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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1920)
L 7 20 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 18r 1920. OMAHA TO HAVE THE BIG SHOW OF ' MIDDLE WEST Dealers Approve Plans of 1 Manager Powell and Then Start Clamor for More Space. If enthusiasm- manifested at the meeting of the Omaha Auto Trades association Thursday is my real in dication, Omaha's fifteenth annual automobile show, March 1 to 6, will , eclipse in every way any previous exposition. Clarke G. Powell, manager, ex plained every detail of the show plans and the dealers heartily ap proved them, - Then began howls for space. More cars than ever will be ex hibited and one dealer was so de termined to show all he had that he wanted privileges to put on a "double decker'' displav. AH Want More Room. The trade association has been growing rapidly for years, and every new member is insisting on room to make a good showing. - i" Indications from factories are that twice as many factory executives will be here as in previous years. R. VV. Hayward of the Hayward Cameron company is back from the New York show and he is simply "loco" over 1920 prospects. , "I've seen , lots of automobile shows, but I never dreamed there would be any like the New York display. Honestly, I'm not able to describe it. Omaha the Big Show. "And from what I gathered-from factory men in New York, Omaha is to have the New York show of the middle west. Factories look kindly upon Omaha, you know, because Omaha is on its toes more every year," Manager PowelK is going to Chi cago this week to attend the meet ings of the National Auto Show Managers and National Auto Deal ers' association and also take a peck at Chicago's own show. Trademark Piracy Is Popular in Europe; N. A. C C. Intervenes Trademark piracy is becoming altogether too popular a form of ' blackmail and even when it is de feated it ii troublesome anoNex pensive. , , The latest attempt of trademark piracy is that of Manuel de Silva Carmo of Oporto, Portugal, who is reported to have applied for the reg ' istration of some 40 American motor car trademarks in that country with the privileges of having it include the others of the 13 countries which s were parties to the Berne tonven- " tion. Fortunately it was discovered before the expiration of the Six months before the issuing of the registration, so that there is still time for protests to be filed, and the . National Automobile Chamber of Commerce has retained attorneys for the purpose in New York and , also in Portugal. To double check the arrangement, however, the Na- tional Automobile Chamber of Com merce has appealed to the Depart 'ment of State to take diplomatic action, as in the instance a few years ago- in Brazil when Isnard & Co. of Rio de Janeiro registered 30 au itomobile accessory trademarks, but were persuaded that it would be ad visable to relinquish them. Essex Car Establishes Endurance Record 'i ' ' Mi i ii hi ii mmwrmMmmmmi i w 1 i ""J 'Battling agamst a temperature which most of the time was below freezing, the Essex stock chassis which recently set a new world's marlr at the Cincinnati speedway not onty covered 3,037 miles in 30 hours, but it also actually traveled a distance of 5,870 miles in 94 hours and 22 minutes driving time, the company states. In the first official test ever made of a car driven at top speed for 50 hours, a blinding snowstorm forced the car to stop at the end of 27 hours and 58 minutes in the 1,790th mile. "A second start was made three days later, but this time a pouring rain caused A. A. A. officials again to stop the car after it had run 16 hours and 25 minutes, when it had covered 1,042 miles. The next day the weather cleared, another start was made and a 50-hour period completed. Thus to' complete its 50-hour achievement the car covered at a speed of more than 60 miles an hour a distance greater than that trav eled by the average automobile in a year's time. The speed maintained throughout the run is equaled only by the- fastest express trains and then only for short atretches. The Essex . used was strictly a stock chassis, under observation of the American Automobile association. Latest Scripps-Booth Car jn mmrmmm mmmwm. - P .ihe above picture of one of the latest Scripps-Booth models will be of considerable interest to motor fans who have been on the lookout for -this new model. The various new features which are incorporated in this year's Scripps-Booth model will make it one of the season's most interesting competitors on the automobile row. Cleaning Celluloid. The celluloid windows that are so much used in motor car tops have always been difficult to clean with out scratching the material so that its value is impaired. There is on the market today a cleaning com pound designed for use on the imita tion ivory which is used for making combs, brush backs and other toilet articles, and this Cream is ideally adapted for cleaning celluloid win dows in the car top. The windows and the imitation ivory articles have tlx same base, celluloid. Briscoe Buys Plant To Manufacture Own Closed Auto Bodies Briscoe Motor! corporation, Jack son, Mich., has acquired the John Bohnet company of Lansing. "The Bohnet company is one of the larg est manufactures of closed automo bile bodies," said Frederick Cowin, president of the Briscoe Motor cor poration, "and in taking over this plant we have every facility for building all the bodies for our Bris coe closed models. "We will make several improve ments and additions to the present plant in order to take care of 1920 production, which, incidentally, will double any former year in the his tory of the Briscoe Moto corpora tion." , Battery Filler. A very convenient filler for put ting, electrolytic- in battery jars is' made by steaming an old jar until it' is soft and then forming a sort of spout at one side by means of two pieces -of board. When the jar cools it retains the shape that has been given it. PACKARD MAKES ENTRY IN OMAHA TRUCK CONTEST President Hurst Announces One or More of Their Pneumatic-Tired Trucks Will Start. . WilhanvA. Hurst, president of he Packard Omaha company, upon his return from the New York Automo bile thow.-announced that the Pack ard Motor Car company of Detroit, would enter one or more of their new Pneumatic tired trucka in the First National Motor Truck Relia bility contest, which will start from Omaha sometime in June, of this year Mr. Hurst has been one of the most enthusiastic supporters of this contest and feels that it will be a great benefit to the manufacturers, the distributors,, and the truck buy ing public. It is his opinion that the contest will furnish an indisputable demonstration of the quality and performance of the various trucks competing for the prires. Decides to Enter. Mr. Hurst outlined the plan of the proposed contest to George Burv, general distribution manager of the Packard Motor Car company, Detroit, and after a complete review of the plans for the contest, Mr. Bury agreed that the Packard com pany should and would be repre sented. . " The entry of stfch manufacturers as the Packard Motor Car company of Detroit, will lend a ,tone of sin cerity which will benefit all entrants, owing to the fact that the Packard is, one of the oldest, as well as best known trucks on the market. 9o MaroPv Digest '. ' ' THI8 mart closed car is hap pily designed for the ownerN who drives. Intimately comfort able for five persons snug, one .might say, but without the slight est suggestion of crowding. The wide windows give all the vision of an open car. - . , The day of the top-heavy closed car is definitely past The Jordan Silhouette Brougham has an all aluminum body. . It is light and conspicuous for its absence of rattle. The car is easily handled, with an abundance of fluent power. The interior is most inviting, with upholstery of finest imported weaves in shades to match., the body colors. In lines the body is grace itself. The shape of the doors, the spac ing, of windows, the curve of fender and the height of hood all contribute to an effect that is fashionably modern. ' SA new Jordan Motor Car with all that this implies. PETERSON-MOTOR GO. tilt? Farnam Street, Omaha Neb. JORDAN M O TO R CAR COMPANY, IN C . , Cleveland, Ohio Cooperage Firm , ; Triples Its Output' Using Trucks s " ' "We are doing three times the volume of business we did - four years ago, mainly attributable to the fact that we have a new selling ma chine on the job the motor truck." This statement, made by Daniel Burkhartsineier, president of a cooperage firm of Chicago, indicates the position gained by the motor truck today, says an official of the Pierce-Arrow Motor company. Once rccrard'"t! solely as a delivery me dium, the motor A-ehicle has proved to be a business stimulant in many cases. - Mr. Burkhartsmeier, who experi mentally purchased a five-ton Tierce Arrow truck in 1914, found that the vehicle multiplied his business fiel eightfold, lie now operates out! five-ton and six two-ton units. Hit factory, located about eight milci -south of the Chicago "loop" dis trict limited deliveries to that dis tance in the days of horses. Npw deliveries are made 12 miles north o the "loop" and as far as South Bend, Ind., 65 miles from the plant Several lines of motor buses are now operated in loKyo, japan. Automobile Activities Throughout the World There is one motor vehicle to every 33 persons in Chicago. J Scrubwomen in Clearfield, Pa., go to work in their own motor cars. There were 3174 motor cars stolen in Philadelphia in 1919. Twenty years ago engineers term ed the gasoline engine impractical. The state of New York has eighty thousand miles of public highway. Brooklyn has nearly forty motor truck lines operating out of the city, j ihere are no road rules nor speed limits in Chile outside of the city. One half of all the rubber im ported to this country goes into automobile tires. In California, an automobile li cense of any other state is good for three months. Cuba is repairing many, of the old military roads, as well as construct ing new highways. There are approximately 120,000 pleasure cars and 9,500 trucks in On tario, Canada. A large oil company, of New Jer sey, with headquarters at Newark, operate 346 motor vehicles.. , The National Automobile Dealers' association is tepresented by 30,000 dealers throughout the country. Since March, 1918, the Japanese government has actively encouraged the manufacture of motor trucks in Japan. American manufacturer! have practically controlled the South Af rican automobile market for the past four years. All records were broken when 400,000 visitors entered the Western National parks by motor during the past year. The Pittsburg Transportation as sociation is a new organization re cently formeed by motor truck owners in Pittsburgh, Pa. Many London ladies' maids are learning to become chauffeurs to their mistresses, thus performing a double duty with increased pay. Due to the congested state of rail ways in England, a daily motor lorry service between London and Birmingham has been established N. W. Cooper of Los Angeles, Cel., recently purchased his nine teenth automobile. The total mile age covered is 201,000 miles. A motor truck hat been invented for farm use that loads, haul and scatters fertiliser, using the same power for til three operations. - There has beta an increase of 13 par cent over the registration of motor vehicles since January 1, 1919, throughout the United States. Highway engineering is rapidly becoming recoginiied as one or the important courses in the curriculum of the technical colleges throughout the country. , There are 1,101,402 persons en gaged in he production of automo biles. 'This does not include acces sory manufacture, garage, repair shops or sales establishments. Despite the restrictions imposed during the war period, the motor ear industry has averaged a production of 1,500,000 cars every year during the last three years. . Starting in a small way sixteen years ago, with three horse-drawn trucks one of the largest coal dealers in New York City- now operates a fleet of twenty-two motor trucks. To compete with American motor cars, $30,000,000 of capital stock was recently placed on the market in England by six British 'companies with,, the object of mass production of lOOjDOO cheap cars yearly. Rio,de Janeiro has the finest taxis in the world, for the reason that in Brazil's period of financial depression following 1912, many wealthy Brazillians found it neces sary to dispose of their highly fin ished cars, and a large number pas sed into use as taxicabs. Interests at Washington, p. C, are working on a plan to make the automobile license national nd in ternational. Progress is being- made and it promises soon to be a fact that the motorist with one license may go anywhere in the civilized world. iBk- m hi i Xit sMxt BecuttfldjGarinlmcrica It Leads the Light Six Field The greatest single reason for the popularity of- the five-passenger Paige Icnhrookw its new six'cyl' inder motor. Since this model made its appearance, wonderful reports have been coming to us about its remarkable power and economical peribrmance. : : The attainment of these much desired qualities was by no means the result 9f circumstance, A predetermined standard of motor budding was "alone responsible for them. ' We knew what we were striving for and we will', ingly devoted three years of ceaseless effort to the realization of our ideal In the performance of the Paige "Glenbrook" has come our reward. From what its owners say of it, we know that we have indeed accomplished our purpose. A single demonstration will convince you, we believe, that it is the greatest dollar'for'dollar value on the , American market Won't you take that demonstration? PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT, Michigan Nebraska Paige Company 1 9th and Douglas Streets Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas S660 IS? pi m i&ti ft; mmmmmmm