Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1920, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE! OMAHA. TUESDAY. ,JAMJAKY 20. 1920. 11 AUTOMOBILES For Sale. RENT ANEW FORD I DRIVE IT YOURSELF 13 CENTS PFB JIll.K. OAS AND INfURANO"! EXTRA. OVR CARS ARB y'irt-'K tabit iUKATED KOR WIN TER HKRVICE. ' DRIVE-IT-TOl'R SELF-COMPANY, FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 3(22. NEARLY nw Peerless I that w can toll on easy terms, THE NEW U8ED CAR PLACE, 5047 Farnam St. Optn Evenings. Tyler 4072. ROADSTER BARGAIN. . Completely equipped, large Chalmers, sales or lrda for light roadster and cash; garage. 27th and Leavenworth. Mr. Spencer. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODEL NEBRASKA WHITE CO. rRED D. C ROGERS. MQR. TYLER 17(1, . 1407-31 Capitol Ave. RELIABLE automobile achool; teat alec trlcal and self-starter courses; day and Bight achool; coma now; free catalogue. National Autonioblla School. 3314 North Twentieth, Omaha, BuME bargains In used ford cars. lc Oaffrey Motor Co. Tha Handy Ford (Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Uouglag 3600, "17 FORD touring. $3t;; MS Ford touring, ISIS; Dodgu touring, $725. Excellent condition. Terms. 2418 Farnam. Doug lax f.m. STANDARD WINTON KIGHT SIX KEYSTONC! MOTORS CORP. 2208 Farnam, BRINGING UP FATHER So Ji(i aad . Maggie in Full Pag of Color ia Th Sunday Baa. Drawn' for The Bee by McMenus Copyright. 1918 International Nvwa eetvbe 6T THROUGH PLM SOMETHING X V aM A m N- -l. MY WIPE ? DfcWlN" ME CRAZV WITH HER. oh: l THAT" THE NOlfcE. 'HEAR WHEN 1 I A - T-1 I'M COfSNA sE it? tHE VJ1UL CP THE PlNO FOR. TH ViOLtM- 5 MAN M.INJE THAN A piano r K.NO"w -But Kirs THROW THE VIOUN OCT. THE window: t10 ay ikto. MTuai ttavict. inc StAi j ' -- USED tars of exceptional valua. GUY L. SMITH, . llll Farnam 8t Doug. If 79. TW1N-SIX PACK ARD. completely over hauled, run leaa than S.000" mile. 3 new cord tlera at a barca n. consider ably Ion than half-price. Party leaving city, rnone ryier 1276. IM'MP irueka for sale, Juat overhauled iorma If required. See CHAMBERS-O'NEIL, jinn Leavenworth. Tyler 1419 MAXWELL truck, delivery In flue condition. 4 new payment down, balance Walnut 4809. body, cloned, Urea; email eaay terma. WANTED For apot caali. 100 used cara; lulck action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2063 Farnam St. Doug. (035. RHHir-MADE iiARAUES, Kouil -jr gtccf. Send for circular Rrdl-Mnde Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. R-d S4S7. JLDSMOB'LE-SIX louring, for aale or trada for 1918 Bulck roadatar or Es- car. Colfan 24J. cara to select 11 W'K Go Koud ukciI rrom. .mi prices. . MEEK14 At'TO CO., :(I2 Farnam HAVE aome exceptional valuee .In ii'cd cara. PACKARD OMAHA CO., Slsf and Harney. NEW l-lon aervlce truck, 1500 leea than delivery price; never haa been used. vtainut 4jos. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. Z4"u rarnam et. theTix1b flyeK r. nichols motor company. 2520 Farnam St. FORD MARKET. Farnam 2230. '' Cash. Time. Liberty Bonda. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS- VAN BRUNT'S. Look for the red aesl on wlndablel 1100 for any magneto wa can't repair. Ford muga. recharged, guar, atronger J- than new. O. Bayadortar. 119 N. 18th. 8EST VALUES IN USED CARS. . TRAWVER AUTO CO., HI" FARNAM. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO.. 3033 FARNAM EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. GOOD f'SED CARS. . OUT U SMITH. Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha IJva Stock. Omaha, Jan. 1, 1910. Recelpta were: Cattle. Hoga. tfhaep. Monday eatimat .. 7,600 10,600 1,400 Same day lnet week 13,388 Same day 2 w'a a'o 10.417 Sama day S Va a'o 10,692 Same day year ago 11,478 Recelpu and disposition at the Union Stock Yards, ror 24 hour3 ending at S o'clock p. m., January 19, 11)20: UKCEIFTS CARS. 15.463 10.79S 12,423 SI, 554 of live Omaha, li.072 9,808 14,776 8,775 stock Neb., Missouri Pacific C, M. Wt. P. Union Pacific . . C, C. C 3 23 49 4k N. Wr., eaaf . 4 & N, "vV., west .161 St. P. M. O. (4 C. B. & O . eart . 4 C. B. & Q., west .10 C R I 4S P. cast .14 Illinola Central .. C, Gt. West lg Total Reecipta ...4!0 1817 PAIGE touring; ' Douglas 9425. A-l condition. Call Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. I01, 14.00; I0a344. 88. 00. ' All aitaa In proportion. look oval . our rebuilt. Open Sundays. Tyler 2988. 0 N. 18th St. Kayatona Tire Shop. ED NEW TIRES. GUARANTIN 30x1 I 8.50 I 32x4 818,95 11.90 I 33x4 19.86 STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. ITTH ST. NEW TIRES DIRT CHEAP 30x3H FISU... .$U.(S . 84x4 120.95 10x3 i... 8.(8 36x4 2H.98 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1723 CUMING. SEND YOUR RADIATORTO Charles Elsiascr. 2523 South 21st St. A 'trial will convince you that you have emnctgo; ino ngnx place, AUTO electrical repairs; aarvtce atatlon . lor Kayneia carburetor and Columbia 'twage batteries. Edwards. N 19 GET. your radiators repaired at 2522 South 21st St. Tyler 4009. ' Repairing and Painting. RAIDIATOR ' CORES INSTALLED. ' - Manufactured In Omaha, 34-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 111! Cuming St. Tyler tlT. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY -DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargalna In used machlnea Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 17th and Leavenworth 8ta PERSONft. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home ' solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaalnea We collect. We distribute Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110.1112-1 114 Dodge street. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debtB con tracted by my wife, Mrs. Veronca E. ' W. YouBger, Signed, Mr. E. W. Youpger. POULTRY AND 9ET STOCK. WEEK-OLD Chicks Rocks, Reds, Leg horns, Orpingtons, pure-bred, strong and healthy. Orders booked now for March and April shipmenta; shipped parcel post prepaid. Send for circular. 'S. M. Dean. Fort Dodge, la. WE WANT reliable people to raise fur . bearing rabbits for us In their bsck ysrds spare trme. We furnish stock snd ' pay J3.S1 to t7.6u.each' for all you raise. . Sunset For Co., 806-7-8 Lankerihlm Bldg- Los, Angeles. Cel. RAISE rabblta for ma I sell magnificent x pedigreed stock cheap and pay SOr per pound for- all you raise; contract etc., for dime. Arnold A. Oren, Wsverly, , Kansas. FOR SALE Thoroughbred slock. Light Brahmas, W. Orpingtons (Cook strain), Black Langabans, an fine blrda. Web. 8716. FERRETS FOR huntere. also Henry Ronald SALE Rat and rabbit breeders; circular tree. Peck. Pea Molnea. Ia. WHKAT screenings, 82.50 pes hundred, delivered. 801 North lttb St A. W Wagner. Douglas 1141. Morrta 4 Co. Swift & Co. .. Cuda. Pack. Co. Armour Co. . Schwarta & Co. J. W. Murphy. Lin. Packing Co,, S. O .Pack. Co. Hoffman Bros. . , J. Roth Sons Mayo'tcr; & Vail Glassherg , r. O'OSS. W. B. V. Sant & to. Benton ft v. Sunt ., W. W. Hill & Co. , F. P. Lewis Huntalngr Oliver J. B. Root & Co. .. J. H. Bulla R. M. Burrus A Co. , Rosenstock Bros, , , F. a. Kellogg .... Wsrthei'er & Degen Ellis & Co. Sullivan Bros A. Rothschild .... M.-Kan. C C. Co. E. O. Christie .... Baker John . Harvey Jensen & Lundgren , Dennis A' Francis ., Cheek Krebs Omaha Puck. Co. . Mid. Pack. Co Monahan ' Other Buyers 1 9 13 7 3 4 108 13 II 1 'it 7 6 6 173 37 . 920 1.808 .1.(81 8.076 .1,723 , 1.741 .1,526 3,143 210 3.036 . 1S4 204 .... . 25 .... . 23 DISPOSITION CARS. 10 1.099 831 2.027 1,944 . 18 S 7.... 124 .200 100 30 10 409 418 26 1.15 166 223 98 83 158 320 101 141 900 103 201 . 3 17 25 2,576 1,018 Total 12 ,681 13.013 8,901 Cattle Arulvals of cattle thla morning were nnly a little over half the else ef thoso a week ago, the estimates railing for 7,609 head. There was not a greater deal of beef on hand, prices for the most part were steady, although packers were slow to buy and some kinds aold 10 lac lower on early rounds. She stock was also slow to move at generally steady prices. Somo weakness waa shown In feeders and with but a moderate activity prlcea were steady to lOo or more lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MIXED GRAIN 337(0 per hundred.' de livered. A. W. Wagner, (01 No. 16th St. Douglas 1143. CHICKENS for sale. 1623 Fowler Ave. MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1514 Dodge. D. (613. Ks,l94. FARMS and ritu lAinft E. H. LOUGEE. TOCi (38 Keellne Bldg. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. For Sale. i S00 Sets of Harness, SADDLES AND COLLARS ' ' at 30 per cent discount; free list price Midwest , Harness Co., 706 N. 16th St Omaha. Neb. WILL SACRIFICE Team, harness and wagon, very cheap; muat hurry. Doug las 4969, 2431 Cuming. FARM MARES. One team black mares, 7 and 8 years old; weight 3,000 pounds. One team of mares. 6 and 7 years old; weight 2.900 pounds. ,One team of mares, 6 and 6 years old; weight 2,800 pounds. 2 good cows. 824 S. 27th. St. farm Mares , One black mare, weight 1,500 lbs., 5 years old; one black gelding, 1,600 lbs., 4 years old; one pan of marea, 6 and 7 years, . weight 2,750 lbs. 1007 So. 36th St. ' TAKE NOTICE One 3.500-lb. team; one pair of black horaes, 3.400 lbs.; one black horse. 1,200 lbs.: two mares weighing . 3,600 lbs. 2109 No. 24st St. NOTICE ' Pair ot matched blacks, 4 and 7 years old; weight 3,100 pounds. Also good farm wagon and harness. Will sell cheap for cash. Residence 3108 Lake St. ' " - LEGAL NOTICES. notice; The annual atockholderi meeting of the Crown Tire and Rubber company wtil be held In -the company's office, at Ralston, on Janusry 20, at 3 P. m. The election ct the board of directors and other business will be broucht before the meeting. H. A. REICHENBACH, i " President J. B. M' DONALD, HOUSES AND FLATS $5,250.00 Frame and stucco bungalow on corner lot, facing south and east. Five rooms and bath, big attic, fine basement, guaranteed furnace. Oak woodwork and floors. $1,250.00 cash, balance monthly. $6,500.00 ' Unusually fine bungalow with big living room across trie front, having fireplace and built-in book cases, beamed ceilings in dining room, cheerful kitchen, two good bedrooms and tiled bath. Every convenience including vegetable or storm cellar. Big attic over entire house. You'll like this on sight Let us show you. Terms to right party. $7,350.00 ' West Farnam, east front. One-half block from car line hall, din injr room, living room and kitchen first floor; four good bedrooms and bath above. Oak woodwork and floors.! Not new, but a very well built home and in good condition. Lot 45x132. - $12,500.00 Also in the West Farnam district, on fine corner lot, 66x124. Liv ing room, library; dining room, kitchen first floor, four unusually good bedrooms and tiled -bath above. Quarter-sawed oak woodwork. Oak paneled walls in dining room. Fine basement with furnace room, vegetable cellar, laundry and storage room. Stationary tubs and extra toilet Garage for two cars. This is an exceptional value at the price. $7,500.00 ' Live here and let the rent .help pay for your home. Six large rooms and bath first' floor; seven rooms and bath above. Oak floors throughout Rented now for $110.00 per month. You can live in one flat and the other will pay you $60.00 per month.. Lot 70x40. Garage. "7. . . $11,000.00 ; Double brick on Georgia Avenue, one block from Hanscom Park. Eight rooms on each side. All modern, finished in oak and in excellent condition. Lot 50x142. Double garage. Will rent for $1,200.00 per year. ' Walsh-Elmer Co. beeves, H3.U015.00; fair to good beeves. I11.60SH3.00; common to fair beeves. $9.00 frll.iO; good to choice yearlings, 813.505' 16.00; fair to good yearlings, (11.60013 50; common to fair yearlings, 19.00911.60; choice to prime heifers, 8H.60S J3.00; good to choice helfcrc 39.00!$ 11.50; choice to prims cows, 311.00 1 3.50 ; good to choice cows, 3.2511.00! fair to good cows. 37.50 9.JS; common to fair cowa, 5.017.60: choice tn T rime heavy feeders. 8! 2 00 13.(0; good to choice feeders, (10.80612.00; medium to goad feeders. (9 0013) 10.60 common t fair feeders, (7.509.0O; good to choice stockers. 39.6Oll.O0; fair to (rod stockers. (8.00479.(0; common to fair atockera, (G.008.00; stock heifers, (6. SOW 8.76: stock cows. 69.00t8.00; stock calves. t7.(0$10.e0: veal calves, 9.60$16.00; hulls, stags, etc , ss.M'ierio.Mi. BSBF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 41 1020 311 35 6 1081 $11 40 6 1081 11 40 36 944 11 60 24 111 11 75 20 U63 13 in 20 1163 13 00 31 1078 13 S5 61 EERS AND HEIFERS. Tyler 1636, N'o. 333 Securities Bldg. 1. 3.. 3.. 24.. 9.. 73.. ti7.. I 748 :. 973 . .1083 SOS ..280 290 135 980 11 75 .1215 .1058 9 3 10 00 908 9 00 220 100 220 10 90 11 .. BEEF COWS. 9 00 8 f 75 13 HEIFERS. 7 35 5.... BULLS. VEAL CALVES. 11 00 1..,. 12 59 1 14 60 1 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, .. 7 00 T 567 .. 722 10 10 32 (84 , . 606 10 75 21 736 . . 793 11 75 ' Hogs The week opened with a rather moderate, run of hogs. 147 loads, estimated at 10,600 head. Demand waa good and trade generally active, bulk of tha receipts selling at from 16 and 25 cents higher than Satunlav at a bulk of $14,608)14.90, and top of S14.S0. There was an easier ten dency toward the close, with several loads selling not over a dime betterfthan Satur 13 00 14 no 16 00 10 00 10 21 10 80 day, quite (14.56 a few being reported down to HOG3. No. Av. 66. .185 30. .280 73. .263 63. .307 73. .232 Sheep The moderate run 8.500 head. Quality waa St. '70 79 No. Av. 34. .266 30. .191 33. .283 76. .194 8h. 40 Pr. 14 65 14 66 14 75 14 85 Pr. 7 00 13 09 Pr 14 45 14 60 14 70 14 80 14 30 week opens out with only a of aheep and iambs, anoui with a good active trade. not very good aa a rule. but prlcea ranged from 10c to 26c higher than Friday's low time, and everything was disposed of in very good season, urn fat lambs brought 1.00 J9.25 and fat ewes showed about the same improvement, selling at S10.T8 11.00. Feeders were very scarce and quotably ateady, rather me dium kinds selling around $18.00ie.25J FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 264 fed.. 70 18 60 43 culls. 93 261 fed.. S6 19 25 113 fed.. (7 251 led.. 71 18 25 FEEDER LAMBS. . 28 fed.. 6817 00 FAT EWES. 134 fed.. 119 10 35 Quotations on aheep: Lambs, good to choice, $18.7547)19.26; Iambs, fair to good, 318.00BH3.60; fleshy feeders, $17.2617. 76; medium weight feeders, $16.7517.26: common to fair feeders, $16.00l( 50; cult lambs, $13.00015,00; yearltngs, $15.00 16.00; withers. $1L0013.50; ewes, good to choice. $10.6011.00; ewes, fair to good, $10.0010.50; good feedlnr ewes, $7.76 8.50; ewe culls and cannecs, $6.5007.(0. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Jan. 19. Cattle Reclepts, 24, 000 head; estimated tomorrow.17,00 head; firm; beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, $17. 508)19.00; medium and good, (U.60e$17.60; common, (O.eO'g) 11.60; lightweight, good and choice, $13.75 918.00; common and medium, $9.00 13.75; butcher cattle- heifers, $6.76 14.26; cows, $6,"5813.00; canners and cutters. $6.50L6.75; veal calves. $17.00 18.60; feeder steers. $8.0013.60; stocker steers, $7.50 11.00. Hogs Receipts, 60,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 60,000 head; 16c to 26c higher; closing weak: bulk, $16,100)15.30; top, $16.35; heavy. $14.85(615.35: medium, $16.10 i16.3S; light. 816. 155 15.26; light light weight, $14.5015.20, heavy packing sows, smooth, $14,1514.65; packing sows, rough, . $13.6514. 15; pigs, (I3.60&14.6O. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 17,000 head; estimated tomorrow. 16.00; strong; lambs. 84 pounds down. $17.25 S' 19.86; culls and common, $14.00(8 16.75; ewes, medium and choice, $9.28i:.00; culls and common, $6.6093.76. Kansas City Lira Stock. telpte, 17.000 ' head; market steady to weak; heavy beef atours. choice an" prime. $16.66018.00: medium and good 313.600111.(0; common, $10.60012.40; lightweight, good and choice, $13.0) 10.30; common and medium, $8.35012.60; butcher cattle, heifers, 38.7(014.10; cows, $6.66013.40) canners and cutters, $4.00 8.65: veal calves. $13 75016.00; feeder sleers, 38.00013.25; itocker steers, $6,500 10.90. Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head: market 19 to 35 r?nts higher; bulk of sales, $15.00 (915.25; heavies. 816.0f"3'15.25; mediums, (14.9(015 SO; lights, (14.60016.30; vack Ing sows, jl3.76toU4.50; plga, 313.50018.64. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 13,000 head; market steady; lambs, $16.60019.60; culls and common, $10.25l$.26; yearling wethere, $14.26J 16.00: ewes. $9.60011.50; culls unl common, Si.8009.25; breeding ewes. $8.00014.60; feeder lambs, $14,60(3) 17.75. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioug City, la.,. Jan. 13. Cattle Re ceipts, 4.000 head; market ateady; beef steers, choice fed, $15.00018.35; short-fed, $13.00014.75; w.irmed.up. $9.7612.60 fsir beef steers, $7.00 08.50; fat cows and heifers, (8.75013.00: canners, $5.0006.75; calves, eals. $8.00(916.00; common calvea, $6.00(9.00;' stockers, $7.6009.25; feeders, $9.O0ll.8O: feeding cows and heifers, $5.5093.00 Hogs Receipts, 6.000 head; market 18 to 20 cents higher; light. $14,600 14.75; mixed. $14.66014.90, heavy. $14.60 014.85; bulk of sales. $14.60014.85. Sheep and L.imbs Receipts, . 2,000 head; market weak. . St. Joseph liva Stock, St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. It. Cattle Re ceipts, 4.600 head; market steady; steers, $9.00016.(0; cows and heifers, $5.60 14.80; calves, $7.00016.00. Hogs Rscelpts, 17.000 headt market higher; top. $15.25; bulk of salea, $14,960 16.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,000 head: market 25050c higher: lambs, , $18.00 19.50; ewes. $8.00011.50. New York Metals. New Tork. Jap. 18. Cppper Steady: electrolytic, apot and first quarter. 19!4 0 lc: second quarter. 19H019c. Iron Steady; No. 1 northern, $45.00; No. 3 northern, $43.27; No. .2 southern, $40.00041.00. Antimony 10.75e. Lead Firm; spot and February. 8.75c bid. 9.00c asked. Zinc Steady: Fast St. Louis delivery, spot, 9.20c bid; 9.30c asked.. At London Spot copper. 117 17s 6d; electrolytic, 4122; tin. 384 12s 6d; lead. 47 12a ed; zinc. Hi 10a. Kvaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New Yorlv Jn. 19. Evaporated Apples Dull: western. 20(6'23c; atate. 21026c. Prunes Eaay; California, 14032c; Ore gon, 1 SIS 25c. Apricots Quiet; choice, 33c; extra choice, 34c; fancy, 33c. , Peachss Quiet: standard. 21 021 He; choice. !lVitf22Hc; fancy. 24026c. Raisins Steady: looss Muscatels, 210 224c: choice to fancy seed. 20 'j 21 He; seedtess, 21620c. Un- Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Jan. It. Flour changed. Barley $1.3001.47. Rye No. 2. 31.7201.72H Bran $43.00. Corn $1.38 01.41. Oats8m082Hc. Flaxseed $6.100 Bar Silver. , New York. Jan. 19. Bar Silver, $l.Sli. Mezicaa Dollars $1.00 - GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain. Omaha, Jan. 19. 1920. Grain arrivals todiy wore considerably lighter than last Monday. Corn receipts showed the largest falling off with 36 cars against 133 cars a week ago. Wheat recfipts today were 60 cars, oats 24 cars, rye 9 cars, and barley 3 cars. Wheat prlcea dropped sharply, the mar ket being off about 5 ceata. Oats was generally higher, ranging unchanged to 3 cents up. No. 3' white oats were un changed No. 4 white. Ho higher. Rye was nominally about 5 cents lower, fol lowing a break tn Chicago futurea in this grain. Barley was nominally unchangad. Wheat N. 1 hard, 1 car, $3.80; No. 2 hard, 1 car, $3.80; 3 cars, $2.75; No. 3 hard, 1 car, $2.69 (smutty); 3 cars, $2.68; 10 cars, $2.(6 (smutty); 2 cars, $2.64 (smutty); No. 4 hard, 3 cars, $2.66; 1 car, $2.65; 3 cars, $2.68; No. 4 durum. S cars, $2.30; No. 4 mixed, 1 car. $2.40 (durum); No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 1 car, $3.70; 1 car, $2.36 (durum.) Corn No. 4 white, 1 car, $1.43 (new); No. 6 white, 1 car, $1.41; 3 cars, $1.40; No. 6 white. 2 cars, $1.55; No. 4 yellow, 6 cars, $1.3; 3 cars,' $1,38; No. 5 yellow, 9 cars, $1.35; 9 cars, $1.34; No. 6 yellow, 3 cars, $1.31; ? cars, $1.30; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, $1.42; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.40 (near white); 1 car, $1.86; No. ( mixed, 1 car, $1.34; 3 ears. $1.33; 8 cars, $1.32; 1 csr, $1.33 (shipper's weights); No. 6 mixed, 3 cars, $1.30; 2 ears, 31.29: sample mixed, 3 ears, $1,26 (26 per cent mois ture.) Oats No. 3 white, 3 ears, 35c; No. 4 White 3 cars, 84c. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEVMENT. Receipts-Wheat Corn Oata Rye Barley Shipments- Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley RECEIPTS Today. Wk.Ago. Yr.Ago. 50 86 24 9 3 26 46 31 24 63 133 SI 11 3 37 34 Bl 6 3 84 233 P 13 27 17 Hi 48 22 13 IN MARKETS. Corn. Oats. OTHER Wheat. Chicago 20,, Kansas City 304 St. Louis 104 Omaha Grain Insnectinn number of cars of grain of the 160 79 129 "In" hero during 1. 240.000 3,003,000 1,444,000 308,000 139,000 604,000 The several grades Insnected the past 34 hours follows Wheat No. 2 hard. 4: No , a h.rd 7- No. 4 hard, 11; No. 6 hard, 2; sample hard, 2; No. 3 mixed, 2; No. 4 mixed. 1: No. 5 mixed, 1: No. 3 spring, I; No. 4 spring, 31 No. 5 spring, 1; Total 34. Corn No. 3 white, 4; No. 4 white, 1; No. eVwhtte, 1: No. 4 vellow 16: N fi yellow, 17; No. 6 yellow. 3: sample vel low, 1; No. 2 mixed. 1: No. a mwel. i- No. 4 mixed, 7; No. 5 mixed. 8: Total 69. 1 Oats No. 3 white. 13: No. 4 white. r sample white, 1; Total 1. Rye No. 1. 1: No. 2. 4: V. a . w 4. 1; Total . .'.' Barley No. 4, 2; rejected. 2: Total 4. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts TnAav T 1. ........i.tfCJ.UVO Corn 1,210,009 Oats 1.139.000 Shicmonta Wheat , 973.000 Corn- 492.000 Oata 546.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Todav. 7r & 7. Wheat al flour 115 onn 55 nnii Oata 60.000 622.000 Chicago Grain and xfrovislons. Chicago. Jan. 19. Cold wave nrediftinn together with a rather general snow storm did a good deal today to make the corn market average higher. Closing nrices were unsettled, varvinr from Kte net H.- cllne to lHc advance with May, $1.33 H to ana juiv. xi.3itt to ii.nt.. fui. finished He to H01c down. In pro visions the outcome ranged from 20c off to a rise of 10c. 1 Unfavorable weather .waa rB vnr.KI. Stimulus to buyers of corn inasmuch as todays receipts here were not as llheml in quantity as had been generally expected. rtn Bovine, in ina value or nogs tended further to lift the corn market, and so too, did continued scarcity of railroad cars. Meanwhile conflicting oolnlona touching the Influence of trade resumption with Russia prevented Russian news from being a serious Immediate factor either way. The market remained firm until after noon. Then a break tn cash wheat prices led to a moderate setback which lasted the greater part of the remaining- reu nions. Realising sales by holders brouaht about a comparative weakness in oats. Provisions were strenathenerf hv thn tin. turn in hog values, but pakers subse quently unloaded and caused a decline in nearly all deliveries. Chlci pany Art Corn Jan. May July Oats May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Rlba May llcago markets by Updike Grain eom-.-. Douglas 2627. I Open. I High. I Low. 1 Close. fSat'u'y. 1.38H 1.33 H 1.81 .83H .76 H 38.50 39.10 23.99 24.60 20.80 1.39 1.8344 1.33 .s:t .76 h 30.75 39.10 23.30 24.(0 20.60 1.38 1.32H 1.S0H .31 H 75H 33.(0 38.80 33.(3 24.30 24.40 1.38 1.33H 1.31'. 4 38.78 38.80 23.(2 24.35 20.45 1.37 1.32 1.31H .88H .754s 38.95 20.47 sprins 19. z.. New York General. New York, Jan. 19. Fieur Quiet patents. (14.00016.00: sorlne clears. 1.100; winter straights. $10.76011.26; Kansas straights. $13.76014.75. t-ornmeai Dull: yellow granulated. $3.7U; white, $3.85. Buckwheat Quiet: $3.25. nominal, ner J90 pounds. Wheat Spot quiet; No. 2 red, $2.65. nominal, f. o. b. ateamer New York. Corn Soot steady; No. 2 yellow. Sl.MU. and No. 3 mixed, $1.65H. cost and freight New York, 10-day shipment. Oats Spot steady; No. 1 white, 9(0 99 He. Barley Steady; No, 1, (1.758)1.80; no. 2. 31.6501.70: No. 2. ll.30mi.6o: shlDDins. $1.3901.40. Hops Steady; state, medium to choice, 1919, 75ffS5c; 1918, 60065c; Pacific coast, 1919, (0085c; 1918, 60065c. Pork Steady, mess, $45.00046.50: fain lly. $52.00053.00. ) Lard Easy; middle west, $24.00024.10. Tallow Barely steady; apeclal loose, 18c asked. Rice Firm: fancy head. 14H015c: blue rose fancy, 3H13c. New York Proiluce. New York. Jan. 19. Butter Firm; creamery higher than extras, 63i(gi84c; creamery extras, 63c; firsts, 58H 062c. Eggs Steady; fresh gathered extras, 11 072c; extra firsts, C907Oc; figs is, 670 6Sc. 1 Cheese Irregular; state, whole milk flats, current make, specials, 3IH2c; state, whole milk twins, current make, specials, 31 HC 32c. Poultry Live steady; chickens, 33c; fowls, 40c: old roosters. C4c; turkeys, 40c. Preesed quiet; fowls, 26S7c; chickens, 29 0 47c; old roosters, 35c; turkeys, 46 052c. New York Sugar, New York. Jan. 19. Sugar Raw firm; centrifugal, 13.04c. Refined'f'.rm; cut loaf. 16C0u; crushed, 16.25c; mold A, 15.60c; cubes, 16.00c: XXXX powdered, 15.20c; standard powdered. 15. lac; fine granu lated, li.004il6.00c: Diamond A, 16.00c: confectioner's A, 14.90c; No. 1 soft sugar, it. sue Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. Jan. 19. Potatoes Strong: ar rivals, 46 earn; northern round and long wnites, (4.(0 04.76; western russets. Job bing, $5.5006.00. Kansas City Grain. nsas City. Jan. 19. Corn May. It, JuU, fl.Slft; September. $1.:U Ka l$l.St FINANCIAL New York, Jan. 19. The professional short interest was again In control during the greater part of today's very uncr:aln stock market, mainly because of the con tinued lack ot public inWrest or support. Much of the news was of a hopeful tsn or, the only adverse development, further delay 011 the pun of the United States supreme court in the much discussed Mac Cumbes stock dividend tax case being of a negative character. As s icsult of last Saturday's excellent clearing house statement which left a liberal margin of actual excess reserves tn placo of the previous week's deficit, call money relsxed visibly. The rate fell from 8 per cent at the opening to 6 per cent at midday. , No marked alteration wa manifested in the time money market, however, the max imum bids ef the last fortnight continuing to prevail. The attitude of the federal reserve board towards credits formed the basis of further conjecture, but no definite con clusions was reached. The local branch of the central bank strengthened Its ratio of reserves but most other centers lost ground. Stocks were strong at the opening and ateady nt the close, but between those Derlods the trend was mostly reactionary A few leaders of the class represented by General Motors Crucible steel, Baldwin Locomotive, United State Rubber and shipping registered extreme losses of 2 8 points. These were largely retrieved at the ):4, high priced oils and affiliated Issues nuking substantial rallies. Sales amounted to 776,000 shares. Bonds were dull and featureless in the msln, nominal changes occurring In most domestic Issues, except the liberty group. which denoted further pressure. Total sa'.es. par value, were $13,330,000. Old United Statea bonds were unchanged on call. Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar... 609 92 91 H 92 Am. Can 3,600 53 5!H 63H Am. C. Ac r 3,000 138 136 136 H 3,400 1I8'4 11s 3,(00 98 86 1,600 68H 67H 1.3110 IS3"A 136 2.100 93 nyk 1,200 9H 98 400 18fc 184 2,100 62 6 OH 600 84 '83 4,800 160H 157 .41,100 113 1094i 900 32 . 31 15,100 SH 93 700 27 H 36' 1,300 129H 127 2.400 94 92 H 600 66H 64& 1, V" 300 800 00 2,100 8,500 Short Term Notes Quotatlona company. furnished by Peters Trust Am. Tel. - Tel. 6s, 1921... Am. Tel & Tel. 6s. 1935.... Am. Tobacco 7s, 1822 Am. Tobacco 7s. 1923 Anaconda Copper 6s. 1929. Anglo-French Ext. (s, 1920.. Bid. Asked. 96 H $6H . 98 .101 V ,102, . 96 H 16 Armour Co. Con. Deb. s, 1920. Urn, Armour Co. Con. Deb. 6s. 1921.11 OH Armour Co. Ccn. Deb. 6s. 1922, 110H Armour Co. Con. Deb. s, 1953. 110U Armour Co. Con. Deb. tie. 1924. 110'j Beth. Steel Co. 7s. 1922. Beth. St-el Co 7s, 1923 British 5Hs, 1921 Canada 69, 192) C, B. A Q. 4s. 1921.... .'. . Cudahy Packing Co. 7s, 1933. K. C. Term. 6s, 1923 Lehigh Vally 6s, 1923 Liggett As Myers 6s, J921... Proctor & Gamble 7s. 1932. . Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1923... Union Pacific 6a, 1928 Wilton Conv. 6s. 182S First Liberty 3H First Liberty 4s Second Liberty 4s First Liberty 4Hs Second Liberty 4Hs Thifd Liberty 4Hs Fourth Liberty 4H Fifth Liberty 44s Fifth Llbsrty 4s Fifth Liberty S O0T4 .101 . 96H . 97 H . (6H .101 H .. 98 -i .101H . 101'i .102 .103 .102H . 95 102H 102 7H 96 H 111H 11 1 H 111H 1UH niH 101'i 10IH 96H 97 H 97 intH 99 H 102 101 H 102 -i 1031, .103 96 . .98.83 .93.16 .90.72 .92.60 ,91.16 .93.24 .91.26 .91.26 .98.52 .98.48 U. ,S. New York (Stocks, j fee. 100 do coup. 100 do 4s reg.lOSH do cv rs co.05H Pan. 3s reg,. 88 H "do coup. A. Tel. & cr. A. -French Ar. & Co. Atch. gen. B. & O. cv. B. St'l rel. 5s Cen. Leath. 6s 4.. 5a. 41 96 H 88U Tel. .... S9H 6s.. 98 H 4Hs 83H M. 4Hs ) 851 96 Am. H. & L. Bid.. Am. Loco Am. S. A R. : Am. Suggar Ref.. Am. Sum. Tob... Am. Tel. & Tel... Am. Z., L. & S... Anaconda Cop.... Atchison A. O. & W. I, Baldwin Loco B. & O Iteth. Steel "B". B. & S. Copper. Canadian Pacific. Central Leather. Ches. & Ohio.. . C, M. A St. S. s. C. A N. W.. C. R. I. P. Chlno Copper. Colo. F. A I... Corn Products. Crucible Steel ...13,700 205 Cuba Cane Sugar. 6,800 61 H Dlat. See. Cor 100 70H Brie 200 13 Goneral Electric. 504 168 37 86 27H 38 H 42 R3H 36 H 86 36 4, 38H 40H 80H 197H 49H 87 13 117H 9 6 68H 136H o if 98 18 62 84 169 1UK , 32 86 27 1291 93H 645i 86 H 85 2H 3H 41H 82H 202H 614 68 1:1 General oMtors. ..18,100 309 H 298 167H 167H Gt. Nor. Pfd.. Ot. Nor. Ore ctfa. Illinois Central... Tnsp. Copper int. si. M. pia. Int. Nickel Int. -Paper K. C. Southern. Kenne. Copper ILoula. & Nash 1,100 600 100 . 1.500 , 1,700 ,1 5.400 , 6,700 00 1,400 79 38H 89 H 564s 96 24H 83 16 30V :7H 38H 89 55 5H 23 4 89 16S 30 304 1 77 38 89 61 96H 34 82 15 ;o4 100 108 108 108H Mex. Petroleum.. 38,000 195 190 193 Miami Copper Mldvale Steel . Missouri Pacific Montana Power. N. Y. Central... N. Y., N. H. & H. Norfolk A West. Northern Pacific 600 3,300 600 300 1,000 1,700 700 1.100 Pan.-Amer. Pet... 20,100 Pennsylvania P tts. & w. va. . Pitts. Coal Ray. Con. Cop... Reading Rep. I. A S Shat. Arts. Cop. Sinclair O. A R.. Southern Pacific Southern Ratlwey Stutie, Corp Texas Co Tob. Products . . Union Paclfio . . . United Cigar S u. 24 49 36 84 69 56 96 78 92 42 29 61 H 21 76 24 49 Vi 26 63 68 26 95 78 83 42 29 61 3t 76 24H 49 25 63 68 26H 95 78 91 H 43 29 1H 51 H 2.200 800 100 500 1.300 34.900 110 107 409 100 12 12 12 16,300 43 42 42 9,300 101 9 100 6,100 22 21 i 21 62,000 104 1001103'H 9,700 203 198 202 2,600 91 -90 32 400 J22 191 122 7,800 87 84 86 S. Ind. Alcohol 5,5"0 107 104 106 S. Steel 53,zuu lotnn tuis U. S. Steel, pfd... 300 115 Utah Copper 1,500 76 . Western Union ... 300 87 West. Electric ... 1.200 62 Willys-Overland .. 8,600 29 Nat l i,aa t Ohio Cities 1,600 46 Roy. Dutch, N. T. 25,400 106 lExtra Dividend. 115 115', 75 76 87 53 28 80 44 103 87 63 29 89 46 106 Bee Want-Ads Produce "Results. Cen. Pac. C. A O. cv Chi.. B. A joint 4s Chll. M. A St. P. cv. 4s. C. R. I. A P. Ry. ref. 4s.. C. C col. trust 6s C. of Paris 6s. 93 Oolo. A South, ref. 4s.... 73 D. A, R.- consol. 4s t Dom. of Can, 6s (1931) .. 32 Bid. 1st.' 75 6s.. 79 2-, .. 95 69 ff-f0 (4H Erie gen, Gen. K. a. N. 1st 4s. 82 I. Cen. ref. 4s.. 74 I. M. M. 6s... 94 K. C. S. ref. 6s 73 U & N. un. 4a (1 Mo., K. & Tex. 1st 4s P. gen. 4s. Mont. P. 6s... N Y. C. deb s. Nor. Pac. 4s.. do 3s , O. S. L. ref. 6s. P. T. & T. 6s. Pa. con. 4Hs.. Pa. gen. 5s... Read. gen. 4s.. St. L. & S. F. adt. 6s 61 8.- P. cv. (S..102 S. Ry. 6s 84 T. C. cv. 6s.. 102 VT. and P. 1st. 83 U. P. 4s 84 U. K. of C. B. & I. 6s (1937) 89 IT. S. . 6s.. 88 U. S. Steel 6s. 99 'Wabash 1st... 89 69 61 85 92 77 54 83 8 91 90 79 IJberty Bond Prlcea. New York, Jan. 18, Prices or Liberty bonda at 11:30 a. m." today were: SH". ii.90; first 4s. 93.28: aecond 4s. 90.74; first 4Ms. 32.90; second 4Us. 91.14: tlrd 4a 93.26; fourth 4s, 91.16; Victory Ss. 93.44: Victory 4s. 98.48. Prlcea of Liberty bonds at 2;65 p. m. today were: 3Hs. 98.82; first 4s. 93.18; second 4s. 99.68; first 4s, S2.60; second 4s, 91.14: third, 4s. 93.20; fourth 4s, 91.22; Victory 3s, 98.48; Vtctory 4s, 98.48. New York Money. New York. Jan. 19. Mercantile Paper 6 per cent. Sterling Demand, $3.(8; cables, $3.. Francs Demand. -11.61; cables, 11.69. Guilders Demand 37 c: cables, 37 H. j.tre Demand. 13.66: cables, 13.63. Marks Demand. 1.74c; cables, 1.76c. Time Loans Strong; sixty days, t1) drys and six month". 7 per cent. TEXAS-LOUISIANA OIL LEASES v 4,000 ACRES IN BREWSTER COUNTY: 65 geologists at work in this county NOW. Can you visualise teeming oil towns sprung up over night; derricks tow erins In count!es4 numbers? Lease buyers rushing madly about trying to pick up an acre here and there at almost any price T And you. yourself, with your little old OIL LEASE tucked away, bought when buying waa good sitting tight and naming your onn figure T Well , this has happened be fore and can happen again. Wa offer 4,000 acre in BREWSTER COUNTY 40, 60, 180, acre tracta at $2.50 per acre, 3)25 Cash and $25 per month. Not less than 40 acres sold. 2.000 ACRES IN LOUISIANA. . Located in the Great Bull-Bsyou District in Natchitdoches Parish where the BIG WELLS are coming in. We offer thia 2,000 acre in blocks of 40 acres and up at $10 per acre; Vi Cash; " 30, 60, 90 days. Wire or Writ Today. FORT WORTH LEASE AND ROYALTY CO. 207 H-B Main St. P. O. Box 1315, Fort Worth, Texas. BANK STATEMENT. Charter No. 2775 Reserve District No. 10. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK it Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business on December 31, 191t. RESOURCES Loans and Customers' discounts, Including rediscounts., liability account of acceptances. .$11,616,773.59 150,000.00 13.766,773.6 2,380,051.68 $11,386,721.91 10,829.93 (0,009.00 1,125,000.00 93.400.00 672.69 37.900.00 55,453.91 ' 652.815:63 332,739.14 1,789,551.34 1,822,822.76 636.146.13 , 47,617.72 89,713.94 2,300.00 1,2(9,972.63 92,663.91 45.000.00 100,000.40 2.689.33 5.173.865.15 Notes and bills rediscounted Overdrafts unsecured United State Government securities owned: U- S. Bonds to secure circulation Government securities pledged as collateral for bills payable : Government securities owned and unpledged War Savings Certificates and Thrift 8tamps owned... Total U. S. Government securities Other bonds, securities, etc.: - - Bonds pledged to secure Postal Savings Deposits Securities other than U. S. Bonds owned and unpledged Total bonds, securities, etc., other than 1. S Stock of Federal Reserve Bank.,..', Value of banking house owned and unincumbered ,.. Real estate owned other than banking house I Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Items with Federal Reserve Bank in process of collection. Cash in vault and net amount due from National Banks.. Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies Exchange for Clearing House Checks on other banks In this city. Checks on outside banks and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer Total ' LIABILITIES Capital Btock paid in...,' ... Surplus Undivided profits Unearned discount " Circulating notes outstanding Due to National Banks $ Due to Lanka, bankers and trust companies Certified checks outstanding Cashier's checks outstanding Individual deposits subject to check..... Certificates of Deposit due in leas than thirty days Dividends unpaid ..' Time Certificates of Deposit payable after thirty days.... Postal Savings deposit...... War Loan deposit account ' Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank Acceptances executed by this bank for cuatomera. -,). ; i $18,080,833.37 Liabilities for 'rediscounts with' Fedaral Reserve Bank.... $ Totar contingent liabilities , -.380,051.68 Of the total loans and discounts shown above, the amount on which interest and discount waa charged at rates In excess of those permitted by law (Sec. 5137 Rev. Stat.) (exclusive of notea upon which totsl charge not to exceed 50 cents waa made), waa none. The number of such loans was none. Stat of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as: I, B. H. Meile, Cashier of the"- above-named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to tha best of my knowledge and belief. B. H. MEILE, Cashier, Correct Attest: L. DRAKE. " ' a. S. ROGERS. F. P. HAMILTON", Di.eUors. t, Subscribed and sworn to beTor me this '12th day of January, 195". (.SEAL) B. B. WOOD, Notary Public. $18,930,833,87 3 1.000, 500,040.00 385,919 28 144.305.91 50,000.40 l.ITi. 2,166. 348. 106.83 149.82 539.71 Figures of Wheat Movement Issued by U. S. Grain Firm Complete figures covering wheat and wheat flour movement through out the United States for the week ending January 9, in. comparison with figures for the previous week, and the same two weeks a year ago, have been issued it follows by the United States Grain corporation: wneat rectipta irom 11 to IT points end the mere active months sold Id to 33 polnta net lower dur. Ing the ear'y trading under scattering liquidation and a Utlla trade selling, which waa eupposed to be Influenced by the caster ruling of Santos futurea. and the un certainty regarding further saloa of Bra alllan governsnent coffee. There was cov uting around ).0Jc for May. however, and prices later rallied on higher late rablct Vrom Santos, with that delivery selling up to K.oOu and closing at l(.23c. The gon eral Hst rlot-ed net unchanged to 3 points lower. January, 16. (80; March 16.09c; May, 18. :3c-; July, 16.43r: September, 14.20c; October, 14.18c; December, 16.99c. C hicago Produce. Chicago, Jsn, 19 Butter Higher: oreamery, 63 It' 62 e. Egg Receipts, 4,4!t cases; unchanged Poultry Alive, unchanged. Dry (tootls. New York, Jan. 19 Cotton goods aiid arns today were firm. I'ress goodw buy ing waa ateady. New prices oil blankets wore about 30 per cent up. London, ounce. Iondon Money. Jan.. 19. Bar oIK 79d per Money 3 per rent Hates 1 Discount cent; three-month Short bills, b'i per bills, 6 per cent. 1916. t, 6D6,0OO 1918. 7,007,000 farms. . Bushels . . Wheat receipts from previous -week bushe's Wheat recolpts from tarmf, .June ti, to Jan. 9, 1H20. Bush. 662.23S.000 649,S:'2.900 i-lour produced this 1,364,900 4,t7,000 week. Barrels Flour nriduced "pre vious week. B'rrels Flour prcducetl June 27 te Jan. 9. Brrrels Total xt-icks wheal all elovators an? mills. Bushels . . Total Ktocks wheat all elevator and mills, previous wk. Bushel Change for wuek deureaso. Bm hela 1,178,000 3,031.404 79,651,400 .2,280,400 ' 3,473,900 66.990,000 234,1(1.000 261,194.000 243,4(3,040 253,484.000 9,272,060 2,324,044 Exportsof wheat and flour, July 1, 1919, to January 9, 1920, amount to 82,083,000 bushels of. wheat and 8,773,000 barrels of flour, making a Jota! equal to" 121,960,000 bushels of wheat compared with 107,672,000 bushels of wheat and 10,617,000 bar rels of flour last year to January 2, 1919, the first nine days of January being prorated from the monthly total, making a total equal to 155, 450,000 bushels of wheat. New York Coffee. New York, Jan. 19. The market for coffee futures opened at a net decline of 370,225.04 9.227.948.90 9S.47i.04 14.614.40 495,625.38 27,954.20 S17, 600.00 14,C40.006.C8j l,334,onn.ij HO. 000 00 Toledo Traction! Light & Power Co. lstLien72.Year Gold Bonds An attractive issue offered at a. price, to yield about Complete circular upon request for OB-276. IheNationalCrty Company , Correspondent Office in over SO Cities Omaha Firat National Bank Bldg Telephone 3316 Douglas New York Cotton, NeW York. Jan. It. Cotton closed barely ' Ntua'iy. ti-u "7 polnta higher to :is pollute, lower. March sold as lillgli at $36.70. or 26 poinlts net hllgher. and c losed at $36.1.4. New York Coffee. Now York. Jan. 19. Coffee No. 7 Rlc lc: futures, steady; January. 15.88c. July. lti. 4 Sc. , St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 19. Corn Junu ary. (1.44H: May. $1,36. Oats May, 85c. Cotton Futures. Now York, Jan. 19. I'otion c!o(l barely steady; January, March. 36 54; M'. 34.63; July, October, 30.36e. future 3. 70c; 33.90c; New steady; Spot Cotton. York. - Jan. 19, Cotton Spot, middling,' 39.75c. A water power method has been invented in Europe for breaking down rock , in masses instead oi crumbling it with blasting. WHAT is AN OIL WELL WORTH? Write for this interesting booklet. Copyrighted by one of the larprest operating companies in the Mid Continent Fields. Frae on Request The Allendale Co. Suite) 227 Burton Bldg. Fort Worth, Texas. Liberty Bonds - . V . and Victory Notes . Bought and sold at the New York market prices lees a small corn, mission. , THE OMAHA TRUST CO. Ground . Floor .Omaha SatJonai Bank Bldr, Phone Tyler ICO, Omaha, Nebraska Affiliated with the Omaha Rational Bank. Wi Offer 6FlntBTS9 On new Omaha bublnosi pioperty. Denomtnitlont: $250.00 Is $6,040.00. Ovmed and recommended by ' Heme Builosrt. Ise. 1 Descriptive literature. , America Security Co., Omahl. All Railroad Stockholders will find our complete report on the railroad situation of positive interest. The report dwells thoroughly on the chances for helpful legislation and the outlook generally, from a stock mar-, ket standpoints ' With the time for return of the roads to private control closely approaching, this exhaustive analysis should be in the hands of every holder of railroad stocks. Copies seni without cost or obli gation. Write Dept. OB-21. , E. M. FULLER & CO. Members of Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York. 50 Broad St., New York 1 1TMM liJilN PURE FOOD PRODUCTS PORK. AND BEEF PACKERS PROV1SIONERS PRODUCE DEALERS WHOLESALE BAKERS ' MACARONI MANUFACTURERS THE SKINNER COMPANY R. C. HOWE,' VICE PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER. OMAHA, U. S. A. Vhis great independent food products com panv ia owned by torn. S.000 stockholders, in cluding soma of the west's greatest live stock producers. wf TBABa mam aacusTBan v. a ams roamsoM