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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 18, 195. 8 C ' WANT AD RATES (Cash with ordsr.) .Ifco per word.... on dsy 4i pr word two eonsecutrvs day I la. par word ......thres consecutive days 6 per word four consecutive days To per word ........fir consecutive daye fa per word tlx consecutive day q per word ...... ssven consecutive day fad one cent per word (or each additional tisertton. t .No ada takes for less than a total of He, CHABGK 14c per line one day l'4o per line two consecutive days 5:o per line three ' consecutive days I 10c per line seven consecutive days $2 TO per line thirty consecutive days I'ird of thanks and funeral notices 12c per line each day. These riln apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear In both morning snd evening dally papers for the one charge. Contract Rate oa Application, i For convenience of advertisers, want i ads will bs accepted at the following of fices : MAIM OFFICE Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 10th St. l urk Office 2415 Leavenworth fit. South Side 1318 N St. Walnut Office v. 81$ North 40th 8t. Co. Hluffs Off!ee..v ..15 Scott 8t- THE REK will not be responsible for more thsn fne Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. FHONE TYLER 1000. Kvenlng Editions 13:0ft M. Morning Editions 10:30 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. deXthsITfuneral notices ULEICH Henrietta A.." at ths residence of her son, Arthur L. Blelch. 1512 Grant street, Friday, aJnuary IS. 1920; sited CO years, 11 months, 28 days. Mrs. Blelch ' in survived by her husband O. F. Blelch; otie daughter, Mellta B. Welch, Qmaha; five sons. Hugo W. Blelch, Win. aide. Neb.; Arthur L., Oust I".. Fred W. nnd Lewis A., of Omaha. Funeral from residence. 1511 Grant St, Monday, January 19, 1920, at 1 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. Anna C. Kdquist. beloved wife of P. A. Edqulst, who died January 14, 1920. will bs held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the resi dence. 841 North Forty-second street, to Zlon Lutheran church. Thirty-sixth and Lafayette avenue, at 2:10. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends ars welcome. iLLSWORTH Dorthy. age 12. died Sat urday morning at home of her father, W. Ellsworth, 2823 D St. Funeral Mon day 3:30 p. m. from home. Rev. C. C. Wilson officiating. Burial Ellsworth, Iowa. CARD OF THANKS. Ve wish to thank our friends and neigh bors for their many kind and thought ful deeds and kind words of sympathy during the Illness and desth of our belowed son and brother. Marry; also the maney beautiful flowers. The kind ness will el ways be remembered by us. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and family, VVE deeply appreciate the many thought ful acts snd kindnesses bestowed upon us during the short Illness and death of our beloved daughter, Ethel LaVelle, an sincerely and gatefully thank each and everyone of our friends and nolgh- , bora. Mrs. Eftuene F. Kemp. Mrs. Km ma L. Kemp . W13 wish to thank our friends and rela tives, also the Cigar Makers' union No. PS, and (Vnp No. 120, M. W. A., for the flowed and kindness shown us during tho death of our beloved hus band and fathor. Mrs. Pelllcan and family. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. i i a i STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. . Thirty-thill and Farnam. Har. 64. FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant, tld and Cuming gta Phone, Douglas 77. Auio ambulance. NEW LOCATION CYtOSBV S NEW FUNERAL HOME, 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise of busy streets. PHONB WEBSTER 47. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. fhone H 266 Office 2811 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, P.oneer Funeral Directors. 701 So'.th Htb St Phone Doug. 1048. TAGG ART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Tolephor.t Douglas 714. 2218 Cuming fit, "DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. Ill 8. 14th. Tyler 17. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglas St Douglas 8244. T Henderson. 161arnam. Douglas 1141 JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. P. 1000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments In the United States. FRANK SVOBODA. 1215 8. 13th. Phone Douglas 1876-6218. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ""Births John and Barbara Berka, 1315H William, girl; George and Helen Morton. 101 Georgia avenue, boy; Medford and Olga Smith. 629 South Twenty-fourth ave nue, boy; Herman and Agatha Penner, 4648 Douglas, boy: Edgar and Alice Baird, $316 Lincoln Blvd., girl; Vincent and Veta Grace, 2423 Cass, girl; Jacob and Cath erine Schmld, 1001 North 16th, boy; Paul and Anna Deuel, 2564 Pratt, girl: George and Dtna Knlspel, hospital, girl; John and Mary Brysn, 61st and Capitol Ave., girl; Nathan and Jessie Kelley, 1716 Clark, girl: GaMano and ' Lucta Caniglla, 918 Pierce, girl; Frank and Frances Stanlch, 6411 South 28th. girl; Vaclav and Jose phine Hsvelka, Avery, Route 6, girl; Frank and Nora Swanson, 2224 East Lo oust, glrU Death Ella L. Forbes, 8, 1811 Willis Ave.: Mary Nelson, 75. 6311 Military Ave.; Marie A. John. 75, 1534 North 20th. MARRIAGE LICENSES. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTIONI AUCTIONI Extra good furnlturs, rugs, piano, vlctrola ada furnishings of good homes In my auction house, southeast corner Hth and Webster Bts., Monday, January 19, starts at 1 p. m. sharp. Consisting of 1 very expensive mahogany parlor suits, 4 extra good Wilton velvet rugs. 9x11 and 1 Wiltons. 8.1x10.8; good Axmlnster rugs, Ixll and several smaller rugs, . Including 1 oriental rug,, library tables and bookcase, writing desk, music cabinet, sswlng ma chine, 1 good oak dining room sets, complete and 1 set table and chairs. Severs! beds, springs and mattresses. 1 complete beauty parlor outfit. This Is the complete furnishings of an up-to-date beauty parlor and hair dressing establishment, consisting of hair dress ing chairs, fixtures and office furnish ings. Several Vernla-Martln bed springs and mattresses, mshogany and oak dressers, chiffoniers, dressing table, Tunl-Mahognrt dresser,- 14 brand new washing machines. These are the very best, brand new. Gas ranges, kitchen cabinet, steel range, Uneoleum, 1 extra good reed porch set, complete, snd hun dreds of articles too numerous to men tion. This Is a big sale. JAMES L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER. If you have any thing to sell call Red 12. Tyler 968 or Colfax 1424. JANUARY CLEARANCE Of Holiday Goods. 4-foot mahogany piano lamp stsnds, cut to 17.98; 24 4-Inch shades, beauti fully figured, with fringe around en tire edge, your choice of several shapes, and cut to 15.98. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodge Streets, Opposite U. P. Headquarters. Omaha. FOR SAL!" MAHOGANY LIBRARY TABLE. EXCELLENT CONDITION. CALL HARNEY SS14. RAYMOND LOW. 126,000 stock of furniture to be sold; 100 stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ographs, duofolds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till p. m. Credit If you wish. 1839-47 N. 24th St. Web. 1607. WANTEDTO BUY. LTBERTY BONDS Coupon and registered; full N. Y. market snd accrued Interest to date MACK'S BOND HOUSE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 14M First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 1844 HIGH prices tor certain Issues this week. Ws will help you make your Income Us return. Strictly confidential. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 1716. 839 Securities Bldg. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture, Tyler 2698. A. Zavett, 70S North 16th St- NATIONAL cash register, give sise, num ber and price. Address, 101 West 4th St.. Davenport, la WANTED A moter boat for cash. Call Doug. 2501 Monday. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCOKDEON side, knlfs, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot. edging, eye let est work, button holes, pennsnts. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 200-S08 Brown Bldg! Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS G. U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. IIP. Baggage and Express. m ihviliT Woir" R. R. Ticket XI1C Vliiv "OJ Office, D Omaha Transfer Co. 196. Brass and Iron Foundries. DivTrtM-MirrwRi.T, rn. 17th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machtns grsy Iron castings. Dentists. DR. BECOR. 1st Nat'l BkvBldg. Ty. 1138. Dr. Brsdbury. No paln92l'"W. O. W. Bldg Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4887. Dancing Academies. TTTTIT DIXIT1 School for Dancing. 2424 JVHjLl-X 1 IN Hi Farnam. D. 7850. Class at ! ilinc ni at 8 P. m.,-Monoay, num- day, Saturday, private lessons any time. STAGE and ballroom dancing. Miss Frances Wilson, stuaent oi uennis Shawn school. Prairie Park, 26th and Ames. Colfax 492J. BOYD theater chairs, moving picture ma chine, carpets, draperies, 1,600 fins the ater chairs, for sale at a bargain. CliAMBERS-O'NEIL, 2106 Leavenworth. Tyler 1419. PHIL WINCKLER, expert shadow work, all branches or investigations, name; 670S. ONE mahogany dining set, two blrd'eeyo maple dressers, one bird'seye maple chiffonier, gas stove, ice box, couches, etc. -147 North 33d St. FOR SALE Vlctrola, sewing machine, Davenport, brass bed, rugs snd other household goods. 212S Wirt St. Morn ' Ings only. FOR SALE. 8x11 rug and furniture for 4 rooms, to sell by piece. 1415 North 40th St. E. P. Griffin. FOR SALE Ono large sized hard coal burner, one oil heater, one rug 9x12, one rug 7V4x9 and one child's Led. Phone Walnut 4321. FOR SALE 5 rooms of furniture with privilege of renting cottage with garage; splendid location; rent reasonable. Web. 4712. I'OR SALE I Eclipse gas range, 1 solid mahogany library table, 1 mahogany sectional bookcase. South 250. VVE sell' new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments Amer. Furn. Co- 606 N 18 SELLING OUT good staple furnlturs snd household srtlcles ch-ap. Douglss 4969 2421 Cumlrg. FOR SALE 110 yards of brown Inlaid linoleum, good condition, 90o per yard. 1613 N. 24th St. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Including small hall safe. Quick sale. Harney 4432. HOUSEHOLD furniture, stove, gas plate, gas heater. South 1428. FOR SALE Solid oak dining table and chairs. Douglas 1676. FOR SALE Large hard coal burner. D. 7385. FOR SALE Coal range, $35. Harney 12 lis. FOUR chairs and table, mahogany. $90, Tyler 2936. Apt. 161, Drake Court. FOR SALE Combination coal and gas range. $35. Call Tyler 2SS0. Pianos and Musical Instruments. LEARN bookkeeping at home lit two months. Our wonderful self-corrector, new Idea In teaching eliminates corre spondence. Calumet Audit Co., 961 Monadnock Block. Chicago. MUSIC. LEARN saxaphone, great demand for , saxaphone players; two Instruments for sale, reasonable. Room 20, Arlington Hlock. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 2967. George A. Smlth,2 761 Davenport. PHONOGRAPHS from factory to home; write for prices and free trial offer. Records and player rolls. Schmidt Mfg. io., zia w. pain street, cnicago, A. HOSPE CO. M'nfusi-c, Plsnoa for rent. 14.00 per month. WANT to buy and exchange Victor and Columbia records; must be In good con dition. 611 North 17th St. UrRIGHT piano, reasonable for quick paie. rsriy leaving i-ny. .vaiiiui 11,1 FOR SALE Mahogany upright piano for repairs and storage charges. Doug 4703. WE can save you $50 to $100 on a phon ograph. 1404 Dodge. Douglas 2147. BAND and orchestra music cheap. Jame3 Cohfn, 10H Dorcas. Tyler 3285, GRAFONOLA, for sale; reasonable; a bar gain. Webster 2939. TWO violins for sale. Doug. 5626. Good condition. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS , AND ADDING MACHINES. i ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Doug. 4121 1906 Farnam. The following; persons were Issued per mits to wed: Name and Address Age Tomts Ruffans, Omaha..... 10 Willie Smoot, Omaha ,29 Carl t, Hansen, Omaha...... 24 Violet M. Byrne, Omaha 20 Abe Chapman, Des Moines,1 la SO V. I.n.r(.r OfflRhft 20 -r - nr-hl .. Y, . ... 91 I Tlllte Brodkey, Omaha 19 -Joseph F. Rooney, Omaha II Mildred M. Maker, Omaha 21 Salvators Ca Dentine, Omaha 22 Sebastians Fldore. Omaha... 18 Merle C. Taylor, Omaha 29 Beatrice Cornell, Omaha. 24 Clevs C. Mitchell, Omaha 17 Lula Carter. Omaha 20 John C. Ludwick, Lincoln, Neb 23 Margretta Rouse. Lincoln, Neb 22 Robert Banks, Omaha 56 Louisa Proctor, Omaha 66 BUILDING PERMITS. KENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 16.00. Oliver Agency 1905 Farnam St.. City NOW is the time to sell your old type writer and get a good price. Dg. 2147. Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. KEVAN. 544 SOUTH SOTH ST. Machinery and Engines. .4 The following building permits have keeu Issued: O. F. Adams. 1624 North Twenty-fourth, alterations In theater, $900; Charles Kirk land, 2111 Cuming, wsrehouse, $1,000. LOST FOUND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street ears tele phone Tyler 800. Ws are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owmrs. OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS 8T RY CO LOST--Checks and cash; payment has been stopped on checks. Finder may keep cash and return checks. Call Douglss 19,44 or Douglas 7019. Liberal reward. LOST Checks and cash; payment has been stopped on checks. Finder may keep rash and return checks. Call Douglas 1 9 4 or Douglas 7019. Liberal reward. JsT At the Emporium, plain gold El gin 17-Jewel watch, engraved "N. E." picture burned on dial. Douglas 9497. Mrs. Wltxllng. Reward. '. LOST In Hayden'a store or down town district, leather wallet, liberal reward, No questions asked. W. A. Stahl, Fon tenelle Hotel. LEFT on West Leavenworth car, Thurs day evening, violin. Finder please re turn to Moon theater and. receive ample reward. LOST Waltham watch, else O, and chatelaine Initials, "E. V. S.." on outer case. $10 reward. Harney 1657. LOST Lady's large cameo brooch", keep sake from dead mother; downtown dis trict Finder call Douglas 7016. Reward. LOST Gunmetal mesh bag containing bank book and money. Reward. Walnut 6058. LOST-Brlndle and white female Boston bull, stye on eye. Call Webster 661. Reward. 1811 Lothrop. LOST Little white curly poodle dog neighborhood of 16th and Emmett. Call Webster Kewari. LOST Knight Templar charm. Call Web ster 3799. Kewarq. LOST String of pearls, without clasp, Call Tyler x?4s. LOST Boston puU dog with Stud collar. OitM Ml. FOR SALE Fairbanks & Morse lighting plant, 20 h. p., coaloll-burnlng engine. 3i K. W. D. C. generator. This plant Is In good shape and has not been used but little. It Is suitable for small town. The first check for $400 takes the out fit complete. It will pay you to corns and see it. E. V. Coyne, McGrew, Neb. FOR SALE Norfolk Square Turn tractor, model 1917, with plows, has been run about 20 days. In good condition, price 91.000. , Fred Westby. Petersburg. Neb. Store and Office Fixtures FOR SALE- Rlalto Shoe Store fixtures. Apply to Mr Branneis or Mr. Herman. Miscellaneous. BRICKS 1,000 Id-hand bricks; also lumber, doors, windows, steel beams, pipes, and used building material of all kinds for sale. CHAMBERS-O'NEIL WRECKING CO.. 2106 Leavenworth. Tyler 1419. BOYD theater chairs, moving picture ma chine, carpets, draperies, 1,500 fins the ater chairs, for sale at a bargain. CHAMBERS-O'NEIL. 210 Leavenworth. Tyler 1419. TWO Brunswick return-ball pool tables, fine condition, for sale reasonable. See them at 1620 S. lth St. OMAHA Pillow Co., . feathers steamed. renovated ana macte np in new leather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. D. 1467 WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc umsna nxture s Supply Co.. tlth ana Douglss u. 1724 HOME-CANNED FRUIT for sale. Mr. J. B. Christiansen. 60th and Redmond Avs. Telephone Walnut 451 1 a. HEAVY fur overcoat, great bargain. Call Walnut 2899, or Douglas 6963. FOR SALE Western saddle, used very little. Wal. 244. FOR SALE Four . pool . tables complete. 1513 iso. rttn t. DRY KINDLING WOOD. Hsrney 1837 Acme Box Co., ELECTRIC washer. Meadows double tub. ' almost new. Owner leaving city. LEAVING city, must sell beautiful 6 3-100 iltamonrt. ' J2"U. box i i. omana.Bee. LEAVING city, must sell beautiful 6 3-100 diamond, $200. Box T 62. Omaha Bee. DRY kindling wood for sale. Webster 459. WE buy used hats. Lerner. 209 So. 12th. WANTED TO BUY. Highest Cash Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS snd Partial Payment Recetots. NATIONAL BOND CO., 619 World-Herald Bldg. Qouglae I3. DESKS DESKS FiESKR New desks; used desks bought, sold snd 1 ' traded. J. C Seed, 1207 farnam, V. 1148. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Bin. Evidence secured In all cases tyier mo. Dressmaking, DRESSMAKING and alterations; work guaranteed, eza s. run Ave, lyier mn, FOR dainty, tiny totB' clothes, call Harney 2165. Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC heaters, $10.60; vacuum clean ers, $37.60, Moia wasning maenme. Lalley-Wilson r.iectric uo., i-iui ranmni. HOOVER electric sweeper for rent; the best; delivered, vveosier lars Garages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Kedl-Maas Housing Co., 2211 Howard. Red 3667. Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mall orders so licited. THK BNH1UN L.O., Iut nowarq. Jewelry. DIAMONDS "tiWX.FX'y back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St.ReC 6081 w. c'flatau. " Jeweler Established 1892. Sith Floor. Securities Bldg. Osteopath. DR. MABEL WESSON 320 Neville Blk. T. 2960. H. 4741. Painting and Paperhanging. PAINTING. paperhanging paper cleaning. Call Douglas t3sz PAINTING, papering, paper cleaning, pa per i price, nnrnny nit" PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. walnut lpni. Patents. PATENTS procured, lought and sold. In ternational raieni to., sei ursoueii. 1). 6691. Safes. OATJITPC! BARGAINS, 12th Farnam. OXIlX' XJU J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Printing. Wedding Stationery r. H. Printing Co.. 42J B. 16th St. COCKLE Printing Company, 1816 St. Mary's Ave, uougias oi Sewing Machines "SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair,' sell needles and parts. MICKELS', 15th and Harney. Doug. 1973. Structural engineers. WILBUR T FTTI.TON. V V IL'l'L'" w QTRTTPTTTRAT. F.NGINEER. Plans of factory, warehouse and garage buildings. Designs of rein forced concrete and steel structures. S07 Finance Bldg. Tel. Doug. 8072. 1S17 Douglas St. .. Tailors. DtedTlckr P. L.. 216 8. SOtt Tanor.JXJ4Sl M? REISER. 106 South 18th P. 1187 Sh;ne Parlors. SHINE! SHINE! Hats cleaned and blocked. Spaelal ladies' parlor. 1607 FARN AMST. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. "107-9 South 17th. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes lor amateur muauitaia tles for rent at T. Lleben & Son. Omaha. Towel Supplies FRONTIER Towel Supplyf isi5Callfornla. Omana" Towel Supply 207 S. 1 1th. D. 628. Trucks for Hire. Hi AND 2-TON TRUCKS for hire, by hour, day or v.eek. Walnut 114. HAULING, all kinds, best service, best rates. Tyler 197. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. uougiaa 6s BUSINESS CHANCES. HAVE YOU LOST . MONEY IX OIL.? Most of the money lost In worthless oil stocks could have been saved If the Investors used proper care In selecting their securities. There are many oppor tunities now to profit In this class of in vestment particularly In the shares of companies operating In the Mld-Contl-nent and Texas oil fields. But It Is not safe to Invest blindly. Post yourself be fore risking a penny. Read the Oil Press and make money as thousands of others have done. Each Issue Is brlm - ful of valuable data and Interesting news about the oil Industry tta prospects, startling successes In ths Mld-Contlnent and Texas fields, as well as Important Information and analytical reports of scores of companies soma good, oaa ana indifferent whose -stocks are now be ing held by the public. More than 100, 000 investors read the Oil Press twice a month thousands have profited by It. The recent Issue, together with a late copy of the "Markets." containing quo tations of listed and unlisted, active and Inactive oil stocks, will be sent free on request; also, while they last, a new, accurate colored map of Kansas, Okla homa and Texas just out, featuring the ell fields in r;l. Address Oil Press, 1501 Republic Hlflg, Kansas uity. wo. A REPUTABLE MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE AUTOMOBILE TIRES ANQ TUBES IS DESIR Ot?S OF ESTABLISHING A DIS TRIBUTOR IN OMAHA TO HANDLE THE ADJACENT TER RITORY. PARTIES MUST HAVE EXECUTIVE ABILITY AND BE IN A POSITION TO FORM A CORPORATION CAPITALIZED FOR APPROXIMATELY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. SUCH PARTIES CAN BUILD UP A PERMANENT AND LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. , OUR REPRESEN- - TATIVE WILL CALL UPON YOU AND EXPLAIN OUR PROPOSI TION IN DETAIL. FOR PAR TICULARS ADDRESS. YJ6, OMAHA BEE. OUR business Is to buy and sell your bus! ness. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, 614 Brown Bldg. . BUSINESS CHANCES. HAVE YOU L6ST MONEY IN OIL Most of ths money lost In worthless ell stocks could havs been saved It ths Investors used proper cars In selecting their securities. There are many oppor tunities now to profit In this class of Investment particularly In the shares of companies operating In the Mld-Contlnent and Texas oil fields. But It Is not safe to Invest blindly. Post yourself b. fore risking a penny. Read the OH Press and make money as thousands of others have done. Each Issue Is brim ful of valuable da . and Interesting news about the oil lixluatry Its prospects, startling successes in ths Mld-Contlnent and Texas fields, as Well as Important Information and analytical reports of scores of companies soma good, bad and Indifferent whose stocks are now being held by ths public. More than 100,000 Investors read the Oil Press twice a month thousands have profited by It. The recent Issue, together with a late copy of the "Markets," containing quo tations of listed and unlisted, active and Inactive oil stocks, will be sent free on request; also, while they last, a new, accurate colored map of Kansas, Okla homa and Texas Just out, featuring the oil fields In red. Address Oil Press, 1601 Republic Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, ' S14 Brown Bldg. FOR SALE Hardware stock, $60,000 . business. Price $25,000. Tire and accessory business In city, half or whole Interest.' Grocery business, best In city, also some fine ones In country. Barber shops, city and country. Confectionery, barber shop and pool ball, country. Large city billiard parlor. Country hotel doing large business. Dairy, adjacent to city of Omaha. Come and let us glvo you the particu lars on these listings. A DIFFERENT IDEA IN WINDOW BAKERIES Master of them all. Real window ovens with or without equipment sold outright; no royalties; all profits are yours; $500 to $2,600 net profits monthly now being msde by operators of the Master Sys tem on an Investment of only a few thousand dollars, and we can prove. It. No baking experience required. We furnish you with a master baker who can train your man to operate these pvens In a very short time. Ours Ser vice department helps you in every re spect. For further particulars, write. Master Baker Systems, 431 S, Dear born. Chicago. TRACTOR TRUCK AND IMPLEMENTS Too much other business. Must two good paying implement houses . -lng over $260,000 worth of business i-i 1919. Act quickly if you want to get ,v real business. Require about $50,000 l handle. Y-S62, Omaha Bee. I FREE copies Independent Oil Nowh. writs quicK, postcard or letter, ana learn how thousands of small Investors are making surprising profits from marvel ous Texas oil fields. Got this valuable Information showing your chance for Increased prosperity. Everyone seeking money-making chances write Independ ent Oil News, Suite 2, Gllmore Bldg. r?jWorth,Tex. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora tion wants capable man to establlsn branch and manage salesmen; $300 to $1,600 necessary; you handle own money: will allow expenses to Balti more If you will qualify. For particu lars address SECRETARY, 416 N. HOWARD ST.. BALTIMORE. Mi), CLEARING $150 WEEK Confectionery, Ice Cream, Fruits, Ci gars and Tobacco, etc. Best money, maker In state; finest location, coun ty seat town with' paved streets. Will sell for cash only investigate this, Y 873, Omaha Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. Rooming Houses For Sale. IF YOU want to buy or sell a rooming house, see us. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, 614 Brown Blk. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors snd msrlres who will show their discbarge papers at our office in ths lobby of Ths Bee building. seventeentn ana arnam. DISCHARGED soljler wants smploy ment, expert rope and cable repair man. writs m. J. vyeiier. sag so. itn wt. ASoldler wishes position as chaffeur in private family. Harney 4711. IF YOU WANT WORK CALL THE WANT AD D'EPT OF THE BEE, TYLER 1000. WE HAVE A LIST OF VACANCIES WHICH MAY BE JUST WHAT VOU ARE SEEKING. EXPERIENCED truck driver and mechan ic, know city well. Call Tyler 4810. J. Anderson, 2418 Cass. AUTOMOBILE shop foreman, long ex perience, wants position February 1, Box T. 14. Omaha Bee. MAN with one-ton truck wants steady job. Howard Shaffstoll, South 776, 66th ana w EXPERIENCED bookkeeper deslrss work evenings. Tyler 2284. Female. FOR nurses by the hour of scientific massage, call Tyler 4968 or Walnut 4293. COMPETENT NURSE wants to cars for elderly lady or children; references. Red 7235. NURSE will accompany patient or chll dren to California In exchange for rail way fare. Harney 3497. NURSE will accompany patient or chil dren to California In exchange for rail. way fare. Harney 331. I.aunrlrv and Daw Work. COLORED woman, perfect in cleaning, city reference; 45c hour. Colfax 4984. LAUNDRY work by ths day. Call Webster 8908. BUNDLE and family washing called for and delivered. Walnut 1214. CLEANING wanted by reliable colored woman. Call Webstsr 2458. ' EXPERIENCE!) colored meld wants night work. Good wages. 4393. DAY WORK wanted by reliable lady, ref- crences. Webster 6004. DAY work, cleaning or laundry. Call Webster 3869. DAY work wanted, experienced lady. Web ster 6099. DAY WORK wanted; colored woman. Webster 2927. COLORED lady wants day work. "Webster 803. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work. Webster 2524.' COLORED woman wants Ironing. Wsbater 1897. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, out of town, $125. STENOGRAPHER, Co. Bluffs, $20. STENOGRAPHER, auto accessory, $100. STENOGRAPHER, $100. i TWO STENOGRAPHERS, So. Side, $7 and $95. STENOGRAPHER, good beginner, $70, STENOGRAPHER, retail store, $125. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $9. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, $60. THREE DICTAPHONE oprs., 895. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, $90. TYPIST. $18. P. B. X. and file clerk, ti. MESSENGER GIRL, $45. HOTEL cashier, $60. FILE CLERK, $16. TYPIST and clerk, $65-$70. ELLIOTT FISHER OPR.. A-l, $125. EJIPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO., 224 Bee Bldg. MANUFACTURERS representative want ed; open office and manage salesmen. Wonderful opportunity. Meritorious proposition. Sold to merchants, whole salers and retailers. Should net $10, 000 annually. $500 to $2,000 capital re quired. Manager, 822 Reaper Block, Chicago. WHY NOT let us start you In a very prof itable busiiess: jso experience neces sary, We teach the business and sell you the equipment and pay you while you learn; very small Investment re quired; call and see us or write for lit erature.' Anderson Steam Vulcanlzer Co., 2303-F Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. WANT Partner with $3,500 for grain busi ness. Must be a broad gauage, sensible man willing to take ordinary business risks. Want no part of profits unless they exceed $10,000 by July 1. Can satisfy any man as to my ability and Integrity. Address Room 161, Lexing ton Hotel, Chicago. III. OIL OPPORTUNITY Texas oil leases made more poor men millionaires In 1919 than anything. Buy 6-acre lease Callahan county (joins Ranger), $100; 20-acre lease. Ochiltree countv, $100. Homer Shanks, Clyde, Texas SEND $10 for Texas oil lease; lease runs 10 years; rentals $l per acre annually. We keep you posted about developments near your lease; oil maps sent on re quest. Write. Rainbow's End Co., 416 Herskowltz Bldg., Oklahoma Cltv Old. OPPORTUNITY unlimited. Ice cream factory; wholesale market In thriving Wis.-Mlch. Twin Cities of 30,000 popu lation. Palatial ice cream parlor and confectionery shop In connection. Ad dress Wing. 106 Garrlck Bldg., Chicago. HAVE 4 good 6-room house, black- smitn shop ana pumic garage; good cel lar. Ice house asd chicken coops, lots are fenced with woven wire; there are 25 cherry trees on lots. Chas. Dalleske, Idalla. Colo. ESTABLISHED, responsible Chlcaao brokerage concern will finance legiti mate growing Industrial company, pref erably one with list of stockholders. No promotions. Give full particulars. P. O. Box 822. Chicago, III. CAFE I can offer for sale for a short time the best paying proposition In north Missouri can elve terms to re sponsible people. Address, Jamie Nor man. fltanberry. Mo. HAVE you $65 7 We raise hogs for you, leea ana oreea, giving you halt the profits. Bank reference. Writo for full particulars. Blrdhaven, 602 Kansas City Life. Kansas Cltv. Mo. CASH for your business, inventions, prop erty, stocks and merchandise, any where; 8 to 30 days; no sale, no fee. Established 1896. Brennan, 3008 Har rlson St.. Chicago, III. FOR SALE OR RENT. General store, $5,000 Stock doing $2,000 business per month In good lo cality. No competition. Write Box O, Buffalo, Neb. $12 BUYS A $L000 BOND. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific gold bond; circular explaining low price and asset value. Bennington, 7 Pine St, New York. WANTED Representative for Nebraska and surrounding territory lo sell estab lished of flea specialty machine; fine op portunity for live agent to connect with good account. Good commission paid. ACCOUNTANT, wholesale, $200. ASSISTANT credit man, $176-$200. JloOKKEEPER and correspondent, 1S5 $150. COST accountant, good future. $150-$17l. BUYER, confectionery experience, $200, BOOKKEEPER, wholesale, $125. STENO and bookkeeper, good future, $125- STENO and CLERK, uptown, $125-$115. BOOKKEEPER, email office. $126. iirjuuuiv vie.., i,iv ti, -"v. TYPIST and clerk, uptown. $115-$lll. MBfll'UKArnr.n, uptown, tivv. OFFICE CLERK, good penman, $10, ADDING machine operator, $86. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Hldf, HEAD bookkeeper, $175-$260. COST accountant. $17o-$2UU. CREDITMAN and assistant offlos mgr., 8175-$2O0. BOOKKEEPER, real eatats sxp., $180- $175. GENERAL office clerk, must havs sxsen- tlve ability, $150-$160. OFFICE clerk, oil exp., $100-1128. BOOKKEEPER, knowledge of orsdlts, $110-$125. STENOGRAPHERS, $125-1150. STOCK clerks, $80-190; cashier, $90. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, splendid firm, small office, rapid advancement. $110-1120. Stenographer, private sec't, $125. TEN STENOGRAPHERS, high school graduates, $75-$S0. FOUR beginner stenos., $65-$80. Office clerk, good at figures, $86-$SC Cashier and clerk, $65-$70. File clerk, ' $65. Office clerk, $55-$60. Messenger girl, $50. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. OFFICE manager and credit man, $17$; auditor, traveling, prefer single man, $200, and expenses; office manager, thorough accountant, $226; Junior ac countant, public accounting firm, $200: assistant bookkeeper, young man, good future, $125; traveling salesman, paints and oils, must have road experience, $150 and expenses; stenographer and clerk, Insurance office, $125. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, Originators of the Reference Business, Tib First National Bank Building. WANTED, BRIGHT YOUNG MA;', ONE WITH PACKINGHOUSE OFFICE EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. ADDRESS BOX T. (1, OMAHA BEE. SALESMAN, implements, $200. SALESMAN, to accessories, Com. SALESMAN, trucks, open. SALESMAN, auto, com. ACCOUNTANT, oil exp.. $150. ACCOUNTANT, for C. P. A., $7.01. BOOKKEEPER, $100. YOUNG man for office work, $20. STENOGRAPHER, good future, $T. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO., 224 Bee Big. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. PRESSMEN AND FEED ERS WANTED FOR CYLINDER PRESS ROOM;' NON-UNION; NO STRIKE, OPEN SHOP; BEST WORK ING CONDITIONS; CENTRALLY LOCAT ED CITY. ADDRESS .Y-871 OMAHA BEE. BOILERMAKERS AND MACHINISTS for railroad work; steady employment ; desirable lo cations and modern shops; free transportation. Apply -Eugene Duval, C. F. & P. A., . M. & St. P. R. R., Railway Exchange Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. GENTS furnishings and clothing 'store lo cation open March 1. Large room. Rea-' sonable rents; live town. Write Trustees I. O. O. F. Lodge, Akron, Colo., Owners. OFFICE MANAGER and chief accountant. technical or ' wholesale exp. preferred, able to supervise the credit, cashier and accounting depts., coordinate the work of others, settled In his habits, $200-9300, Bookkeeper, $160: cash accountant, $150; ledger clerks, $100-$110; bookkeep er, bank, $100; posting machine oper ators, $100; stock clerk, $85; mall clerk, goo; stenograpners, syu-siuu-suu-iize POSITIONS now open as Landscape Gard ener and Tree Surgeons. Lecture course Monday evenings Just starting at Y. M. C. A. . Twelve lectures. Tuition fes $27.60 or $3 a week. Quality now for a profession that pays from $1 to $1 an hour. Call or writs Page School of Tree Surgery and Landscape hard ening, 744 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. BAND musicians for Newman Grove Con cert band; positions for general stors clerks, two druggists, or good drug store salesmen, garage men, and other good Jobs open. Baritone, trombone, bass, clarinet and alto; others write; highest wages paid. Address, Bandmaster, New man prove, Neb. CARPENTERS, bricklayers and builders wanted. Highest pay goes to men who understand blue print plana. You can learn qnlckly at home. Let me aend ' you fras lesson In plan reading. No charge. Write today. Address Charles W. Morey, Supt., 21187 Chicago Tech. Bldg., Chicago, 111. AUTOMOBILE, Truck and Tractor School, Enroll now In the most thorough and most practical auto and tracto.- school In America. .Write for descriptive cir cular. The Motor Institute, 2668 Unl verslty Ave., S. E,, Minneapolis. Minn. LITHOGRAPHIC transferer; must bs ex ceptionally gooa man on stone ana zino plates, color work and small labels; state experience and wages wanted; also engraver who can make color plates. The FOR SALE At invoice price restaurant and confectionary In railroad town. Business $1,000 to $1,500 a month. Ad dress Y-843, Omaha Bee. SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA, center of a great farming country. Write for In formation. Board of Commerce Shaw nee, Okla. WE WANT some medium-sized houses that can bs sold for cash or on terms; list with, us. F. D. Wead, 810 South 18th St. Tyler 151. A BUSINESS of your own; make spark ling glass name and number plates, medal lions, checker boards, signs; big Illus trated book free. E. Palmer, Wooster, O. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter aides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. FIRST $900 will buy grocery store doing cash business. Living rooms In rear. Rent only $18 mo. 1824 Clark St. FOR SALE Insurance agency In country town. A snap at $1,500 with office fixtures. Y. 848 Omaha Bee. WILL exchange work of any kind In the building line for light truck In good condition. Phone Webster 6023 Rooming Houses For Sale. MONEY MAKING LOCATION The party who wants to keep a high grade rooming house in the- West Far nam district who has $3,500.00 to In vest and can pay $150.00 per month, will do well to buy this house. Is ar ranged so that the five second floor bedrooms can be rented singly or en suite. On the first floor one other bed room In addition to the living rooms. This house is well arranged and should be a money maker. Modern In every respect. Price reasonable. Sunday call Harney 738 Creigh Sons,-& Company Pouglas 200. 60S Bee Bldg. WR have a number of the best rooming houses In the city, ranging from 6 to 30 rooms at almost any price you might want to pay. QUICK SELLING EXPERTS 614 Brown Bldg, WANTED Two experienced men for re sponsible positions In old established wholesale plumbing, heating and mill supply house; give age, experience, ref erence and salary expected. Only first class men need apply. Strictly cot.flden. tial. Address P. O. Box 239, Denver, coio. . RAILWAY traffic Inspectors, wanted; $110 a month and expenses to start: short hours; travel; three months horns study under guarantee; ws get you post tlon; no age limit; ask for booklet N-142. Standard Business Training In stitute, Butraio, is. v. WANTEDMlddle-aged man for light cleri cal work. Hours from 10 p. m. to 7 a. m. Must be of neat appearance and able to use the telephone. Address In own ' handwriting, Postofflca box 456, umana. wen. WANTED Names ambitious men, com mon education, wishing become gov ernment railway mall clerks. $1,300 first year. Answer Immediately, Y-S68, omana nee. IF YOU NEED HELP CALL THE WANT AD DEPT. TYLER 1000. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF PEO PLE ON OUR LIST WHO MIGHT QUALIFY. STENOGRAPHER and general office man Must bo able to operate multlgraph and addressograph. Give full particulars In first letter. T-iz, omana Bee RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Beginners get $1,300; list positions free. iTanKUn institute, jjepc ii A, no Chester. N. Y. - FIRST-CLASS bookeeper, state experience and salary expected. Box T. 26 Omsha nee. ; Professions and Trades WANTED Two first class pattern mak ers. Only those desiring steady work need apply. State age, experience, mar ried or single. Rate $6.60 per day. John Seaton Foundry Company, Atchi son, Kan. FACTORY superintendent wanted by live manufacturing conoern in country town, making lawn mowers and washing ma chines. A man that can get results. State age, experience and salary wanted. Box 743, Des Moines, Is, MAN to work this city reflnishing chande liers, brass beds, automobiles by new method; $10 daily without capital or ex perience. Write Gunmetal Co., 294 Elm, Decatur, III CLEANER and presser, one who can do some tailor wore. Town; steady work; good pay; must be bers by Feb ruary 1, Kleanall Dry Cleaners, Clar lnda, la. WANTED Structural steel darftsman with technical training. Write stat ing salary wanted and experience. Y 870, Omaha Bee. PRINTING ESTIMATOR WANTED The Smith-Brooks Printing Company of Den ver, Colo., offers an exceptional oppor tunity to the right man. WANTED Auto painter, a man who can go as rar as rubbing varnish. Apply Jack Kline, Nash Sales Co., 10th and Howard. J WANTED Right Now First-class press man lor Mienie and Gordon work; 8 hours; permanent. Oliver Brown Co., Kearney, Neb. LKARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR. VUL CANIZING. LOS ANOELES T. M. C. A. Auto School WANTED A young man to learn the printing trade. Apply to foreman of Bee press room. STOP dally grind; start business slivering mirrors, plating tableware: plana free. Clarence Sprinkle. Dept. B. Marion, Tnd, ANTED First class mechanic; to other need apply. Independent Garage, Vil- nsca. ta. FIREMEN, brakemen, $160-$200 monthly. experience unnecessary, write, itauway association. Address Y835 Omaha Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS We requlrs ths services of three solicitors to represent us In city terri tory, experience not absolutely necessary, but man whs havs had soliciting or selling experience, will find this an sasr selling proposition, backed by ths bsst premium offer oa ths market, wsekljr drawing account and commis sion. Apply befors 9:80 a. m. and after noons, 4 to 5. MR. BROPHY, BEE OFFICE, ' CIRCULATION DEPT. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SPECIALTY SALESMEN, Wanted A few strlotly first-class, big, elf-representtug salesmen capable of handling a first-class proposition that will bear the very strictest investigation, lests Indefinitely and Increase In value the longer you stay with It. No lnexpe rlenced men need apply. Ws wsnl only big men capabls of cleaning up $1,000 per month on a first rate proposition. This is the chance of a lifetime. Apply at 636 Paxton block between 10 and 11 a. m Sunday. It will pay you to In vestigate this. WANTED Stock salesmen, pot pikers. MHMon dollar Co. Strong personal In dorsement by every bank In city: In company where constitution 'and laws of state guarantee not less than 60 per cent per annum, with a possible 100 per cent on Investment, less expense of managements commission, 20 per cent. In stats full of money and delightful climate. Address R. II. C, (043 Ross Ave., Dallas, Tex. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED. For large .packing and stock yarda companies, Just organized. Wonderful layout; managed by big business people; strongest of Indorsements; thorough co operation. Enjoy southern climate and make big money. References. This Is an unusual opportunity for high-powered salesmen. Address, Texas Unloa Packing -Co., Suite 212 Deatty Bldg., Houston, Texas. WANTED Experienced and reliable traveling salesman by one of ths largest and most successful cereal beverags manufacturers In the country, to solicit carload trade. One with established trade In this line preferred, but not essential. State age, whether single on married, nationality, salary expected and references, which will bs treated confidential. Address P. O. Box 53, Milwaukee, Wis. OUR protected article, exclusively owned and controlled by us, clears upward of $40.00 per day for aalesmen; most essen tial; government created demand. Large territories to salesmen able ta handle crews. Slds line or full time. If you csnnot sell this specialty you will fall selling Ufa preservers on a sinking ship. Definite co-operation. Jerome Lasdt, Pres., 8 South Dearborn St.. Chicago. III. MAKE $100 per week easily In spare time Introducing STOVOIL. Wonderful, new Invention. Removes and prevents RUST. Leaves dry. clean, lustrous finish. Keeps stoves like new. Used and recommend ed by largest stove end gas companies. i Housewives are wild about It! Write QUICK for free trial offer and liberal terms. SUPERIOR LABORATORIES, Dept. 817, Grand Rapids, Mich. WE WANT live wire, salesmen who can sell salesboards. Ws have the goods. Pay your commission on receipt of order. "New Idea." "Territory Assigned." We pay on repeat orders. Write for our proposition. We will maks you soms real money. Iowa Novelty Company, 516-517-618 Mullln Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. WANTED Stock salesmen, growing com pany, making money, capital $1,000,000. Strong personnel snd under laws of ths state. Stock holders' money can not earn less than 60 per cent per annum with posslbls 1,000 per cent. Most pros perous state In union. . R, H. C, 5034 Pass Ave., Dallas, Tex. HELP WANTED MALE. Agents and Canvassera. LIGHT YOUR HOME LIKE DAY Cos 1 cent per night Act as our repre sentative la your locality. Get your. Solar lamp free. Ths new Solar lm makes and burns Its own gss from cam in en kerosene. Universal demand; bis; seller. Marvelous light, so economical; beats gas, gasoline, electricity. . AP4 proved by government experts as safest, 1 . whitest, steadiest light, known. Q representatives, men and women, easily I make $50 a week and up; many $3.0011 to $5,009 yearly. Get our liberal offer. No experience needed; big profits. 8a4 name today. Solar Lamp Co., 449 So lar Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. for free trial offer. IT IS EASY to knock out $100 to $201 week with our simplified plans building and selling cabinet phonographs. Ws aupply tho motors, tonearma, hardware, cahlneta In plecea with ready built horn for five different models. Expertenos unnecessary. No cutting, no fitting, no .special tools required. You almply as semble and sell. We give you exclusive territory with complete free Instructions and assistance to build the MAKAFON&. ' Representatives wanted everywhere. ' Hundreds already In the field making big money. Write today. MODERN ' iu., no springer mug., ill Ho. Clln ton St.. Chicago. Ill, j BIGGEST money-maker In America. . 1 want 100 men and women quick to take orders for raincoats, ralneapas snd ws- terprooi sprons. , Thousands of orders waiting for you. $3 an hour for spars time. McDnnough mads $811 In one month. Nisson, $19 In three hours; Purvlancs, $207 In seven days. fa.OOJ a year profit for sight average order a day. No delivering or collecting. Beautiful coat free. No experience or capital required. Writs quick for ln formation. Comer JIfg. Co., Dept. Q 160, Dayton. O. . . . : AGENTS Wonderful new moneymsksr, 415 a day easy. Automobile radiator shutter. Keeps motor from freezing a boiling. Every car owner buys on sight. Attached In 5 minutes. You sell It toe" $3. No experience needed to clear tlel a week. Write quick for circular aid) proposition or send $3 for Ford sampls and outfit. Auto Radiator Shutter Co., Dept. A. Dayton. O. , STOCK SALESMAN Our salesmen are cleaning up; you can make $100 dally with our proposition If you hustle; our plan and co-operation makes sales easy; top commissions to producers; If you are a dead one don't answer. Appleton Oil Corporation, Dept. 318, Stewart Bldg., Houston. Tex, SALESMEN WANTED We have two ex cellent territories open, northwest Iowa and northeast Nebraska, This affords a real opportunity for a high grade pro ducing salesman, experienced in sale of gasoline engines and farm lighting plants. Write or call Cushman Motor Works, Lincoln, Neb. . SALESMEN Stock selling experience. Es sential Industry. Paying dividends. Fi nancial statement. Banking, mercan tile references. Liberal compensation. R. E. O'Farrell Co., 711 Union St., New Orleans. SALESMAN One who has selling exper ience. Call on retail trad. Highest commission rate paid. Advertising Cal endars and Novelties. Selling season commences January 1. The Geo. H. Jung Co., Cincinnati, o. . . n, in .it ire . t T.-"VT GUARANTEED BANK BLIVG. SECURI TY; HIGHEST CLASS, EASIEST SELL ING SECURITY IN OMAHA, BIG MONEY. REE R. H. SNYDER, ROOM 2, WEAD BLDG.. 18TH AND FARNAM. LIMITED number Selling agencies now available this territory for Davis tai lored clothes, maker to wearer. Attrac tive proposition assuring steady tncome. Write todny. References required. P. H. Davis Tailoring Co., Cincinnati, O. OUR side line assortment of advertising fans brings Uve-wlto salesmen $200-$30O monthly; samples light; all- merchants' prospects; eesy to sell; season beginning; liberal commissions. Fan Dept., Kemper Thomas Co., Cincinnati. SALESMEN Experienced cement and paint salesmen, we havs a wonderful contract open for the right man to place other men and sell our line; state experi ence and referencea. Steelcote Mfg, Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1 SALESMEN Sell auto road maps and new Europe maps for advertising and to dealers. A money-making proposition to llvewlre salesmen. Standard Map Co., 126 W. Ohio St., Chicago EXPERIENCED dlrect-to-wearer sales men for best tailored to measure men's clothes proposition on earth. Liberal commission. Spring line ready. Writs Style-Center. Cincinnati. SALESMEN Represent factory, sell deal ers. Jobbers: agents Jfora necessities and other accessories; all repeat and money-makers. Writs quick. Esner Mfg. Co., peons, in. MAKE $30 NEXT SATURDAY Speeder a tor Fords selling like wildfire. Used, by Ford Motor offlclels. Makes inf Ford run like a Packard. Stops stalling) and bucking. Put on qufck-pistant sat lsf action. No boles to bore. Sell 10 ts 12 a day easy. Splendid profits elusive territory. Writs oulck for f rmatlou. Address Perrln Co., 104 Haywsrd Bldg., Detroit, Mich. v. AGENTS $100 weekly posslbls Introduce lng sensational new winter automoblls fuel; specially adapted to cold weather; starts easy; odds power, mileage and re duces operating expense; endorsed -by1 thousands; territory going like wlldflrej Act quick; $28 sampls outfit free. . Li Ballwey. Dept. 604. Louisville, Ky. ; AGENTS $40 a day. Toil Bwansop. mads $40 ons day. ' Rennsr making; $200 weekly. Writs for our splendid catalogue. In business 3$ years. Thou sands of agents working for us. Don't wait. Write at once. Rogers-Thur-man Co., Jewelers, Dept. 48, Mailers Bldg., Chicago. AGENTS Active agents making $26 par day easy. Old Atlases are Junk. Every' body buys our new book.' Ths World Remapped, containing accurate maps and histories of all nations. Big com mission. Credit given. Freight paid. Start now. Write, Vlotory Publlablnx Company. 433 S. Dearborn, Chicago, 111. TEN THOUSAND miles Instead of 6,009; no more blowouts, 90 per cent less puno turcs; every car owner waiting for woo derful new tire-saving device; low cost! liberal profits; sales guaranteed; details free. Act quick. American Accessories: Co.. Dept. 69 N, Cincinnati. Ohio. SALESMEN Sideline men making small towns. New Idea; no sale; no collec tion; no samples to carry; $5.00 com mission paid on each trial order taken. State line carried and territory cov ered. Keeney eV. Sons . Co., $901 In ' dlana Ave.. Chicago. AGENTS Ati article that every auto' owner will buy at sight. Quick salsa and large uroflts.. Territories for live wire agent, act quick. Amer can Miners Mfg. Trading Co., Chlca. go. III. TAILORING AGENTS WANTED Ss men's made-to-measurs suits earn blj money only producing agents wantsjeL State experience. Write for spring ana summer samples. Leeds Woolen Mills, 230 S. Franklin. Chicago. SENSATIONAL AUTO INVENTION-. Makes old spark pkigs fire througt. grease, oil, carbon. Saves gas. More pen jiower, peed. Starts easy cold weatbes 250 per cent profit. Fordox Co 144 iviicnigan r-t.. 'loieao, u. AGENTS Are coining money, selllnj Brussels Fibre Brooms. Outlast six cor brooms. Retatl $1.71, Sampls post, paid. $1, Also sanitary brushes. Cram, er Sales Co., 3S0 Farnam, Omaha, MIRACLE MOTOR-GAS Amazes motorist So worth equals gallon gasoline. EllmS nates carbon, 300 per cent profit. Isonk - Ida., wires: "Ship 500 packages. Mads) $70 yesterday." Investigate. Charlss B. Butler Co., Toledo, O. - - AGENTS Our new and complets Atlas and History of ths World, now ready. .Best of terms with premiums. Free out fit. Nichols -Co.. Dept. N. Z.. Napsr villa, III. i HELMET Chewing Gum Everybody Ilka It; apearmlnt and all popular flavors) novel packages; bs, ths wholesale deal, sr In your terrltery. Writs today. Hel TRAVELING men to handle as a side line our mgn-graae canay proposuoin. muse calling on Cigar, Restaurant and Bil liard trade preferred. Confection Sales (o.. luo a. wens or., inicago. SALESMAN wanted in every town for Speeaollne; ssuu to sauo per monin; ex clusive territory; automobile free to workers. Epeedollns Co., Dept. 70, Dal las. Texas. SPECIALTY SALESMEN State rights. Fire extinguisher retails for $1.50. You maks 200 per cent. Can you beat It? Racine Accessories Mfg. Co., Racine, Wis. WANTED Frsra men to soclclt subscrip tion for Ths Bes; straight salary. See Mr. Ragan, Circulation Manager, Omaha Bes. REAL SALESMEN, with car pre ferred, in vour locality. $50.00 to $200.00 weekly, selling thai won derful "CORAJA" Patch not an "all-rubber" or Khaki back It's different PATENTED nothinr? else like it on the market. NO COMPETITION. You can make a clean ud BESTin the WORLD, for automobile inner tubes Terri tory FREE. "CORAJA" RUB BER MFG. CO.. Dallas, Texas, P. S.: Have several openings for I State Managers with foOO.OO to ' $1,000.00 capital. Should e'asily make fSOO.UO to $Z.UJU.Ul per month. ' Be quick, or the other fel low will get it. LEARN auto and tractor business tn six to eight weeks; opportunities every where offering $150 to $400 a anonth. twice mors equipment and floor space usej in dally practice training than any auto school In America; master mechanlo Instructor and same method we used to train thousands of soldier mechanics In 60-day courses; write now for free catalog. Rahe Auto and Trac tor School, 2130 Oak street, Kansas city. Mo. WANTED Experienced fender and radia tor repairmen at once, short hours and good wages. Omaha Auto Radiator ill. Co., 1811 Cumins St, MY factory makes Its own walnut panels and produces a guaranteed liou pnono rranh comolete. to retail at $160. Oth' er models to retail at $76 to $100, more than half profit to dealers. Ten - to twentytflve . thousand a year as dis trict manager for your locality. I help you finance through my bank connec tions If you qualify with bank and com mercial references. Give full particu lars about yourself. Samples sent at my expense. Write at once to Nat Kawln, director of sales. Great East ern Manufacturers Co., 318 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. LIVE WIRE SALESMEN sell our gum machines. Great trade boater plan. All gum wrapped. Collect $7.60 when you take the order. Commission paid on all repeat gum oraers, rite, ror our prop. osltlon. Iowa Novelty Company, 614' $17-61$ Mullia Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la, AGENTS Free sampls outfit. Greatest wMumf tauiet proposition. .normous profits as high as 18o on 2 Pa. B. Thayer, 2143 J. Clybourn Avs., Chicago, 111. d SIDE line salesmen wanted.. For good line of work trousers; civilian traae: material bought at low market enables you to sell at prices below regular. De Moulln Bros., & Co., Greenville, 111. SALESMEN Agents sell new patented fibre house broom; quick seller; mg profits. $65 to $130 week. Sterling Products Co., 29 S. Desplalnes St., Chi cago, 111. WANTED Salesmen who make hotels and restaurants to sell our sanitary tooth pick and economy match venders as side line proposition. Standard Mfg. Co., 712 Daly Hank Bldg.. Butte. Mont. SALESMAN, produce, butter exp.; sales man, gas engine or cream separator exp., salaries onen. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE COMPANY, 1516 City National Hank mag, SALESMEN WANTED High grade stock and bond salesmen by reliable concern, excellent proposition by ths right party Y 784 Omaha Bee SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced city or traveling. Write for list of lines and full particulars. Address Nat'l Ssles- tnen Tr. Assn., Dept. 43, I'nicaao, lit. SALESMAN to call on local retail drug gists. , Splendid opportunity for . the right man. R, A. Morgan (distributors) 170 W. Randolph St.. Chicago. SALESMEN Can place experienced or In experienced men. i,bo to t,oo. uity or traveling. Write for openings. Box T-10, Omaha Bee. WANTED Salesman for printing house, Oliver Brown Co., Kearney. Neb. Agents and Canvassers. GO WHERE MONEY FLOWS. - The farmer has tho money today. We have what he needs. You show It to him nnd 9 out of 10 will buy. Our Aladdin kerosene mantle 1 amp creates a sensation wherever Introduced. Five times as bright as electric saves one half on oil. 4 silfs a day means a yearly income for Su of $6,000. No ex perience needed. Overnight trial con vinces. Excellent spare time and even nlng seller. Rig or auto ncessary. No capital required. Sample send for 10 days trial and given free when you take up the work. Exclusive territory. Get particulars. Mantle Lamp Co., 626 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago. MEN, WOMEN $6 to $10 dally; perma. iiemi our soaps, rertumes, Toilet Frsp rations. Flavoring Extracts well knownt . easily sold. McHans, Sales Mgr.,- AustbJ ana ciaremont Ave., tjnicago. AGENTS 440-1100 week. Free sample. irum sign loners; auyone can . pui el store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metalllo Lsb- ter Co.. 435 N. Clark, Chicago. , AGENTS If you earn less than $60 week ty get our uuaranteea Hosiery orrer. Spring line ready. Enormous profits. Experience unnecessary. PerfoetwesJl .Hosiery, uarny, pa. AGENTS Sell your own goods. Vs pus up launary tamets under agent s own name, furnish boxes, samples, droolers, all complete. 200 pet. profit Parker Co., Howe, Ind, T AGENTS $50.00 to $76.00 a week reprs- senung our spienaia line oi Hen s Guar anteed Tailored Neckwear. Particulars free. E. L. Kelser Co., Palmer Bldg., j;eiroii, siicn. CALIFORNIA ROSEBUDS selling like bo. canes. Agents coining money. New Stuff. Tremendous demand. Catalog free. Mission Necklace Co, 1811 . W. Pico, Los Angeles. AGENTS Sell Texaa oil lease. With In formation and literature I furnish, you should make $100 to $160 per week. Gv v. Meirose, renin, in. SOAP AGENTS' See our line of Soaps bs xure uuuijf anyimng eise. writs toaay for catlog. American Products Co, 12 American aicg., C incinnati, onto. NEW. , fast selling food specialty. Llvest amcie. racKea your laoei. writs or wire. Federal Purs Food Co.. Chicago. 111. COAL FAMINE Making oil burner men ricn; gas iireg in coai stoves rrom soai oil; great selling plan. Instant-Heat wis o., lyept. s, toiumnui, u. $10.00 worth soap, perfumes, etc Free. Lacasslan Co.. Dept. 401, St Louis, Mo. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TAXIOAB drivers wanted. Experienced automobll drivers can earn from $4 to $8 per day. $50 cash bond required. Apply In person. Omaha Taxlcab Co, 2673 Harney St. FORD driver wanted. Call between t and 8 a. m 2217 Farnam. Lester Stepanek. Do not phone. , Miscellaneous. 600 AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE FOR MITCHELL'S MAGIC MARVEL WASHING COMPOUND. 300 PER CENT PROFIT. ENORMOUS REPEATER. Washes clothes spotlessly clean In 10 to 15 minutes. One thousand other uses In every home. Astounds and delights every woman. Nothing else like it. Na . tura's mightiest cleanser; contains no lye, lime, acid or wax. Free samples furnished to boost sales. We positively guarantee the sals of every package. Exclusive territory. Own your own busi ness. You cannot fall to make big money. Bnrber, Ohio, mads $600 last month. Send tor free samplo and proof. Hurry, hustle, grab this chance. L. Mitchell A Co, Desk 43, 1212-1314 E. 61st. Chicago "8TA-CLEAR" "The Handy Hand Clean er for Windshields. Solves baffling problem. Quickly cleans rain-blurred, snow and sleet covered windshields. Stays clear entire storm. Not a cloth. Chem ically saturated wool pad mounted in enameled steel holder. Motorists de lighted; amazed at results. Sells on sight. ' $1. Agents mnk big profit. Write or wire for exclusive territory. Su-Clear 11 fg. Co,, II, Toledo, O. AGENTS. CANVASSERS AND DEMONSTRATORS, GREATEST SELLER AND MONEY MAKER ON EARTH. Safest, most practical and economical heater In the world 'USALYTE" BLUE FLAMB HEATER, Patented. Lots of heat, little gas, fits any fix ture. Scientifically constructed, thersb . eliminating ALL danger of other gas heaters. Guaranteed perfect combustion. Odorless and free from carbon. No adjustments. Ornamental, and will last a life time. RETAIL. $2 EACH. - . Sample sent to agents ONLY upon rs ceipt of $1 each. No goods sent C. O. D Wre todsy. J. I. Robin, Manufacturer . of "Usalyte" Gas Mantle Fame, 130th St, and Park Ave, New York. WANTED Mam to do porter work anA wash cars. Andrew Murphy A Sobs, Omaha, Neb. FIELD. Pleld Labor Guide, a book for farm hands, harvest hands, corn huskers and others; new organisation plana. Send postal card for books; pay if satisfied. Address W. Barto, Box 1067. Lincoln, Ncbj WANTED Experienced fry eook. ApSi? Conant Hotel, , S IT". 1 'JWikJ' , scr