. 4 . -,...-... . . V:.' . . . J "i A . 1 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUKSUAY. JANUARY 27, 1920. Plague In Moscow Drives .Soviet Members to Tvor Stockholm, Jan. 26. (Havas.) Members of the 'soviet government have left Moscow after a renewed outbreak of the plague and have gone to the city af Tvor, on the up per Volga, according to, advices re ceived "hen. AUTOMOBILES. - For Sale. RENT A' NEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF 13 CENTS Pm MILE. OA8 ANP INSURANCE. EXTRA. OUR CARS ARB COMFORTABLY HEATED VOB WIN TER SERVICE. DR1VE-1T-YCURSELF-COMPANT. FORMERLY FOUD LIVERT CO. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUC1. 3622, IF YOU are figuring uu purchasing a truck It will pay you to e thee be fore yon- bur. On 1910 Kelly 2-ton truck, fitted lth Steven Motor. On 114 Alco 2-ton truck. On 14-ton Kelly. On 1916 1-ton Kelly. On 1-ton Kelly. Bur . direct from owner and av money. Call and see these at the FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. . 12th and .lones. SOME bargain In used Ford car. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Til Handy Ford Scrvle Station. 15ta and Jackson. Douglas 3100. VISED car nf exceptional value ' GUY L. SMITH, . 2863 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. A REAL. BARGAIN. 1917 Mllburn electric, 4 cord tires, batter! guaranteed to flmt-clasa con dition. Hunt aacrlflc. Payment if dealred. , , PHONtf WALNUT 0. EAHOAIN in Maxwell truck, fine condi tion, four new tlree. email payment down, balance easy terms, or wilt trade for anything of vnine. Walnut 4 3 0, ANTED For spot caah. 100 ued car: quick action; no delay. Autn Exchange Co 2Q5t Farnam 8t Doug B03S. SKDI-MADB UARAGES. wood nr aleel. Send for circular Hedl-Mede Homing Co., till Howard. l!id 8S7. K 1IAVK 60 good used car to reject from. Ail nrlreo. MEf.'Ka Al'TO CO . 1031 Farnam OAKLAND 8enalb)e Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 23(10 Farnam St. best Values in used cars. .- TKAWVEIt AUTO CO. ' 1910 FARNAM. . THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. i , . 2620 Farnam St. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS . VAN BRUNT'S. Look for the red aeal on windshield , UNITED AUTO PARTS CO.. ' 8032 FARNAM. KXCBPTION'AL USED CARS, TVS have, some exceptional values in used rs, Packard Omaha Co.. 31st and Harney. ' EtUDEBAKER Sedan, A-l condition; for at. ' Webster 2945. . .-GOOD ;iSfcD CARS. GUY U SMITH. BARGAIN in 1917 Paige touring, fine hape. ' Pouff.' 94-5. ' - ' Auto Livery find Garages. fRUCKS. all sizes for hire. Best service. Bast rntos. Tyler 1976. , . iTires and Supplies. NEV 'TIRES GUAItA N T E ED (lx3 .. 8.S0 I S2x4 $18.95 JOxJU .' 11.60 35x4 . 19.85 SALESMEN. AND DISTRIBUTERS ' WANTBD. gTANDAnP- TIRE CO., 410 NO. 16TH. .USED TIRESDIRT , CHEAP. ,. 30x3, 14.00; 80x3H. 38,00. All. slues In proportion. ..look over our rebuilt. Open Sundays. 'Tyler 2980. 908 N. lsthSt: Keystone Tire Shop "iJiSv' TIRES DIRT CHEAP 10x3 FISIC....JU.93 34x4 $20.9a JOxS 8.9R '30x4.... .. 2H.95 KMMAN TIRE JOB HERS. 1722 CUM1NO. aUTO- electrical repairs; service slatton for Rayfield carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 218 N )3. MotOrcyxles and Bicycles. EaRLEV'- DAVIDSON MoTQRCYCLBS Bargain Hi used, mathlnes. Victor H. Roos, th motofcyel man. 27th and Leavenworth . Sts. - - l Repairing gnd Painting. RADIATOR CUHES'1N8TALED. Manulaitured In Omaha. 21-lmur serv Ire for auto, trui-k and tractor. Expert radiator and fender ' repairing; body 'deota removed; jieY. fenders made. , OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO... 181 cubing st; .t . 'ry1;,9.'!.., . Does Your Radiator. Leak? Better1' yrork t -iMtm trices. .' - ; f: H. ELSASSER. . Let- Ttn tackfa xour radiators. Tyler 4009;' ' ' 253 .8. 2Ut St. ; PERSONAL. " : . THE SALVATION Army Industrial home ollcU - yeur old olothlng... furniture, magaxlnc. W. collect Wo-distribute. Phonet Doug. 4135 and our wagon-will call. Call and. inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 wax street. I WILL not be ve4Vlibl for any debts eontracted by-my wtfet Ada Davis, from thla date 'on. Stg-'erf. Guy Davis. A!.Xi WebatisrT- 7034. Appointment promptly answerei Sharp point mani cure ana marcel a Specialty. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WEEK-OLD CHICKS Rocks, Reds, Leg horns, Orjrtirgtonsr pure-bred, strong and healthy. Orders booked now for March and April ' hliments: shipped parcel pot prepaid. - Send for circular. S. M. Dean. 1- tfrt DOse;ia. MIXED GRAIN $3.50 per, hundred, de. . Ilvered.- A. W. Wagner, 801 No. 16tb St. Douglas 1142. . BKLGIAN hares and hutches, prices right for quick sale. Seo- them day or eve nings. Walnut .3718. 4S48 ErBklne. ' WHEAT creenlngs. $2.60 per hundred delivered. 801 North 16th SL A. VV Wagner. Douglas 1142 THOROUGHBRED ALCONA cockerels, , Hheimrd'- strain. Walnut 4542. GOOD hPine- for' a dog. 6198. Call Harney Horses Live Stock. Vehicles. .. .. For Sale. : 800 Sets of Harness, . SAXJDLES AND COLLARS t $0 per cent discount; free list price , . Midwest Harness' Co., : 708 N 18th St. - Omaha. Neb. ' NOTICE' TO FARMERS. i'OUR good honest work teams. Age from 6 to 8 years old. Weighing from 3,600 to 3,100 pounds per pair. These horses are not city broke, but gentle. Will hitch every team before buying. Also good farm wagon' and ' harness. Residence 2106 Lake St. RETIRED , from , farming; will sacrifice . few good teams, matched mares, 6 to 7 -' years old, 2,600 to 2,800 pounds; will guarantee them. 1321 S. 29th street, block east of East park car line. ' SETTLING) up our estate., will dispose of - -our own raised mares and horses; all matched teams, 2,600 tq 3,000 pounds; , young and- sound. 2412 St. Marys Ave. HEAL bargain tor cash; two teams of , big. young, mated mares; also 3.400 ' r,ound team draft bones. 2226 Mason MULES 3 matched teams mules. 4 to 7 yean old, 3,600 to 3,800 pounds; real true- workers. 2115 Leavenworth St MONEY TO LOAN. . DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. - Private loan booth. Harry MalaSbock, 1614 Pod ge. D. 6619. Es.1891 FARMS and city loan. E. H. LOUGEB. INC 63S Keelln Bids. 't'riinniiiiinnti'lniiniiliit'Hi'ii'tininiiiiiiiiriliiiniiiiiiii' Harry M. Christie Co. j ; . ask (or chance to sell 3our. b if HOME, APARTMENT, BUSINESS PROPERTY or TRACKAGE 1 I List with us for quick result. Must be priced right . . ' fKaelinaBldg. Tyler 5240.? Evening and Sunday, . S Colfax all. SllHtiUliHul:it;iilluli,luli.llili.liiliil)ilil,HnliiliiM, ' We hava long Hot of buy er for five, ix, seven and eight-room modern home, co . tage and bungalows. Phone ua and we will inspect , your property promptly. For re- ulta. call ... : OSBORNE REALTY V COMPANY, i 430 Bee Bldg. ' - Tyler 496. BRINGING UP ,:H'--'lv with th efteseNT- ""ITHF"" ,T LL WE HA,DOf AvN' 'V !c'"r 1 Kns ilT OUT Market LIVE STOCK. Omaha Live Stock. Omaha. .Tan. 28. Receipts were: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Monday estimate .... 9.200 8,600 3,000 Sam day last week. 12.459 12,941 S.Sji Same 3 weeks ago.. 13.388 15,463 15.072 Same 3 week ago. .10, 417 10.798 9,80 Sam days year ago.. 8.174 13,801 3,068 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m.. January 26, 1920: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. . Hogs. Shp. C, M. St. P 19 ' t 1 Union Pacific 65 1! 4 C. & N. W., ast ..21 .4 1 C. & N. W west .,75 '45 2 C, St. P.. M. O. ! 31 9 ;. C. B. & CI., east ... 2 H'ra. C. B. & Q . west ..143 C, R. I. & P., east.. 10 C. R. I. & P., west. 2 Illinois Central .... 8 Chicago Gt. West.. 19 Total receipts ...395 18 3 103 17 12 DISPOSITION HEAD. C attle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co. . . S76 2,049 732 Swift & C 1.290 1.214 1.330 1,090 845 1.845 1.170 1.638 327 223 1,250 .... Cudahy I'Ug. Co. Armour & Co; . Schwartz & Co.. .T. W. MuruhV Llnculn Pkg Co. .. 113 Hlggrns cams Pkir. Co 38 Hoffman Hros ' 50 John Roth & Sons H .Mayerowlch & vail .... 10 tlla xbers - 8 P. fc'Dea". . '. 4 Wilson Co 114 VV R. V.tn Sant & Co.. , 27 Benton -fr Van ,a,nt ... 176 VV. W. Jllli & Co . ins li P r.evuift . 'At J. B. Root & Co 30 J. H. Bulla its n, M. Ilurruss & Co.... 100 -Hosetistnrk Ilios 156 V. G. Kollogg . 84 Wertheimor & Degen .. 604 Ellis & Co 113 Sullivan Bros 24 ; A. Rothschild ' . 243 Mo.-Kan. C. C. Co... 116 E. G. Christie' 119 Baker 147 John TTirvey 603 Jensen Lunogren .... Dennis A Francia 165. Monahnn . . 13-. Other buyers 2,329 373 Total 10,834 8.095 3,447 Cattle Receipts of beef today wero oniy moderate for a - Monday, with slightly over 9.00fl b"d being reported In. This is approximately 3,000 less than tor the sonie day a week ago. but 1,000 larger than for the eaine day a year ago. . There was not a great deal of cornfed beef on ihand this morning and the mar kef watt rather slow, although urlce's were strong. Cows and helfera aiso moved very slowly on a generally steady to strong ba sis, as compared with .last week's- close. Quality of tho offerings as a whnlo was poor, 'mere were more leenei-a. on-n iiu today than fOr tho last week or more airil the quality was very good.: One string was received from the "Denver Stock show. Prices, however, were not -more than steady to strong. I Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. SlS.OOQli.00; fair to good beeves, Stl.50313.00; common to fair beeves, t0.00ll.r,0; good to rholco- yearlings, UlS.r.OwilS.OO; fair., to. good. . .yearlings. $11. rv0fi l3.no-- common t,o" fair-yeartlngH, $1U0! 11.50: choiro to- prime heifers, f 1175"OU.O0; good 'to; choice heifers, $(t.00S11.60; choice to prime cows. $11.00 ft 12.60; good to choice cows. $9.6011.00; fair to good cows. $8.00 9"50; common to fair -cows, $5. 50 S 00; choice to prime heavy feeders, $12."5(913.50; good to choice feeders. $l0.766i12.25; medium to good feeders. $9.2510.75; common to fair feeders, $S.00(ff9.25: good to choice stock era. $9.50(011.00; fair to good stockers. SH OO 9.60; common to fair stockers, $6.00 &8.O0; stock heifers, $6.50(98.76; stock cows, $8.25'$. 50; stock calves, $7.60 10.60; veal catves, S9.5015.60; bulls, stags, etc., $5.604il0.50. . , I Representative sales:. -. a . ' BEE STEERS. No. 2;;.. 13.. 13.. 21. . S3.. Av. Pr. I. No. Av. ' Pr. . 8Sfi $11 1 42. 885 $11 i6 . 771 11 60 20 1093 11 0 . 9IJ5 11 .25 . 6 .11108 13 35 .1173 12 40 41 925 . 12 90 '1263 13 76 20 1360 14 60 ' STEERS AND HEIFERS IS.. 19. . 23. . 8,. 11.. 21. . 7.. 1, . 696 10 20. 846 It 10 12 00 , . 886 11 85 15... 887 .,..1619 12 CO COWS. S SO 7... ...1015 ,..1061 ... 888 ...1114 9 25 10 10 10 25 1043 10 00 10... ,...1078 10 lt . . ....1153 10 75 - ' HEIFERS. 7 78 8 75 14.. , .. . 6 70 10 .26 8.. BULLS. ... S13 ... 866 ... 920 ...1290 ...1970 ... 980 ...1440 9 4" 10 65 8 00 9 00 33 75 10 00 7.... 1.... 1.... , . 850 ,.1550 )i Kin 7 0 . 1.. 8 25 1.. 9 15 1.. 60 , . I.. 85 1.. 1. !l600 1. ...... 1660 CALVES, 1 ... 430 10 00 ...! 470 10 25 LlfTLE ROCK, ARK., The open-shop city warits first-class , BRICKLAYERS. : ' Rate, $1.25 per hour., PLASTERERS , v 1 First-Class, $1 per hour. Sheet Metal Workers 90 cents per' hour for first-class men. ELECTRICIANS . . First-Class, . - 87' cents per hour. Will put. you to. work at rft.ee, steady employment. For full information write or wire 4 , , , Builders' Exchange. Room 201, Board of Cominerce Building, Little Rock, Ark. , FATHER AiK TELL. ME VlFE. FCW ME. COME ME and Industrial News of 1 430 11 00 1 2(0 13 00 8 110 14 25 160 15 00 1 255 11 60 1...... 1841 14 00 1 380 14 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 27.;.... 686 25 39 676 75 10...... 849 11 00 56 866 11 26 tS 863 11 75 Hoga Receipt of hogs wer light to day, estimates calling for 8,500 head. The market wus unusually slow, considering that prices showed the advance they did over- faturday'e sales, the market being generaly 2035c higher than Saturday at a bulk of 5 1 J.20&45.4D and top at $16.45. Rough hcavie were selling down to even money. - Representative, sales: -. HOG 9. No. Av. S& Pr No. Av. . Sh. Pr. 57. .418 ... 14 75 26. .184 ... 15 00 32. .383 70 15 10 78. .106 40 15 15 75. .210 ... 15 20 68.. 256 110 16 20 C1 ..371 15 30 67. .250 - 15 35 65. .265 ... 15 40 79.. 250 ... 15 45 ' Sheep The week opened ' out with a very limited run of ehee4 and lambs, hardly more than 3,000 head showing up. Offerings Included several strings of well finished lambs and prices in this branch of the trade ruled about a quarter higher, best lambs brought $20.35 with good kinds moving around $20.00(g2.15. Ewes, wethers and yearlings were very eearce, and prices remained nominal. Toppy ewes would likely sell around $11.75 12.00. Demand from country for feederat ia still broad and insistent and the trade' this morning averaged strong to possibly a little higher. Some half fat lambs went for a short finish at. $18.63 and medium weight feeders are selling largely from $17.0017.50. Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to choice, $20.00 jji20. 36; lambs, fair to good, Jl9.2519.8r.; fleshy feeders, $18.00 18.66; medium weight feeders, $16,750 17.75; comirton to fair feeders. $16.25 18.75; enll lamb, $ 1 3.00 IB. 50 : yearlings. $15.60&17.50; wethers, $12,006)14.00; ewes Rood to choice, $11.2541)12.00; ewes, fair tp good, $10.00 11.00; good feeder ewes, $8.009.60; ewe culls and canners, $7.00 (&)8.oo. Representative sales: FAT LAMBS. No. A v. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 164 fed.. 73 20 10 214 fed.. 72 20 15 53 fed.. 91 20 (in 244 fed.. 64 19 00 1S7 fed.. 79 19 50 FEEDER LAMBS. 107 fed.. 62 IS 65 31 fed.. 45 16 75 Chicago Live Mock. Chicago, Jan. 26. Hogs Receipts. 47. 000 head: estimated tomorrow, 80,000 head; generally 2ftc higher; bulk, $15.60j 15.83: top. .$16.00; heavy, S16.40g.15. 75; medium', $lb.t:0(gil5.8o: light, $15.6u15.90; light, light, $15.00 rj 15.75- heavy packing bows, smooth, $14. 7515.25; packing sows, rough, $1 ;.'.' y 14.75; pigs, $13.75014.75. Cattle Receipts, 19,000 head; estimated tomorrow. $21,000 head: market strong; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $1H. 6518. 50; medium and good. $1I.7516.S5; common. $.50( 11.75: lightWBiBht, good and choice, $13.35 )17. 25: common to 'medium. $9.00ftji 13.35. Hutcner cattlo. heifers, $6.856 14.00; trows. $6.8512.75; canners and cutters, $5.65416.85: veal rnlves,- $17.50 1 9.25; fteder stcrs, $8.0012.35; stocker steers, $7.50(11.0ir. . . . Sheep Receipts 8,000 head: estimated tomorrow, lO.oort head-: rr.r.rket strong; lambs, $19.00$21.0O; culls and common, $15.6018.r.0. Ewes, medium good and choice, ?10.SO13.00; culls and common, $6.6010.00.. . .,-.'! 1 t - - Kansas City Live l-Hock. Kans.it City. Mo.. Jan. 26, Cattle Re ceipts, 19.600 head; market steady to strong; heavy beef steers, -choice and prime, sib. 30017. 00; medium and good, lir.2itil6.7tj; common, $10.60$) 12.25; lightweight, good -and choice. $12.25 16.26; common and medium. $.2512.25; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.90 13.75; cows, $G.50&12.25; canners and cutters. $5.00 6.50: veil calves.' $11. OOK 16.50: feeder steers, $8.2513.15; stocker steer. $8.50 10.80. ; ' . Hogs Receipts. 15.000 head: market 2.-. to 40 cents higher; bulk of sales. $15.70 ?i'15.90:. heavies, $15.7515.90; medium, $15.7015 95; lights, $15.6016.95; pck ing sows, $14.50(6)15.25: pigs. $14.0018.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 13.000 head; marl.et steady to 60 cents . higher; lamhs,. J17.0020.25: culls and common, $12.00016.76: vearling wethers, -$U.50 17.25; ewes. $10.0012.25; cull and com mon, $5.00 9.75. ; Sioux City Live Stock. oioux uy, jail, .d. vituio ivcimij.o, 3.600 head: market steady; beef steers, $10.00(5)11.50; fat cows and heifers. $7.00 12.5": canners. $o.00M)7.00; veal calves. taarlafB 7 11 0 tr? 1 t (VO- fe(TtnA cows and heifers. '.00$8.ZS. Hogs Receipts, T.uuo neaa; marni 15 and 25 cents higher: light. $15.10 15.25: mixed, $15.O0(815.25; heavy, $15.00 16.40 ;buD; of sales, $15.20ig,2MO. , Kheen nml T.aniba Recelnts. 2.500 head: market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock, t-. ' t i. . . r ,e r'.tM a p - eelpts. 4,000 head; market steady; steers, $9.5016.00; cows and heifers, $5.50 14 00: carves, $7. 60 018.50. Hogs Kfcetpis, l r.uou neaa; mmive-t. higher; top, $15.80: bulk of tales. $15.50 15.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 8,500 head; market .hlp-her; Iambs, $7.6010.b0; ewes, iJ.DUdl'il.fU. New York General, x- tr-i. 1.. o a iri V, kv anrlnir patents, 13.6014.50; spring clears. $9.25 11.00; winter straights, $10.2511.2o; Kansas straights, $13.25(914.25. Cornmeai uutt; yettow Kr.uui.icu, $2.87H 1 white granulated, $3.85. Burkwheat Dull; $3.75 nominal per 100 pounds. , , . Wheat Spot steady and quiet: No. 2 red, $2.65 nominal f. o. b. steamer New YCornSpot. "s'': No' 1 ye,,ow' 'J0' k t -it,ii S1.69M. e. 1. f. New York, ten-day shipment. , k. ,,, Hay Quiet; No. 1. $1.7541)1.80: No. 3, $1. e51.70; No. 3. S1.S01.B5; shipping, $1.851.45. ' v . Hops Stcndv; state medium and choice 1919, 76jiS5c; 1918. 6065e; Paclfio coaat, 1919, 80i?87c; 1818, 065c. Pork Firm; mess, $44.0045.00; family, $52.0053.0O. .....iii .Lard Easy: mlddlewest $2J.O!4.00. Tallow Dull: speotal loose. . 18 c. Rice Firm; fancy nead, 14Hl"!i Blue Rose, 13m313e. New York Produce. Now York, Jan." 28. BuU'JrT1"" : creamery higher than extras. creamery extras, 64c; creamery firsts, 61 V Eggs Steady; fresh gathered extra. .ll7..."5hI;J5; miik ats. held, specials, 32e32Vc; average run, 30H LivV" Poultry Steady; Chicken, 32c; fowl. 2839c; old roosters, 2626lc; turkeys, itngiajt:. . ohi.n Jan. 26. Butter Eaeier; creamery, 5364c. ... .,., Eggs Easier: receipts. 4.868 rusts. 04 '';- at marn. ""'" ":"'"-,:., ... 1 OUUry oirauj , -" , fowl, 33c Kansas CWy Produc. vi r.n ? Rtitter un- changed: xtras,' 631160c; firet. 6c; ec- onds. 64c: pacaing. no. Egg Five cent higher: ner eaae '"'.. .. ' v 7ffl)Sle: poultry uncnne' , . roosters, ltKuJ't-tc; orottecs, diu New York Metal. . -r. Tnrir Jn 28. Conner Easier electrolytlo. ap'ot and first quarter, 18 0 .An4 nu.vtnr. 19U0194. Iron Steady; No. 1 Northern. 145.00; No. 3 Northern, $44.50; No. 1 Southern, $43.00. Antlmnnv 311.35. Lead Steady: spot and February, 8.60c bid. 8.80c asked. At tntlnii Knot- Conner. 117 17 8d; electrolytic. 123 10s: tin. . f 38$ 7'd; S Page IT'S PRejEnT AC AN' LET KNOW WHW GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain Market. Omaha, Jan. 2(, 130. Grain arrival, today were 30 car of wheat, 139 car of corn, 60 cars ot oats, 15 cars of rye and 3 car of barley. Up to a late hour no wheat had been sold. There were no bid In evidence. Corn was generally l2c off, and oata hio down. Rye wa 6c lower and barley 56c off.. . Corn No. i white, 5 car. 11.42; No. S white, 3 car,1 $1.41; 3 care, $1.40; 1 car, $1.39; No. 6 white, 3 cars, $1.36: No. 4 yellow, 11 cars, $1.38; 10 oar. $1.37; 1 car, (shipper's weights); 3-5 car, $1.37; No. 6 yellow, 8 cars, $1.35; No. 8 yellow, 2 cars, $1.32; sample yellow, 1 cat", $1.30; No. 2 mixed. 2-5 car, $1.45. (old); N. 4 mixed, 3 car. $1.37; g cars, $1.36; 3-6 car, $1.36; 2-5 car, $1.36; No. 6 mixed, 7 3-6 car.' $1.35; 2 car, $1.34; 1 car, $1.34 (near Wheat No. 3 white, 3 car, 86Vic; 6 cars, 86c: No. 4 white, 3 car, 86Hc; sample while, 1 ear, 8 5 ',4c. white.) Rye No. 2. 1 car, $1.60; No. 3, 1 car, $1 68. Barley No. 4, 1 car, $1.36; rejected, 1 car, $1.36. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today Week Year Receipt Ago Ago Wheat 30 60 101 Corn 139 86 161 Oats 50 24 92 Rye . l 16 9 18 Barley 2 3 49 Shipments Wheat 82 28 9 Corn , 86 45 120 Rye 1 24 14 Barley 0 0 g RECEIPTS IN, OTHER MARKETS Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 14 107 63 Kansas City 334 61 21 St. Louis 80 191 138 OMAHA .GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain -of the sev eral grade inspected "in" here during-the last 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 1: No. 3-hard.-3: No. 3 hard, 6; No. 4 hard, 3; No. 2 mixed, 3;"No. 3 mixed, 4; No. 4 mixed, 2; sam ple spring. 1. Total, 20. Corn No. 4 white, 6; No. 6 white. 7; No. 4 yellow, 13; No. 6 yellow. 16; sam ple yellow. 1; No. 4 mixed. 6; No. 6 mixed, 7; No. 6 mixed, 6. Total, 60. Oats No. 3 white, 11; No. 4 whtte, 2. Total, 13. Rye No. 2, 1; No. 3, 1. Total, 3. Barley No. 4, 2. Total, 2. Primary f.eceipts and shipments. Today. Yr. Ago Today. Wheat . ..........1,426,000 1.075,000 Corn . ...-..,,..,.,1,094,000 1,398,000 Oats . r... 886,000 1,545,000 Shipments- - Wheat , 604.000 '. 1 210,000 Com 453,000 681,000 Oats 621,000 821,000 Chicago tiraln and Provision. Chicago, Jan, 26. Reports that the sup ply in some sections west of here had be come more plentiful, tended today to ease the corn market. Prices closed heavy at the same as Saturday's finish to -c lower, with May.' Sl.35U. te Jl.36.9i and July. $1.3-2 to $1.32. Oat lost 'be to sc- lu provisions the outcome rarged from 23c decline to 6c advance; At first, cold wave ired1ctions to gether with a sharp advance in bog val ues gave the corn market . an upward slant. There was a lack of aggressive buying, however, and the bear were soon a,ole to- force a reaction, largely through advices that .an increase in the number ot cars avallahle"at country stations was evident In Iowa and Nebraska. On the other hand, railroad outlets east of here remained . clogged. -'Weakness of wheat ami rye exercised a further depressing influence on the corn market I'll the late dealings, - and virtually no notice was taken of the fact that tfm corn visthle, supply total today was the smallest la 30 years. Oat were governed by the changes In corn. Most of the trade was locaL-r. In provisions selling for . stock - yard Interest mora than offset hog market upturns. Besides, lard exports showed a falling off. Art. Open. High! Low. ( Close. Sat'y. I (?iCHTO- 1 1 1 Corn III I Jan. I 1.46141 L464 1.44 1.45 1.45 May l'.86 1.36 1.84 1.3514 1.36 July. 1.S4HI l.S3ttl 1.33V 1-329, Oata I I I I May ' " .83 -.831 .82! .83 .83H July .76 I .76 .76'. .75 .76 Rye - -. i . . May -1.71 1.72V4 l.M'4 1.6914 1.73'4 July 1.63 1.62H 1.609i 1.61 1.62!4 Pork 1 t I I Jan. 39.50 139.50 38.30 139.30 - 139.35 . May 39.25 29.46 39.15 39.32 39.00 Lard I it I Jan. 23.50 " (23.50 23.40 123.40 123.60 May 24.65 124.55 ' 24.25 24.25 24.80 Ribs I r I -. Ian ........., ..19.80 19.0 May 20.80 ' 130.83- 120.65 130.67 20.80 ' . Minneapolis Grain. , Minneapolis. Minn.. .Tan. 5ft mnnr Unchanged: shipment, 39,509 barrels. Barley $1.18r44. Kye No. 2, $1.6514 1.66H Brn $43.00. w Corn $1. 435)1. 45. . Oats 82 B 83 c. S " . Flaxseed $5.356.30. ... Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. Mo.. Jan. 26. Corn Jan uary. 11.45: May $1.36; July, 31.32 1.32 a; September.. $1.37.. , . t St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. - Jan. 26 -Viriu..Ta)iin. $1.49; May, $1.37. uats aiay, - 86c. - . New York Coffee. New York. Jan. 28. Tha market for cof fee future waa easier today under a re newal of scattering liquidation. There had been some buying-on Saturday owing to rumors of an advance in Rio which were net- confirmed by the day's official cable and there wa also some selling on the un settled ruling of sterling exchange or less lavoraDie view as to prospects lor early action on the peace treaty. First price were 2 to 3 points lower and more active month sold 13 to 14 point below Satur day's closing figures, with May touching 15.82c and closing at that level. The gen eral list closed at a net decline ot 6 to 14 point. January, 15.47c; March, 15.62c; May. 15.82c; July, 16.00c: September, 15.75c; October, 16.67c; December, 15.53c. opoc uorrei yuiet; tuo vs. J tic; oantos 4s, 2526r. , Uberty Bond Price. New York. Jan. 26. Price of Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m. today were: 3Via, 98.90; first 4s, 91.68: second 4, 90.68; first 4s. 92.20; second 4s. 91.04: third 4 'is, 93.50; fourth 4s, 91.46; Victory '3, 91.36: Victory 4 s. 98.38. rrice on Liberty bona at n:oa p. m. today were: SUs. 98.96: first 4s. 91.66: second 4s, 90.70; first 4s. 92.20; second 4543, si.oz: .third 4is,.3.v; rourin 91.44; Victory 38, 93.38; Victory 4, 98.36. -4f. t Omaha Hay Market. Receipts of botlf prairie hay and alfalfa heavy and the demand fair, except on lowland prairie hay and straw which la lower. The other grades of prairie hay aid airalfo, are steady with no change in prices. Alfalfa Choice: $33.0034.00: No. t. I30.00O32.00. standard: $3s.oor jo.oo; no 2. $26.00027.00: No. 3. $51.004124.00. Straw Oat. $11.00013.00; wheat, $10.00 Vi.-.uo. ' Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Jan. 36. Potatoes Slow: arrl. vals, 80 cars; northern white. $4.7504.80 western rvssot. Jobbing. 35.600 6.00. London Money. Lon ndon. Jan. 26. Money 3 .per cent Discount Rates Short bills. 6 per cent: tnree months bill, 6H per cent. Silver Bar, 81 d per ounce. New York surer. New -York, Jan. 26. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal. 13.04c; fine granulated, Jigge And Maggie ia Full of Colors in The Sunday Baa. WELL- t.MEi WHAT OlD .H- A0 i COT IT Ari' .Ht IT&WONDERroi. j UlUO lTCKL.EO v r-VT 0 HOW UCK FUR CAN ' 1 TOOEATH-' . ' COME FRorH tUQHA ST i -fcgga - I HSJ ma t the Day FINANCIAL New York. Jan. 2$. Stocks were slug gish and uncertain of trend at the start of today's session, but improved In all quarter except the railway list later. Many of the day's material gains were registered by Issues recently under bear ish pressure. To these were added several prominent Industrials . and specialties, which rumor associates with early divi dend expansion. Last Saturday's relatively advene bank statement disclosing another contraction of actual reserves and fresh weakness of foreign exchange exercised only oc casional effect on the market's progress to higher level. The further collapse In International rate carried, British, French, Italian and minor remittances to discounts con siderably .under low records . established last week, heavy offerings of bills again emlnating from London. Pricea war at maximum quotations In the last hours, the only active period of the day, regardless of call money's rise from 7 per cent, the Initial rate, to 10 per cent. . . In the main, fina quotations were 1 to 3 point under highest levels. In con sequence of profit taking. Sale amounted to 775.000 shares. Steels, motors and oils were the domi nant features, greatest strength and actlv. ity being shown by Crurtible and Republic steels, Baldwin Locomotive, Mexican and Pan-American petroleums, Texas Com pany, General Motors, Chandler, Stude baker and the rubber accessories at ex treme gain of 3 to 9 points. Food, paper, textile, metal and utility Issues helped to swell the movement at advances of 1 to 3 points, Cuban-American sugar Incidentally gaining 10 points net. Liberty bonds rallied slightly, Interna tionals eased and most domestic rails and Industrials were Irregular. Total sale--(par value) aggregated 311,750,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged ou call. Sales. Hia-h. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar .... . . . . 91 American Can .. 4,600 54 53 64 Am. Car A F 1.800 139 !S7t4 i:isw Am. H..:Ia pfd, 1,300 118 . 116 .118 Am. locomotive. . s.&uv 100 98 99 Am. S. & Refg... 2,300 88 ' 67 68 Am. . 8. Refg 30,000 136 136 136 Am. 'Si Tobacco '. . 1,000 91 90 91 Ah. T. A...T 1,100 97 97 Anaconda, Copper- 4,6,00 62 61'. 62 Atchison . , -. 800 83 83 '- '8:1 A.. G.&W. L. 8. S. 400 163 161 161 Bald. Locomotive.72,800 118 113 116 Bait. A Ohio .... 300 31 31 31 Both. Steel B ..17,900 97 95 97 B. S. Copper ... 1.000 28 W 3TVI 27U Cah Petroleum 30.000 42 41 41 Canadian Pacific . 3,000 128 127 137 Cen. Leather -. . . . 4,000 93. 81 , 93 Che Ohio ... 100:. 65 65 55 Chi., M. & St. P. 300 36 34 3 Chr. & Northwest. '.-200 86 .85 ,. 85 CW...R; I. &.Pac. : ,100 '36 26 26 Chlho Copper..... 200 37 37 37 Colo. Fuel & I.. 2,300 42 40 42 Corn' Products .. 9,900 85 84 85" Crucible -Steel ..37,500 233 222 229 Cu Cane Sugar ,. 4,700 60 M 50 Erie . 700 12 T3. 12 Gen. Electric ... "50 t68 '.157- 168 Oen. Motors' ......11,000 -303 298 302 Ot. Northern pfd., ,30X 78 78. 78 ur. N. Ore ctrs.. 3,100 38 38 38 Illinois centra) ,, zou S3 88 Inspiration Cop. . . 1.800 68 ' 58 56 Int. M. Marine pfd 8.300 98U 97 98 International Nv. 6,200 25 24 26 International P. ..16.100 85 81 ,84 Ken. i;op. . z,.'Ji at oil si L.- & N. 100 106 106 1-06 Mex. Pet. 77,600 202 105 200 Miami Cop. 200 23 23 23 Midvale Cop. 2,400- 60 49 50 Mo Pac. 800- 25 24 25 Nevada- Cop. ,.. 100 j 18 -lO -, 16 N. Y. Cen .. 1,400 68 . 68 68 Nor. & West. 95 Nor. Pac. 1,700 78 78 i 7S Pac. Tel. & Tel.. ,600 42 42 42 . P.-Arner. Pet. -..14.100 96 92 95 Pa. 3,000 43 42 ' 42 Pitts. & W. Va.. 28 PUU. Coal .. . 300 62 62 62 R. Con. Cop; ... 600 21 31 21 Reading. 300 75 75 75 Rep. I. & 8. ...54.700 115 111 114 Shat. Arix. Cop. .. 43 42 43 Sin. OU & R. ...12.500 ' 43 42 43 South. Pac. .....2,700 100 100 100 South. Ry 21 Stud.. Corpar.; ..39,900 105 100 104 Tex. Co 5,300 204 201 205 Un. Pac. 1.80O 138 121 132 U. C. Stores 16,600 89 86 . 88M. U. a. ind. Alco.. 9,000 109 106 108 U. S. Steel 44.700 106 106 106 U. S. .S.. . Pfd.. 200 115 116 116 Utah Cop. 700 76 75 75 West. Uu. -. ...... 200 86' .86 86'i Westing. Blct. .. 1,100 63 53 63 Willys-Over. .....19,600 28 27' 28 Natl. Led .... 3.800 84 82 84 Ohio Cities 3,500 49 46 48 Royal D. N. Y... 23,600 110 108 119 Bid. New York Bond List. I. Cen. ref 4s., U. S. 3s, reg..l00 do coupon . .100' U. S. 4s. rer.,105 72 93 ' 73 I. Mer. M. 6s. K. C. S. ref. 5s U.S. cv. 4s, cou.105 L. & N. un. 4s. .80 j-ana. as, reg.. do coupon . . 88 MV K.&T. 1st 4s 69 M. Pac. gen. 4s 56 A. T.&T. by. s. 99 A-French 6s... 96 A & Co. 4s.. 82' Mont. P. 5s (old) 85 N. Y. C. db. 6s 93 N. Pac. 4s 76 N. Pac. 3s 63 Atcn. gen, 4s..77 B. & O. cv. 4s 61 O. 8. L. ref. 4s. 83 Vi B. Steel ref. 6. 86 P. T. T. 6s. Pa. con. 4s. Pa. ren 6s ... 87 C. Lea. 6s .... 96 91 C. Pac. 1st .... 731 C. & O. cv. Es.. 77 C, B . &Q..4s . 95 C.M.&S.P.cv.4s 68 C.R.I.&P.ref.4s. 66 90 Reading gen. 4s 79 SLL.&S.F.ad.6s. 80 S Pac. cv. 6s. .103 S. By. 5s 84 C. C. o. t. 6s.. 81 C. of Paris 6s.: 93 C. 8. ref. 4s 73 'D.&R. G. c. 4s 64 D. of C. 5s '31 93 Ter. co. cv. 63.103 T. 4 -P. 1st .... 84 U. P. 4s 83 UKO.B.4I.6s,37 89 U. S. Rub.. 69.. 86 XT. S., Steel 6.. 98 Wabash 1st.... 89 Erie gen. 4a , . 40 Q. Elec.:5.;.. 96 Gt. N. 1st 4s 83 Bid We Offer 6 FHZ$r'9 On new Otualis business property. Danttojinations; $250.00 ts $3,000.00. Owned and recommended by . Mem Builder,. Iso. . Descriptive literature. ' America. 8curlty Co.. Ostitis. PURE FOOD PRODUCTS PORK AND BEEF PACKERS PROVISIONERS PRODUCE DEALERS WHOLESALE BAKERS . MACARONI MANUFACTURERS w ' TvtAoa Masts susourreasja) v, a amd roeisioK . nm. rATu RIGHT GIRL WILL AID IN LIVING ON $125 PER MONTH Man Wins First Prize In "Thrift" Contest by Hit , ting On1 the Right Idea. L. A. Seidl, 3516 South Twentieth street, was -yesterday - .voted first prize in the "Can a 'Man 'Marry on $125 Per Month" contest, which has been conducted by the Thrift com mittee in connection with National Thrift week. Over 100 answers, reached - the committee before the'-closing hour of the contest. -The "drive" seems to have, just, gotten ' underway as answers are. now coming in at the rate of about S0eVery day. None of these received after the closing hour are considered by the commit tee. The prize won by Mr. Seidl is $15 cash. Gail H. Herbst, 121 North, Twen tieth . street, and Mrs. F. A. Man- Xew York Money. New York, Jan. 26. Mercantile Paper 6 per cent. , Sterling Demand. $3.59; cables, $3.60. Francs Demand, 12.37 cable. 13.35. Belgian Franc Demand, 12.69; cables, 12.67. Guilders Demand, 38e: cables. 38c. Lire Demand, 14.47; cables. 14.45. Marks Demand, 1.07; cables. 1.08. Time Loans Strong; 60 days, 90 days and six months. 7 per cent. Call Money Strong; high, 10 per cent; low. 7 per cent: ruling rate. 7 per cent; closing bid, 9 per cent: offered at 10 per cent: last loan. 10 per cent. Foreign remittance Continued to decline In tiio later dealings. Sterling sixty-day bills. $3.55: commercial sixty-day bliis on banks.. $3.55 commercial sixty-day bills. $3.64: demand. 93.68; cables, ,$3.5S. Lire- Demand. $14.60; cables, $14.68. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga., Jan. 26. Turpentine firm, $1.8601.87; sales. $1.47: receipts, 75 barrels; .shipments, 283 barrels; stock, 10, 060 barrels. . Rosin Firm; sales, 536 casks; receipts, 792 ctfsks; shipment, 200 casks; stock, 37, 259 casks. ..Quote- B, D. K, $18.00; F, $18.05:. O. $-1S.O518.10: H. $18.0518.15: I. $Hf.20(r(i 18.30: K.' $19.25t9.30:.M. $ 20. 00 20. 45 ; N, $20.35:3)20.50; WG. $20.75; WW, $21.40. Kvaporated Apples and Pried Fruit. ' New York. Jan. 26. Evaporated Apples Quiet: western. 20S.3o; state, 2125c. Prunes ulet and easy: California, 13 51c: Oregon. IT 34c. , Apricots Quiet; choice, -38c; extra choice. 34c; fancy, 37e. ' Peaches Quiet; Standard. 2121c; chrloe.-. Sl.22c; extra choice, 2425c. RafsTns Strong ; loose mrseatels, 33c; choice to fancy seeded. 2123c; seedless, 2223c. . Dry Good. Now York, Jan. 26. Very large business was booked today on dress ginghams for future delivery. Dress goods and men's wear buyers did not press new business. Yarns were firm. THE Buy an Income Month Month TEN PjOTKENT .PLAIi All Railroad Stockholders will find our complete report on the railroad situation of positive interest. The report dwells thor oughly on the chances for helpful legislation and the out look generally, from a stock market standpoint. With the time for return of the roads to private control closely approaching, this ex haustive analysis should be in the hands of every holder of railroad stocks. , Copies ent without cost or obligation. Write Dept. OB-22. E. M. Fuller & Co. Members of Consolidated Stock Exch. of N. Y. 50 Broad Street, New York THE SKINNER COMPANY R. C. HOWE,- VICE PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER . OMAHA, U. S. A. This great independent feed product com pany is owned by some 5,000 stockholders, in cluding some af the west greatest live stock producer. Drawn for The Bee by. McM&nus vwcTicM, J ?'' Nwa Rente . aawrte. ma. augh, 4107 Lafayette avenue, were voted "honorable mention." Here is Mr. Seidl's essay on the subject: "Yes, if his judgement is good and he is able to distinguish between love and fancy. "The fellow who deserves the girl, who will share his sorrows and his joys, and will, live within his income, is usually a man of sound judgment. ' . "Ife should be ambitious, not en vious. "The right kind of a girl will do her part in 'making both ends meet.'" :' "Plan for the future, take on ob ligations and meet them. Have the respect of your neighbors for what you are. Distinguish between reputa tion and character; there's a differ ence. Carry some MS insurance; try to build a home; build up your credit and you have the best asset possible. ' "Don't frequent clubs and organ izations you can't afford. Make up your mind to earn more money and do it; It's up to you. Heaven helps, those who help themselves. Study the successful man; learn how P. ".w. r .-v Consolidated G&s Co. , . . of New York The Five Year Secured 7 Convertible, Gold Bonds of the Company will constitute its only bonded debt. Net Earnings of the System in 1919 more than twice all interest charges, including this issue. Estimated popula tion served exceeds 4,000,000. Price: Par and Interest, ' Yielding 7 Circular on request for OH-279 ,' Ihe National Gtf Company. 'Correspondent Offices in over . 60. Cities Omaha First National Bask Bldg .! Telephone 3318 Douglas L . , i E Omaha's Nationally Known Company . Recently, a letter nas sent by some individual in , New York ofNero Jersey addressed to' another in- . diyidual-rlet us call him by the ancient and honored ' name of Smith, and the added direction "Louisville. Kyi, care of Lion Bonding Company " Did that letter go to the Kentucky town? It did not! The1 mail clerks all carry a mental slogan "The Lion Omaha," and Hhe missive came direct to our city. . tyc wonder, do our neighbors in Omaha on about The Lion? Do you know that before the next census is taken, "Uion Bonding" may be known from sea to sea from Canada to the Culf? Even now we write business in seventeen stales of the . Union and soon we will be in all of them. The Woodmen of the World. Organization is known everywhere and its activity and greatness add, di rectly or indirectly, to the prosperty of every citizen and every business institution of Omaha. Why not. help to make The Lion equally great and, to Jo' this, give it the Benefit of your boost. ,, y' i r - - . ' -- You say you are doing this now? Fine! Bui to make sure, just look up your policy or bond TOf DAY. Don't forget, that nearly any agenj, your favorite, can place your business in The Lioh, and will, if you insist. We write nearly everything but Life and Fire. We write bonds Fidelity, Fiduciary, Court, Contract and Depository. We write policies to protect you i :j i j :l ii- '...'. . . uguuioi -uiuucm wiu niLi(iic33. rr c inoure you against Burglary, Automobile Accidents, Plate Glass breakage, etc. Alfred Mayer is our City Manager. ' ' . . ' The Lion Bonding & Surety Company ; Capital, Surplus and Reserves $1,300,000 19th and Douglas E..R. GURNEY, Pregidant and why he is successful No one1 has a patent or copyright on iuc-, cess. "Hard work, thrift, (not' sting iness), contentment, ambition ancf determination will win out every; time. "Talk it cur with the girl;', tel. her the truth; ask her advice.. and H you both feel that you can make r good, 'go to it'; you won't fail UPDIKE W Specialise ia tha Careful : Handling f Orders at ' Grain and Provisions. Future Delivery -ter- All Important Markets : VV Ara .Manure el Chicago Board of Trad Milwaukee Chamber of Com mere Minneapolis Chamber of Commarct' , St. Louis Merchant Exchang Kama City Board of Trad ' Sioux City Board of Trade Omaha, Grain Kxehanfe ... ' We Operate Office ati Omaha, Neb. Sioux City. Is. Lincoln. Neb. Atlantic. Ia. - -Hastings, Neb. Hamburg, la. , . Holdrege. Neb. ' Dea Moine. Ia. Geneva. Neb. Milwaukee.- Wis. Chicago, 111. and all ef the office ara een neeted with each other by private wire. , We Selicil Yur Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Grain Exchange Building. Omaha, Neb. P. S. Cash Cotuig azacnt Solicited. frr7 First Farm; Mortgage Bonds I' . fir Obtainable m Denominations.! $500 and T1,000V . 6 ' ;, City Real Estate Bonds nominations: . $100, at and $1,000. ' Tax Free in Nebraska. We helieve these secnritieit tfnpfft. the rpnnirpmpnta nf thelf moist conservative investor. Omaha Trust Co, Greand Floor. Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 1QO. Omaha, Neb. ; Affiliated with ; the 'jQitia! National sank;1-- ON j! 1.1 i " it" -' - ' J i it 3 I lead. 4f la; slue, lit . io.oogiB.ooo. . - ,