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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1920)
8 C WW J,m.rf4 .tit eV i1-.. ,1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY- BEE: JANUARY 18,- 19&E. HELP' WANTED MALE. .1 'Miscellaneous. EBAKKiiKN", EXPERIENCED. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. C. B. A O. R. R.. lOBt-TAHNAM By. HEN Air IT t It. Experience unneces sary. Travel: male crt Investigations, report. Safari; expenses. American Foreign uetectiv gncy, 17 at. Louts Hr.N wanted (or deteollv work. Writ J. Oanor, tormar Govt. ltUv, Dan- Vllie, XII POSITIONS, location, tc., for doolora, dentists, druggist, veterinarian, nurses. T. V. Knlest, ill Baa Bid., Omaha. l-JREMEM. Brakemen, $17i-$2$l monthly; experience snneceesary. Writ Railway association. Addraaa T-144. Omaha Baa. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. TO GIRLS AND MOTHERS OF GIRLS. To TOO and tor you this atory la written, especially la It mfant tor girls who ar about to embark upon a bttst aeaa career. Perhaps through necessity you hay had to glye up the Idea of a higher - education. Here la your opportunity cur achool ot Instruction offer you a supplemental course with remuneration. This eodree ! given by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company'a achool which la maintained In Omaha and operates by ft ataff ct efficient In structors. The work Itself Is very fascinating nd ft full-fledged long lines operator Is the Important link In weaving tbe speech ' ot th nation.,. Ton ftra cordially Invited to visit our office wher questions concerning this unusual opportunity will be answered in detail. Room 318 New Telephone Bldg. ASK FOR MISS BELL. . THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND .TELEGRAPR CO. 'The National Organization. BTfcNOORAPHEH, Sioux City, 100-$110. BTKNOOSAPHER and clerk, amall otflce, uptown, good future. $100. STKNOORAPHER, .East Omaha, 10-19(1. STENOGRAPHER ahd clerk, Co. Bluffs, 0-10. . . . . ' BOOKKEEPER, wholesale. S12S. OFFICE CLERK who understand bkkpg, SSS-190. MONOGRAPHERS. 110-$lb0-$8M$0-$7- ro.IPTOMETER operator, uptown, Ml. KLLIOTT FISHER operator, 1100. DKK1CE CLERK, good penman, 165. I'll. 10 CLERK, experience not neoessary, 160. COMPTOMETER operator, $5-$7l. CASHIER who 'can meat public 170. S A LI5SL ADT, retail experience, $85-$100. BT1.NOORAPHER and P. B. X, opr., $65- $rs. DICTAPHONE eprator, uptown, $0. STENOG willing to learn diet., $0. EIMi CLERK, uptown, $71. TYPIST, good future $66. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, 113S First National Bank Bldg. BENERAL office assistant with adding maohln experience, $76-$$$; general of tloe clerk, uptown "office, exceptionally nle plaoe, $60; stenographer, prefer young lady living on South Side, fine office, $10O ethnographer and clerk, auto firm. $100 1 bookkeepsr and stenog rapher, small uptown office, $90; assist ant bookkeeper, $76-$100; aaahler, whole sale house, $86. IF E8TERN REFERENCE s BOND ASS'N, 'Originator of the Reference Business, 711 First, National Bank Building. tTENO., railroad, $J7.I0 steno., financial concern, $115-$125; ateno., Insurance, $S6-$0; steno., grain, $90-$100; steno., automobiles, $21 wbek; beginner steno., $75; office clerk, must be good penman, $100; assistant bookkeeper, $80: cashier and office clerk. $7 8: office clerk, $1$ week; clerk and oollector, $75; typist and olrk, $20 wlt; typist. Insurance Co., $1 to $1 wek; typist to learn dictaphone, $0 to $100; Elllott-Flsher opr., $0-$100; comptometer opr., $80; offlo girl for filing, I f 6. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, 1T-18 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. APPLY STROUD CO., 1$TH AND COMMERCIAL AYS. i OMAHA'S better business agency, stenog- sf. rapbers, so to fiiu; typist, t.iio-5u; IP blllsrs, $75-$8S; comptometer operator, i i 70; Burroughs adding machine opere If fttorg, $90, dictaphone operator, $90; i bookkeeper, $76. small office; clerks, S I $50-$60. : v,'.M . . " , . , t . 15H City rvauonai iiairn mag. "WANTED Toung ladles who desire to ln f crease their- earnings to enroll la our day or evening olaese In shorthand, typewriting, comptometer and dicta phone, bookkeeping and ncoountlng. Reasonable tuition payable monthly. Call or writ Dworak School of Accounting, Second Floor Wsad Bldg. Eighteenth. and Farnam. WANTED at once, lady stenographer who ia accurate, ha good speed In taking dictation and who ha had aeveral years of experlenoe In general offlo work. Must be good at figure. Good pay, t,E,HJ ELECTRIC COMPANT. Clarlnda, STENOGRAPHER Who wishes to do ex tra work or la desirous of 'bettering a , present position can learn something ot advantage from my book for stenog- rsphers. Bend postal for details. Panel Publishing Co., 117 Baker, Cov- 1 nit ton, Ky, ANTED Name ambition women, girls wanting government positions; si.zuu year. Answer Immediately. Y-861, Omaha Bee. . IF TOO NEED HELP CALL THE WANT DEPT. TYLER 1000. WB HAVE A NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON OUR LIST WHO MIGHT QUALIFY. WOMEN. Girls. 1$ up wanted. $100-1180 month. oovernment jods. nunarens of positions. Writ for' list Franklin Institute. Dept 658-A, Rochester, N. Y. 'ET.i.iott-fisher ooerator. also checker, 1 Apply In persons Dresher Bros., 1217 Ifil liNOGRAPHER wanted. Apply In per- , mnn TlrMahei UrAfl SStT Vamsm. iXPERIENCED checker wanted one. Apply. Conant hotel. iolrICB girl wanted! Dresher Bros., 1217 yarnam est. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced - bindery , girls. Itood steady positions; nice work. Tne Kmlth-Brooks Printing Co., Denver, Colo. lv i.TED-Experlenced trimmers and also ur(iaa aarssa fjisasknisa siAnii nav Thlele-Scharff Co., Hth and" Farnam 81s. iff)VEN WANTED in alteration dfpsrt- ment. Dresner Bros., Z217 farnam. "Sale eswomen and Solicitors. (WAN I'ED Fiv bright, capable ladles to ravel, aemonstrate ana sen aeaiera: to $60 per week; railroad fare paid. Writ at once. Goodrich Drug Cc, f.'t-yHl. omanft, weo, aIIE3 to distribute circulars and take order for a. now rood proauct; to it day at tb.0 atart. Writ today. Amer ican Product Co., 12 American Bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio, Household and Domestic JUST THE BEE SOLVE YOUR DOMESTIC I wt Anr TT r TTT CI TJ 4VP A T ICT Mi GIRLS LOOKING FOR WORK. YOUR HOME MAT BE JUST WHAT THEY ARB SEEKING. CALL TYLER 1000 AND ASK FOR THE WANT AD DEPT. with old lady and assist with house work for two. A desirable horn with good food and room for right one. Bef e re pees. Address LIS. Omaha Bee. rWANTKD Competent girl for gmeral housework. Ill bo. ib bi. uaraey no. NTED Housekeeper oa farm near t Hirtmcton. Men.: two in iuni i wage expected. Address J. N. Jordan, Hartlmrton, Nsb. riiningwn, rtw. iXPURIENCED whit cook, family of tnroe, no launory. an. ?. . 1 vr , - . A kvANTED Girl for general housework. no laundry, gooa nom ana oou w. tj BVANTBD Girl for general housework. No iiVANTED Middle-aged lady for general DOUS wore, in twvu. wuu , leon. nen. i- -TEnr.iri tn heln with children and rAeccftd work; reference required. Har- r.v- tit, ' K . JTL'n Wnmn tn Mm for & hOIQO. i s'boj tn family. Colfak 15, after fell A 3. U FISH Piano tuner; violin and KANT0--Young girl to assist with honsewors:. Harney 1488 Iti'ANTED Girl for genersl housework. I Walnot MIS. , . HELP WANTED FEMALE v Hotels and Restaurants. COOK, good wages. Nebraska Masonlo Horn. Apply at home, Plattsmoulh, Nob. TWO nice appealing girl wanted, $14 per week. Olympla Candy Kitchen. WANTED Experienced waltrea. Apply Conant Hotel. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at once. Conant hotel. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladlea to learn barber trad. TR1-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. "Miscellaneous. 'V WE CAN sltll as a tew more girl and women labeling and packing macaroni. EVENINO WORK. II WANTED. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ROACHES, etc., exterminated with on application, by contract - or soli out- - right. B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO., OMAHA. 10T Brand. The. Bldg. DOUg. IS IV, EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. Two and three-room apartment com pletely furalaked. Hotel aervlce. Tyler (1100. . FOR- RENT HOUSES. West ELEGANT -room, nearly new, all mod ern house, $55 tor one year In ad vance. Wal. 4o. 111! So. 29th St., e-r., part modern, $7.00. Crelgh. 508 Bee Blilg. Doug. 200. Miscellaneous. FIVE rooms. 1119 Farnam St., part mod- BENSON & MYER& CO., 424 Omaha Nst'l Bank Bldg. THE SKINNER CO., 14th and Jackson Sts. Tyler 151$. GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE We have a number of vacancies In our clean, modern ' factory, for am bitious girls who want to earn good money and advance. Apply at once. Bemis Omaha Bag Co,., 11th and Jnckaon Sts. Doug. 2811 WE wish to hear from lady Interested In literary work. Send us story, article or poem typed or handwritten. If ac ceptable wep ay you cash If appointed on staff will pay salary. Submit MS. to Woman's Nat. Magaxlne Desk, (50 wHsntiiKionj A'. Ki, WANTED WHITE O R COL ORED WOMAN COOKS FOR OUT OF TOWN, BOX Y. 707, OMAHA "BRE. THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl of woman needing assistance during the present emergency. Telephone Harney 0734 day or evening or Tyler 113$ In the evening EAKN $25 weekly, spars time, writing for newspapers, mugazlnes. Experience; de tails free. Press. Syndicate, 147 St. Louis. Mo. - WRITE photoplays. $25-$300 paid any one for suitable Ideas. Experience un necessary; complete outline free. Pro ducer League, 157 St. Louis. GIRLS for bindery work; no experience necessary. Apply Mr. Peck, Festner printing co...;3ii Howard Bt. WHITE woman to assist in kitchen. Swed ' Ish Mission Hospital, 14th and Pratt Streets. WANTED Experienced wrapper. Call tn pereon. Dreeher Bros., 2217 Farnam St. MACHINE girls wanted. Nebraska Tent and Awning Company. 1204 Farnam St. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam Bt. WANTED Experienced checker. Apply Conant Hotel. : vw DINING room girl wanted. Apply Clark- son hospital, 22d and Howard. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. V. 3. GOVERNMENT wanta thousanda of men, women, 18 up. Permanent posi tions, $1,200-12,000 year. Common edu cation sufficient. Many Omaha exam inations coming. Sample queatlons free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep t. 180-A. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men. ladlea and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chins bookkeeping, comptomotry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial brancnes. Write, call or phone Douglas 15C5 tor large Illustrated catalogue. Addret BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neh TKEt) Surgeons and Landscape Gardener are making from $1 to $3 an hour. Learn'' these professions by mall or by attend ing our Monday night class at the Y. -M. C A. Tuition $27.50 or $8 a week. Course requires 11 weeks. Begin now. Call or write The Pago School of Tree Surgery and Landscape Gardening, 744 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Bant School of Business. Day and Evening School 110 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6810. ANNIE E. GLASGOW; vole and piano, $0 Karbach Blk. Studio phon. Red 1. 20 South 16th St. t FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUK RRADERS AND ADVERTISERS. NICELY furnished rooms, newly decor ated, south and east exposures; strictly modern, private horn In Dundee; one block to car, for gentleman. Phon Walnut 6067. Kererences. LARGE strictly modern room In private home, to couple or gentleman, on car line, references exchanged. Harney $721 SOUTH TENTH, beautiful furnished room In modern home for gentleman, board optional; 10 minutes' ride to town, 'jyier zaap. PLEASANT warm room, newly decorated, strictly modern, private home, excellent neighborhood, walking distance. Harney 7000. WEST FARNAM South room with lav- atory, $4 week;, east room, 13 week; modern private home on Farnam car line. Walnut 2390. x . LARGE, modern, sunny front room; pri vate home: Bemis Park car Una; gentle man preferred: suttable for on or two. Harney 3H aunnay. PLEASANT steam heated room for 2 rentlemen In strictly modern flat, rea son a b 1 e walklngdlsareHsrn WARM room gentleman; private home; Hanscom Park district; breakfast. Har ney 104 l MODERN furnished room West Hsnscom Park district; garage It desired. Harney 0471. . 527 PABK'AVE.; & modern sleeping rooms In private ramiiy. narney a me 601 PARK AVE. Pleasant furnished room strictly modern. Harney zips. 828 S. 22d St. On heated sleeping room, 13.50 week. ONE front room In a .strictly modern home. 125 Park Ave. Tel. Har. 7180. . 1112 FARNAM Modern sleeping room for wentlemnn, WARM, quiet rom. modern home, walking qistance. si vwx. narney aq MODERN i room, close to bath, suitable for 1 of 2 gentlemen. 2701 Farnam. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE furnished tfedroom, use of kitchen, dining room and parlor. Beference re qulred. Dougla 5394. Board and Room. PLEASANT, large room, nicely decorated, all modern, walking distance, for $ gen tleman; $32.50 a month with two meals; references. Box T-64. omana nee, BOARD and room for 1 gentlemen, mod ern, private home on Harney car line, 4 blocks from Creighton college; walking qisiance. narqey m BEMIS PARK DISTRICT Beautiful large room for two; phone and bath at door; private home; two meal. Web ter 4050. LARGE, modern room, oonneot. with bath, near car line, with board for couple or two gentlemen. Webster 4121. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, very desir able front roam for gentleman, break fast and dinner. Harney 3. 424 PARK AVE. First claas board, ex cellent home cooking. Those who appre ciate same call Harney 8710. PLEASANT, warm, front room with board, suitable for two ladle. 1114 tavenport. xyier mi. 1 NICELY furnished room, with board, private home, gentleman. '170$ S. 23d. South 1481. , ROOM and board In private home with widow for two working gins; nome pnv lieges, on car line. Webster 25(1 DODGE Attractive rooms, good hoard Harnev (143. ROOM and board for 1 or I gentlemen. Harney 1651. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Douses. SIX room, modern, on car line. Imme diate possession. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtor. 101$ Omaha National Bank Bid;., Douglas 2715. Apartments. UAIO wanted at Ml Park Ave. FOR SALE Furniture and renting of a 5-room brick flat, well located; must be seen to be appreciated; respectable party only, Call Webster ? - LIST your property for rent or sal with F1KUT iriuai ujurANt, Realtors. Tyler 711. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West FLAT FOR RENT Six rooms with bath, water, wr and gas; newly papered; dew plumbing; no heat; on top ot three-story brick building; 1 block from postofflc. $25. immediate possession. Reference re quired. I DUMONT & CO., 411 Keelln Bldg. Phon Doug. (19. North. 4-ROOM brick flat, steam heated with bath, call Webster 1040. FOR RENT Business Property. Garage and Barns. REDI-MADB GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular, ltedl-Mails Housing . Co., 2211 Howard. Bed 3667. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED TO RENT Five or six-room house, modern. Would prefer west of 24th and south of Farnnm. Best refer ences. Douglas 2323. Furnished Houses & Apartments. WANTED to rent 2 or 3-room furnished apartment, close In. Box T-66, Omaha Be. . MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY ANDR van CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 19th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 2S8. Globe Van, Trafisfer and Storage Co For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4388. Auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 41(1. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Sowen Co. Ty. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 160ft navenpor'. unug z8. MOVING our specialty. Bst service, best - rates. Hartung's Transfer and Storage. Tyler 1076. , DRY storage, .with Douglas 2802. trackage, for rent- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Wrst. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. E y 1-B UNGALO'wV Pressed brick foundation. Flrt floor ha three deeping rooms and dsn, In oak and maplo finish. Two sleeping room and bath. Extra larg clot with Individual window oa econd floo. Full basement, with hot and cold water. Floor drain and cistern. Paving paid. $3,000 cash; palanc terms. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. Pouir. 1145. Evenings. Colf HIT. CLOSE IN HOME Strictly all Imodern.- oak finish down stair, T rooms, full basement, walking distance; located near 28th ami Harney. Price 14,500. Reasonable term. Tuesday, January Z0. la National "Own Tour Home" day of Thrift Week. Buy or build a tome or open a Horn Fund Account at anv bank or loan aasoclatlon. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. IT1I. West Farnam. $8,500 Beautiful 7-room oak-flnthd horn on larg cast front; corner lot! com bination heating plant for oil or coal. Everything in top-notch condition. Thl dandy horn Is NOW VACANT and all ready to move Into. vSom term caa b arranged. Bedford-Johnston Co., (11 World-Herald Bldg. Dougla 1T14. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. $2,500 Snap. Be Quick 1541 North 17th street, almost new, five room and larg at do; lectrto lights, fin well, barn, cement walk, . hedge fenoe, two fin lot, just th plac for chicken and 'garden; reaion able; payment down; balance monthly. P. J. TEBBENS CO., (05 Omaha Nat, Bank. 'Pong. 1111. ONLY $875 FOR 1 lot with foundation 14x31. already to build on, also chicken house, good well and pump. Some fruit and shsd trees. 55tb and Pine. $351 cash, bal ance easy payments. , P. J. TEBBENS CO., (05 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Phone t. 1181. MODERN HOME. $(1750 buys a real home, 6 rooms and bath; oak finish, large bullt-ln book casra, fireplace, beamed celling, panel ed v.- lis, sun room. Ideal full basement. (.' - lote in every way. Garage with . . t floor. Shown only by appolnt m'iii. Terms $3,500 cash. D. E. BUCK & CO., Realtors. 442 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 1000. Cathedral District 4317 BURT STREET. Six-room, steam heated stucco bunga low, garago; 117x128 feet of ground. Price only $7,200; half cash. , Osborne Realty Co., 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 41C. ON LINCOLN BLVD. Six-room, 2-story stucco residence In Montclalr. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, downstairs oak f lnfairt, 3 bedrooms and bath on 2d, fin ished In whtle enamel, and mahogany doors. Price $9,000, For particulars call Walnut 2812. Dundee Bungalow, $6,000 All oak finish, six room on one floor. Ful Ibasement and fine furnace. Two blocks from car. Price $6,000.00. Bedford-Johnston Co., (13 World-Hersld Bldg. Doug. 1734. LEAVENWORTH ' , HEIGHTS Bungalow of five rooms. New and up to date In every respect. ak flnlh. Only $6,000. Easy terms to responsible parties. Tyler L356. SEE THIS BARGAIN In Clalrmont, nearly new 5-room ituc eo bungalow, all on pne floor. Plas tered bason ent. On paved street, 9 bites, from car. Price only 46,400. Walnut Ant, OMAHA "Real Estate arid investment. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandela Theat Doug. ((. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . These two fine homes are va cant and "we can get you posses sion at once. Both are worth the money. Will gladly show either or both. Dundee This is a new 6-room modern stucco house less than one year , old. Hardwood finfsh, enclosed sleeping porch, fireplace, tiled bath, in fact all that's needed to make a , strictly modern home. Owner has left the city and is selling at a price tess than it would cost to build today. $2,000 makes the first payment. , Bemis Park For a short tirtie we can offer you this fine 8-room modern house on Lincoln boulevard and overlooking Bemis park, for $3,000 cash and balance monthly. House in first-class condition and about six years old.' For a home this is the place to. buy. Sunday call Walnut 863 for price.'terms and location' or ap pointment to see. Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas )0. 508 Bee Bldg. WALNUT: HILL AND - CATHEDRAL -DISTRICT A practically new S-room bunga low withv a closed-in sleeping porch, large living room across the front of the house, dining room and kitchen oh first floor; two . bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor. Built-in fireplace, bookcases, paneled walls, plate rails and window seat. Garage for two cars. Paved street, paving paid, south front lot.' 50x130. Price ' $6,250, about one-half cash required. PAYNE INVESTMENTS COMPANY. Tuesday, January 20 is National "Own Your Home" day of Thrift Week. ' Buy or build a home, or open a Home Fund account at any bank or loan association. 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Douglas 1781. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phone , Douglas 6074 and wo will call and Inspect your property. Hhuler & Cary. ' Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 62 Poxton Block. 'Phone Tyler 4810. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS FIVE-ROOM STUCCO. JUST COM PLETED. $6,000. DON'T FAIL TO fTEE THIS. PHONE WALNUT 2812. 6-ROOM bungalow, full basement, south and east fiont. on corner lot, close In on Dodge street. Pries $5,760. Phone evenings or forenoons, Harney $193. 6-ROOM bungalow, full basement, south and east front, on corner lot, close In on Dodge St. , Price $5,750; Phon eve nlngs or forenoons. Harney 6193. , ONE BLOCK TO ' ' CATHEDRAL Eight room and bath, oak trim down stairs, strictly all modern; garage. Price $3,100; located I0( North Thirty-ninth Street. Tuesday, January 10, I national "Own Tour Home" day of Thrift week. Buy or build a home or open a Home Fund 'Account at any bank or loan associa tion. O.'Keefe Real Estate Co.", Realtors. 101$ Omaha National Bank Bids. Douglas $71$. WEST -FARNAM, $10,500 Near 35th. A high grade residence en Dodge street, with large living room, reception hall, dining room and, kitchen, all finished In osk with oak floors. Four good bed rooms and bath on th second floor. Maid's rooms on th third floor; south front lot; good gar age. First time offered. N GLOVER & SPAIN, ' Realtor. Dougla .50. 918-20 Clty National. Near 30th and Jackson Sts 7-R,, all modern home, eek finish, eaat front and a corner lot. this is a real bargain at $4,600. Shown by appoint- menL Sunday call Mr. Balbach, Walnut ""C. C. BEAVERS, REALTOR Dougla 246". 700 OnWha Nat'l BwtiV. BEFORE YOli BUr See this bargain In beautiful 6-room stucco bungalow in Leavenworth Heights, Only $(,000. Phon Walnut iiia,'. FOR BARGAINS IN homes. Investments and farms. Tebben Co.. 606 Omaha Nat'l Bank. UNUSUALLY fine 7-roomV house. West Farnam district, for sale by owner, who Is leaving city. Harney 670. BY OWNER, S-room house, strictly mod ern, all oak floors, good neighborhood, facing Bemis park. Harney 4964. For good homes on good term OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 4S0 Bpe Bldg. Tyler 416. North. LOOK AT THIS One-half block, east of Miller Park and very close to the Pretti est Mile Blvd. Well built 5-room bungalow all on one floor. Oak floors and finish. Combination sun room and sleeping porch, furnace heat, floored attic, screened ml trout porch, garage with tull ce ment drive. Hedge around yard. Price $5,800, about one-half cash required. r PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Tuesdav, January 20, is National "Own Your Home" day of Thrift Week. Buy or build a home, or open a Home Fund Account st any bank or loan association. ' 537 .Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR $2,800 - Having four room and bath on th - first floor, with oak floors, two sleep ing room on th second floor, electric light, lot 44x134 at 2876 Blnney street. Six-room modern house, oak finish, four room and bath on firat floor, two alunlnv 9nr.rr.rn am flu. In. . . v 126 with a garage, at 4411 North t2dj treat. ! Good five-room, modern bungalow with oak finish, nice basement, east front lot near Florence boulevard, most nw, for $3,760. Terms, half cash. Six-room modern house, extra well built, having hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, three deeping rooms and bath on second floor, larg bssement with good furnace, . lot (2x124 at 8216 Sherman avenue. W. H. GATES, 47-Omeha National Bank Bldg. Doug, 1294.. (Realtor) Web. S8$. Tuesday, January $0, Is National "Own Tour Home" day1, of Thrift Week. Buy or build a home, or open a Home Fund Account at any Bank or Loan Aasocl atlon. 1 MOVE IN TODAY FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Consisting of front hall, living room, dining room, two good bed rooms -with roomy closets 'and bath, light kitchen and pantry. You can finish two or three rooms on second floor. Full cemented and brick basement, brand new furnace and electric, light fixtures installed. Entire house newly pa pered -and all floors refinished, south front, four blocks to school and churches, three blocks to car. $800' cash. Price $3,950. No. 2702 Ruggles Si Call us and we will arrange to show this house.' PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. , Modern Bungalow - 3,250 It Is a dandy little place of 4 rooms, strictly modern, , only a few years old, with a soutn front let toxico, in Bt Cecilia district. W. Farnam . Smith & Co. Hit Farnam St, 2out. Mi. . .HOMES There will be a "scramble" for homes in Omaha this year, and if you are not asleep vou will buy one of these BARGAINS TO DAY. ' 5-Room Bungalow t On Bauman Avenue. Near 30th St. street car line. Very large living room with five ' windows. Dining room paneled and built-in buffet. Kitchen has . built-in cabinets. 'Two bedrooms with three windows each. House is very artistically decorated. Floored attic f full basement; fruit room; hot and cold water in basement: full south front lot; winter's supply of coal in base ment included in price. $6,400; $2,000 cash, balance monthly pay ments. $6,300 A beautiful bungalow in Minne Lusa addition,, on high ground; full lot; house has living room, 24x13, with fireplace and built-in bookcases, built-in buffet; beauti ful oak finish and all oak'floors: heavy floors; splendidly built and beautifully decorated: a real snap; see it today. About one-half cash reauired. ; $6,300 A fine bungalow in Minne Lusa on Whitmore street, near car line; this is one of those 5-room, all modern bungalows with large -attic in which more rooms can be finished; fine yard: good garage and driveway. Some storm win ' dows, and screens throughout; decorated. OwVier is leaving citv and will give POSSESSION AT ONCE. $3,500 5343 North 25th Ave., a good, all-modevi cottage of 5 rooms with bath and a big lot. Close to school and-car. line. The lot is worth $1,000 and it would cost $4,000 to build the home today. $1,000 cash required. $4,650 , In Benson, in good neighbor hood; a new modern bungalow with oak finish. Fine lot. $1,000 cash required. $3,400 On Larimore Ave., near 30th St. A good home of 4 rooms and bath; all modem; lot 40x270 feet. Lots of fruit trees and small fruit. $1,000 cash required. ' 5-Room Modern Home On paved street, Manderson, near th. Living room, dining room, and vestibule finished in oak, 2 large bedrooms and kitchen on ground floor. 2 large rooms on second floor finished in plaster board with heat. Larse lot. Fruit trees. Garatre. Price? $5 trm Sundav call E. A. Hoisino-tnn fntfav 3472. or Joseph Langllneh. Colfax Charles W. Martin & Co.. 742 Omaha National Bank Building, realtors. TV er 187. Early Spring Bargains iasy Payments 2906 Clarkson Ave. A 5-room cot tage with city water for $150.00 cash and balance monthly. Places on these easy payments are hard to tret. 1122 N.46th St. Not modern 5-room cottage on a good large corner lot. Near car. A real buy for $250.00 - cash and balance monthly." 4010 Parker St. Not modern 6-room house. Owner will sell on rea sonable terms. Best offer re ceived buys this olace. If you want a bargain here it is. Creigh, Sons & Company, uougias A)r. 508 Bee Bldg. THE MITCHELL INVESTMENTS., 24TH AND AMES AVE. W offer to eur patron securities recommended by J. P. Morgan & Co. and the Guarantee Trust Co. of N. T., consisting of Belgium S per cent gold bonds, du 1925; stat. municipal and publlo utility bonds snd short term note netting the Investor from S to 7 per cent; also notes bearing from 6 to 6 per cent secured by first mortgage on Nebraska and Iowa farms. $6,000 " 4 rooms, larg hall, bath, pantry and refrigerator room downstairs; 4 rooms, bath and pantry on second floor: stair way to floored attic; hot water heat; arranged with seuarate entrance for 2 families. Wonderful chanc to acqulr a home from Income of 1 apt. while liv ing In the other; located 1 block to 24th St car, on paved strset; at front lot 42x108. Easy term" Tuesday. January 20, 1 National "Own Tour Horn" day of Thrift Week; Buy or build a tome or open a Home Fund Account at any bank or loan association. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS 101S Omaha Nat'l Bank Bl'dy. Dour. ITU. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST HOUSES NEAR MILLER PARK On Ellison At., between SSd and 24th. Five room and bath with . a bit living room, paneled din-. . lng room, bis attic. We are au thorized to malt reasonable terms on thl property and as w believe It to be on of th beat house recently listed, you had " better look at It right now. Price ts.too. . Tuesday, January SO, 1 National "Own Tour Horn" dep- of Thrift Week. Buy or build a home, or - open a Horn Fund account at apy bank or loan aasoclatlon. - WALSH-ELMER CO.", (Formsrly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tylsr IStI No. SSS Seouritie Bldg. THREE MODERN ' HOUSES Is room, rscep. hall and bath each; corner lot; 1 block to car: near Sacred Heart church. Price $12,000. Tuesday, January 20, Is national "Own Tour Home" day of Thrift week. Buy or build a home or open a Home Fund account at any bank or loan associa tion. J O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors. 101J Omaha National Bank Bldg.,, Pougls 2715. i LARGE houses, corner lot, near Creigh ton University, 11,8(10; T rooms modern, 12,500; rooms, $4,500. Close In -ar-salna. O. P. Sitbbln. 110 Chicago St. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. . BRICK RESIDENCE Near' Miller Park Located on Florenc Boulevard on larg east front lot. 47x187 ft. Hnus has a larg living room with fireplace, sun room, dining room and kitchen, first floor; t bedrooms on econd floor, on of which can to ased for sleeping porch. This home i exceptionally well built, being built by a con 'tractor forhls own horns. Located In a new district with new home . on all aides. Brick garag on premises for two oars. Possession can be had In m day If wanted. Price $13,000. This property could i not be duplicated for less than $15,000 or (16,000 at this time. George and Company, . REALTORS. $02 City Nat'l BankBldg. Tyler 8024. 'WEST SIDE This is a Well-Built Brick House with a two car accommodation garage. Eight blocka from the Dunde arhool. On block from thWet Leavenworth treet car lln. Has a frontage on two streets and I a. bargain to anj-on look ing for a real home. Firat floor ha well-arranged rooms finished with oak throughout Bscond floor hs fmir bedrooms, a larg Bleep ing porch and batb. finished throughout with ln. Concrete basement with furnace, a larg coal bin and fruit room adjoining a concrete cyclone cellar. Sale price $19,000.00. Will take $J. 000.00 cash to handle. Term will be arranged. Call Mr. Pearson t ' Douglas S236. IS 16 City Nat Bk. after 10 a. ntr Sunday or any time dur ing theiveekdsyS; SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE Not new, Jut In good repair! ha 1 Urge rooms on first floor. Including 2 bedrooms, and 2 bedrooma on second floor; pine finish, hot air heat, lot 60x121 feet, vaved street and paving paid. Only S3.S50; $3,000 cash, balnnce monthlv. Located 2223 Mlnml St. Run day call A. R. Thatcher, Colfax-460. NORRIS & NORRIS, 1602 Dodge St. Phon Douglas 4270. JUST SOUTH OF HANSCOM PARK SIX-ROOM home yjith a beautiful finish on the inside, wich will compare) with the very best in Omaha. Three rooms on first floor, three rooms on second floor. Oak floors throughout. Built-in bookcases, combination sunroom and sleeping porch, with three exposures, full basement, furnace heat, corner lot, 47 l-2x 120, one-half block from Han scom park blvd,, one and one-half blocks from west side Hanscom I park car. A snap at $5,300. A 1 . U.1t .U PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tuesday, January 20, -is National "Own Your Home" day of Thrift Week. Buy or build a home, or open a Home Fund account at any bank or loan association. 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781. SEVEN-ROOM RESIDENCE This house is not new, but Is In good condition, with hardwood downstnirs, good furnace, full basement; locsted on south front lot 30x126; only one block from school, and with paving all psld, at 2622 Decatur. A bnrirain at $3,600. H. C. FREEMAN, 1704 Farnnm St. Office Peters Trust Co. PRAIRIE PARK ADDITION Six rooms, all modern, with full ce mented basement and laundry flxturts. House Is finished In oak and mahogany and In the very beat condition. Price $7,800, with $2,500 cash. This house can be seen on appointment. Call to day, Colfax 9".0 or Colfax 1243. R. F. CLARY CO., 404-08 Ames Ave. Colfax 175 Splendid Kountze Park ' Home Built for ' home, large seven-room strictly modern, "hot water heated home, oak finish, maple econd floor Full brick foundation; dandy corner lot; one block to car and park. Shown only by appointment. Osborne Realty Co., 420 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. ELEGANT UNGALOW Six rooms and bath; fireplace, book cases; beautiful built-in buffet, finest of oak finish; full basement; furnace, etc. Corner lot; paved street: near car line and Miller park In Minne Lusa. Also have several others In this location to show you. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 2182. BEMIS PARK BARGAIN $4.600.00 7-room modern house, 8619 Haw thorne Ave. Hot water lieat, fire place, garage, paved street and driveway. Good lot. $1,000.00 cash, balance like rent. BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Splendid Home SNAP FOR $6,000. Six ro-ims and bath, hot water heat, oak finish, garage, choice south front, newly decorated and painted; now va cant. Non-resident owner says sell enough rafrl. - Osborne Realty Co., 430 Bee Bldsr. Tyler 496. Immediate Possession Owner Leaving City Modern 6-room frame residence in Clalrmont, on Fontenello Blvd., only block to car; 3 rooms downstairs, fin ished In oak; 3 bedrooms and bath up stairs In natural finish. Price only $6,600, for quick sale. Call Walnut 2S12 for nppoir.tment. . FIVE-room bunpalow, all modern and in the very best condition; locsted at 4400 No. 22d St. Price $4,600 with J2,ono cash. Let us show you this before It da too . late. Call today,. Colfax 8i0 or ColfaV 1243. K. h CLAKY ca, 2404-16 Ames Ave. Colfax 17S. STUCCO BUNGALOW Just bekig completed, S fine rooms on one floor; oak and enamel finish; oak floors; complete in every de'all; a snap at $6,760 Benson & Carmicnael, Tyler 8540. 640 Paxton Block. -FOR SALE. Almost new 6-R. modern house Hard wood finish. Well located, clnse to car line. Price $5,500. $1,000 cash, balance lllto rent. A. W. TOLAND CO. 410 Bee Bldg. r. sr.75. $2,750,00. Modorn bunpalow, 422T Patrick Ave. Owner must sell quick. It ought to bring $3,250.00, but we are closing It out at $2,750.00. Pcssession at once. S. P. Bostwick & Son, ' 300 lies Bldg. Tyler 1506. SIX-ROOM modern. Reception hall, front room, dining room and kitchen, on first floor; first floor, oak finish; three bed rooms snd bath on second floor; second floor finished in maple; new garage; nice lot; located near ISth and Laird. Price $6,000. F. D. Wead, 310 South 18th St. Tyler isi. MONTCLAIR Splendid bungalow of five room. Nearly new. Oak finish. Plastered bsse ment. Only li blocks to car. A snap at $6,800.00. Terms. Call owner, Tyler 1356. WB are prepared to give personal, and experienced service to you in handling propertv, either as rental or sales agents. Our patrons are our reference. Mit chell Investment Co., !4th and Ames. Colfax 217 FOR SALE By Owner Five-room hous completely furnished, all modern except heat; terms $500 cash; balance $1,500 at $20 per month, 6 per cent Interest. 1111 Nnrth Seventeenth St. NEAR 4iTH ANI MIAMI, a 6-room mod ern bungalow, $4,600. Call Mr. Brown. Tyler 4316 Monday and next week. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 2520 Farnam fcireei. FOR SALE BARGAIN FJur-room house with good plumbing and electrlo lights. Can have two big rooms upstairs, $1. 950. easy term. Also range and daven port. 6Q35 nnKney. 2923 Norlh'28th St. A dandy, all-modern bungalow two blocks from car line. Owner says cut the price snd sell quick. $3.000. Call Colfax 19S3. WE need five and six-room, modem housea Hav buyer. Call u today. R F Clry "Co. 2404-08 Ames. Colfax 176 S SHARES of NKBRASKA TIRE AND RUBBER CO. Stock at Par Mrfl value now $75; prlc. $50 hare. H4 Brown BldgL . AFEWhomf and lot for sal In Park wood Addition: a safe pl-c for lnvet- inent. Norrls worns. unux. FOR COLORED Two 6-ronm cottges near 27th' nnd Lake. $2,000 each. Small pay .inu-n Terms. Webster 39. . T7rrt.oTVT v-ow ir.nfi ('ASH 6-room cottage, near 20th and Willi; strictly modern. $3.7g". I). f WILL build a nice modern 5-room house for you. I have materlar purchased. CALL WALNUT 127. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. MINNE LUSA home and lot offer th test opportunity to Invest your money, rnone Tyler it. 4-ROOM cottage, full basement. $1,600; $i00 down, -bilanc Ilk paying rent. walnut 3156 16th and Ohio, 6-room, modern, except heat, $2,100. Bargain for colored. Web ster $3$. COLORKD (.room, strictly modern home, close In, paved street. $2W0 cash, bal anre $2$ month. Webster 4150. COLORED 6-Hooin part modern, eloae to car and school, $76 rash,- balance, $13 month. Webster 4160. South. G-ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN Almost nv story and one-half bunga low; large living room with French dnora to a sunroom? dining room and kitchen on first floor finished in oak; three bedrooms snd bath on second floor. Full cemented basement jWlth laundry ronnectlnn. Paved street and alley. Price $4.9ii0. Located near 25th and Hickory Sts. Will show you house any tlmei Call Tyler 1910 or P. 4670. NEAR 27TH AND . HICKORY STREETS A particallv new 5-room strictly modern bungalow, all one one floor. Oak floors and finish and combination sunroom and sleep ing porch. Built-in buffet and bookcases. Floored attic, large basement, furnace heat. Price $4,800. $2,250 cash and $30 per month. - PAYNE INVESTMENT .' COMPANY. Tuesday. January, 20 is National "Own Your Home" day of Thrift Week. Buy or build a home, or open a Home f und account at any bank or' loan association. 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Douelas 1.781 7 ROOMS Hanscom Park District This Is a well built house on a cor ner lot, only one block from Hanscom park. Ha 4 ronma on 1st floor and 3 rooms and bath on 2d floor. This place Is strictly modern, In good condi tion; quarter-sawed oak floor through out.' A good, buy at $6,000. Located 1502 So. 29th St. Owner lives In house and will show you through. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Fnrnam St. Douft. 664. HANSCOM PARK NEW BUNGALOW ONLY SIX MONTHS OLD Five large rooms and also nice sunroom. All on one floor. Oak floor and finish. Two sets of French doors, floored attlo and full basement. Price $6.2"o. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Tuesday, January 20 is National "Own Your Home" day of Thrift Week. 'Buy or build a home, or open a Home Fund account at any bank or loan association. 537 Omaha National Bank Build ing, Douglas 1781. Hanscom Park Home Eight room and bath, modern home, double garag, choice at f-ont lot, 2 blocks west of park on S4th treet. Thls'home Is not new, but is a bargain at $4.0"0. $800 down and $36-monthly. Osborne Realty Co., 430 Bee Bldg. Tylor 496. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT $-r., all-modern home, oak finish,' east front, new and up to date. Pries $?,000. Shown by appointment. Sunday call Mr. White. Harney 6 5 r 5 . C. C. BEAVERS, REALTOR. Douelas 2450. 76Q Omnha Nat. Bk. TO CLOSE ESTATE Seven rooms, modern, on Pterc nar 17th; large lot with farat? for one car. rrireil at V. 200.00 for quick sale. 1600.00 cash; balnnro terms FREDERIC L. HEYN, (REALTOR.) 424 Omaha Nat'l Hunk. Doug. T4I. ULAIRMONT Six-room, two-story on Fontenll k,,ii.vnrri rink finish, newlv decorated. fine location, near good achool and car $fi,5nn.00. Terms can D arrangeu. ij. ler 13Sfi. HANSCOM PARK SNAP Seven-room, two-story home, only 1 blocks to car. Oak finish. Nice lot. Paved street. Only $S, 600.00. Terms to responsible party. Tor particular call Tyler 1356. -room modern, hot water heat, paved street, block from car, t from park. 1944 So. 2Sth St. CHAPEK, Brandel Thea Bldg. D. 1584. THREE houses nd $ lot at 13th snd Martha treets. Thi 1 a anap. Call us for partlculsr. Only $6,800.00, Moreartv & Oonboy, Bee Bldg. D. 2841. . Tyler 4H77, Webster 6158. Miscellaneous. FRAME AND STUCCO $5,250 BRAND new and Immediate posses sion can be given. Corner lot. Oak floors and oak woodwork In living room and dining room. Whit enamel In th other. Full basement. Floor drain. Splen did furnace. Exceptional terms. Tuesday, January 20, 1 National "Own Tour Home" day of Thrift , Week. Buy or build a home or open a Home Fund account at any bank or loan association. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Tyler 1886. No. t$8 Beeurltle Bldg. $3,500 FrVE-ROOSI cottage, all modern, en ear lln, big lot, near school, church, to. $5,750 BRICK residence, 8 room, V modern, corner, fin location, lawn arid shad trees, near Un!vrsltv of Omaha, $1,000 HALF lot, 4-room cottuge, nr 14th and Clark.' W. G. SHRIVER, J04T- O. N. Bk. Bldg. D- ' noon list GOOD PRICKS. $4,800. Sis-room, modern, 4111 Capi tol Ave. $5,509. Dandy, modern bungalow, 4412 Cass. , $4,000. Modern bungalow, tw lots, fruit. See It. $2,100. Nest, 4-room, modorn, xcept heat. Ames Avs. $3,000. New Bungalow, modern, oak. 2S09 Ames. I P. E. BUCK A CO., Rsaltora 442 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. J BAKOAINS In home Invesment prop erties end acreage near Omaha. Harrl aoa alorto ;iQ Omaha Nek Bk. Bide REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. NETS 10 PER CKNT On 10-room and on l-room dwelling; all modern ex cept heat. Lot 75x1(0, larg garag. walking dlslanc from town. Bargain , counter prices. GALLAOER NELSON. 610 Hrandels Bldg. xl-WOOM MODERN COTTAO10 n fiaved street, quick sal desired; Im mediate possession. Prlc $4,600: $200 cash; a good buy. Call Mr. Browne. ; INTKR-STATH REALTY CO. 1520 Farnam. Tyler 4316. BiRKE-TT &cUT:::;:.. and insure. 250 Be BI dg. I o u g Js 5 S: LIST your house and ! for nutck sale with Hastings Heyden. realtor. 114 Hi rney street. Phone, Tyler 50. J; "9H"ave Property for" Rent or Sal. AMERICAN SECURITY CO N W. Cor. lath and Podge. Doug. 6018. REAL EST ATE-Buslness Property Two Large Warehouses Ne. . 15,000 square ft No. f. if.OOO squar feet. Can b Uased at low rental .for Urm e year. In hrt of wholesale district Particular at efflc. BE A SAVER START THRIFT WEEK. Harry M. Christie Co., ( Keelln Building. Tyl $144 Evening and Sunday, CWax 111. LARGE tram building with 600 qua ft. floor paoe, altuabl for factor warehouse or storage, larg oornsr la with R. R. tracks near. Will lea af 11 for $4,000. Will make trm. Berk a Musi I. nouaiss or usi. II FOR SALE CHEAP Stor building wlt 6-room flat on econd floor. Good Iol callty. 2018 N. 4th St Colfaa 268, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, SAFE AND SURE ' INVESTMENTS No. 1. Brick apartment house and at- tractive seven-room hous dJoln lng. Also three garages, all heated by same steam hoat. 12 apart ments of five roms and tiled bath. Oak woodwork, oak floors. Large , laundry room with stationary tub. Janitor' apartment of thrc rooms and bath, and lock ers for each tennant In th base- " mcnt. Each apartment has pri vate porch. This 1 In fact on of th most comfortable and con venient apartment house In Omaha. Located only one block from Hanscom park, on beautiful corner, 100x150. Rents about $10,000 per year. Prlc. $65. 000. $26,000 cash; balance I year at S per cent Interest. No. 2. Downtown brick building, 25 apartments, 2, 8, 4. -find t room each with bath. Compara tively new and always rented. Should show an Income of close te $14,000 .per year. Located only one block from 16th and Califor nia. Prlc $80,000. $30,001 cash, balance 5 year at S per cent. Let u tell you mors about these properties. Owner leaving Omaha offers a real opportunity to re sponsible parties, v Tuesday, January $0, la National "Own Tour Home" day of Thrift " Week. Buy or build a home or open a Home Fund account at any bank or loan niociaMcn WALSH-ELMER CO.; Tyler 162$. No. 133 Beeurltle Bid; APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE An exceptionally well lo cated and attractive apartment house, 2 blocks from th Farnam car line, 6 apartments, each hav ing vestibule, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, tiled bath room, kitchen and pantry, Prlc $42,000, reasonable terms. This Is not a "disappearing bed" prop osition; th living room Is 14x18, the dining room about 12X14, th bed nom 10x11 ach. Th pert inent ar all In first class condi tion, and th net Income make It a very attractive Investment. Full particular on rsqueat. DUMONT & CO., 418 Keeline Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. THREE-STORY BRICK 33x132 NEAR 14TH& HARNETT Splendid business building right In h heart of th city. Steam heat and i -vator. Under lease, but possession esto b had December II, this year. W have obtained a price of $40,000 for a shor r time. It will pay you to Investigate. Tuesday. -January 20, Is National "Ow ' " Tour Home" day of Thrift Week. Bui or build a home, or open a' Home Fun Account with any bank or loan associa tlon. , . WALSH-ELMEIt CO., Tyler 1538. No. Ill Beeurltle Bldg. II (I I! (i 1 n INVESTIGATE This Snap Today! For Sale New restaurant building, lev rated In live town. In Irrigated section, wher oil boom I on. Will take $1,600.04 to handle this. A $10,000 loan ha been allowed. Thl Is a new two-story HxlO brick team-heated building with full base ment. 13 sleeping rooms above, hot and, cold water in each room. Well located has , never been occupied. Ready foi . occupancy June 1, 1920. Basement can be leased for pool ha 11 1 first floor for restaurant; second flool for rooming house. . Pent offesed over $320.00 a month. Realty Syndicate Co. 301-317 Wilkinson Bldg. ' Phone Doug. 6619. I A BARGAIN IN FINE FLAT BUILDING Near 21st and Chicago, three fin pressed brick flats, each of 7 rooms, all . hardwood, all well built and In excel lent condition. Separate heating plants, i On large lot, topether with 7-room frame dwelling. Will pay over 10 per rent net on purchase price of $18,600.00, and $5,000.00 rash will handle. This Is a gilt, edg investment proposition In every FREDERIC L. HEYN, ' (RKALTOR.) 424 Omaha NrU'l Bank Douif 746. Farnam St. Store, 20x40 Rent $40 Per Month t OAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. " SUITABLE FOR Tire, ' electric, auto acessorles. wYi paper, baber, confectionery or printing shop. No. 2902 Farnam St. Payne & Slater Company, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doua. 101S. i 25th Ave. and Cuming St., 2 Stores and 1 House This I across th street from th new car barn, 74 ft. on Ctlming St.. and 74 ft. on 25th Ave. Room enough to bnlld another elore. $1?.50C . W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1350 Farnam Pt. Dotiir. 864 18 Net Investment If you would be Interested lntlie pur ehsse of an exceptionally fine piece 01 Omaha real estate, which will yield at least 18 per cnt on th Investment, let me hear from you. Will require about $60,000 cash. Owner Insist that nego tiation oe confident!!. FREDERIC L. HEYN, REALTOR m Omnha NaT., Bank Bid. Dooff. TU. INVESTMENT BARGAIN Close In. store bnlldlam I f-r all modern house: and 4 setters. partly modern; garag: lot 110x11$ with vacant corner to build on. paving peji both sides; owner anxious to eeU. aaa will sell cheap ea good terra ' P.J. TEBBENS CO., i Omaha Nat Bank. Por ttf 11-ROOM house, and California It eaU lit St) t Ban. P..f. pfk