Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1920, Gravure Section, Image 48
PICTURE PRESS QRAVURE SECTION BEAUTY SPOTS IN OMAHA PARKS . " 1 ' 1 V 1 ' v "V 'l--K AY TX v ' - .Vt s , - I D.ehter of Mr. and Mr.. J. L. H ZT f d . .s- -7 I ;f A j niMALLlNSONS PUSSY VmLjQyMAllJNSONSlESTaUCTOLOO 4'v7 . W f N AnCMTC STEADY , p?;, jtS5 II ' 'V W I '' ' " -f '.nree manufacturer of .Handkerchief fJ J I i.''fcf f fcftf ; II I V m Vj,' - jl ill " " and Dreaa Goad, etc., wish.-s rvprvsenta- W ! E. V f It' I N Z iJSl 1 Sttfc JV ?-H i 1 in each lurality. Factory to consumer. 36 m i Vil'iaaii tt1 1 k ' f S W Ik I"r i-l'f. B' Prnf''s. honest ifooils. Whole or "pare O ( !. f !fTl9 Y 1 , ffl r v Jf 11 3l ,Vt?r'-ta t'.mv. Credit iriven. Semi for particulars. f) V i Bin it- - iiMimaiiiiwiuw iiiniiii'f'Tr i WV (y) I . M N.-""U"'"-. HifriMtirrrnlll!! FREEPORT MFG. CO., 79 Main Street. N j- ---i " iiji I7TTi "' ' I "T I V hi Son of Mr. .d Mg. Cgrl Mod..,U. .Wffiii 'lathLLa 7 S jS,, WalVMlS 4 HzS5f J-S Complcion Talc - 3c M RIBBONS J iHillUaiUJ ' .gff SlffiiJ' (JL , A Ji "" ,"u ""' " ' "'''r " , $ Lady Fir Satin de Luxe Trs iL SS2 325 7ts5 C22 tBEtSSaTEJ aaZEEiL- '(ft1 I "5? ruZTr m DJ - ,( : sasj- g K,r: - vy i SM ., J iggJICI rsy' l-fMAlllNSONyPEff-KIST-MAlliKSON'S KEMSHtUHSAMALUKSOHS PBtAt CRfH?-.