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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1920)
South Side FILMING SCENES AT STOCK VARUS FOR BIG SHOWS Pictures Will Show Shipping of Cattle From Range to ( Packing Plant Boost for Omaha. Flashes From Filmland For the oast month a movinir pic ture company has had photograph em at the stock yards taking films of various scenes of the yards and packing houses, including the inter- ior or me siock excnange, me nn ferent stock pens, unloading chutes and scale houses. Exterior views of the several packing houses adjacent to the stock yards are also included in the films, which will be exhibited in 500 of the leadinsr picture houses of the United States. The films will- also be taken to the several live stock shows and ex positions throughout the country for exhibition, showing the im portance and immensity of Omaha as a live stoclc center. One of the principal features of the film are scenes incidental with the shipping of a load of cattle, starting at the range and landing at the stock yards. South Side Brevities ApplM for Sale 31th and L 81a. Call , 9. 4408. Jo Novak. For Rent I. O. O. W. hall on Tuesday and Saturday nlfhta. Call Bout tot. Fornlirn exchang at lowest rate at the Llv Stork National bank, Junction (24tn and N streets. I THRIFT MEANS saving a part of your earnings. The best place to put these savlnK la In the South Omaha Savings bank, 24th and N, and natch It grow. . B thr!fty and lay the foundation for a successful future by opening a savings account or Joining the Kcnnomy club at the Live Stuck National bank, Junction 24th and N streets. V Hum coke in your baseburner. Cleaner, hotter, lasts longer and ooals less than luird coal. We also have good ooal for furnace, soft coal heaters and kitchen use. Call South 33, the yards that always have coal. O. E. Harding Coal company. If you don't save, some one els will. It you don't practice Thrift the monsy you spend foolishly will he saved by some one who will profit. Have a savings account In the South Omaha Savings bank and get the benefit of your work. Start today. Manager Lyl Harsey of Morris Co., received a parcel post shipment of 10 pounds of meat by the first aerial mall Into Omaha from Chicago last week. The packag was plastered with 14.62 In stamps and marked 'special delivery by (aerial mall expedited one day." NOW, NOT LATER. ' . Tour dollars will to aouble and trtbl as far In many rases hern at Flynn'a now than you ran expect a little later. A lot of good percale shirts at SSe. , Men's serviceable sweaters, J1K5-J2.S5. Men's good rasnlmere suits. $14.95, Men's good, heavy work shoes, $4.60. Men's cashmere one-halt hose, 19o. Make your old suit new with a new pair of pants, odds, 1.J to S4.9S. Ladies' skirts, clean up finer ones, at 11. 98 to 16.98. Ladies' coata prised below, I4.9S to 829.7ft. Flelcher Saxony yarn, skein, lie; Children' hose, great variety, down to lOo. Ladlo" hos. hut line In town, lOe up. In our stock-taking we found a lot of remnants, ndds and end and short lota good merchandise, but stuff we must get out and make room for new spring goods, which is coming In now hourly. Look these over, they will add to your belief In our slogan, "Shop and Save" at FtVNN'S. Neighborhood Homes UVTHIIOP 24th and Lbthrop Et" OKNK ROLAND III "SEALED HEARTS;" Roland comedy and News. APOLLO 19th and Ia vsn worth LOl'IS X. BENNISON and KATH ERINK W DONALD In "HIGH SPOTS;" also "SMASHLMQ BAR RIERS." DI AMONO 54th and Lake RUTH ROLAND III "ADVENTURES OF RUTH," chapter two. Marl Wal tamp In a complete story and comedy. HAMILTON 40th and Hamilton MA DOE KENNEDT in "DAT DREAMS," and 'Harold Lloyd comedy. "Wi HAT EVERY WOMAN LEARNS" what it is? The Enid Bennett pictnre by that name, which will be shown for the last timees at the Strand today answers thus: She learns the true character of a man only after she has married him and lives with him in intimate private life, And people who believe "marriages are made in heaven" will receive a rude awaken ing when they see this picture. ..Moon This Is the last day Doug las Fairbanks will appear at the Moon theater in his latest produc tion, "When the Clouds Roll By," and if you want to have one hearty and continuous laugh, as well as to be thrilled by the many spectacular stunts performed by this star, then take time off and see him in the best picture he has ever made. Rialto For the first time in the history of motion picture production an entire house, consisting of nine rooms, was built in a studio for the i production of byes ot '.Youtrt, a photo production starring Clara Kimball Young at the Rialto, and to be shown on the screen for the last times today. Lovers of pictures por traying something different will en joy this production of Miss Young's immensely. Muse 'If you hop to reanre 'Man's Desire, be a 'straight-shooter.' " This was Tom, Denton's maxim and that went twoyways witn mm. A great big story with the bark on, in a locale where hairy-chested men settled things in a primitive way, starring Lewis S. Stone as the man who attained ''Man's Desire" . by fightinj? for it, and which is to be seen at the Muse todav oniy. Sun Mary Miles Minter as Anne Shirley in "Anne of Green Gables," at the Sun for the last times today, succeeds in getting into more trouble than the proverbial barrel of mon keys but, somehow or other, she al ways manages to get out again. She has a peculiar, wistful charm of manner; and a way of; snuggling right into your heart that is beyond the power of words to adequately describe. On the same bill, Charlie Chaplin in "The Fireman," continues to convulse with laughter the large audiences that are packing the theaters at every performance. Empress Leah Baird is the star of Augustus Thomas' drama, "The Volcano," which will be shown at the Empress for the Jast times to day. A scheming radical of the Rus sian propaganda crew convinces her of the perfidy of her soldier lover. She reverts to the primitive and in her rage and chagrin demands that he be put to death. AT THE THEATERS ((XE can never be really, tru I I ly, 'natural' on the stage," v- confessed George ..Arliss, who completes his engagement at the Brandeis with two performances today, matinee and evening, in hii new drama, "Jacques Duval.' "Act ing is a bag of tricks. The thing to learn now is to be unnatural, and iiiar hnw unnatural to be Under giv en conditions. Many plays appear tobe natural to the casual audience, but. in reality, they are perfectly artificial from beginning to end. To play these naturally would be equiv alent to an artist stiking real leaves on his painted canvas in order to suggest a natural tree. Half the fun and half the art of the actor is to play such pieces artificially while appearing to play them naturally." E. H. Southern and Julia Marlowe appear at Boyd'- January 22 to 24. A writer says that from the loca tion of Shakespeare's lodgings by the Globe theater and the historical reconstruction of the surroundings it is established that the dramas and poems were written in rooms op posite to a bear garden, where a sensitive man would have been annoyed- from morning till night and through night by the yelping of the dongs and th r continual racket of practicing on fifes and drums, by annce anrl nthi r entertainments, be cause the main body of professional amusers lived there. This i th final rlav of Evelvn Nesbit at the Orpheum, where she heads an extremely popular bill which finishes with this evening's performance. The curtain is to rise at 8 o'clock. The show opening with the matinee tomorrow will be the first time this sea?on that the Or pheum has offered a triple headline bill. One of the stellar acts will be contributed by the French char acter singer. Mile. Nitta-Jo. An other will be offered by the vocal dialect comedienne, Lillian Shaw. Still another will be Eva Shirley and her musical boys in a jazz perform ance. A featured act will be the amusing comedy, "Indoor Sports." With this array of talent represent ing the cream of vaudeville, the show next week should prove ex ceptionally popular. "Parlor, Bedroom and Batbj1' will work its merry trail across a mat inee and evening performance at Boyd's today, and if the audiences are as big as the company is good, the house will be packed. "Better than ever" tnay be ap plied to Sam Howe's "Butterflies of Broadway" company, with Harry Coooer. .which is to hold the hoards at the Gayety theater for a week, commencing this afternoon. This season this incomparable aggrega tion of burlesquers will produce a new and original comedy in two acta. The supporting 'company is all that the most fastidious and ex acting patron of the theater could tsk for, including a bevy of 20 of the prettiest and talented choristers ever gathered in any theatrical organization. Harry ("Heinie") Cooper is the featured comedian. Tomorrow's matinee starts at 3 o'clock. J. "A Prince There Was," George M. Cohan's spontaneous comedy of New York life and types, will be seen at the Brandeis three days, commencing Monday. The'play is an up-to-the-minute fairy tale and the cast includes James A. Gleason, Ena Lewis Willey, William glider, Josephine Williams, John Bedouin, i Lucile Webster, John E. Sanders, i Adelaide Wilson, James Bradbury, jr.: Marie Nelson, Joseph Oddo, j Will T. Goodwin and Muriel Nel son. Tha pictur that pant your eyes! Starts Sunday at the Sun. ARMY GOODS FOR SALE O. D. BLANKETS, SHOES, Army Dresi O. D. OFFICERS' brand new, heavy, .Shoes, Munson last, ' MACKINAWS, tall wonderful values: caif gkin uppers; a wool; worth $25.00: worth ?15 to $18; , . . . . our special offer rcal bargain at our price S8.75 - 88.98 815.05 . COTTON DOUBLE 0. P. SHIRTS, LEATHER VESTS, BLANKETS, 72x84, brand reguU. moleskin back leath- p"airybVandWnew; tion tar, all wool; ex lined and leather very special at very special at sleeves; special at 85.98 85.98 89.49 SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY BROOMS, $1.25 ARMY BACON, 12- CRACKERS, four values; special at lb. tins; very special, boxes for 69 &3.20 25 . To Out-of-Town Buyers:, W ship foods exactly advertised. Make order out plainly. Include money oMer or dratt. No C. O. D.'a .hipped. II ordered by pares! post, Include posts. You are assured of prompt and satisfactory shipment. REFERENCE STATE BANK OF OMAHA. Make Money Orders or Drafts Payablo to NEBRASKA ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO. 1619 Howard Street lo!9 Howard Street : : : : i i m n r Elderly People Have A Daily Health Problem Stomach muscles and digestive organs I slow to act as age advances MOST people find the years slipping by without real izing it, until suddenly confronted with the fact that they can no longer digest everything they would like to eat. It then , becomes their daily task to avoid what they know to be chronic con stipation. When exercise and light diet fail it will be necessary to resort to ' artificial means. Strong physics and cathartics, however, are not advisable for elderly people. They act too powerfully and a feeling of weakness results. What is needed is a laxative containing effective but .mild properties. This is best found in Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin which is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. It acts gently and without griping, and used a few days will train the digestive organs to do their work naturally again without other aid. Dr.' Caldwell's Syrun Pepsin . has been on the market since 1892 and was the private formula of Dr. W. B. Caldwell, who is himself , past 80 years of age and still active in his profession. It can be bought at any drug store and one bottle is enough to last even a large family many months. It is a trustworthy preparation. In spite of the fact that Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many who need its benefits have not yet used it. If you have not, tend your name and address for a free trial bottle to,. Dr. W. B. CaldwelL511 Washington St., MonticeUo, lUnioif. Burgess-IUsh Company "wKOYBorvk srmsw" "A Saturday MEN! We Will Place on Sale 300 Mens and Young Men s Ulster and Ulsterette At the Greatly Reduced Price of s i! These overcoats were selected from our regular stock of fine quality overcoats and placed in one great group to affect an imme diate clearance. In the assortment you will find - All Colors Variety Of Models Sizes 34-48 Your Choice Saturday at $39.50 ' FOURTH FLOOR hrift Week Opens I JANUARY 17TH ' Benjamin Franklin's Birthday, is the First Day of Thrift Week To fittingly celebrate the day, every bank and saving and loan association in Omaha will be .open Saturday evening from 7 to 9. It is a public reception. You and " your family are invited. There will be no formality at the reception, nor will you be solicited for anything. You will be shown "behind the scenes" and will have opportunity to get acquainted with the men of the banks and saving and loan associations, and with bank - ing methods. Those who have bank accounts or accounts with sav ing and loan associations should come and get better acquainted with those, they do business with. Those who have savings accounts at banks .should visit the main banking rooms and introduce themselves to the bank officers. , Those Who do not have bank accounts or savings and loan accounts should use this occasion to select the bank or saving and loan association they will do busi ness with when they open an account. m m Everyone Is Urged to Attend Savings and Loan Associations Bankers Commercial Conservative Nebraska Occidental . Omaha -Prudential , State - 1505 Farnam St. 4931 South 24th St. - 1614 Harney St. 311 South 18th St. - 322 South 18th St. 15th and Dodge Sts. - 1716 Douglas St. - 315 South 17th St. Banks American State, 18th and Farnam Corn Exchange, 15th and Farnam First National, 16th and Farnam Merchants Nat'l, 13th and Farnam Nebraska Nat'l, 18th and Douglas Omaha National, 17th and Farnam State Bank of Omaha, 16th and Harney United States National, 16th and Farnam v 1 National Thrift Week is a Period When All Good Americans Should Make New- Resolves To WORK and EARN 1 To have a SAVINGS ACCOUNT ( 1 To carry LIFE INSURANCE To start a "HOME FUND" To keep a RECORD OF EXPENDITURES ; To maintain a FAMILY BUDGET and To PAY THEIR BILLS PROMPTLY "' ... s . - If there ever was a time to save money, it is NOW. In addition to the interest on your dollar, it will have a largely increaised purchasing power when prices become normal. Any bank or savings and loan association officer will be glad to advise you about your money matters and recommend safe methods of investment at any time.