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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1920)
. "V, Vv'vV ;-;;;.-" V.' " 1 ' V ; , 4 1 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1920. 3 V 1.. . - - r Hi ! WANT AD RATES (Cash with order ! - tSe BW word. ....on day 40 per word two consecutlv daya fo p,r word ...... .three consecutive day so per word ...four ronaanutlv dan Ta per word .....i.. .five consecutive day fa par word ....... iev consecutive days and one cant par ward (or each additional . Insertion. . - ; - No ada taken for. lass than a total at " fhawgi. 14r par Una....... Tone day Ho per Una 4wo consecutive, daya 13c por Una ' three qonsecutlve daya TOc par line seven consecurtv daya ' 1170 per Una. .. thirty cotiseeutlv daya Card of thanks-and funeral notices lie Bar Una aach day. . - Thes ratea anoly alther to tha Dally or Sunday Baa. All advartlsementa appear In both momma; and aveninf daily papera , far tha ona charge. f nntnal Rales att ADDltcatloa. ! For coovanlanca of advertisers, want ' ada will ba aco,pted at tha following of ' n.H . MAIN OFFICE ....Bee Building .Aran Offloa .......... 4410 North 20th St. Park Office ;T,2016 Leavenworth St, South Bide.. . 3318 N Bt. W.mnt Office 819 North 40th St. Co. Bluffs Office.. Scott St. THK BKE will not bo reaponalble for wnnrm thsii mii Incorrect Insertion of an , ' advertisement ordered for mora than ono FH0NB.IVI.E8 1000. ' . .' Evening Editions v.!,:2? i!' Morning Editions ,M- -Sunday Kdltlons 10 P. M, Hatarday. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES Monday morning at local hospital. There I are left to mourn her loss hoc mother, ' Mra. Anna Bender: two brothera. Frank and Leonard Bender, mnini m held Wednesday at 8:30 a m.. from tho . residence of frank J. Bender. 3520 Pop . Meton avenue, to -tit. Peter church at 9 a. m. Burial St. Joseph cemetery, Coun. ell Biurrs. ALLEN Madeline L. aae 14 year 6 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mra. R. T. '., Funeral will be from Stack & Fal coner parlors, S3d and Farnam street. Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn ceirytery, . Friends are welcome. , Il.ER I'. B.. died Sunday. January 25, ! 1920 at 8 a. r.i.. at his home, 1U4 South' Tenth atraet. Funeral service at residence Tiieaday,-Junuary,ll7, 2 p. in. private in terims! t. ''-.CAMPBELL Mra. a. '.: died Monday. January 20. In the l1t ycaj-oMierege. STACK :'& FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT ' UNDERTAKERS." . . . PIERCE-ARROW ' i AMBULANCE SERVICE. ; Thlrty-thtrd and Farnam. Harney 64. : ""FRED E. J;ERQ, . FUNFRAL DIRECTOR. - ' ' I -idy Attendant. 1 ' ltd an Cuming Sta. Phona Douglas ' tii.. Aulo nmbuliyice. ' . ' " " ' ' , NEW LOCATION ' CROSBt a NEW FUNBlRAL HOME, .. " 2018 . WIRT ST. , . Away from noise of busy streets. " ' ' PHONE WEBSTER 47. I " HEAFEY & HE ATE Y, Uodertakera and Embalmers. PhreJL2ir. Office' -jail Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN. Jloneer Funeral Directors. , TOt Bouth lth St. Doug. 1068. TAGGART & SON, TJNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. ' Telephone Dmig. 714. ' :5H Cuming St. : TOffyXjOhnston v' Undertakers, 717 s. i6th.: Tyieri876. FLORISTS. tEEl L. LARMO l Doualaa St. ' - Doui Fontenello . Florlets. . glaa Henderson, W tafnam. .Douglas 1248. JOHN BATH, 18th- and Farnam, P, 3U0O- MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largett. display of monuments in tha fnltea Slates, FrCTSK. SVOBODA, 1215 ft. lafW Phonepouglaa 1876-52H. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. - -" Births Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pavllck, lit V -street, "girl:- Mr. and Mrs. Max G. ""Waggbner, SOO South Sixteenth street, '. glrUi Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1L- Satorie. 17l South Fourteenth street, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bucher, 7003 Bedford ave nue, bbyj Mr. anil Mrs. Samuel E. FuU . ton. 245 North Eighteenth street, boy: M, and Mra. Earl Karls, 3402 North - Tventjr-aeventh btroet, girl: Mr. and Mrs. Aitgelo Perri, JHO Rees street, girl; Mr. ' ana Mrs. Roy Young, 708 North Twenty . eighth avenue, 'girl; Mr. and Mrs. Con- Setto'FBrrara, 2i South Twelfth street, , boy;, Mr. and -Mra. Salvatbre Plrru.ccello, lilt Williams street; girl: Mr. and Mrs. Balvatore VIHone, 1814' North Seventeenth 1 ' atreeti glrlT'Mr. and Mra. Jiank Phillips, ;tt4"-North TVenty-soventli street, boy. . ' Deatha Ella Stltlad. 4613 South Tweif-ty-flrst atraet, .27 days: Phoebe E. Pear- - eon, SOU Cheego street, 22 ?cars ; .Chris tian Stelgar, '8J-Wirt street, 75 years; Mag McClura, hospital,, 18 years; Andrew . K. Oault, hospital-. ES yeara: Hannah M. ' Wilcox, 617 No.-tk, Thirtieth street. 66 years: Qaorge Ous1eV70!r Parker street. H3 years: jJenls Caldell, 1811 North Twenty-fifth street; Eulalle Long, hos .pltal, 44 years; Oarles Pllne, ?133 Rey nolds. -49 'years; Lillian, Wright, hospital. " 48 years; - Harvey - Grlffle, hospital.. S3 years; Dorothy Walker: 3738 South Ninth street, 6 months; Julia Harrell, 2703 Bin- . ney atreet, 81 yeara: Dora Archer, -Old People's home, 67 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. .. Th, frtllnu-lnv wrum have heen IrKiieH 'pertnlta to -wed: , . ; ,,! - t nam. na-uuVss: . , Merlin Talferti' Bassctt. Neb.. . '. 26 Clara -B. Hoffman, Omaha. .......... .19 'Georire M. Bufflngton,- Omaha'. .25 V.ea,n Ann . nounoy. umini., Aaron Union. Omaha. .... . ...... . Sarah Bullard, Omaha.'........,.. Charles J. Amos; Omaha;. ........ Dorothy C. ' Hanson, Omaha ...... . 'Francis Schuster, ChlcsBo,' 111.... , .Ada Marie Fruend. .Cincinnati, O.'. ' Arvld Holmgulit, Florence Neb. .. . Goldle T. , Jorgensen, , Florence, Neb .' Harold French,, Omaha..... Lucille Buchmin,' Omaha., rArthur E, Stoddirdt-Valley. 'Neb. . Ocealn K Johnson,. Callaway, Neb.. , Anton HyvOnen, Omaha . Hannah- Dojien,. Omaha........'..... ...19 .i.48 ..729 ...22 ...18 ...34 ..".3 ...26 "...18 ...21 ...16 ..:24 ...23 ...21 1 . ' .Joseph T. MeRoberts. Kansas City, Mo.. 21 Bessie G. Conn, Omaha... ......... ,...20 William 'M.'Leedor, Omaha 26 '.' Anna Belak", .Omaha 60 BUILDINb PERMITS. Nick J. Skogman: four framo .dwellings. 0 a rotiowar ., 3U1 S0?3. 3(127 unrt X1H7 r Hamilton- atreet,' 31,500 each. x LOST-.FOUNDREWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet ears tel. , phone Tyler to. We ai-e anxious to re . store lost' articles to rtgbrful own, re. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST RT CO , . STOLEN a black plueli coatee at Ben ' ' Hur. dancing aVcademy, tsllj and "Farnam.- Subday night, January 2& Party known, ho questions asked; please re , turn to 1704 South loth St. LOST Small noto, book containing - 1920 license for Butck car No. 310784. Call LOST One bale of four 32x3 4 auto tires. " Numbers registered. Reward. D. 172. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. : Furniture and Household Goods. -AUCTION AUCTION Complete Home of Extra Good Furniture, . Ruga and Furnishings at 4623 Dodge ' Street.- Tuesday. Jan. 27th. 6ta!rta at 1 P. M. - Consisting of one extra good . nearly . new Imperial Wiltoft Velvet , Rug and several smaller rugs, mahpgany rocker and .five good oak rockers, fancy pil lows, library table, writing desk, hall tnlrror. oaif dlntag room set, table, 6 . chalra and buffet. . new. linoleum 12iH4, gaa rahge, kitchen cabinet, lawn mower, v and nose, wasning macnine ana wringer, ' - J oak dresaera. 3 sanitary couches and "pads, -1 single brass bed, springs and - mattress; ope rull-slzeu tie a springs and mattresses. Ice box, drapes., linen, dishes, rooking uterrMla. kilverware and hundreds of articles too numerous to '. tneti.tlen. i ' . - - RemembA, this sale Is Tuesday, Jan. i Iltto. at 421 Dodge atreet . - JAMES !. D.jvD.- AucBonew. " " , AUCTION I't'CtiON 'Borne of the Best Furniture I Has Evaf Sold Will Tie Sold In My Auction,.., ' . - House. , SOUTHEAST CORNER 18TH AND, , f WEBSTER- ST8. . WEDMS8PAT, JAN. 28TH, 8TARTS This la tha complete furnishings or th beautiful i 4.1 - and Drake J This Is ' Wi sal. Watch th papers ".for. details. ', . - . -. . , . JAMES "L." DOWD." Auctioneer. If yon ha any thins to sell. Call Hed 3366. Tyler MS or Colfax 1424. BOYD theaterhalrs,-moving picture ma - ahlns.. carpets, draperies, 1. too fine the . , ur.ehs.lrs for sale at vjiargaln. ' CHAMBERS-O'NEIL, - - , JS1 Leavenworth. . . 1 Tyler 1419. WB. Mil new tad Dear-new furniture. - Move and rug st lowest Prices; ess h M arvsaha. Asmk Furs, 9-,01 . U Y.-V;.; , ! -'Jr, V'". ';.: v.. l-V-rv- .. - . f FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. , SALS OF FLOOR SAMPLES EVERT floor aample must go. Drastic reductions, many beautiful aultea and odd piece. - Take this wonderful Op portunity to .furnish your bom com plete. ' - ' , STATE Fl'RNgTURBl COMPANT, , CttRlTER 14th and Dodge Streets, IliS.uoa alock of furniture to be aold; 800 stoves nf a.11 kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ographs, fluufolun, table, cbalra, china and kitchen cablneta, dreaaera, cblffon lerk. beds, . springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding. linen, ate. Open till p. ro. Credit If you wieh. 1811-41 'Ji. 24tti St. Web 187. 1Y elegant furniture of six rooms, also house Jacks, -rollers, auto Jacks, chain hoist, floor mathlne, 354 tire and tubes, 60 pair new door hinges and aaah locks. Also -five room bungalow. All very cheap.' ' Walnut 468. v4333 Parker. BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY . LIVINO ROOM FURNITURE FOR SALE, REA SONABLE, IF TAKEN AT ONCE. DOUGLAS 6244, FOJ? SALE. - Vxl2 rug and furniture for 4 rooms, to aell by piece. 1415 North 40th St, E. P. Griffin. - FOK SALE Vlctrola, sewing machine, rugs end. other household goods. Call mornings. Webster 6206". SELLING OUT ejood staple furniture and householo, articles cbap. Douglas '96 vtsi cuntira:. COMBINATION", gas, coal' and electrlo range, reasona,Dip. vt epster io, M Sanitary coiioli and pud, almost new. AVe lister 4713. Pianos and Musical Instruments. BIG BARGAINS. In player piano. -JusC Ilka new. 400 upright for $::00. . t)nug, 4103., :, , JTHATCHdR PIANO 'CO. . . 1419 Dodge. '- A. HOSPE CO. rfu..n. Pianos for rent. 64.'"' per month. :. dIrUMS, traps, marimbas., instructions', re, pairing. Phono Harney 2967. Geo. A.. Smith, 2761 Davenport, - 14fi Sllvertone phonograph. 60 records, ll0. Cull pmtslas 7"07 often 5 n. m. BMj and or.lHytrK muNtc cheap, junies - C'oht-n. 101 1 I'orcHa. Tybr !i'Zb. In. 81B. 1404 1)nitrl. ' - - ' Typewriters and Supplies. TVPlWRITERS '" 1 - ' AND , ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold. reittd and repaired. Sole agents for the COnoNA. Get our prloea. before Jdu buy. Ever machine eru&rnnteed. . Central Typewriter Exc rt ' 4 U1 ' i V tanS Vawnaim Doug. 4131 WE buy. (selH and exchange all makes or typewntara. ,.jvrie ior net. iiuia.uu Office supply t,o.,- iw noage. RENT an Oliver Typewriter., threa months tors 16.00. uver Agency. iue rarnam St. ' city ' -' -.- . . Lumber and Buiding' Materials TRY H. M. KEVAN, 644 SOUTH S0THST. Machinery and Engines, t V FOR SALE-Norfolk" Square- Turn tractor, , model 1917. with plows,- haa been run about' 20 days, 'In good condition, price 31i)00. Fred Westby. Petersburg. Neb. Miscellaneous. Bewarje of, Flu 'Germs .- ' . : - Wash and . boil your handkerchiefs with ESTE?S .'WASHING TABLETS. Takes tha drudgery out of wash day and sweetens - tho clothea. If your grocer canno,t supply you. call IJouglas 6671. , ;Factory, 1013 Farnam St. , - , , BRICKS. " 3.000 Jd-haud. bricks: klea- lumber, doors, windows, islcel beams, pipes and used building material of all. kinds for sale.'' 1 CHAMBERS.'NEIL WRECKING CO 2106 Leavenworth. Tyler 1419. BOYD theater chairs, moving plcturema.- chlne, carpets, draperies, 1,600 fine the ater chairs, for sale at a bargain. CHAMBERS-O'NEIL. 21 no Leavenworth. Tyler 1419. Fl'RMlTI -P.P. FOR. SALE. LEAVING CITf. PHONE WEBSTEtt 6187. r AN I' KFICIENT and durable check pro , tector by mall, postpaid. 31.00. Satis factory or' money refunded. ; P. O. Box "26. New Castle. Pa. OMAHA -Pillow Co., feathers steamed, renovated and made up In new feather- proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. tVE, buy.-Bell and make desks, safes, show i'iva. shelving, etc. Omaha tFlxture tt Supply To.-. Mth and Doueins' D. 2724 FOR SALE Burroughs No. 666 book keeping machine, - good as new. Call or write. A.. E. Olsorr. 416 S. 16th St. 5-TON No. reasonable. W. Bldg. 1 alfalfa, bailed, for sal Doug. 417 or 1003 W. O. PURE CLOVER honey, 10 lbs., 33.76; 6 'lbs.. 62. Colfax 26. DRY" KINDLING wood. Acme Box Co., 1 Harney 1337.; DRY klndltnB wood for sale. Webster 469. WB buy used hats. Lerner. 20 So. 12th. WANTED TO BUY. , LIBERTY BONDS -. -' Coupon and 'registered; full N. T. market a'id accrued Interest to date. MACK'S BOND HOUSE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. ' 11421 First Nat, Bk. Bldg. - J; Tyler 8644. LIBERTY BONDS" HIGH prices for 'cef tain issues this week. We will helpiyou make your Income tax raturn. Strictly confidential. SECURITY INVEST MENT CO., Tyler 5736 639 Securities Bldg. - 1 . Highest Cash Prices Paid for- IylBERTY,. BONDS ; and Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 Vortd-Herald'Bltlg.' Doug. 8013. DESKS DESKS. iew ueaivu: userir npftKM nni ,n, an A une9 traded, J, 5. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. FURNITKRlS andfrugs suitable for room-. lnghuse-"also ofte dining room suite' Good priees, Douglas 8S38i' KIEL- buy iseco'hdhaid clothing, shoes and furniture. Tylet' 2688, A- Zavett NATIONAL cKsk ragister, rlve sirs. num. uer miu price. Aaarecs, i west 4tn St..' Davenport. 1 WANTED to 3672. f buy. roll-top . desk. .South ANNOUNCEMENTS. V Accordion Pleating. AffSpRDEON, . aio;e. , knife,'. dn burst, ' box plVaRnf, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; nemstitchlne. oicot. ,drin, et. cut .work, .button holes, pennants. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, " BUTTONS 413-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 3109, ' ' ' Baggage and Express, "ThAflnlv Wqv''R- R. i Ticket D. 296. . -MVu". Office. omana Transfer Co. Brass and'Iron' Foundries. Pi V rn'.VJ7 rurr r rr 27th and Martha, Sis., Omaha.. Neb. Brasa, bronze, lumlnum and machine gray Iron castings. Dentists. DR. 8EC0R 1st Nat. Bks BldglTTTmT Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W o. W. Blda. Chriopodists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk.-R. 4587. Clothing-and - Furs. FULL dress, suits for rent, 109 N. 16th at -Jhn Feldman. Phone 3128. -Corsets. "EXPERIENCED WllV alter or fix' ay corset. Walnut 4407. Dancing Academies. K P.T -PTTsITH 8oolt 'or Dancing, 3424 n.XULrJr AlXir.rnsm. D. .7850. Class t, 8; dancing at 9 p. m., Monday, Thure day. Saturday ; private lessons any time. OMAHA Educa'tlona'l and Amusement ' .Club. Fan- stage and ball room danc- i lug. Colfax 4923. . Safes. 1 SAFES BARGAINS, 18th Farnam. J. J. Dorlght 8afe Co. .'. Dressmaking.': DRESSMAKING,' by day or piece wpfk. a-uaranteed. 5101, .3873 r California. DRESSMAKING and alterations: work a-uaranteed. 639. a.lhve. Tyler 8979. DR BSSMAKING s asd I alterations, work guafan'tcea. Ycbator Wh. - " FOR dainty,, tin', lot' otUes, call JUr- ""'""V.'s- 'v ANNOUNCEMENTS. Detectives. JAMES AILAN, 313 Neville Jlk. Evidence secured rn nil cases. Tyler 11341. Electrical. Utilities, a ELECTRIC heaters, $10.60; vacuum clean era,. 8.17.60, . Mola washing machine Lalley-WHaon Electric Co., 130T Farnam HOOVER electrlo sweeper for. rent; the beat; delivered. Webster 4283. RENT electric, vacuum cleaner. Douglas 6718. Call Excavating. FOR excavating, call Harney 2163. Garages, REDI-WADL GARAGES', wood or steel. Send for rlrcular. Redl-Mada Housing Co., !211 Howard. Rod S667. .' . Jewelry. DiAMONDs:;thpMgr.opb?? back at- Small profit. GROSS JEWELRT CO., 402 N. 16th St. Red 6081. . VV..O. FLATAL'. v JeWeler Establlahed 18S2. 'fitxth Floor. Securitlea qldg. Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. FILMS developed: printing -and enlarging. Write for prases. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. . ', Osteopath. DR MABEL VESSON 111 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. T. 2960. H. 4T41. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 682 Brandele. D. 6691. - r . ; Painting and Paperhanging. PAINTING, paperhanjrlng -and. .paper cleanin. rail j'omtlaa 6322.. PAINTING, paperlug, paper, cleanlug, pa per MiprlceLHaiy"740- PAINTING, paparhanglns and plastering. WMmit 46.67. .; . Printing. Wedding Stationery V.. S: Printing Co. 422. g. 16th St. COCKLE Printing Company,- 1816 St. Mary's Ave.' Douglas 2881.- . Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. .W7-H South 17th. , Sewing M"achiries. SEWtNGliACHINES? W9 rent, renalr, sell rteedles and parts. . MICKELS', ; 16th and H.Trney. Doug. 1978. ' Siiine PaMors. j SHINE! SHINE! Hats cleaned and t blocked, ladies' parlor. ' 1607'i farnam: ST. Special Store and Office Fixtures. "Wall cases, floor cases, safe Desks, cabinets, typewriters and all other tlxturea must be sold before Febru ary 1. Tracy Bros. Co., 1416 Douglaa St. L Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L., 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2433. M. KE1SER. 306 South 18th. D. 1187., Theatrical. TrtEATHICAL. historical and masque cos tume for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben & Son. Omaha. Towel Supplies- Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. 628. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. Complete' bakery outfit consisting of two wall chses. . Three eight-foot show cases; . Ono four-foot cigar case. Three counters. . One roll top dfck. Cash register. Large heating atove. , , Candy scale. , Motor bread mixer. ' Motor moulder. Motor cake machine. Doughnut stove. Gas stove. . Troughs, benches, proof boxes. Building aold, must s&n at once. Ad - dress. P. O. Box 408. Beatrice. Neb. OUR business is to buy and sell your busi ness, v QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, 614 Brown Bldir OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from vour own feathers, summer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. FOR SALE3 Restaurant doing good busi ness; good investment. Can be handled by man and wife: terms. Box T-65, Bee. TWO-chalr barber shop, easy terms. Ad dress Y-RS2. Omaha Bee. 'Rooming Houses For Sale. IF YOU want to buy or aell a rooming house, see. us. . .' QUICK SERVICE SELOlNG EXPERTS. 614 Brown Blk. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation- wanted ad under this Classification tor soldiers and sallora and marires who. will show their discharge papers at our office In th lobby of The Be building. Seventeenth and Farnam. SALESMAN presently employed would like to make cnange; prerers entering auto mobile business: age. 29; 10 years selling experience In Nebraska and Iowa; can furnish references. Address Box T-60, Omaha Bee. " MARRIED man wishes job on farm with separata house, garden spot, raise chick ens. Have reference. William Engle- haupt. Inman, ,Neb Box 104. WANTED Position, on tfarm by married man, thoroughly experienced In every phase of .farm work. Address Y-878. omana nee. HOUSE 'Cleaning!, ffoors polished, plain painting, varnishing. PUone i Edward Corey. Rea 47M. POSITION wanted as porter or elevator operator ov reiiaoie colored man. wod- ster 6063. CATALOG COMPILER Exrlenced, mall order or wholesale. Addresa T-63, Oma ha Bee, QDD JOBS of any kind Heating, etc? , South 4894. ' . ASHES and rubbish hauled. Webster 3376. ' .' Female. Laundry and Day Work. COLOREp woman, perfect In cleaning. city'Teferencp: 46c hour. Colfax 4984. WOOL BLANKETS and lace curtains laundered. 2614 Dodge. Walnut 1130. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants cleaning and Ironing. Webster 5654. i Bundle-washing called for and delivered. 1137 N. 17th St. Webster 4826. LAUNDRY and daywork by reliable colored-woman. Webster 60S3. EXPERIENCED colored lady wanta day work. Webster 2684. . DAY work wanted by reliable lady; refer- encea. 'Webster 6004. EXPERT at cleaning or Ironing, colored lady. Webster 2466. -V LAUNDRY werk by the day, colored. Webster 3908." r LAY work wrnted, experienced lady Web ster 6099. . .'.' SILVER and cut glass cleaning done. Web ster 3308. t 1 ' - ' - LAY WORK of any kind. Call Webater 1241. WANTED Bundle ..washing. Webster STEADY work cleaning - and Ironing What 1 SRfi . A BUNDLE washing called for and . de llvered. Tyler 4002. ' - - .X EXPERIENCED laundress wants day Work. Webster 31017 '. IN EXPERIENCED lady wants day work. Call Webster 3334 after 6. EXPERIENCED laundress Work. Webster 3936. wants day LAUNDRY Day work; good references. Bougies 9319. - LAUNDRY and cleaning; colored woman. Red 64QJ ' LAUNDRY,-day work. Webster 3988. HELP WANTED MALE. ' , Stores -and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, out of town, 9136: ste- nograpner, sjsv; siepo., tiuir; steno., ' 3120: bookkeeper. $125: bookkeeper, exp. M00: stem, and typist. 3100; four office . clerks, 980-390; bill clerk, 1100. Young man. exu. In groceries, salary open. Young man . for .atock robm. 320. ..Boys ' tor atocK Toom, nu-(, -naiesman, exp. auto, accessories, drawing account and comm. .'Man. eao. in advertising. 1150. Farm 41ght salesman, with car, straight commission. ; EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO.j Z2 Bee Miag. ACCOUNTANT, good future, $200; assist ant bookkeeper, $135; bookkeeper, $125; salesman, must have experience, $100 expenses and commission; stenographer, $160; stenographer, $120. , - - - . WATTS REFERENCE .COMPANY, V 1133 First Naf 1 Bank Bldg. ... BOOKKEEPER, Up tdwn of flee. prefer ' man ovt.-.35, light position. 1136,'West-ra-Sttcc Bond Ass's. '' HELP WANTEDt-MALE Stores and Offices I Vfanted. ' AN ACTIVH young man about 16 or II years old, willing -tp start at the bottom. Advancement dependa on your ability. Box T-49, Omaha Bee. 1 WANTBll-Collector .for Nebraska town, slnglo man. age 26 to 60. experience not neceasnrv. Salary $30.00 per woek, bonus and railroad far. Hustler can make S40.00' W week or better. Bring two letters of inference. See Credit Manager, 313 Baird Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Beginners get 11.300: lit positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 32 A. Ro cheater. N. T. ' Professions and Trades. ' LINOTYPE operator wanted for county i sea, weekly. Merganthaler 5, it hours, good working -condltlona, going wages. Pbrmanent position to man , making good. No students. Write, giving de-. tails, or wire. Chronicle. Toledo. Ioy LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED Beat of wages In good, clean, jnodern ahop '.on Model K. Position permanent, an open 'February 1. No night work. Vafl v.. Boyca.. Tekamah. Neb. WANTTCD, At once, competent printer. Topj wagea, good working conditions and-" steady employment. Sentinel,, Le .warr, is. WAXlfib-rToung men to learn telegraph, telephone and Tadlo work. Apply Signal corps, Army ounaing, LHARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR. VUL CANIZING. LT)S ANCELES' Y. M. C A. Auto School. WANTF.DwBov ovc lwlth wheel for dellverlee. Hnmey 3406. ) Salesmen' and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced Specialty Salesman who has been calling on high class re tail drui trade In Iowa and Nebraska to "aell the finest line of package choco lates on the market. Apply by letter giving full -details and connections for past several years. tlHOCOIATE PRODUCTS COMIAN7, j' Sales Department, . , 'i Baltimore, Md- STOCK SALESMAN WE' WANT AN AMBITIOUS AND DETERMINED MAN WITH SELLING EXPERIENCE TO SELL THE SECURITIES OF AN ESTABLISHED INDUSTRIAL IN STITUTION OVER TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS AND PAY ING DIVIDENDS OF 11 PER CENT, BESIDES ADDING TO A HEALTHY SURPLUS. WE HAVE A VERY DESIRABLE TERRI TORY OPEN IN THE STATE OF IOWA, AND TO A PRODUCER WHO CAT QUALIFY LEADS AND CO-OPERATION WILL BE GIVEN. APPLY 421 CITY NATL BANK BUILDING. OMAHA NEB. WANTED A high-grade saleaman, sin gle preferred, not over 38 years old. for the sale of a high-grade specialty. This is a real opportunity and unless you. possess real ability and a clean record. It will be a waste of time to apply. We propose to make it worth while for the right man to become a part of our per manent, organization. All correspon dence confidential. Address Y-877. Oma ha Bee. . SALESMEN WANTED. A few first-class specialty salesmen to call on merchants. Choice of ter ritory, Nebraska, North or South Da kota. Fifty per cent commission same on all repeat orders. Apply, L. Alley, 636 Faxton Block. Open Sunday fore noon. RELIABLE STOCK SALESMEN GUARANTEED BANK BUILDIN! INVESTMENT. HIGHEST CLASS. EASIEST SELLING SECURITY IN . OMAHA. BIG MONEY. 6EE R. H. SNYDER. 2 WEAD BUILDING, 1STH AND FARNAM. , . WANTED City salesman In sell Plpeleag Fur naces to furnace dealers. A fine oppor tunity for. a live wire. Furnace expe rience not necessary, but must be a salesman. Address Y-88S, Omaha Bee. TRAVELING salesman, 28 to 35 years of age,, will consider man , without experi ence if naturally adapted for aalea work, $125 to $150 and expenses. West ern Reference & Bond Ass'n. WANTED Salesman for Iowa and Ne braska territory tor fast selling auto ac cessories. Unlimited opportunity for the right party. Experience unnecessary. Phono Cdfax 4658. SALESMEN WANTED High grade stock and bond salesmen by reliable conoern. excellent propoaitlon by the right party Y 7?4 omaha Bee SALESM EN Increase your income by studying salesmanship aurlng spare time. write ior psrucuiars. aox T-ip, nee. SALESMAN Three live wires for high grade advertising, proposition. See me .today. room 439; Hotel Paxton.' Boys. WANTED, ERRAND BOY. . GOOD CHANCE TO LEARN 1JfADE. LOHT WORK. GOOD PAY. SEE MR. HADLEY, ' j :JGE BUSINESS OFFICE. ' ' ' - ' . . . .- I ' Miscellaneous. WANTED Three ambitious young)men who want to become salesmen. We teach you and guarantee salary of $30.00 per week to hustlers while, learning. Quick promotion to "traveling positions " paying $76.00 pe." week. See Mr. Karschner, 312 Balrd Blfg.. 17th and Douglas. WANTED Handy man to do odd Jobs and - take are of building; salary, $100 per rrfohtn ; eiectrlc light, water, gas, tele " phone and four living rooms free; refer- WANTED Couple of ' skillful flborers. , moderate wages."", light work. Xatl In person at greenhouses. Thirty-first and Burt, streets. ' FIRJEMSiN, brakemen, $176-1226 monthly; j experience unnecessary. Write Railway association. Address Yr844, Omaha Bee. WANTED First-class harness -yanti shoe . repair man: state wages wanted in first le'tter,. A. X. Davenport, Crofton, NO. POSITIONS, recationa. etc., for doctors, , dentists,' druggists, veterinarians, nurses. F. V Knlest. 213 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. 5RRAND BOY wanted. Co., ,13th and Farnam. Omaha Printing HELP WANTED FEMALE. . ' y ' Stores and Offices. STENO, retail, $25; steno, wholesale, $100; steno, South' Side,, salary, depends on ' ability; dictaphone opr. and clerk, well educated, uptown, $20 to start; stenos, uptown. $90 and $100: three stents for South Omaha, $100-$95-$80; two dicta phone opia., $90; Burrough poatlng mch. opr., Soi'th Side, aalary depends; four of fice clerks, $60; tile clerk. $56; bill clerk, some shorthand, $85; tracer and tylst, ' pleasing personality and pleasant voice, $16 to start;. three typists, good begin ners: good A-l typist, $75. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO., 824 Bee Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, S0, W. O. W. Bldg. Stenographer, legal experience, $110. Typist, $C0-65-$75-$90. T i Clerks.' Insurance and wBMesale, ' $65. Dictaphone operator, $100. P. B. X. operator, $60. . COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. I6ia my national uanK. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, exceptionally nice office, $85t75; atenographer, pri vate secretary, educational Institution, $126; bookkeeper and stenographer, out , df town, exceptionally good position,' - $160. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. 736 First National Bank Building. A GOOD lady atenografiher for perma rent position In grocery; department. Salary according to ability. Call-in per . son at Farmers Union State Exchange, Eloventh street viaduct and Jones. Ask 'tor MrChtpn.- , . . $ ':- HELP WANTED ,FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS. $ 3S-$120-$1 10-190. f9i-$75; diet, opr., $90; typist, $100-$364 $75-$6i; file clerk, $66-$76; (lie clerk, WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, lliSJTlMt JiH'lBankMldg. LET THE BES SOLVE YOUR DOMESTIC rntnLUoia vve HAVE A LIST OF GIRLS LOOKING FOR WORK. .YOUR HOME MAY BE JUST WHAT THEY ARE SEEKING. CALL eTYLER 100 AND ASK FOR THE WANT AD. DEPT. WANTED quod. rcHDectablo white woman tu assist wnn nousnworK . and .rare of two cnuaren on modern farm near Omalftt. Good wages. Phone Harney 662.-or write P. O. Box 522, Benlngton, Nebraska. BILLER wanted on Royal machine. Sal ary according to ability. . Call In per son at Farmers' Union State Exchange, Eleventh street viaduct and Jones. Ask for Mr. Chappell. , I'lLE clurk wanted; must be experienced rnd cotne well recommended; satlsfac ory salary to one who can'yuullf- L, V) Ni.y.olas Oil Co., 17th and Howardr IF YOU NEED HELP vCALL THE WANT DEPT. TYLH1R 1000. -WE HAVE A NUMBER OF PEOPLE 'OX OUR'LIST WHO MIGHT QUALIFY. WASTED Na mea ambitions women, girls wgn'tlng government positions; $1,200 year. Answer Immediately. Y-852, , Omaha Bee STENOGRAPHER wanted at once; begin- ntr will do; good pay, rapid advance ,. ment. Goodrich Drug Co., 1808 Harney St. ' WANTED At. once, good white girl to assist In small iwnrdlng house; no wash ing or cooking. Phone Douglas 6203. ANTED Good girl for general house work,, good home, easy week, good wages. Phone Walnut 1223. EXPERIENCE l 'white cook, family of three. No laundry. Mra. W. 3. Hynes, Phone Varney 4760. GIRL to help in office. - Co., 14th and Dodge. 9 and 11 a. rp. Slate Furniture , Apply between WANTED Laundress for three daya a week. References required. 3807 Burt, 1 Walnut 212. NEAT colored girl to answer phone In real estate office. Johnson. Webster 41 60.' Household and Domestic. COLORED girl, no washing or ironing. -Good wages. Gjo home nights. Walnut 9S4. WANTED An experienced second girl. Mrs. C, T. Kounue, 3925 Dewey Ave. Harney 224. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework. No washing. H. 6009. CHAS. L. FISH, Piano tuner violin and piano teacher. Colfnx 4907. WANTED Young girl to housework. Harney !! 4 i W . assist vltb GIRL for general housework, good wages. References. Walnut 294. WANTED A girl for diet kitchen. Wise Memorial Hospital. CAPABLE white girl, for general hoos work. 1021 Park Ave. Harney 647. WANTED A girl for general housework. No laundry. Harney 4952. 1 WANTED Competent seoond maid. S2d Ave. Harney 206. 20(8. Miscellaneous. WANTED. WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK STEADY WORK. GOOD PAY. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., 8th AND DODGE. THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or - woman needing assistance during the present emergency. Telephone Harney 6734 day or evening or Tyler 1138 In tha evening. ' WANTED White second dining room glrL . Apply Clarksou hospital, 22d and How ard. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. Omahi Printing Co., 1301 Farnam St. SEWING machine operators wanted, 213 Ro. 19th St. Omaha Raincoat Co. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil aervlce and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illus trated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. ?. Day tind Evening Schools. 0 Omaha National Bank Bldg. -' Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. I3 Karbach B!k. i'tudio phone. Red 165. 209 South 16th t. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladiea and hoys to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PKONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR . BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUK RRADFRS AND ADVERTISERS. ATTRACTIVE rooms, strictly modern, all ' conveniences; private home; $3 and $4 week: on car line. Douglas 5394. PLEASANT south room for newly fut nlshed, strictly modern, Farnam line. Reasonable. Harney 4966j car SMALL furnished room, modern home, electric lights, Hanscom Park district. $2.60 per week. Harney 1866. NICELY furnished room wtth all con veniences, suitable for . 2, -. gentlemen pwrerreo. lonax isez. PLEASANT, (Mean, well heated room, strictly modern, private home; very rea sonable. Douglas 9014. ' ' 555 S. 26 th street. South room for gentle man only, modern, flat, references. Tyler 3954. CLAIRMONT INN. 17th and Jackson. Rooms to permanent guesta at special ratea ' PLEASANT front room suitable for two. on car line, private family. Harney 1679. 1539 PARK AVE. Pleasant furnished ropm in modern private home. Harney 6198. 655 , SOUTH 26TH gentleman only, Tyler S964. ST. South room for modern. References. 647 S. 24TH AVLi.-2 nicely furnished rooms, private, modern home; board op- tlonal. Tyler 6134. ; ONE heatod furnished room and two un furnlshed rooms, 1908 Corby. Web. 1667. 2664' MARCY Nice, clean, large front room in wel!-ieated flat, "block to car. MODERN furnished room In private home, "4 "block to car. Colfax 584. ONE furnished room, steam neated, 1113 .No. 23d St. Webster 2335.- J .DNE furnished room, -suitable for 2, also 2941. sinerio room. Tyier Housekeeping Rooms. TWO rooms, everything furnished; mod ern except heat on bathroom floor; private entrance; private family ;, block to car. Reasonable. Colfax 2333. NICELY' . furnished apartment, mil con veniences: referencea required.' Mrs. CK E. Chapman, 2034 California, , Tyler 4850. HYLAND APTS. 3-room modern apart ment for rent. 1103 N. 18th St. -Web ster 806. ' . , - TWO clean, completely furnished rooms, VI Klnlr n au,. IKft? lllnn.u Rooms Wanted. YOUNG lady learning trade ' wants to work for toom and board on north aide. Address. T-63, Omaha Bee.- Board and Room. 424 PARK AVE. First-class board, excel lent home cooking. Those who appre ciate samo call Harney 3730. ONE room and board for two men. . 4416 Franklin. Walnut 6871. v . Unfurnished Rooms. 2206 North 18th St. Two-room suite, first floor, gas range. . ... FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ROACHES, etc., exterminated with on application, by contract or sold out right. B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO.. OMAHA. 307 Brand. Thea. Bldg. Doug 1370. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. . ,4' 18TH AND DODGE STS. Two and three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotel aervlce. Tyler 420ft. I WILL, share a new modern furnished , six-room house with a couple, reason able. Red 6721. . FOR RENT-HOUSES. - Sjrf th. 813 SOUTH , llTH STREET. . -" Five rooms downstairs, modern, ex cept heat. i, . H. A. WOLBY " . . ' Tyler 85. ' : Miscellaneous. LIST your property foi rent or aal with FIRST TRUST CQUPANT, Realtors. Trtar t$. FOP itENT APARTMENTS. 4. ROOM brlok flat steam heated, with bdth. Call Webster 1640, VKOOM apartmeht furnished pr nfur nished. Webster 8980. . 1 . FOR RENT Business Property., Stores. FOR RBNT 2.000 aquure feet of floor space. secoRd flooc. Neville Blk., 16th 'and Harney. J. Elbart, 308 Neville Blk, Douglas Hb4. Garage and Barns. KEDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel, Send for circular. Redl-Mnd Housing Co.. 3211 Howard. Red 3667. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses MOVING to Omaha. Have a desirable 6 .room apartment In Minneapolis, lease egplrea September 1. .Would like 'a- 5 or f.-room house tn Omaha. Address T 64. Omaha Bee. Furnished Apartments or Houses. WANTED Furnished suite, two rooms, . kitchenette and j bath, by two commer cial, men. Give full particulars. Ad diess T-40, Omaha Bes. MOVING AND STORAGE. Globe Van, Transfer . , and Storage Co. ' For real service n hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. Auto or wagon service. vMOVING AND STORAGE:, FIDELITY atnWaenC0. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. '. FJtEE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 10th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 298. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate'' locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA y AN AND STORAGE CO., I06 South 16m. Doug. .4163. - METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R, Bowen V. Ty. 3400. UNION TRANSFEFCa LET us estimate your moving.- packing . and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. Furniture, piano moving and storage. 1417 Chicago St. Phone Douglas 3364, MON"G, -hauling, storage. Best service. boar rates. Hsrtung's Transfer & Stor. Tyler. 1976. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West A Real Bargain . ., In . Clairmont, on FonteneUe' Boulevard. ... " , New 2-story stucco and frame residence, east front, large living " room, fireplace, large dining room and bath on 'second,! quarter sawed oak floors .throughout; tile floor in bath with built-in tub and pedestal Javatory; garage; ce ment drive; all specials paid. Ph. Walnut 2S12. :' ' T ( ELEGANT EIGHT-ROOM HOME NEAR 41ST AVE. AND DAVENPORT. Living room across the front adjoin ing dining room.. These rooms are artis tically finished with beamed ceilings, beautiful chandeliers, wall decorationa and elaborate built-in features, Includ ing bookcase, large buffet and -handsome brick fireplace. Sun roora In S. E. corner. , Upstairs are three bedrooms, sun room and tiled bath. Oak and birch fin ish and, cak floors throughout. Hot water heat. Price $12,000. F. D. WEAD, 10 South 18th:. Tiler 151. A NINE-ROOM strictly modern home !n fine location; at 33d and Martha. . Price $5,000. Liv ing. dlningv den, kitchen, bath and re ception hall downstairs; five bedrooms, screened Bleeping porch and bath up stairs; white pine floors and finish; two- room basement with hot ajid cold wa ter and floor drain. Good lot,. Call J. A. GRAHAM, , Harney 3836. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT -Here- Is a ,good bungalow - having 5 rooms on first floor and two finished bedrooms in attic; "Brick foundation; ga rajre -for one car. ' 1 block from car, two blocks from school. $1,000 cash will handle. Price $5,250. D. V. SHOLES COV t REALTORS, 46. 915-17 City Nat. Bank Bldg. u. Immediate Possession Owner Leaving City 4 Mustttiispose of this fine 6-room frame residence on FonteneUe Blvd., only one block to car. Downstairs all finished In oak. Upstairs white enamel.' Price only $6,500. . Don't fall to see this before you buy. Call Walnut 2813 for ap pointment. ' ' jMAHA l)cal Estaltf and investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, ' 100 Brandela Theat .Doug. M. vVE have cash buyera for West Farnam -and . Dundee homeu. 'Phone Douglaa 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property Shuler A Cary. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOH AN. 621 Paxton Block; 'Phone Tyler 48M. For good homes on, good terms ' OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 ' Bee Bldg. Tyler 49. FOR BARGAINS IN ' homes. Investments and farina Tebbens Co.. COS Omaha Nat'l Bank . FOR SALE BT OWNER Cory five-room cottage with furnace and electric lights. S Cheap for cash. Call Douglas 2717. ' North. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW HOMES READY TO OCCUPY t 257S Plnkney St. 5-room, frame, $5,750. . 1513 S. 25th Ave. 5-room, frame. $6,TS0. 2734 Baufhan, Ave. 6-room,' .stucco, - $6,500. ... 1826 Wirt St. 7-room, stucco, $7,750. 2027 Speacer 7-room, stucco, $3,250. These homes have oak throughout, oak and white enamel finish; all built-in features, best of plumbing; beautiful fix tures; nicely decorated; shades, meter, etc.. Something Just a little out of the ordinary. Can arrange attractive terms, . and will be pleased to show at an? time. J. L. H1ATT CU. Qnri FIRST NATIONAL PHONE 63 BANK BUILDING. TYLT'.R -VACANT BARGAINS t 600 Buys two lots on 3Sd street. Over looking Fort Omaha, ensr fronte, near Laurel Ave., 80x81 Lennox Addition. $1,000 Buys an acre lot, 120x300 feet op posite the new Florence Field ndrtltton. Buy where valuce will clouhlo this year. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. FOR SALE. Almost new ,6-R! modern house Hard , wood finish, well located, clos. to car ' line. Price $3,500 $1,000 cash, balance like rent. A. W. TOLAND CO. D. 3576. It0 Bee Bldg. lilX room, with Vt acre of ground, cloae to school. a$)d 4 blocks to car, with barn, chicken house asd fruit treen. Do not let this pass up as It Is worth your time : to let hi show you. this. Price $1,000, wfth 760 rash. Call todny.". R. F. CLARY CO.. 2404-01 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. FIVE rooi.n, aumodem, on one floor, on paved street. This place can be bought ' for $.1.16": $760 cash, Call today. R. F. CLARY. CO..- t40l-06 Amer Ave.- Colfax 176. FIVEeJlOOM semi-bungalow, all modornf In .first .class condition; well worth the monev. $ 690, with $750 cosh. Call today. R. F. CLARY CO., i404-0Aines A.V. .... Colfax 171..' REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phon Col fax S17. Offer personal and experienced serv ice In th manugeniont of property, elth . er as rental or sales agents. (nm.ROUM bungalow, wUh large lote vry nw condition; an modern and finished lu onk and mahogany. Price 4,600. wflh $2,000, cash. Coll todat R. F. , CLARY CO.. 2404-06 Aniea Ave. Colfax 176, BARGAIN 6-room residence; electrlo light and vutr; paved atreet. One half block from street car; wit! tw lou or more, as, desired, hearing fruit. i" worm mm' Bt., omnna. Neb. ra uiwrtbu jevn room, modern ex cept heat, near 24th and Lake. $3,000: $300 cash, balance like Irent. Webster 839. W E need flv mid six-room, modern houses. Have buyers. CaU us today. R. V. Clary Co. 3404-0$ sjnes Colfai i 1'h.W Hemes land lots tut wood Addltlol; a safe plnce for Invest- wnrrls A Norrla-Doug, 4270. - ' POSSESSION NOW-$600 "CASH 6-room cottage, near.iOth and Willis: strictly modern. $3,760. D. 420 MINNS LI'S A homes, and lota offer the test opportunity to Invest your money. "Phone Tvler 187. . .. PARTLY modern cottage, close to car, large lot, $60 cash, balance easy. For colored. Webster 4 1 5 0. COLOliED--6-room house, ' newfy painted, modern except heat. Price $2,000. Easy payments. - Johnson. Webster 4160. ONLY $2.r7iO for this flno 6-room cottage, modem except furnace. Immediate t- possession, Webster 3637. MODERN 6-room and bath bungalow for sale by owner, 1H yoars old, $1,000, cash 81,000. fNilfax 4168. YOUNG DOliKRTV. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 323 BP.ANDEia THKATIJK. D. 1751.' $800 acre lot in Belvldere addition. Al bert Edholm. Phone Douglas 1902. South, y FOR SALE 7-Room. strictly modern house with heated garage.' Paved street. $4,600. J. F. Muruhy, 4811 S. 24th. South 71. ' ' . BARGAINS In homes , luvesment prop, ertlea and acreage near Omaha. Harri son & Morto no Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. Here's Your Home ' For a small down payment you can buy this' exceptional. S-rootn home, modern in every detail. The floors anil finish are beautiful oak. '. The full basement is cemented and equipped for laundry purposes. The furnace is the best money can buy. To see" this is to buy it. Phone Douglas 7412. ' ' We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N W. Cor lEtfi and Dodge. Doug. 6011. BIRKETT & CO. ".V and Insures. 250 Bes Bldg. Douglas 683. LIST your houses and lots for quick sale x with Hastings A Heyden, realtors. 1(14 Hirney atreet. Phone. Tyler 60. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. 1'4 ACRES In Council Bluffs. One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for 31,400. Terms $100 cash; balance to suit buyer. ' McOee REAL ESTATE CO.. 10S Pearl St. Council Bluffs I. DUPLEX pressed brick flat, walking dl tance of downtown, oak flnloh. Income t0 month Price 33,500 O. t734. days. FARNAM. HARNE1. LEAVENWORTH AND CUMING STS. PATNE 4 SLATER CO.. DOUG. 101 . REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCONfE --FOR LAND We have 1 1 bouses listed In Omata Owner wants Isnd. a a 4 R. E. MONTGOMERY. ' 216 City Nat'onal rt'HAT have you to offer for either or both of these two Iowa farms? $25, 000 eqnjty, 200 acres: $26,000 equity, dandy quarter. Will put in some cash. E. P. Lufrcy. Storm Lake. la. 160 ACRES In Pennington county. South Ikota, trade or sell 6 ox 6 room house. Call evenings at 6. 1313 So. 12th St.. J. T. Lazlo. FOR - SALL OR TRADE One of the best hotels nt Norfolk for Nebraska . land. O. H. Johnson & Co.. Norfolk, Neb. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE . GOOD trackage lot, 113 feet front, paved street, is.sou. 8. P. BOSTWICK. 300 Bee Building. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. DUNDEE lot 60x135, Webster 8t. juat west of 50tB. paved alley and streets; all apeclal paid; price right. C A. Grimmel. Phone Douglas 1616. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Benson .Bargain . For-ale, 6-roorri all modern residence In Benson, diock to car. l diock io school, east front, only $400; $1,500 cash will handle Phone Walnut 2812. Dundee. We specialize In Dundee homes, C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City NatloitaL Douglas 878T. REAL ESTATE WANTED I CAN 'PAY $1,000 down on a modern five or six-room cottage or oungaiow. Prefer to be on paved street, not over two blocks to car and must be in white neighborhood, give full description, address and best price In first letter. Box T 37, Omaha Bee. Vl'E HAVE served the Omaha public .3 buying and selling real estate for over 36 years. We Have many calla now for homes. Lls your property with us. W vili serve. ,au tn vour best Interests. McCague Investment Co. 117 TT T . nau ,o at H fur trm.A il nr aeVfn room nom). aiuse o wen lacatca anu priced right Reply giving ' full,, dt - Box T-8, Omaha Bee T TBI. i-WTT? Home, Flats. Apartments and Business Properties with us. , . 'W Have Buyers." . 1 P. D. WB AD. 310 S. 18tlt Tyler Ul. UUllUn UJ T O ,, ,1., . 1.. We have cash buyera tor well-located bungalowa and residences worth the inonev. For quick results, list with ua . O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. , 623-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. IF vou want to buy or sell Omaha R. E trs FOWLER & M'DONALD, REALTORS. Phone Doug. 1426. 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. LIST your property with: ' THEO. E. PETERSON COMPANT, 458 Omaha Nat l. Bank. Docs 7024; REAL ESTATE and "all kinds of Insurance. .. 1 HERMANSRN 4 CO.. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg FOR quick aalea list your property with . A 1 UTIDnTffD 104T- rim. Nat'Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636. WILL buy a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech. liens. Cnas. 1 Pease. 21! Bratirteis Theater Budg v WIS have the customer and can sell your property; list with John W. Robblns. 681 erandeis Theater. D. 62. CAN PAY $1,000 down on a modern, $ or 6-room house. Give location, price, terms. Box 678.' Omaha Bee. WANT five or six-room house, modern or part modern, on payments, Webster 4160. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. MONEY to lend op Improved Real Estate. -. Interest payable e?mi-annually. W. H Tnl'MAa & Z reenne om. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 9m. Nat Bk. Bldg, 'Mug. 2711. CITY and farm loans: 5 and 6 per cent; - no delay. J H. Durnont ft Co, 413 Keellne Bldg ' PRIVATE MON'EY. $100 to $10,000 madi promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wcad Bldg. 310 S. ISth St PPIVATlt MONEY. PHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 423$'. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. - Wead Wesd Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. I) E BUCK Loans. 442 ijmana Nl Stocks and Bonds. OIL SCOUT not a stock company. I have hundred acre oil lease. Twelve . hundred feet of three producing oil wells. Starting new well February 15. Total cost of well, $6,000. You may buy $10 Interest or more. Your ten may make you hundreds. Write for full ' details. W. F. Brown, Box 636 Wag oner. OKI. " GUARANTEED MONEY BACK OIL INVESTMENT I . Are you interested In oil? Do yu want to msk some sure and ' eawy money? Will you Invest In a safe and sound Investment, where you are guar anteed all of your money back out of first proceeds? If so, write, phon or . U. & WUcoXk ilensbaw. hotel.' FINANCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. "safe nvestmentT Wanted $3,090 loan on $3.00 frmter aal Insurance policy, Man wishing; t .make loan la beneficiary. Fae of poll? will come to beneftolary upon death of . Insured, who Is II years old and la poor health. Will arrange matter go thai entlr 13,000 will be paid to not bolder upon death of Insured, and wilt keep up premiums In Insurance. Cbano to mak from $609 to $1,000 la short tlm. Addresa Be. Box M-l FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. SOUTHEASTERN COLORADO Farms and ranches ant eta; lowest prices; best terms; (pod crops: excel, lent climate. Send for free descriptive booklet and list. TUB GREGG REALTY CO, Lamar, ColO; - Iowa jLands. . 80.000 acres choice raw or Improved Lin- coin Co., Colo. Janda. Bargains. Easy terms. See J. x,. Ma 1 surer, Arriba. Colo, Kansas Lands. FOR SALE One Quarter section of land In Morris county, Kansaa; 100 acres of , valley land under cultivation; 60 acres of good prairie hay land; price $90 per acre. C. K. Davla, Board of Trade Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. i'ott BALK 160 acres smooth "Si'ostera Kansas wheat land, cluse to town, $4,009; quarter further out, $2,680. Writ V. S. Nlquette, Sal Ilia, Kan. SELECTED List of Southern Mussourl forms. I deal for sheep, hoga. poultry and fruit " . H. H. PECKHAM, Walnut 41t;&. Minnesota Land. POSSESSION March 1 ne.vt; 200 acres of hardwood timber with 35 acres culti vated; small buildings, $40 per acre. Good improved quarter flvo miles from ' elation; school across road; $100 per acra. 210 acres one-half mile from school and lake: " large comfortable buildings; good grove; fall plowing done; easy terms; $160 per acre. 80 acres with 50 acres cultivated and In grass, balance timber pasture; small buildings, Hi per acre. Write us for other batKuins. Ulland Land Company, Fergus Falls, Minn. Montana Lands. FIVE hundred and twenty acrea in the Milk River Valley offered at a sacri fice by owner for .quick sale; 160 level and well Improved 100 acrea In alfalfa, private Irrigation system, lots of farm buildings, over $16,000 lu Improvements, 2 miles from Dodsou, good grade and high school, best of roads year around, ' dark, sandy loam, clay subsoil, no bet." ter land anywhere. If taken soon, $66 per acre; 20 acres of bench land, rolling; about three-fourths farm land, balance good pasture; fenced and cross fenced; all adjoining: ' about 40 acres of bench land broken; price $20 per acre;' $7,600 rain will handle deal, plenty of time fcn balance to reliable party. Can furnish all of the farming implements needed If wanted. George W. Hall. Box 66, Dodm. Montana. Nebraska Lands FOR SALE Corn, wheat and alfalfa farms In Thayer county, Nebraska; possession March 1, 1920; 320 seres; a high class farm In every particular; best of aoll; ail t liable; on the Golden Rod highway: cloy to two. towns; school convenient; 2 set of Improvements that are well worth 88.000. Price $66,000. Carry back JM.OOO. . - 120 acres, a good orfe-man farm; first class soil and all t liable but small pasture; 4H miles from town; 1H to school; nice-smalt bearing orchard; Im provements are sightly located and worth more than $3,600. Prlc Is t$140 per acre and will carry half. - , , 280 acres, hard to beat for a stock and grain farm; 45 acres In alfalfa; 8b acres In cultivation, balance In native pasture and hay land; th Improvements are above - the ordinary; 3H ynlles to town; mile to 'school; "2 to Ger man Lutheran church. Prlco $11$ per . acre and will carry a reasonable amount. These farms are the best . In their claaa and If land Increases In value, thee; . will ba the first to respond. R. B. CASPER.. Hubbel.'. Neb. : . HIGH-CLASS FARM CLOSE TO YORK, NEB., AT AUCTION, TUESDAY, FEB. 10, 2 P. M. , On the above date In Assembly Hall York. Nebraska, we will sell at public suction to the highest bidder regardless of price, a high-class, well Improved farm consisting of 133 acres; located just three-ciuarters of a mile south of the end of the west paved street ef York. Possession March 1. 1920. For , terms and complete description, ad drees, Nebraska Realty Auction Co., C-ffltral City. Nebraska. Ideal Grain and, Stock Farm, Well Located -tHO acres Howard county. In th Loup Btver Valley, four miles from good tewn. Black loam soil, lies level; 100 acres under plow of which 20 acres are in alfalfa; 15 acres timothy and clover; 10 acres wild hay, balance the very best of .pasture. Good 4-room house, a., large bam and other necessary out buildings. Place all fenced and cross-fenced. Pric for 10 days only $90 per acrs, $7. 90c rash by March 1, balance terms. This farm Is ' rented tor $700 cash. See M. A. Larson, owner. Central City, Neb. FOR SALE Farm In Butte county, S60 - acre, of- good soil, no Band: 900 acres tractor land, 180 acres under cultlva-, tion: 25 acres tn alfalfa; land fenced and rroasif enced : Improvements fair. Will '-sell 960 acres or less. Terms: $66 per acre, M cash payment and bal ance on time to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. Parties Interested write to owner, C. A. Smothers, Alliance, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at tfce right price. Write for list I LARSON & CARRAHER. Central ..City. Nebraaka. FARMS, possession March 1, 1920. 80 acres and up. good ranch, some exchange. Information from C. V. Nelaon, . 1021 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. ' WRITE me for pictures and price of nr farms and ranches In good old Dawes Co A rah L. Hunterford. Crawford. Neb. For Neb. - Farms and Ranchea ae , Graham-Peter Realty Co.. 829 OraaTia Nsrt'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha FORSAI.E i stock farms: corn, alfalfa land, .mproved. A bargain at $56. Lars Bartelsn?. I-utte. Neb. A. A. PATZ.MAN, Farms. 301 Karbach Block. - New York Lands. $12,000 -BUYS splendid level 250 acres; well drained; 2 miles from village; ma cadam uad; dark loam: 70 acres valu able timber, balance tillable; practice. Hy new buildings: 10-rnom house: concrete -basement barn, gambrel roof, holding 350 tons' hay; silo, -hennery., piggery, granaryr running water In house, barn ar.d pasture: large orchard: including crops. 30 bead , cattle, 6 good horses, ' atlgar equipment'. 50 hens, potato digger, disc harrow, land roller, barrows, drill, aulky cultivator, sulky plow, rake, gas engine, mower, binder, wagons, buggy, cutter, sleighs. 6 heavy harnesses, light harnesses, small tools, milking) machlnt. ' Kasy terms. Free lists. Ellis Bros.. Springy!!!!. N. Y. Wisconsin Lands. LONDOLOGY. a magazine giving th facts in regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription. FREE. If for a home or as an investment you are -thinking of buying good farm lands,' simply write me a letterand eay "Marl' me LANDOLOGC and all particulars, FREE." Address Editor, Landology, Skldmore Land Co., 433 Skldmors Bldg, Marinette. Wis. Miscellaneous. LAND SEEKERS Our $25 excursion to the Bio Grande valley is now on. W. 8. Fran. Neville Blk.. Omaha. FARM LANDS WANTED. WANTED To rent farm, fully equipped. 1 on shares, by experienced man. Address P. Bee office. South Sid. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. JUST ONE OF OUR . BEST BARGAINS. SEE THIS iT OXCE. 1919 Oldsmoblle slx-cyllnder, five passenger touring car In the best of condition, all good tires. Tills has Juat tcn overhauled and runs like a watch. Tha crlce is a RARE burrsln. THE NEW USED CAR PLACE, 3047 Fsrnam. Tvler 073. PROMPT DBl.lVKtY ON ALL MODEL NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED D. C ROGERS. MGR. TYLER 17t. 1407-31 Capitol Ave RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical snd self-starter courses: day and night school: come i.ow: tr catalogue. National Automobile School, 3814 Nor la Twentieth. Omaha. i I v ' .?.