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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1920)
rv r THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 18, 1920. I' 1 ? v ,1 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. l)UPLEX"BRICK FLAT ' $8,500 Nearly new pressed brick flat, fln- lehrd In oak, and walking distance ef downtown. Five nice rooma and Mtn on each aid. Income 199.00 par month. ' These kind of propositions are getting Barce and thla on will soon ba gone. Bedford-Jobnston Co., 61 World-Herald Hid. Doug. 1781. s 1 '4 r 3 BRICK FLATS $12,709 Thla la on ?4th .St., In Kounlia Place These flats ara In good condition al ways rented. Thi- l a .nai. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 KHrnam St. loug.S64. DCI'LEX pressed brick flat, walking dls- tunce of downtown, oak flnlvh. Income Jjtl) month Hrjro tttui) 1). 1734. days. FaHNAM. HARNE., LEAVENWORTH AND CUMINU STS. PAYNR A SLATER CO.. DOTJO. 1016. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE SOnn trackage lot. 111 feat front, paved street, 5,d00. 8. P. BOSTWICK. 100Be Bulldlnf. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME FOR LAND We. bnra 11 houses Itatcd In Ornate. Ownar wanta land. S. 8. A R. E. MONTGOMERY. IK Ctty National REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Wist. V u I 1! EXCEPTIONAL BUILDING SITES 95x95 On Waat Dodge, fairly closadn, a won derful corner both aa to ' grade and ground value. You can buy thla for tha next (0 daya at tit per font. After that prlca will ba advanced to fSS. Thla la a aura winner. Jn tha heart of Dundee, owner Intended to build on thla alta for hla home, but . through change of program haa placed It on the market at a price of $50 a foot. Thta la ona of tha prettiest spots In Dundee. Tuesday, January 20, I National "Own Your Home" day of Thrift Wek. Buy or build a home, or sjpen a Home Fund account at any bank or loan association, WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1538. No. 833 Securltlea Bldg. V DUNDEE LOTS Wa hava Just Hated for aala three lota In Dundee'a new addi tion, which ara aurrounded by new homes and close to car line. Ona near 61st and Farnam Sts.. and tha other two between Farnam and Dodge Sts., on 60tE St. and Both Ave. For prlcea and location call. George and Company, EEALTOK3, Tyler SO".. 0J Clt Nat'l BkBldf. NEAR BLACKSTONE HOTEL s Two ndtoinlng vacant lota, each 4Sx 1-2, adjoins 123 North 38th St. on tha north.. Price 91.650 ; (250 cash, balance J 10 per month and interest. Tueaday, January 20. la National "Own Your Hoitw" day of Thrift Week. Buy or build a home or open a Home Fund Account nt any bank or loan association. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.,' REALTORS, 101 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug, Z71S. DUNDEE Kit 60x135, Webster St. Juat eat of 60th, paved alley- and atreeta; fill apeclal paid; prlca right. C A. Grlmmel. Phone Douglaa 1615. FlNE east front lot, 62d and Leaven worth. Douglaa 8273. I North. Vacant Lot Bargains I til each, bvya two dandy lota, facing east on tha tvelghte overlooking JVrt Omaha. Terms to ault. 1,060 each iuye 3 aplendld lota tn Minna Luaa with paving all paid, 1,09 buys a splendid acre lot, 130x106 feet, opposite tba new Florence field addition. Buy thla and double your money, 2,166 buy choice aaat front lot on boule vard, .Dear" Fort street. Specials all v pat . Osborne Realty Co., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 4S. two 63-FOOT LOTS In Minna Luaa. Web- ter 2333. Miscellaneous. READ LOOK INVESTIGATE POSSESSION MARCH 1ST Beat located, I blocka from paved road, miles from Ak-Sar-Ben field, 6 miles from Omaha P. O., 3 blocka from school. Rich soil, good full sat of Im provements, I -a. farmed, balanoa pas ture, i acrea asparagus, fruit and grape, running water, fenced, lj-a. Cheap. Terms. - CHAPEK, Brandela Thea. Bldg. P. 6634. ett ACRES In Council Bluffs. One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can ba bought for 11,400, Terma 3100 cash; balance to suit buyer. MCUSe KAL jjjstat ;., 106 Pearl Stl Council Bluffs, la. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Brand New Bungalow PRICE ONLY 16,0001 I ! Flva rooms and bath, strictly modern, oak finish, east front lot 40x147; (800 down and 336.00 per months. Hera la a ".real opportunity. Osborne Realty Co., 439 Bee Bldg. Tyler 466. BRAND NEW-6-R. BUNGALOW Located 3516 No. 63th, strictly mod. and gar. $1,000 will' hand.e, balance monthly. CHAPEK, Brandela Thea. Bldg. D. 6534. ' ' r Dundee. tTESDAT. JANUARY 16TH, 13 -NATIONAL "OWN YOUR HOME" DAY OF THRIFT WEEK. BUY OR BUILD - A HOME, OR OPEN A HOME FUND ACCOUNT AT ANY BANK OR LOAN ASSOCIATION. NEW DUNDEE HOME IMMEDIATE - POSSESSION V Eight rooms, two stories, colo nial architecture, tiled front vesti bule, central hall, large living room, brick fireplace, , pleasant dining room, attractive brcak ' . fast room with bntlt-ln china ' cabinet, table and Beats, conveni ent kitchen with desirable built in features, 1st floor; 4 corner f) bedrooms, linen closet, clothes chnte, tiled bath with wall tub, pedestal lavatory, etc., 2d floor: . stairway to floored -attic. 2x6 rafters; old ivory and white ena mel finish, oak floora through- -out: full cemented basement, sta tionary laundry tubs. ettf. ; ce ment driveway, two-car garage; east front lot 60x135 ft., 65 ft. from Farnam St. Thla house wae designed and built by an expert architect and Is very desirable. Price 31,350.00. Reasonable terma No. 304 8. 60th Ave. Key at US So. 61t Ave., Sunday. Closein CoVner Lot Cheap ' On 20th St. between Farram and Leavenworth. All clear. " Fin apartment house site: will , increase In value as result of de velopments planned for n thla ? vicinity. Lot 60x80 ft. This la a bargain. If Interested, aea us at once. Price Ja.OOO. FOWLER & M'DONALD, ; Pour. 14?. Realtors. lliOVlty at'l Bk. Bldg, K DUNDEE -GARAGE LOCATION Tbls lot is located In tha north part of Dundee, an ddeal location for a garage where ona could make a paying Investment. . Near 50th and Underwood Ave. For further information call. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS. Tjier Ml. - 163 Ctty Kali Bk. Bldg. ".' t REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. BEXU'TiFUE HOME IN DUNDEE Two-atory f -room residence, with eleaplng porch, living room with fire place, downstalra all finished 4n oak white enamel and birch upstairs; double garage; on paved street, paving all paid; olosa to car. Call Walnut 3612 for par. tlculara. , DUNDEE" Yon can biiy a brand new. I, (, T or 8 -room home in Dundee on easy terms; most of thesa places ara ready for oc cupancy; ara strictly modern, with many up-to-the-minute features. Theae placea range from 37,260 to 116.000. Buy t aw Derore me spring rusn. i none, Mr, t'arse at I'nusiaa 7412, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. DUNDEE Hava several 6, 6, 7 and 8 -room hornet which are now being completed. All ara strictly modern, aturco, well located. Oak finish and floors. Extra good terma If Interested call Mr, Cares at Harney 35fD Sundays or Dour. 7412 dayi DUNDEE Beautifully located 1-story atucco, I rooms and maid's rooms oh Id floor. Only f V. 1 .. 1. .. ., Can nlv, , .-.. possession. f 13,750. For appointment vail n niiiui o,w Ws specialise In Dundea home C. B. STUHT CO., 113-14 City National. Douglaa 3767. Miscellaneous. ao-Ai're (mil farm for sale. Rent Im provements, $5,000; two and one-half-miles west of F.lmwood park. Jboa Wlpf, 2422 S. 18th St., Omaha. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES. FI.OKl DA Clearwater Attractive placea fur winter aeaaon, $1,000 to $3,000; ou gulf, near fatnoua Ballalr golf links; splendid roads, good fishing. Address B'ard of Trade. Clearwater, Fla. REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINGS WANTED Let us sell your property for you; we have customers whose wanta wa cannot supplv. DUMONT & CO., ' Phone, Doug. 6P0, 418 Keellne Bldg. WE HAVE served the Omaha public -it buying and selling real eatate for over 36 yeara, Wa have many calls' now for homes. List your property with us. W will serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment Co. WILL pay cash for guod six or seven- toowt home. Must ba well located and priced rtjjhL Reply giving full de- Bdx T-8, Omaha Bee. BUNGAIjOWS WANTED. We hava cash buyers for well-located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results, list with ua. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY, 623-6 Brandela Theater Bldg. I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay; cash for It, but tba price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR. :i City Nnt. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1M6. If you want to buy or aell Omaha real estate, try FOWLER ft M'DONALD, REALTORS. Phone Dousr. 1426. 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. LIST your property with1 THKU. IS. i'UTEUHON COMPANY, SSmaha Nan.Bank. Doug702-41 REAL ESTATE and all kinds of Insurance. HERMANSEN CO., 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR quick sales list your property with W. Q. SHR1VER, 1047-0 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636, WILL buy a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech. liens. Chas. L. Pease. 211 Brandels Theater Budg. WE have the customers and can sell your property; list with John W. Robblna. 681 Brandela Theater. D. 62$. CAN PAY $1,000 down on a modern, I- or e-room nouae, uive location, prlca, terma. Box 678, Omaha Bee. WE will pay cash for nearly 6-room bun galow. Kasp iiroa, in Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. SELL your own property: save com.; new plan; quick results; free book tells how. Simplex Dept. 167. 112$ Bwy. N. Y. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. FARM LOANS 6 PER CENT. Option granted to pay $100 or multiple any time and atop interest on part paid. I represent, Connecticut Mutual Life for Douglas, Washing ton, Sarpy and Caaa counties. PAUL PETERSON. 164 Brandela Theater Bldg. Phone, Douglaa 1805 or Walnut 3106. MONEY to lend on improved Real Kstate. Interest payable aeml-annually. W. H. thomas a sun. ZH Keellne Bldg. f OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB FARMS UKEfcf B HEAL ESTATE CO. 101$ Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 371$. CITY and farm loans; 6H and 6 per centl no aeiay. J ti. iramont a CO., 611 Keellne Bldr PRIVATE MONEY. BHOPBN ft COMPANY. Doug. 4313. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. X. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. II E BUCK. Loana, 443 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted $2,040 loan on $3,000 frater nal Inaurance policy. Man wishing to make loan la beneficiary. Face of policy will coma to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who la 61 yeara old and In poor health. Will arrange matters ao that entire $3,000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In Insurance. Chance to make from $600 to $1,000 In short time Addresa B-e. Box M-S Financial Wanted. TO BORROW on farm, 160 acres. In cen tral Neorasau on lirsi mortgage, irom $4,000 to $8,000. Bank appraisement $16,000. Writs to Box 696, R. No. 1, Sent Rosa, Cal. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Acreage. ACREAGE Fortieth and Camden Ave. A half-acre with city water and side walks. Near car line. A snap at the price and on the terms offered. Thirty-sixth and Jaynes. This is a real pickup for $300 cash and balance monthly. A full acre with grapes and cherries. Jut the place to buy for the man who wants to have a garden and keep chickens. Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas ZOO. 508 Bee Bldg. ACREAGE WEST 10 acres Improved on the main , road, $5,500. 40 acrea near Peony farm, on Dodge St, 40 acrea 1 mile of paved road, on Q Bt, and Ralston. High, sightly building site; 11 acrea al falfa; paved road will pasa thla place. Tuesday. January 20, Is National "Own Your Home" day of Thrift week. Buy or build a home or open a home fund account at any bank or loan' associa tion, O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS, 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 3715, 120 Acres at Only $200 Per Acre Corn never falls; IS acrea In alfalfa. some pasture; only $ miles from South Omaha stock yards; second bottom land. For stock raising or datry purposes It can't be beat. Possession March 1, 120. One-haJfvcash. Mr. Brown, McCague Investment Co., pougiai imp. Arkansas Lands. FRUIT .and stock farm for aala. 120 acres, over i. fruit trees and berries, fine alfalfa, grain and corn land: permanent springe, GOod house, barns, outbuildings, horse cows, hogs, complete farm tools, oil prospect; price very reaaonable for quick sale. A. F. DeGulnea, Fayettevllle, ATK. Minnesota Lands. . CORN LAND 40, $0 or 160 acres, good hear aotl, well settled part of Todd county Minnesota; good roads, achoola and churches; will produce good crops of corn, oats, clover, pbtatoea, etc.; price $16 to $23 60 per aere; terma $3 per acre cash, balance $1 an acre year; (.000 acres to select from. SCHWAB BROS., 103$ Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. v Montana Lands, FOR SALE Good Montana homestead," 136 acres deeded. 35 river bottom, loo plow land; also 160-arre relinquishment adjoining, all plow land. Big bargain. Owner. Box Si, Doniphan. Mo, WHYNOT INVEST IN COLORADO LAND. WHILE THE PRICE IS RIGHT 480 acrea northeast of Strasburg. 450 acrea In wheat, one-third goea to buyer. Wheat waa sowed early on well-prepared ground and la etooled out nicely. Thla Is all tractor land and good soli. Well-fenced, well, yranary. Price $42 per acre. Terms. Several quarters raw land near the above at from $21 to t: per aore on good terms. Several Improved farms In the same neighborhood and the price la f'60 acrea Irrigated land, four miles from sugar factory at Brighton, 20 mllea from Denver. Best of water right. This can be rented for beet growing at a rent that would surprise you con aldering tha prlca of thai land. Price for quick sale, $160 per rcre. Good terms. SO acres Irrigated. S miles from Den ver, near beet dump. Improved. Best of water rights. 60 acres In wheat, some alfalfa. Price $225 per acre. About $7,600 cash. Terma on balance. 60 bushels of wheat to the acre Is nothing unusual on thia Irrigated land. Compare these prices with the price of land In Nebraska and Iowa, then come out and look this country over, C. G. ANDERSON, 11$ Colorado Bldg. Denver, Colo. COLORADO farma In the Arkansas valley; 1K0 or 320-acre tracka of aa fine a pro ductive land aa you ever saw; can raise most everything; corn went 30 to 60 bushels per acre; this land la dirt cheapt $30 to $50 per acre; seeing Is believing. O. M. Davenport, 1155 High street, Denver, Colo. COLORADO LAND Cheap wheat, alfalfa, corn and sunar beet land. Climate un surpassed. Progressive people. Farm ers and dairymen getting rich. Write today tor list. Ralph R, Drennen Co., Fort Morgan, t-oio. 80,000 acres choiceTaw of lmproveed Lin coln CO., Colo., -lands. Bargalne Eaay terms, see J. L. Maurer. Arrioa. joio. Florida Lands. CHEAPEST good lands in America;! your chance to select froi. thousands of acres In south central Florida highlands, splsjidld orange, garden, general farm ing, cattle and hog lands, wholesale prices, terms or exchange. Florida Good Homes Co., Scarrttt Bldg., Kan- 'sns City, Mo. Full SALK 12.000 acres located thirty tulles north of Palm Beach on main highway: consider . earns one of the best tracts of lands in Florida: will either F"ll for cash, installments, or will take snme Improved property. S. Laneki, 2117 So. Jefferson St.. Chicago. Iowa -Lands. THE FOLLOWING FARMS CAN BE PUR CHASED ON CON TRACT. TERMS TO SUIT. OWNER LEAVING ' STATE. - 240 ACRES Six miles of Thayer. la.: extra well Improved: $3,000 on contract, balance back. Price 61 1 per acre. 120 ACRES Joins above land, extra fine Improve ments; level; $3,000 on contract, balance back. Price $225 per acre. TIT 80 ACRES NEAR TOWN Fair improvements, new houae; all farm land. Price $200 on lormi. 81 ACRES Join the abovo eighty; level to gently rolling; good improvements. Price $210, any terms. 646 ACRES - Five miles of good town, within two miles of tho abovo lands. $40,000 worth of Improvements, In good condition. One half level, the other half somewhat roll ing; some timber pasture. Price $200. $10,000 on contract, balance back. VI. 320 ACRES 'ADAIR CO. Five and one-half nnles of town, well Improved, near school. Price $250, $10, 000 on contract, balance to suit pur chaser. The above farms are extra well fenced, fine locations, near schools. Write us for Information. J. C. ATKINS LAND CO., Perry, la. FOR SALE. A well Improved 14-acre poultry, fruit and truck farm, less than 2 miles southeast of postofflce from Council Bluffs, with advantages of Council Bluffs and Omaha markets. This la a winner for the right party. Immediate possession. W. H. Becker, 3513 North 19th St., Omaha, Neb Michigan Lands. 280-ACRE part timber, unimproved, good level soil, 7 mites out, Escanaba, Mich., at $16 per acre; snap for you. Address, Johnson, Route 67. Valentine. Neb. Missouri Lands. 8fi0-ACRE north Missouri corn land, all Cultivate- Cteep otacK prairie sun, iiuno better; rainfall 40 Inches; corn, wheat, alfalfa, blue grass, rivaling Kentucky, and " big Missouri mules and horses, principal erops: four sets of Improve ments, 10 miles W. wire fence, on hedge posts. Price, $150 per acre, worth $200. If In Nebraska $200. Such bar gains pass this way but once. G. P. staDDins, mm t-Hn-tisu m. 400-ACRE valley farm; 61 yearling horses. nogs, implements; mi fi.,"" South Mo.; good house, new barn; many pother -farms and ranches. W. E. Mln- tnn. St. Louis. Mo. 160-ACRE creek farm. $2,500; also 120 acres ttmoeriana: im p11'.?""",, payment. Box 687. Mountain View, Mo. Mississippi Lands. ' Paper Shell Pecan Orchard Traeta. $100 buya one Beaeh club lot and one aere land. Monthly payments. Will produce $1,000 per acre. We develop. Write for book No. 11. Suburban Acres Co., Blioxt, ansa. Nebraska Lands AT AUCTION 240 ACRES 240 JAN. 26, MONDAY, 2 P.M. On the above date at the EAST FRONT DOOR OF THE COURT HOUSE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRAS KA, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder regardless of price the following described real estate, lo cated. 3 miles south and 2 miles west of North Platte, Nebraska: The Northeast Quarter and the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24. Township 13, Range 31. West of the tt P. M, Lincoln County, Nebraaka, containing 240 acres more or l;f cording to government survey. TERMS OF SALE: 15 per cent of the purchase price cash day of eale. 35 per cent March 1, 1920, when possession will be given. Purchaser to assume a mort gage of $3,000.00 which la a Federal Loan, bearing lntereat at the rate of five and one-half per cent payable semi-annually, and can be paid In S years or carried for 50, owner will carry remainder of purchase price for 1 a period of five yeara to be secured at the rate of six per cent. Good and sufficient abstract of title together with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of settlement. IMPROVEMENTS: Story and half 6-room house: brand new barn 32x48, room for 8 head of horses, 6 cowa and 20 tons of hay; granary for 300 bushels of corn; chlck n heuse 10x40; garage 10x14; stable 18x26; corn crib 8x16; well and wind mill. All fenced with S wires. 120 ncres under plow of which 25 acrea are In' alfalfa, land under plow lies level fo gently rolling. Balance rolling pas ture. Black loam soil with clay sub soil. For further Information, addresa Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central City, Nebraaka. Mark Carraher, Auc tioneer. M. A. Larson, Manager. O. - W. Welle, North Platte, Nebraska, Owner. RANCH Live Stock and EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 3,080 ACRES DEEDED LAND. 640 ACRES SCHOOL LEASE. 2,130 ACRES 4-YEAR LEASES. , 5,280 ACRES ANNUAL LEASES. Cattle, horsea, hogs, hay, grain. Im plements, tools and everything com- plete. Possession this spring. This-Jand Is only 13 miles from rail road and la one of the best ranche In - Nebraska. Cuts enough hay to carry 3,000 head. Price $110,000. whitfh In cludes about $47,000 worth of live stock and personal property. Can. show at once, aa the anow Is off. Write, wire or telephone for appointment. DUMONT & COMPANY, 418 Keeline Bldg. Phone Dotfg. 690. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. " Nebraska Lands. " 160 ACRES 160 . CUSTER COUNTY AT AUCTION JAN. 19TH, MONDAY. I P. M. On the above date In WOODMAN HALL, AT ANSLEY, NEBRASKA, we will aell at public auction to the hlgheat bidder, regardless of price, th following described real eatate, located 13 mllea aouth of Analey: The Northwest Quar ter of Section 25. Township 14, Range It. Weat of the 6th P. M., Custer County, Nobraska, containing 160 acres, more or less, according to government survey. TERMS OF SALE: It per cent of the purchase price cash day of aale, 30 per oent March '1.' 1920, when possession will be given. Owner will carry the re "malnder of purchase price for a period of five years to be aecured by a first mortgage on the about described land, bearing Interest at .the rate of 6 per cent, payable annually. Good and suf ficient abstract of title, together with warranty deed, delivered to purchaaer day of settlement,, IMPROVEMENTS: One story 4-roora house; barn -for 8 head of horses; welt and windmill; fenced; $0 acres under plow, balance pasture. Thla quarter Ilea rolling, but la all hard land. For further Information address Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central Ctty, Nebraska. Mark Carra her Auctlotieeer: M. A, Larson, Mana ger; Florence C, Stack, Omaha, Ne braska. Owner, WOOD RIVER VALLEY : IMPROVED QUARTER SECTION. 160 acres, Buffalo county, 2 mllea from Rlverdale and 12 mllea from Kearney; about rone-half mile from school. 90 acrea iiuler plow, the very best farm land, lies gently rolling, Just enough to drain well, balance rolling pasture with running water and plenty of fine timber along stream. This place has over $7,000 worth of Improvements as follows: Good 8-room house with brick cellar, barn for 13 head of horsea, mow for 8 tons of hay; double corn crib and granary; cow ahed 12x32; hen house; stock scales and other minor Im provements. Two wells and one wUtd mill. Place all fenced with Osage posts. There Is a place along the stream which nature has made for an Ideal feeding place, being well sheltered on all sides, yet well drained. Price $130 per acre, about one'thlrd cash, balance, good , terms: possession March 1, 1920. If you wsnt to make a profitable invest ment or a good home, do not delay, but come and look it over at once. Write or see, Larson & Carraher, Central City, Nehrneka. . FARMS AND RANCHES ALL BARGAINS 640 acres. Loup county, all fenced; a lot of good valley land In this. Only J8.O0 per acre. C40 acres, Cherry county, S mllea from Elsmore: some mighty good bay on this place; $14.00 per acre. 720 acres, Blaine county, 1 mile from Brewstor: 160 acrea of this is wortlv $25 to $30 per acre; the whole piece, fair Improvements, at $10.00 per acre. 640 acres, Thomas county, 6 miles from Seneca; will Improved; $17.50 par acre. 2.0S0 acres deed land; 640 acres achoot lease; Holt county; $62.50 for deeded laud, school lease free; highly Improved; neighboring land selling; as high as $150 per acre- The owner of this ranch is old and' wanta to retire. This la a money-maker. ' McCague Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. FINE GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. 160 acres, Howard county, located In the Loup valley, 4 miles from good town. Black loam soil, lies level. 100 acres under plow of which 20 cres are In alfalfa, 15 acr'es timothy ani) clover, 10 acrea In wild hay, balance In fine pasture. Good 4-room house, large new barn and other necessary out buildings. Place all fenced and cross-fenced. Come and see 'this at once. Price $110 per acre, about one-half cash, balance, eaay terms. Write or see. Mads Sorgenfrel, Clarks. Neb.. Route No. 3. MAKE $5,000 100 ACRES only 1 mile from Union Stock Yatds. Fine soli; fair Improvements. Possession March 1. Special discount of $50 per acre If sold In January. Now $400 per acre. Iowa-Neb. Investment Co., 644 BEB BLDG. 3,0'io-ACRE ranch. Well Improved; hous, big barn, garage, granary, chicken house, dohorning chute; well' fenced: cuts 200 tons of hay, 35 acres of alfalfa and timothy. Spring water runa the year around. Price $17.60 per acre. Gocd terma. Possession any time. Lin coln county ranch, E. Combs, BlgnelL Nob. 1 UMAUTIFUL level half section, tw and half miles good town and school; no hot winds; plenty sheet water 60 feet deep: partly fenced; located on Weld County, Colorado line In Wyoming. Price $50 per acre If sold at once. Terms reasonable. Write- owner. Box 166, 1'Mgar, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; ,IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the rlKht price. Write for list. LARSON CARRAHER. Central City, Nebraska. FOR SALE 30 acres level land at Elk City, 16 miles northwest of Omaha. Will be on paved road; $6,000 worth of Im provements, C. V. Shumaker, Elk City, Neb. FOR QUICK SALE. 820 acres valley land, 8 miles from town, well Improved. Pos sossion March 1, 1920. Price $100 per acre. Buffalo County Realty Co., Kearney, Neh. FOR SALE Vi section valley hayland. $100 per acre. 60 acres broke; small Improvements; eight miles North Platte. FARMS, possession March 1, 1920, 80 acres and tip. good ranch, some exchange. Information from C. V. Nelson, 1021 W. O. w.BIdg..Omnha. For Neb. Farma and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 29 Omaha NaL'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karhach Blk Tyler 684. WRITE me for pictures and prlcea of my farma and ranches In good old Dawes Co A rah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. New York Lands. $12,000 BUYS splendid level 250 acres; well drabied; 2 miles from village; ma cadam read; dark loam; 70 acrea valu able timber, balance tillable; practically new buildings; 10-room house; concrete t.esement barn, gambrel roof, holding t 150 tons hay: alio, hennery, piggery. friuuaiy, luiiuma water in nouse, Darn and pasture; large orchard; including crops, :0 bead cattle, 6 good horsea, sugar equipment, 60 hens, potato digger, disc harrow, land roller, harrows, drill, sulky cultivator, Bulky plow, rake, gaa engine, mower, binder, wagons, buggy, cutter, alelgha, 6 heavy harnesses, light harnesses, small tools, milking machine. Easy terms. Free lists. . Ellis Bros., Springvillo. N. Y. Texas Lands. South Dakota Lands. SOUTH DAKOTA has thousands of acrea of farm lands to develop and millions to loan Its settlers at low interest. It of fers a wonderful opportunity to share the big farm profits. Get state bulletins of Department of Immigration, Charles McCaffree, Commissioner, Capitol Q-81, Pierre, S. D. - 5 CENTS AN ACRE CASH. Texas school lands for aala by the state at $3 an acre, 6c an acre cash, bal ance in 40 years' time. 6 per cent inter estoend 6c postage for further Informa tion. Investors' Pub. Co., Dept.. 25, San Antonio, Tex. Washington Lands. HOMKSEEKERS Washington state needs settlers; cheap land, Ideal climate. Abundant work near land. ftaise frulta, vegetablea; work outdoors year tound. Beat mar kets, modern cities, good ros.ds; rail and water transportation. Write I. M. Howell, Secretary of State, Department r. yiympia. wasn Miscellaneous.' DO YOU WANT LAND? 1 We want to send everybody wanting land free sam ple copy of American Land Bulletin, containing land for sale In 30 states. Many anapa. We are publishers, not land dealers. Write stating kind wanted. American Land Bulli-tin. Baldwin, Wis. BUY selected Nebraska and Colorado farms. Land that pays for itself. Le- v-1, rich soli. Nothing better. Write for description. Midland Securltlea Co., j.ifwoin. iveo. LAND SEEKERS Our $26 excuraion to the Rio Grande valley la now on. W. 8 Frank. Neville Blk. Omaha. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. SEVERAL good farms for rent on share, near Lincoln, from 200 to 320 aore a each. None but good farmers need apply. State In first letter how you are equipped and give references or letter will not be in awered. B A Rogers, 1642 K St.. Lin coln, NtB, - FARM LANDS WANTED. WANTED Te hear from owner of farm br unimproved land for aale. Write Mrs. W. . Booth. Highland Park. Sta pes Molnea. Iowa. R. 13. WANTED to hear from ewner of good buslnosa for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. AUTOMOBILES, For Sale. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE t)N USED CARS . We Hat below many bargains In used cars, on which we have made tha price especially attractive In order to move them right at the beginning of the new year's business. If you ara In need of a used car it will pay you to look over this list and call and aea us before you - buy. Hl-PMOBILB touring, lilt, like new $ $50 BUICK touring, D-4$, like new 850 OLDSMODILF "8" touring, 191S 775 MITCHELL touring, 1918, newly painted 750 BUICK touring, -25 ., 400 VELIE six touring, 1917... 600 PULLMAN touring, lilt, starter and . light " 17$ HUPMOBILE touring, good running order 600 WILLYS-KNIGHT roadster, white wire wheels v. 760 DODGE roadster, 1918, five wire wheels and overall tires 300 WILLYS-KNIGHT touring, newly painted 750 OAKLAND sensible six, 1918 700 HUDSON SUPER-SIX, seven-passenger. In exceptionally fine shape... 1,150 HUDSON SUPER-SIX speedster, fpeclal Hudson green paint Job. CADILLAC four-passenger. , , model 65 t ' Closed Car Bargains ALLEN SEDAlf. like new , $ 871 BUICK light at sedan, new tirea.. 1,350 CADILLAC coupe, , 1914, good run ning order H0 NEW FORD coupe, heater; new apare tire; large steering wheel and other extraa. HUDSON SUPER-SIX eoupe, 1918, equipped with wire wheels, new cord tlrea. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., ?050 Farnam. Douglaa gOoS, AN UNUSUALLY ' FINE LOT OF USED CARS NOW OFFERED AT LOW PRICES Two 1917 Stephens touring. One 1917 Willys Six touring. One 191 Klssell touring. One 1919 Chevrolet touring. One 1916 Paige -touring. One 1916 Hudson touring. One 1917 Saxon touring. These cars cannot be duplicated In Omaha for the prices we are asking. MID-CITY MOTOR CO., 12H-2718 Farnam. Tyler 2463. SOME BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., "THE HANDY FORD SERVICE STATION" S v 15TH AND JACKSON DOUGLAS 1500. 2319 Fo'd Sedan: new. One 1919 Stuta roadster. 1919 Cadlllao 67; 7-passengar. 1919 Apperson, 4-passenger. 119 Scrlpps-Booth, 6-paisenger. 1918 Oakland touring. 1918 Oakland roadster. 1918 Studebiker 6, 7-passenger. 1918 Page 6, 5-passenger. 1918 Grant roadster. 1918 Haynes , T-passenger. 1918 Overland 90. 1918 Dodge. 6-passsnger. 1918 Oldsmoblle, 7-passenger. 1918 lOverland 85, 6-passenger. 1918 Willya Six. 1917 PaUe roadster 1917 Paige louring. 1916 Overland 83, 6-passenRer. MEEKS AUTO CO., Doug. 6489. 2026 Farram. x NEW USED CAR PLACE. 64 used cars to select from, all in first-class condition and must be Just aa represented. THE NEW 'USED CAR PLACE. 3047 Farnam St. Tyler 4072. Open all day Sunday. HUDSON SUPER SIX Touring car. Has cord tires and other extras. Car la best of condition. Will consider trade. Liberty bonds or other securities. Terms. Priced low for quick PACKARD OMAHA CO.. 3016 Harney St., at 31st. Harney 10. OPEN SUNDAY. RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12H CENTS PER MILE. GAS AND INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARE COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN TER 8KRVICE. DRIVE-IT-YOUR SELF-COMPANY, FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1 314 HOWARD 8TREET. DOUG. 3622. Cadillac 8 Touring Car 1 A very perfect running car. In first class condition. Will trade for good building lot. other securities, or will sell at a bargain. PACKARD OMAHA CO., 3016 Harney, at 31st. Harney 10, PPEN SUNDAY. 10 PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL USED CARS. -This week we hava marked our used cars 10 per cent below the regular price, but it will last for thla week only. So take a tip, act at once and we will store your cr free of charge until spring.- THE NEW USED CAR PLACE 2047-49 Farnam St. Tyler 4071. Open all day Sunday. 18 DODGE Sedan, dandy, $1,060. Two 18 Ford Sedans, choice $586. Near new Hudson Super Speedster, $1,650. 18 Mitchell Six Touring, $375. Twenty others, $175 up. Money back It not aatlsfied. Trawver Auto Co., 1910 Farnam. Chandler Touring Car Ons of th latent mo dele, will trae or bHI on $rm. Bartrain. PACKARD OMAHA CO., ' 3016 Harney St.. at 31st. OPEN SUNDAY. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A 7-passenger, 6-cyMnder car. Just as good aa new; will trade for a Ford Sedan or a touring car or a team of horses, weighing 1.200 pounds or will trade for city property. Call Colfax 869. E. C. Clark. ROADSTER BARGAIN. Completely equipped, large Chalmers, sales or. trade for light roadster and cash; i garage, 27th aud .Leavenworth. Mr. Spencer. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRI.D D. C ROGERS, MGR TYLER I7fl 1407-21 Capitol Ave. RELIABLE automobile achool; best elec trical and self -starter courses: day and night school: come now; free catalogue. National Automobile BchooL 1314 North Twentieth, Omaha, AUTOMOBILES For Sale. USED CARS. We have- for aale a number of good used cars, almost any make, ' QUICK SELLING EXPERTS. 51 4 Btown Bldg. Douglaa 4384. SOME bargains In used Ford cars, Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Fo.-d Service Station, 16th and Jackson. Douglaa 3600. STANDARD - WINTN BIGHT SIX KEYSTONE MOTORS CORP. 203 Fainam. USED cars of exceptional value. , GUY L. SMITH, 1663 Farnam St 'v Doug. 1170. TWIN-SIX PACKARD, completely over hauled, run less than 8,000 miles, 3 new cord tiers at a bargain, consider ably less than half-price. Party leaving city. Phone Tyler 1276. DUMP trucka for sale. Just overhauled. Terms If required. See CHAMBERS-O'NEIL, 3106 Leavenworth, Tyler 1419 FOR SALE Scrlppa Booth Chummy road ster, repainted and .overhauled, In first ckiss condition; a bargain. 622 8th Ave,, Council Bluffs. Red 1274. MAXWELL truck, delivery body, closed, tn fine condition, , 4 new tires; small payment down, balance easy terms. Walnut 4309. 1919 FORD SEDAN, wire wheels, self" stdrter, other extras, almost new. Bar gain. 8e Mr. Davis. 1818 Douglas. WANTED For spot crab, 100 used care; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2060 Farnam St. Doug. 8085. BEAUTIFUL Studebaker roadster, alno Veils aix, to trade on ctty property or acreage. 3Z nee rtiug. iteq RKDI-MADE OARAGES, wooi or ateel. Send for circular Redt-Made Housing Co., 2311 Howard. Red 8667. OLDSMOBILE-SIX touring, for aale or trade for 1918 Bulck roadster or Es sex ear. Colfax 243. NEW 1-ton aervlce truck, $500 less than delivery price; never baa been used. Walnut 4309. OAKLAND Sensible Six. ' MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 1620 Farnam St. . I FORD MARKET. Farnam 2230. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S. , Look for the red seal on windshield MUST dispose of ray Ford speedster Im mediately.' First-class condition. 2R16 Cuming st. 3100 for any magneto we can't repair. Ford mage recharged, guar, stronger than new. Q Baysdorter, 210 N. liith. BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 FARNAM. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO.. 2032 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. CA nas DEALER quitting business nas one new 6-passepger Essex, will aell c'heap for easily Harney 6056 FOR SALE -Ntw 1919 Ford extra equipment, $775. A. Doug. 9350. sedan. $75 Q. Allen. FORD touring, perfect mechanical condl- tlon, price f 300. 2910 Saratoga. Colfax 8277. .. FOR SALE New 1919 Ford sedan, $750 extra equipment, $776. A. E. Allen. Doug. 93f.O. ' ' OLDSMOBILH 8, fine shape, good as new. P. B. Gross. 403 N. 16th. Red 6081. ""GOOD T'SElT CARS." GUY L. SMITH. - 1917 PAIGE touring; A-l condition. Call Douglaa 9425. , . Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. 30x3, '$4.00: 30x34, $5.00. All sites In proportion. look ove our rebullts. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. 608 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NKW TIRES. GUARANT1NED. 30x3 $ 60 I 32x4 $18.85 30x3 11.90 I 33x4 19.85 STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. 16TH ST. NEW TIRES DIRT CHEAP 30x3 FISK,.. .$11.05 34x4 $20.95 30X3 0. SO dOX...... KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMING. AUTO electrical repairs; .service station for Rayfleld carburetor and Columbia atorage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N .19 GET your radiators repaired at 2523 South 21 st St. Tyler 4009. . Repairing and Painting RAIDIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1810 Cuming St. Tyler 917 MotocyclesndBicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In uaed machines. Boos, the motorcycle man. Leavenworth Sta Victor H 27th and PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home aolicits your old clothing, furniture, magaxlnes. We collect. We distribute. 'Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge street SCENARIOS Wanted Exchange plots for $ $. Photoplay Ideas accepted any form, revised, published, copyrighted, SOLD. Advice free. Universal Scenario Cor poration, Western Mutual Life Bldg., Los Angelre. " ANY ONE OWE YOU? We collect everywhere. No collec tion no charce. Bonded attorneys. Roes Mercantile Agency. 127 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. ROOM-MATE wanted Garrett, 205 S. 25th. POULTRY AND PET STOCk! WEEK-OLD Chicke Rocks, Reds, Leg horns. Orpingtons, pure-bred, strong and healthy. Orders booked now for March and April shipments; shipped parcel post prepaid. Send for clrct(Iar. S. M. Dean, Fort Dodge, la. WE WANT'rellable people to raisefur bearing raUblts for us in their back yards sjSare t'me. We furnish stock and pay $3.50 to (7.60 each' for all you raise. Sunset Fur Co., 606-7-8 Lankershlm Bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. RAISE rabbits for me. I sell magnificent pedigreed r.snck cheap and pay 50c per pound for all you raise; contract etc., for dime. Arnold A. Oren, Wsverly, K ansa 8. ALL my Registered and FedigreefJ, Rab blts, on account of other business which takes all my time. A bargain for quick sale. W. F. Krauae, 1618 W. Louise St., Grand Island. Neb. FERRETS FOR SALE Rat and rabbit hunters, also breeders; circular free. Henry Ronald Peck, Pes Moines, la. WHEAT acreenlngs, $2.60 per 'hundred. i delivered. 801 North -16th St, A. W Wagner, Pouglaa 1143. MIXED GRAIN $3.60 per hundred, de livered. A W. Wagner, 801 No. 16th St Douglas 1141. FOR SALE Pet dog, Mexican hairless, novelty for ladles car. Colfax 3771. FOR SALE White Rock cockerels. South 1364. - I HorsesV-Live Stock Vehicles. FARM MARKS. One -team black mares, T and S years old; weight 3,000 pounds. One team of mares, 6 and 7 yeara old; weight 1.900 pounds. Ona team of mares, 6 and 6 yeara old: weight 1,800 pounds, 1 good cows. 824 8. 27th St. FARM MARES One black mare, weight 1.600 lbs, I years old; ona black gelding. 1,600 lbs., 4 yeara old: one apan of mares. 6 and T years, weight 1.760 lbs. 1007 So. 16th St. TAKE NOTICE One S,500-lb. team; one pair of black noises, 1.400 lbs.', one black horse, 1.300 Its.; two mares weighing 1,600 lbs. 2109 No. 24st St. NTICR Pair of matched blacks. and 1 years old; weight 3,100 pounds. Also good farm wagon ami harness. Will sell cheap for cash. Residence 2106 Lake St. FOR SAL.; Cheap, 2,700-poun3 work team. 4:!3 N. 18th St. OM! fine Jeiscy Durham heifer. 4933 N. I Ht h St. NICE voung 1-lolsteln-Je.rsry, dandy milk er, $86. Colfax 4160. 6218 N. 34th St. MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rales. Private loan booths. Harr, Mslashurk, 1614 Dodge. D. 6619. EsL18$4. FARMS andecity loar.e. E. H. LOUGEB. INC 628 Keellne Bldg. COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Attorneys. iTISHKR, H., 1418 First Nat. Bank Bldg I. 1966. Attorney and counsellor at law. Automobiles. uJcvrey jioTORlMvTToth and iiow- ard Doug. 8500. ' Ford cars and re palts. Authorised agenta for Ford cara. Auto Painting. ROESSIG W. F 144 S. 40th. Har. 1443. We make old autoa look like new ones. Auto Repairs. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 110 8. 11th St. Douglas 4831. Patents de veloped. Models, tools and dies made Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO., 161$ Davenport St. Douglas 2914. Banks. AMERICAN STATE BAN It, 18th and Far. nam Wind Rlork. Phone Tyler M0. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA' TRANSFER COMPANY "THE ONLY WAV." Telephone Doug. 29.'v 141h and Jackson Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. Wii.LlAMS MOI 'T t O., fTtd and Hickory. I). 1043. Mfrs. of boilers la'iks. s m n k e a t u k s. o x yu i ;e i ly I cue w ejd 7 Butter (Whojesale)T " ALFALFA at UTTER CO.. 120-24 N fit 5 St. Doug 'J03. W. W. Rn.hat'lMin. Urea Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 2Sth Ave. olid P.llller St. Colfax... 8S6 Cash Registers. MORR1L CASH AND CREDIT REGIS TER CO.. 219-211 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 4 403. E. W. Hart. Pres. Doctors. CAMPBELL, DR. S. M., Physician and Surgeon, 104 Farnam St. Douglas 1220. Dry Goods. BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., 9th and Howard Sta. Douglaa 206. Cloaks, aults, ladles' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Electrolysis. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed by electric ity, needle work guaranteed. Mlsa Allcn der, 408 Barker Blk. Mirrors and Resilvering. REALTY DEALS IN OMAHA THIS YEAR Money Involved Already Ex ceeds Total Amount in January. 1919. Money involved in real estate' transactions during the first 13 days of this year exceeds the totil amount involved in transactions dur ing the entire month of Jatituirv, 191'!. In January, of 1919, real estate transactions aggregated a total of $!,23(L)4a. Five hundred and six teen deeds changed hands. Dur ing the first 15 days of this year transactions have asrgrcsatcd a total of $1,362,859 and 305 deeds changed" hands. During the past week the purchase of the l'airvicw apartments, Fiftieth and Webster streets, by H, Tret" merchant, from the Hastings am! Hiyden Co., was consuniatetl. The consideration was named at $ 5,000. A ten-year lease on a tvo-stor building at Eleventh and Capita', avenue, taken by the Wolff Manu facturing Co., of Chicago, for $60. '00, is a fair example of the rapid ly rising property values in Omaha, according to local, real estate men. it is estimated that the price paid It is estimated that the price paid of the property at $30 a square foot. New York Priests to Conduct Mission at St. Cacelia's l'i..ii'- tlie.aupiees of the Omaha Knijjhts of Columbu.s, Patilist Fa thers Burke ai d Conway of New York City will conduct a missi-jn for the next three weeks at St. Ceeelias cathedral, 705 North For.ictli street. The initial mcctinjr will he held at 11 thi morning, and will continue throuffliotU the week for the Catho lics of tlis city. Th also vfill be services in the cathedratat 8 tonight. Worship will be observed 'at 'the same hour throughout the stay of Fathers Burke and Conway, accord ing to the announcement. The meetings during the second and third weeks will be devoted 'to lectures on the fundamental teach ings of eligion by Fathers Burke and Conway. For the traveler a hot water bottle that folds compactly when empty has been invented. ' V COMMERCIAL GUIDE. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO. Douglas S:5 111 4 Cuming St. Patent Attorneys. PATKN'TS procured, bought and sold. In ternal Patent Co., 6S8 Brandels. D. 6B91, Engineers, Consulting & Supervising ANDERSON & BENNETT, 4 24 "Bee BldgiT Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power r-lants Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PA X TON-M ITCH K LL CO.. .614 Msrtha at Harney ism. Machine, gray Iron, brass, bronze and aluminum castings. OLSHN SCHLINUKJl, 1407 Jackson. D. 74111. Bi.oss, bronze and aluminum cast in as. Ice Machines. Printers' Supplies. DA R"NHTnT "BROS. a'SI'INDLER, 1114 Howard St, Douglaa 1076. Printers' supplies. OMXhaPR1NT1NG CO.. 13th and Far nam. Douglas 346. Printing, atatlonary and office furniture. DOITOLA8 PRINTING CO.. 10-'ll N. 18th" Douglaa 644. Flna commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO.. 32J Bee Bldg. Douglas KM7 Fine commercial printing Electrical Goods. LK BRON BLECTRICAL WORKS. 318 S. 12th Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com rianyin the middle west. - Tank Manufacturers. KERKASKA IOWA STEEL TANK CO., inni William Ave Webster, 578. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nicholas. .1. L. Raker, Pres. Hardware. PETERSON & MICHELSON HARDWARE CO.. 4916-18 S. 241b St.. South Sid. Phne South 17L FoRD TRANSFER CO.. 817 Douglas St. Tyler 3 "Always at your service." Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK DUOS., 126 Exchange Bldg.. Omaha. Stnckera and feeders our specialty Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO South 2310. South Omaha. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER EHOS. PAINT CO. Douglaa 4750. 1609 ,4. F.irnam St. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY C4).7TH, 507 309 S Seventeenth. 'Douglas 05. Office, typewriter, architects' and engineera supplies. I.nop-eaf devices ' Undertakers. HULSE & RIEPEN, 701 S. 16th. D. 12.. Undertakers and embalmers. Peraonal attention clven to all calls and funerals. -iEAKEY & HEAFET. 2511 Farnam. Har- ney 25. Undertakers and embalmers. CROSBY WILLIS C, 2D11-13 N. 24th SL Phone Webster 47. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 S. 10 in St. Douglas 602. Skylights, (teal relllnrrs and galvanised sheets. Council Bluffs Directory. Coal and Ice. Phone 2S60. Caterers to heat and cold. OWN YOUR ' HOME DAY of National Thrift Week Tuesday, January 20th , Our organization and sales force are ready to answer your call on that day and every day during the year. Our desire is to render you intelligent and satisfactory service in assisting you to become a home owner. If you cannotxomplete the purchase of a home, at this time, at least make the Btart. ' FOR SALE Singla Comb Bluf Orpington cockerels. Walnut 1939. ONE Old Trui,y incubator. 4933 N. 18th St. FLEMISH OIANTS FOR SALE. Red 5447. CHICKENS for sale. 1623 Fowler Ave. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. For Sale, , 800 Sets of Harness, SADDLES AND COLLARS at SO per cent discount; frea list prlca Midwest "Harness Lo., 70S N 16th St. Omaha. Neb. WILL SACRIFICE Team, harness and wagon, very cheao; must hurry. Doug las 4959. 2421 Cuming. WE HAVE " BUYERS WAITING List today, glva possession April 1,' if desired now's tha time to sell. D. E. BUCK & CO., Realtors 442 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Doug. 2000. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. Sealed blda will b reoeived at the of fice of the Town Clerk of Klngsley. Iowa, until 2 o'clock p. m., February 3, 1920, for furnishing all materialand labor neces sary for the' paving of approximately 46,000 auuara yards of paving in Kiugsley, la. T. H. JOHNSON. Enginear. .Five per cenf certified check to accom pany -bid. Plana and specifications from engineer or clerk. W. R. PAYNE, Town Clerk. Klngsley, Iowa. NOTICE. Tha regular annual meeting ot the stock holders of The Bee Building Compsny will ba held In the office of said company In the Rco Building, Omaha, Neb., at four o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January 20th. 1920, for tha purpose of electVng a Board of Dlrectora for the ensuing year and transacting such other business aa may property come before the nieo'lng. By order ot th Prealdent. N. P. FEIL, D-32 to J-li. aaoratajr. Buy a lot, build a home, or open a home fund account. It's the wise and patriotic thing to do. SHULER & CARY, Realtors ' Phone Doug; 5074. 204 Keeline Bidg. WORLD REALTY COMPANY . INVESTMENTS ' Dodge Street, near 16th., 99-ycar lease; substantial 4- x story building; good stores and 10,000 sq. ft, offjee anace, all rented. Will incresse in value. See us for details and terms. Farnam and 32d St., 135 ft., on Farnam, 132 ft on ?2d St. Good improvements to carry. Price $86,000; easy terms. 8-r. house, 906 Francis St., 4 rooms 1st floor, 4 rooms 2d floor. Paving all paid. Well arranged for roomers. Price $3,000. . 3 lots in Dundee 1 corner at 60th and Dodge, 75x135 ft Two together on hill, 51st avenue, near Farnam. Prices on application. , FOR RENT ON FARNAM STREET. 1st flqor and base- ment G0xl32 ft No. 2549-51-53. Now occupied "by Goodyear . Tire and Rubber Co. Will be available about April 1. Call us regarding lease. , SEE US FOR WAREHOUSE SPACE, TRACKAGE AND , DOWN TOWN PROPERTY. , Tuesday, January 20. is National "Own-Your Home" day of Thrift Week. Buyior build- a home, or open a Home Fund Account at any bank or loan association. WORLD REALTY CO. W. R. M'FARLAND, Manager. Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bids.