Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1920, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE; OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920. MUCH INTEREST IN ARMY ESSAYS SHOWN IN OMAHA Publicity Sergeant Expectant of Close Competition for Trip to Washington Among School Children. Sergt. A. C. Rogers, publicity, man ager it the irmy building, who is conducting the school children's rmy essay contest in this district, yesterday declared the indica tions were that thousands of pupils in Omaha schools would become ac tively interested in the national un dertaking to impart information to the public concerning the affairs of the United States army. Fifty-nine awards are to be made in the contest. Among these will be three handsome loving cups and the same number of medals, which will go to the authors of the three best essays. The cups will be trans ferred to the schools honored by 'he successful pupils, and the medals will become the personal property of the successful students. The re mainder of the prizes will be dis tributed among the contest district" into which the country has been divided. This district is made up of Nebraska' and two-thirds of the western section of Iowa. Maj. V. A. Cavenaugh will ap point three judges to determine the three best essays submitted in this district. The papens are to contain not more than 400 words each and will be judged strictly on the basis of originality, expression and sincer ity. The essays of the three successful pupils of this district will be for warded to Washington to be judged with three of the successful contest ants from each of the other 55 dis tricts of the country by Secretary Baker, Generals ershing and March to determine the! national winners, who in addition to the awards will be given a free trip to Washington, where they will meet Secretary Ba ker personally when he awards the prizes. i Fourth Candidate for County Assessor Files For Spring Primaries Sam R. Spratlen, 1716 Dorcas street, filed yesterday in Election Commissioner Moorhead's office, for the democratic nomination for coun ty assessor. He is the eighth candi date to file for nomination to a county office at the primaries in April. Three other of the eight are also candidates tor county as sessor. Building Lot Chief Prize Of List for Market Week One of the prizes for merchants attending the Spring Merchants' Market week here will be a choice building lot located on Florence boulevard, three blocks north of the Prettiest Mile club. Another prize will be a "made in Omaha" one-ton truck, completely equipped.- members of the Mar ket Week committee announced. Numerous other valuable prizes will also be distributed, and as an added incentive for prospective visitors a program of continuous entertain ment is being planned. ' Asks $1,500 for Alleged Blows Received From Conductor Alfred H. Hansen took a Sher man avenue street car on July 9, 1918, and asked the conductor for a transfer. The conductor made no response. Presently he asked again for the transfer to the Carter lake car. Then he said he would wait on the platform of the car until he was given his transfer. "Here is what you are waiting for," said the conductor, and struck Mr. Hansen thrice on the mouth and iaw, so Mr. Hansen alleges in a suit for $1,500 filed in district court yesterday against the street railway company. Former Omaha Auto Dealer Leases Big Winter Resort Word reached Omaha yesterday that. Frank P. Cavanagh, former manager for the Motor company, 2415 Farnara street, had leased, a large winter resort at St. Peters burg. Fla., where he is to feature bathing, automobile and horse rac ing attractions. Mr. Cavanagh left S- t 1 .L. . . 1 uraana several momns ago, wncn the Motor company was dissolved. He was well known among the au tomobile men of the city. Governor of Illinois Says That Government Needs Business Administration Advocates Budget System In Municipal, State and National affairs Declares Taxes Have Strong Bearing: on Prevailing High Costs Praises Omaha as Beautiful and Progressive. Frank O. Lowden, governor of Illinois, visited in Omaha yesterday, as a candidate tor tne repuoucan presidential nomination. I he governor arrived at 8 a. m from Minneapolis, met prominent local republicans in the morning at Hotel tontenelle," delivered a short noonday address at the University club, declined to be interviewed on politics, asserted that Omaha is a beautiful and progressive city, and then departed on an afternoon train for Denver, "I appeal to you that there is no business in Omaha that is so im portant as that of endeavoring to establish a stable government, which we must have if we are to endure, said Governor Lowden, addressing meeting yesterday, noon at the University club. Taxation Must Be Practical. Ihe governor, who is being men tioned in connection with the repub lican presidential nomination, was in troduced by Norris Brown, former United States senator, at originally from Iowa. The guest of honor asserted that taxation has been considered large ly from an academic standpoint, and now it must be considered from the everyday, practical point of view. He stated that there it a prevailing tendency in municipal, ttate and na tional governments to continue cer tain functions of government be yond their periods of usefulness, be cause the persons who have their hands on them manifest a human trait of not being willing to let them go into the discard, where they, belong Ihe governor advocated the bud get system of national, ttate and municipal finances and he urired every community in this country to return to the old-fashioned notion that it must assume the responsibili ty of conserving its own peace, in stead, of calling upon the federal government; that it should maintain its own law and order and thus vindicate its right to telf-govern-ment. Will Operate Forever. "There are certain fundamental laws which obtained before the war, will obtain after the war and will operate forever. It is still true that you can not divide what you do not produce and the safe way to reduce the price of commodities is to pro duce more and consume less. Ihe admonition to live within -your in come applies to individual, state and nation, he said. "Who will doubt but that taxes have affected the high cost of liv ing, due to the fact that taxes ulti mately have been passed on to the consumer? There is no problem to day that does not bear some rela tion to taxation. Taxes are reach ing the point where private initia tive in business is being discouraged. 1 don't care how rich a government may be, there is a point beyond which you can not go without en dangering its prosperity. "It would be interesting to know how many activities of the war are being continued beyond their need, because men who are in control of them will not let them go. The time has come and the necessity is here for modernizing the machinery of our government, so that we won't hear the reproach, 'That is the way the government does business. Direct Relation to Taxation. "Who can doubt that the high cost of living has an intimate bearing upon the general question of un rest?" the governor added. "And so, as I said a moment ago, there is no problem of a domestic nature which confronts the American peo ple today that has not a direct and important relation to the whole question of taxation. "I happened the other day to be upon a train coming out of Wash ington. I met a member of the ap propriations committee of the house on that train. He told me that in 1916, a fact with which you are all familiar, I have no doubt, the appro priations totaled something like $1, 100,000,000. That figure seemed enor mous at that time and it was com mented upon with more or less mis giving as to the future of the coun try. "He also informed me that the re cent book of estimates has been sub mitted to congress and that the total for the next fiscal year is somehing more than $4,800,000,000, or more than four times as much as four years ago. The war has been over for 15 months. It is apparent that this practice that the American peo- A I NDGESTON A "Pape's Diapepsin" instantly relieves Dyspepsia, or a Sour, Acid, Gassy Stomach quick I Sure I Food souring, gas, acidity! Won der what upset your stomach? Well, don't bother The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the lumps of indigestion pain, the sourness, heartburn and belch ing of gases, due to acidity, vanish truly wonderfull Millions of people know that it is needless to be bothered with indi gestion, dyspepsia of a disordered Stomach. A few tablets of Pape's Diapepsin neutralize acidity and give relief at once no waiting! Buy a box of Pape's Diapepsin now! Don't stay miserable! Try to regulate your stomach so you can eat favor ite, foods without causing distress. The cost is so little. The benefits so great. You, too, will be a Dia pepsin enthusiast afterwards. ! PILES--FISTULA-RECTAL DISEASES ! i i I, (Both Acute and Chronic) CURED BY NEW METHOD No Knife, No Et! -. No Chloroform Used. No Sever Surgical Operation. DON'T SUFFER. I DOCTOR F. M. HAHN 401 Paatoa Block. !,T - iinm i 1 "' " ! 11 - i ' ' ? $k . I j 4 m .. , i .Ill I llikll!llWWiroillllffewKW WrrikQ Louden Omaha, Neb. pie have gotten into, of whenever they have expanded the function of government, never to withdraw, even though the emergency is gone, is being reflected in the, appropria tion that is being asked from con gress today." Objects to Interviews. , Accompanying the governor on this trip are: Joseph C. Mason, member of the publicity committee for the Lowden candidacy and also administrative auditor at the Illinois state house; John P. Tracy, chief of staff; E. O. Phillips, political writer of the Chicago Tribune, and John Butnian of the Chicago News. IThe distinguished visitor was met at Union station by M. L. Learned, vice chairman of the state republican central committee; W. F. Gurley and Norris Brown. Among those who called on the governor at Hotel Fontenelle were Luther Drake, Har ry S. Byrne, W. D. McHugh, John N. Baldwin and Harry St. Clair. Governor Lowden asserted that he would rather do anything except give interviews and talk politics. He was asked for an opinion on the ratification of the league of nations treaty and he referred to his recent reply to Senator Borah, when he said he believed the treaty should be ratified with the senate reserva tions. Omaha Has Great Future. The governor's presidential boom was launched November 7 at Spring field, 111., at a meeting of Illinois republicans. The governor, when asked for an interview on his candidacy, national politics, probable issues in the forth coming presidential campaign, and a few other matters of more or less importance, he thought' a minute, as if studying his words, and then he solemnly replied: T wish to state that Omaha is a beautiful and progressive city. I have often heard of Omaha and I know that it has a great future." The purpose of the governor's visit here was to meet those who are in sympathy with his presiden tial candidacy and to discuss plans for the Nebraska campaign. Local headquarters have been opened in the Paxton hotel, with John N. Baldwin in charge. Harry St. Clair has charge of the state publicity work. Sentence to Penitentiary Means Bed in Hospital Perry Whitmore, negro, shook with a bit of coughing as he stood before District. Judge Redick yester day and pleaded guilty to grand lar ceny. "Have you anything to say why sentence of the court should not be proi-ounced upon you?" asked the ludge. "Reckon the' won't no sentence of this co't make much differencevto me, judge," taid Whitmore and then gave way to a spell of coughing. "The law leaves me no course but to sentence you to the state peni tentiary for one to seven years;" said the judge. "There is a hospitalthere and you can get the care you re quire." Whitmore is said to be in an ad vanced stage of tuberculosis. - Oscar Wilson, negro, was also ar raigned by Deputy County Attor ney Kubat and pleaded guilty to re ceiving stolen property. He was sentenced to the penitentiary for one to seven years. Jury In Street Car Damage Suit for $30,000 Discharged Even in civil suits the juries at work in the district courts of this county are now disagreeing. The 12 men who hard the suit of Mrs. Jo. E. Soule against the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany for $.10,000 damages in District Judge Leslie's court was discharged Tuesday evening after deliberating trom i Monday afternoon. Ihey said they were unable even to reach an average of damages for Mrs. Soule. She alleged that a street car struck the automobile in which she and her husband were riding at Eighteenth and Cuminar streets last June and that she was dragged 100 teet, sustaining a fractured skull and ijMudej ta tar light tnj tunas, j Briej City News Have Root Print It Beacon Press Library & Silk Shade Lamps. 25 pet. redu'n. Burgess-Granden Co. Adv. Dr. Mabel Wesson, osteopath, mov- ed to 2U Baird Bldg., X7 & Douglas. Adv. Lowden for President Buttons and literature may be obtained at 118 Paxton Hotel. John N. Baldwin, See'y Lowen Club. Adv. Alleged Forger Paroled Sam George, a native of Oreece, waa pa roled for two years to the adult pro bation officer yesterday by District Judge Redick. He was charged with uttering a forged check at the store of the Pease-Black company. Temple Israel Services Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer of Des Moines will occupy Rabbi Frederick Conn's pulpit at Temple Israel Friday night. Following the services there will be a reception for Rabbi Mannheimer. The visiting rabbi also will preach saturaay morning. Ak-Sar-Ben Election J. E. David son, A. P. Gutou and W. R. Wood. members of the Ak-Sar-Ben board of governors, whose terms expire, this montn, are up lor re-election for an other term. A mail vote is being oast and results will be made public on ueoruary 1. Church Mortgage Paid Off The $800 mortgage held by the Allen Fil ter Service company aprainst the I. D, Peoples' Mission church, Twenty sixth and Franklin streets, of which Rev. A. Wagner is pastor, is paid off. The only people the congrega tion has to deal with now is the Prudential Savings and Loan asso clRtion of Omaha. Have Plenty of Men Word was received at the Army building here that no more students of telegraph, telephone or radio engineering, mo tor vehicles, motor mechanics, gas engineering and other subjects would be admitted to the school at Camp Vail, N. J., for the present. This is due to the fact, it was aald that the school has been taxed to its capacity by men who have enlisted for signal corps duty. Mrs. Josepliine Carlisle Dies Mrs. Josephine Carlisle, 68 years old. 1901 California street, died at the Ford hospital Tuesday after a year's ill ness. She had lived in Omaha 35 years. She Is survived by her hus band, one son, three sisters and two brothers. Funeral services will be held at Heafley & Heafley's chapel at 2 p. m. Friday. Burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. Held on Drug Charge Birdie Er win, 2702 Corby street, negro, who was arrested Tuesday by Internal Revenue Officer Russell Eberstein and charged with violation of the Harrison drug act, will be arraigned Monday morning before the United States commissioner. The woman is alleged to have sold one-eighth of an ounce of cocaine for S25. She was taken to the police station and later released, on a $500 cash bond Stockholders' Annual Meeting At the annual meeting of tne stockhold ers of the American Live Stock in surance Co. Tuesday afternoon, the following directors and officers were re-elected: Charles F. Schwager, president; R. B. Zachary, secretary; G. B. Dyball, vice president; Alvin Lydick of Oakland, A. L. Haecker of Lincoln, Hugo Hieber of underwood la., and Paul Karo of Lyons, direc tors. Death of Ncls Jensen Nels Jen sen, 47 years old, 957 South Forty ninth avenue, died of pneumonia at the St. Josephs hospital Sunday night. He was an employe of the Lininger Implement company and had resided in Omaha for 30 years. DYSPEPSIA AND BUSINESS They Don't Hitch' To Be Fit and Yet Eat What You Like. Follow Your Meals With Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab , lets. No Gas, Sourness, Nor Heaviness of Indigestion. Business men and women are apt to fall for the peculiar theories ad vanced by food faddists. But it isn't what you eat, but what you digest ana assimilate, that should command thought and attention. You may eat fried eggs, sausage, ham or bacon for breakfast, and feel tip-top at lunch time if you follow the meal with a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. Or if your stomach is full of gas, sour or hay a gnawing sensation of heaviness instead of the keen sense of appetite. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets relieve these distresses and in troduce you to the next meal or a day's work with a auiet, rrstful stomach. Many physicians prescribe these tablets for indigestion, dyspepsia and other digestive disorders, as they contain harmless properties that work with an alkaline effect just as the stomach does when in perfect health. They are particu larly adapted for business men and women, who are often called upon to discuss important business mat ters at a luncheon or dinner. Get a 50-cent box of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets at any drug store, eat all you want of what you like with no gassy stomach, no sour, belching, bilious distress, no coated tongue nor heavy, drowsv feeling after eating. ' I'm just about to tell, the (gpperleacl is known as See to morrow's papers. CADOMENE GOOD FOR OLD PEOPLE Read This Voluntary Letter. The Blackburn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio: Dear Sirs: I just bought an other tube of Cadomene Tablets. My wife and I have used one tube and find them as you state. They have made my wife a whole lot better, as she was so cross from being so nervous and run down. They have helped mo, too, as I was so nervous and Ir ritable and unable to sleep. We are both getting well along In years, although we do not feel old since taking Cadomene -Tablets. They surely made us feel like new people, all right, etc. Yours respectfully, Hugh Kelsoe, 219 E. Broadway, Muskogee, Ok la. Cadomene Tablets is the best medicine for nervous, run down systems. Sold by druggists t everywhere. Adv. i WMmMMMMMaMMAMMWS He Is survived by his sister. Miss Hanna Jensen, of the same address. Funeral services will be held at the Jackson Undertaking parlors at 3:30 p. m. Thursday. Burial will be in the West Lawn cemetery. ' Want Xairtes Changed Sotorlos Antonlos Macheras and his wife, Frlda Almeda Macheras petitioned the district court yesterday to change their name to M aches. Mr. Macheras is a prosperous candy mer chant. When he came to the United States, he says, he found that his Greek name was not easily pro nounced. So he adopted the name of William A. Macheras and later changed his last name to Maches. He now asks to have his name ; changed legally to William Anthony! Maches. ' Sues for Injuries Harry Budatz, 23 years old, a mechanic who for-1 merly worked for the Universal Mo-1 tor company, 2563 Leavenworth street, filed suit in district court against J. W. Griffith for I3M39 damages. He alleges that Mr. Griffith drove his Ford sedan tn to tho shop of the Universal Motor company on September 11. 1919, with such force that It struck a truck which was standing In the shop and propelled It against Mr. Budatz, pinning him against the tiench at which he was working. He was In the hospital for a long time and suffered permanent injuries, h says. y - British experimenters have suc ceeded in dyeing woolens with pri vet, bracken, grose and other com mon plants, and even with chimney soot, which produces an old fold tint. 'ir URGES nash mmm. everybody!! store" (Q Continues for Thursday j Today We Cele brate the Birthday of "Stonewall" Jackson This great American general was one of the most unique and romantio 'aracters of the civil war, and he t.jwded Into his two years of serv ice more brilliant achievements, which won him wider fame, than any other soldier on either side. "Stonewall' Jackson's successful career was largely due to the motto which he adopt "You may be whatever you resolve to be." - A motto that everyone would do well to adopt We hare resolved to be of the "greatest service to the greatest num ber," and we carefully study our pub lic to find out their wants, and then, through practically every source of the world's supply, we gather mer chandise of the most dependable qual ities and have it here, properly priced, ready for their selection. By following this motto we hope to achieve greater things, so that our friends and patrons" will continue to give us their confidence and good-will as they have in the past. A Sale of Unusual Interest to Thrifty Women Thursday in the Downstairs Store Women 's Boots $2. 95 About 300 pairs of women's novelty boots in solid and two-toned effects, high and low heels considerable less than ylfvv one-half pries. Broken sizes and some sliffhtly imperfect ft. II Ji Infants Shoes 98c Odd lot of Infants' and childrens' black and novelty hand turned button shoes. Sizes 2 to 5 and 6 to 8. Boy Scout Shoes $2.48 Boys' brown leather scout shoes shoes that will give real wear. 2 to 5'i Wonderful values. Women's Shoes $4.95 161 pairs of women's high-grade lace boots low and high heels. Odds and ends of the season's best selling boots broken sizes at about original price Felt Slippers 69c Odd lot of women's and children's felt slippers some slightly soiled, most ly small sizes. Choice 69c House Slippers , $1.98 Women's black vicl, one strap house slippers; low heel, flexible sole. Sizes 4 to 9. Very special Choice $1.98 Downstairs Slora nn Mrt Opportune Time for Thrifty Women to Secure Needed Sale of Men's Sample Hose The values are so extreme that men will want to lay in a supply for the future as well as their present needs. At 23c Includes cotton, lisle hose in all col ors and sizes, 9 to 114. Special, 23c At 35c Silk lisle and mercerized lisle hose in fancy and plain colors, sizes 914 to 114. 35e. At 45c Consists of fiber silk, mercerized and fancy lisle. Extra value, 45c At 75c Assortmentof pure silk in all col ors and sizes, 94 to 11, 75o. Mnln Floor. Notions Inside belting, black or white, 10cyard. Hooks and eyes, black or white, all sizes, 7'Ac 1 Steel pins, 300 count, 3 pkgs., 10c Safety pin cabinets, 6 dozen in box, 60c. Three-cord sewing thread, white only, 3 spools, 10c. Flute wash braid, all colors, 3-yd. bolts, 5c. Three-yard bolts twill tape, 5c x String shopping bags, 19c each. Best quality all elastic sanitary belts, .medium .and large sizes, 35c each. Black sleeve protectors, 35c pair. Sanitary aprons, 39c each. Silkine crochet cotton, all colors, 3 balls, 25c. Slip-on dress shields, 39c pair. Children's large size "Velvet Grip" hose supporters, 19c and 25c pair. Wire hairpin cabinets, 10c each. Shoe shining outfits, 39c set "Hoid Tight" hair wavers, 10c pkg. Sample buttons for coats, 2c each. Main Floor 1 Girls1 Winter Coats That Are Very Attractively Priced at $10.00 and $19.50 Mothers will find much to interest them in this sale of winter coats for girls. This assortment includes all the coats from our reg ular stock, and in these two groups may be found such materials as t Kersey, Pompom Cloth and Silvertone Many o these coats are lined and interlined through out. Some have fur collars and others have collars of self material, but all are a wonderful value. Second Floor If Your Home Needs New Draperies take advantage of an Anniver sary sale of beautiful draperies, which include cretonne, damask, velvet, repps, denims, burlaps, silks, voiles, etc., and every price has been reduced. Off . Regular Price Third Floor Every Home Needs Extra Breakfast Sets There are two Anniversary specials in breakfast sets at prices unusually low. Anticipate your future needs. Breakfast Set, $10.95 42-piece American semi porcelain decorated break fast sets, neat plain shapes, pretty floral and gold deco rations; service for 6 the set, $10.95. Dinner Set, $12.95 56-piece decorated Amer ican semi-porcelain liKriM sets ; plain or fancy shapes. Gold and floral decorations ; service for 6; the set, $12.95. TUMBLERS, 6 FOB 69c Thin-blown, needle-etched table tumblers; specially priced at 6 for 69c. Drugs and Toilet Articles One pound roll Hospital cot ton, 59c. Hinkle pills, 100 in bottle, 19e. Four-pound bar BocabellJ Castile Soap, $1.89. Floating Rose bath soap, c bar. Ideal hair brushes. No. M, $1.89. Herpicide medium si Be, tte. Wood back pure bristle hair brushes, 25c. Sayman's soap, 12o eafce, Amaml shampoo, te, Djer Kiss Talcum, 24c Main Ftoor. Third Floor. Mothers! Take Advantage of This Clearance Sale of Boys' and Juniors Overcoats at V2 Price The sale that all mothers have been lookfng forward to as the arrest est opportunity of the entire season to purchase the boy or Junior an overcoat. Every coat In our entire stock has been placed on sale at 4 their original price. Variety of Patterns Wonderful Value Late Models Sizes 2 to 14 Tears Prices Range From $7.50 to $19.75 A Sale of Interest to Thrifty Motheri BOYS' SUITS, $8.85 Wool mixed suits, many having two pairs of pants; a large assort ment of patterns and styles. Ages 6 to 17 years. Very special at $8.85. Fourth Floor