4 1 RI ALTO THEATRE "Everywoman" Section. m Omaha DNDAYBEE RIALTO THEATRE "Everywoman" Section. VOL. XUX NO. 81. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1920. - 00 ll presents at the Mil Y Entire Week Begin n ing Today 3 mini W li 11 m from fAe Great 5fafe Triumph by Walter Brown Scenario by WHIM. Ritchey By Arrangement with Henry W. Savage) Directed by GEORGE MELFORD 1 vw Most Elaborate Picture Prologue Ever Staged in Omaha INTRODUCING Singing, Dancing, t;he Spoken Word, Special Stage and Electrical Effects ' Interpretive Musical Setting by Rialto Augmented Orchestra ALVIN POOLE, Director ; See Everywomans adventures with Passion and Wealth in her ruthless quest of love. Most spectacular banquet revels ever shown on the screen. y , Intimate glimpses of love and intrigue behind the ' scenes on the stage. ; ' Orgies of New Year s Eve on the Great White Way of New York ' ; ... Vivid pictures of life in the underworld: ' " ' ' Spendthrifts wooing pleasure in a glittering Broad way cafe. - v . Cilded halls of chance, and fashion gambling fo: money and souls. x 7 Amazing scenes in which Everywoman loses Beauty Modesty -even Conscience. The supreme hour of Everywoman Mife, when. she finds her heart's desire. : , Thrillingly Dramatic Up to the Minute Beauti ful Beyond Words. the wonderful story of a woman iri the quest of love. 1 . .. With Violet Heming Theodore Roberts Wanda Hawley Irving Cumm'mgs ' Bebe Daniels Raymond Hatton Clara Hoton ' , and One Hundred of the Mos't Beautiful Women in the World James Neill Edythe Chapman Monte Blue Tully Marshall Charles Ogle Margaret Loomis Mildred Reatdon Robert Browc'r SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS ii 1 1 - I mm amm ihmm J - ' ' ' . , . S .... -A ................ ... . - - , 1 . r.