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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1920. WANT AD RATES (Cub with order.) 'V'Dr word on day 4o per ward ....... ..two consecutive days to per word ....... thre consecutive day to per word four consecutive days 7o pr word flv consecutive dayi , o per word seven consecutive daya and one cant per word for each additional Intertlon. I No. ads taken Tor Im than a total et CHARGE. 14 per line. 24 pr line 83c per line 70o per line , one day two consecutive daya ....three consecutive daya , ...eeven consecutive daya ...thirty consecutive daya $2.70 per line. Card of thanks and funeral notices 12o per line each day. Three rates apply either to the Pally or Sunday Bee. All advertisement appear In both morning and evening dally papera for the one ohargo. Contract Rate on Application. For convenlent'e of advertisers, want ada will be accepted at the following of fices: WAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Park Office 2615 Leavenworth St. South Side 3318 N St. Walnut Office 1 North 40th St. Co. Fluffs Office IS Scott St. THE BKK will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than qne """! PHONE TITER 1000. ' Evening Edition .12:00 M. Alorntrg Editions 10:30 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday,, DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES 11, KR P. died Sunday, January 2C. 19J0. at a. m.. at his home. 1248 South! Tenth street. Funeral service at residence Tuesday. January 27. 1 p. m. Private in terment. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, STACK & FALCONER, ' -"INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS. PIERCE-ARROW AM BULANCE SERVICE. Thh-ty-ttiird and farnam. Harney 64. FRED E. FEfiO, , FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. ' J34 and Cuming Sts., Phon Douglas J(. Auto ambulance. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, . , 2018 WIRT ST. I Away from noise of busy streets. . - PHONE WEBBTKR 47. fiSAFEY. & HEAFEY, V . Undertakers and Embalmers. Than H. 266. Office 2611 Farnam. TjHULSE & RllSPEN, ' Pioneer Funeral Directors. 71 South 16th St. Doug. 1066. TfAGGART & SON, .UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Doug. 714. 2216 Cumlhg St. 15UFFY& JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. 71? S. 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. ; LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglas St. Douglaa 8244. r , , .eta rr-...... ... itn..U, 1 lfl Xj. atcnueraun. uai i ."ini. . -vua . ...... JOgN BATH, 18th and Farnnm.- D 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THJS ' largest display of monuments In i the United States, frank svobuda, lllll S. 13th,'' Phone Dougjas 1875-6216. LOST Ji'OUND REWARDS. COST About 6:45 p. m. Friday on Farnam clr between 14th and 28th St.. or on Earnara St. between 29th and JOth, lady's purse containing cheek, lady's watch and chain and cameo pin. Watch ami pin valued as keepsakes. Liberal 'reward for return to 126 Park Ave. Phone Harney 1267. FOIt ARTICLES LOST on street cars tel pbone Tyler 800. Wa are anxious to re- stars lost articles to rightful ownrs. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY Cft . LOSfr Small note book containing 1920 lloense f Bulck car No. 210784. Call Harney fcOll. xvewnru liz LOST Fountain pen, between Farnam anori , Harney, on aaa. -au wooaier ...a. waru. LOST 37x5 extra sis Pennsylvania cup , crtrd tire on rim. Reward. ' Harney 6toi. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. SALB OF1 FLOOR SAMPLES ' EVBRY f lcor sample must go. Drastic , retluctlons. many beautiful suites and odd pieces. Take thia. wonderful op- ,portunlty to furnish your home com- pfete. sgTATB FURNITURE COMPANY, CORNER 14th. and Dodge Streets, 125,000 stock of furniture to be soldi 300 stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ographs, duofolds, tables, chairs, chins, ,"c d kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till ' p. m. Credit If ton wish. 183J-4J IS. zm I. wen, itm'i house jacks, rollers, auto jacks, chain hoist, floor machine. 36x4 tire and tubes, ,50 pair new door hinges and sash ldtks. Also five room bungalow. All ' vgry cheap. Walnut 469. 4333 Parker. BOID theater chairs, moving picture ma chine, carpets, draperies, 1,600 tins the ater chairs for sale at a bargain. " 5 a t CHAMBERS-O'NEIL, HOt Leavenworth. Tyler 141S. 5 BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY LIVING ROOM FURNITURE FOR SALE, REA SONABLE, IF TAKEN AT ONCE. i TX)UGLA8 244. . r un OAua, .8x1 S rug and furniture for 4 rooms, to soil by piers. 1416 North 40tb St E. P. BAT YI. Vfli sell n,w snd near-new furniture, - staves snd rugs at lowest prices; cash - -.-......- Lmmr li'urn P SOK N It. Vn D.A U I J 11,11 "I., rJas and other household goods. Call . -. A 1 nr.u..- cone nip 1 11 1 11 k a. v. VVSSIVI Vt.VV. BELLING OUT good staple furniture and household articles chap. Douglas 45 il Cumlrg. COMBINATION gas, coal and electrlo range, reasonable, wepsier di Pianos and Musical Instruments. V BIG BARGAINS. In! player piano, just like new. $400 upright for $200. Doug. 4703. , THATCHER PIANO CO. . 1419 Dodge. t TOR SALE Schmoller Mueller piano, good as new; $150 cash; leaving city. CqjH Douglas 7262. Ask for Bentley. A'tTTlQ! PTC1 Pfi Everything In .tllUijrrj VjW. ,rt and music. Pisnos for rtnt. 84. i per month, THRUMS. -trans, marimbas. Instructions, re- pairing. Phono Harney 2967. Geo. A. ainith. 17S1 lavenngri.. BAND and otcheatra music cheap. James Cohen, 1011 uorca8. lyier p. I Typewriters and Supplies. ' TVTD1;XT TTTT D C TYPEWRITERS . ADDING MACHINES. v ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy., bvery r machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. iki 190S Farnam. f VE. buyl sell and exchange all makes or typewriter. "rc mi ,ov. " ... iinj nn.. hENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months Mi $6.00. Oliver Agency. 190S Farnam St city. Lumher and,' Building Materials. xRT'H. m. kevan. eTTsouTH SOTH ST. Machinery and Engines. Fa SALE Norfolk Square Turn tractor. - medal 1917. with plows, has been run v about $0 days. In good condition, price - $li)00. Fred Westby. Petersburg. Neb. Miscellaneous. Beware of Flu Germs . j . . Wash and boll your handkerchiefs - with ESTES WASHING TABLETS. Takes the drudgery out of Wash day and sweetens the cloches. If your : grocer cannot supply you., call Douglaa ; 66JL Factory, 1011 Farnam St. ; ' v - v BRICKS. 3.000 2d-hand bricks: also lumber. a doors, windows, steel beams, pipes and need, building material of all kinds' for CHAMBERS-O'NEIL WRECKING CO., 2ipf Leavenworth. Tyler 141$., OTD theater chairs, moving picture ma- chine, carpet, draperies, 1,600 fine the . star chairs, for sale at a bargain. CHAMBERS-O'NEIL. " 2106 Leavenworth. . ' Tyler 1 41$). itN EFFICIENT and durable check pro f ' teotor, by mall, postpaid. $1.00. Satls f " factory -or money refunded. P. O. Box xss. rmT1 Lastle. rs, t ST KINDLING lft. Acms Box Co, ' mt mt sg-f- sssj FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. OMAHA Pillow Co., feathers (teamed, renovated tod mad op lu new feather- proof ticking. H07 Cuming. D. 1487. WB buy, sell and make desks, safes, ahow cases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. 11th and Douglaa P. 3124 FOR SALE Burroughs No. (at book keeping machine, good as new. Call or write. A. E. Olson. 418 8. lth St ML ST sacrifice new Beaver coat, mar. tea trimming, for 1166. Moving to Cali fornia. Tyler 4200. Apt. 818, GARVIN milling machine, keyseater, Brown bharpe screw machine. Writer- press, E. L. Carroll, Creaton, Iowa, CLOVER honey, 10 lbs., $1.76; t lbs..- 8J. t.oirax zs. DRY kindling wood far sale. Webster 468. WB buy used bats. Lorner. 208 So. 12th. WANTED TO BUY. Oberty bonds 'Coupon and registered; full N. T. market and arcrued Interest to date. MACK'S BOND HOUSE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 8844. -LIBERTY BONDS HIGH prices for Certain Issues this week. We will belp you make your Income tax return. Strictly confidential. - - SECURITY INVEST- MENT CO., : z736. 631 Securities Tyler Sldg. Cash Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS And Pftrtlkl 'Pnvmont Trtnt. Paid for NATIONAL BOND CO., V610 World-Herald Bldg. Doug, DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. FURNITURE and rugs suitable for room ing house, also one dining room suite. Good prices. Douglas 8838. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes Snd furniture, Tyler 2698. hj Zavett. 70S North 16th 8t. NATIONAL cash rettlster, give size, num ber and price. Address. 108 West 4th St.. Davenport, la WANTED 3672. to buy roll-top desk. South ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordcon Pleading. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes snd styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTiONS' ... .Pvu- Van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Dou. Sim Baggage and Express. "The Only Way". Brass and Iron Foundries. rtri 7th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Dentists. DR. SECOR, 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. TTjataT Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg: Chriopodists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4587. Clothing and Furs, FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. 16th at John Feldnmn, Phone 3128. Corsets. EXPERIENCE) Win alter or fix any corset. Walnut 4407. Dancing Academies. KETj-PT NF, Sono1 ,or Dancing, 2424 i"t-IAJ A AJ.'MU Farnam. D. 7860. Class at gf dancing at 9 p. m., Monday, Thurs- oay, aiuruay: -private lessons any tlm e. OMAHA Educational and Amusement Club. Fancy stage snd ball room danc ing. Colfax 4923. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and alterations; work guaranteed. 629 S. 17th Ave. Tyler 3979. FOR dainty, tiny tots' clothes, call Har ney 21 B5. ' Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC heaters, $10.50; vacuum clean ers, $37.50, Mola washing machine Lalley-Wilson Electrlo Co.. 1307 Farnam HOOVER electric sweeper lor rent; the best: delivered. Webster 4283. RENT electric vacuum cleaner. Call Douglas 6718. . Excavating. FOR excavating, call Harney 2165, Garages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Mads Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Red 3657. Jewelry. DIAMONDSWinegrto11 back at small prorit. unuaa o on CO.. 403 N. 16Qi BL. Red 6081. W. C. FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1892. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Kodak FinishjngndEnlarging. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. . Osteopath. DR MABEL WESSON, $11 Baird Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. . T. 2S60. H. 4741. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 682 Brandels. T. 6691. Painting and Paperhanging. PAINTING, paperhanging and paper cleaning. Call Douglas 6322. PAINTING, papering, paper cleaning, pa- per price. Harney 6740. PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. Wslnut 4567. -f Printing. Wedding Stationery V. S. Printing Co.. 422 S. 16th St. COCKLE Printing Company, 1816 St Mary's Ave. Douglas 2831, Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKELS', - 15th and Harney. Doug. 1978. Sliine Parlors. SHINE! SHINE! Hats cleaned and blocked. Special ladles' parlor. 16074 FARNAM gm. Tailors. Dledrick, P. L.. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. M. KEISER, S06 South 18th. D. , 1187. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical snd masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben & Son. Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 628. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas -444. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR BALE. Complete bakery outfit consisting of two wall enses. Three eight-foot show cases. One four-foot cigar case. Three counters. One roll top desk. Cash register. Large heating stove. Candy scale. v Motor bread mixer. Motor moulder.. ' v Motor cake, machine. . . Doughnut stove. . - Gas atove. Troughs, benches,' proof boxes. " Building sold, must sell at once. Ad dress. P. O. Box 408, Beatrice. Neb. FOR SALE The only grocery store In Avery, Neb. Two-story fram building, 24x38; full basement. Five good living rooms upstairs. $l,000-stock. One-halt aero of ground. Now dotpg a profitable business. Call .South 464W r OUR business la to buy and sell your busi ness. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, 614 Brown Blds ' FOR SALE At bargain, S Brunswick bowling at leys; 1 box ball alley. . John Glunx. Bed Oak. la. OMAH 4. PILLOVi CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer . - and, r inter aides. 1807 Cuming, ft )1$7. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED A man ta taks active Interest In a new large corporation, with about $8,000. Address Box $000 for particulars. FOR SALE: Restaurant doing good busi ness; good Investment Csn be handled by man and wire; terms, box t-. pee. TWO-chair barber shop, easy terms. Ad- dress Y-862. Omaha Bee. Rooming Houses For Sale. IF YOU want to buy or sell a rooming house, ses us. QUICK SERVICE! SELLING EXPERTS, 614 Brown Blk. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. THE BEE will publish fro a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors snd marlrea who will show thslr discharge papera at cur office la the lobby of Tba Bes building. Seventeenth snd Fsrnam. MARRIED man wtshea Job on farm with separate house, garden spot, raise chick ens. Have reference. William Engle haupt, Inman. Neb.. Bo 104. , STEADY man, 27, wants miscellaneous work with a reliable building contractor or helper in any capacity with chance to learn. Web. 3941. ' WANTED Position on farm by married man, thoroughly experienced fp. every phase of farm work. Address Y-878, Omaha Bee. . HOUSK cleaning, floors polished, plain painting, varnishing. Phons Edward Corey, Red 4714. d POSITION wanted as porter or elevator operator by reliable colored man, Web. ster 6053. WANTED Work evenings, experienced bookkeeper. Call Tyler 2284. ODD JOBS of South 4894. aay kind Heating, ate. ASHES 'and 3376. rubbish hauled. . Webster Female. WANTED BY TYPIST Copy work, ad dressing evelopes, etc., at home. Call MOUtU 4315, YOUNG lady wishes clerical position. Douglas 8403. Laundry and Day Worn. COLORED woman, perfect In cleaning, city reference; 45o hour. Colfax 4984. WOOL BLANKETS and lace curtains laundered. 2614 Dodge. Walnut 1130. EXPERIENCED colored woman wanla cleaning and Ironing. 'Webster 6664. WANTED Day work by colored lady. Call after 5 p. m, Webster 4953. FARM housekeeper or ranch cook. Grand Island, Neb. P. O. Box 468. ' LAUNDRY and daywork by reliable col ored woman. " Webster 6063. . EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work. Webster 2624. DAY work wanted by reliable lady; refer ences. Webster 6004. - , EXPERT at cleaning or Ironing, colored lady. Webster 2456. LAUNDRY work by the day, colored! v guatfr jam. WHITE woman wants laundry work. x yier nil. DAY we1' wm ted, experienced lady. Web ster t.099. . SILVER and cut glaas cleaning done. Web ster 3308. ' . COLORED lady wants day work. Douglas 4088. DAY WORK of any kind. Call Webster 1241. WANTED Bundle washing. 2238. Webster STEADY work cleaning and Ironing Webster 1SS8. BuSdlB washing called for and de- llvered. Tyler 4003. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Webster 3101. LAUNDRY Day work; DouRlas' 9319. , good references. LAUNDRY, day work. Webster 898 8. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 6466. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Collector for Nebraska towns, slnglo man. age 26 to 60, experience not necessxry. Salary $30.00 per week, bonus and railroad fare. Hustler can make $40.00 per week or better. Bring two letters of reference. See Credit Manager 312 Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Beginners get $1,300; list positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 229 A. Ro- nester. n. y. ACCOUNTANT and credit man, $176-$200; bookkeeper, grain exp $125-$160. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR HIGH-GRADE office positions, see WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $160, building supplies, COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. " 1516 City National Bank. Professions and Trades. LINOTYPE operator wanted for county seat weekly. Merganthaler 6, 63 hours, good working conditions, going wages. Permanent position to man making good. No students. Write, giving de tails, or wire. Chronicle, Toledo. Iowa. LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED Bcsf of wages In good, clean, modern shop on Model K. Position "permanent, and open February 1. N night work. Van V. Boyce. Tekamah, Neb. WANTED, at once, competent printer. Top wages, good working conditions and steady employment. Sentinel, Le Mars, la. WANTED Young men to learn telegraph, telephone and radio work. Apply 81gnal Jorps, Army building. LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR. VUL CANIZING. LOS ANOELES Y. If. C A. Auto School. AUTOMOBILE painter, also trimmer, steady work for experienced men. 2526 Leavenworth. WANTED An experienced baker; FeUeral System of Bakers. 4924 S. 24th St.. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced Specialty Salesman who has been calling on high class re tail drug trsds In Iowa and Nebraska to sell the finest line of package choco lates on the market Apply by letter giving full details and connections for past several years. CHOCOI-ATEJ PRODUCTS COMPANY, Sales Department, Baltimore, Md. -STOCK SALESMAN WB WANT AN AMBITIOUS AND DETERMINED MAN WITH SELLING EXPERIENCE TO SELL THE SECURITIES OF AN ESTABLISHED INDUSTRIAL IN STITUTION OVER TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS AND. PAY ING DIVIDENDS OF 11 PER , "CENT. BESIDES ADDING TO A ' HEALTHY SURPLUS. WE HAVE A VERY DESIRABLE TERRI TORY OPEN IN THE STATE OF IOWA, AND TO A PRODUCER WHO CAN QUALIFY LEADS AND CO-OPERATION WILL BE .GIVEN. ' APPLY 421 CITY NAT L BANK BUILDING, OMAHA NEB. WANTED 1 high-grade salesman, sin gle preferred, not over 28 years old, for th sale of a hlgh-grad specialty. This Is a real opportunity and unless vou possess real ability and a clean record, it will be a wast of time to apply. W propose to make it worth while for th right man to become a part Of our per manent organisation. All correspon dence confidential. Add' ess Y-877, Oma ha Bee. SALESMEN WANTED. A few first-class specialty salesmen to call on merchants. Choice of ter ritory, Nebraska. North or South Da kota. Fifty per cent commission same on all repeat orders. Apply, L. Alley, 638 Paxton Block.- Open Sunday fore noon. RELIABLE STOCK SALESMEN GUARANTEED BANK BUILDING INVESTMENT. HIGHEST CLASS. EASIEST SELLING SECURITY IN OMAHA. BIG MONEY. SEE R. H. SNYDER. 2 WEAD BUILDING, 18TH AND FARNAM. WANTED Salesman with ability and stability enough to sell dealers a high quality Una of tires and tubes; must have car. Answers confidential! Ad dress Y-84, Omaha Bee. Salesmen wanted High grads stock and bond salesmen by reliable concern. L excellent proposition by th right party. A . vwwis b - HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED City salesman to sell Plpeless Fur naces to furnace dealers. A fins oppor tunity for a live wire. Furnace exne- rlenco not necessary, but must bs a salesman, Address Y-886, omana nee. SALESMEN Can place experienced or In experienced men, $1,600 to $5,000. City or traveling, writ lor openings, box T-10. Omaha Bee. SALESMAN Three live wires, for high grads advertising proposition. Sea iuo toaay. itoom 431, Hotel paxton. Boys. WANTED. ERRAND BOY. . GOOD CHANCE TO LEARN TRADE. LIGHT WORK, GOOD PAT. SEE MR. HADLEY, , BEB BUSINESS OFFICE. Miscellaneous. WANTED. . SIXTY COLORED MUSICIANS FOR PICANNINT BAND. Preferenc given to men who can doubls strings and. brass, also sing and dance. Long engagement; money sure. Stats lowest salary and experience. Mak It low becauss It's sure. Address C. E. Holah, General Manager, A. H. Enterprises "In Old Kentucky" Road Show, 314 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. TIELD Field Labor Guide, a book for farm hands, harvest hands, cornhuskers and others; plana for new organization; can't use stamps; send one dime to W. cario. Hex 1067. Lincoln, Neb. FIREMEN, Brakemen, $160-$200 monthly, experience unnecessary. Writ Railway association. Address Y-844. Omaha Bee. WANTED First-class harness and shoe repair man: state wagea wanted In first letter. A. L. Davenport. Crofton, Neb. POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors, dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. F. V. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. WANTED A good well digger, with or without tools. Call Tyler 1633. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. GIRLS IF YOTJ ARE AMBI TIOUS, COURTEOUS AND QUICK THINKERS, THE , AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY HAS SOME REALLY WORTH-WHILEI POSITIONS THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. COMB IN AND LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT THEM. Ask for Miss Beil, 318 Telephone Building, FILE clerk wanted; must be experienced and come well recommended; satisfac tory salary to one who can qualify. L. V. Nlch'olaa Oil Co.. 17th and Howard. IF TOU NEED HELP CALL THE WANT DEPT. TYLER 1000. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF PEOPLE 'ON OUR LIST WHO MIGHT QUALIFY. WANTED Names ambitions women, girls wanting government positions; $1,200 year. Anawsr - Immediately. Y-852, Omaha Be STENOGRAPHER wanted at once; begin ner will do;, good pay, rapid advance ment Goodrich Drug Co., 1302 Haxaey St. 2 STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply Brad streets Co., Nebraska National Bank Bldg, corner 12th and Farnam, second floor. WANTED For ranch, capable cook and housekeeper for three adults, modern conveniences, no objection to on child. Address Box 3000, The Omaha Bee. TWO typists wanted. Bradstreets Co., Ne. braska National Bank bldg., corner 12th and Farnam. second floor. GIRL to help In office. State Furnltur Co., 14th and Dodge. Apply between 9 and 11 a. m. v NEAT colored girl to answer phon In real estate office. Johnson. Webster 4150. . x STENOGRAPHER, small insurance office, exceptionally nice position, $86. West ern Reference & Bond Assn. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced trimmers and also girls handy with needle, good pay. Thlele-Scharff Co., 12th and Farnam Sta. GIRL wanted for developing kodak prints. Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. BRAND new $100 phonograph, $50; $150 sue, not vogge. Household and Domestic. LET THE BEE SOLVE YOUR DOMESTIC PROBLEMS. We HAVE A LIST OF GIRLS LOOKING FOR WORK. YOUR HOME MAY BH JUST WHAT THEY ARE SEEKING. CALL TYLER 1000 AND ASK FOR THE WANT AD DERT. WANTED Good, respectable whits woman to assist with housework and care of two children on modern farm near Omaha. Good wages. Phone Harney 662, or writ P. O. Box 622, Benlngton, Nebraska. EXPERIENCED whit cook, family of three. No laundry. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, Phon Harney 4760. WANTED Laundress for three days a week. References required. 3807 Burt, Walnut 212. WANTED Girl for general housework. Two In family, 3816 Davenport St Har ney 3793. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. WaL 236$. Mrs. A. G. El- HCK COLORED girl, no washing or ironing. Good wages. Go home nights. Walnut WANTED Good girl for general house work, good home, easy work, good wages. Phone Walnut 1233. , WANTED Ao experienced second girl; wages $15. Mrs. M. G. Colpetzer, 403 S. 38th St. Harney 94. WANTED At once, good white girl to assist In small boarding house; no waah lng or cooking. , Phone Douglas 6203. GIRL wanted for general housework. Good home ond good salary. Web. 1421. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework. No washing. H. 5009. MAIb for general housework; small fam ily, good wages. Walnut 3576. CHAS. L. FISH, Piano tuner, violin and . piano teacher. Colfax 4907. WANTED Young girl to assist with nouseworK. Harney 2468. GIRL for general housework, good wsges. References. Walnut 294. WANTED A girl for diet kitchen. Wise Memorial Hospital. ' CAPABLE whit girl for general house work. 1021 Park ve. Harney 647. WANTED Competent second maid. 208 S. 82d Ave Harney 206. - MAID for general housework. Small family. Harney 2468. Hot lis and Restaurants. NEAT girls wanted to serve at our soda -lunch tables, stesdy work, good pay. Apply soda cashier, Pompeian room, Brandels stores. Miscellaneous. WANTED. WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK TEADY WORK. GOOI PAT. . GORDON-LAWLESS' CO., , 8 th AND DODGE. I WANTED Whits second dining room girl Apply Clarkson hospital, 22d and How aril. - GIRLS In ladles finishing dept. Call . la person, innhv Bros.,- iw Fgrsami HELP WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. n DESIRABLE POSITION MEANS GOOD PAY, STEADY CLEAN WORK, GOOD SURROUNDINGS. W pay whl learning. When com' patent, you can mak good money. Wanteds N - 25 Gills and women for Day WORK. 25 Girls and women for EVE NING WORK.'. v Hours 5 to 10 p. m." In our labeling and packing depart ment . You are cordially Invited to visit our Jiiant, wner questions wm 0 answered n detail. .. . Apply Saturday and , . : t Monday, THE SKINNER, COMPANY, 14th and Jackson Sts. THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or woman needing assistance during tn present emergency. Telephone Harney Y3 aay. or evening or lyier id in tne evening. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. &ArcKijXNi;ujj mnaery gins warn Onmhi Printing Co.. 1301 Farnam St. GIRL in shipping room. Apply In per- son. Dresher Bros., 2217 Farnam. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses tn accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write. call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illus trated catniogae. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building, Omaha, Ne Van Sanl School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. $20 Omaha National Bank Bldg. nougias 5890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. bus Karbach Blk. studio phone, Kea 185. 209 South 16th St HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages wnn learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 140$ Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT- TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT UUK BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUK RKADERS AND ADVERTISERS. ATTRACTIVE room. In modern private home, all conveniences, block to Har ney car, excellent neighborhood, reason- able. to gentleman, narney man. 416 LINCOLN boulevard, attractive room. newly furnished, in strictly moaern home. References required. Harney 4255. ATTRACTIVE rooms, strictly modern, all conveniences; private home; J ana week; on car line. Douglas 6394, PLEASANT south room for 2. newly fur nished, strictly modern, farnam car line. Reasonable Harney 4966. NICELY furnished front room; modern private borne, all conveniences, close in. Suitable for 2. Harney 2165. WARM, cozy front room, In nice nelgh- Dornooa. on car line, privaiv lautuy, no children. - Harney 2692. TWO warm furnished sleeping rooms; fientleman preferred; reasonable; Doug as 9014. 565 8. 26th street South room for gentle man only, modern flat references. Tyler 3954. CLAIRMONT INN, 17th and Jackson. Rooms to permanent guests at special rates. PLEASANT front room suitable for two. on car line, private family. Harney 1679. 1639 PARK AVE. Pleasant furnished room in modern private home. Harney 6198. 665 SOUTH 26TH ST. South room for gentleman only, modern. References. Tyler 3954. 647 S. 24TH AVE. 2 nicely furnished rooms, private, modern home; board op tional. Tyler6134. ' MODERN furnished room in private home. y, block to car, coirax 584. NINCELY furnished south room, modern home; close-in. Webster 2003. 2664 MARCY Nice, clean, large front room in wen-neatea tiat, block to car. Housekeeping jRooms. HYLAND APTS. 3-room modern apakt- ment for rent 1103 N. 18th St Web ster 806. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. wepster agea. IS03 mnney. Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL large room with board. In strictly moaern, private home, for em ployed couple, or 2 gentlemen; on Harney car line; excellent neighborhood. Must be seen to b b appreciated. Webster 4066. 424 PARK AVE. First-class board, excel lent nome cooxing. unose woo appre- ciaie samo can rtarney anv. WILL serve meals to transient trad. gentlemen, ryier 4. zbiy iiarney. ONE room snd board for two men. 4416 Franklin. Walnut 6371. Unfurnished Rooms. 2206 North 18th St. Two-room suit, first iioor, gas range. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ROACHES, etc.," exterminated with on application, by contract or sold out right B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO.. OMAHA. $07 Brand. Thea. Bldg. Doug. 1870. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. 18TH AND DODGE STS. Two and three-room apartment com pletely furnished. Hotel servlc. Tyler 4200. I WILL share a new modern furnished six-room house with a couple, reason able. Red 6721. FOR RENT HOUSES. South. 842 SOUTH 24TH STREET. Fivs rooms downstairs, modern, ex cept heat H. A. WOLF, Tyler 85. Miscellaneous. LIST 'your property foi rent or sals with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West North. 4-ROOM brick flat steam heated, with both. Call Webster 1640. FOR RENT Business Property. Garage ind Barns. REDI-MADE OARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Mads Housing Co., 2211 Howard. Red 2667. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments or Houses WANTED Furnished suite, two rooms, kitchenette and bath, by two commer cial men. Olve full particulars. Ad dress T-40, Omaha Bee. Unfurnished Apartments. WANTED 3 ' or 4-room modern unfur nished iFpurtment; good neighborhood. - Colfax 2857. ' 7 MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY ZTnCO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sta Doug. 288. Globe Van, Transfer and Storage Co. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Dou. 4338. Auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. UNIOfr TRANSFER CO. LET ua - eitlm&te your moving, packing ana wcorairc. n"a ijavcnport. l.'oug. Z908 OMAHA EXPRESS COT ' Furniture, piano moving and storage. ULl OUcaio fits SUdom Dons lu !. MOVING AND STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 3400. MOVING, hauling, storage. Best service, best rates. Hartung'a Transfer & Stor. age. ' Tyler 1976, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West 1 A Real Bargain In Clairmont, on Fontenelle Boulevard. New 2-story stucco and frame residence, east"front, large living room, fireplace, large dining room and bath on - second, quarter- sawed oak floors throughout; tile floor in bath with built-in tuli and fdestal lavatory: garage; ce ment drive; all specials paid. Ph. Walnut 2812. ' . WEST FARNAM HOME. This house located at 3870 Dodge, with eight rooms, oak floors throughout, fire place in living room; fine cemented porch with east side screened In. drive way and large garage; Is worthy of close Inspection. Anyone looking for a com fortable horn and especially if they have taken figures on building ought to spena time to look through this place and see what It la still possibls to buy for a i.buu. ALFRED THOMAS 604 First National Bank Immediate Possession . Owner Leaviner Citv Must dispose of this fine 6-room framef resiaence on onienene rsiva.. omy one block to car. Downstairs all finished tn oak. Upstairs white enamel. Price only $6,600. Don't fall to see this before you buy. Call Walnut 2812 for ap- poimmenr Montclair Bargain Nearly new 6-room stucco bungalow, all on one floor. Plastered basement; on paved street. Two blocks from car. Price $6.400. Phon Walnut 2812. OMAHA Real Estate and investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theat Doug. 98. WB have cash buyera for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phon Douglaa 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property Shuler & Cary. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. A real bargain In 6-room stucco, Just betng completed. Only $6,000. Phons Walnut 2812. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, til Psxton Block. Phon 'Tyler 488$. For good homes on good terms OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 4t. FOR BARGAINS IN homes. Investments and farms. Tebbens Co.. 60S Omaha Nafl Bank. FOR RALE BY OWNER Cozy five-room cottage witn furnace and electric lights. Cheap for cash. Call Douglas 2717. North. On 25th Street between Maple and Binrrey, nine room, hot water heated, strictly modern. Valued and taken in on a Knox county farm at $8,000. Owner wants quick sale at $6,000; about $2,000 cash; balance month ly. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. VACANT BARGAINS $ 660 Buy3 two lots on 33d street, over looking Fort Omaha, east fronts, near Laurel Ave., 80x81 Lennox Addition. $1,(00 Buys an acre lot, 120x300 feet op posite tne new Florence Field addition. Buy where .values will ' double this vear. ' OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Be Bldg., Tyler 496. FOR SALE. Almost new 6-R. modern house Hard wood finish. Well located, close to car line. Price $5,500. $1,000 cash, balance Ilk rent. . A. W. TOLAND CO. D. 3575. 410 Bee Bldg. Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phons Col fax 217. Offers personal aad experienced serv ice In the management of property, eith er as rental or sales agents. IN FLORENCE A beautiful, 6-room, moaern, run basement; north on 30th St. $5,250. Call Mr. Browne today. Walnut 3007. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 2520 Farnam. Tyler 4316. ,GET POSSESSION FEB. 1ST. Th oak finish. 8 -room, with two baths, residence at 323 N. 38th Ave., opposlt Joslyn's, for $7,260. Douglas 2947. BARGAIN 6-room residence; electric light and water; paved street. One- half block from street car; with two lots or more, as desired, bearing fruit 6123 North 16th St., Omaha. Neb. FOR COLORED Seven room, modern ex cept heat, near 24th and Lake. $2,000; $300 cash, balancs Ilk rent Webster 839. WE need five and six-room, modern bouses. Have buyers. Call ns today R. F. Clary Co. 2404-0$ Ames Colfas 17$. A FEW homes and lota for sal In Park wood Addition; a safe plac for lnvest ment Norrls aV Norrls. Doug. 4270. POSSESSION NOW $600 CASH 6-room cottage, near 20th and Willis: strictly modern. $3.750. D. 420. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer ths best opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 187. PARTLY modern cottage, close to car, large lot, $50 cash, balance easy. For y colored. Webster 4150. COLORED 6-roora house, newly painted, modern except heat Price $2,000. Easy payments. Johnson. Webster 4160. ONLY $2,750 for this fine 5-room cottage, modern except furnace, x Immediate possession. Webster 3537. MODERN 5-room and bath bungalow for sale by owner, 114 years old, $4,000, cash $1,000. Colfax 4168. YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1761. $800 acre lot in Belvldere addition. Al bert Edholm. Phono Douglaa 1962. South. FOR SALE 7-Room, strictly modern house with heated garage. Paved street, $4,600. J. F. Murphy, 4811 S. 24th. South 71. BARGAINS In homes Invesment ' prop ertles snd acreage near Omaha. Harri son A Morto M0 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat, on 27th street 1 block from Highland park. Call South 4549. Miscellaneous. Here's Your Home For a small down payment you can buy this exceptional S-rooni home, modern in every detail. The -floors and finish are beautiful oak. The" full basement is cemented and equipped for laundry purposes. The furnace is the bjst money can buy. To see this is to buy it. Phone Douglas 7412. SACRIFICE SALE. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; corner lot 66x122 feet; paving paid; onn block to Ames Avs. car line, $2.650; $1,350.00 cash. 4601 N. 80th St. ATTRACTIVE five-room bungalow, well located, all modern. Owner leaving city. Telephone Harney 466$ for ap- polntment. """W Have Property for Rent "or Sal. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug, 6013. BIRKETT & CO. .H",eV,V snd Insures. 260 Be Bldg. Douglas 633. LIST your houses and lota for quick sals Wltn MSSlingS neyueii, i cat iuj Hirney street none, i yie r u $3,000 tor a pretty, all-modern bungalow. $1,100 to handle. Call Colfag 3185. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. H ACRES Ir, (Council Bluffs. One mil from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms $100 cash; balance to suit buyer. Mcrtee RiiAIi ESTATE CO., . 101 (aw fit. Couacil Slum, la. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS BE THRIFTY. Buy this well-built brick, four-aoart ment building. Separate basements and heating planta Present income $1,800 and rents have not been Increased. Well located and showing a good return 00 price asKea. ALFRED THOMAS 604 First National Bank. DUPLEX pressed brick flat, walking dls tancs of downtown, oak finish. Income 890 month. Price $.6Q0 D. 1734. days.. FARNAM. HARNEY, LEAVENWORTH AND CUMINO STS. PAYNB A SLATEfi CO.. DOUO. 101$. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE INCOME FOR LAND W have 11 houses listed lo Ornate. owner wants land. & a & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 Cltr Nstlonal WHAT have you to offer for either or ootn or these two Iowa farms 7 2i. 000 eauity. 200 acres: 125.000 eoultv dandy quarter. Will put in some cash. K. r. I.ucey. storm Lake. la. 160 ACRES in Pennington county, South Dakota, trade or sell 6 or 6 room house. Call evenings at 6. 1311 So, 12th St., J. T. Lazlo. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE GOOD trackag lot, 113 fttt front pavtd VI Jt3L lu,PVU. X 8. P. BOSTWICK. 300 Bs Building. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West DUNDEE lot 60x135. Webster 8t just west of 60th. paved alley and streets; all special paid; price right C A. Qrlmmel Phone Douglas 161. South. TWO AND ONE-HALK acres on 4Sth street south of Q. $1,500. $75 cash, easy payments, owner will Duua ior ouu, Call South 4549. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Benson Bargain- For sale, 8-room all modern resldsnc In Benson, ,i block to car, 1 block to school, east front, only $4,000; $1,800 casn win nandlo Phone walnut zsiz. Dundee. We specialize In Dundee hoinea C. B. STUHT CO., 112-14 City National. Douglas J787. REAL ESTATE WANTED D. V. Sholes Company Has been selling Omaha real estate for the past thirty-flv years and we point with pardonable pride to friends we huv made In a business way. We have a number of customers for 5 to 7 room houses In good residence districts whose wants we can not supply. It you have real estate to sell we can sell It. 915-17 CITY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Douglas 46. Wanted Real Estate If vour home, abartment. flat or busl nesa block- la for sale, call us. We will Inspect same at once and pay you cash If your price Is right. J. L. HIATT CO. QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE 63 BANK BUILDING. TYLER I CAN PAY $1,000 down on a modern five or six-room cottage or bungalow, Prefer to be on paved street, not over two blocks to car anqvmust De in wnite neiKuuuruuuu, kivq iuii fieauiifjiivu, address and best price In first letter. Box T 37, Omaha Bee; WE HAVE served the Omaha public .a buying and selling real estate ior over 36 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. W will serve you to your oast interests. McCague Investment Co. WILL pay cash for good six or seven- room home. Must be wen locatea ana priced right Reply giving full de scription. Box T-8, Omaha Bee. LIST YOUR . Home, Flats. Apartments and Business Properties with us. , We Have Buyers. F. D. WEAD, . 310 S. 18th Tyler 151. BUNGALOWS WANTED. "We have cash buyers for well-located bungalows and residences worth ths money. For quick ressgts, list with us. O'NEIL'S R. E. 4 INS. AGENCY. 623-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. IF you want to buy or sell Omaha R. E. try FUVVLGK ii M pUNALU, KEA11UHS. Phone Doug. 1426. 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. LIST your property with TiifJU. IS. rETEKSUN L'uxranr, 468 Omaha Nat'l. Bank. Doug 7024. REAL ESTATE and all kinds of Insurance. HERMANSEN & CO.. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR quick sales list your property with w. U. SHK1VUK. 1047-9 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1638. WILL buy a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech. liens, (jnaa l Pease. 211 Brandels Theater Dude WE have the customers and can selKyour property: list wltc John w. Robblns. 681 Brandels Theater. D. 629. CAN PAY $1,000 down on a modern, 6- or 6-room bouse. Give location, price, terms. Box 678. Omaha Bee. SELL your own property; save com.; new plan; quick results; free book tells how. Simplex Dept. 157. 1123 Bwy. N. Y. WANT five or six-room house, modern or part modern, on payments, Webster 4tov. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS & SON. 228 Keeling Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB FARMS XJ'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2711. CITY and farm loans; 6tt and per cent; no delay. J H. Dumont A Co.. 411 Keelins Bldg PRIVATE MONEY. $109 to $10,000 made promptly. T. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. 310 8. 18th St PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 2. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. . Wead Wead Bldg.. Wh and Farnam. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 443 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. SAFE 'NVE3TMENT. Wanted $2.00 loan on $8,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to mak loan Is beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who Is 61 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matters so that entire $3,000 will be paid to note bolder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In Insurance. Chance to mak from $500 to $1,000 In short tlm. Address Bee. Box M-l OIL SCOUT not a stock company. I hsve hundred acre oil lease. Twelve hundred feet of three producing oU wells. Starting new well Febrdary 15. Total cost of well, $6,000. You may buy $10 Interest or more. Your ten may make you hundreds. WTrite for full details. W. F. . Brown, Box 636 Wag oner, Okl. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. SOUTHEASTERN COLORADO Farms and ranches any size; lowest prices: best terms; good crops; excel lent climate. Send for fre descriptive booklet and list. THE GREGG REALTY CO, Lamar, Colo. 1,760-ACRE ranch for sale. 190 acres In fall wheat, 20 horses, 25 cattle, $2,000 worth of machinery, 100 tons feed, 75 chickens, 16 hogs. Everything goes at $35 acre. Write to owners, ltublda Bros.. Elba, Colo - Iowa Lands. 80,000 acres choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co., Colo, lands. Bargains. Easy terms. See J. L. Maurer, Arrlha. Colo. Kansas Lands. FOR SALE! 160 acres smooth western Kansas wheat land, close to town, $4,000; quarter further out, $2,600. Writs V. E. Nlquette, Sallna. Kan. Missouri Lands. SALINE COUNTY FARM 120 acres, fine (-room house, large new barn; all under hog wire; high state of cultivation; Hi miles to town; all tillable; $260 per acre; good terms; possession March 1 It sold immediately. Gilliam Realty Co., .Gil liam. Mo. SELECTED List of Southern Missouri farms. T deal for sheep, hogs, poultry and fruit H. H. PECKHAM. Walnut 4166. South Dakota Lands. SOUTH DAKOTA state lands will be of-, fared In 17 counties this spring on long time at low Interest These Join th farms which have broken all records of crop production. Writ for list of prices. Commissioner of School and Publlc-Cands, Pierre, 8. D. e9 Jaut-Ada ?xoduca Results. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. POSSESSION March 1 next: 200 acres of hardwood timber with 31 acres culti vated: small buildings, $40 per acre. Good Improved quarter flv miles from station; school aoross rosd; $100 per acre. 240 acres one-half mile from school snd lak; large comfortable buildings; good grove; fall plowing, dons; easy terms; $160 per acre. 80 acres with 60 acres eultlvated ana In grass, balance timber pantur; small buildings, til per acre. Writ us to other bargains. Ulland Land Company, Fergus Falls, Minn. CORN LAND 40,, 10 or 160 acres, good heav soil, well ettled part of Todd county Minnesota good roads, schools snd churches; will produce good crops of corn, oats, clovsr, potatoes, etc.; price $16 to $22 60 per acre; terms $3 psr acre cash,, balancs $1 an acr a year; 6.000 acre to aelc$ from. ' SCHWAB BROS.. 102$ Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands FOR SALE Corn, wheat and alfalfa farms In Thayer county, Nebraska; possession March 1, 1920; 220 acres; a high clasa farm In every particular; best of soil; all tllable; on the Oolden Rod highway; close to two towns; schoil convenient; sets of Improvements that are well worth $8.00o. Price $56,000, Carry back $20,000. . . . . M- v .nVau uio buTa pasture; 44 miles from town: l'i to school; nice small bearing orchard; Im provements sre sightly located ' and worth more than $3,600. Price la $140 per acr and will carry half. 280 acres, hard to beat for a slock: and grain farm; 45 acres in alfalfa: 0$ acres In. cultivation, balance In native pasture and hay land; the Improvements are above the ordinary; 3 4 mlltn to town; K mile to school: 2 to Ger man Lutheran church. Price $116 per acre and will carry a reasonable amount These farms are the best In their rlaag and If land increases In value, thea will be the first to respond. R. B. CASPER, llubhell. Neb. Fine Improved Farm , On Very Easy Terms 1 Possession March 1st 160 acres located In Hamilton county, Nebraska, 3 miles from good town. Good 6-room house, fine barn 26x52, room for 1 head of horses, 10 cows and .30 ton of hay: excellent feed yard,-well shelt ered, fenced with woven wire: good chicken house, well, windmill and cist em. Place all well fenced and cross fenced: 70 acres under plow of which. 25 acres srs In alfalfa, good stand. Land under plow lies nearly level, bal ance the very best of pasture. All good black loam soli with clay subsoil. So in nice fruit and shad trees. Pclce for 15 days only $116 per acre. $15.00 cash, balance gcod terms. This farm will rent for $800 cash. M. A. Larson owner, Central City, Nebraska FOR SALE 160 acres, well Improved farm 11 rawmw county, Nebraska. It Is a good farm aril Is offered at a snappy price. Can give possession March 1. About 21 sere In winter wheat, which goes with) farm; 25 acres 'r. alfalfa. Price tlii per acre. Good trims. Bromley & Lewis 645 Railway Exchange Bldgv- 15th and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb, Telephone, Tyler UJ$. ' . . ' 320 ACRES CHEYENNE COUNTY FARM" LAND. One hundred twenty acres wlntef wheat, new four-room house, good barn, cement granary, fenced and cross fenced. Two hundred twenty acreg broke.' Flv miles north of Sidney. One) miles east one half miles south of Huntsman. Price $90 per acre. Good terms. Buy direct from owner. F. D. WOOLDRIDGE, Owner. Nebraska State Bank, Sidney. Neb. FOR SALE One section 1 miles rom county seat at $35 per acre; mile from school; rll fenced; goad well and wind mill; 400 acres tractor land. Land on four Idos has sold for $60 per acre. Th best buy in Kimball county today. Easy terms; one-fifth down, balance to suit buyer; also have several other halves and sections, raw and Improved. I pos itively own this land. Writ or wire m . for Information when you are coming. GUY FORSLING. Kimball. Neb. IRRIGATED FARM FOR SALE. 1 acres pasture, 94 acres Irrigated un der government ditch; building best railroad within 1 U miles of farm. House, barns, sheds, bunk bouse, chick en house;, fenced; 15 acres of alfalfa. Price $150 per acre; will be worth $30 within two years. See B. 7. Seger Scottsbluff, Neb., owner. E. II. Morey, 135 South 18th St.. Lincoln, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at tor right price. Write for list LARSON & CARRAHER. Central City. Nebraska. FARMS. possession March 1, 1920, 80 acres ana up, good ranch, some exchange. Information from C. V. Nelson, 1021 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. WRITE me for pictures snd prices of my rarms ana ranches In good old uawesj CoArah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha FOR SALE 3 stock farms; corn, alfalfsi land, .mproved. A bargain at $65, Lars Bartelsoii. Futte. Neb. . A. PATZMAN, Farms. 201 Karbacht Block. New York Lands. $12,000 BUYS splendid level 250 acres j weii aramea; z miles rrom village; ma cadam road; dark loam; 70 acres valu able timber, balance tillable; practically new buildings; 10-room house: concrete) basement barn, gambrel roof, tioldlnsf 150 tons hay; silo, hennery, piggery, granary; running water In house, barn and pasture; large orchard; Including; crops, 30 bead cattle, 6 good horses, sugar equipment, 60 hens, potato digger diso harrow, land roller, harrows, drill sulky cultivator, sulky plow, rake, gas engine, mower, binder, wagons, buggy, cutter, sleighs. 6 heavy harnesses, light harnesses, small tools, milking machine Easy terms. Fre lists. Ellis Brou Sprlngville. N. Y. Wisconsin Lands. LONDOLOGY, magazine a-lvlnc thai facts in regard to th land situation. Three months' subscription, FREE. If for a horn or as an Investment you ara thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write me a letter and esy "Mali me LANDOLOGY and all particulars, FREE." Address Editor, Landology Skidmors Land Co., 433 Skldmor Bldg.. Marinette, Wis. Miscellaneous. LAND -SEEKERS Our 326 excursion to tne kio ursnae valley is now on. W. B. Frank. Neville Blk., Omaha. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. IF YOU are figuring on purchasing Si truck it will pay you to see these be fore you buy. One 1910 Kelly 2-ton truck, fitted, with Stevens Motor. One 1914 Alco 2-ton truck. One 1916 H4-ton Kelly. One 1915 1 -ton Kelly. One 1916 -ton Kelly. Buy direct from owner and sava money. Call and see these at ths FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. 12th and Jones. MUTT AND JEFF are good, but If you want a bargain you should visit us and Inspect our Una of cars. All makes and models. Terms to all and for all. THE NEW USED CAR PLACE, Tyler 4072. 2074 Farnam St. RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12?4 CENTS PFR MILE. GAS ANfi INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARB COMFORTABLY HEATED FOB WJIM TER SERVICE. DRIVE-IT-YOURSELF-COMPArT. FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. S622. 4-PASSENGER 1919 CADILLAC Model 67, complete Csdlllao equip ment; 2 extra tires; finish like new and mechanically perfect. Used only a short time. Can bs bought at a bargain. . KEYSTONE MOTORS COMPANY 2203 Farnam. Douglas 2181. STANDARD WINTON EIGHT SIX A REAL BARGAIN. 1917 Mllburn electric, 4 cord tires, batterlss guaranteed In first-class con dition. Must sacrifice. Payments If desired. PHONE WALNUT 4309. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS; NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED D. C ROGERS. MGR. "TYLER 17$T. 1407-21 Capitol Ave lVs-TON truckt almost new, for $1,860; one-tntrd cash, balance ou 10 monthly payments. This truck bs combination body and must bs sold at one. Call T 0. 8mUH Aooa Ul Ceoaai JMal.