Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1920, Image 4

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    , , .ft
Man Arrested In Grand Island
Accused of , Selling Poison
as Beverage Peculiar 7
Wine Sickens Omahan.
Erbie Tuttle, who was arrested in
Grand Island, Neb., by W. H. Wil
son, internal revenue agent, and
charged with selling denatured al-
cohol as a beverage, will be. ar-
raigned here within the next few
days before the United States com
missioner, Frank A. Peterson, "as
sistant federal district attorney, de
clared yesterday.
Mr. Wilson, who apprehended the
man after he had disposed of about
. two gallons of the stuff, he asserted,
. arriyed in Omaha yesterday. He
refused to reveal the names of the
persons to whom Tuttle is alleged
to have sold, for the reason, he sad,
he promised the victims not to
make known their identity upon
'. their agreement to assist in the
Offered to Drink Sample.
Mr. Wilson declared he first hard
of the affair through a physician
who' attended one of the persons
who drank the concoction, which is
said to be composed of wood aico
hol and water. The victim's eyes
atmost immediately were affected, it
was said, and for a lime it was fear
ed he would lose his sight. The pa
;tient was compelled -to 'Walk the
streets all night to avoid death.
Tuttle is alleged to have purchased
, four , gallons of denatured alcohol
from a Grand Island druggist, who is
said to have identified the man to
whom h sold" as Tuttle. According
to Mr. Wilson, the man had two gal
lons of the liquor in his room at the
time of his arrest. Tuttle is said to
ihave paid $1.50 a gallon for the stuff
Just Yellow Mustard
for Backache, Lumbago
Grandmother's old mussy mustard
i' plaster or poultice generally brought
' - relief alright even in the
severest cases, but it
burned and blistered
like blazes. i
"Heat taita
1 pain," reduces the
inflammation and
scatters- conges
tion but you'll
find that while
B e gy'fl Mustar
ine, made of true
yellow mustard
and qther destroyers is Just as hot
as the old-fashioned plaster it is
much quicker, cleaner and more ef
fective and cannot blister.
It's a great external remedy Just
rub It on wherever aches, pains, In
flammation, congestion or swelling
exists and In a very few minutes the
relief you have longed for surely ar
rives because "Heat eases pain."
80 and fiO -cents.
and was selling it for $16 a quart.
After he was locked in Jail .lie
prisoner is said to Jiave offered to
drink a pint of the liquor if it were
given him. He insisted it was harm
less. Omahan Found Affected.
A concoction of various home
made wines caused the illness of
Earl Ferguson, 709H North Eight
eenth street, Monday night, he told
police. v
Ferguson was found lying in a
semi-conscious condition on the
sidewalk near Sixteenth and Cali
fornia streets. Police were called
and took him to Lis home. A po
lLe surgeon revived him.
Ferguson, said he bought a small
bottle of the liquid from an Italian.
There was not enough of the liquid
left in the bottle to make an analysis
of the stuff, doctors said.
Jefferis Invited to
Address New York .
Garment Retailers
- .
Washington, Jan. 20. - (Special
Telegram.) Congressman Jefferis.
whose bill to repeal the luxury and
excise taxes and substitute a tax on
manufacturers, has attracted much
notice, has been invited to address
the National Garment Retailers' as
sociation at their convention in New
York, February . 3. The invitation
was extended by a delegation of re
tailers, consisting of Franklin Simon
of New York, P. A. O'Connell of
Boston, and J. B. Shea of Pitts
burgh. , ' .
In the absence of Congressman
Jefferis, who is inspecting govern
ment plants in South Carolina, the
invitation "was received by John B.
Shanahan, his secretary. It is prob
able the invitation will be accepted.
Seven File as Candidates
For County Primaries
even men have filed notice in the
ofhee of Election Commissioner
Moorhead(that they will, be candi
dates for county offices at the April
primaries. Three of these are for
county assessor, as follows: Harry
G. Counsman, present chief deputy
assessor, republican; Charles L.
Peklo, an employe of te assessor's
office, democrat; A. C. Harte, ior
mer city commissioner.
James Allan, a member of the state
legislature, has filed for county com
missioner on the republican ticket.
L. N. Bnnce will seek the republican
nomination for justice of the peace.
A. P. Lillis will try for the republican
nomination for public defender.
; Robert Smith , has filed for the
republican nomination for clerk of
the district court the office which he
now, holds.
Cousins Leave for Colorado
To Secure Marriage License
'Expecting to be allowed to wed
in Colorado, Frances Valenti and
her common law husband, Sebas
tiano Anzaloni, left yesterday for
Denver with a special dispensation
frorri Archbishop Harty to sanction
their marriage in the eyes of the
Catholic church. Frances, who is
only 14 years old, had been living
with Sebastiano, who is 24. They
were in juvenile court last Saturday
and the girl was sent to the deten
tion home. Besides the youth of the
girl the act that they are first
cousins is a bar to marriage in this
state. 1 ...
Free Lectures for Non-Catholics
St. Cecilia's Cathedral
701 North 40th St. Omaha, Neb.
From Sunday, January 25, to Sunday, February 8, 1920
y :
The Rev. Ber brand L. Conway and
The Rev. JohnE. Burke
The purpose of these lectures is to explain the doctrines of the
Catholic Church to all seekers of the truth, and to answer in a kindly
manner all their difficulties.
Question Box: Questions deposited in the Question Box at the
door of the church will be answered the following evening.
Sunday, January 25, 11 A. M. "The Church's Divine Mission."
Sunday, January 25, 8 P. M. ''What Think You of Christ?"
Monday, January 26, 8 P. M.-"Reason and Faith."
Tuesday, January 27, 8 P, M. ''Is One Church as Good as
Wednesday, January.28, 8 P. M.- "The Kingdom of God."
Thursday, January 29, 8 P. M. "The Church and the Bible.".
'Friday, January 30, 8 P. M. "The Papacy."
Sunday, February 1, 11 A. M. "Church Unity."
Sunday. February .1, 8 P. M. "Religion in Spirit and in
Truth." ' A .
Monday, February 28 P. M. "Confession of Sins to a
Tuesday, February S, 8 P. M. "The Holy Eucharist."
Wednesday, February 4, 8 P. M. "After Death What!"
Thursday, February 5, 8 P. M. "Marriage and Divorce."
Friday, February 6, 8 P. M. "The "Church and Intellectual
' Sundayj February 8, 11 A. M. "It Is the Mass that Matters."
Sunday, February 8, 8 P. M. "Why I Am a Catholic."
Good Reliable Shoes
Cost Least in the Long Run
M6re and more people have stopped "look
ing around" for cut-price shoe stores. They
have found that "Bargain
Shoes thus sold as a regular
policy cdst less per pair, but
cost far more per year.
Most everybody In Omaha has
found out that Fry Shoes, at their
year - m - year - out
prices, are the most
economical because
of their year-in-year-out
quality. . .
Fry Qualities are rigidly
maintained and Fry
. prices arc always mod
i erat and reasonable be
cause of intelligent
16th and Douglas4
Sir Oliver Lodge And Wife
f V - MX .... 1 t
u 1 II
Siar Olivet 5t.nd i'ady hodge
This photograph of Sir Oliver and Lady Lodge was taken on the
liner Lapland which arrived at New York recentty. Sir Oliver is in
America to lecture on spiritualism and scientific subjects. He will visit
many of the principal cities of the country.
Nebraska Woman's Enviable
Record In Library War Work
From Tedious Duties Along Mexican Border, Harriet
Long of Madison 'was Sent to A. E. F. University
At Beaune, France Later In Charge of Occupied
Area In Germany.
New York, Jan. 20. (Special.)
A Nebraska woman, Miss Harriet
Long, now at her home in Madison,
Neb., is declared by the American
Library association to have made a
remarkable record in the library war
work' for the army. Miss Long,
who recently returned to America
after almost a year of overseas
service, served in several widely
separated fields and achieved dis
tinction in each. .
After a period of arduous service
on the Mexican .border, she was
sent overseas by the American Li-1
brary association, to become as-1
sistant librarian at the "Doughboy
university" run for the A. E. F.
men at Beaune, France. Last June,
when demobilization resulted in the
closing of the university, she was
sent to Coblenz. There she was at j
first assistant and later librarian in
charge of the Coblenz library, the
headquarters for the service of the
American Library association to the
entire occupied area. Miss Long
was on post at the Coblenz library
from June until December, 1919,
when she yielded to the call of
home, and secured her release from
her long- period of duty.
On the Mexican Border.
' Early in 1918, Miss Long left her
work as librarian of the Brumback
library, Van Wert, O., to enter the
library war service. Her first as
signment was on. the Mexican bor- ;
der organizing a library system to
satisfy the reading demands of the
federal troops engaged in the bor
der patrol. She established head
quarters at San Antonio. About the
time Foch was planning" the great
offensive that materialized in mid
summer, 1918, Miss Long was tour
ing the military posts of the
Brownsville district along the Rio
Grande, trying with the aid of
books to ease the lot of regular
army soldiers unfortunate enough
to be sent to the border when there
was a real fight overseas.
Little was heard of Mexican bor
der troubles during the war, and the
sad lot of these soldiers.ymarooned
at hot, sandy outposts has almost
escaped note. On her first trip up
the Rio Grande, through desert
country, Miss Long found y some
members of, the army detail at
Point Isabel, a "jumping-off place"
who had been there for two years
without reading matter or recrea
tion. "Sand and mesquite are scarcely
adequate to keep one's sonl from
starvation, and yet that has been
their daily diet," she wrote.
900 Readers At All Hours.
Miss Long won the support of
Colonel Slocum, commanding Fort,
Brown, the headquarters of the
Brownsville district, and with his
helpful co-operation managed to fjp t
books to every post in the district.
Her work effectively removed the
condition which had led troops dur
ing the Mexican border trouble of
1916 to follow railroad tracks in the
hope of finding reading matter
dropped from passing trains.
Overseas - at "Beaune university,
Miss' Long came into intimate ac
quaintance with - the unique and
thoroughly . American educational
experiment. Here the .soldiers on
leave from their outfit studied busi-,
ness and technical courses, law,
medicine, music, engineering, letters
and many other subjects. The li
brary, comprising 30,000 volumes,
was in charge of L. L. Dickerson,
librarian of Grinnell college, Iowa.
Without the library, the univer
sity could not have undertaken its
task. In it could be found 900 read
ers and students at practically any
time during the day from 8 in the
morning until 9 in the evening. Miss
Long's work here was so valuable
that when demobilization closed the
university and the occupied area of
Germany became the chief zone of,
operations, her designation for this
work was immediate.
"Loving Her Husband" Given
As Occupation for Census
,,The ennui of the day's work yes
terday in the office of John H. Hop
kins, census supervisor, was broken
when he received an individual
enumeration slip from Mr. and Mrs.
Abe Greenstein who are on their
honeymoon, according to informal
tion given by the newlyweds.
On the line "trade or occupation,"
Mrs. Greenstein wrote", "loving her
husband." She gave her address as
1337 Park avenue. .
Bee Building Company
Holds Annual Meeting
The Bee Building company held
its annual meeting yesterday and re
elected officers as follows: Victor1
Rosewater, president: M. B. New
man.'vice president; N. P. Feil, sec
retary and treasurer. F. L. Haller
and H. A. Haskell were elected ad
ditional directors.
To Heal
A Cough
35o par Bottle
Nebraska Association Opposes
Repeal of Mixed Flour
-Joeggi Elepted
Members of the Nebraska Millers'
association passed a resolution en
dorsing Herbert Hoover, shoul he
become a candidate for the presi
dency, at their annual meeting at
the Chamber of Commerce yester
day. In another resolution the associa
tion opposed the "state monopoly
on casualty insurance," and appoint
ed a committee vof three to meet with
the industrial relations committee at
Lincoln to state their reasons for
opposing it.
'Oppose Flour Law Repeal.
Continuance of weekly reports to
millers, instituted by big Omaha
grain corporations, was asked. The
association. opposed the repeal of the
mixed flour law.
Paul Jaeggi of Columbus, Neb.
was elected president of the associa
tion for the coming year; J. N. Mc
Cartney, vice president, and W. H.
Yoke treasurer. J. N. Campbell was
re-elected secretary.
Charles T. Neal, second vice presi
dent of the United States Grain cor
poration, reviewed the history of the
grain corporation, and quoted statis
tics ; to show that wheat exports
during 1919 were larger than during
any previous year. There should
have been plenty left in this coun
try, however, and any difficulty in
securing wheat here resulted from a
shortage of cars for its transporta
tion, and not a shortage of supply,
he declared.
The morning session of the asso
ciation was devoted to the ap
pointment of committees on reso
lutions and nominations, and the re
port of the secretary, J. N. Campbell,
of Onwha.
Association Growing.
Mr. Campbell in his report called
attention to the growth of the
millers' association, stating that
members now produced 75 per cent
of the flour milled in the state." He
mentioned the sale of "soft wlieat
straight" flour at $1.60 for one-eighth
of a barrel by the United States
Grain corporation, but asserted that
so far the sale of this grade of flour
has had little effect on the miller's
business in Nebraska. (
. "The grade of flour produced from-
Cover that itelilnff kln disorder with
Poslam now you have real relief and
your skin is being: urged through the
most persuasive healing influence to throw
off its diseased condition, to yield and
become clear again.
' Splendid response is the rule when
Poslam is used for eczema, however stub
born, acne, pimples, scalp-scale, herpes,
all itching troubles, inflammation, undue
redness of nose or complexion.
Sold everywhere. For free sample write
to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th
St.. New York City . j
Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam,
should be used if skin is tender and sen
sitive. V ,
Half a century breaking colds
is behind Dr. King's
' New Discovery
FROM the little tots to grandma,
every one in the family can use
this fifty - years - the - standard
remedy in perfect safety and con
fident of beneficial results.
Incessant coughing, disagreeable
grippe, stubborn cold promptly
checked,, the phlegm dissipated, the
congestion loosened.
Same high quality toda.v as al
ways, Dr. King's New Discovery lives
up to its time-tested reputation.
60c. and 1.20 a bottle.
The Results of Constipation
are sick headaches, biliousness, ner
vousness, sallow skin, waste matter
in the body. Correct this under
mining evil uith Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Feel good every day.
Keep the system cleansed. 25c. a
; The conservation of time and energy is 1
I . "THRIFT" i
I Modern office equipment saves both so that the price of the ?
equipment often figures but a fraction of the saving. "
A at.. .
Double and Single !
Flat Top Desks
, in genuine quartered oak of substantial, reliable , i
construction, with dovetailed birch interiors. ?
60-inch double flat top desks, arranged for two peo-
pie with drawer space on CQC Ail
both sides pO J.UU
60-inch single flat top desks $51.00 I
PHONE TYLER. 3000 -t-
Department of Office Furniture. f
soft wheat is' entirely different thai:
that made from hard wheat flour,"
he said. 'The public is not used Jo
the cheaper grade and it will not sell
in large quantities. We must charge
$2 for an eighth barrel of the hard
wheat flour, but most people are
willing to pay it. We do not an
ticipate much, competition from the
United States Grain corporation."
The members of the association
were guests of the Betnis Bag com
pany at a luncheon at the Chamber
of Commerce at noon.
Cinema Actors Fined $10 in
Court for "PanhanrJIing"
Two alleged vagrants, giving their
names as George Greeley and Tames
Devine, both of Milwaukee, Wis.,
told Police Judge Fitzgerald in Cen
tral police court that movie acting
their profession, ihey a ere
fined $10 and costs each. They were
arrested while "panhandling 6n
lower Douglas street.
Sum Represents Figures Sub
mitted to Arbitrators in Street
Car Wage Dispute.
Denver, Colo., Jan. 20. It costs
$2,324 a year to support a family of
five in Denver, according to figures
subletted to the board of arbitrators
seekir1 tf. end the wage dispute be
tween t!ie Denver Tramway com
pany and its employes. I
The mctormen and conductors are
getting 48 cents an hour and have
demanded an increase to 70 cents an
hour. The company insists that it
cannot srp.nt any iiHve.Tc undc the
6 cent fare now in vogue
The following bm!;T'.i, along with
statistic from the-United plates tiu
reau o,? labor, was introduced by A1
tomey Wayne C. Williams, repre
senting the tramway employes:
Groceries, mcaf, fish, milk, $877.4.
'Housing, light and gas, $336.
Clothing (man), $120.
Clothing (woman) $128.
Clothing (boy 9 years), $R8.
Clothing (girl 3 year), $50. .
Clothin? (boy 7 years), $79.
Fuel, $50. , , -
(Sickness (doctor, dentist, oculist),
Education, $25.
Household equipment. $75.
Insurance, $40.
Savings, 5100.
Miscellaneous, $52. .
Recreation. $52. '
LodgM (union, fraternal, train
way), $36. ,-;
Laundry, $31 . ; . ;
An Italian has invented a nine
cylinder rotary motor for airplanes
with connecting rods working in
ball and socket joints and with a
tilted disk serving as a crank shaft.
In Co-operation With
The Omaha Thrift
Campaign Week
We Announce
A Group of Thrift Window Displays
from the
' Annex Specialty Shops v
Benson & Thornt Bastmtnt
Thrift in buying means careful- management o your monthly budget ; it
means buying when and where you can secure the best values for the amount
you have to spend.
The Annex Specialty Shops
1 at all times will prove a real foundation for big savings to
the thrifty buyers of this community affording economies ,
every time a' purchase is made. ,
Offering, on a dollar for dollar basis, the best values, the closest to mar
gin prices, the highest grade qualities, the best -wearing apparel you can buy
helping you to stretch your budget to the utmost
Benson &H5ffbme
' "The Store of Specialty Shops'
1 Mn. ; : - I
J Buildup SLoanAssU
I Dank or Savings 1
Start One Today,
Tomorrbw, or
Any Other Day.
.Then keep it going. Think of
it as-YOUR "Home. Fund."
Pretty soon, you'll be thinking
of it as YOUR HOME.
The growth of your "Home
, Fund" will be the growth of
your HOME.
In a surprisingly short time,
your "Home Fund" will become
the initial payment in building'
or buying a home
Any amount will start a "Home
, Fund" in any bank or building
and loan association.
If - you now own a home, and .
need something else to make it
secure, such as fire or tornado
insurance, a "Hoine Fund" may
be used for that purpose.
A "Home Fund" will draw in
terest just 9 any other savings
account It can be withdrawn
under the same rules that gov
ern any other savings account.