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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 18. 1920. 8 D ' I V ?, 1 1 i v. MENTAL PICTURE . OF VIOLET HEMING IN 'EVERYWOMAN' Brilliant Star Picked' for Film Masterpiece Because of Womanliness.' Think of an English countryside, long before the rack of war wrought upon the smiling face of the land the ineradicable furrows of 'sorrow and bitter memory, figuratively at least; think of hedgerows, surrounding little fields of .cojn, woods of a deli cate green,tmy inns with creaking . signs, half hidden in mossy verdure; thatched cottages over all the smil ing skies and the sunshine of June Think, I say, of these things; think of the .England of Washington Irv ing of Bracebridge hall, for exam ple then imagine a young girk flower-like in her beauty; ethereal in her simpls dress of lawn;, her ?.rms laden' with dogroses coming Jown a winding pathway from some old manor, pausing anon to add some other blossom to her armful of fra grant booty ( , Envision her face, fair as a flower, indeed, the smile that daz fcles because of the pearly white ness of the teeth between lips' red as the heart of a crimson rose; glimpse the sheen upon the brown gold hair as the sunlight dwells lovingly in the curling tresses; catch that light that dances in eyes, sea blue, eyes that smile a welcome note the patrician contour and deli cate moulding of face and featute And you have a mental picture of Violet Heming. t For the Title Role. "When not long ago the producers of "Everywoman" for the screen, a Paramount-Artcraft picture of spe cial interest and charm, directed by George Melford, sought for someone to interpret, the title role, they real ized that whosoever they selected must have that appeal of womanli ness which Robert Louis Stevenson said was the chiefest charm in woman. " They realized also "that she mnst possess the ability to act beyond the average; that .she must possess , a universality 6f characteristics, ' must be, in brief, "Everywoman" And they found all that was re quired in Violet Heming. Experience in both stage and screen work is of course an essen tial to the portrayal of a role of such high importance as this. This txperieuce. Miss Heming possessed, for she began her stage career' at an early age, so that now, a mere girl, '.retaining all the freshness, charm and bloom of early youth, she couples therewith a rare knowl edge of dramatics and a poise that can be gained only by familiarity with the art to: which she has dedi cated her Efforts. r "I loved the role from the very first," she declared, "except for one brief time ' before I began Work, , when the thought came to me that 'Everywoniau' after a time becomes coarsened and betrays the bitter fruits of unwisdom in her contact with life. But when I read the script I noted the modifications which avoided the most unlovely Sumptuous ' New Years. Banquet Scene's Filmed In Mid-Summer for Everywoman E jl i ' ji r of these features and gave me a wonderful opportunity to 'plant' one might say the real and idyllic qualities of the character indelibly in the hearts and minds of the spec tators. Then I was satisfied. -. "It is a beautiful thought sym bolisrit in the . nth degree this play; it is far better adapted to the screen, I believe, than to the stage, for" it neeejs room life can scarcely be limited to the three walls of the stage and this is a picture of life its emotions, pitfalls, love, sorrows, and triumphs. But the scree'ii is tin-, limited, though some may consider this statement paradoxical. True the lens covers only a given breath of space, but it is never fixed and there is a dimension, a depth which is unlimited. "With a wonderful cast, beautiful scenic backgrounds, splendid direc tion, every facility which the vast re sources of the Famous Players Lasky corporation afford, is it any wonder that 'Everywoman' is as I firmly believe, a classic production?" New Zealand plans to spend about $2,500,000 in the development of its water power resources. A great banquet hall; the wide stretch of the feasting tables form- ing a huge dollar mark; a mirror like pool in one circle of the S; a dance floor in the other circle. . x Wine , flowing freely; laughing girls in costumes that dazzle; con fetti and Colored streamers flying about; revelry at its height New Year's evel A relic of a bygone day, you say? Perhaps. But Omaha may join this banquet of wealth if it will. But alas, you must join as a silent guest, neither drinking nor dancing nor feasting; just a looker-on; thirsty perhaps, but still enjoying the scene This lavish New Year eve celebra tion is part of the massive produc tion, "Everywoman," which will be the big attraction in Omaha at the Kialto theater. The scene is cart of the storv of '"Everywoman" and her quest for love. She is the toast of the party the guest of wealth. The banquet scene is said to be the most luxuri ous thing of the kind ever screened. George Melford, director for Para mount Artcraft, went to the extreme of realism. Yet not even he will say that it is real wine that flows like the Miami in this part of the picture. For the actors' sake let's hope it wasn't. In Norway a drydock has beeri built in such a location in reference to a canal that it can be filled wit' water and emptied by gravity with out the use of pumps. Viohl Heming in - "Everywoman 7 Every :s L x 1 f A' woman . and 55 Beauty . - ..V Fen people know that teeth are the very foundation . of "Health" few realize that when the teeth go. "Youth" and vigor go with them ' "Everywoman" does not stop long enough to analyze "Beauty" to grasp the fact that the teeth arethe most distinguishing feature. , Let us ta1(c your case and, using our mature judgment, put your teeth in the best possible condition. ' ' Our prices are reasonable and our den tistry first class in every respect. EXPERT X-RAY SERVICE l 4 "Friends, I am 'Nohedy.' " I am the only admirer of "Everywoman" who ha lost "Beauty." McKenney Dentists . lS21rFarnam Street: j Corner l'tfh xnd Farnam . v. . Phone Douglas 2872 x NEW YORK SIOUX CITY OMAHA LINCOLN v EVERYWOMAN Should Take Advantage of the Phenomenal Savings ' . Opportunities Offered in Our Greatest Clearance Sale Our Entire Stock , . of High Grade Coats Suits Dresses Furs- . Blouses being cleared at reductions of 33lz to 50 DO NOT FAIL TO ATTEND THIS GREAT SALE EVENT 4" i. : i h i M u 1 Mi nil iiiri .i. niiiin,ii'i i l!i'l'iyiillillllill!lllll l!:il!ll!ililllHINI!iHai HI!l!!!!!!lll!niH! Everywoman Knows the "Goodness" of Ice Cream and smilingly tells you "It's Good for You" i Vi 1 Y MSmf W' forYou,, 1 I Mill ''i1 ii:'iiii'"";v-ii -j) THE FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. V