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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1920)
0 12 THE BEE! OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1920. South Side in THREE MASKED ROBBERS -BEAT SOUTH SIDE MAN "Soaked Me Second6low for , Good. Luck," Says Victim, ; , andTotk $120 In Cash. Peter George, S211 South Thir- tieth strt, a packing house em ploye, was severely beaten and robbed of $120 at Twenty-third, and L streets, at a late hour Saturday night 'by three masked men with revolvers, according to report made by him to the police Tuesday. George said he was on his .way home, and as he reached the L street corner he was struck from behind and knocked to the sidewalk. Two men sat upon him, while the other went through all his pockets. .According to George, one of' the men said, "Let's soak him one for luck," and one of the men struck 1 him over the head with) the butt of a revolver. They then ran down Twenty-third street. He said he was unable to get Mip for spme by a friend w no came alon'g. He was unable tq make a report of the robbery until yesterday morning. On account of the men wearing masks and coming up from behind, George said he was unable to give a description other than they all wore black overcoats and caps and - were all about medium build. . BRINGING UP FATHER Sea Jigga and Mafgia' in Full Pace of Color in The Sunday Bee. Drawn for The Bee by McManut Copyright 1919 International News Service CfAT HCAVENV. VHf DlO TOO TAKE THAkT STATUE. OUT OF THE 11 VHEN THE EPREA ill' I THAT'S A STATUE. ( WELL-I TOOK Vf " DlGT THE ARMS ARE - "U I T"' ( VEU. -HE DlOM'T KNOW 1 I I CI" ..r- 1 1 I nPTHBv,Cv,nc 1 TOTHPBVDorw. 0k SUPPOSED TO EE QFF-THE 1 1 ' ANY MftOP TH1M . rMr. ' J eaao tT iMra j ' t ; I Market and -Industrial News of the Day GRAIN MARKET William John Usher Dies; Lived in Omaha 40 Years Announcement wass made last night of the death at 5;30 yesterday afternoo-i at the home, 3718 S, street, of William John Usher, 64 years old. The cause of the death was pneu monia, Mr. Usher having ben ill several days. He came to Omaha 46 years ago. Surviving a're his wife, six sons and three daughters, the sons being James, William, Robert; Edward, daughters. Mils Jean and Mrs. Ger ard C. Fitzgerald of Omaha, and ard C. Griswold of Omaha, and Mrs. Charles White , of Denver. Funeral services will be heU at 9 Thursday morning at St. Mary cathedral, interment in St. Mary cemetery. The six sons will act as pallbearers.- - ; Growth of South Side Library Shown In Annual Report According to a report of the libra rian of the South Side library, dur ing the year 1?19 the library had a steady growth and 38,294 worlds of fiction and J 1,601 other, books were loaned out for home use, making a total cf 49.8P5 books loaned, which is 3,625 'more, books loaned than during 1918. There are now 3.566 loan cards, out, being ,222 more than the previous year. , .' South Side ' Brevities Foreign exchange at lowest rates at the Mve stock National Bank, junction 24th and N treete. . , The South Bide Pleasure club will give a leap year ball at Eagle hall Sunday night, February 1. THRIFT MEANS " ' savins a part of your earnings. The beat place to put savings Is in the rf(,uth Omteha Savlnra Bank, and M, and atch ft prow. IK" YOU DON'T SAVE, someone elw will. If you don't practice Thrift, the money you spend foolishly will be saved by sorreone who will proflU Have a savings account In the South Omaha Savings Bank and get the benefit of your work, -start today. Fortjrcente quart for goat'a .milk la na of the Items of the high cost of liv ing In the neighborhood of Oconto, Neb. Cieorge Knapple, s young farmer of that section, who was at the local yarda Tues day buying a few feeders, said he had a goat that furnishedslx quartB of milk a day and that he sold the entire product it 4 cents a iuart $2.40 a day, 172 a month- .til from one goat. Omaha Grain. - Omaha, Jan. 20. Com receipts today were 67 cars. against 89 cars a week asro. Wheat re ceipts were" 43 cars, eats 13 cars, ryo 18 tars una nariey i car. . Kye arrivals were tho largest this, season. what trading was slow and uo to a late hour but a few sales had been made. PriceH were unchanged to 2 or 3 cents up. Ccrn was generally 1 cent higher and oats ta&c up and bulk.c advance. Rye and barley unchanged. Wheat No 2 hard: 1 car, 2 80; 3 cars, 2.70. No. 4 hard: 1 car, 12.60 (yel low). No. 5 hard: 1 car, $2.56 (yellow). No. spring' 1 car, $2.54 (red). No. 4 spring: 1 car, 2.W (red, smutty). No 4 mixed: 1 car, 12.65. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $2.52 Corn No. 8 white: 1 car, $t.42. No. 6 white: ! car, $1.42. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.434. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars, $1.39. No. 5 yellow: 2 cars, $1.37; Shears, $136; 8 cars, $1.35. No. 6 yellow: 6 cars, $1.32: Sample ymlow: 1 car, $1.25. No. 4 mixed: 4 cars, $1.37: 6 cars, $1.36. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.40 (near white); 1 oar, 1.39 (near white); 2 cars. $1.34; 5 cars, $1.33. No. ( mixed; 1 car. $1.31. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1 24. Oats No. S white: t cars. 85'4e. No. 4 white' 1 car, 85Vic; 2 cars, 854c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 85c. Rye No. 2: 2 cars, $1.67. No. 3: 6 cars. $1.66; 5 3-5 cars, $1.65; 10 sacks, $1.64. Sample: 1 car, $1.63. Barley Rejected: , 1 car, $1.39; 2-5 car, $1.37. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today Week Tear Ago Ago 43 67 13 18 1 59 53 40 14 40 V 29 10 61 42 29 1 4 Receipts Wheat Corn Oats ftye Barley Shipments Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley 0 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. , Wheat Corn. Oatn Chicago 26 320 168 Kansas City 193 27 S St. Louis 38 93 100 ' OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain of the several grades Inspected "4n" here during the last Z4 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 1: No. 3 hard, 5; No. 3 hard, 27: No. 4 hard, 8; No. 6 hard. 4; sample hard, 4; No. 1 mixed, 2; No. 2 mixed, 2; No. 3 mixed, 8; No. 4 mixed. 1; No. 6 mixed, 2; No. 1 spring, 1; No. 3 spring. 1; No. 4 durum, 1. Total, 63. Corn no. 4 wnue, z; ino. t wnite, No. 6 white, 3; No. 2 yellow, 1: No. 4 yel low, 16; No. 5 yellow,, 27: No. 6 yellow, 4; No. 3 mixed, 1; No. 4 mixed, 6; No. 5 mixed, 16; No. ( mixed, 7; sample, 2. Total, 89. i Oats No. white, 12j No. 4 white 3. Total. 16. Bye No. S, 1; No. I, 10; No. 1; sample, 1. Total, 13. Dane; No. 1 feed, rejected 1. To tal, I. - , .T' PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Tear Ago. Wheat 1,098,000 Corn 930.000 Oats 889,000. Shipments Wheat 733,003 Corn , 481,000 Gate 698,01.0 699.000 1,183.000 986,000 3S9.0C0 699.000 651,000 - Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago. Jan. 20. Corn ranged higher In price today with buying mostly the result of cold weather and a falling off In the crop movement There was an unsettled close at galna of 12c net. Oats fin ished Ulc up. In provisions, the out. come varied from 6c decline to a rise of 26c. - , Except during a few brief Intervals the corn. Besides. Great Britain was said to throughout the day January delivery in particular was strengthened by knowledge that arrival here, totaled only . 100 cars, and that low temperatures were likely to interfere witn efficient railroad operation. Besides. rosslD was current that so much rolling stock was out of repair that any big Increase of terminal supplies of corn need not be looked tor soon. Higher quota tions on hogs tended further .to lkft the corn market. Under such ctrcumstances, trade broadened out considerably and the Help Make The Omaha Bee Grow Tell your friends to subscribe today for "the fastest growing paper in the central west." ; s ' THE BEE A NEWSY NEWSPAPER, snappy articles, full of news, set in that "easy to read" type. .' OUR DAILY MARKET-REPORTS are accurate, uplto-the-minute and complete. . ' OUR STATE NEWS covers the state correctly, completely and promptly. - OUR TELEGRAPH NEWS covers the ntire world, r OUR WOMAN'S PAGE is worth the price of the paper alone, "Shop with Polly" is found only in The Bee. "A real feature for " women " - , . . - THE SUNDAY ROTOGRAVURE SECTION is a real work of art. AN EXCLUSIVE FEATURE IN THE, BEE. ' DAILY COMICS: "BRINGING UP FATHER," a comic strip that has a laugh in every picture. ' ' THE SUNDAY COMI?S for the ' kiddies' and for the whole . family. The children's page, a real homey feature. THE BEE A NEWSPAPER WITH A HEART WITH A SOUL. , . OMAHA DAILY BEE RATES : ' -TO SUBSCRIBERS , . By Mail Outside of Omaha. ;v Iowa and Nebraska": " Daily and Sunday, one year .$7.00 - . Daily without Sunday, one year , 6.00 v "; Sunday only, one year 2.60 ; South Dakota, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri: N - Daily and Sunday, one year. . .V. $7.80 ; ; Daily without Sunday, one year 6.00 Sunday only, one year. . 2.50 1 " Outside Above States: ) Daily and Sunday, bne year. . . $9.00 j Daily without Sunday, one year 6.00 Sunday only, one year. 3.00 In Omaha and Council Bluffs by carrier, 15cjer week; $7.80 per yr. , . CLIP THIS COUPON AND USE it FOR NEW OR RENEWAL' SUBSCRIPTIONS vi The Omaha Bee,' ' x V . "j pmaha, Neb. - u- . . Date......... , ; Enclosed find for which send me The Omaha il'Eie (Daily and Sunday) for one full year. Name... I i . Street or R. F. D. -No. t .". 0 . . . . Town.... State, t . ' V . , Personal checks accepted. : : , . - - close was in general at the topmost point or the session. Oats were affected fcjr the strength in coron. Besides Great Britain was said to be asking for offers, the H irst recent In dication of export business with that coun try. . - , Despite selling on the part of packers and carriers, the provision market avar aged higher with hogs and grain. Chicago markets, by Updike Grain Co., uougias zfczj. . , Art, j Open, i High. Low. Close. lYest'y. Corn II. Jan. 1 1.39 f.41 ' 1.39H 1.40il 1.38 May 1.33 1.34 1.S8K 1.34V, i. 33V. July 1.31 1.33 1.31A 1.32! l.Zl Oats v May .82ti ,82'i .82 .821 .81 July .T5?, .75J,i .75H .75t .75 Pork I Jan'y 39.00 39.05 38.75 39.00 38.75 May 38.80' 39.92 38.30 39.00 38.80 I,ard Jan'y 53.f0 23.70 23.50 23.60 23.50 , "May 24.33 24.50 24.32 24.45 24.35 Ribs , Jan'y 19.65 19.65 '19.65 19.65 19.70 May 20.50 20.57- 20.45 20.57 20.45 . New York Coffee. New York, Jan. 20. The market for coffee futures was comparatively quiet today, but prices were lower, owing to reports ot an caster tone in hantos and continued uncertainty regarding sales of government effoee In Brazil. f The onen'.ng was 11 to 12 points lower, and after some inegularlty active months sold 20 to 2S "points below last nignt s closing figures, with May declining to 15.98c. There were moderate rallies later oncovering, with that delivery closing at 16.09c and with the general list closing at a net decline of 14 to 18 points. January, 15.72c: March, 16.87c; May, 16.09c; July. 16.29c: September, 16.04c; October, 15.07c; December, 15.82c. Spot coffco quiet; Rio 7s, 16Hc; Santos 1a, 25Vi2()C. ' Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Jan. 20. Evaporated Apples Dull. Prunes Easy. ' , Apricots Steady. , Peaches Firm. . Raisins Scarce. Evaporated Apples Western, 2023c: state, 21 25c. Prunes Californlas, 14 32c; Oregons, l8(826c. Apricots Cho'.te, 33oi extra choice, 34c; fancy, 39u. Peacln-s Standard. 212H4e; choice, 21'422,c; fancy, 2435o. Raisins Loose muscatels, 2122t4c; choice to fancy seeded, 20'A2114c; seed less, 21 30c. New York Metals. New York, Jan. 20. Copper Spot, steady; electrolytic, spot and first quar ter. 19&il9&c; second quarter, 19V4 19 'i. Iron Steady and unchanged. Antimony 1 0.75c. Lead Easier; spot and February, 8.60c bid. 8.80c asked. Zinc Firm; East St. Louis delivery, spot, 9.15c bid: 9.80c asked. - At London Spot copper, 116 7s 6d: electrolytic, 122; tin, 384 2s Cd; lead, 47 6s; zlne, 68. New York General. New York. Jan. 20. Floui- Easier; spring patent. 313.75lgll4.50; Kansas straights, 313.6014.50. Wheat Spot steady: No. red, 12.66, nominal, f. o. ". steamer New York. Corn Spot firm; No. 2 yellow, $1.68 V,, and No. 3 mixed. 3I.67H. c. i. f. New York, 10-day shipment. Oats Spot firm; No. 1 white, $t. Lard Steady; middle west, 324.10 24.20. Other articles unchanged. St. Joseph live Stock. St. JORepti. Mo., Jan. 20. Cattle Re ceipts. 3.500 head; market strong; steers. I9.0(i 16.n0, cows and heifers, Jo. &!)(! 14.60; calves, $7.0016.50. Hogs Ttecelpts, 11,000 head; market higher at 115.40; bulk of sales, 316.100 16.35. Sheen md Lambs Receipts. 7.500 head; market higher; Jambs, $16.0019.60; ewes, $10.0011.76 MlnfTwnpolls Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 20. Flour 60 cents lower; in carload lots, standard flour quoted at (14.25 a barrel, in 98-pound cot ton sacks. . Barley $flSl. 45. Rye N 2, 1.67 1.68 ', Bran $43.00. Corn fl.40t.41. Oats 8182c . FUix 36.09 5.14. Turpentine and Rosin. " Savannah, Oa., Jan. 20. Turpentine Firm;; sales; 197 bbls.: re ceipts, 320 bbls.; shipments, 905 bbls.; stock, 11.116 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales, 439 bbls.-j- receipts, 783 bbls.; shipments, 2,263 bbls.; stock, 44.245 bbls. - ' Quote: B, D, E, F, O, 18.0020.00; H 18.1018.25; I, I18.3018.40; K. 319.60; M, $20.60; N, $20.76; Wg, $21.10; Ww, $23.00. New York Produce. New York. Jan. 20. Butter Firm: creamery higher than extras. 6565Hc: creamery extras, 6464Hc; firsts, 60H 63 He. , Eggs--Unchanged. " Cheese Unchanged. Poultry Alive, steady: fowls. Dressed, steady; prices unchanged. Dry Goods. . , New York, Jan. 20. Cotton goods today were firm and quiet. Fine yarns ad vanced. Raw silk firm. December ship ments of burlaps from Calcutta were 68, 000,000 yards. Wool goods were firm. 8t Louis Grain. St. Louis, Jan. 20. Corn January, $1.46H; May, $1.37. Oats May, J 6c. NewAork Cotton. New York, Jan. 20. -Cotton closed steady at an advance of 10 points on Feb ruary, but generally 10 to 26 points nut lower. N - Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. Mo.. Jan, 20. Corn Janu ary, $1.45; May, $1.36; July, $1.33; Sep tember, $1.29. Chicago Produce, Chicago, Jan. 20. Butter Higher: creamery, F364c. Eggs Receipts, 7,179 cases; unchanged. Poultry Alive, higher; springs, 28c: fowls, 31c. Chicago Potatoes. . Chicago.' Jan. 20. Potatoes Firm: re ceipts, 45 cars;, northern whites, $4.70 4.90; western russets. Jobbing. $5.756.00. Cotton Futures. York, Jan. 20. Cotton Futures, steady; January, 38.50c; March, May, 34.47c; July, 32.66c; October. New closed 36.40c; 30.25c. New steady; Spot Cotton. . York, Jan. 20. miduling, 39.55c. Cotton Spot, Duluth, 65.10. Linseed Oil. Minn., Jan. 20. Linseed, $5.07 Red Cross Meeting. Washington, Jan. 2o. The first general council of the League of Red Cross . Societfes will meet at Geneva March ''2 to map out a pro gram for the advancement of health, prevention of disease and alleviation of distress throughout the world, the American Red Cross announces, Delegates from each national society have been invited. ADDITIONAL MARKETS ON PAGE 11. FINANCIAL New, York, Jan. 20. Transactions on the stock exchange today were the smallest and tn most other respects th.o leaat sig nificant, of any full session for several weeks. 5 Surface Indications so far as they had any drift at all, pointed to a sold out con dition. This was obvious from the ab sence of selling pressure except at rare Intervals and the gradual hardening of standard industrials stocks. Even the more volatile Issues of recent floatation including those whose Intrn.sio values are yet to be established, remained mostly in the background. Developments of the day embraced an other drop In call or demand loans to lowest rates in several months and re current weakness in foreign echange. The London quotation fell to within Jc of Its minimum and new low levels of de preciation were registered by Italian, Ger man and Austrian remittances. The fed eral reserve . board was In conferenB at Washington during the greater part of the market session, but adjourned, ac cording to the statement of 'an official, without taking further measures to cur tail credits. Motors, oils, steels, untilltles and food Issues, more or less in the order names, featured the day's operations at extreme gains of 1 to 6 points, rails playing no part in the trading. Sales amounted to 500.000 shares. Bonds were Inclined to yield, especially the liberty group, and Internationals wer slightly lower. Total sales, par value, were $13,800,000, Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Sales. High. Low. Close. 1,600 93 H 92 H 93 '4 800 63 53 63?s 1,300 138 137H 138 1,700 117H 115 115 2,500 98 97 Vi 97?i 68 H 68 6SU 137 94H 93 94 98 97 98 20 ' 18 20 62 H H 62 H 84 84 84 1,100 1,200 900 900 Am. Beet Sugar. Am. Can Am. C. & F Am. H. & L. pfd. Am. Loco Am. 8. & R Am. Sugar Kef.. Am. Sum. Tob... Am. Tel. & Tel.. Am. Z.. L. & S . . Anaconda, Copper. 1,100 Atchison 300 A. G. & W. I. S. S. 200 160 169W 160 Baldwin Loco 30,400 113H 111 113 'i B. & 0 900 31 S1H 3t ia Beth. Steel "B".. 8,400 95 94 95H Cal. Pet 100 40 40 40 Canadian Pacific. 1,100 129 129'i. 129 Central Leather.. 1,000 93 93'i 93 (jres. & onto.... 2111) C., M. & St. P.... 200 C. & N. W....... 200 C' R. I. & P..... 1,600 Clilno Copper..., 300 Colo. F. & I . 1,200 Ccrn Products... 4,600 65 86 H 85 Crucible Steel.. v Lane r.ugar. Putt Sec. Cor.... Erie General Electric. Gt neral Motors. . . Gt. Nor. pfd Gt. Nor. Ore ctfs. 38 42 H 4H 54 85 H 26H 384 41H "2 6,700 200 202 9,400 tf2H 50 1,200 68 H 67 200 13 13 , 200 167H 167 6.100 308 300 400 77 77 H 300 38 38 55 36 85 . 2J 3 42 83 2'I514 51 68 13 167 306 77 S8 Illinois Central. . Ir.sp. Copper ... Int. M. M. Pfd... Int, Nickel; Int. Paper....... K. C. Southern.. Ken. Cop. 1 Joo 1.500 3,200 3,500 400 1,300 56 97 24 83 15 30 66 96 24 81 15 30 H 88 66 97 24 82 16 30 L & N '. 106 196 23 49 254 68 26 96 42 60 14 21 Mex. Petrol 1,800 197 193 'Miami cop Midvale Steel 2,000 49 49 Mo. Tac 600 25 25 N. Y.' Cen ,400 68 68Z N Y N H &.H.. 600 26 26 Nor. & West. ... 300 96 96 Nor. Pac. 1.00 78 78 P.-Amer. Pet. ..10,700 93 9114 Pennsylvania .... 2.600 42 43 Pitts. & W. Va... 600 29 28 Pitts. Coal .... 1,400 61 60 T7u,r rnn fnn US lib UV... M.T. - Meaning i.euo R. Iron & S. .v. .17,500 1 Shat. Ariz. Cop. .. 200 12 12 sin. uu & tieiin.. y,4uu 43 t 42 43 4 Southern Pac 4,000 100 100 100 Southern Ry 1,000 22 21 22 Stude. Corpor. ..10,100 104 101 103 Tex. Co 205 202 204 Tobacco Prod. . .. 500 92 91 92 U. Pacific 900 124 121 122 U. C. Stores 10,000 87 85 87 'i 0. S. Ir.dAlco... 6J100 108 105 106 U. S. Steel 28,600 106 105 105 do Pfid 600 115 115 115 J6 75 76 IV 106 110 Utah Cop. West. Union . Westing. Elct !Willys-Over. Natl. Lead 700 300 400 8,200 300 1,000 Ohio Cities . Royal B. N. Yr.. 8,900 106 105 106 76 76 88 87 62 "4 63 29 29 81 II 47 41 76 87 62 'i 29 81 47 Bid. ! Extra dividend. New York Bond List, U. S. 2s reg...l00 nr. s. 2s cop.. 100 U. S. 4s reg.,105 U. S. cv. 4s cp.l0fc Pan. 3s reg... 88 Pan. 3s ootip. 88 Am. Tel. & Tel cv. 6s 99 Ang.-Krench 5s 96 Arm. Z Co. 4s 83 Atchison gen 4s 79 B. & O. cv 4s 61 Beth. S ref 5s 84 C. Leather 6s 95 C. Pacific 1st.. 74 C. & O. cv. 5s 78 C, B. & Q., Joint 48 95 C, M. & St. P. cv 4s C. R. Ir- & P. Ry.. ref 4s. . Chili Conner col. trust 6s .... si 1 C. of Paris 6s 92 C. & S. rf 4s 73 D. & R. G. consol. 4s.... 64 D. o f Canada 6s (19311 ... 91 Hrle gen. 4s... 41 Bid. Gon. Elec. Es. 95 Gt. No. 1st 4s 84 I. C. ref. 4s.... 73 Tnt. M. M. 6s.. 93 K. C. So. ref Es 73 L. & N. un 4s.. 81 M., K. & T. 1st 4s 60 Mo. Pac. gen 4s 57 Mont. Pow. 6s.. 85 N. Y. Central . deb. 6s 92 No. Pac. 4s .... 76 No. Pac. 3s 54 O. S. L. ref 4s 83 Pac. T & T. 4s 87 Penn. con.. 4s 91 Penn. gen. 6s.. 90 Read, gen 4s... 80 68 I St. J,. & S. S. adj. 6s 61 So. Pac. cv Es.102 So. Ry. 6s .... 86 Tex Co. cv. 63.103 T. & P. lst. 83 U. P. 4s 84 U. Kingdom of G B. & I. 5 (1987) 89 V. S. Rubber 6s 87 II. S. Steel 5s.. 99 Wabash 1st .. 89 Local Stocks and Bonds Liberty Bond Prices. New York. Jan. . 20. Prices of Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m. today were: 3s, 98.90; first 4s, 92.08: second 4s, 90.70; first 4Mb. 92.60; second 4 Vis, 91.26; third 4s, Furnished by Burns, Brlnker A Co. . STOCKS. Bid. Asked! Bur.Nash Pfd. 7s, 1923-42.. 99 100 Cuaahy Packing Common ..... 1 02 103 Doug. Motors Common..; 65 Eld -Reynolds Co. 7s, Pfd 99 100 airmont Creamery Pfd 97 100 . Food Prod. Co. Pfdls. 87 90 G. Food Prod. Co. Com 75 80 Harding Cream Co. 7s, Pfd.. 99, 100 Huffman Auto Stock 105 Lincoln Tel. & Tel. 6s, Pfd 85 lond BondL. & Surety Co., Om ISO Neb. Power Co. 7a, Pfd 97 Om. & C. B. St. Ry. Pfd.... 61 Om. & C. B. Ry. & Bridge ' 63 M. C. Peters Mill 7s, Pfd 98 100 Thomp.-Belden & Co. "7s. Pfd. 98 100 Vn.'Pow. & Light 7s, Pfd... 98 100 Un. Stock Yds., Omaha 99 100 BONDS. - Cy. of Fair., Neb. 6s, 1939 4.90 Col. Lt. Ht. & Pow. 6s, 1934. .. 96 Cent. O. & B. 5s, 1927 91 French Cities 6s, 1934 91 92 Hill Hotel Bldg. 6s, 1921-30.. 99 100 Maytag Co. 6s, 1927 95 Neb. Pow. Co. 6s; 1949..,. 84 86 Omaha Ath. 6s, 1932 ;. 98 100 Omaha, City of, Various 4.70 Om. & C. .B. St. Ry. 6s, 1928. 78 R. Mt. Fuel Es, 1941, bonus 85""" Un. S. Yds. Om. 1st 6s, 1931. 94 96 Wichita Yds. 6s, 1934 95 tt Per cent 1 93.30; fourth 4s, 91.22; Victory 3s. 98.46; Victory 4s, 98.46. Prices of Liberty bonds at 2:E5 p. rn. today were: 3s. 98.88; first 4s, 92.06: second 4s, 90.76; first 4s, 92.36; second 4s. 91.18; third 4s. 93.20; fourth 4V,s, 91.30; Victory 3s, 98.46; Viotory 4s, 98.44. New York Money. New York, Jan. 20. Mercantile Paper 6 per cent Sterling Demand, $3.66; cables, $3.66. Francs Demand, 11.75; cables, 11.73. Guilders Demand, 37.80k cables, 37.93. ' Lire Demand, 13.84; cables, 13.82. Marks Demand. 1.58; cables, 1,60c. Time Loans Strong; all dates, lib per cent. Call Money Easy; high, 7 per cent; lower, 6 per cent; ruling rate, 7 per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 7 per cent; last loan, 6 per cent. Bar Silver. London, Jan. 20. Bar Silver 79 d per ounce. Discount Rates Short bills, 6 per cent; three-month bills, 6 per cent. Flour Takes Drop Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 20. Flour dropped 50 cents a barrel in the local market today. Standard flour in 98-pound cotton sacks sold at $14.25 a barrel. The general market decline in wheat was given as the reason for the droo. Western Papers Face v Print Paper Shortage , Washington, Jan 20. Amei can newspapers in the middle, west ap parently will be 40 per cent short on their supply of paper, the State de partment announced Hoday, as the result of an embargo placed by the Canadian government -on all ship ments of news print paper to the United States from the plant of the Fort Francis company, an American controlled concern in western Ontario. Ulsterites Defeated. Londonderry, Ulster, Jreland, Jarti , 20. The Ulsterites of Londonderry were defeated in the municipal sleet tions of last week. As a result th- new municipal council will be com l6seil t)f 19 unionists as against 21 Sinn Fcmers or nationalists. 1 la the etory of Peter Perkins and how heamimiilated $lo,OOntn tn yeanby Investing tHS per month In bigh grade listed took and bouds,on a uovel plan. "Getting Ahead" Is aa Interesting es anything you aver read. Thousands bate read It and are now "getting ahead" financially on the same plan. Ym will fee taMlnrt wlltt It. Bat bftr S1HI. H will Mm ve mmm way t Nival vur Mvtns MMfMf Imw to sl IntvrMt, PftOPIT. n yr MH,- ! Mrinas Mtan. m4 M In, amirc roe W tomv. KR1EBEL&CO. IttVBTMtMT BANKERS 1 49 H South la S-De StXhicatfo KANT-SLIP Many Stylet and Sizes. STANDARD REGISTER CO. DAYTON, 0. Autogmphlo RmIi tr. Roll frlntlnt for S'B Rtcorctt, Bill! Udlmti. Etc. A. C. HEISER Dllt. Ant. 209 South 18th at. Tyltr 2414. OMAHA, NEB. We Offer First Mortgage J Bonds proper!. On new Omtha hiiBines ltmomln:ttlns ' $290.00 to $3,000.00. Owned and recommended by Horns Builders, Inc. Descriptive lUirntlnp. Americas Security Co., Omjha PURE FOOD PRODUCTS PORK AND BEEF PACKERS PROVISIONERS , PRODUCE DEALERS WHOLESALE BAKERS MACARONI MANUFACTURERS THE SKINNER COMPANY R. C. HOWE, , VICE PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER. OMAHA, U. S. A. This great independent food products com pany is owned by some 5,000 stockholdrrs, in cluding some of the west's greatest live stock producers. . TtADI HARK KSGISTBIlSa V. S. AMD FOREIGN TELEPHONE KANSAS CITY TULSA TAX CONSULTANTS CORPORATIONS and INDIVIDUALS J. M. MacTAGGART & CO., AUDITS and SYSTEMS i 512 KEELINE BLDG. OMAHA DOUGLAS 7523 FORT WORTH WICHITA Home Builders' Financial Statement i At the Close of Business December 31, 1919 Owned and Recommended By ' Home Builders, Inc., of Omaha, Nebraska We Offer 6 First Mortgage Bonds Denominations $250 $500 $1,000 $5,000 Tax-Free in Nebraska " They are secured by newly im proved business property, cen trally located in Omaha, which will be occupied by its owners. These bonds bear 6 interest, payable semi-annually and con vertible on option of purchaser, V any time after one year upon 30 days' notice filed on any interest' - ' date. Maturity, 1923-1927 American Security , Company ' 18th and Dodge Sts. ' OMAHA - - - NEBRASKA ''. C. C. Shimer, Pres. G. A. Rohrbough, Sec. Home Builders'' Plan Home Builders' constructs buildings only to order, for the use of business or home. It furnishes a part of the money to pay the cost of construction when money is needed and takes a mortgage on the com pleted property, payable in monthly installments, about like rent. Home Builders' Construc tion Department is fully equipped to erect any kind of building, large or small, at the lowest possible cost, under the management of competent engineers and building ex perts. , Anyone can invest by mail or in person $1.00 r more, up to $5,000.00, in Home Builders' resale Guaranteed 6 Preferred Shares, keep them as long as he desires and have them converted into cash any time after twelve months by resale through the Amer ican Security Company, Fiscal Agents. . Dividends are payable Jan uary 1st and July 1st. Ask for Home Plan Book No. 1. Builders' ASSETS Eeal Estate Mortgages. . r Real Estate Contracts Loans on Home Builders' Shares ? Accounts Receivable Construction .and Office Equipment Stocks and Bonds. . . Cash : On Hand and With Fiscal Agents In Banks $1,298,880.2 4,931,37 6,936.58 5,491.89 31,434.16 1,437.22 .$32,778.54 . 41,718.78 74,497.32 Total Assets . $1,423,608.81 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ., .7 $1,262,801.00 Surplus 63,514.27 Reserve , 21,419.14 Building Contracts and Accounts v. Payable (including construction ' accounts not yet due) .. . 33,436.96 Cash Dividends Payable . . . : ' 40,855.46 Undivided Profits 1,581.98 Total Liabilities $1,423,608.81 We hereby certify that we have audited the books and accounts of the Home Builders', Inc., for the six months end ing December 31, 1919. All assets and liabilities were care- , fully examined and found to be in accordance with the above statement. , ' " Signed this 14th day of .January, J920. i By Jl. A. KWORAK, Certified Public Accountant. . X ' SHOWING GROWTH BY YEARS Resource January 1st, -1912 $ 17,127.69 January m, 191$. 55,00.40 January 1st, 1914 85,303.39 January 1st, 1915 124,68572 January 1st, 1916 227,578.82 January lsi, 1917 514,316.57 January 1st, 1918 887,794.52 January 1st, 1919 1,156,113.31 January 1st, 1920 1,423,608.81 Authorized Capital Stock 1,500,000.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS C. C. Shimer, President . G. A. Rohrbough, Secretary T. L. Combs, Vice President Geo. C. Cunningham 1 O.' W. Johnson Judge Lee S. Estelle. Home uilderS COWRttATtCl OMAHA "I .