Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1920, Page 16, Image 16

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1 , f
Three Burglaries and One
Holdup Reported to Police
During I Night Smash
.. Window, Steal Furs.
( One holdup and three robWie
were committed Thursday night in
Omaha, according to police reports.
lone burglar was nearly cap
i tured, after breaking mto the Palace
nothing company, Fourteenth and
t Douglas, streets, at midnight.
The fireman of the establishment
discovered, the man at work inside
the store, and took after him, hut
the. robber . made a hasty exit
through the sidewalk grating by
which he had gained entrance.
Police were called, and a sruiad
of detectives scoured the h'eiglroor-
hood, but the robber had escaped.
' Nothing was missing Jrom the
Burglars broke into the home of
W. S. Holbrook. 4806 Harney street,
diiving the ijight and after ransack
ing the home escaped with $25 in
cash and a pearl rin valued at $150.
Entrance was gained, to the house
through a basement window while
th family slept.
Thieves smashed the plate glass
window of the Fashion store, 111
South Sixteenth street, and stotfc a,
Japanese mink fur worth $300. The'
thieves -made, their getaway before
police arrived. '
" Two Mexicans held up and robbed
Joel Evans. 1505 Chicago street, at
5:.?0 Thursday, afternoon near
Twelfth street and Capitol avenue.
' Both his assailants had revolvers and
forced him into an alley, where they
relieved him of $9 in cash, Evans
told police. , "
WlfE WORE one:
. A ...
Dr. G. A.Angus Held t6 Dist-
rict Court for Receiving
; Property.
- i
Dr. G. A.- Angus.' physician? 3520
Hamilton street, was bound over to
district . court ui Central police
court yesterday on charges of receiv
ing and concealing stolen property.
He was arrested Thursday night by
Detectives Danbaum and Haze wVen
two fur coats, valued at $1,00(1, which
had been stolen from the Store f of
F: V. Thome, 1812 Farnam street
January 4, were found in a trunk in
his home.. Dr. Angus' wife had
worn one of the coats, detectives
Recovery of the stolen goods was
made following) a confession by Roy
Parker, alias J. Q Carter, confessed
drug addict. Sixteenth and Califor
nia streets, that he stole the coats
and sold them to Dr. Angus for
Volunteers a Confession.
Parker was bound over to district
ccSurt last Monday on a charge of
breaking into a freight car near
Fourteenth and Webster streets. He
in the cotiry jail awaiting his
trial. He -volunteered his confes
sion to Chief of Detective Dunn
Thursday aitcrnoon.
" Detectives investigated the affair,
and found also two automobile tires
ad two robes, which Parker testi
fied in police court" yesterday he
turned over to Dr. Angus.
Dr. Ansrus pleaded not sruiltv and
denied that he bought the coats or
other stuff from Parker. v
"Parker worked for me about the
lioue and left the coats and robes
with me until he was ready to take
them away again," Dr. Angus 'said.
Says He Got Treatments.
Parker had on an overcoat which
he said Dr. Angus gave him in part
payment far .the fur coats. Parker
testified that'., Dr. Angus adminis
tered several drug treatments for
one cf the robes. .. ' -
Detectives learned that the tires
were stolen from the Webster street
freight depot and that one'of the au
tomobile robes found in Dr., Angus'
possession belonged to Dr. C. A.
Shook, a police surgeon.
Bonds of $750 were set for Dr.
Angus pending his. trial in, district
9 .
! r i i i i i.i ii , , , , , ,,,, i
mTITl tfTlTWWT S (Will "iTMvlLpiMi 1ED n it?
A Wonderful
Clearance of
Women's and
11 li v;
' I , i mil i ' ii in win
Do You Want
to Save
$15 to $20
The, Coats at, $24.56 Sold 1
at $49,004 $55.00 and $59.00
t - "
- ,Tlie materials- are velours, bolivias, silvertones,
velour plushes; seal plushes. Many are fur trimmed;
lined throughout) in the season's many smart styles.
Nearly all shades, and black.
Coats at $14.75
125 elegaut cloth colored aml.-lour plush Coats,
that sold 'at $35.00, $39.00, $45.00. Clearing Sale
Price, at . . .'. . . . , . . . .$14.75
47 genuine Wolf fur scarfs that sold
at $20.00, $25.00. In animal 0 Tft
styles. Saturday at $l&dv
65 Women's and Misses' Cloth
Suits, that sold up to C AA
$35.00. Saturday, at. .. . .vW.VW
Clearing Sale of Dresses Saturday
; at $19.50 and $29,50
300 Dresses in these two., special groups. Saturday dresses, suitable for street, afternoon
general; also dancing dresses; new materials. In he , above dresses are satins, taffetas,
georgettes, serges, tncotines and combinations. Were made to sell from $35 00 On sal?
Saturday, at.. 819.50. and S2ft.5n
T J -Y v w W v My w W f
Buy Overcoats
Fine Winter Overcoats
and other high-grade makes, including several hundred
ftart Schaf fner and Marx Coats bought for September
delivery, but just received within the last few days.
Ail'Marked For Quick
Clearance at $15 to $20 Less Than
Regular Retail Prices
Big, roomy jttlsters and Ulsterettes, in both single and
double-breasted models, without belts, half belt or belt all
around models. Popular Chesterfield styles with plain or
velvet collars, etc. The season's most popular styles and
materials. JLeatner Uoats and inir-lined Coats, all sizes,
from regular retail prices.
to 50, at- $15.00 to $20.00 reduction
About 200 Overcoats !sctta&! $24.75
January Clearance Hosiery,
Over 3,000 Pairs of Fine Hosiery taken from our reg
;ular stock of silks, fibers and mercerized lisles at less
mafl aciuai cost; values up to $1.7o. HELr
Clearance price, at
Women's Wie CoUon and Lisle Hose in black and
white, also black with split soles. Regular and f vtra
4- sizes, hemmed and ribbed tops. Never sold "IQ
tor Jess than 59c. Cash price....'
v Service at Ventura, Cal., '
, for Sjser of Mayor Smith
Funeral services for Mrs. Eru
n;a Cook, sister of Mayor Smith,"
were held yesterday at Ventura, Cal.,
' according- to word received in
Omaha. Mrs. Cook died in- the
Methodist hospital at Los Angeles
Tuesday. She was a native of Iowa
and lived in California for 40 vears.
She was the widow of George "Cook,
wealthy ranchman, and was 61 years
old on Christinas day. She is sur
vived, by four daughters, one sister
and two brothers. The late Con
gressman Smith of Bakersfield. Cal.,
nas one brother, the other living
brother being E. E. Smith of Spo-
: kane, Wash. i
- Police Search for Girl
; , Missing for Two Days
Catherine BrSstow, 11 years old,
has been missing from The Creche,
a chilHren's jiome, 123S Park Wilde
avenue,- for two days. Police are
conducting a search for the girl.
Mrs. -M. Wilet, superintendent of
the home, reported Catherine's dis
appearance following failure of the
girt to return from an1 errand.
She was dressed in a blue dress,
s brown coat gray cap and black
shoes and stockings. She has long
brown hair and blue eyes.
U. S. and City Officers '
. Find Still and Mash.1
At .the homes of Vincent Jones.
3608 Haskell street, and Walter Ap-
pleton, '3620 Vinton street,' federal
officers and Police. Detective Sarriar
dick found a whisky still and several
juj?s of sour mash Thursday flight,
,yhen they raided both places.
The . still was. found in Jones'
:. fidnrtt Appleton had the mash in
the basement of his place, tg offi
cers said. 'and Appleton were
j booked at the Central'police station
-tor investigation, - , - .
Some Remarkable Uqderpr icings Saturday
Women's and Children's Underwear
ill) iife
VV omens silk and wool, wool and cotton, silk lisle and heavy fleeced
Union Suits, In pink or white, with high neck, long sleeve; Dutcli neck,
elbow sleeve; low neck, sleeveless, ankle length. Some oi these suits
ate slightly soiled; regular price, $2.98 and $3.50; on sle, eacb..$l )8
N omen's woul and cotton
Tests, in high netik, long sleeve
or Dutch neck, elbow sleeve,
ankle length tights to match,
ill sizes; regular price, $1.98;
sale price, each SI. 50
Women's heavy fleeced Vests,
in high neck, long sleeve, gray,
regular sizes; regular price,
$1.25; on sale, each . 75
Hoys' wool and cotton Shirts
and Drawers, also children's
flSece lined Union Suits, in
high neck. Jong sleeve, ankle
length, slightly soiled; regular
price. $1.50; on sale each SI
Children's heavy fleceed Vests,
in cream or gray, jjdtfe high
neck, long sleeve; regular
prices, 85c and 95c; on sale,
ea 504
Ilifi'ifBillllililiBIli BlllMWnilTlilillllllilliiiiliiil injjiij
- Saturday
250 New Spring . V
.Which Should Sell at $10.00 and $12.50 I
All Straw Hats ., . - f
Batavia Cloth Hat's
Straw and Satin Combinations
Lisere and jaffefta Combinations J
Every Hat smartly, trimmed and only one ' j
Conello Hat of a kind insures your selection 1
of an exclusive model. . v - 1
in the
Children's Department
All Children's-Winter
Coats at HALF Price
Girls' Silk Dresses, -sold
up to $32.50; Saturday,
at .......$14.50 j
Girls' Serge Dresses, Sat- j
urday, at our clearance i
sale price of .$6.50 1
jLittle Tots Fur Sets, on i
sale Saturday at ONE- i
HALF price. I
Girls' Serge Middies, on ?
sale Saturday at tltc spc- f
cial price of. . v. . $6)5 j
$3, $4 and $5
To ' make way lor spring stocks and to dispose' of
broken lots, we will place nu sale all of ouri3.00, $4.00,
and,$5.00 Cloth and Felt Hats at the
, Cash Price $1.95
Drug and Toilet Goods
$1.00 Beauty Book given
FHEI3 with each purchase of
Xakalon Toilet Goods.
75c Pompclan Massags Cream,
our cash price ...j 594
50a Java Rice Face Powder (alL
shades), our cash price ...39
30c Graves' Tooth Powder or .
Paste, our cash price ....214
25c Massatta Talcum Powder,
our cash price tfid
BOc Pond's Vanishing Cream
for 374; 25c size for 184
JUKI Llsterine, our cash price, I
bottle 794 ,
5Uc size tot 394 I
20c Aspirin Tablets (Bayers').
our cash price1 154
20c Pears- Unscented Soap, our
casli price, per'cake 12Va4
40c Hand Brushes at special cash
price of 25
We are filling: prescriptions
at the very lowest rash
prices. Try Hnydi'a First.
Our Mid-January
Sale of Shoes
Women's fine V'ici Kid Lace Shoes with French or military heels.
$8.50 values. Very special Saturday, at $6.50
Men's Shoes in bluchers and calfs. tan or black: all fJnnrlvonr
On the present market,'a big bargain, at... -.$5.50
Womens felt House Slippers,
with leather soles and heels,
at, per pair ,
urover snoes are made tor tender feet we carry them in
all styles and can fit the wide or narrow foot. '
welt sewed.
Childs' Kid Button Shoes, turn
soles; sizes 5 to 8 $1.75
$3.00 Union Suits, $2.25
This 'lot consists oi three very stan
dard makes, such as Chalmers, Spring-
toe and High Rock; heavy cotton rib or
fleece lined. Union Suits, sizes 34 to 50,
In the lot.
$2.50 Dress Shirts,
Men's Dress Shirts, several broken
lines from our regular stock, made of
good quality madras, percale sand pongee
cloths. AH sizes, 14 to 20.
$2.50 Sweaters, $1.95.
Men's heavy shawl collar Sweatc
Coats, come in dark oxford, two, pockets
sizes 36 to 46.
$3.50 heavy flannel Pajamas, all Stincr
Universal make, all sizes, 38 to 40,
at , , .-... $2.95
$2.95 heavy flannel Nigbt Shirts, all.
Stiner Universal make, all sizes, 36 to
50, at -.82.25
$1.50 dark blue Chambray Work Shirts,
sizes 1414 to 17, Saturday at . . . .1.25
$1.00 heavy wool or medium weight cas-
simer Hose, Saturday" at, pair 65
60c leather-faced Gauntlets or Wrist
Gloves, Saturday at, pair . . . ; 35
5 .pair heavy Rockford Sox Saturday
for r k :.$1.00
' J
Choicest Quality Meats at Lowest Cash Prices
' " in 0ur Sanitary Market
n aw
Cutting the Cost of Living
We are not controlled by any trust or
' orgamzationjo maintain certain prices.
nour duo advanced acuin. and Is
HtiU coine blither.
,,b-,ack best hlgh-erada Diamond
II Hour .s.., $3.3j
M-lb. sack beat bleh-rad.
H Flour ,
i-id. acjc or famous HeiUtb Flour
or $3.60
24-lb.- ack pure Ey Flour $1.10
Tho bast Whlt or Tellow' Conimeal,
Per lb. ( jo
The best lolled White Breakfast
, Oatmeal, per lb 60
The best No. 1 hand picked Navy
Beans, per lb ,.i jc
Fancy whole Japan RlceL per lb. JSe
lood broken Rice, per lb l-3c
The best domestic, .Macaroni, tspa-
Bhettt or Egg Noodles. pksr...7e
No. t can Sweet Sugar Peas, fancy
ripe Tomatoes or Sweet Sugar
Corn for 1314c
No. 3 can Golden Pumpkin, ilomlny
or Sauer Kraut for Vic
No. 3 can solid packed Tomatoes
,for A l'V.!
56-os. can Condensed Milk t-...15
Kamo .Assorted Sou us, can ttc
No. 2 can Hawaiian sliced Pineap.
pie for j9c
No. 3 can Hawaiian sliced Plnenn-
Pl. 'or ,.3oc
Pure Tomato Catsup'or Cider Vin-
(s"ar, per bottle 10c
aige Jar pure Fnilt Preserves, ,29c
-lb. can fancy Table Apricots in
heavy -syrup IVAc
Sunbrlte Cleanser, can 5c
I bam Diamond O or Beat-'Em-All
Soap for f2o
Veast Foam, per pkjt. 4o
One Oil Mop. f 1.50
Jliip. large
Savings in Housefurnishings
rn lue.
size, cash
one quart bottle
OIL 60c: $:.l0 value for $1.49
Thermoa Kit, with Vacuum Bottle.
cash price $3.65
Food Chopper, eusb price $1.50
Asbestos Sad Irons, three Irons, han
dle and stand, for $1.73
3 large rolls Toilet Paper ?5c
I.arite can Sanl-l'lush, special, at.SOe
Sanitary Sweeping Compound, larne
can. special at 20c
Full sized Wash Board, cash price
eacb ( 4,1c
24-lb. Family Scale, white enamel,
cash price , $2.ftO
Oil or Metr.l Polish. 55o size. .. . Iftr
A rood Japan Mall Box for 33f
Good Hair Fluor Brush, our cash
price (.. $1.23
Steer Pot Roast,
per lb. J.12ti
Steer Round .Steak,
..Per lb 20t
lriea Fruit and Not Specials.
J-Crown Muscatel seedless or seeded
Kaisins. bulk, per lb 2fle
Cho:ce California Prune, per lb.20
Choice California Bartlett- Pears,
per, lb. 5e
Choice California Evaporated 'ippres.
iPer lb , t t co
mported cleaned Currants,, lb." '. Isoo
, u',r. rea". per lb 25e
Ca ;forn a Cookinfe Figs, per lb..25o
California Layer Figs, per lb...40e
ancy whole Peeled Peaches. lb.SOc
Condensed flnce Meat. pk....12V-o
3 lbs. shelled Popcorn ........ ,725c
nun. uneii Aimonds, per lb.'..
Pecan Nuts, per lb
Filberts, per lb. .......
Fresh roasted Peanuts, pV lb.
in. lea and Coffee
Our famous. Golden Santoe Coffee,
per Jb. ..'
Diamond H Blend, a rood drink.
Per lb
H. B. C. Special Blend, quality '6of-
tee. per lb
The bete Tea stftlnm, lb ijofl
Choice Swn Dried or Basked Fired
Japan Tea, per lb. 4e
Fancy Solder Ler. Enillsh Break
fast, ouhpowder or Oolonc Tee,
per lb " w
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb Tue
Tlie , Vrrelable Market of Omaha.
r,el Nhal"t- Beets. Carrot. Kad. v
Ishee or Turnips, buwth c -
Fancy Head lettuce. heod.lOc-124e
Bermuda Onlona per lbX,. 'rifle .
Old Beets. Carrots. Parsnips o Bot
ahqgns. per lb SI-3c
Market of
Steer Shoulder
Roast, lb.....l5tf
Cone Leaf Lard.
per lb 25
tht) ery best
(liialiij, 12-lb. can.
Steer Sirloin Steak,
per lb. ...22HC
Sugar Cured Hams,
Butter and TSggs Take ft Drop
riie best Creamery Euttcr, per
lb s , . .65
f The best Btrictly. , Fresh Knats.
per dozen ...65
The best StoVago Eggs. dna-SOd
I'nll Cream "Wisdonsln Cheese.
Pr lb 356,1
Pull C I'f a m Vr. 1 1 rr AmAi..aH.
Cheese, per lb. ......... .38c
r tbl'Sn,'1? Nut Butter. lb..32S
I ill Pickles, small, quart.. 10?
fancy Queen Olives, quart. 65?
lanoy Small Sweet Pickle, per
1"rt, .......504
We carry a full line of Heltit
I'lcklc. etc. '
f-i !?!