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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1920)
UttlS OMAHA &UJNDAX tofcfc; JAJNUAKi 18, IVZV. TRUCK SHIPPING FROM 40 MILES TO SAVE MONEY Iowa Farmer Says Stock Rais ers Within Radius of Omaha Should Adopt Plan. f Shipping live stock to the local market by truck ia a paying busi ness, if shipments are not made from distances of over 40 miles from Omaha, according to F. H. Schultz of Treynor. Ia., who is said to be the first man to make a shipment of hoga to the local market in a truck. "Live stock raisers living within a circle of 40 miles in every direc tion of Omaha can make money by - shipping to the local market by truck," said Mr. Schulti yesterday, when he was in with a truckload of hogs. VThere is a decided advantage to those living within 20 or 25 miles of the market, as they can give their hogs a full feed in the morning and get them to market inside of two hours, when they can be fed again in the yard pens and sold by 11 a. m. without a particle of shrinkage. VThis is where the truck has an advantage over the railroad. It eliminates shrinkage, and I have known instances where the hogs weighed in heavier at the yards than they did at home." Work of Remodeling the , r Cadillac Home Under Way The work of remodeling the Cadil lac building at 20th and Farnam is well under way, and from appear ances the remodeling work will pro vide one of the best equipped as well as most beautiful showrooms on the automobile row. tin speaking of the work which is heing done. J. H. Hanson said: "We intend to spare no expense in re modeling our building. We want tJls building to be a creditable home fr the Cadillac motor car, and when of f-. plans materialize I think our sjjpw room and tlie arrangement 0 our building will be "one of the r jbst attractive on Farnam street. Automotive Salesmen In Annual Sales Conference Addressed by Factory Men & I) The annual sales conference of the Master Sales Co. was held dur ing the last week at the Paxton hotel, and the staff of 26 salesmen, covering all parts of Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas and Wyoming were in attendance. The primary object of the sales convention was to Instill good fel lowship and co-operation. Consider able educational work was conduct ed, 'with a view of lending help to the automobile and automotive equipment dealers. Factory superintendents and fac tory sales managers from all parts of the United States addressed the sales conference, and prophesied that the year 1920, will be the larg est year the automotive equipment jobber, dealer and car distributer has ever known. The sales conference was under the personal supervision of M. S. Livingston, general manager. Sales Manager for The Standard Motor Car Company Here I- C. S. VVojJ, Standard Motor Car company has just secured the services of C. S. Wood, who is well known in this city, having occupied the position of city salesman. In his new connec tion Mr. Wood will, on the start, de vote his time to the city sales of the Standard Motor Car company, dis tributers of Westcott cars and Defi ance and Indiana trucks. Carl Changstrom, president of the company, is of the opinion that there will be just as great a shortage in passenger cars this year as last and advises those who contemplate the purchase of a car to place the order at once to avoid disappointment in delivery. New Paige Method of Crank Shaft Forging A method of crank case and crank shaft construction, new to American automotive engineering and de veloped to assure greater smooth ness of operation, is one - of the salient points that is attracting spe cial attention to the new Paige light six chassis. In the present stage of the indus try power and speed are compara tively easy of attainment. Finer qualities, such as greater freedom from vibrations, greater economy of operation and longer life are now the absorbing problems of automo bile engineers. Anything, conse quently, that purports to attain these ends receives Its due atten tion. "Our new method of crank case and crank shaft construction," says Harry M. Jewett, president of the Paige-Detroit Motor Car company, "was worked out and developed dur ing the past three years when we were devoting most of our produc- I' " " ' 'I First, Solid Tires; Then, Pneumatic Tires; Now Triplex Springs THE NEW OVERLAND 4 has the most remark able riding qualities ever found in a light car. The discomfort to passen gers and the injury to car, due to side-swaying, twisting and bouncing are greatly reduced. The diagonal attachment of the three - point suspension Triplex Springs at the ends of a 130-inch Springbase gives to Overland 4 with 100 inch wheelbase the road steadiness of a long, heavy car. These springs protect the mechanism of the car, making a great saving in upkeep ex pense. 4 Light weight means less gasoline and oil consumption and longer tire mileage. You must ride in Overland 4 to appreciate its comfort Overland 4's equipment, of highest quality,' is complete, including Auto-Lite Starting and Lighting. Let us demonstrate for you the comfort and efficiency of this car. Overland 4 Touring, $945; Roadster, $943; Coupe, 9tSS! Sedan, $1573 Pricttf. o. ft. Tottdo, nAjtd Co tkanti without notict Van Brunt Automobile Co. Distributors Western Iowa and ' Eastern Nebraska. Sam tarritarv il . M. " W I r or write anlck. ' v Omaha 2562-4 Farnam St Council Bluff 18-20-22 Fourth St tion facilities to war work. It is ex clusively a Paige among American made cars." Burns' Birthday Celebration Planned by Omaha Scots The anniversary of the birth of "Bobby" Burns will be celebrated by Omaha Scots on Friday evening at the Swedish auditorium on Chi cago street. The affair yill be under the auspices of Clan Gordon, No. 63. Order of Scottish Clans. Chief Howard C. Home will preside, while the following program is presented, dancing to follow immediately: part 1. Ov.rtur. America Welcome Chief Horns Song "A Man's a Man" Walter It. Dais Song "Afton Water" Miss Bess Watson Scotch R'",l Misses Hlslop, McTaggart, Eeed and Shewan. Song "Bonnls Wee Thing" John O. Gunn Song "Highland Joy" Mrs. W. C. Slabaugh Address "Robert Burns" Dr. Frank G. Smith PART !. Song "Wert Thou In the Cauld Blast" John G. Gunn Song "Lassie O' Mine" Mrs. W. C. Slabaugh Highland Fling . Misses IIlslop. McTaggart, Reed and Shewan. Song "Charlie Is My Darling" Walter It. Dale Song "Bonnie Sweet Bessie" Miss Bess Watson Accompalst..Mr. Edward Dewar Challlnor Piper Pipe Major G. W. McDougal Curing Crack. The following is a neat way of re pairing a crack in the water jacket or any cast iron part of similar na ture. Dissolve some bluestone, ":op per sulphate, in water. Clean the edges of the crack with sandpaper or a file. 'Paint the iron with the copper sulphate solutions until a thin layer of copper has been de posited on it This surface will then take soft solder very nicely. OMAHA MEN BUY 120 HAYNES CARS WITH ONE ORDER Wenger Motor Co. Is Pre paring for the Biggest Automobile Year in Its History. The Wenger Motor company Is preparing for the biggest automo bile year in its history." On every hand the signs point to a record- breaking demand for high-grade cars during 1920. The farmers of the great Missouri valley, educated to a desire for better automobiles and having the determination and the money with which to purchase, form the backbone of this tremen dous demand. One of the strongest indications of this favorable automobile situa tion is the colossal size of the orders now being placed by automobile dis tributers and dealers throughout the great central region of this coun try. As an example of this, condition, the Haynes Automobile company, Kokomo, Ind., points to an order recently placed by the Wenger Motor company, H5y"nes distributers located at Omaha, The order calls for 120 Haynes ears of both the open and closed models. The huge order, totaling over $250,000, was brought to the Haynes factory by C. Wenger, president of the Wenger Motor company of Omaha. "We anticipate the biggest year in our existence," stated Mr. Wenger, "and we are going to get as many cars as we can purchase. Our terri tory is populated with prosperous people who appreciate the full money value they get when they purchase a Haynes character car. These folks are wanting cars of the Haynes type and we are going to do everything possible to see that we have cars to sell them." The Haynes, America's first car, now exhibited by the government at the Smithsonian institution, Wash ington, D. C. was invented, designed and built by Elwood Haynes in 1893. Tracy Sales Manager for The W. R. Nichols Motor Co. T. H. Tracv. formerly with Tracy Bros.' Cigar company, has entered the automobile business as sales manager for the W. R. Nichols Mo tor company, distributers of Dixie Flyer automobiles. Mr. Tracy was attracted by the wonderful hill climbing ability of the Dixie Flyer and has decided to cast his lot with the automobile men in promoting this branch of transportation. For testing the air in closed rooms a 'lamp has been invented in which there is a special candle that burns dimly or is extinguished as the sup ply of oxygen in a room diminishes. At the Sun This Week I n jo" 5 j SCENE FROM 7T?OffM'S WDWP&Z-PLAY "3UNP Irish Loan Week The week of January 18th to January 26th is be ing observed all over the United States as Irish Loan Week. Bond certificates of the Republic of Ireland are being offered for voluntary subscription in the amounts of $10, $25. $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000. f Enthusiastic committees are at work in Omaha, Lin coln and throughout the state GIVE THEM YOUR CORDIAL SUPPORT If no committee is active in your neighborhood, send your subscription or write for full particulars direct to P. C. Heafey, State Chair man. The purpose of this subscription is to finance the elected government of the Republic of Ireland in proj ects of National Reconstruction and for such other purposes as the government may decide. The issue of these bond certificates has been au thorized by Dail Eireann, the elected congress of the Irish People. All lovers of liberty and believers in the American Principle of self-government, should give their hearty support to this loan. American Commission On Irish Independence P. C. Heafey. State Chairman for Nebraska 2611 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Swimming Director Of Athletic Club to Join Auto Sales Force G. P. Wendell, swimming and ath letic director at the Athletic club since its opening more than a year ago, yesterday resigned to identify himself with the Packard Omaha company. His resignation takes ef fect February 1. Mr. Wendell is well known in Omaha and is rated as an athletic and swimming instruc tor of rare ability Formerly he was physical director in the Chicago Y. M. C A. Mr. Wendell declared he would devote himself in his new line of work particularly to the sales de partment, making a specialty of the Packard trucks, lie will be cm. ployed in the office until he learnt the details of the business and be comes familiar with the details of the cars he will sell. pperleacT Friendships have been lost through the giving of advice. Yet our customers tell us that a good way for them to gain new friends," or to strengthen existing friend ships, is to advise the purchase of a Cadillac. f WS J. H. Hansen Cadallac Co. OMAHA. LINCOLN ,gi y dz I j - What "Reo" Means on a Motor Truck 1 REO means for one thing: The first pneumatic . tired truck capable of real speed. There are others on the market now, but Reo was then and is now the leader. REO means for another thing: The result of the experience of one of the oldest and most substantial manufacturing -institutions in the . automobile industry. REO means also: A truck suited to every-day needs; a truck which can be used profitably because it is fast and sure. REO means from a service standpoint: Good, responsible dealers. None other are accepted. A. A. Jones Co. Hatting, Nebraska. Distributors for Southern and Western Nebraska. Jones-Opper Co. Omaha. Nebraska. Distributor for Eastern and Northern Nebraska and Western Iowa,