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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 18, 1920. ALLIED NATIONS ARE TO RESUME RUSSIAN TRADE Supreme Council Orders Par tial Lifting of Blockade Does Not Change Status of Recognition. . London. vJan. 17. Commercial re :ition will he reopened between j-a allied nations and the Russian leople at once a a result of a de cision reached Ty the supreme coun cil at Paris yesterday. This step docs not imply an altered attitude to ward the Trotzky-Lenine govern ment, according to the statement is M'rd hy the council. Clothing, medicines, agricultural nachincry and other necessities will s shipped into Russia from entente mtions. which will receive in pay ment, grain, flax and other products vhich the Russian people desire to sport. Arrangements by which npplies sent to Russia will reach he peasants will be made, it is un lerstood. - Relations between the allies and soviet Russia fill a great deal of space in this morning's newspapers. Dispatches from Paris show a trange conflict of views regarding he hurried iourriev to that citv on Thursday of ministers and chiefs of he army and navy. . For a Corner Property . i3. va" ll Illustrated is a house especially planned for a cornersite, but never the-less may advantageously be placed on even a comparatively narrow lot. One feature is the gen erously proportioned sleeping forch at the rear of the second floor. The balance of the. sleeping accommodation-is likewise well-considered, each room being diagonally venti lated and conveniently near he bath room. The arrangement of the first floor leaves little to be desired either in convenience or attractiveness. The wide openings between the living rooms are effective in increasing the apparent spaciousness. ; Hollow tile is - employed in the construction of the house w:lls the exterior surfaces being finished with- white cement plaster. The roof is covered with slate, the pre vailing seagreen coloring of which is pleasantly varied by purple and reddish slates to give a mottled effect. To conform with Colonial usage, the exterior trim is painted i1r the blinds at the ivuty 1 1 n upper windows are finished in dark blue green. Scene at Session Of Italian Chamber -Like Base Ball Riot Rome, Jan. 17. Howls of rage drown the tinkle of the speaker's bell. Angry" men shake their fists at each other across steep tiers of desks. The words "assassin," "liar," "impostor" are flung back and forth amid the cries of excited spectators in the galleries. The mob for it seems no less is swayed by un controllable f motion, i -Yet sentries patrolling the corri dors outside ' with fixed bayonets merely smile cynically. The guard ian of the gallery doors murmurs, "The socialists again I" It is an ordi nary session, of the chamber of dep uties, with the followers of the red flag in full cry after the government. PIUM R1IMC1II nW U. S. to Establish L rI: " " Farm to Aid Convicts DISTRICT UN 90 LOTS-IN DUNDEE Newly Organized Realty Firm Hope to Fill Great Demand for Well Built, Small, Homes. . Friends Shower Bridal Couple WithLima Beans Greenburg, Pa., Jan. 17. -The high cost of living was not given a boost -downward when Mr and Mrs. Thomas Keepems were married here. Friends of the couple when they were unable to find enough rice, showered the couple with lima beans. - Almost Shot to Pieces, , But Is Still Full ftf Pep Champaign, 111., Jan. 17. With his right arm missing and his eye sight practically gone, Frank A. Schrepfer of Chicago, world war veteran, is near the head of his class in landscape gardening at the Uni versity of Illinois. "My friends wanted me to be' a salesman or a lawyer," he said, "but after you've been in the army you know exactly what you want and you stick to it until you get it." Schrepfer was a member of the Prairie division. He has 65 shrap nel wounds on his body. r mm T? J199 ie FtiM W Ena Tl HOME FUND Mr.. n in mm. a lonie DEPOSITED IN ANY Building SLoanAss'n. DduK or Mvmos Bank ' OMAHA NEBRASKA Mew Form of Savings Account, to be Named "Home Fund," is possible for Everybody, and Will Result in Home Ownership. FINANCIAL HOUSES APPROVE All Omaha Financial Institutions, at the suggestion of the Thrift Committee, have arranged to open "Home Fund" accounts for any depositor who wants to begin to buy a home. This means what the public had begun to believe was a thing of the past, because of high prices. It meanls that you can start buying a home without a lot of money. You can begin with $1, $5, $10, $25, $100, or any other amount. When you open a "Home Fund" account, your pass book will be iabeled "Home Fund," and your account will be carried on the books in the "Home Fund" list. - ' '. -". ' Your "Home Fund" will enable you, in six months or a year, to get a home You will then have the initial payment. And in the meantime you can be deciding WHAT KIND OF A HOME YOU WANT. ' : . . . s With a good sized "Home Fund" you can get financed on build ing or buying a home. ' ' -;-''' " V - 1 A "Home Fund" account can be opened in any Omaha bank, Savings bank, or Building and Loan association, Tuesday, Jan uary 20, or any day thereafter. - That da& Tuesday, January 20, is Own Your Home Day of Thrift Week, the day on which to start a "Home Fund." The Financial Institutions are ready to open your "Home Fund" account v President Reynolds, ol the State -Federation of Labor, and heads of various business organizations and. - institutions have endorsed the "Home Fund" program. . N'. v OMAHA THRIFT COMMITTEE Charles L. Mattsbn, .formerly of the Peters Trust company, and Wil liam H. Smails of George & Co. have 'associated themselves in the real estate investment business and plan to construct 40 dwelling houses in Dundee this year, it was announced yesterday. Mr. Smarts announced the pur chase of 90 lots in Dundee, located !on Forty-ninth avenue, between Farnam and Dodge streets, and on Fiftieth street and Fiftieth avenue, between Dodge and Howard streets, , from George & Co. The aggregate ;.cost of the purchase is about $100,- 000, Mr. Sniails says. ! . The houses to he constructed wHl be of the two-story type, with six or seven rooms, frame and stucco. 'Architects will first draw a sketch , of the entire site on which they are ,to be 'built, to enable purchasers to jview it as it will look when the houses are completed. Separate I plans will then be drawn for each ' house. Mr. Smails also announced that all land between Nicholas and Ham ilton streets,, from Fifty-first street West to Fifty-second street, had been acquired from George & Co., and that' it will' be improved . and built ' into a bungalow section. Streets will be paved and graded agd the property will be made into one of the most desirable Dundee residence districts, he said. "Mr. Mattson and myself formed our partnership and made our plans with the idea of filling the great de mand for honest-built houses of the six and seven-room type," said Mr. Smails. "There has been, and will continue to be, a great demand for small houses, well built.". Mr. Smails has been connected with George & Co. for five years. Previous to that time he was in the lumber business. Mr. Mattson was with the Peters Trust company for seveq years. They will have of fices "in the City National Bank building. a Moderation Cited as Sure Means of Living To a Ripe Old Age New York, Jan. 17. "Don't worry and be moderate in all things if you want to live to be 70 years old or more." This longevity recipe was given recently by Dr. George L. Meylan, director of the Columbia university gymnasium, after an in vestigation of the modes of, life of those who live long and those who, die prematurely. "There is abundant evidence," said Dr. Meylan, "to justify the belief that the average duration of life could be increased from 10 to 20 years by the! general adoption of the principle, moderation in all things. Deaths from infectious diseases and violence are to be expected." Speaking of the characteristics of people 70 years and older, Dr. Mey lan finds that they do not worry, have a happy disposition and eat, drink, exercise and enjoy themselves moderately. - "Exactly the opposite conditions," added Dr. Meylan, "are found al most invariably in persons between 30 and 70 years who suffer from or ganic disease of the nervous diges tive, excretory or circulatory sys tems and premature senility, but the vicious circle of unhygienic living usually includes overstimulation, ex cesses in pleasure, abuse of drugs and worry." Great Cross, 1 ,00CT Feet Long, at Shrine Near Red Cliff, Colo. Glenwood Springs, Colo., Jan. 17. One of the greatest religious spec tacles in the annals of Christianity in the Rocky mountain region will mark the dedication of a proposed shrine on the Mount of the Holy Cross, near Red Cliff, if the plans of Rev. J. P. Carrigan, rector of St Stephens Roman Catholic church of this city, materialize. Rer. Father Carrigan is receiving the co-operation of the Holy Cross association in his efforts to estab lish a sit not only for the national shrine, bnt also for a monastery that will be occupied -by the Ancient Or der of Carmelite monks. The archi tecture is intended to rival the artistic old abbeys in the old Roman towns that dot the Maritime Alps in southern France and northern Italy. Towering 13,978 feet into the clouds, the Mount of the Holy Cross commands a wonderful panorama of the mountain lakes, picturesque cas cades and great stretches of timber land in the Holy Cross national for est below. A great natural cross nearly 1,000 feet long, with its two arms measuring several hundred feet, reposes on the western lace ot the peak, hence the name. . Girl's Confession Ruse to Permit Father to Escape Bradford, Pa., Jan. 17. Margaret Dicella, 17, can marry anyone of a score or more of men. She has turned down proposals galore. The little Italian girl has won the hearts of the youths of her own peo ple by the cute way in which sht protected her father from the clutches of the law. Margaret's father was accused of killing a man, but was at once freed when his daughter confessed that she fired the bullet. When her dad was safe in Italy Margaret admitted that her confession was a lie and was given only to allow her father time to get away. There was nothing for the authorities to go out iree tne eirl and forget the father. "I'm too young to marry," she tells all bidders for her hand. In "Coming Back" Atlantic, Ga., Jan. 17. Uncle Sam is going to give his prisoners . a chance to "come back." The government has perfected a plan for the establishment of an "honor farm" at Panthersville, com prising about 1,400 acres and rep resentis an outlay of approximately $160,000. It will be run in connection with the federal penitentiary here and is to be under the supervision of Warden Fred G. Zerbst Two hundred or more of men whose conduct in the penitentiary has entitled them to more liberty will be selected by the warden to work the farm. Not only will they be better housed and allowed more extensive freedom bat the prison ers will actually share in the profits derived from their work. Seventy five per cent of the farm's earnings will be given to destitute familes and the other 25 per cent will be kept for the workers and turned over to them when their time ex pires. "Men will gravitate back to their own kind unless they have learned to like another." That is the way Warden Zerbst has changed the old maxim, "Water will seek its own level," to fit his own needs in the manner in which he is endeavoring to help federal offenders "come back." 'pplead: Don't Crank Your Head Off USE A MANIFOLD HEATER Mr. Ford Ownef Thousand of Meter wit Ford ownre arc now using thii atai pla device, which attach to the mani fold. Make th cranking of your car a almpla a matter on cold winter morn ing! ai on hot eummer morning. This littl starter (tarta the ear on th first turn am. Simply .dampen th wick witb gasolene and touch a match to it It burn juit lone enough to heat your mani fold and put your gasolene in shape for ignition. If your dealer doean't hand! thi product aend u $1.00 and wa will mail it to you. Honey refunded if not eat- lf"AU Dalr $1.00 Ail Dealer Gard-Hawkins Company Franklin. Neb. To INVEST OR NOT TO INVEST IN TEXAS OIL A pamphlet devoted to the great Teaas Oil Field REAL FACTS FREE ON REQUEST Write for It. WALTER W. HALSTEAD 1415H Main St., Fort Worth, Texas Suite 148 KANT-SLIP Many Stylea and She. STANDARD REGISTER CO. OAVTON. a. AttetratM Hf tw. Roll ttafta fr aclM RMrt. Bill! La1f. E. A. C. HEISER DM. Aft . sss south ittk at Tylw 1414. OMAHA. MM. "The Truth About , The Oil Business" IF you want unbiased information about Oil Investments you should apply to those actively engaged in and from whom reliable informa tion may be obtained concerning the Oil Industry. ' "Hie Trutn About the Oil Busi ness is a booklet which gives an exhaustive analysis of the Oil In dustry in all its branches. Among the subjects discussed arc the fol lowing: "Th Mtd-Catnat Field." "Drill ing OfraoM. "Wildcat a Bls tiacal'lied from Take' OS Coarsen lea." "Baaia of Vale of OO redac tion, "What ia Proper Capitalisa tion." "OB Indutrr oa Soand Baaia." "Ootwumptfon of Oil Greater Than Production." "Factor which will Oaaae Inenaaed Vae af Petrolena." "A Highly Technical Baimo." "Careful Oonldenttieiiv Neeeeiary." "A Warnings Aialya Before In etttne.1 - i ' ." We will gladly send this interesting and instructive booklet on request without obligation. CURRIER & COMPANY, SIS RepuMI Bldg. - Kanaa City, Ma. pplead' GERMAN CITIES BOHDS If a I100-4K New York City Bond or the bend of any of the leading cities in America was of fered yon for $10, could yon re fuse to buy? Tlwr I lint thi ehmctar of opportunity et foraa you in Bono of the leading oaiasimtal Citlw of Ocroaoy. Th Pttc trattr ba ba algaad: audaaM nlitlooi bar ba rammed; th ochuc r&u should coon return ta aoraial. IVw big profit MCTir thM boDt, at nc. whll thy ar Hlung at about 1-16 of their pr-mr prkm Our booklet "900 Fw Cnt Potential Profit, In G armui dtiw Boaoi." crpUUM in drtalt thi, twumial opportunity, fomlihM ariected UM of iuufl and preiect low purehMinr prices. Sent FREf ea nwt. awmsums Investment Securities 7 fine Street New York $100 Made $10,000 in Texas Oil FREE Cople Independent Oil Neva Will Keep Yeu Posted on Big Hap eaiaga ia Southwest Oil Fields, Recently bulletin were posted in local oil exchange requesting stock, holder in one oil company to turn in their stork certificates and re7 reive 115.000.00 in cash fm' cacli $100 invested. YOU can share In fortune slimier to those being made by thousands of email investor in oil shares in ' Texas, Oklahoma and Louisana Oil Companies. i , Send for Free copy of the IN DEPENDENT OIL NEWS it tell f oil of great money-making chance n oil. th world's quickest fortune builder. It telle how others have won and give you valuable infor mation regarding the marvelous oil field which open to YOU th short est cut to prosperity. Don't delay simply tend your nam and addr on a postcard while FREE copy I available. INDEPENDENT OIL NEWS 468 CilaBor Bidr. Fort Worth, Tea. gf a Ml 1 PAYMENTS! monthly tuyt outright any stock Of tend ftmiastr Stcurts til dvhltnds. Odd loh our sptcity Wrift hrttHttti list and Ml particular! - FREE CHARLES E VAN RIPC& tttmtwr Consolidate Stock tstftan Where Romance Is In northern Louisiana each hour sees a new millionaire made; each day a new group of men who have chosen to adventure with their sur plus start on the road to fortune. Shreveport, a city hard to match for placidity a few months ago, is livinjf over again the days of the Klondike and Leadville. About it, in an almost unbroken circle, have been discovered the world's greatest high grade oil fields. The Unity Oil News tells the story of Shreveport, its oil fields and its sudden millionaires. It's better ' reading; than fiction not only be cause it's more dramatic, but be cause it's REAL. Let us send you a free copy .of the News. A postal will bring it Unity Oil News Columbia Club Bldg., Shreveport, La. ' OIL STOCKS Our veekly Krwilettar eontala caotatloaa op oter 400 ell Mocks of eampaniee operating ta ,U United State fields. Canada, lleitoo, ' India. -rot. Soata aad Central ataartca. W henO. a broken, both lifted and naBMd stock and ara prepared to. promptly execute orders oa all (Mr keta, whether foreign or domntla. Item ot toter eat recording many stocks published erery tree. Osr Information department will furnish roe a truthful report en almost any oil security. ' Our unlisted department I prepared to quote low price on Bearer Taller Capitol P. Invader Lou Green Tei,naltS Bradley Cuebln Oarbcr Consolidated Boyalty Felon Bay Stale O. . Congressional Kstleaal Heney Crude Mltehel Pioaaetloa .OkUfioae O. eV B. ' Kenter Brook , Semmlea TejM-AmaUnuaate Hubb-Wyonnng Tnrmsn Texlehome Universal Correepondene melted. Write or. wh-e whether yoo wish to tray or sell. Oar Newsletter will be mailed, postage prepaid, tan week without charge. Writ for it today. V " ANGLO-AMERICAN SECURITIES CO. SSI Railway Exchange' Building. Kaneae lty, Mleieurl. , The only norpoisonous , Rat and Mouse extenmnator -; in the world ' Million ar alnr H fat aH civD lsed eoaaprit. r oHy rasuvuiteed. Xhrcladve territorlee (rented to reevonslbl dealer or agenta. ., Prise II oMts par tea. H.tO per . . SI.M per Ik. Is kilk, BERG & BEARD MFG. CO., Inc. 100 Bmeraoa Place, Breohlya. If. T, TEXAS and Louisiana oft L fields offer wonderful speeds. five oprortunity for email or large amount. Do net boy Mindly net take the firat stosk ca lease offered na - 8 tud the eitaatkejL fevestigato th propoaitioo and tea that yea gr tb a soon eosnpany, wito get Bible management Thera ara many legitimate) oil stocks managed Dy ardrefiafctoeflBMO, Bow wins dividend that can ho becurht awapnaki Our paper le pnbUahed rroUrtr avail peek and oontaina oast amount at data, atatistiea and information reaardma theoB haduetry, new field, dividend pay ate. matter what m etock yon own or contenrplete jtMchaehttt Kabeuld read the Central OS Newa Bad 9 ported -The rraktf rJbscrWtioa k four deUan per year To pot cceainttdj tea win send three moouar trial obcrip tloa and) tnat) of the Lotdaaaaa guahet asl aekis tres- write toaajr. Central OQ News m AsMrieia Bask BrdfflrM, Qty, aVUfarOSOl. $62 $125 STOCK PRIVILEGES PUTS AND CALLS ' SO DAYS ODD LOTS Best, aafest way to trade. No margin. Calls possible, as risk ia limited. Profit unlimited. Ask for free booklet. "SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKfT With small outlay hundreds of dollar are, road.. UNLISTED SECURITIES KENNEDY & CO. Est. 1884 Member Consolidated Stock Exchange, X.Y. T4 BROADWAY. NEW YORK ia a magazine that la teaching thousands of people how to make a profit on listed stocks sutdboada. Write for (faia week'a laeme, which contain np-to-date information about atrreral cetab. Uahed aeenritica that ran be boaaht now to yield a liberal retnrn. INVESTMENT IS FREE. WHITE TODAY. KRIEBEX&CO. IUVSTMtKT SAM KIR 14S-H South U Sail StjChltaf