 and
1918. ' .
Thousands of pork loins, three and
four feet long, which the workmen
would have been only too .glad to
purchase, had they been permitted,
fed the fires. Nails and spikes by
the keg, motor trucks and tractors
were buried in the gulches while car
loads of fruit, bananas and oranges
Only Two More Days of
January Jjinen Prices
During the Jariuary sale a number of excellent
pieces were soiled and rumpled from frequent
handling. Table cloths, napkins, towels, lace
pieces and Madeira linens in this" group have been
priced low enough tp insure immediate clearance,
low enough to offer you attractive bargains in fine
linens. 1
Finest Linen
Table Cloths
$10 (2x2-yd.), $6.75.
$12 (2x2-yd.), $8.
$20 (2x2i2-yd.), $11.89.
$20 (2x21,4), $11.89.
$25 (2x3-yd.) for $15.
$25 (2i4x2i4-yd.), $15.
$35 (2i2x2i2-yd.),$20.
Linen Napkins
$12 'ones, $7.38 a dozen.
$13.75 ones, $9.89 a doz.
$17.50 ones, $12 a dozen.
$25 ones for $15 a dozen.
Lace Pieces
$4 Filet lace centepieces
for $2.50 each. ::; " '
$5 Filet lace centerpieces
for $2.89 each.
2 to 6
$2.50 Outing Flan
nel Nightshirts,
Faultless. and Uni
versal makes, in all
sizes '
Fiber Hose, 50c (
Only a few dozen
left, and no more
at this price are ob
tainable. In seven
$1.35. Friday for
only 98c.
Suits of gingham,
navies, tans, and
browns with con
trasting trimmings
are priced v from
$1.75 up. x
Second Floor
Black silk lisle hose
with ribbed tops
and double soles
are priced $1.25 a
Black cotton hose
with' ribbed tops
Last week I made an appointment with an
Omaha business man to call on him today and
write his application for a policy in The
Bankers Reserve Life Company.
When I called, his secretary told me that
my man was at home sick with -the flu.
Should he recover he will take the policy.
Should he die his family will be deprived of
the insurance money.,
Now is the time to sign an application
Phone me and I'll ten you how little full
Tirotection will cost you. Call .
Douglas S883. Douglas 7716.
Paul B. Burleigh, Gen'I Agt.
were hauled to a pig farm owned
by one of the superintendents. ,
Mr. Jefferis said that when the
property at Nitro was I purchased
there was 20 houses on the place
which, residents in the City ot
Charleston desired to buy,, but which
were completely burned under or
ders from "higher up." '- "
Similar conditions, the congress
man said, obtained at Charleston, S.
C, and Muscle Shoal, but the wan
ton destruction of property was not
as marked as at the West Virginia
It is understood that Chairman
Graham, of the special committee,
charged with the investigation, wilt
shortly introduce a resolution di
recting that criminal prosecutions
be begun against the men connected
with these evidences of sinful waste
and destruction.
$5 Filet lace scarfs, Fri
day, $2.89 each.
$3.50 Cluny lace scarfs,
Friday, $2 each. ,
$2.75 Cluny lace scarfs,
Friday for $1.75 each.
Real Madeira
Table Cloths
Hand embroidered:
$50 (72x72) for $28.
$30 (54x54) for $20.
$25 (54x54) for $15.
Venetian Lace
Cloths Round
Very fine pieces, hand em
broidered and with hand
cutout work. . v
$65 (72x72) for $40,
$35 (54x54) for $21.75.
$25 (45x45) for $15.
Offers Savings:'
$1 Handkerchiefs,
Any style in stock
at this reduction.
Plain; white, col
ored and initialed
linen, for 79c
Friday onlyi
Wool Hose, 50c
A heavy weight of
, -splendid quality.
Shirt Sale Ends "
in Two Days
To the Left As You Enter
Out-Size Hosiery
of Silk and Lisle
and double
85c a pair.
Outsize new fash
ioned hose in navy
blue, gray and dark
brown, with garter
. tops and double
soles, $1 a pair.
Part Wool Union uits
for $1.79
Two styles low neck and sleeveless,
or Dutch neck with elbow sleeves.
Splendid $2.35 and $2.50 values.
Friday for $1.79 a suit.
Second Floor
Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo -Will
Help You
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying Zemo.
Furnished by any druggist for 35c. Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment Zemo is applied. In a short .
time usually every trace of eczema.
tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and '
similar skin diseases will be removed. .-'
For clearing the 6kin and making it
penetrating, antiseptic liquid.- It is not
agreasysalveanditdoesnotstain. When
others fail it is the one dependable
treatment for skin troubles of all kinds.
- .tyftm.C9Clvlud.Qt v ;