- ' " I ' , I , ' i ; C li U D UAJ M SOCIETY To Honor Visitor. Mrs. N. C Leary will entertain informally at her home Sunday eve ning in honor of Miss Marion White of Bangor, Me., who arrived Mon day afternoon to be the guest of Mrs. James Boyle. Bridal Affairs. A number of additional affairs are on the social calender for Miss Esther Wilhelm, whose marriage to Stmitiel Cooper of Pittsburgh will take place January 31. Mrs. H. R. Bowen will entertain at luncheon at ,the Blackstone Thursday, for 'this bride-elect. Mrs. Milton Barlow will be hostess at a luncheon Friday for Miss Wilhelm. Mrs. Wilson Lowe will entertain at luncheon on Saturday, January 31, in honor of Mrs. Samuel Cooper, mother of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jurlson will give a dinner Sunday, February 1, "for Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, the parents of the groom. -Theater and Supper Party. ! Miss Gwendolyn Wolfe enter tained at the Br'andeis Monday eve ning followed by a 6uppcr-at the Athletic club. Her guests were . Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dudley, Mr. 'arid Mrs. Donald Macrae, jr.,' Mrs. Clifford Wolfe, Miss Erna Reed, and Messrs. Porter Allan, Walter Voodrow and Dudley Wolfe. -Informal Affair.' . A short program followed by an informal dancing party was given Friday evening at the Morris apart ments. Those taking part were Mrs. A. A. Covalt, who sang several numbers; Miss Florence English, who gave piano selections; and Doris Clare Record, who danced. The guests numbered 100. DOUBLE BEAUTY v OF YOUR HAIR i'Danderine" creates mass of thick, gleamy waves Vr.-.. Dance Frock ft IS , Jn,a few moments you can trans form your plain, dull, flat hair. You can have it abundant, soft,, glossy and full of life. Just get at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Danderine" for a few cents. Then moisten a soft cloth with the "Dan derine" and draw this thr'ougH your hair,, taking one. small strand at a time;' Instantly, yes, immediately, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will be a' mass, so soft, lustrous and so easy to do up. All dust-dirt and excessive' oil is re moved. , . Let Danderine put more life, color, vigor, arid' Drightness in your hair. 'This stimulating tonic will freshen . your scalp, 'check dandruff and fall 'v ing hair and help your hair to grow 4ong, thick, strong and beautiful. TNT AWAY GRAY OR FADED HAIR The Safe, Harmless Method by Which Thousands of . Women Keep Look ing Young. TRIAL PACKAGE SENT FREE. Tfetr in reanr hair "dyes" and so ealled "ntttorcn," but there U only one "Brownatone" Hair Tint sale, harmless. Instant in results, eaty to apply and pre ferred by every woman who baa tried it. "Brownatona It My Best Friend." This wonderful preparation does not rub or wain oft. If you want a delightful surprise,' just brush or comb a little "Brownatona" through yout gray, streaked, or bleached hair and see it change like magie to golden, soft or deep rich brown, or black any shade desired the exact color to set off your complexion. Absolutely Harmless. "Brownatone" Is not only odorless and 'Breaseless, but Is positively non-Injurious. Wf absolutely guarantee it to contain no lead, sulphur, silver, mercury, sine, aniline, or coal tar products. Used for switches as well as growing hair. Sold by all leading druggist. Two slses, S5e and . $1.11. Special Free Trial Offer. Send only He with this eoupon for Free trial package and helpful booklet on the ear of the hair. - l - Mail This Coupon Now. . The Kenton Pharmacal Co.. , COS Copptn Bldg., Covington. Ky. Enclosed find 11 cents to cover postage, packing and war tax) for Trial Package of Browtiatone. ........Light to Medium Brown or ........ Dark Brown to Black. Mark w ith X shade wanted and mail with your full name and address. 1 1 w Fashion Camera Photo. Nothingc buld be more charming for the dance than this frock of canary chiffon with an undcrdress of metallic broi-aded satin. -An odd effect is gained by the way the skirt is caught up Tit the side show ing a series of ruffles. Personals Mrs. David T. Feder of the El Eeudor "apartments is ill at the Birchmont hospital. '.' . Mrs. ,D. II.' Jiawk left' last week for New. York City. . She .will re turn January 25. Miss Mary Cooper, sister of Sam uel Cooper of Pittsburgh, will ar rive Thursday to the guest of his fiancee, Miss Esther Wilhelm. Miss Cooper will remain until after the wedding 0n January 31. Theater Party. Mrs. C- J. "Sutphen enterta'iicd for her daughter, Gertrude, at a box party Monday evening at the Bran cieis theater." The, guests who at tended with Miss Gettrude Sutphen are: Misses . Charlotte McDonald Eleanor Baxter, Dorothy Sherman, Polly Rohblns, Dorothy Gutliort, Josephine Drapler " Silsses Dorothy Barber, Jane MrConnell, Maude Brown Martan Gardner Elearnor Brown,. Doris Plnkerton, Birthday Party. ' Mrs. J. James entertained at a birthday party at lief home Monday in honor of the fifth birthday of her daughter, Jacqueline James, and the sixth birthday of Jane Patch. Two pink and white birthday cakes and a Jack Horner pie formed the dec orations. The guests included Har riett, LoVe, Peggy Young, Jane and Helen Stone, Frances Brown, Jose phine Coad, Jane Platner, Ernest Coad, Virginia Pritchett, Elizabeth Hendricks, Betty Ann Patch, Zena Gray Dorflinger, Hudson and Gor don Shotwell, Sumner Slater, Donald Lange Sonny Rutherford, and Frank Hamilton. ' Theater Parties. G. ' L. Farnsworth . entertained nine guests at the Orpheum Mon day evening. Others entertaining included C. E. Masters, J. M. Opper, O. M. Smith, A, Sturtevant, S. Stuart, John Adams, G. B. Beau mont, J.. M. Baldrige, V. Currey, William Chambers, W. T. Dailey, C.I". Oruenig, H. Ji. Howland. E. W. Hart, G. A. Jostyn, S. Lee, C. U Lohrman, if. W. Mikesell, O. C. Redick, Robert Zachary, N. J. Young, Charles Ver Merhan, W. Schriorr, Raymond Shields", M. Mul vihill. Dr. M. Dunham, J. B. Gottch and L.' Slater. CY.M.A. , The C. Y. M. A. will give a danc ing party at Kel-Pine's academy, Wednesday evening, January 21. Informal Parties. Dr. Edwin Davis entertained at an Orpbeum party, Sunday evening, in hondr of the Misses Catherine and' Margaret Joy, who are guests at the W. R. Wood home. They were the guests of Mrs. Wayne Selby at her home Monday afternoon, when she entertained at bridge for them. Two tables were set for the, game.. Entertains for Miss Jensen. .. Mrs. John Gooddall entertained at a miscellaneous . shower at her home Saturday evening in honor of Miss Laura Jensen. Miss Nellie Hackenberg assisted the hostess; The guests numbered 16. Afternoon Card Party. A card party will be given Tues day afternoon by Holy Angris par. ish at the hall, Twenty-eighth street ,and .Fjjitlsf avenue, . , Girls In the Small Communities to Enjoy Life People who live in the rush and hurry of cities sometimes find if a puzzle to know just what it is that causes others to give up a happy life out of doors for the crowded subways, the throngs on the street and in the stores. Two factory girls who went to St. Paul from their country homes in- Minnesota ex pressed just what the difference was when they said: "We like the shows, things to do and places to go to." And the Young Women s Chris tian association used this statement to build up just the kind of pro gram that 'would most-appeal to girls who live in the country or in small towns. Plays and pageants are coming to take their place in the sun. There are few girls who don't like an im portant part in a play and fewer still who can resist the fun of plan ning costumes, scenery and all the little details ' which go to help in the production of a drama to be seen by their parents and their friends. In one county- in Iowa there is a club of 25 girls bubbling with jife If there is anything that these girls like to do that very thing is done some time curing tne club year. . At their meetings they nlav trxmea. have discussions on girls' problems, talks and nature study. 1 hen tncy nave picnics ana iri rrpjmi socials, and last summer gave orie .delightful lawn party,: to which lilt- uujrs vanit. Out inV Montana" in two little min-: iiig towns near the ..Rockies there are about 30 of the most enthusias tic club girls. In the summer they tat-i lontr wonderful hikes un some favorite mountain path, and eacl; and every girl spends at icasi one week at Camp Rotary, tucked away i'i-. iliA niftt rlMl'crllt i'nl snot in flip Little Belt mountains. Swimming, lislung, nature stiiuy, wun many, manv rtlipr " rlptaiU fill pvrv ' HaV full to overflowing. These girls start each day with a clcan-up and formal military inspection of each cabin. The chilly evenings spent about' the fireplace, with stories, victrola mu sic, dancing and popping corn, gave iust the richt final touch to each happy day; In one state tnere is a busy, Duy general secretary, who in her Ford travels about her county and keeps 20 live-wire, up-to-the-minute clubs going at lull speed every minute. Rarli of these 20 rlnhs has from 10 to 20 members. Their activities are too numerous to mention and in clude everything from gymnasium work and community betterment to devotional services and picturesque bails on Washington's birthday. Lovelorn BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX A Revelation. 1 TJear Miss Fairfax; Omaha But: 1 have read your good advice in The Bee quite often and have decided to write to you. I am a Klrl of 16 years and my parents forbid me going with boys, although thex do not give me any special reason I want to know why? I am quite friendly with all boys and have had dates with quite a few. I have been with all kinds, too, preachers' sons and on aown tne line, but found out I did not "lovo" any but one. His parents are not well-to-do and he does not know what ''home" Is. He has a brother who ia not started in right, but he is a perfect gentleman. He has perfect manners. ' He knows how to "handle" a girl arid treat her witn respect. I am in no doubt as to his love, as I've asked other girls how Ke treats them; they say he is bashful and hardly touches their arms when helping up and down steps, but all of a sudden one eve ning he threw his arms around me and pressed me to , his bosom and laid my head on his shoulders in an embrace. He has never kissed me. but has asked me to do so, but 1 saw you said ;"kissin is harmful" and have not allowed him to do it. This Incident has been a revelation to me, Miss lairfax. What is to be made of it? We meet very often, but nothing is said concerning this affair and he still remains true. My motner solemnly refuses to let me go -with him, although she has never seen , him and has. heard - nothine about him but through some things ms orotner aoes. She refuses to let me have him. I am deeply in love with him and how could I convince my parents as to his character. Now I'll close and I hope to see my letter In print in Monday's Bee. I remain, "NAUGHTY PEG." P. S. Should a girl sit with a bov on dark steps and make love scenes? I absolutely refuse to do it. Am I not right? ' Let the Incident pass without fur ther notice. He probably gave way to a fit of emotion. Try to convince your parents that the boy ia all right, but do not. make "love scenes" on door steps. Bashful. 1 Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Please can you tell me how to over come bashfulness and shyness? At school I attend high school there are a fine lot of boys. In the as sembly room I orten see them look ing at me, some of them smile and even wink. I feel verv embarrassed and don't now how to act. Some times I smile back and sometimes I haven't got nerve enough to do that. Last Sunday evening one -boy called up and asked for a date. J, didn't now what to say; I stood at the phone a long time, then finally heard him hang up. The people I live with they are not , my real parents will not even let me write to my mother. She lives a long way from here. It makes .them provoked if I even speak to a boy, say hello when I pass, if any of them are with me. They even read the notes I receive from my girl friends when they can find them. I am not al lowed to go out after dusk with any of the girls unless some of them are along. I am trying to overcome bashfulness when I am in a group of young people. At parties I feel out of place. How can I overcome this and be popular with boys and girls alike? Is it right for those people to do as they do? i Please answer this as soon as pos sible. . "PRIM." It seems to me that It is a mis take for parents to be over-strict. Young people must have companion- snip and it is the duty of parents to teach them the meaning of whole some companionship rather than to restrict them to the four walls of home. You cannot overcome your bashfulness unless you are allowed to mingle with the young folks of yoat town Heart Beats By A. K. All RlftaU ItMervtd Tick tocic! . Little round clock Ticking twenty-four hours A day , ,.: . To the tune of my hear: ' And head. '" ', " In early morn You have broken my slumbers Started hit off To work or play Helped me mark time For a system of living Sent rrie to march With the trend of the era. Through sunny times When my spirit soared high Gay and free as the wind -Your melodious chime. Was but faint and fine Ticking a tune In a rythmic way. Through early nights You vyorked faithfully Never a rest. Never a stop . Marking emotions' ; As the hours grew late And my heart beat, like hammers Upon my ears While you beat the "stillness Of atmosphere.- -. , Froni faint little ticks Your signals grew strpng " Wild and fearless . ; .... As the, night crept on Till all other sounds '". '' Between earth and Heavenr Grew faint and echoless On the air. .- . . , Sometimes you were fast . Sometimes slow -" Almost human You seemed to go ' On and on forever With me Always keyed To the tune of my hean Always in touch With my thoughts And my- soul. Sorrow you sensed Joy you perceived Manifesting sympathy For every mood Faithful always little clock O that some men Would only take heed! And follow the lead Of my Little Ben. 1 . , SELA1I. Parliamentary Law. tuJ narliamentarv law depart ment, Omaha Woman's club, will meet Tuesday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. at 2 o'clock. Miss Gladys Shamn i thi new leader, takinsr the place of Mrs. R. E. MeKelvic, who resigned at the last regular meeting. Mrs. A. C. Anderson is secretary o,t Mrc eO V. Krinc. treasurer of the department. E. V Svoboda is instructor. I Here are six remain lesson Hnrinc the club year which will be devoted to parliamen tary instruction ana practice. Sheik Wants American Girl TlioiicatiHs men from the Or ient and Africa have returned from the armies of the allies with changed ideas about the marriage relations of the'Occidentals. One young Mos. lem sheik has ottered ins tour na tive wives provided by the Koran o a missionary if he will procure an educated American girl to share his salt and tent. . , A Lovely River. I will not try the reach again, I will not set my sail alone. To moor a boat bereft of men, At Yarnton's tiny docks of stone. But I will sit beside the fire, And put my hand before my eyes, And trace, to fill my heart's desire, The last-of all our Odysseys. The quiet evening kept her tryst; Beneath an open sky we rode, And passed into a wandering mist Along the perfect Evenlode. I A lovely river all alone, She lingers in the hills arid holds A hundred little towns of stone, Forgotten in. the western wolds. V Hilaire Belloc. Thin Men and Women Can Put On Flesh increase Btrnjth, endurance, vitality and greatly improve their health by building up their nerves and enriching their blood. Unquestionably one of the beet things for this purpose is the great French dis covery known among our druggists as Blood-Iron Phosphate. People who have tried it say that one five-grain tablet taken with each meal quickly restores depleted nervous energy, enriches the blood, increases strength, vitality ana endurance, anl those who are too thin usually put on pounds of solid stay-there flesh in a short time. Inasmuch as Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. and all other druggists are authorized to sell Blood-Iron Phosphate under a guarantee of satisfaction or money back, every thin. weak, nervous or anemic man or woman snould give it a trial without delay. Imoortant Blood-Iron Phosphate la sold only in original packages, containing enough for three weeks' treatment, at $1.50 per package only SO cents a week. SURPASSING FLAVOR ABUNDANT JUICE TENDER PULP Characteristics found in imfm THE ARISTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST TABLE Always found In the Atwood Wrapper. ?u00D i GRAPE rMfflMRWftJ MAWV1STA. ri. TRIMBLE BROTHERS Omaha, Neb, Wholesale Distributors. ' Community Service. Tncrlav. Tanuarv '20 The Lafav- ette " and Patriotic! clubs - will liave dinner at the Community house at 6 p. m.; the class in dramatic art at 7:56 p. m., under the direction of Miss Mulholland. Basket ball game at the Army and Navy club, the Bowen furniture company, trom o to 8 p. m. Basket ball game at the Armv and Navv club, the M. E. Wops," from 8 to 9 p. m. Dance at Fort Omaha trom 8:JU to 11 p. m.; riii7 W. D. T.. H. E. L. P. and D. T. A. clubs, hostesses.- South Omaha Woman's. Club. The South Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday afternoon, Janu ary 20, with Mrs. C? L. Talbot, 4506 south I wenty-second street. Mrs. Fred Lush, leader, will give a paper and Mrs. C. W. Sears will give a lit erary number. . . Public Speaking. . Public speaking, department, Omaha Woman's club, will, meet Tuesday, January 20 at 10 a. m. in the Y. W. C. A. The class will give Lincoln's Gettysburg address and also impromptu speeches. U. S. Grant. ' The U. S. Grant postwill hold its regular' meeting Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 ;in Memorial hall. The Re lief corps-meeting will follow at 2:30 o'clock. , . .. .- Spanish Club. -The Spanish club will meet Tues day evening in room 302 Patterson block. . .. : . - U. S, Grant Entertains. ' The U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps will give a dance at the Elks rooms Tuesda" evening, January 20. This is an effort to secure funds for replacing the .flags which were recently destroyed by. fire at . the court house. Omekro-E.-Xima. Omekro-E.-Xima willmeet Tues day evening at the Social Settle ment house for supper. Chapter BX, P. E. O. Chapter BX, P. E. O. sisterhood will meet Tuesday for a' 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Harry M. Bind er, 4801 Farnam street. Business Women's Club. There will be an open'meeting of the Omaha Business Women's club in the Y. W. C; A. auditorium Tues day evening, fjanuary 20, Miss Maude Adair, leader. The fourth annual sonata program will be given. Trinity Cathedral. Section B of Trinity cathedral will meet with Mrs. William Ritchie, jr., in the Blackstone hotel, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Conac Club. Conac club will give a dancing party Friday evening, January 23, at the Blackstone. '' XL Club. The XL club will, give a dance Tuesday evening, January 20, - at Eagle hall. .Mrs.. A'. ;G. Peterson, of Aurora will b a guest of honor at the P. E. O. luncheon Wednesday. Tanuarv 21; at the Fontenelle-hotel at 12:30 Lp'clock. Mrs. E. G. Drake of Beat rice will be the other honor member in attendance from butvof the city. Both Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Drake have been past supreme and past Nebraska state presidents. The seven P. E. O. chapters in Omaha will unite in this social occasion, cele brating the fifty-first anniversary of the ' organization. Mrs:' John R. Hughes is the local president. DREADED FOR ilGIIT TO COME Texas Lady, in Pretty Bad Fix, Heard of Cardui, 1 Tried It, and Now Says It Saved Her Life. Chilton, Tex. Mrs. Mary, Reese, of this place, states: "Sometime ago I was quite sick and suffered a great deal. I had been suffering quite awhile. . . At times I had such severe pains in my back, across my hips and in my sides I was in a pretty bad fix . . . was so restless I dreaded for night to come. Having heard of Cardui, I thought I'd try it ... I commenced to get better with my first bottle. . I took six bottles of Cardui, and will tell any woman what this Cardui Home Treatment can and will do if taken according to directions. We not only feel it cured but . . . most likely saved my life. I am able to do my work with ease and know Cardui did it" Cardui has been found to relieve many womanly pains and ailments, and thousands of women have writ ten to tell of the benefit it has been to them, in cases of female troubles and weakness. Cardui is prepared from mild, me dicinal ingredients, which act as a tonic and help build up health and strength in a natural manner. Try Cardui. At druggists. Your Stomach Made New 25Box TRY THEM ESTABLISHED 18B4 BITTEB'B DIGESTIVE LOZENGES will Iil tltelj renWt dlsordwwl stomachs to bMltb anln. Prors tlni by tMtlni them . for Toumelr. 'nr twenty-flTG jetrs lli.y btf bera standard remtdy for itonuich tiltnenU. Get box, 25 cuts, st Bnermu AKvonnru Dnif o tores. Omaha: P. E. 0. Chapters . Celebrate With Honor Y- v' Guests. r, ItjF . PHOTO Police Recover Furs Quick justice was meted to burglars implicated in two rob beries in 10 days of the F. W. Thorne Store and thousands of dollars' worth of ladies' fur coats are on sale at .about half price, not a coat missing. Three men are enroute to the "Pen," and a prominent physician is in the toils for receiving s.tolen property. POWDER LORE DoVt powder a section of your face. It wilt only make it the more conspicuous. , . . Don't forget that' you have a neck and therefore draw the powder line directly under the chin. Some wom en's faces look as though ' their necks didn't match. - - Don't leave the powder in the ! crevices of yourjface. This is un-! cieanlv and often civet th far cemented look. Don't let your eyebrows and eye lashes get sprayed with powder. If they do, take a damp brush and go over them. Don't dab with a powder puff in public. There is no reason why the httle mirror on a slot machine should be a magnet to every wom an passing by. Don't forget to powder just a little around the mouth and chin. A white nose above an unpowdered mouth will make you look as if one or the other were a misfit. Don't . be too generous in your use of powder. Powder that shows itself defeats its own purpose. And dou't, if you're a young girl use powder at all. A healthy young skin has a. beautiful transparency that cannot be imitated by any cosmetic. Why cover it up? The young girl whose nose shines or whose skin is oily had better start right in to clear up her skin in stead of covering it up. Health will do much more than anything else in the world, to. make a vdung skin glow and look as beautiful as na ture intended it should. Powder is a help over hard places, but the young girl shouldn't have any hard places. "Eating" Classes. Underfed school children in some of the larger cities are to be grouped into ''eating" classes in a course of stuoy for both parents and pupils in the causes of malnutrition. Nur ses and dietitians have been placed in charge where the classes have al ready been established. Water -as Dowry. Watr in so srarr in thn Tananest island of Oshima fliat it is the cus tom for a bride to take, a large tub v of drinking water with her to her new home as a kind of dowry.- A Simple Way To Remove Dandruff There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, just get about Jour ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you will need), apply it at pight when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely de stroy every single1 sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and dig ging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lus trous, glossy, silky ' and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. MOTHER'S FRIEND Expectant Mothers. ASneedv Rprirvprv At Alt Simlili Sroial SmsM m Mi tkmki w4 ksi, Fm MUPmiO MCUtATO CO-Psfi, U. A tukti. CjJ SOT WTTTKiP-'it IV-1 in ay ieus now to atop a Bad Cough SarprUlnr results from I his fmrnent 2 Id homs-mada sjmp. Kaslly j preps mM UUle. , ' f If vou have a severe cough or chest cold accompanied with soreness, throat tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breath' in;, or if your child wakes up during the ni"ht with croup and you want quick help, try this reliable old home made cough remedy. Any drucgi't can supply you with 2VJ ounces of Plnex. Pour this into a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Or you ean use clarified mo lasses, honey, or corn syrnp, instead of sugar syrup, .if desired. This reeipo makes a pint of really remarkable cough remedy. It tastes good, and in spite of its low cost, it can be depended upon to give quick and lasting relief. You ean feel this take hold of s roucb. In a way that means business. It loosens and raises the phlegm, stops throat tickle and soothes and heals tjie inritated membranes that line thft throat and bronchial tubes with such promotness, ease and certainty that it is really astonishing. Pinex is a special and highly coaeea irated compound of genuine NorWay plne extract, and is probably the best known means of overcoming severe coughs, throat and chest colds. - There are many worthless imita tions of this mixture. To avoid dis appointment, ask for "2i ounces of Pinex" with full directions and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex C., Ft. Wayne, Ind, TOO FAT? Get t smsll box of Oil '( Xortle (In earsuleil at n ilruc store. Fole slnsl Konln ivHtaa sod reSses ll to 60 lbt.. or more, under 1100 esarantes. Absolute)! U. taeV Mel ana, The fit seems to nwl awar. Ry pruiwi .oductlon you will ueke wonder ful fain In iibralual and mental enerir. Ada years te your life. Remember Oil of Koretn. Xon piirtlve: no thyroid. Beet method in the enrU to beonrae (lesser qulrMy. safely, liietpwllrelr and atay thin. At all buay drastleta'; or write nnw for rBEE BROOHCBE to Koretn Company, NO-301. Station V. New lork City. IMPOVERISHED MEN AND WOMEN Quickly Regain Health. Strength, Energy, and Ability by Taking 3-Graln Ca'domene Tablets. . The Very Best Tonic. v " Sold by All Druggists. r . .. -Adv. " lO DAY SALE: of Portable Electric ewii Macliiies WITH the Portable Electric Sewing Machine you can do your sewing in any room in the house. There is no tiresome pedaling as you have experienced in the past when sewing with an old style machine electricity does the work smoothly, easily, evenly and well. The speed is con trolled at will all you need to.do is to guide the cloth. . Machines offered in this sale with a minimum down payment of . . . . . . . BALANCE IN EQUAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS A Portable Electric Sewing Machine can be placed on any flat surface and operated at will. They come in a case and are as easy to carry as a traveling bag. - , 4 Styles Vibrator, Rotary 2-Spool Rotary, Chain Stitch The Electric Machine has a full sized head costs less to buy than a foot power machine, and' a cent's worth of elec tricity runs it for several hours then, too, tKey are offered at last year's prices. x Sale Starts Thursday, January 22 Sale Ends Saturday, January 31 4s your Spring sewing will soon begin, why not do it electrically? ' . if Nebraska Power Co. "Your Electric Service Company" . Farnam at Fifteenth. . 2314 M Street, South Side.