Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1920, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA; SATURDAY, ' JANUARY 24. 1920. ' 8 NEBRASKA DRY AGENT LEAVES FOR WASHINGTON . I v Will Secure Official Commis sion From Secretary ot In teriorPlans to Conduct Educational Campaign. James H. Hanley, recently ap pointed agent for Nebraska in the national prohibition enforcement department, left Thursday for Wash ington to obtain his official com mission from thcofnce of the secre tary of the interior. ,He is expected to return to Omaha the early part of nerft week, it was announced at his office yesterday morning, According to the preliminary out line of his duties, it was declared in the office of the local collector of internal revenue. Mr. Hanky's work is to be more in the nature of an educational campaign than direct ing the efforts of agents in the field. He will be expected to ad dress commercial clubs, Sunday Schools, congregations in churches and other gatherings on the prohi- umun laws, it was said. ,v Hewill devote his attention par ticularly to creating favorable pub lic sentiment for the enforcement of the new prohibition law, and while he will co-operate with if. A. Lar son of Denver, in charge of this, one of the 10 distrjctj into which the country has been divided, it was declared, his principal duties 'will be to mould' public opinion, so that when the federal agents swoop down on violators of the law, their actions will not seem harsh and un just. "Omaha and Nebraska bootleg gers will learn just what to expect if they persist in disregarding the law asserted J. J. Gitlin, of the revenue department, "and they need not be shocked when forced to pay the penalty." CAN A DEAD MAN -SUSTAIN A CASE? COURT IS ASKED iMiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiin I JUST I RECEIVED m S A Special Express Shipment of McCormack'S f , Beautiful yictor .Record f fl Hear You 4; . 1 I - Calling Me'' ij ; . i r No; 64i2o Price $1 s r Some other Popular Records just received Hear them . .' Saturday at MICKEL'S Peculiar Situation Developed In Fight Over Will of Peter Holmberg. Can a dead man sustain .an action in court? This question was brought up be fore District Judge Wakeley yester-. day and puzzled bin so much that he postponed argument and -decision of the case, until today. The strange case is as follows: Peter Holmberg, 77, was found , , I t L , "l i r t n. aeaa in jus room. Lrecemper n, jyjy. j;j lhe next day Mrs. Augusta .Holm berg, from whom he had secured a divorce October 24, 1919, appeared in county court and named herself sole heir of his estate of $4,000. A few days later Judge Wakeley set aside the. decree of divorce granted to Mr. Holmberg October 24 on the ground that the statutory six months had not elapsed and therefore the divorce had not taken effect. This made Mrs. Holmberg the- legal wife and heir of the de ceased. , Then John W. Eattin-, attorney for Mr. Holmberg brought into .county court a. will made by Mr. Holmberg ., j 1 j: trie day arier ne secured ins aivorcc. This . will left nothing to Mrs. Augusta Holmberg. Now Mr. Battin is seeking to cet aside the order of Judge Wakeley, annulling the divorce decree of Oc- j tober 24. This would leave Mrs. i Holmberg without any claim on the i estate. ' II But in Judge Wakeley's court yes- jl terday Ross Shotwell, attorney for jf Mrs. Holmberg, demanded of Mr. Battin: ... "Whom do you represent? You J Can't represent a dead man. He cannot direct you what action , to take on his behalf." "I represent the estate," said Mr. LBattin. But i represent tne estaie, as i am the attorney for the widow of Mr. Holmberg," said Mr. Shotwell. "Mrs. Holmberg is the widow of the deceased and he, being dead, cannot direct yoo to take any action. You have-no standing in court." There was an uproar of argument between attorneys and the judge and it was filially quelled by postponing argument mtil today. County Judge Crawford has ad mitted to probate the -will made" by Mr. Holmberg after he was granted his divorce. Mrs. Holmberg has ap pealed to the district court. Names of the Winners In Thrift Week Budget - Contest Announced The Thrift committee yesterday announced the following winners in the family budget contest which is being conducted a a portion of the National Thrift campaign. The actual budgets themselves will be published today in the Omaha news papers. Best actual budget, $15: Mrs. Thomas P, Bailies, 2570 Whitmore street. Best theoretical budget, $25: Mrs. Edna McLain, 4S22 Franklin street. Second theoretical budget, $10; Mrs. F. A. Manaugh, 4107 Lafayette street. , The winner in the contest "Can a Man Marry on $10 per Month will be announced Monday. Because of an unavoidable delay, due to sickness of the teacher hav ing the affair in charge, the Thrift essays from the pupils of the Cen tral High school were not received by the National Thrift committee in time to be judged with the essays from the other high schools of the city. For that reason special prizes will be given the Central High students and the winners will be announced as soon as all the essays can be read. Hears From Family in . Russia for First Time Since Outbreak of War Unable to get in touch with his wife and family in Russia since the outbreak of the war, E..Vak$f 4824 South Twenty-second street, shout ed with jov Thursday when he re ceived a letter from Odessa, port on the Black sea, telling him that all is well. . . . During the war Mr. Vaks tried in every wav to Ret into communi cation with "his family ' through the American cousnl at Petrograd, but to no avail. When 'the armistice was finally signed, he wrote to his cousin in Odessa, enclosing a self-addressed stamped envelope. Today he re ceived that envelope, letter within, postmarked January 20, 1919. Mr. Vaks said he -would try to secure passage to Russia to get his family and bring them with'him to America. ' . . Sugar beets are dug, topped and loaded 4y a new machine operated by a gasoline' vugine . which also moves it over the ground. POLITICAL POT -BOILS MERRILY AMONG OMAHANS Petitions Going Round Despite Fact Primaries Three ' Months Away. The political pot is already boil ing merrily, although tire primaries' are three months away. One of the Itading "indor sports" i these days is signing' petitions.. The to fill the term of the late Justice law provides that judges can be Sedgwick. He will be a candidate placed upou the primary ballot only s for supreme court justice. Police by petition of a percentage of the TudKe Tames Fitzgerald, whose ne- tition is out for nomination as judge voters at the last previous general election.. l his necessitates candi dates, for county judge getting about 2,500 names on their petitions; can didates for district judge about 1,500 names j candidates for supreme judge about 2,500 names and candidates for - municipal judge about 1,200 names. , At least six petitions are already in circulation in Omaha. They ae these: Andrew M. Morrissey J t"r chief justice of the supreme court: George A. Day, recently appointed of the district court; Municipal Judge Robert Patrick, who will run for district jfulge; Municipal Judge Arthur IS. Baldwin, who will be a candidate for re-election; ' County Judge Bryce Crawford, who wiil seek re-election. , 1 Ten men have already filed for state and county offices at the office of Election Commissioner Moor head. Filings must be made before March 20. Sure Relief 6 BlLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief BE LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION SOTS THB PACJ Sf K3 CROWING OMAHA PiJI v.High Grade Stationery One full pound of Highcour Linen Station . ery; 100 sheets, regular standard size; in neat box; regular 59c values. Special 3Qf for Saturday, at - ' Ut. Envelopes to match; 25 In a pack age; 20c value. Special, at 15th and Harney f j D.1973 j aiiiliil:iliiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii;'ii!iiiliil:;i!iiiii!iiiia Soap, Liberty Bonds, Stamps - Stolen From Business Firms Thieves broke into the Comstock- Riha Printing company, 306 South Twelfth street. Thursday and stole $250 worth of Liberty bonds, $100 in cash and $8 worth of Stamps from the safe, which had been left un locked. Entrance to the place was made through the front door, which the thieves pried open. fourteen boxes ot soap were stolen from the Haskins Soap conj pany, Second and Hickory streets, during the night. The thieves broke open a window in the shipping de partment ot the place. Wheel tracks about the place show that they usecf a truck to haul the loot away. Case Against Harry Porche Continued Until Thursday Harry Porche, 2117 Sherman ave nue, charged with being im plicated in the Benson bank robbery on December 31, appeared in police court this morning for preliminary hearing. His case was continued to next Thursday. Porche was released under $10,000 bonds. . "THE PACKARD'? One of America's Finest Pianos A little BaV Grand Packard in a beauti ful Brown Mahog any Case in a little corner of your home -wouldnY that be ideal? MICKELS !5?2i and Harney. D. 1973 May We Show - You One? - Brandeis Stores Main Floor- 15c -North , Saturday's Feature Sale 750 Pairs of Perrin's Sample Gloves For Women Hair Nets Real human hair ; cap and . fringe style; all shades and large sizes; limit of 6 to a customer; very special, each, at 10c Brandeis Stores Main Floor South Regular 3.50 to 5.50 Values IT A There are about 750 pairs of these fashionable gloves attractive and refined in appearance and possessing exceptional wearing quality. There has been a constantly increasing demand, for nov elty ideas in gloves, and this lot includes. many different varieties in one and two-clasp styles. Samples of the Famous "Perrin" make-French ' 'and American Made Materials arl real kid, cape kid and Mocha. There are all sizes, but not eveVy size in each style. Some are slight ly soiled, but they are all wonderful val ues at this extremely low price. Brandeis Stores Main Floor North ft Special Drug and Toilet Offering Liiterine, 7 ounces, 50c value, special, at ' - 39 Dr. Bell's Cough Syrup, the 30c size, special, at ' 23 Lydia Pinkham Vegetable Com pound, 1.25 size, at f)S Nuxated Iron, regular 1.10 val- ue, at 89 1 pt. Witch Hazel, special, 39 Lavoris, 25c Talue, special, 20 uticura Ointment 50c value, special, at 42d S. 5. S. Medicine, 1.10 value, special, at ( - 83 Sloan's Liniment 35c value, spe cial, at 25 Sal Hepatica, 1.20 size, special, at 98 Laxative Cold Tablets, 25c size, special, at 15J Energine Cleaning Fluid, the 30c size, special at, 24 Dioxogen, 75c value, at J)9 nbeco Tooth Paste 50c Size, special, at 39 Djer Kiss Talcum Powder, spe cial, at 23tf Lilac Rose Toilet Soap, 12c val ue, at St El. Rado Depilatory, 60c value, special, at 49 Frottilla, 25c value, at 21 Levy's La Blache Face Powder, 65c value, special, at 546 J and J Talcum Powder, the 25c value, special, at 1G& Toilet and Bath SOAP Saturday we are offering 5c and 7c Soap .' 0 special at, per bar J C We reserve right to limit quan tity told to any one customer. Brandeis Stores Main Floor West Of Unusual ImportanceSaturday's Sale of Fine Blouses 250 Regular $ ,$25 Values At 61 Most of these blouses are samples and over stock from one, of the best makers in New York City. Sizes are 34 to 44 in several at-4 tractive styles. They are perfect in fit and ' the best of workmanship in every detail, em bodying new and authentic style ideas. You (will find that at this price reductions are greater than usual. ' 1 " " There are 250 of these beautiful blouses, in the very best quality of un filled double thread georgette, heavy fine wash satin, and the best of crepe de chine. Materials of Georgette, Satin and Crepe de Chine The satins and crepe de chines are in white only. Georgettes are in white, flesh, beige and navy. They have both the roll and flat collars, and are trimmed with real filet and Irish laces and hand embroidery. Brandeis Stores . . ' Second Floor South. -Home Journal Spring Fashion Book Has hustled itself into print and comes in radiant dress with its pages full of suggestions for the Spring wardrobe. And the woman who is mak ing up her outfit for the an nual trip to the south will find here unlimited suggestions. .The colored plates are so fresh and Springlike in their ex quisite color that you almost catch a whiff of the flowers and pussy willows that these charm ing maids have gathered. The cover is (an inspiration also. Do not fail to purchase a copy when in the store. 25c including a 15c pattern coupon. Brandeis , Stores Pattern Section Main Floor Neckwear at This is a wonderful1ine of plain and lace-trimmed hand embroidered collars and dainty and up-to-date neckwear. Regu larly priced at from 69c to 3.98 ; Saturday, ONE-THIRD OFF ' Satin Suit and Dreta Collar, and collar and cuff sets very popular for the serge dresses; priced at, from 69c to 2.98- special, for Saturday, ONE THIRD OFF. RIBBON REMNANTS This is a high grade ribbon, in short lengths suitable for making bags. Saturday, very special at, per yard, 49 Brandeis Stores Main Floor North, Of Fine Meteor SilkThese Gowns, Envelope Chemise and Bloomers SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SATURDAY. Meteor silk is made of cotton and silk threads, giving the luster of silk and the wearinsr ouality of cotton The mate rial is in plain, polka dot, floral designs and stripes or blocks principally in flesh color. , THE SILK GOWNS with either handkerchief tops of lace, or lace trimmed round necks, a few tailored models all are copies of silk ntodels; C QQ . BLOOMERS With ruffles at the knee, or double shirring of elastic. There is a va riety of pretty patterns, and they are priced at 2.98 trf 3.98 specially priced, at The Envelope Chemise Straight or round cor set cover tops; lace trimmed or hemstitched; satin band tops with touches of embroidery in French knots, in 9 QO garland patterns, Brandeis Stores Third Floor Center Featuring Brandeis' Special Corsets at 113 ' Regular 3.00 Values Made especially for Brandeis Stores. They consist of medium and low bust styles and long hip models. Some have elastic inserts at top and bottom "of corset. They are of pink1 nov elty material and white coutil; sizes 19 to 30. A regular 3.00 value; special, Saturday, $1.75 Discontinued Models Regular 5.00 to Q yjP , 8.50 values, at O.QO Odd lots and broken sizes from our regular v stock, including the Madam Lyra, Bein Jolie, Brandeis Custom model, and Warner's Rustproof model. The materials are pink broche" and white coutil. They include medium, low and topless models. Regular 5.00 to 8.50 values; special for Saturday, at 3.45 Brassieres and Bandeaux Odd lots; lace and embroidery trimmed; front and back closing; some are of dainty pink novelty material; 1.00 values. Special in hMr this sale, at Brandeis Saturday Specials in' Women's Knit ' Underwear WOMEN'S UNION SUITS tn heavy fleece lined cotton; from the regular stock, but slightly soiled; almost all sizes, including some ankle length garments. Regular 2.00 and 2.50 1 1Q values, special, at . . A VESTS AND PANTS for women in wool and wool-mixed material; . in white and gray; very special, at, , I uv per garment WOOL UNION SUITS f3r boys and girls; in gray and white; Muns ing seconds and discon tinued lines from our regular stock; values from. 3.00 to 4.00. Special, O Cfl at Stores Third Floor East Brandeis Slores- VESTS AND PANTS for boys and girls; fleeced lined in bleached and cream. ' These are heavy winter garments, and con sidering the high price of cotton yarns, are exceptional at, KQst ner carment JU . r Third Floor East Vertf Special for SaturdaySale o) 225 Pieces of Cut Glass Regular 4.98 to 6.50 values At 99J 1 Rich cut glass at prices way below usual large pieces, in the famous combination hobnail and daisy " designs'. They ajre finished in Silver gray and very high ly polished. Included in the sale are the following items : . " Large cut glass salad bowls ; Large cut glass square vases , Large cut glass footed fruit bowls Celery trays Flower bowls Sugar and creamer sets Rose bowls Footed comports Tobacco jars v Brandeis Stores Main Floor West. 6 1, FREE Concerts All Day Saturday v . in our sound-proof Vicirola Parlors McCormack at His Best "MACUSHLA" Victor Record 64205, 1.00 Come in and we will gladly, play, for, you any of ! ' the following selections on the - . VIGTROLA . The Kerry' Dance, 74485, 1.50 s t Calling Me Home, 64803, 1.00 ' Venetian Song, 64549, 1.00 v v An Evening Song, 742431.50 Send Me Away With a Smile, 64741, 1.00. ' And 120 other selections to choose from Brandm Stores Main Floor VkVola Dept. - 7 3 ?m ' S l Li! Candy Specials for Saturday Only Chocolate--Menier Chocolate Cream Cherries, the regu lar 80c values; special, for one day1 only, At 49c Chocolate Covered Caramels . Regular 59c values, Saturday, per pound At 39c Brandeis StoresMain Floors-West Sale Saturday of Blooming Primroses At 39c Worth Regularly 75c to 1.00 Nothing beautifies the home and addso much to its cheerfulness as do plants and flowers. These dainty blooming ' primroses will lend that touch of spring which is so pleasing -on these cold and wintry days. They are in the Cut Flower Department, on the main floor specially priced . for Saturday, only 39c . .' . - Brandeis Stores Main Floor West 7 ' ;. 1 4- 255