Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
10 BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21 1920. WANT AD RATES I- -t (Cash mill order.) :'iO per word on day 4s per word ....two consecutive days c per word , three conseoutlve days a ner word four consecutive dava .1 ,o per worn nv consecutive aaya and ont cent per word lor each additional Insertion. j No ads taken for lens than a total of He vHAKtiB 1 4o per lino on day 34o per Una two consecutive daya 13o per lino .......three consecutive daya 70o per Una eeven consecutive daya 11.70 per lino. ... ..thirty consecutive daya Card of thanks and funeral, notices 12c per Una each day. These rat.-s apply olther to the Dally or Sunday Be. All advertisementa ap pear In bcth morning and evening dally papers for the one chat re. Contract Ratea on Application. For convenience ot advertlecrs, want a da will bo accepted' at the following; of- mim OKtrirs" TU TtnlMIn ) Ames Office 410 North SOth St. ! Park Office 8614 Leavenworth St. South Side 3318 N St. Walnut Office ........811 North 40th St. Co. Bluffs Office.'. IS Scott St. THE BEB will not ba responsible for mora -than are Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than ona time. THONE TYLER 1000. Evening Editions 13:00 M. Morning Editions. b 10:30 P.M. Sunday Edition 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES B.U..U John L. aged 10 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Baum. 'died -Tuesday afternoon at their home, 2224 Em- met street Funeral from Stack & Falconer parlors, i p. rut Wednesday. Burial private. ' ,r CARD OF THANKS. WE. WISH to express uur thanks to the many friends, neighbors. Masonic lodges and Danish AbS'n lor the kindness nnd sympathy shown us during the brief Ill ness and death ot our lnsband and fa ther,, ulso for the many beautiful floral offerings. -Mrs. H. E. Olson and Mr. and Mrs. R ,K. Olson. WE wljli to thunk our friends for 'heir kindness, alto the beautiful floral ffcr Inss. at tha funeral ot our beloved hus t band and brother-in-law. Christian Martls'n, Mr. and Mrs. Eggert Bodl. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK tFTTLCftNEft; "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." , PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thlrty-thtid and Farnam. Har. 84. - FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant 23d and Cuming Sts. Phone, Douglaa 87?. Auto ambulance. NEW LOCATION . CROSBT'8 -NEW FUNERAL HOME, 2018 WIRT ST. Away 'mm noise of busy streets. PHONE WEBSTER 47. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Eicbalmers. Phone H ti t. offlce 3611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, "s. P.oneer' Funeral Iilrectora. m 701 SuMh ICth St Phono Poo. Ifif. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER9 Telepho'.c Douglas 714. 3218 CumtngSt. DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. "17 S. Kith. Tyler 17. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON rT liH Douglaa St Douglaa 8244. L. Henderson. 1 S 19 Farnam. Douglaa 1243 JOHN BATH. 18ih and Fnam, D. $000". MONUMENTS & QEMETERIES. THE- largest display of monuoienta In the United States, FRANK SVOBODA. 1215 8. l'Jth. Phone , Douglas 1875-6210. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Hobson and Eva Manllck, 1717 South 33d St.. bov: William and Mary Hanahlll, hospital, boy; Arthur and Deliu Kearns, 3527 Charles St., girl: Walter and Made Wilklns, 2601 South 11th St., boy: Glover and Maria Morgaln, 2933 Charles ' St., girl; Oscar and Lottie Bodlne, 704 North 16th St. boy: Frank and plive Odorslo, 2210 South 20th St.. girl; John and Anna Hospoka, 26S1 Polk St., girl; John-and Elisabeth Mertes, 3370 Camden Ave., girl; Frank and Helen Tapelt. 192S South 5Qth St.. boy; 'Ira and Katherlne Mynstor, 4."24 Charles St.. girl; Joseph and Josephine Wltte. 6236 Florence Blvd., boy; Thomas and C'arrlo Anderson, 217 Cherry St., boy: Fred and Mildred Mick, 1103 South 25th Ave., boy; James and ' Edna Hagood, hospital, boy; Laytonand Mar garet Cooke, 3317 Charles St., boy: Ovlan and Marguerite Parrott, 3028 Q St.. boy; John and Zettle Harrell, 2717 South 15th St., girl. - Deaths Albert Relmers, 20, S402 Wil liams St.; Sarah Hall, 42, hospital; Laura Rogers, 81. $353 Fontenelle Blvd.; Elmer M. Howard. 1 month, 281 Q St; Chester Brackblll, 9, 1502 South 22d St.; Marie Oehrlng, 34, tl South 25th Ave.; Dorothy Ellsworth, 13, 2S23 D St.; Robertf Swann. S3, 4701 North SOth St.; Mary Q'Brlen, 35, hospital; Charles Weeks. 78. 27S4North ' 48th St.; Henrietta A. Bleisch. 60, 1613 Grant St.; Anna B. Benstson. 25, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been issued licenses to wed: . - and Address. Age. , Joseph L. Adams. Omaha ........ . 25 ... Gladys M, Putna,m, Omaha....; 21 ' Francis J. Richards. Omaha.... 33 Theresa Brown, Omaha , -4 Arthur G. Hutton. Electra, Tex 30. Florence Holbrook, Omaha 31 .TD. Merton Campbell, Lincoln. Neb Lodema Nevltt, Lincoln, Neb...... Alvln Nelson. ValparalsoSNeb.'. . .Clara Jansa, Weston, Neb.. ... i William J. Dwyer. Colon. Ne Helen. Bcott, Fremont, Neb..'..... George M. Gelston. Elk City, Neb. Grata Warllgreen. Elk City, Neb. vuvnra IE. Northlnaton. Omaha. i Catherine Mills, Omaha..'. 30 Frank R. Jenks, Coon Rapids,-la 32 Nelle Frances Weaver, Coou Rapids, la. SI Salvatdre Barblerl. Omaha ....26 Antonina Sapaci, Omaha " 20 23 19 over 21 over 18 38 29 IS BUILDING PERMITS. Mrs. Blanche E. Brainard, 2433 Titus Ave., frame and stucco dwelling. 15,000. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co..- 1101-5 - Douglas street, t-A-o-story addition to store " building, 325,000. " LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST Somewhere on,.Farnam or 16th St., a ladies black slik hand bag: contents small amouut of change, half moon ' shaped perl Bet pin, package of phono graphs steel pins, small memo, book; 310 reward,, no questions asked: W. F. Presser, Bancroft. Neb. - FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cara tel pbona Tylar 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owmrs. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST RY co LOST Saturday evening, glasses in lack rasa on 17th and Douglas or -between there ad fifth floors Masonic, Temple building Walnut 1055 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Furniture and Household Goods. Patents. AUCTION. AUCTION. EXTRA HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE PIANO. Rt S AND FURNISHINGS OF SEVERAL EXTRA GOOD HOMES. IN JIT AUCTION HOUSE, SI 15. CORNER 1STH AND WEBSTER. WED.. JAN. 31 STARTS AT 1 P. M, This ta a big sale of good furniture, consisting of 3 nearly new 9x12 Wilton velvet ruga and 3 8-3x10-8 Wihon velvet rugs, several smaller Wilton rugs, 7 ex- I tra good Hartford and Axmlnster rug J In site 3x12, 1 massive genuina leather duofold and 3 massive leather rockois to match, 1 leathen davenport, wrltlnc desk. 1 very expensive fur laprobe. like : new; drapes and linens, 1 very expen sive, nearly new American walnut din ing room set, complete, William and Mary style (this Is a wonderful set 64-lneh table, high bark chairs and beautiful buffet); 3 good oak dlnlnit room setSa complete; bookcase, sewing machine. 12 brand new washing ma chines (these washing machines are the best and are being sold to settle an ac count); 1 mahogany t bed, mahogany dresser and 2 chairs, 4 massive brass bedti, springs and mattresses, 6. Vernis Martin bed springs and mattresses, ma . hogany and American walnut dressers, several good oak dressera, chiffoniers and dressing table, 1 nearly new incubator (Old Trusty), 2 extra good high oven . cis ranges and 2 nearlv new cabinet gas langes, kitchen cabinet, Ice box and hun dreds of articles too numerous to men tion. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. If You Have Anything to Sell Call Red ::3!i. Tyler 9ti6 or Colfax 1424. PATENTS procured, lougut and sold. In ternational1, Patent Co.iv 3 Brandeta. II. bOSl Painting and Paperhanging. cleaning, uau uougias ea-a paper PAINTING,-papering, paper cleaning, pa- V-.-, -rj livv. Ill,: PAINTING, paperhanglng and plastering. Walnut 4567. - Safes. CATrTTCI BARGAINS, 12th Farnam. JJkJ J. J. Derlght Sal Safa Co. Printing. Early EnjU'sli buffet, dining taWe, S chairs, 200. Also 3 chaira, 120. Wa.nut 3948. FOR SALE Combination roal and gas range 135.00., Also dufold. Call Tyler HOUSEHOLD furniture, stove, gas plate, gas heater. South 1428. FOR SALE An' oak Tyler 4124. flulBli sideboard. Pianos and Musical Instruments. DRUMS, trnps, marimbas, Instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 29U7. George A. Snillh.2 TBI Pfcvenport. A. HOSPE CO. rah. Plants fr.r rent 84.00 per month. FOR SALS Mahogany upright piano for repairs and storage charges. Doug 4703. UrRIGIlT pUmo. $15 for quiek sale; leav ing city. 1611 N. 35th. Walnut 1148. BAND and orchestra mu.s!e cheap. James Cohen. 1011 Pores s. Tyh-r "J9?i Typewriters aftd Supplies. TYPEWRITERS , ' AND ADDING MACHINES. " ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. So! agents for tha CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doue 4121 V 1905 Farnam. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 16.00. Ollvar Agency 1905 Farnam St.. City NOW Is the time to sell your oldstype wrlter and get a good price. Dg. 2147. Lumber and Building Materials. IRY H. M. KEY AM. 544 SOUTH SOTH STT Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE Norfolk Square Turn tractor, merael 1917, with plows, has been run ; about 20 days. In pood condition, price . 11.000. Fred Westby. Petersburg, Neb. Store and Office Fixturts. FOR SALE Rla'to" Shoe "store fixtures. Artplv to Mr Krarteieis or Mr. He-msn. Miscellaneous. BRICKS 3,000 Id hand bricks; also lumber, doors, wlndonrs. steel beams, pipes, and used building material of all kinds foi" sale. ' CHAMBERS-O'NKIL WRECKING CO.. 2106 Leavenworth, Tyler 1419. BOYD theater ch--. irs. wioving picture ma chine, carpels, draperies. 1,600 fine the ater chairs, for a!e at a bargain. CHAMBERS-O'NEIL. 2106 Leavenworth. Tyler 1419. OMAHA Pillow Cb., feathers steamed. renovated and made up In new fealher proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. D. 3467. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, sneivliiir. etc. Omaha Fixture & Suoply Co.. tlth nnd Pnuglas. D. 3724 LADIES' new beaver coat, martin trim ming; moving to California. Bargain. Tyle- 4200 Apt. 318. ELF.CTFUC WASHER. Meadows double tub. almost new. Owner leaving city. Valnut 852. ' LA RO K b?.ke oven for sale, very cheap, liuiuira Y. W. C. A. DRV KINDLING Harney 1837. ood. Acme Box Co., PR Y kindling wood for sale. Webster 459. WE buy used hats. Lerner. 209 So. 12th. WANTED TO BUY. Highest Cash Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Pavment Reoelnta NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Blrtg- Pouglas I3 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and registered; full N. ' Y market and accrued 'nterest lo date MACK'S BOND HOUSE . INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1431 First Nat Bk. Bids. Tyler 3644 LIBERTY BONDS, s HIGH prices for certain Issues this week. We will help you make your Income tax return. Strictly confidential. SECURITY" INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 2736. 639 Securities Bldg. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes slid furniture, Tyler 2633. A. Zavett- 705 North 16th St. NATIONAL cash -: ber and price. St., Davenport. Address, la. siae. num 10 i West 4th ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles: hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button hol-s. pennants . IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING- BUTTONS G. U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 413-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 31(l. . Baggage and Express. "The 0nly.Way"Of Omaha Transfer Co. Ticket D 295 Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHEI.L CO. 27th and Martha Sts,. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum end machine gray Iron eastings. Dentists. DR. SECOR. 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2138 Dr. Bradhnry, No pain. 931 W. O, W. Bldg Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. : Paxton Blk. R. 4587. Dancing Academies. LOST Little white neighborhood of Call Webster 4406. curly poodle dos 16th and Emmett-Reward. I J.Ij1j-A liN Ej Farnam. D. 7S50. Class at 8; dancing at 9 P. m., Monday Thurs day. Saturday; private lessons any time. -""BOSTON bull terrlor near Blackstone ho tel, answers to- name of Major. Re- ward. Wl. 2474. - . LOST Cameo brooch, Saturday evening. Finder call Y. W. C. A., Ctss St Reward. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. JANUARY .CLEARANCE Of Holiday Goods, (-foot mahogany- piano lamp stands, cut to $7.98: 24 H -Inch shades, beauti fully figured, with fringe around n tlre ed;e. your choice of several shapes, and cot to 35.98. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Comer 14th and Dodge Streets, Opposite U. P. Headquarters. Omaha. 135 000 slock of furnltura to be sold; S00 stoves ot all kinds, nigs, linoleum, prion AprtiDha duofolds. table, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers beds, aorlna-s. mattresses, trunks. . suitcase, bedding. ltnen.Veto. . Open till 9 p. m. Credit If you wish. 1139-47 N 34th St Web. 1(107 : RflVD theater chairs; moving picture ma. chins, carpets, draperies, 1,600 fine the ater chairs. lor sale at a, Bargain. CHAMBERS-O'NEIL, !19 Leavenworth. Tyler 1419. FOR SALE. 9xlJ rug and furniture for 4 rooms, to ell by piece. 141a Mortn win eu c tr. tlrlffin. ; . FOR SALE a rooms of . furnltura -with privilege of renting cottage with arage; splendid location; rent reasonable. Web. 4713. j . U K ull nw and near-new furniture, stoves and nigs at lowest prices; cash or parnierta Amer. Furn. Co.. sos w. I BUFFET, dmlng room table, 6 chairs: all . quartered oak; new; leaving city; cheap, 115 Pratt St. SELLING OUT good atapie furniture and . . household articles choap, .Dsuclaa ill, aU CumtBfc " STAGE and ball room dancing. Miss El cia Wilson, student cf Dennis Sn, school. Prairie Park, coirax 4933. 26th- ran- awn and Ames. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN 313 Neville BlR. Evideatf secured in nil cases. Tyler I J 36 Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and alterations: .work guaranteed. 6?9 S. 17th Ave. Tyler 3979. CHILDREN'S and plain sewing done rea,; sonapiy. Jjougiaa aim. Airs, naroing. FOR dainty, tiny tots' clothes, call Harney 3165. Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC heaters, 310:50; vacuum clean. ers, 137.50. Mola washing rejicnine Lslley-Wilsun Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam. HOOVER electric swaeper r rent; best; dellvei-ad. ' W bster 43il KENT electric Douglas 5718. vacuum cleaner. Call Excavating. FOR excavating, call Harney 3165. Garages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Made Housing ' Co.. 3211 Howard. Red 366?. x Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mi tlclted. TH ENSIGN CO.. ill orders eo- 1607 Howard. Jewelry. Wedding Stationery O. a Printing Co.. 428 8 ltn 8t COCKLE , Printing Company, Mary's Ave. Douglaa 283L 1S16 St Sewirfg Machines. "Dewing machines We rent repair, sell needles and parts. - . MICKELS', s 15th and Harney. Doug. 1971. Structural Engineers. - WILBUR L. FULTON. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. Plans of factory, warehouse and garage buildings. Designs of rein forced concrete and steel structures. S07 Finance Bldg. Tel. Doug. 807f. 1817 Douglas St Shine Parlors.- "SHINE! SHINE! Hats cleaned and blocked. . Special ladles' parlor. 1607 H FARNAM-. ST. t Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South i7tb. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. U. M B. 20th. Tailor. P. 3433 jr. REISER. 306 'south 18th. P. 13 87. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historfcal and masque cos tumes for amaleur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben A Son. Omaha. Towel Supplies. FRONTIER Towel "Supply. 1815 Callforula". Oman a Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. D. Its. Trucks for Hire. l' AND 2-TON TRUCKS- for hire, by hour, day or week. Walnut 1104. HAULING, all kinds, best service, best rates. Tyler 1976.. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing;. Douglas Printing Co. TeL Douglaa 644 BUSINESS CHANCES. GENTS furnishings and clothing store lo cation open March 1. Large room. Rea sonable rents; live town. Write Trustees I. O. C P. Lodge, Akron, Colo: Owners. OUR busTness""ls to-buyand sell youfbusl- .. nes. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS.. . 614 Brown Bldg. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer nd winter sides. 1907 Cuming. L. Z4t7. FOR SALE Insurance agency in country town. A snap at 31.500 with office Rooming Houses For Sale, IF YOU want to buy or sell a rooming house, see us. ' -QUICK. SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, 514 Brown Blk. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. THE BEE wili publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and man res who wilt show their discharge papers at our . office in the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. IF YOU WANT WORK CALL THE WANT AD lj'EPT OF THE BEE, TYLER 1000. WE HAVE A LIST OF VACANCIES WHICH MAY BE JUST WHAT I'O'.J ARE SEEKING. . HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and solicitors STOCK" SALESMAN WB WANT AN AMBITIOUS AND DETERMINED MAN WITH SELLING EXPERIENCE TO SELL THF SECURITIES OF AN ESTABLISHED INDUSTRIAL IN STITUTION OVER TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS AND PAY ING DIVIDENDS OF 11 PER CENT, BESIDES ADDING TO A HEALTHY SURPLUS. WE HAVlT . A VERY DESIRABLE TERRI TORY OPEN IN THE STATE OF ... IOWA. AND TO A PRODUCER WHO CAN' "QUALIFY LEADS AND CO-OPERATION WILL BE j U.'Vfcf. Afl'LI 4L'l till Bl J- BANK BUILDING. OMAHA NEB. HELP WANTEDFEMALE.- Household and Domestic, ft ANTED Girl to help wlih, children and aacond wofk; references required. Har- ney 61, WANTED White girl for housework mornings to 1. 1216 North 34th St. GIRL wunled for general housework; good tome and good salary. Web. 1421 CHA8. L. FISH Piano tuner; violin and piano teacher. Colfax 4307. WAN rk.D Yountc girl to assist with hnusewora. Harney 3468. GIRL wanted for general housework. Wal nut J633. r Hotels and Restaurants.- W AJfTCD Worsen for general kitchen work; good wages, board and room. Mrs. - R. Evans. C. & N. W. Eating Houae. Phone South 1S53. Dishwashers, and s:wr gins- good ages; good hours. See Steward, Black- stcue Hotel. SALESMAN wanted. An eastern matiufuc- I turer of a high clasa ofrico specialty, u , necessity and not a luiury, have just opened an office here and have ope.nlncs : for two high class salesraeu. Men of : good habits who can stand prosperity, j to sucn men we oner a perninucni. su ture and good connections. Give address end phone number for Interview, ,Ad- dresa T-29, Omaha Bee. ' RELIABLE SALESMEN GUARANTEED BANK BLD''i. SE'CURI TY; HIGHEST CLASS, EASIEST SELL ING SECURITY IN OMAHA. BIG "CMONEY. SEE R, II. SNYDER. ROOM . WEAD BLDG.. 18TH AND FARNAM. SALESMAN to sell direct to users the highest grade lubricating oils for autos and tractors. Exclusive territory to right man. Harper & Eccles, 1016 Wil- son Ave.. Chicago, 111. V ASHKR wanted, apoiy Steward, ha duo. I'lln and Douglas DISiiWASHKR t'rpji '.'.'WO chsmbe-Miia'.da hotel. wanted. 1607 California -St. FOR RENT Business Property, f REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Garage andBarns. North. REDI-MADE GARAGE, wood or steal. Send for circular. Redl-Made Housing Co., 2311 Howard. Red 3657. GARAGE for rent, trlct. Tyler 2112. Hanscom Park dls- W ANTED TO RENT. WILL TAKE PIANO IN HOME FOR STORAGE. GOOD REFERENCES. HAR NEY 6593. S2"tiOUTH SOTH .STREET. California r-vl WANTED Good salesman to sell films on road for reliable concern. No need to misrepresent. V. A. F. Enterprises, Inc.. 214 So. 14th St., 2nd floor. SALESMEN WANTED High grade stock and bond salesmen by reliable concern, excellent proposition by the rlglit party. Y 784 Omasa Bee SALESMEN Can place experienced or In experienced men. 31,500 to 16,000. City or traveling. Write for openings. Box T-10. Omaha Bee. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED Man. to work inside and drive Ford delivery wagon. Corner 12tli sndl Harney. Yetter Wall Paper Co. Miscellaneous. FIELD. Field Labor Guide, a book for farm ' hands, harvest hands, corn husk9rs and others; new organization plans. Send postal card for nooks: pay if satisfied. Address W Barto. Box 1057. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED City collector, single man, age 25 to 60. One who will accept quick promotion to tiaveling position, consid ered only. Straight salary, with chance for immediate increase to willing work er. See Mr. Gordon, 308 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. WANTKD Suam tibie wonia"nT Apply Y. Miscellaneous. TI1E BIG SISTERS wllIb'p"VnVigTfi"or woman nutdlnfc assistance during the present emergency. Teieyhorre Harney 6734 day or evening or Tyler 1188 In tha evening. "MOVING AND STORAGE. r FIDELITY and1 van CO. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. HOUSEHOLD OuODS- AND PlANOa REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SKRVICHL COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES XSD APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson 8ts. Doug. 288. ""Globe Van, Transfer and Storage Co ' For real service in hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug 4331 Auto or wagon service. MOVING. PACKING. S'DORAGE 1 - FIREPROOF ARS.aUS6. Separate locked rooms foV household J goods and pianos: moving, packing : and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. uoug.,i MACHINE girls wanted. Nebraska Tent and Awnlag Co.. 120 4 Farnam St . DINING room girl wanted. Apply" Clark sun hospital. 3 2d and Howard. SILVER washer wanted. W. C. A. Apply at T. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL.. NIGHT SCHOOL, BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptoinetry, abort, hand and typewriting, rall.oad and wireless telegiaphy, civil service and all English and commercial brancnea. Writ, call or phone Douglas I5C5 for large Illustrate! catalogue. Addrtas ' BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylea Building. Omaha. Neb TREE Surgeons and Landscape Gardeners are mrklng from 31 to $3 at hour. Learn these professions by mail or by attend . ing our Monday nisfht class at the Y. H. C. A. .Tuition $27.60 or 3 a week. Course requires 13- weeks. Begin now. Call or write The Page School of Tree Surgery and Landscape Gardening, 744 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6S90. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, el' Karbach Blk. Studio phone. Red !.! 209 South 15th St. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. POSITIONS, locations, etc.. for doctors, dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. F. V. Kwlest. 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha. MAN- to travel In conjunction with re'lg lous worker, fair salary. Address Box T 18. On ha Bee. WANTED An experienced coal man. Wise Memorial hostdtal, 25th aojl Harney. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Houses to lath. Call J. L. Barns. I'SOS H street. South Omaha,. Female. FOR nurses by the hour of scientific massage, call Tyler 4956 or Walnut 4293. : COMPETENT NURSE wants to care for elderly lady or obildren; Deferences. Red 7235. ' WANTED BY TYPIST Copy work, ad dresslutr cvelopes, etc., at home. Call South 4315. Laundry and Day Worn. COLORED woman, perfect in cleaning, city reference: 45c hour. Colfax 4984. WOOL BLANKETS and lace curtains laundered. 2614 Dodge. . Walnut 1130. - WANTED Day work by colored lady. Call after 5 p. m. Webster 4933j EXPERIENCED colored maid wants nlsht work. Good wages. 4393. BUNDLE and family washing called for and delivered. Walnut 1214. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work. Webster 2524. DAY work, cleaning or laundry. Call Webster 3S69. .WHITE woman wants' laundry work. Tyler 1477. DAY work wanted, -experienced lady Web ster 6099. LAUNDRY work, by the day. Call Webster S9XS. - - COLORED woman wants Ironing. Webster 1X97. LAY WORK of any kind. Call Webster 1241. COLORED lady wants day work. Webster 803. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 6406. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. GENERAL of fire man, fl00-$12&; as- sistant bookkeeper, small office, $125 : accountant, mercantile firm, $200; head bookkeeper for milling firm, $150; trav eling salesman, will consider inexper ienced man, 30 to 36 years of ago, $160 arid expenses. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., Originators of the Rafercnce Business. 7;!fi First National Bank Building. WANTED A large department store in a middle western community of 100,000 wants man -capable -of acting as buyer arid manager of rug and drapery, section. Experience In planning interior decora tions necessary. Good opportunity for livtj math In reply give age, experience, ana salary expected. Address x-liia. Omaha Be. ed, A R. M75 HEAD BOOKKEEPER. M7S-J200. Bookkeeuers. wholesale and retail die trict. J126-S175. Bookkeeper to act as assistant to sales manager, 812S-$1SB. ,THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. CATALOGUE man or someone that under stands advertising to take charge of catalogue department. Salary $150, BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N 917-18 W. O. W. Bldjt. i BOOKKEEPER-and correspondent, $178: accountant. $200; cost accL $176; book- keepers. $1S0-$135-$125-$110: ' WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. RAITjWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Beginners get $1,300; list positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 229 A. Ro chester. N. Y. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, state experience and salary expected. Box T. 26 Omaha Bee. WANTED W bookkeepe Work evenings, experienced r. call Tyler 2224. Professions and Trades. FiT A MflMTYQ W Pries iiinuviifu .th privilege to buy bsck at small profltOROSS jewjclbt W. C. FLAfcATJ. Jeweler Established 18S. ' Si?h Flnor SeeurMea Bldr Ote'ooath. I'R. MABEL WESSON lit Baud Bldg., lith and Douglaa. , J. SJ69. H. POSITIONS now open as Landscape Gard ener and Tree Burgeons. Leciura course Monday evenings just starting at Y. M. C. A. Twelve lectures. Tuition fes $27.60 or $3 a week. Quality now tor a profession that pays from $1 to $3 an hour. Call or write Page School if Tree Surgery and Landecape Gard ening, 744 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Linotype operator; day work; new machine-; excellent wonting condi tions; good salary; permanent position; open shop. , Also want first class Job compositor. 1. A. Medlar Company, 416 South 14th St.. Omaha. - WANTED A wide-awake baker. Married man preferred. State age, experience and telephone number ' when writing. T 16. Omaha Bee. LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR, VUL CANIZING. LOS ANOELES Y. M. C A Auto School. ' WANTED A young man to learn the printing trade. Apply t foreman of Bee press room. Salesmen and Solicitors. MAN ot ability who understands all grades of carpets. Apply Supt. on Bal cony. , BURGESS-NASH CO. WANTED Salesmen, two city and two for traveling; sltalght salary and bonus: experience not necessary, but some abil ity required. A live wire can make $76 a week. We teach you. See Mr. Kar .'schner, ' 8-9;30 a. m . 4-5 p. m., SIS T0 GIRLS AND MOTHERS ' OF GIRLS. To YOU and for you this story ts written, especially ts it meant for girls w ho are about to embark upon a. busi ness career. Perhaps through necessity yoo have hsd to give up the Idea of a higher education. Here la your opportunity uur school - of Instruction offers you a .supplemental course with remuneration. This course Is given by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company's school which Is maintained In Omaha and operated by a staff ot efficient in structors. The work Itself Is very fascinating and a full-fledged long lines operator in the Important link In weaving the speech ot the nation. You are, cordially Invited to visit our office , where questions concerning this unusual opportunity will be answered in detail. . Room $18 New Telephone Bldg. A$K FOR MISS BELL. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND ' TELEGRAPH CO. The National Organization. BOOKKEEPER, advertising firm, $126: DooKKeeper, real estate oiuce, oum typewriting, $100; stenographer, Insur ance office, $100; stenographer. South Side, $100; general office assistant, ex perience not necesaary, $60; general of fice clerk, 'adding machine experience WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN.. Originators or tne neierence Business. 730 First National Bank funding. BOOKKEEPER and typist. $85; P. B. X and typist, $65-$70; bookkeeper, i3i, able to take charge: typists, $65-$S6; stenographers, $S0-$100; elevator oper ator, $18. LOW CHARGES; HIGHEST SERVICE. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. I5ii City National Bank, i BOOKKEEPER, to take full charge, $108- 110. Stenographer, wholesale and retail dis trict. $75-U2u. - Office clerk, good penman, $80-$S6. Fli elerlk. $f.5-$70. , THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED at once, lady stenographer who is accurate, has good speed In taking dictation and who has had several years of experience In general office work. Must be good at figures. Good pay. LEE ELECTRIC COMPANY. Clarinda. la. ' STENOGRAPHERS, $125. $110, $100, $90, $S5; $75; Asst. Bkkprs., office eierk. $80; Elliott Fisher opr., $100: compt. opr., $80; typist, good future, $80-$90. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. XOUNG lady ago about IS, for office work. One living at home preferred. No experience -required. Of fair educa tion. Salary $10 per week to starL .See manager, 312 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Dquglaff. STENOGRAPHERS, $100, $9J. $86 and $80." Biginner stenographer, Office clerk, some knoweldge of comptometer; $100. BUSINESS MEN'S- REFERENCE ASS'N 817 W. O. W. Bldg. - WANTED Stenographer. Much expert. ence not needed but must be quicK- uo not apply unless bright and willing to work. F. A. F. Enterprises, Inc., TT4 So. 14th St., 2nd floor. , IF YOU NEED HELP CALL THE WANT DEPT. TYLER 1000. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON OUR LIST WHO MIGHT QU41.IFY. WANTED by wholesale house competent stenographer, must De . well euucaiea. Beginner will be considered, good salary. Phone Tyler 2206. - v V '..vrED Men. ladles and boys to learn in' r ber trade; big demand: wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write '.401 Dodge 6t Trl-Clty Barber College. WANTED Printer, two-thirder or straight matter man or woman compositor. steady Jon. Enterprise, Valley, Neb. WANTED Messenger boy or girl. Light work and good hours. Call Mr. Moore. South IIS. -FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT TYLER J 000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST .PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. NICELY Yurntched room to employed lady, 3 block to Farnam car; home priv ileges; private modern home; reason ghle. Walnut 877. PLEASANT, well-heated room for two la dies; private, modern home; good loca tion; block to car. Reasonable. Har ney 3539; PLEASANT warm room, newly decorated, strictly modern, private home, excellent neighborhood, walking distance. Harney 7000. PLEASANT front room, strictly modern home, hot and cold water In room, walk ing distance, gentleman only. Douglas J976. WEST FARNAM South room with lav atory, $1 week; east room, $3 week; modern private home on Farnam car' line. Walnut 2390. NICELY furnished front room, private" modern home; gentleman; $4 week; walking distance. Harney 2404. DESIRABLE ROOM, strictly modern flat, gentleman, preferred; very reasonable, close In Harney 6809j MODERN room in apartment for gentle man, reasonable. 2820 Cymlng St up stalrs. Harney 1050. ' 2614 Jones Pleasant well heated front room, modern, walking distance, for two. Red 4124. VERY DESIRABLE warm room, modern flat. Walking distance; gentleman. Harney 2109. -' ROOMMATE wanted, modern room, close In, rent $2.25 a week. Mr. Garrett, 205 South 25th. ELEGANTLY furnished room, bath ad joinlng: private, modern. Reference. Tyler 1951. 555 South 26th St. South room for gen tleman only, modern. References. Tyler 3954, . PLEASANT front room suitable for two. on car line, private family. Harney 1679. , 112 N. 40TH; pleasant well heated mod arn. private,' home for two. Harney 4966. 125" PARK AVE One front room In' strictly modern home. Harney 7180. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO nicely furnished, connecting rooms, with use of kitchen for Jiousekeeplng, In strictly-modern, private home; good lo cation, reasonable, two blocks to car. Colfax 1224. 847 South 29th St.-Two laqfce. modern, partly-furnished housekeeping rooms, private home, to couple only Board and Room. IDEAL room, adjoining bath, with Doard; strictly modern, private home, close-in, Sherman Ave. car line, to -employed ou ple or gentleman. Web?ter,4929. 424 PARK AVE. First-class board, excel lent home cooking. Those who appre ciate same call Harney 3730. 2 NICELY furnished rooms with board, private home, gentleman. South 1482. 3706 South 22d Hotels. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. THE FLATIRON HOTEL has two or three dellghful front rooms, with private bath, to offer permanently to desirable guests. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ROACHES, etc., exterminated with . one application, by contract or sold out right. B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO.. OMAHA. 807 Brand. Thea Bldg Doug 1370. EL-BEUDOft APARTMENTS. 18TH AND DODGE 8TS. Two and three-room apartment! com pletely furnished. Botel service. Tyler 4200. I FOR RENT HOUSES. West. WANTED Names ambitions women, girls wanting government positions; $1,200 vyoar. Answer Immediately. Y-852, Omaha, Bee. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced bindery girls, good steady positions; nice work. The Smith-Brooks Printing Co.. Denver, Colo. WANTKD Expeifneed trimmers and also girls handy Vlth needle, good pay. Thiele-Scharff Co., 12th and Farnam St?: WANTED Laundress for three days a , week. References required;. 3807 . Burt, Walnut 212. GIRL to learn hat trimming. Dresher Bros., 22t7 Farnam St. . Household and Domestic. LET THE BEE SOLVE YOUR DOMESTIC PROBLEMS. We HAVE A LIST OK GIRLS LOOKING FOR WORK. YOUS HOMB MAY BE JUST WHAT THEY : ARE SEEKING. CALL TYLER 1000 AND ASK FOR THE WANT AD DEPT. A middle-aged or elderly lady to stay with old lady and assist with bouse work for two. A desirable home with good food and room for right one. References. Address T-lo. Omaha Bee. WANTED Two competent girls a cook and a second girl. Good wages, every convenience. Ne washing. Mrs. R. Hi Adams. Odebolt.- la. WANTED rHousekeeper on farm near Hartlngton, Neb.; two In family; state wages expected. . Address J. N. Jordan. Hartlngton, Neb. NEAT GIRLS wanted to serve at soda lunoh tables; steady work, good pay. Apply soda cashier, Pompelan room, Brandels stores. WANTED Girl for. general housework; good wages; no washing; E In family. Harney. 6f.f. 3424 Dodge EXPERIENCED white cook, family of three. No laundry. . Mrs. W. J. Jlynes, Phone Hsrney 4760.' WANTED Girl for general housework. No laundry. Good home and good wages. Harney 1342. ELEGANT 6 -room, nearly new. all mod ern house, $56 for one year in ad vance. Wal. 459. North. WILL rent my new 6-room modern home to small family $60 per month; refer ences required. 1110 N. 36th. Walnut 435. FOR COLORED 2116 N. 26th St., 6-room bungalow, modern except heat, $22.50. . H. A. Wolf Co. Tyler 85. South. .. '515 S. 24th Ave. v SIX-ROOM house, modern except bath. $30. Miscellaneous. LIST your property foi rent or sale wltb FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor. Tyler 729. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. FLAT FOR RENT Six rooms with bath, water, aawer and gas; newly papered; new plumbing; no heat; on top of a three-story brick building; 2 blocks from postofflce, $25. Immediate possession. References re quired. , , DUMONT & CO.,. 418 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 690. North. ROOH brick flat steam heated, wltb both. Call Webster 1640. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. WANTED Woman to care for a homo, l boys In- family. Colfax 481S, after ' 4:30 p. m, Farnam St. Store, 20x40 Rent $40 Per Month GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. SUITABLE FOR Tire, electric, auto accessories, wall paper, barber, confectionery or printing KlinTV IVn ?!l!9 ITarnnm St j Payne & Slater Company J filtf Omaha Nat'l Bis. Bldg, Doug. 1016. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H R. Bowen Co Ty 3400 UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storaee 1605 Dsvewnor' rioue 2"8 MOVING, hauling,- storage. Best service, best rates. Hertung's Transfer & Stor age. Tyler 1976. DRY storage, with trackage, for rent. Douglas 2S03. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West WEST DODGE HOME Forty-third and Dodge street, beauti ful six-room stucco home, .thoroughly modern, hardwood throughout. Three rooms downstairs and three up. Dsign nnd arrangement exceptionally good. Tiled bath room. Stucco garage for three cars, with content drive. Corner lot, fronting south and east, 45x129. Price, $3,500; $4,000 cash, balance like rent. FREDERIC L.HEYN, Realtor. 421 Omaha Natl.f Bank'. Doug. 746. Owner Leaving City and must dispose of thin fine 6-room scucco on Fontenelle boulevard, only ojie block to car. Downstairs finlstied in oak. Upstairs, white enamel. Price, only $6,500 Immediate possesion, hon Walnut 2812 for particulars. FIVErROOM stucco lir Nearly new bungalow In Montcl addition. All on one floor. Plastered basement: on paved street, 2 blocks from :ar. Price. $6.400. Phone Walnut 2S12, . DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS BARGAIN IN LEAV ENWORTH HEIGHTS: 5-ROOM STUC CO. JUST BEING COMPLETED. ONLY $6,000. PHONE WALNUT 2812. MAHA Real Estate and investments. J. J. MULVIHILL. t"0 Brandels Theat Doug . IB have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phone Douglas 5074 and we will call and Inspect your property Shuler & Cary. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN. 121 Paxton Block, Phone Tyler 48S0 FOR-BARGAINS IN homes. Investments and farms Tebbens Co.. BOS Omsha Nat'l Bank For good homes on good' terms OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg., Tyler 49$ North. BRICK RESIDENCE Near Miller Parjk Located on Florence Boulevard "v on large east front lot. 47x187 ft. Hou6 has a large living room with fireplace, sun room, dining room and kitchens first floorj 3 bedrooms on second floor, one of which ran be used for sleeping porch. This home Is exceptionally well built, being built by a con tractor lor his own home. Located in a new district with new homes On all sides. Brick garage on premises for two cars. Possession can be had In 30 days If wanted. Price $13,000. This property could not be duplicated for less than $15,000 or $16,000 at this time. George and Company, REALTORS. 903 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3024. Classy North Side Home bungalow style, 6-room modn. Liv ing room and dining room in oak, pan elled walls, beamed ceilings, largo "Utch'en and den, first floor. Two rooms, ftcond floor. Elegtant lighting fixtures. Screens and btorm windows complete, 'ull basement, hof and cold water (floor '-ain. etc.), 60-foot front, paving paid. ' T.flO down $35 Termnnth. M'CAGUE INVEST MENT. COMPANY, Doug. 1345. Col. 2527. "1308 Dodge St. Evenings, SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR $2,800 Having four rooms and bath on the first floor, with oak floors, two sleep ing rooms on the second floor, electric light, lot 44x134 at 2876 Binney street Six-room modern house, oak fin'fh. four rooms and bath on first floor, two sleeping rooms on second floor, lot 33x U'B with a garage, at 4411 North 22d street. Price $200. W. G. GATES, W Omaha Nat. Bank. Dong. 1294. OWNER LEAVING, . CITY $850 and $25 Monthly.- Dandy 6 -room' cottage: electric light., gas.' bath, etc.; ?ast front lot, near 23d ftnd Sprngue Sts. Price reduced to JS.fillO. Oilick pnp!!ion. OSBORNE REALTY CO., ' 4S0 BeeFldg. Tyler96. KOUNTZE PARK HOME Price Only $7,500. Beautiful 7-room. hpt water heated home, located on choice corner lot: oak . finish; full brick foundation; built for home ; 4 bedrooms, full floored attic ; possession in 3 weeks. Shown only by nnnnlntment. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Pldg. Tyler 496. , GRAB THIS SNAP $500 Down, $35.50 Per Mo. Fivfc rooms and bath; strictly modern bungalow; oak finish, oak floors throughout, bookcases 'and cabinets, pr're nplv RJ.noo -and npw. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 130- Bee Bld Tyler . 496. A THRIFTY BUY Five-room cottage, modern except heat; lot 56x132: paving In and jjBid; S blocks to schools and churches, 1 block to Ames cajr line. Price only $2,750. Located af 4601 No. 30th St. Must ho sold this "lor.'h. OSBORNE REALTY CO., ' 410 Bee bldg; Tyler 496. POSSESSION NOW $500 CASH t-room cottage, near 10th and Willis; strictly modern. $S,750. D. 410. WILL build a nice modern -room house for you. I have material purchased. I'J' WALNUT 187. M1NNELUSA homer and lots offer the test opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 18 7. , South. ATTRACTIVE flvo-roora bungalow, well located, all modern. Owner leaving city. Telephone Harney 466$ for p- polritinent. t BAIiGAINS In homes invesment prop ertles and acreage near Omaha. Harrl son A Morto '10 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. Hefes Your Home For a small down payment you can buy thid exceptional 5-room honii modern in every detail. Th floors and finish are beautiful oak. The full basement is cemented and equipped for laundry purposes. The furnace is the best money can buy. To see this is to buy it. Phone Doupjas 7412, - - 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. On paved street. Quick sale desired. Immediate possession. Price $4,600, $200 cash. A good buy. Call Mr. Urowiu INTEK-8TATJB REALTY CO.. !5ro Farnam. Tyler 4S18. BIRKETT & CO. J5i ".V snd Insures. ISO Bee Rldf. I'puglaa 618. LIST your bosses and lot for quick Bale with Hastings A Heyden. realtors. 1614 Its rney street. Phone. Tyler 60. ' We Have Property for Rfnt or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO N. W-. Cor. 13th and Dodge. Doug. 601$. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. ' INVESTIGATE This "Snap Today! Kor Sale New restaurant building, lo rated In live town. In Irrigated section, where oil boom Is on. Will take $8,600.00 to handle this. A 110,000 loan has been allowed. This is a new two-story JSxSO brick, srpftm-hf.AtH hnlldine with full base ment. 13 sleeping rooms above, hot and' cold water in each room, wen lacaiea, . has never been occupied. Ready for occupancy June 1, 1920. Basement can be leased for pool hall; first floor for restaurant; second floor for rooming house. Rent offered over JS20.00 month. Realty Syndicate Co. .101-317 Wilkinson Bldg. Phone Doug. 6619. REAL ESTATE WANTED - CAM PAY $1,000 down on modem. ! t or l-roora bouse. Olvs looauon, prise terms. Box 7$. Omaha Bee. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortttf MONEY ta land on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually W K. TntiuAB a BON ua neeime sim. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB FAftkU. O'KEKPB REAL R3TATH CO. 101$ Om Nat. Bk. Bldr Poof, ITU. n CITY and farm loans; m and per cent; no delay. J H. Dnmout a Co. tit Keeline Bld PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPBN a COMPANY. Doug. ltf. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F E Weed Wead Bld.. th and Frnam. D. B BUCK Loans. 448' Omsha Nat Stocks and Bonds. "SAFi 'NVESTMENT Wanted $.00 loan on $5,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan Is beneficiary Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who la $1 years old and In poor health. Will arrame matter ao that entire $1,000 will be paid to flote bolder upon death of tnsured. and will keep uo premiums In Insurance. Chance to make from $600 to $1,000 lo ehort U,x Address Bee. Boa M-l. JTARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. CORN LAND 40, $0 or 160 acres, sood hear eoll, wU settled part of Todd county Minnesota: .good roads, schools and churches; will produce ood crops of corn, oats, clover, potatoes, etc.; price $15 to $22.60 per acre; terms $3 per acre cash, balance $1 an acre a year; 6,000 acrea to select from. SCHWAB BROS. 1031 Plymouth Bldg.. Mlnn'aoolls. Minn. Colorado uanas. 1,760-ACRE ranch for sale. 190 acres In fall wheat, SO horses, 25 cattle, $3,00ftf worth of machinery, 100 tons leed,,7r chickens, 16 hogs. Everything goes at $85 acre. Write to owners. Rublda Bros.. Blba, Colo. 80.000 acres choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co., Colo, lands. Bargains. Easy terms. See J. L. Maurer, Arriba. Colo. Nebraska Lands. DUPLEX pressed brick flat, walking dls . tance of downtown oak finish. Income $90 month Price $H.BO0 Q. 1784. days. FARNAM. HAHNKV LEAVENWORTH 7 ' AND CUMING STS. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. DOTJO. 11. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE , FORTY ACRES FOR SALE OR TRADE One of the beet 40 awes In Douglas county, few blocks north of Krng park, on paved road, improved with an 8 room modern house and a 6room house, not modern ; dotible parage and all nec essary outbuildings. One of the few available pieces of acreage ready for subdivision or a fine country home. Will ' sub-divide In five or ton-acre tractB or trade for first-class Income property. Can. secure 32 acres additional if wanted. Win sell on very easy terms and can give possession March 1. For price and terms call owner. Colfaic 4125. GOOD trackage lot. 113 feet front ( paved street. $3,500 S P. BOSTWICK. 800 Bee Building. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME FOR LAND We have 11 houses listed In Omsfe Owner wants land. 8. S 4 R. E. MONTGOMERY. 21$ City National AT AUCTION 240-ACRES-240 ' JAN. 26, MONDAY, 2 P.M. On the above date at the EAST FRONT DOOR OF THE COURT HOUSE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRAS KA, we will sell at publlo auction to . the highest bidder regardless of price the following described real estate, lo cated $ miles south and 2 miles west, of North Platte, Nebraska: Tha Northeast Quarter and the East Half of the NorthwestQuarter of Section $4, Township 18, Rane 81. West of the 6th P. M., Llncolnuo.t,y Nebraska, contalntng .840 acrea niore or lees ac cording to government survey. TERMS OF SALE: 15 per cent ot the purchase price cash day of sale.v 85 per cent March 1, 1920, when possession will be given. Purchaser to. assume a mort gage of $3,060.00 which la a Federal Loan, bearing Interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent payable. 'semi-annually, and can be jpatd l 1 ' years or carried for 20, owner will ' carry remainder of purchase price for ' a narlnri flf flVM vara in h- KfUMlrMH the rate of six per cent. Good and sufficient abstract ot title together with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of settlement. IMPROVEMENTS? Btory and half 5-roonv house; brand' new barn 32x48, room ror 8 head of horses, 6 cows and 20 tons of hay; granary for 800 bushels of corn: chlck- - en hpuse 10x40; garage 10x14; stable itxzt; corn crib 8x16; well and wind mill. All fenced with 8 wires. 120 acrea under plow of which 25 acres are , In alfalfa,, land under plow lies level to gently rolling.. Balance rolling pas .ture. Black loam soil with clay sub soil. For further Information, address Nebraska Realty ' Auction Co., Central City. Nebraska. Mark Carraher, Auc tioneer. M. A. Larson, Manager. O. W. Wells, North Platte, Nebraska, Owners REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. DUNDEE lot 60x135, Webster St. Jus' west of 60tn, paved alley and streets; all special paid; price right C Jl Grimmel Phone Douglas 1615 Miscellaneous. Hi ACRES In Council Bluffs, One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained . and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms $100 cash; balance to suit buyer. McGee REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. NEW DUNDEE HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Eight rooms, two stories, colo nial architecture, tiled front vesti bule, central hall, large Uvlng room, brick fireplace, pleasant . dining room, attractive break. fast rooms with built-in china cabinet, table and seats, conveni ent kitchen with desirable built in features, 1st Jloor; 4 corner bedrooms, linen closet, clothes chute, tiled bath with wall tub, pedestal lavatory, etc., 2d floor; stairway to floored attic, 2x6 ( v rafters; old Ivory and white ena mel finish, -oak floors through out; full cemented basement, sta tionary laundry tubs, etc.; ce ment driveway, two-car garage; east front-lot 60x135 .ft., 65 ft. from Farnam St, This house was designed and built by an expert architect and Is very - desirable. Price $13,600.00. Reasonable terms. No. 304 S. 50th Ave. Key . at 118 So. 51st Ave. v Close-in Corner Lot Cheap. On 20th St., between Farnam and Leavenworth. All clear. Fine apartment house site; will Increase In value as result of de velopments planned for In this vicinity'. Lot 60x80 ft. This Is . a bargain. If Interested, see us x at once. Price $5,00,0. FOWLER & M'DONALD, Realtors. , 11 JO City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1426. ; DUNDEE BUNGALOW Having f. 1 living room with fireplace, nice dining room and convenient kitchen qn first floor, with two large bedrooms and bath on second floor. This Is a dandy house and Is situated In the new part of Dundee. Price $7,750. Immed iate possession. D. V. SHOLES CO., Realtors. Douglas 46. 915-17 City Nat'l Bank-Bldg. We specialize In Dundee tiomea C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National. Douglas 8787. South Side. BUNGALOW, two lots. $2,800. 28th and Harrison 8ts. Telephone South 3801. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE a man who will buy your Ira proved property and pay cash tor It, bat the price must be right. GEORGE F JONES. REALTOR, 926 City Nat Bk Bldg Doug. 1946. WE HAVE served the Omaha publlo I a buying and selling real estate for ofer 36 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. w will aerve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment Co. FOR SALE.. Almost new 6-R. modern house Hard wood finish. Well located, close to car line. Price $5,500 $1,000 cash, balance like rent. A. W. TOLAND CO. D. S5T5. 410 Bee Bldg. FIVE-rooni bungalow, all modem and In the very Ie3t condition; located at 4409 No. 22d St. Price $4,500 with $2,000 cash. Let us show you this be fore it Is too late. Call today. CoIfa 1' 50 t Cilfax 1243. R. t. CLARY UU, . ".'104-06 Ames Ave. rv!fax '175. GET POSSESSION FEB. 1ST. The oak finish, 8-room, with two baths, residence at 323 N. S8th Ave., opposite Joslyn's, for $7,260, Douglaa 2947. WE need five nd six-room, modern houses. Have buyers. Call os todsy It. K Clary Co. 2404-0$ Ames Colfax IrEis iiT-nies and" iU for sliie In Park wood Addition; a safe plnce for Invest ment. iSorrla & Kurrla, Doug. 4274 WE are prepared to give personal, and experienced service to you In handling property, either as rental or sales agent. Our patrons are ,our reference. Mit chell Investment Co., 24th and Ames. Colfax 217. WILL pay cash for good lx or seven toom home. Must be well located and, priced right Reply giving full de scription Box T-8, Omaha Bee. JUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well-located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results, list with ne' O'NEILS R. E. & INS. AGENCY, t23-6 Brandels Theater BIlK- IF you want to bu or sell Omaha B. E. try FOWLER & M'DONALD, REALTORS. Phone Doug. 1426. 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. LIST your property with'. THKO. E;" PETERSON COMPANY, 458 Omaha Nat'l. Bank. Doug 7024. REAL ESTATE and all kinds of insurance. HE R.MAN SEN & CO.. 748 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg FOH quick sales list your property with W. Q SHR1VEK 10I7- ."m. Nut Bk. Bldg Doug 168$ WILL buy a few . good contracts, second mortgages, or niech liens Chaa L Pse rl! Brandels Thester Budg I H G have the customers and can sell your property, list with John w. Bobbins, I 681 Braadela Theater. J. kii. FOR SALE 160 acras, well Improved farm In Pawnee county. Nebraska. It is a good farm and IS' offered at a snappy price. Can give possession March 1. About 25 acres In winter wbevrt. which goes with farm; - 25 acres In alfalfa. Price f 125 per acre. Good terras. Bromley & Lewis 414$ Railway Exchange Bldg. 16th and Harney 8ts. Omaha, Neb. ; Telephone Tyler 1998. 82 ACRES CHEYENNE COUNTY FARM LAND. One hundred twenty acres winter wheat, new four-room house, good barn, cement granary, fenced and cross fenced. Two hundred twenty acres broke. Five miles north of Sidney. One miles east, one half miles south of Huntsman. Price $90 Ber acre. Good terms. Buy direct from" owner. F. D. WOOLDRIDGE. Owner. Nebraska State Bank, Sidney. Neb. FOR SALE One sectlo.t 8 miles iroin county seat at $35 per acre; mile from school: rll fenced; good well and wind mill; 400 aces tractor land. Land on ..four -Ideg has sold for $60 per acre. The best buy in Kimball county today. Easv terms; or.e-flfth down, balance to suit , buyer; also have several other halves and sastlons, raw and Improved. I pos itively own this land. Write or wlrfc me for" information, when you are coming. ; GUY FORSLTNG, Kimball. Neb. . IRRIGATED FARM FOR SALE 9 acres pasture, 84 acres Irrigated an. der government ditch: building best railroad within 1 miles of farm. House, barns, sheds, bunk house, chick en house; fenced: 15 acrea of alfalfa. Price $150 per acre; will b worth $300 within two years. See B. J. Seger, Scottsbluff, Neb., owner. E. H. Morey, u pu,,i loin pi., Liincom, Neb. 8.000-ACRE ranch. Well Improved: hou big bani garage. granary, chicken house, dehorning chute; well fenced; cuts 200 tons of hay. 35 acres of alfalfa and timothy. Spring water runs the year around. Price $17.60 per awe. Gocd terms. Possession any time. Lin coln county ranch. E. Combs. BlgnelL 160 ACRES, Wood river valleTnen'oTtllT Improvements, orchard, alfalfa, all fenced. 3 miles from Buda. 7 miles from Priced .,b' March 1 Possea. 1. V.l16S. Pr cre- ood terms. This is one of the best bargains in the valley; "-owner must sell, the reason for such a bargain; for particulars write E. G. Tunks, AgenL Gibbon, Neb. 'FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands ...CORN AND ALFALFA FARM? IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the right price. - Write for list? y LARSON & CARRAHER. "iiiri -uy. nenraska. iR. SLE 30 acres level land at Elk City. 15 miles northwest of Omaha Will be on paved road; $,)00 worth of tm- Neo. V. Shumaker, Elk City. FARMS, possession farch 1, 1920. 80 acre and up good ranch, some exchange WJULE fV Pictures and prices of my farms and rsnchea- in good old Dawea . Co Arab L. Hungerford Crawford Neb! For Neb Farms and Ranches eee Graham-Peters Realty Co.. 829 Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldg.. Omaha FOR NEBRASKA LANDS 8KB" 3"1 Karbach Blk Ti Wr lit, New York Lands. $1.000 BUYS splendid level 250 acres" well drained 2 miles from village; mal cadam road, dark loam; 70 acres vain! able tlmbor. balance tillable; paction llv new buildings; 10-room bouse ;SS: ""' mb"l "ot. holding 1 160 tons hay; silo, hennery, piggery grsnary: running-.Water In house, barn " ard pasture; large orchard: Including crops, ao bead cattle b good horMi sugar equipment, 60 hens, potato digger diso harrow, laud roller, harrows. drllL sulky cultivator, sulky plow, rake i engine, mower, binder, wagons, bua-av 4 cutter, sleighs, heavy harnesses, light harnesses, small tools, milking machine! South Dakota Lands. .SOUTH DAKOTA backs Its farmers with v iuw inieraii. ianus near market, school and church can thus ba bought wllh email Investment. For state bulletins of production and values write Department of Immigration. Charlet McCaff ree. Commissioner Can Itol Q-81, Pierre. S. . ' Miscellaneous; LA'D SEEKERS Our excursion to ,"v ui.nui vanry is now on. W. 8. k Frsnk. Neville Blk . Omaha. . FARty LANDS FQRRENT. SEVERAL good farms for rent on share, near Lincoln, from 200 to 820 acre each. None but good farmers need apply. State In first letter how you are equipped and . give references or letter will not be an swered. U. A, Kogera, IHI K 6U, Lln ooln. Neb, t