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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1920)
THE BEE: OAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY, 17. 1920. 15 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. - RANCH Live Stock and EQUIPMENT FOR ! SALE 18 ACRES IEEDED LAND. ACRES SCHOOL LEASE. It!" ACRKS 4-TEAR LEASE. I1S0 ACRES ANNUAL LEASES. Cattle, horses, hom, hey, grain, Im plemente, tool and everything com plete. Possession this prlnf. Thl land la only 13 mile from rail road and Is on of th best ranoba In Nebraska. Cut enough hay to, carry 1.000 head. Price $110,000, which In clude! about 147.000 worth of llv itock and personal property. Can ihow at onco and the mow la off. Writ, wlra or telephone for appointment. DUMONT & COMPANY 418 Keeline Bid. Phone Dou. 690 FARMS FARMS FARMS I have them all aliea from 20 acre to 840 acres; several 40, 10 and 180s, moat all within leea than 21 mllee of Omaha, the cheapest land In the tate, considering all thing. I handle noth ing out Bargains. If you do not see these farms before purchasing, then you urn tne loser; always see an expert. Write, wire or phone what data you will come. Come prepared to buy and bring wife with you If neceseary. GOOD, HON'EST GOODS for the money. No trades or po printed llete. ; ORIN S. MERRILL, ID 18-1 Old CITY NATIONAL BANK BLPO. r"96 ACRE FAR$f 110,000 WORTH OF" IMPROVEMENTS. Only i miles from Omaha. Va mile from paved road: price, 1360 per acre; will carry Vi of purchase price back at t-i per cent. Possession It you act quick; near growing Omaha. Alec 80 acres Sarpy County, S miles from good town; splendid soil, Improved; pric. (28B per acre. Graham-Peters Realty Co, (18 Omaha Nat Bank. Omaha. Nebraska. for Neb. Farma and Ranchea sea Graham-Peters Realty Co., 831 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldf., Omaha. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN, tnl Karhach Blk. f Tyler 814. New York Lands. 111,000 BUYS aplendld level 210 aoree; well drained; 2 mtlea from village; ma cadam road; dark loam; 70 sores valu able timber, balanoe tillable; practically new buildings; 10-room house; conoreta basement barn, gambrel roof, holding ISO tons hay; silo, hennery, piggery, granary; running water in house, earn and pasture; large orchard; Including crops, 30 bead cattle, 6 good horse., sugar equipment, 60 hens, potato digger, disc harrow, land roller, harrows, drill, ulky oultlvator, sulky plow, rake, gas angina, mower, binder, wagons, buggy, eutter, alelghs, S heavy harnessea, light harnesses, email tools, milking machine. Easy terms, Free lists. Ellis Bros., Sprlngvllle. N. Y. Miscellaneous. LAND SEEKERS Our $26 excursion to the Rio Grande valley Is now on. W. 8. Frank, Navllle Blk.. Omaha. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. 96 Acres for Rent or Sale tH miles from Benson, H mils to shipping atatlon. Well equipped for feed ing farm or general farming; $15 per acre cash rent. Reference required. Graham-Peters Realty Co. S2 Omaha Nations! Bank, Omaha. SEVERAL good farms for rent on share, near Lincoln, from 200 to $30 acrei each. Nona but good farmers need apply. State in first letter how you are equipped and give references or letter will not be an swered. IS. A. Rogers, 1542 K St. Lin coln, Neb. AUTOMOBILES For Sale. CHANDLER A CHANDLER DESPATCH MODEL TOURING CAR. This ear la in the , best of mechanical shape throughout The finish la like new, has 6 tires and spare wire wheel and other ex, tras; a snappy looking Job. Must be seen to be appreciated. Priced 1 low for Immediate sale. Will con sider trad or will sell on terms. ' PACKARD OMAHA CO. - $018 Harney St., at 21st St. I ' Phone. Harney 10, USED CARS.) 19 good used cars to select from; other cart taken In exchange; terms to responsible parties. j , MEEKS AUTO CO., Douglas (480. 1 Z03S Farnam. ''' ! Nearly new Overland (JO) newly painted, excellent condition. We are going to sell this car today; better hurry. ' NEW USED CAR PLACE. Ty 4073. 2047-4 Farnam. Open Evenings. RENT ANEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF 1H CENTS PER MILE, OAS, AND INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARB COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN TER SERVICE. - TRIVE-IT-YOURSELF-COMPANY. FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUO. S22. INTERESTED' IN A TRUCK? New Redden truck that can be bodght for $135 rash and $31.25 per month for 10 month. . Act at once. This Includes Insurance; ' THE NEW USED CAR PLACE. ' 2047 Farnam St. . - Open Evenings. Tyler 4072. STANDARD WINTON BIGHT SIX KEYSTONE MOTORS CORP. 820S Farnam. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED D. C ROGERS. MOR. TYLER 17S7. 1407-21 Capitol Ave. RELIABLE automoblla school: best elec trical and self-starter courses; day and night school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School. 3314 North Twentieth. Omaha. SOME bargains In used Yord'ears. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Tha Handy For Service Station. 15th and Jackson. Douglas' 8500. ALL BARGAINS Four Fords, lata model touring ears. Nearly new Chevrolet touring with . eerd tires. Three Knight motored eara, Excellent buys. j NEW USED CAR PLACE. Ty. 4072. 104T-41 Farnam. Open Evenings. USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L; SMITH, 1J81 Farnam 8t. Doug. Wt. FuR SALE Scrtpp Booth Chummy road ater. repainted and overhauled, first 'Vsa condition; a bargain. (33 8tR Ave., Ctyli Bluffs. Red 1874. BARGAIN In new 114-ton truck, termalf desired. Will trad fef pleasure car. Call Douglas 100, Room 821. Mr. 'Smith. ill FORD "SEDAN, "wire wheels, aelf starter, other extras, almoat new. Bar- galn. ee Mr. uavis, laie; uougiaa. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used ears; quick action: do delay. Auto Exchange BEAUTIFUL Studebaker roadster, alio v acreage Volte six, to. trad on city property or tereagfr. 432 Bee Bldg Red 145. FOR SALE New 191 Ford sedan, 375 extra equipment, $775. .A. E. Allen. Dougla -43i. REDI-MADB GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular Redl-Made Housing 1 Co.. 3211 Howard. Red 3087. OAKLAND 8-nsibl Six. V MARSH OAKLAND CO, 330 Farnam St THE DIXIE FLYERT W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 3130 Farnam Et AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE New 11 Ford aedaa, $71 extra equipment A. E. Allen, Delmar Hotel. . FORD MARKET. Farnam 2230. Cash. Time. Liberty Bond. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS . VAN BRUNT'S .Look fitr the re seal on windahleid For Sale. $100 for any magneto w can't repair. Ford mags, recharged, guar, stronger than new. O. Bayadorfer. 810 N. lth. SliST VALUES IN U8BD CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 110 FARNAM. CNITED"VUTO PARTS CO.." 3033 FARNAM. BXCKPTIONAL USED CARS. DEALER quitting bualneaa haa ona new 6-paasenger Essex, will sell cheap for caan. narney Quae. OLDSMOBILE 3, fine shape, good as new. p. u. uroas. 401 N. 18th. Red 081. GOOD' USED CARS. OUT L. SMITH. AutoLivery and Garage. TRUCKS any aiie for hire. .Best service: beat rates. Hartung's Tranafer, Tyler je. - Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES Several second-hand tires in good eon. dltlon: 30x3 $3.73 8!x4t $7.00 30x8 Vfc 4.00 36x4 Vi g.OO Other sires equally low. STANDARD TIRE CO. 410 North 18th St. Doug. 3330. , tSED TIRES DIRT i CHEAP. ' 30x3, 14.00: lOaSVj,' $6.00. All sixes In proportion, look over our rebullts. Open Sundays. Tyler 283. " N. itn st. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES DIRT CHEAP 30x3 Fisk. .$11.95 I 38x4 $26.95 $0x3 8.95 I 34x4 20.95 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1723J?ummlng. AUTO electrical repairs; service atAtTon for Rayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 3810 N-19. Repairing and. Painting. RAIDIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 34-hour eerv. Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dent removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming 8t. Tyler 17. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. VIM or H. Roos, th motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. . PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaxlnes. Wa collect, w distribute. Phone Doug. 4185 and eur wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodga street. , MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maiaanock, 1614 Dodge, p. 6618. res.ias. FARMS and city loans. E. H. LUUUEB, INC. (3 Keeline Bids. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WEEK-OLD Chicks Rocks, Reds. Leg- norns, Orpingtons, pure-bred, strong ana healthy. Orders booked now for March and April shipments; shipped parcel post prepaid. Send for circular. S. M. Dean, Fort Dodge, la. ALL my Registered and Pedigreed Rab bits, on account of other business which takes all my time. A bargain for quick sale. W. F. Krause. 1618 W. Louise fit.. Grand Island. Neb. ' FKRRETS FOR SALE Rat and rabbit hunters, also breeders; circular free. Henry Ronald Peck, Des Moines, la. WHEAT screenings, 33.50 per hundred delivered. 801 North lttb St A. W Wagner. Douglas 1 1 41. IIXED GRAIN $3.60 per hundred, de livered. A. W. Wagner, 801 No. 18tn St. DouRlss 1142. FOR SALE Pet dog, Meilcan hairless, novelty for ladles car. rolfnx 3771. FOR SALE White Rock cockerels. South 1364. FOR SALE Single Comb Bluff Orpington cocKereie. walnut 1939. TWO t'iiie Barred Rock cockerels for sale. Walnut 3975. ONE Old Trusty incubator. 4933 N. 18th St. TWO thoroughbred Rhode Island cocker- els. south 4m. FLEMISH GIANTS FOR SALE. Red 6447. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. For Sale. 800 Sets of Harness, SADDLES AND COLLARS at 30 per cent discount; free list price Midwest Harness Co., 70S N. 16th St. Omaha, Neb. WILL SACRIFICE Team, f harness and wagon, very cheap; must hurry, Doug las 4959. 2421 Cuming. FOR SALE Cheap, 2. 700-pound work team. 4933 in. istn Bt. ONE fine Jersey Durham heifer. 4933 N. Real Estate Transfers Paul O. Nielsen & wlf t Jennl M. Burden. Capitol Ave. 239 ft. e. of 48th st s. s. 60x106.5 ft.. ..$ 2 Hannah Carlson and husband to George T. Morton, s. e. cor. 28th and Douglas st 76.66x118.5 ft... 11,500 Grove Wharton Construction Co. to Joseph C. Campbell, 69th at 1.000 ft. s. of Pratt st. . s. 40 135.77 ft $.500 Edward E. Ayotte and wit to Frances Holovtchiner, s. w. cor. 50th and Davenport st. 60x135 ft. 11.083 William C. Norrls to Julia A. , Schempp, n. e. cor. 24th and New port st 80x125 ft 1.500 Paul W. Kuhna and wife to Ethel reterson, Spencer it. 80 ft. w. of S9th st n. it. 40x120 ft 383 Joseph Ettl and wife to Joseph KeitnacKer, itstn et. 127.5 ft. s. of Laird st. w. a. 66x186 ft 4.000 Inga Hanson and wife to Anton Mertens, n. w. cor. 30th and Ptnknev at. 100i128.4 ft 11. BOO Audrey True and husband to WII- son T. Graham, Ersklna st. 360 ft. e. of 43d st. s. 60x120 ft 2.750 Edgar H. Scott and wife to Clarence Kubendall, s. e. cor. 62d and How- ard st. 70x125 ft 2.295 Orover St Layman Realty Co. to Jesse F. Galvin, I7th st, 300 ft. a. of Grand avs. . s. 40x128 ft.. 350 Cart L. Bratttn et aU to B. E. Richardson, 26th st. 100 ft. n. of Pinkney st. w.-a. 47x140 ft 500 John W, Agnew and wife to Ale Beck, s. w, cor. 24th and Chi cago st. 99x132 ft M.600 Nora Norrla to Anna Bloemer, a. e. cor. 16th and Center st 66x140 ft 4,000 D. V. Sholes Co. to Lewis C. Sholee, . ma st. 177 ft. n. of Arbor st. w. . 41x140 ft 7,800 Fred DeLamater tand wife to Berry Curtis Divers, 80th st 43.5 ft. n. of Stone ave. w. s. 43.5x120 ft. 4,750 Frank S. Selby and wife to Addle R. Graham, Burt st. 240 ft w. of 49th st s. a.. 40x128 ft 8,950 Ellen Gibbons to Jessl A. Knudt- son. 28th st. 248.75 ft. n. of Pinkney st w. t. 49.76x120 ft 1,800 Bradstreet's Trade Review. New York, Jan. ' !. Bradstraet'i to morrow wl)l say: Activity shows signs of shifting from final distributive to primary lines, and re tall trade, with tha passing of tha January clearance sales, tends to quiet, while buy ing from and by manufacturers, Jobbers and wholesale agents seem expanding. Very much th aame complaint of back wardness In orders by manufacturers and of Inadequate stocks of merchandise In Jobbers' and retailers' handa are heard, but there are soma reports that manufac turers are finding labor a bit more tract able aad are Increasing output Briefly stated, In fsct, th reports as to whole salers' and jobbers' trad are good, while those as to retailers' point to a slowing up, partly because of mild weather in the west, while manufacturers, . desplt better coal supply and active efforts to catch up with orders, are not yet A full speed. The mcney situation hss received more atten tion this week. . Weekly bank clearings, $9,301,710,000. . Farmers' State Bank at Pawnee Holds Election . Table Rock, Neb., Jan.! 16 (Spe cial.) At the annual meeting of the directors and stock holders of the Farmers State bank at Pawnee City, the former directors were re elected with the exception of the president, J, F. Trenery, who re tired, owing to his poor health. Cashier H. Van Horn,, was elected to the presidency. , MUST dispose of my Ford speedster im mediately. First-class condition. 311$ Cumin ata . . . - Omahan Buys Aurora Store Aurora, Neb, Jan. 16. (Special.) The Hub store has just been sold by Charles W. Wehtz to Harry Bernstein of Omaha. This is the second change in ownership in this important property since the first of the year, and the transaction in voked many thousands of dollars. BRINGING UP FATHER- Sm Jig gs And Maggi Is Fall Pag) tf Colon ia Tit Sunday Be Drawn for The Bee by McMbjoiw Copyright 1911 Interns Uonal News Ssrrio. WllE-l PONT I t I XE,?- . I 1 TELL THE TJOC.TOR . 0D HE I J NOT EXACTLY I I KNOW WHAT'S If , Lt C VoTO0E WELL KN0W Jsi I HAD ELEVEN I MHTrcfL NT0tCEn5f HERE " HA,D? J gy HE ONLY AKEO , - ' ' Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha Llv Stock. Omaha, Jan. 18. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 18.188 15,453 15,073 9,431 19,289 10,848 8.836 16,248 13,349 , 6,757 12,767 6,951 6.200 18,600 8,300 Receipts were: Official Monday .. Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Estimate Friday , . rive days this week. 43.613 82,233 36.618 Same days last week.33,837 67,127 43,680 Same 2 weeks ago... 27,773 36.933 61,749 Same 3 weeks ago... 21, 262 51,996 31,496 Same flays year ago. 37,263 102.228 45,944 Receipts and disposition of llv stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb.,, for 24 hours ending at $ o'clock p. m, January 16, 1920. RECEIPTS CARS. Horses . and C, M. St. T 4 Wabash Missouri Pacific ..... i Union Pacific $2 C. & N. W east.,.. 16 C. & N. W., west. i.. 100 C St. P., M. A O.. 48 C, B. eV Q... east... 9 C, B. A Q., west... 16 C, R. I. P., east. 36 C. R. I. A P.. west. 1 Chi. Jt. West 9 Total receipts 264 DISFOS1TION- 34 t 'a 1 " 27 8 19 3 93 8 1 81 3 .. 4 1 0 4 . 38 t J Ji 868 41 1 Morris A Co Swift A Co C'udahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Schwartz A , Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packlnc Co... So. Omaha Packing Co. John Roth & Sons. . . . P. O' Dea Wilson A Co W. B. Van Sant A Co. Hill Co Lewis Root A Co Bulla Kosenstock Eros V. a. Kellogg Wrrthetmer A Degen. , Kills & Co Sullivan Bros A. Rothschild Mo-Kan. C. & C. Co.. K. G. Christie Baker Jehn Harvey TVunls Francis.... Omaha . Packing Co.. Monahan ..... Other buyers . Cattle, 699 1,153 763 1,034 W. W. V. V. J. B. J. H. , 39 23 45 48 19 6 10 64 184 108 311 42 104 68 24 27 104 64 23 345 43 2 19 ..1,618 HEAP. Hogs. 2,694 4,025 4,370 4,025 123 4,610 Sheep. 594 1,583 1,242 2,805 1,473 Total 6,978 19,747 7,787 Cattle Receipts of catile were large for ated amount being 6.200 head, which makes the total for the five days 46.300 head, or 10,000 more than a week ago and over 5,000 larger than for the corresponding pertoa last year. There was a very slow marnei xor an klnda of beef. Dr ees ruling generally a quarter below yesterday's close. She atoek also sold very slowly at prices that were ls25o lower tor snipping siun ana a quarter or mor lower lor pacKer con sumption, ireeners were nut ncu aa ir.tive as earlier In th week and sales were 1525o below yesterday. Quotations on cattle: uooo to cnoice beeves, $13.003H5.00; fair to good beeves. 311.6013.00; common to fair beeves, $9.00 wll.OO; good to cnoic yearnngs, w.o 1815.25; fair to good yearlings, $11.00 13.00; common to fair yearlings, $9.00 11.00; choice to prime neirers. in.boup 13.60; good to choice heifers, $9.0011.60; choice to prim cows. $10.00011.60; good to choice cows, $8.6010.00: fair to good cows. $7.0O8.50; common to fair cows, $5.007.60; choic to prime heavy feed ers, $12.00013.00; good to choice feeders, 810. 501512. 00; medium to gooa neirers, 9.00Ti 10.50; common to fair feeders, $7.509.00;-good to choice stockers. $7.50 19)11.00; fair to good stockers, It.vvnp 8.50; common to fair stockers, $6 00 8.00; stock heifers, $6.608.75; stock cows, $5.2508.00; stock calves, $6.26910.25; veal calves, $9.60014.50; bulls, stags, etc.. $5.601911.00. , Hogs Receipts wpre liberal again to- day, estimates calling for' 1$ load or around 18,600 head. Th market was a little slow In opening and trad never became vary brisk at any time, there was generally .a weak undertone and prices were very much in line with the extremely weak clot yesterday and probably a trifle lower than yesterday's general mar ket. Bulk of today's sales was $14,600 14.70 and top $14.80. Sheep Th run of aheep was moderate tor a Friday about 8,000 head, but buyers apparently filled their orders In th week and were not overly anxious for supplies. Trade was. alow and prices ranged from steady to 10616c lower on both lambs and aged stock. Best fat lambs brought $19.10, and very good ewes sold at $10.75. In quiry for feeder stock continues broad with vary llttl Chang in prices. Very good come back lambs selling around $17.001917.80. Quotation on aheep and lambat Lambs, good to choke, $18.76 19.10i iambs, fair to good, $18.i601S.7S: fleshy feeders, ,17.60 18.00; medium weight feeder, $16.76 17.25; common to fair feeders, $18.00 (a1 16.60: cull lambs, $13.00013.00; yearlings. $16.36016.35; wethers. $11.26013.25; ewes, aood to eholo. 811.904911. 26: ewes. fair to good, $10.25011.00; good feedea-f awes, $7.7508.50; ewe culls and canners, $1.6007.(0. Chleagro Live Stock. ' Chicago, Jan. 18. Cattl Relot, sstlmatcd tomorrow, 1,000; market weik; Beef steers, medium and eholte, $17.60(9 19.00; medium and food, $11.60017.60; common, $9.50011.60; lightweight, good and choice, $18.76018.00: common and me dium. $9.00013.76; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.75014.26; cows, $6.75013.00; canners and cutters, $5.6006.75; veal calves, $17.00 &18.55; feeder steers, $3.00013.50; atocker steers, $7.26011.00. Hogs Receipts, 44,000; estimated tomor row. 13,000; market weak, mostly 10c to 16C lower; bulk. $16.00 1 5.30 : top, $16.45; heavy,' $14.90015.25; medium, $16.10016.35; light, 316.16015.40; light light, $14,600 15.26: heavy packing sows, smooth, $14.25 'S 14.73: parking sows, rough, $13.76014.35; pigs, $13.60014.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000: esti mated tomorrow, 1,000: market strong; lambs, 84 pounds down, $17.00019.75; culls and common, $13.75016.50; ewes, medium good and choice, $3.00012.00; culls and common, $5.2608.50. Kansas City Llv Stock. Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,800 head; market steaily to weak; heavy beef steers, choice and prime, '$16.6518.36; medium and good, $13.50 16.50; common, $10.60012.40; lightweight, good and choice, $12.60017.00; common and medium, $8.25012.60; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.75014.25; cows. $6.65013.50: canners and cutters. $5.006.66; veal ralvis, $13.00016.00; feeder steers, $8,000 13.26; stouker steers, $tS.2610.85. Hogs Receipts. 6.500 head: market 15c lower; bulk, $14.85015.15: heavies, $14.80 '(M6.10; mediums, $14.85015.25; lights, $14.4515.15: packing sows, $13.50014.25; pics. $13.50015.60. - Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.600 head; market steady; lambs, $16.60019.80; culls and common, $11.26016.26: yearling wethers. 814.3618.00; ewes. $9.80011.60; culls and common, $4.6009.23; breeding; tives, $8.00014.50; feeder lambs, $14,600 17.76. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, Ta.. Jan. 16. Cattle Re ceipts, 5,500 head: market weak; beef steers, choice, $15.9018.36; short fed, $13.00 14.75; warmed up, $9.76018.76; fair beef steers, $7.0008.60; fat cows and heifers, $8.50013.00; canners, $5.0006.75; eal calves, choice, $8.00016.00: common calves, $6.0009,25; stockers, $7.9009.60; feeders, $9.00011.50; feeding cows and heifers. $5.6008.5. Hogs Receipts, 11.000 head; market 16025c lower: light, $14.30014.60; mixed, 314.45614.80; heavy, $14.40014.70; bulk of sales, $14.45014.70. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,690 head; market steady. St. Joseph IJva Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 16. Cattle Re ceipts. 60Q head; market steady; steers. $9.60016.60; cowa and heifers, $5,500 14.00; calves, $7.00016.50. Hogs Receipts, (.000 head: market strong; top, $13.30; bulk, $15.00016.35. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady: lambs, 813.00019.50; ewee. $7.50011.35. . BANK STATEMENT. 001.9933,091,788.06 2,343.19 000.00 000.00 000.00 600.00 760.00 640,360.00 Charter No. 2665 Raserv District No. JO. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK At Omaha, hi the Stat of Nebraska, at the CIos of Business on Deember 31, 1119. RESOURCES. 1. fa) Loans and discounts, including rediscounts $3,283,781.04 Deduct: (d) Notes and bills rediscounted (other than bank ac ceptances sold) (see Item (5a) 193, 3. Overdrafts unsecured 6. V. S. Government securities owned : a) Deooslted to seeur circulation (U. S. bonds par value) .. ' 100, (b) Pledged to secure u. 8. jDepoalts (par value) 25, (d) Fledged as collateral for State or other deposits or bills payable , 300, (f) Owned and unpledged 114, (h) War Savings .Certificates and Thrift Stamps actu ally owned i- Total U. 8. Government securities 6. Other bonds, securities, tc. : (e) Securities other than IT. S. bonds (not Including stocks) owned and unpledged Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock; Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent et sub scription) (a) Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered.. Furnltur and fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank . . Items with Federal Reserve Bank In procesa f collec tion (not available as reserve) Cash In vault and net amounts due from national banks Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust com panies (other than Included in items 13, 13 or 14).... Exchanges for clearing house Checks on other banks In th same city or town as re porting bank (other than item 16) Total of items 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 993,881.99 Checks on banks located Outside of city or town 4 re porting bank and other cash Items Redemption fund with V. 8. Treasurer and du from V. 8. Treasurer , Interest, earned, but not collected approximate on s Notes and Bills Receivable not past due... 9T. 2, It. 216, 30. 810, S'4, 384, 143, 138, 627.64 500.00 (00.90 000.00 048.36 149.53 30T.86 337.08 838.73 374.16 '1,644.48 131, 10, N ID, 031.(4 009.00 281.19 134. !(. 39. 161,737.6$ 95.217,97 Total . ' LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid la : Surplus fund . (a) Undivided profits .'. $ (b) Less current expenses, Intereat and taxes paid..... Interest and discount collected or credited In advane of maturity ana not earned (approximate)....,.. Circulating notes outstanding , Net amounts due to National banks ......, 1 Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust com panies (other than included in item 30)., Certified checks outstanding ,. 1 j Cashier's checks en own bank outstanding. ... , ' Total of items 30, 31, 33 and 33 1,742,1190.03 Demand deposits (other than bank depoelts) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days); Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 day (other than for money borrowed) Other demand deposits . Total of demand deposits (other than bank de ' posits) subject to Reserve, items 34, 35 and 31.. 1,938,294.(2 Tim deposits subject ta Reserv (payable after (0 day, or subject to 30 days or mor notice, and postal savings): Certificates ef deposit (other than for money borrowed) Total of time deposits subject- to Reserve, item 40 United States deposits (other than postal savings): (a) War loan deposit account Bills payable with Federal Reserv Bank . $1,643,391.38 I (09.000.00 1(0,000.00 (M1MI 18,144.00 200,000.00 896.434.86 815.970.13 34.001.00 6,694.09 ll$!0,270.76 . 28,(90.40 99,433.47 131,121.(3 21,016.37 121,621.60 35,015.37 800.000.00 $5,3,391.2( 192.001.99 192,001.91 Total 55. (a) Liabilities for rediscounts,- Including those with Fed- ' ' ral Reserv Bank (se Item Id) Total contingent liabilities (55a) . Stat of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss. : ' I, H. W: Yates, cashier of th above named bank, do solemnly awear that th above statement Is true to th pest of my knowledge and belief. , H. W. .YATES, Cashier. Correct Attest: ' ? ' john Mcdonald, john w. towle, - F. W. CLARKE. Directors. ' Subscribed and swora te before m this lltu day of January, ll. (Seal) A. W. FRANCIS, Notary Tubll. GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain Market. Omaha, January It, 1(20. Whfat and eats receipts today were larger than the average recently and eon alterably more tham the run of these grains a week ago. Com receipts were less than last Friday. Car lot receipts of grain to day were: Wheat, 69;. corn, (6; oats, 30; rye, 7; barley, 6. Wheat arrivals a week ago were 28 cars. Corn 77 cars and oats 12 cars. Wheat was generally higher ranging un changed te 1 or i cents up. Corn was un changed to 3 cents lower for th bulk. Whit trades ware cent higher. Oat price were generally 3 cents advance. Rye was off $ to 8 eents and barley un changed. Wheat No. J hard, 1 ear, (3.(3. N. 2 hard, 4 cars, $3.(0; 1 car. $3.79; t ears, 38.78 (smutty); 1 car, $3.77 (yellow). No. 8 hard, 2 ear, 13.80; 1 car, $3.78; I ear, $3.77; 3 sars. $3.76; cars, $1.76; 1 ear, 13.74 (smutty); 1 cars, $3.73 (smutty) s 1 car, $3.73; I car. $2.70 (smutty. No. 4 hard, t ear, $2.71; ( car. $(.70; I car, J2.69; 4 cars, $3.68; 1 ear, $3 68 (smutty). No. ( hard. 1 car, $3.63: 1 car, (3 60. Sample hard. 1 ear, $3.67 (smutty). No. 1 Northern Spring. 1 ear, $3.13 (dark). No. ( Northern Spring, 1 ear, $3.(0; 1-3 car, (3.(0. No. 1 mixed, 1 oar, ($.38 (durum). No. I mixed, 1 ear, (3.$T (dur um); 1 car, $(.(( (durum). No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $2.38 (durum smutty). Corn No. 5 white, 1 ear, $1.41; I ears, (1.40. No. 4 yellow, I cars, $1.39; $ ears, $1.37. No. 6 yellow, 1 ear, $1.86; 8 cars, $1.35. No. 6 yellow, 3 cars. $1.33 (ship pers' weights); 3 cars, $1.30. Sample yellow, 1 car, $1.26. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, $1.44. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.43 (near white). No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $1.37 (near white); 1 car, $1.34; I car, $1.33. No. ( mixed, 1 car, $1.30; 4 oars, $1.29. Oats No. 3 white, ( cars, 85c; 1 $-3 cars, 84 Ho. No. 4 white. 3 cars, S4c. Rye No. 2. 1 cas. $1.73. No. 3, 4 cars, 31.72. Sample, 1 car, $1 71 9lsa;NovSN;;. KTA ETA ETAOIN N OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. ' Recelnts Todnv m- v a Wheat 89 28 ' AO Corn cs T7 117 2at 3 12 38 ye 7 9 13 Barley 8 .. 19 Shipments- Wheat 32 10 i Corn 28 S3 106 2aU S 23 69 5' 10 7 ?lr!ey 3 2 $ RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Chicago 31 266 " 11B n-ansas City 186 28 14 5'; Louis S4 97 69 Minneapolis 235 Duluth 18 , " Winnipeg 1 204 ,. " OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of min nt th. ..... eral grades inspected "in" here during th last 24 hours follow: Wheat No. 2 hard. 6: No. 8 hard. 14; No . 4 hard. 12; No. 5 hard, 3; No. 3 mixed, 3: No. 1 em-ins.. 1 ' "Kn Q i. ..... i 41. .. Corn No. 4 white. TJn whit. No. 6 white, 1; No. 4 yellow, ; No. 6 yel low, 26: No. 6 yellow, 8; sample yHow, J; No. 4 mixed, 6; No. 6 mixed, 11; No. 6 mixed, 2: total, 67. Oats No. 2 white. 1: Na. i whlta. 11- No. 4 whit, 8; total, 27. nye wo. 3, e; No. 3, 7; total 18. Barley No. 4. 1: relected. .1! ntil. . total, 6. ' PR1MART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Todsv Tear WmV Wheat 781,000 964,000 -orn 945,000 1,890,000 Oat .683,000 938.000 Sh omenta Wheat 601,000 306,000 Corn 549,000s 695,000 Oats 707,000 656,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Wheat and Flour.... 531,000 119,000 Oat v - 337,000 Chicago drain and Provisions. . Chicago. Jan. 16. Weakness that nre- valled in th corn market today was apparently due mor or less to new low records of exchange rates to Eurooe. The close was nervous, 34c to l4o down, with May. i.3Zsjii3Z.Va and July $1.30 1.31V4. Oata lost Oto to 'Ac. In orovi- slons th outcome ranged from (7c de cline to 30c advance. Selling pressure against corn was rather heavy at tlmea and there was a watch throughout the day en foreign po ll tioal developments. A good deal of no tice was lven to messages which told of export purchase of oats having been canceled. Increasing receipts further bur dened the corn market and so did lower quotations on hogs. The only rallies which took place were ascribed to a little cov ering by shorts. Oats receded with corn, tut on the de cline obtained timely support from lead ing bulls. Slowness of cash dsmand was an 'la ment of weakness In provisions. Besides, there wer big deliveries on January lard contracts. Increased stocks, too, were shown by the semi-monthly warehouse report By Vandersltce-Lynd Co.. 826 Grain Ex change: Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. iTeat'y. Corn Jan. Feb. May July Oata May July Rye May Barl. May Pork May Lard May July Ribs May July 1.88 1.88 1.36 1.36H 1.36 1.36 V. 1.33 1.33 1.31 1.31 1.33 1.30 , .33 .33V4 .UH .78 ,7( .7( 1.82U l.i 1.79 , 1.68 1.52H 1..1H 39.37 39.3T S9.03 34.80 34.90 34.71 25.20 26.30 38.11 30.70 20.70 30.(0 21.16 21.16 20.85 1.37U 1.36 1.S3H 1.31 U( 1.61HJ 1.8$ 3817 19.46 1.38 1.86 1.33 1.31 '.7( 1.82 24.TS 25.11 30.(0 30.80 24.9$ ' 25.30 30.75 31.07 St. Louis Live Stock. East St Louis, III., Jan. 14. Cattle Receipt, 2,300 head. Market steady to snow. Beef steers, medium and heavy, choice and prime, $16.00017.50; medium and good. $11.00015.75; common, (9.000 10.75; lightweight, good and choice, $19.50 016.50; common and medium. $8,000 13.35; butcher cattle, heifers,- $7.00016.00; cowa, $7.00013.00; veal calves, light and handy weight $13.00017.(0; feeder (tears, $8.60 0 12.00) atocker steers. (7.00010.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head. Lambs unevenly steady to $1 lower: sheep steady; lambs. 84 pounds dowtf, $16,250 19.50: culls and common, $13.00018.00; yearling wethers, (13.00047.90; ewes, me dium and choice, $8.60011.50. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts of botn prairie hay and alfalfa heavy, and tba demand quiet, causing tha market to go lower on all grade of alfalfa and hay. Oat and wheat straw easier. Hay No. .1 upland prairie, 823.000 24.00; No, 3, $30.00023.00; No. t. (14.000 18.00. No. 1 midland prairie, (80.00033.00; No. 3, $13.00020.00. No. 1 lowland prairie, $15.00017.00; No. 2, $13.00014.00; No. 8, $9.09011.00. Alfalfa Choice, $33.00034.00; No. 1, $30.00033.00; standard, $38.00080.00; No. 3, $25.60037.00: No. $, $21.00034.00. StrawwOat 113.00014.00; wheat, $11(0 013.00, ; Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Jan. 1( Flour Unchanged. Barley $1.3101.(3. Rye No. 3, $1.74OL. Bran 343.00. Corn (1. 3901.48. Cats 8081e. Flax $6.0805.13. Kansas City Prod nee. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 16. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Egg Two cents Higher; firsts, Me; seconds, 43a. FINANCIAL New Tork, Jan. 16. Concerted- and fair ly successful attempts of a confident and widely extended short Interest Constituted th outstanding feature of today's heavy to weak stock market session. Eliminating rails and seasoned indus trials of the steel and equipment classes in which recessions were relatively nomi nal, declines of 3 to 10 points were regis tered by the general list with virtually no recovery at the unsettled close. Prices were reactionary from the out set, contrary to the hopea of those traders whs sought to extract a degree of com fort from easier, rates for demand loans and the failure ef th federal reserve bank to advance Interest and discount quota tion. This action of the clearing house In limiting th Interest rat on demand bal ances, waa accepted, however, as pre lude te further restrictive measures by th Central bank, spclally as affeetlnf com mercial discounts. Minor eile and unclassified specialties gain featured th Initial decline, but the movement soon comprehended high priced oil and affiliated Issues, notably motor subsidiaries and shippings. Intermittent strength was shown ' by metals, tobaccos, International Paper, American Linseed and numerous secondary transportations, but they war largely, if not altogether, sacrificed in the broader offering of th ftnal hour, the market ig noring th drop In call money from 8 to 6 per cent. Sale' amounted to 1,0(0,000 shares. In th bond market the down ' trend was again apparent, especially In Liberty issues and speculative rails and Indus trials. Foreign bonds were without fea ture, save for a declme of one point in United Kingdom (Vis of 1937. Total sale (par value) aggregated (13,(00,000. Old United States bonds wer unchanged on calL The rang of prices . of th leading stocks: Sale. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar.. 400 93 91 91 Am. Can 3,500 54 63 63 Am. Car A V 2.300 138 185 136 Am. H. A L., pfd. 1,200 114 113 113 Am Am 7,800 98 1,00 69 600 135 2,(00 91 4,800' 98 400 19 4,900 (1 1,000 84 3.900 161 Baldwin Locomo. 68,800 114 110 111 B. A O: 1,600 31 31 31 Beth' Steel "B" ..10,600 95 Butte A Slip. Cop. 1,000 28 Cal. Petroleum . . 400 40 Canadian Pacific. 2,400 130 Central Leather . 2,600 96 Locomotive. . A Rfg... Am. Sugar Rfg.": . Am. Sum, Tob. . . Am. Tel. Tel.. Am. Z., L. A S.... ! Anaconda Cop. .. Atchlaon ........ At G. AW. IS. S. 67 135 91 97 19 60 82 159 160 96 67 135 91 98 19 60 83 83 27 89 C. A O. 300 66 93 39 128 129 93 93 65 36 26$ 88 41 83 6,700 207 204 49 70 12 66 36 84 26 38 41 83 304 60 70 18 168 .. 3.600 66 .. 7,900 98 ,. 3,600 1 34 .. 8,200 ' 83 .. 100 16 1.600 30 .. 200 110 110 110 ..40,900 198 189 189 64 96 34 79 15 30 38 90 65 96 24 79 16 30 P. M. A St. P C. A N. W 1.800 85 C. R. I. A P 1,600 28 Chlno Copper .... 700 38 Colo. F. A Iron .. 700 48 Corn Products ... 7,500 85 Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar. 6,600 50 Ms. See. Corp 206 'IW F.rl. J.4O0 13 r:.n W.Urirln 20 168 . 168 Gen. Motor 10,300317 306 307 Ot. Nor. Dfd 2.100 75 77 77 Gt Nor. Ore. ctfa. 1,700 38 38 Illinois Central Insplr. Copper Int. M. M. pfd Inter. Nickel . Inter. Paper . K. C. Southern Kenne. Copper. Louis. A Nash. . Mex. Petroleum Miami Copper IMidvale Steel 6.600 49 Mo. Pae 2.700 36 Montana Power... 200 64 Nevada Copper .. 100 16 N V. Pentral 1.400 69 N. T.. N. H. AH.. 1,600 27 Norfolk A West... 400 96 Northern Pae 1,600 Pacific Mall 200 Pen.Amer. Pet 40.600 Pennsylvania 3.400 42 Pitts. A W. Va... 1,100 29 Pittsburg Coal ... 500 62 Ray Con. Copper.. 400 21 Duitlm 1.200 76 Rep, lren as ateei. urn ivi Sinclair Oil A Ref. 41,400 43 41 Southern Pae 14,300 101 99 Southern Railway. 1,100 22 21 Studebaker Corp. .38.800 106 102 t.... r. 1.100 100 196 ...k.... DiMtifitetn a&.ROO 6344 9064 Union Pacific l.aoo J una li'i United Cigar Sts.. 14,000 88 85 18 u. 6. Ind. Aiconoi. s.suu iqs iu 17 S Steel 48J00 105 104 104 U. S. Steel, pfd... 400 115 115 116 (JO IOT 100 87 87 1,200 v62 62 6,200 x29 29 200 81 80 4.500 47 46 79 37 96 49 36 64 16 67 26 96 78 37 88 41 38 61 21 74 24 49 25 64 16 68',i 26 96 78 37 SI 76 107 43 99 21 103 197 n Utah Copper Western Union . Westing. Elec. . Willys-Overland Nat'l Lead Ohlp Cities Royal Dutch N. T. .83.600 106 101 Bld. IBxtra mviaenq. New Tork Stock. 87 62 29 80 46 102 Cen.i Pac. 1st. 75 I C. A O. ev. 5s 79 Chi., a A Q., joint 4s (( ft. Mil. A St V. cr 4s. (t Chi., R. LAP. By. ref. 4s.. ( Chill Cop. col. trust 6s, ... 80 C. of Paris 6s. 92 CAB. ref. 4s 73 D. A Rio. G. consol. 4s, .. 66 Dotn. of Can. U. S. 2 ref. 100 do eoup. ..100 alo 4 ret.. 105 do coup. ..105 Pan, a 8 reg 82 do coup.... K A. tT T. ev. (S, A.- Freh 6s. . 96 Ar. A Co. 4s 83 Ateh. gen. 4.. 78 Haiti. A Ohio ev. 4.... 63 B. Steal ref. ( 85 Cen. Leath. (s. (8 5a (1931)... 1 Erie gen. 4s.. 41 Bid. Gen." Elct. (s. 95 u. N. 1st 4S I. Cen. ref. 4s 74 Int. M. M. 6s. 94 K. C. S. ref. 6s. 73 T. T. tin. 4a 11 Mo., Kan. AT. 1st 4s to M. P. gen. 4s. 87 Mont P. (s... 85 N. T. Cen. deb 6s 2'4 Nor. Pac. 4s.. 76 do 3s (6 O. 8. L. ref. 4 (3 P. T T. 8a. 87 Pa. eon. 4.. 91 Pa. gftn. 6a... 90 P.arl W 4a.. 791 St. L. St" San. F. adj. ... 80 S. Pac. cr. (s.103 S. Ry. ( 85 T. Co. cv. 8s. 103 T. and P. 1st. 83 Un. Pac. 4s... 84 U. K. AO. B. A I. 6s(1937) 98 TJ. 8. Rub. 6a. 87 TJT. S. Steel 6s. 99 Wabash 1st ..39 New Tork Money. New Tork, Jan. 1(. Mercantile Paper Sterlings-Demand, $3.69; cables, (3.69, Francs Demand, 11.63; cablea, 11.69. Guilders Demand, 87 $-16; cables, ,7L?ri-Dmand. 13.(7: eabJea, 1165. , Mark Demand, 1.77; cables, 1.73. 1 Time Loan Strong : all data 7 per cnt bid. ...... Call Money Easy: nign. a per cent; iow, t per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent; clos u. km a nee rent- nffered at 7 ner cent; last loan, 6 per cent Liberty Bond Price. Nw Tork, Jan. 16. Price of Liberty bond at 11:30 a. m. today were: 3a. 98.70; first 4s. 93.00: ,second 4s, 90.90; first 4s. 92.98; second 4s. 91.20; third 4s. 93.50; fourth 4s. 91.26; Victory 3, ((.4(; Victory 4. ((. Bar Silver. Nw Terk, Jan. 16 Bar Silver $118 New Terk Metal. ' ' ' Nw Tork, Jan. 16. Copper Steady: electrolytic, spot and first quarter, 11 0 18; second quarter, 19 019. Iron Firm: No. 1 northern, 4(00; No. 3 northern, 43,36; No. 1 southern, 40.000 4100. Antimony !.(. Firm; bid Lead- spot and February, (.76 Zinc Quiet: East St Louis, (pot. 9 20 bid. 9.30 asked. . At London: Spot copper, fll7 17s 6d; electrolytic C113: tin, 378 13s (d; lead, 648 7s (d; sine. 78 15a Boston Wool. Boston, Jan. 18. The Commercial Bule letln tomorrow will ay: There ha been a demand for all wool grides except those below quarter blood this week and th Special feature has been the. increased demand for quarter and three-slghths grades. Prices ar gen erally firm. Little contracting la report ed from the west. The manufacturing situation la strong with no new develop ments. Ohio and Pennsylvania Fleece Delaine, washed, (1.0001.02; delaine, unwashed, 92c094o; flno unwashed, 70c 0 72c; half blood combing, 85c086c; three-eighths-blood combing, 69c07tc. Michigan and New Tork Fleece Fine unwashed, 67c068c; delaine unwaahed, 87c09Oc; half-blood unwashed, 89c083c; three-elgths-blood unwashed, (Sc069c.v Scoured basis: Texas Fine twelve months, $1.90g)1.9$: fine eight months. (1.6001.70. California Northern, $1.9301.95; middle county, $1.7001.75; southern, $1.5901.60. Oregon Eastern No. 1. staple, $1,95 0 2.00; eastern clothing, $1.7001.75; valley No. I, $1.7601.80. Territory Fine staple, $1.9603,06; half-blood combtne. si an A 1 Rft ihn.. eighths-blood combing, $1.3001.40; fine clothing. $1.70 01.75; fin medium cloth- ins. i.sctyi.vo. PulUd Extra, $1.9001.96; AA, $1.10 O1.90; A. supers, $1.6601.70. Mohair Best combings, 6Oo06(e.: bast cardlngs, 66c0Oe. Slew York Coffee. . New Tork. Jan in A f r.- changed to I point higher, th market for coffee futures eased off several potnt under scattering liquidation which local broker aald was probably connected with the unsettled felling in atock and ootton ovr genoraV conditions. Trade interests were buyers on decline to 16.00o for May contracts, however, and prices rallied later on higher cables from Santos and rumors that th Braslllan government had advanced its selling prices. May sold up to 16.20c, or 20 points net higher, and closed at 16.16c, with the general list showing a net aavnce of 10 to zo points. January, 15.85c; sjareh, 16.00c; May, 16.16c; July, 16.35c: September. 16.13c: October. 16.05o: December, 15.90c. Spot coffee waa reported In good de mand, with Rio 7s quoted at 1601(e. and Santos 4s. at 35 03,6c. New Tork General. New Tork. Jan. 16. Wheat No. 1 red, $2.66 f. o. b. steamer. New Tork. Corn Spot, easy: No. 3 yellow, 31.66. and No. 3 mixed, $1.66 c. i. f. Now Tork, 10-day shipment. Oats Spot, easy; No. 1 white, 99o nom inal. Pork Barsly steady; mesi, $45,000 45.60. Lard Easy: mlddlewest, $24 46034.(0. Other arttclea unchanged. ' 'ew Tork Prodtiee. New Tork, Jan. 16. Butter Easier; creamery higher than extras. 62063oi extra, 6162c; firats. 6761c. TCa-.Inaettlfld: fraah fathered ex- trss, 73c; fresh gathered extra first,-710 72c: fresh gathered extras, iirsts, osjpjuc. Cheese Unchanged. Poultry Live weak; chickens, 30e; fowls, S70.58c; roosters, 23c; turkey, 40e. Dressed steady and unchanged. Terpentine and Rosin. s Savannah, Ga., Jan. 16. Turpentine Quiet, (1.(6; sales, blank; receipts, 88 bbls.; ehlpments, 287 bbls.; atock, 11,244 bbls. ' Rosin Firm; sales, Ttl casks; receipt. 236 casks; shipments, 1,047 casks; stock, 44.169. Quote B, L. E. T. G, (18. 35018.78; H, 318.46018.76; I, (18 65013.76; K, (19.65: M, $30.50; N, $20.70;; WG, $21.00; WW, $32.00. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. ) New Tork, Jan. 16. Evaporated Apples Dull and easy. Prunes Quiet. Apricots Slow. Peaches More active. Raisins Scarce. Dry 49eod. New Tork, Jan. 16. Cotton goods and yarna today war firm and advancing. Burlaps were higher. Raw silk was firm at higher prides. Dress gooda order were laid down quite freely. - 1 New Terk Cotton. New Tork, Jan. 16. Cotton closed barely steady at a net decline ef 39 te 68 point. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Jan. 11. Potatoes Steady; ar rivals, 20 cars; northern sacked whites, $1.4004.60; northern sacked, bulk, $4.10 04.66; Idaho russsts, jobbing, (6.3506.(0. V Cotton Fpture. . New Terk, Jan. 16. Cotten Future opened steauy; January, se.auo; rcji. 36.30c; May, 54.65c; July, 83.16o; October, ' 89.SVC. I Chicago Produce. Chicago, Jan. 16. Butter Hlghr; , creamery, 6106le. 'Eggs Receipts, 3,691 eases; unchanged. Poultry Alive, lower; spring. 17; fowls, SOB. Hamas City Oram. Kansas City. Mo., Jan. 16. Clo Cora January. $1.43: May (1.33: July. $1.3101.S1; September, $1.3(0 1.28. St, Loot Uraln. St Louis, Mo., Jan. 16. Cprn January, $1.43: May, $1.34. Oats May, 84 c. New Tork Coffee. New Tork, Jan. 16. Coff Rte T4. T, 14. Futures, ateady; January, l(.(6e; July. H.I60. New Tork Sugar. New Terk. Jan. 16. Sugar Raw steady; centrifugal, l$.64e; fin granulated, lS.OOOK.OOc. Spot Cotton. New Tork, Jan. 16 Cotton Spot, quiet; middling, 39.35s. Jury Unable to Agree , In Rissl Rioting Case The jury which heard the evidence against Fred Rissi in District Judge Estelle's court was unable to reach , an agreement after 30 hours of de liberation and was discharged yes terday afternoon. Rissi was charged with conspiracy to murder Will Brown, the negro lynched the night of the court house riot. The picture that open your eyta! I'WW V ' AT fa a"A. t 1 Start Sunday at th Sua. Owned and Recommended ' , by Home Builders, Inc., Omaha, Neb. , WE OFFER 6 First Mortgage Bonds Tax Free In Nebraska. $260 1500 (1,000 Secured by Omaha business prep erty centrally located. ' Interest t. payable semi-annually. Maturity 1924 to 1921. Owner will occupy th building. American Security Co., 18th and Dodge, Omaha, Nab. mm PURE FOOD PRODUCTS ' PORK AND BEEF PACKERS PROVISIONERS PRODUCE DEALERSWHOLESALE BAKERS MACARONI MANUFACTURERS THE SKINNER COMPANY R.C. HOWE, VICE PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER. . OMAHA, U. S. A. This xreat independent food products eoea- 1. I I KM. ' - - 1. . cluding sob ef th west' greatest live stock proeiuccr. Tsin mn wins us HNBSUOM v,, ans Ql Phone Douglas 2793. J OMAHA ggr , g -s Zf ( PRINTING E?Tl V . W company STDgi, HrJ. mum mbusi FAMAN ILa kajajj CoMNEiciAi Printers Iithographers Steel Die Embossers LOOSE CKAf bCVICCS TELEPHONE KANSAS CITY TULSA TAX CONSULTANTS i CORPORATIONS and INDIVIDUALS J. M. MacTAGGART & CO., AUDITS and SYSTEMS 512 KEELINE BLDC. ' OMAHA DOUGLAS 7523 FORT WORTH WICHITA