Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1920, Page 2, Image 2
- THE BEE : - OMAHA'; WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1920. MAYO AT ISSUE WITH SIMS IN MAW A I DiniVIID liHlHL ULUIiUI Disagrees on Two Leading Controverted Points in Disputes Over Awards -For War Service. ( Washington, Jan. 20. Direct issue with Rear Admiral William S. Sims on .the two leading controverted points in the naval decorations dis pute was taken today by Rear Ad miral Henry T. Mayo, wartime com mander of the United States fleet, in testimony before the senate subcom mittee investigating the medal award controversy. Reading his letter to Secretary Daniels, giving his views on the dec oration awards, which views he said were not presented as a protest, Ad miral Mayo first disagreed with Ad miral Sims as to, the relative Im portance of sea and shore duty. Ad miral Mayo explained to the com mittee that he wrote to Secretary T)amif . Kranc h Hid nrifr hplipv the Knight board of awards or Mr. Daniels had given sufficient consid eration to the importance of the du ties performed by officers who served at sea with the Atlantic fleet. Admiral Sims, in his testimony and also. in his letter to Secretary Daniels,- declining the Distinguished Service Medal, contended that too much importance was attached to the services of officers who served af sea as compared with those who administered important posts , on shore. Award of Medals. , The second point on which Ad miral Mayo differed with Admiral Sims was the question of the award of medals to the commanding of ficers of ships sunk or seriously damaged by torpedo attack or mines. While stating that a broad general policy along that line would not be a good thing for the service, Ad miral Mayo declared that in cases where the commanding officers' con duct, was of an especially meritorious character proper reward should be given. Admiral Mayo approved with out qualification the action of the Knight board and Secretary Daniels in awarding Distinguished Service Medals to Captain Christy of the cruiser San Diego, sunk by a mine, and ;Comrnander P. W. Foote, of the transport President Lincoln, sunk by a torpedo. Admiral Sims severe ly criticised the action of Secretary Daniels in insisting on the awards to the commanding officers of ships sunk by the enemy. .Considerable Discussion. The naval award controversy late in the day reached the floor of the senate through presentation of a res olution by Chairman Hale of the subcommittee to authorize employ ment of counsel and a clerical force to aid in the investigation. Al though final action was prevented by absence of a quorum, there was considerable discussion, Senators Thomas, Colorado; King, .Utah, and I'helart, California, democrats ques tioning the necessity of counsel. Chajttuan Half fii reply said the res olution had -"been approved . unanl-, mousjy, by the subcommittee and Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, re publican leader, supporting the res olution, said the charges made by Admiral Sims had made the investi gation virtually art inquiry into the conduct of the war by the navy. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt announced appointment of Rear Admiral Herbert O. Dunn, commandant of the first naval dis trict; Capt. J. F. Hines, Capt D. E. Theleen and Ensign Henry E. Hyne man, Judge advocate as a board to investigate charges of immorality in the navy. ' j Sirns Given Ovation. Mmr Vnrlr Tan 2CI Rmt Arlmirsl William S. Sims was given an ova tion by several hundred of his broth- Governor Lowden of Illinois to Speak at," University Club Today J i - t 'i Ooviiwcne Frank O. Lowden, governor of Illinois, will be in Omaha today from 7:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., speak ing at the University club at noon and meeting members of the Frank O. Lowden for President club mt Hotel Fontenelle. i Norris Brown, former United States senator, who arranged the University club function, will .in troduce the governor at luncheon'. Officers of the local Lowden club are Hugh A. Myers, acting presi dents John N. Baldwin, secretary; Norris Brown, chairman of execu tive committee; W. F. Gurley, chair man of campaign committee; Carl E. Herring, first vice president. C F. McGrew, president, is out of the city. Harry St. Clair is chairman of the state executive committee. Price i tor Suits - l and Coats New winter stvles in V the colors and combi- . P nations. moff on Skirts, dresses, Blouses ; Offers unusual op portunities for effec tive saving. Consider in? our usual low ; prices, present reduc tion brines . them he. 'low present wholesale 3; market prices. ' st . &j m m - lav Smart Wear V)OKtetz 16th and FamairTSts. er officers, of the army and riavy when it was annqunced at a banquet tendered to. general officer.s of the army and flag officers of the navy, that Admiral Sims, one of the guests of honor, would "in view of recent happenings" answer any questions which were put to him at the close of his address. The admiral said there were "two distinct rows" on at present, one over medals and the. other over his criticism. He declared the impres sion was that he is the aggressor, but having had some historical and practical knowledge of decorations he saw "this trouble" coming for some time and tried to avoid it. His criticism, he contended was, not an act of insubordination.. - , Supreme Council Will Send 200,000 Men to Fight Reds in Caucasus London, Jan. 21. A dispatch to the Central News from Paris says the forces the supreme council will send to oppose the bolsheviki in the Caucasus are expected to number ZUU.UUO. . The correspondent adds, it is re ported that there is a serious com munist uprising in Bessarabia and disturbances in -Sofia; f, Counsel for Socialists Gives Solemn Warning (Conlluned From Par On.l 7 to 4, the New York Bar associa tion "committee, headed by Charles fc.. Mugher, from independent par ticipation in the proceedings, after which the committee, submitting a brier opposing.the assembly s action in -suspending the socialists, withdrew. The delegates made it plain that they did not represent the socialists, but the "public interest." Then L. M.Martin, chairman of the judiciary committee; read a state ment assuring the defendants that they will. 'receive fair play" and "the case is not prejudged," 'and that the committee desired to express its un derstanding "of matters that are to be brought up for consideration." Engaged in Conspiracy.' These included "claims" that the defendants were "members of a fiar ty or society whose doctrines de manded the complete destruction of our form of government by the fomentation of social unrest and the bringing into play of force and violence," and that they "are en gaged with others in a large, well organized conspiracy" to weaken the family tie, destroy the influence of the church and overturn the whole fabric of a constitutional form of government , Mr. Hilquit challenged the as sertion that the case, was not pre judged and made three motions, two of which were denied. The committee reserved decision on the motion which provided for dismissal of the proceedings as il legal and unwarranted. Jugo-Slavs' Stand , Precipitates Crisis Continued From Page One.) that a settlement of the controversy was neaf and declared he did not fear interference from the United States., "My relations with President Wil son," he said, "have always been very friendly. America desires peace as much as the European na tions and thus cannot leave the Adriatic question unsettled when three great powers are in agree ment, "Italy is willing to abide by the decision of the supreme council. The Adriatic question will be settled through Paris. But if Italy can, help the work cf the council by direct dealing with the Jugo-Slavs it is willing to undertake it.v "The Adriatic question cannot re main in suspense. "It is imperative that it be settled immediately. We hope the Jugo-Slavs will adopt as conciliatory an attitude as Italy, and. the matter win dc promptly ar ranged 10 uic ssaiioiacuun ui an. Asked as to who would expel Ga briel D'Annunzio from Fiume once an agreement was reached with the Jugo-Slavs, the premier said: "That will be the easiest phase of the prob lem to be settled." , . Brigadier General Dies. Washington, Jan. 20. Brig. Gen. Alfred Mordacei. retired, is dead at ibis home here, , CHICAGO BREAKS DAY RECORD FOR INFLUENZA CASES Total of 2,514 Reported Tuesday, With' Twenty-Six Deaths Epidemic in , 1 Camps. Chicago, Jan, 20. The number of new influenza cases . in Chicago Tuesday passed the high point for any one day of last year's epidemic. A total of 2.S14 cases was reported to the board' of health today, with 26 deaths. New pneumonia cases numbered 297 with 57 fatalities. The greatest number of influenza cases for a single day last yearjwas 2,400. Epidemic in Camps. Washington, Jan. 20. Influenza has become epidemic in several armv camps, particularly in the middle west Surgeon General Ireland of the army announced today, and it has made its appearance among the American troops in Germany. While the disease is increasing among the civilian population . of the United States, it has not reached epidemic form and Surgeon General Blue, oi the public health service, said today there was nothing in. the situation to cause alarm. The malady, as it has appeared both among soldiers and civilians, is of a mild type and the resulting death rate proportionately has been far. below that of the wartime epi demic, while the incidence of pneu monia also has been much lower. . No Cause for Alarm. "There is nothing in the. present influenza situation in the United States which should cause alarm," Surgeon General Blue of the public health service said today. "There te. an increase of influenza fh Chicago and a few other districts," Dr. Blue said) "but at the same time it should be emphasized that throughout the country there are large areas, em bracing groups of states, in which there is only a normal influenza rate. In all instances the number of cases of pneumonia developing and the death rate, are low.'indicating a mild type. State and city health officers appear to have the situation well in hand. We have received no requests for aid except for some educational literature." Approximately 100 physicians in every state, .trained in last year's epidemic, have been appointed re serve officers in. the health service, and' can be immediately mobilized if needed, Dr. Blue said. General Liggett, at 1 , Hearing, Says Troops v Were Not Sacrificed Washington, Jan. -20. Answering charges that attacks , by American troops on the morninfc of armistice day resulted in needless loss of life.' Lt. Gen. Hunter-Liggett, command er of the First American army, told a house war investigating commit tee today that the advance in the Meuse-Argonnfr : sector could not have been stopped because two divi sions were astride the Meuse river. v Cessation of hostilities in the face of enemy action with these two divisions in that position would have been dangerous, he said. Relay of 6rders stopping the fight ing at 11 o'clock on armistice day was a remarkable piece of staff work, General Liggett testified. j Canada Subscribed Big Sum to Victory Loan During War Toronto, Jan. 20. A total of $682,032,215 was subscribed to Can ada's Victory loan, it is announced. There were 308,802 subscribers. I The government is expected to accept $650,000,000 of the subscription, al though no official information ' to this effect has been made. . The gov ernment asked for subscriptions of $300,000,000. Chinese Are Negotiating For Brewing Machinery . San Francisco, Jan. 20. Repre sentatives of Chinese capitalists are here negotiating for the purchase, of brewing machinery valued at several millions, which they propose moving to China, Rudolph Samet, president of the California Brewers' associa tion, said. I Home Values Have DoubledAre You Fully Protected? .' ' . " You are if you tpecify or me Fullerton Paint baeaut it'a in sured for 5 yearand will pro tect your home against ruin and decay. Tha home that is worth .protect ing U iurely good enough to beau tify on the interior. And Silk-Tone, "The Beautiful" Flat Wall Finish, is the paint that combines the soft,' rich tone of water colon with the smooth sanitary Burfaee of enamel. It is washable, durable, and easy to apply. T.lullin Paint Company - 313 South 14th Street, ' . Omaha. Nek. Convict Testifies for Officer Charged -With Brutality to Soldiers New York, Jan. from the military Fort Leavenworth, for the defense at 20. A convict penitentiary at Kan, testified the. Governor's island court-martial of Capt. Karl W. Detzer, for alleged brutality to army prisoners at Lemans, France. He was Private Clay R. Sawyer of Phoenix, Ariz., serving five years for larceny and attempted man slaughter. He asserted he saw Ser geant Frank Hoyt of Detzer's com mand give 500 francs to Private Clarence H Lacey, who previously testified for the prosecution, to "keep his mouth shut" and "place the blame" of brutality accusations on "Captain Detzer and Sergeant U. S. Madden." This was in the prison ers' stockade at Brest, Sawyer said. Pioneer Banker Dies Following Operation (Continued From Pace One.) State bank. He made an enviable record in closing the affairs of the American Savings bank, as this is perhaps the only instance in Omaha where the receiver of a bank-paid all depositors every dollar they had on deposit in the failed institution. This firmly established his reputa tion for ability and integrity as a banker. In 1895 , Mr. Thomas became cashier of the Union National bank of Omaha, which was consolidated 10 years later with the Untied States National bank. In 1909 Mr. Thomas, together with Joseph Hayden- and T. E: Stevens, organized the Corn Exchange National bank of Omaha, of which institution he was vice president until he retired from ac tive business about seven years ago. Owned Nebraska Farms. He has since then devoted much of his time to some farms that he owned in eastern Nebraska. Mr. Thomas formerly was prominently identified with civic activities of Omaha. He was a charter member of the Omaha . Field club, the Uni versity club and the Omaha Grain Exchange. Mr. Thomas was a 32d degree Mason, a Shriner and a life member of the Omaha lodge of Elks. He was greatly interested in the work of the Nebraska Children's society, of which he had been the state treas urer for many years. For four years Mr. Thomas was police commissioner of Omaha, be ing originally appointed by Gov. Ezra Savage and reappointed by Gov. John H. Mickey, both his life long friends. He was married to Delia Wagner of Carroll, la., June 14. 1878. Their two children live in Omaha, Mrs. Wayland W. Magee of Bennington and Fred W. Thomas, vice president of the First National bank of Om aha. Funeral arrangements have not bttn made. According to its inventor, an elec tric attachment for razors of all types causes the hair to stand on end for easy cutting and at the same time massages the face. SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY KEY TO RACE UPLIFT - Special National Representa tive From New York . Prompting Neighbor hood Spirit Here. James E. . Rogers of New York City, special representative of Com munity Sertice, who is1 spending a few days in Omaha to promote and encourage the neighborhood spirit, which he declared yesterday in an address before the Chamber of Com merce, was the prevailing influence in the Americanization of the for eign born in the country, is emphatic in his opinion that a concerted ef fort should be put forth to utilize the leisure hours of the working class. Asset or Liability. , "The time the American public is spending while they are not en gaged with the duties of life," he de clared, "is .proving either an asset or a liability to the country. .We should set about to take advantage of the situation and create a neigh borhood spirit." Mr. Rogers is engaged in the na tional Hovement to create an .agency, nonpartisan, nonsectarian, noncommercial and noninstitutional, looking to a general get-together spirit, which he hopes to see domi nate the leisure hours of the work ing people of the nation. "If the community plays together, the community , will work together for the public good and interest," he asserted. Many Omaha Backers. Among tiose who are backing the Community Service movement in Omaha are S. S. Caldwell, Miss Belle Ryan, Fred W. Clarke, Dan Johnson, Leo Rosenthal, H. O. Vil helm, William G. Ure, Miss Char lotte Townsend, E. Buckingham, Hugh Wallace, Arthur Wells, John Polian and C. B. Root, community organizer. Mr. Rogers has spoken before the Chamber of Commerce and vari ous other organizations of the city. Last night he addressed the negroes. Find Skeleton of Woman And Dead Body of Man El Paso. Tex.. Jan. 20. The skele ton of a woman and the body of a man were found in an abandoned barn by workmen here. The woman is believed to have been dead ' sev eral months and the man only a few hours. The barn was being cleared to be rebuilt into a garage when the re mains were .found. For more than a year it had been used as a store room by a lumber company. The woman's skeleton, fully clothed, was discovered in a manger in a position that indicated the body had been thrown down a chute from the second story. Germany Grants Stay of Five j W. C. T. U. Workers Drown Days for Occupying Silesia j John Barleycorn in River Berlin, Jan. 20. Allied proposals ! Greeley, Colo., Jan. 20. Five that there be a postponement of five j thousand quarts of whisky, con days in preparations for the occupa- fi seated by sheriffs' officers here in me last two weeKs, was escorted to the Poudre river by women W. C. T. U. workers and emptied into the stream. The liquor is valued at $60,000, current bootleg prices. i ' . I . ' Tlun OI ' upper OUCSia. nircmitm, Marienwerder, Memel and Danzig have been azreed to by the Ger man government. Transport delays maae tne step necessary. No Change in Condition i Of Schumann-Heinh ; San Diego, Cal., Jan. 20. Madam . ' Ernestine Schumann-Heink is serw ously ill of pneumonia at her horn ? in Grossmont, near here, according to members of her family. Although f stating the condition of the singer., to be serious, it was said that no im- mediate fear of the outcome is felt. Would You Buy a Fine Used Piano? If so, we can furnish about two dollars worth of value for every dollar you spend with us. JUST LOOK AT THESE: va CHECKERING Ued H A nnflP EC Upright Grand, beautiful 9600 unwiVl 1 tone, action and case . . . , Used $550 Used $500 Ued $425 Used $450 $560 $435 KRAKAUER 22ft S .$420 PACKARD CLARENDON Upright, an extra good Piano of this make.. $375 IJere U remarkable Tal JQCC ue in a good instrument V OO CrUITM A MM Large.t, finest style, .trie JUlUlUrinil perfect except varnish rgest, finest style, strictly modern perfect except varnish dOitf is somewhat checked .... You will not find greater values anywhere than the above Pianos at their respective prices. . Pay $10, $15 or $20 Monthly 0?E9SD 'sssl OMAHA DENTISTS OMAHA DENTISTS ECONOMY Hp? . . WHY pay three prices for your dental work? We have solved the problem and can give . you ideal dentistry at reasonable prices. service, Quality and satisfaction. Phone Doug. 8236. Lady ALL WORK GUARANTEED Omaha Dentists , 15154 FARNAM ST. NOTICE: Out-of-town patrons can have work com pleted in one day. Open ETeninge Until 8 O'Clock. Sundays Until Noon. OMAHA DENTISTS OMAHA DENTISTS THOfiPSON -BELDEN & COMPANY Wednesday --a closing out of Winter Suits Every winter suit in stock is included fur trimmed, plain tailored and sport models. In these suits tailoring and materials are of characteristic Trompson-Belden fineness, making the p&e reductions doubly worth while, since satisfaction is assured. Only 153 remain, the greater part of those in sizes 16, 18, 20, 36 and 38. " $49.60 to $65 suits for' $32.50. $69.50 to $98.50 suits.$44.50.' $105 to $150 suits for $69.50. $159.50 to $200 suits, $98.50. $205 to $450 suits for $150. Sizes 16 to 46 All Sales Final No Alterations. Another Day of Savings on Linens :and Bedspreads Tabic Cloths and Napkins Irish Linen $10 cloths, ; size 2x2 yards for $7.89. $13.75 heavy napkins for $11.89 a dozen. These are both excep tional values. Irish and Scotch Linen Crashes 60c crash, 50c a yard. 65c crash, 59c a yard. 75c crash, 65c a yard. Heavy quality very absorbent. Odd Napkins Half Dozen' Lots To dispose of, these quickly' we have made, the prices unusually low. $10.00 napkins, $3.75 $12.75 napkins, $4.95 '$13.75 napkins, $5.95 $17.50 napkins, $6.99 $18.75 napkins, $7.50 ,(half-dozen lots) . Marseilles Spreads Shams to match." The spreads are double bed size, scalloped, with cut corners. , $13.75 bed sets, $11.89. $15.00 bed sets; $13.75. II These Specials $2.50 Neckwear, $2.15 On Wednesday, only, we offer you the choice of the stock at this redac tion. The best of ties at an attractive price. $1 Pure Linen Hand kerchief for One Day Only 79c Plain linen initials and colored linen for one day, 79c. , $3 Muffler for $2 A selection of styles and colors to suit every pref erence. To the Left 'A You Enter Sweaters and Sweater Sets Children's Shet land wool sweaters in rose or maize, sizes 8, 10 and 12 years are reduced. A $6.50 and$7.50 quality is priced $4.98. ' Children's wool sweaters and sweater sets for children 2, 3, 4 and 5 years old a $6.50 quality is priced $4.98, and. a $5 one, $2.98. Cap and scarf sets of wool in green or Copenhagen blue $1.50 sets Wednes day, 98c. Second Floor New Val Lacts A splendid assortment of them in all widths; from the narrowest edging , and insertions for baby dresses to the widest shadowy flouncings for underskirts. Each design comes in every width so that matched sets are obtainable if you desire them. Tlhe Fieest H Bmt .... For $12.85 Dress shoes of brown kid, field mouse kid, black kid and patent leather and ether combinations, have full Louis heels' and the desirable slender lines through the in step and Vamp. Walking boots of brown or black kid with either Cuban or military heels are included in the sale. Other bargains at much lower prices are offered on Wednesday. Broken sizes and incomplete lines. Sale of Wool Hose Economies women will enjoy . Sport hose in oxford gray and and brown. Broken lines of ' $3.50 qualities. Wednesday $2 a pair. ; ' . White ribbed wool, sport hose that were $1.75 Wednesday, $1 a pair. v $1.25 white cashmere hose, 75c a pair. V 85c white cashmere hose, 59c a pair. A Frilly Neckfixing to brighten a dark winter frock, may be had ready made or by the yard. H The rufflings and . vesting for collars and vests come in a number of materials n e t b, organdies and the like, shirred, h e m s t i tched and lace-trimmed. 11 Collar and cuff sets as well as sep arate collars, are ex ceedingly varied in shape and trimming, a H Vests with high or low collars suggest themselves for spring suits as well as dresses. See the newest ones.